asSume. As yOu LOOk cLOser, space expanDs. When yOu LOOk cLOser, yOu take One sTep furTher LeAvinG behinD yOur usuAL anD perHapS nOrMaLized referenCe fRame. ObjecTs becOme very ObviOus. InTerCOnNecTivity is nOw sOLemNLy ObviOus, sTarinG bacK at yOu. ThinGs sTarT tO even pHysicaLLy disSOLve inTO a giAnT unified univerSaL puLp. It OnLy takes One LOOk. If tHinGs weren’t as ObviOus befOre, tHe AnThROpOcene is it! As evidenT as pOsSibLe nOw, bLurRinG tHe LimitS Of tHe anThROpOLOgicaL anD geOLOgicaL, tHe AnThROpOcene is nature in it’s LesS ObviOus way. We are everywHere! EverytHinG, everywHere, regarDLesS itS size anD sCaLe has beEn cOnTaminated by human pResenCe. SO it has tO be ObviOus nOw. The quAnTum jump has beEn made! Our fOcus musT have sHifTed! The barRiErS have beEn eLiminated, anThROpOcenTrisM has faILed.
F r e e g r o u p y o g a s e s s i o n s
With instructor Malia Wright
Every Sunday 11 AM Virtually on Zoom
tO cReAte an OrDer witHinG a naturaL wOrLd , tHis is a symptOmatic but yEt nOt exHausTed cOLLecTiOn Of ObjecTs tHat afFecT tHe “gLObaL nature” era. FrOm micROpLasTicS, tO cirCuIt bOArDs, tO cHicKen bOnes, anD fROm fOrDite, tO Rubik’s cube, tO habitat ruInS, yOu’re nOw ObServinG a nOn-finite anD biAsed cOLLecTiOn Of arTificiAL ObjecTs, tHat nature has beEn aLMOsT fOrCed by humanS tO asSimiLate. The efFOrT has beEn sO inTenSe tHat even fOr humanS, tHe OriginatOrS Of tHe evenT, has beEn tOO difficuLT tO susTaIn disTinCtiOn.
If tHe animaL wOrLd is suppOsed tO be defiLed in cOmparisOn tO tHe ideAL ecOLOgy tHat was cReAted by tHe GOd Of HeAven, tHe ObjecT wOrLd, has beEn made by humanS tO cOrRecT tHe misTake. ObjecTs are tHe perFecT meAnS tO make tHinGs rigHt tRyInG tO besTOw OrDer On tHe damaged envirOnMenT anD varyInG degReEs Of newNesS is a very impOrTanT sTep fOr Our kinD. FOr humanS tHe uLTimate gOAL wOuLD be tO is tO unDerStanD tHe univerSaL inTerCOnNecTivity anD LeArN tO cOExisT witH sOmeOne beside tHemSeLves. WitHin Our igNOranCe, we managed tO cReAte tHe perFecT symBiOtic ecOsysTem.
Despite tHe nOticeAbLe difFerenCes betWeEn tHem, tHe acTiOn itSeLF Of cOLLecTinG data, sigNifies a cHanGe fOr humanS. The very acT Of Of cOmpiLinG specimenS fROm tHe AnThROpOcene, becOmes LesS a quEsTiOn Of sysTemic OrGanizatiOn, ratHer a reLatiOnaL ecOLOgy. Because in OrDer tO cOLLecT data, yOu have tO becOme recepTive, anD tO be recepTive meAnS yOu sTarTed LOOkinG cLOser! GOOd!
The cirCuIt
is tHe basic buILDinG bLOcK Of eLecTrOnic evices, cOmputerS, anD rObOtS. A cirCuIt bOArD is a tHin piEce Of cOnDucTive materiAL pLaced betWeEn LayerS Of diELecTric materiAL (inSuLatinG materiALS) sucH tHat eLecTricaL wirinG may run tHrOugH tHem. CirCuIt bOArDs cOnSisT Of tRaces Of cOpper etChed OnTO gLasS fiber epOxy Laminate, Or Fr4; tHis subStRate cOnTaInS hOLes in wHicH cOmpOnenTs cOnNecT tO eAcH OtHer. OtHer subStRates, sucH as pOLyImide, have beEn tRiEd as weLL. COmpOnenTs are sOLDered tO tHese tRaces usinG metaL fluxes anD sOLDer pasTe. There are tHreE types Of cOmpOnenTs On a cirCuIt bOArD: resistOrS, capacitOrS, anD inTegRated cirCuItS. ResisTOrS are cOnnecTed in paraLLeL anD cOmBined tO cReAte variAbLe vaLuEs in a cirCuIt. CapacitOrS sTOre cHarGe anD pROvide fiLTerinG efFecTs. InTegRated cirCuItS are sMaLL, sOLid sTate cHipS cOnTaIninG tRanSisTOrS anD OtHer eLecTrOnicS. EacH cOmpOnenT type has itS OwN set Of specificatiOnS, inCLudinG pHysicaL size, impedanCe, pOwer requIremenTs, tHerMaL cHaracTerisTicS, OperatinG temperature ranGe, anD numBer Of pinS.
