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Insolation Energy Limited ..................................... 24,25 Patanjali Renewable Energy ................................. 26,27 Icon Solar- En Power Technologies

Post REI Special

REI Special "Brief"




A crisp and remarkable conversation with Mr. Shakti Kumar Dubey of Icon Solar-en Power Technologies Pvt. Ltd., talks about the expectations from REI Expo 2022, marketing strategy, highlights, and much more!


This mega event is happening after three years so this became a grand event because there are lot of people whom we haven’t met from last three and half years and finally after three years we are meeting so this place become where we can build our business relationship again after a certain gap, there are people with whom we have been discussing things over telephones now we are meeting so this is a great event to build bonds. Marketing Strategy

We are mainly divided and focused into two parts till date one is pumping and other is rooftop solar. Our earlier major focus was pumping but now we are shifted to rooftop and now we are going for mega projects also! We have supplied 7 megawatt ground monitor rooftop projects in Gujarat and now again we are going to opt for 15 megawatt project so the marketing strategy we have distinguished it and there are different types of projects we have divided total products into four categories – 75 watts which is used for street lights, 150 watts which is used for home light system and small products which are used in home appliances and third one is- Rooftop segment where 300 watts are used and other segment is pumping where 300-350 watts are used. This is how we have divided our products into different segments for the market. USP of Icon Solar

Our USP is the relationship with our customers, I can assure you that for last eight years we are into the market and for the last eight years, our cliental should be 90 per cent retained 10 per cent might have left due to some reasons which cannot avoid rest 90 per cent are with us, we are delivering good quality products time bases with a good purchase price. So this is our USP. The current challenge of Renewable Energy Sector

Actually for last six months the problem was duty, duty was to motivate the module manufacturers but the problem which came was there were lot of people who had taken the advantage before the duty so, the purchasing was quite slow for the last six months so now the inventory is vanishing and we will be able to deliver at a better quality product at better rates. The highlights of your company in product range

In product range, we have launched 550 watts and Mono PERC, we will be going to produce 600 watts’ modules also that will be bi-facial and then in one and half year, we are going for Heterojunction technology so this is the latest range of products which will be launched within a span of one year divided into 3 quarters. Please convey your message to your customers

We are thankful to our customers that they have been associated with us for such a long period of time. Our customers are with us since the beginning, the first order which we delivered that customers are still associated with us and this is our USP and all thanks to all of them. RM

Post REI Special

REI Special "Brief"



A crisp and remarkable conversation with Mr. Tarang Khurana, Director of Icon Solar-en Power Technologies Pvt. Ltd., talks about the expectations from REI Expo 2022, current challenges and opportunities, future plans, and much more! Expectations

The major expectation from REI is reaching out to lot of people that we hadn’t got a chance to, it’s happening after two to three years so this is a fantastic platform to connect, grow, network and re-establishing relationships which have been there for so long. Current possibilities of Renewable Energy sector in India

India’s growth story with Renewable energy is very well known across the globe, people are realizing the potential of Indian Renewable Energy in which particularly solar power will play a massive role guided by the P’s vision and also to grow ‘Atam Nirbhar’ this will be very impactful not only for the coming years but for the coming generations. Current policies of Renewable Energy sector in India

I think current policies are favorable to the Indian domestic manufacturers, it will take some time come into proper execution and that is okay because it takes time in implanting policies. The government is doing lot in order to encourage solar industry in disputed form like solar pumps, solar lights, etc. which is where we think there is lots of potential and should be effectively utilized. The future investment plans of Icon Solar

Icon Solar so for the last eight years is the largest manufacturer of photovoltaic panels, going forward doubling our capacity and starting with the monocarp line where we will have a multiples buzz bar modules going up to 600 watts. The highlights of your company in 2022

It has been a fantastic year till now, it’s our highest grossing year for the time being as we know the last two quarters of solar are always the busiest so we are hoping for the best and our expansion plans are also underway and this time around we have also started executive projects so we have gone in to forward integration and have a massive order from the government of India and ‘PM Kusum Yojana’ so that’s been a great benefit to us. The current challenges of Renewable Energy sector

Technology adoption and technology change because a technology change that takes five years now takes a year so for lot of people especially medium scale it becomes quite difficult to adopt to the constant changing technology because solar is capital investment and operationally expensive. Hence, the technology adoption as the India’s growth story happens and we move from technology adopters to technology movers, I think we will be in much a better place. One change you want to see in the Renewable energy sector in India

I think lots of focus should be given to the medium scale industry as well right now a lot of orientation is towards the large scale industry like PLI scheme or other government incentives, I think the MSE segment contributes a lot to the economy so there should be favorable policy changes in that favor as well because they actually help to cater the ‘Bharat’ (rural area) where solar will have a massive outreach forward.

Hopes for 2023

For 2023, we hope to establish footprint with new line of mono perk modules and also be looking forward to go overseas and start our export market too. RM

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