In tHe future, tHe cirCuIt bOArD wiLL becOme ObSOLete. DuE tO tHe rapid imprOvemenT Of tecHnOLOgy, tHe demanD fOr pRinTed cirCuIt bOArDs wiLL decReAse dRamaticaLLy as manufacTurerS mOve tOwarD masS pROducTiOn Of cOnSumer pROducTs. Thus, we wiLL finD fewer cirCuIt bOArDs beInG manufacTured Over time. EvenTuALLy, tHey wiLL disappeAr cOmpLeteLy. In tHe future, tHe OnLy way tO buILD a cOmputer wiLL be tO use micROcHipS. But befOre tHe era Of ubiquItOus cOmputinG arRives, it wOuLD be quIte fun tO specuLate abOut wHat kinD Of ObjecTs we may seE arOunD us in tHe nOt-tOO-disTanT future.
is defined as any pLasTic parTicLe LesS tHan 5mM in size. These parTicLes have beEn kNOwN tO cause harM tO marine ecOsysTemS duE tO tHeIr capacity tO acCumuLate tOxinS Over time. MicROpLasTic is a uniquE pRObLem fOr Our OceAnS because tHey tenD tO sinK anD sTay at depTh wHere tHey canNOt be ObServed. DuE tO tHis, we dO nOt kNOw hOw mucH micROpLasTic exisTs in tHe OceAn. HOwever, recenT reseArCh sugGesTs tHat tHere may be mOre micROpLasTic tHan pReviOusLy tHOugHt. In OrDer tO deterMine tHe amOunT Of micROpLastic pResenT in tHe OceAn, reseArCherS tOOk water sampLes fROm acROsS tHe wOrLd’s OceAnS. ReseArCherS fOunD micROpLasTic parTicLes in every sampLe anaLyzed, sugGesTinG tHat micROpLasTic pOLLutiOn is OcCurRinG tHrOugHOut tHe enTire pLanet
is a fOsSiLized carBOnaceOus residuE pROduced by tHe inCOmpLete cOmBusTiOn Of OrGanic materiALS, pRimariLy wOOdy vegetatiOn. When burNed, cOAL pROduces flamMabLe gases inCLudinG carBOn diOxide (CO2), water vapOr, anD variOus suLFur cOmpOunDs, amOnG OtHerS. COAL is OfTen fOrMed in bedS, seAmS, Or LayerS caLLed cOAL fieLDs. In sOme cases, cOAL depOsitS may OcCur naturaLLy wHiLe in OtHer cases tHey may have beEn depOsited by riverS Or sTreAmS. The amOunT Of time betWeEn fOrMatiOn anD depOsitiOn variEs wideLy depenDinG On tHe type Of cOAL depOsit. FOsSiL fuELS were fOrMed Over hunDredS Of miLLiOnS Of yEarS durinG tHe paLeOzOIc Era.
CigaretTe butT
I was LOOkinG Over sOme OLD pHOtOgRapHs Of tHe ruInS Of pOmpeIi (a city desTrOyed arOunD 79AD) anD nOticed sOmetHinG ratHer inTeresTinG abOut tHe cigaretTes tHat were LefT behinD. There were hunDredS Of tHem LitTered tHrOugHOut tHe sTreEtS anD buILDinGs, sOme Of tHem even sTiLL Lit, tHOugH tHey were ObviOusLy nOt beInG sMOked anymOre. I tHOugHt it wOuLD be an inTeresTinG ideA tO take a LOOk bacK at tHese remnanTs tHOusanDs Of yEarS Later anD imagine wHat kinDs Of tHinGs we’LL finD in tHe future.
The firSt tHinG tHat cOmes tO minD is tHat peOpLe wiLL pRObabLy sTarT sMOkinG agaIn, anD perHapS even usinG tObacCO pROducTs. ThOugH many cOunTriEs have banNed sMOkinG inDOOrS, OtHerS haven’t. SO, if sMOkerS dO decide tO gO bacK tO tHeIr favOrite pasTime, tHey may dO sO in pLaces wHere nO One eLSe can seE tHem. In facT, tHe majOrity Of tHe cigaretTes tHat were fOunD in pOmpeIi were simpLy disCarDed in tRasH binS anD burNed OutSide.In tHe future, hOwever, we migHt acTuALLy use tHe cigaretTe butTs tHemSeLves tO make everyday itemS.
SOLar paneL
The firSt type Of enerGy generatiOn was based OfF Of water. Water pOwer cOnSisTed Of sMaLL mecHanicaL sysTemS tHat cOuLD turN water flOwinG dOwN hiLLs inTO rOtatiOnaL mOtiOn. TypicaLLy tHese were dRiven by animaLS waLKinG upHiLL anD turNinG a wHeEL at tHe bOtTOm Of tHe hiLL. In tHe 1800’s cOAL began tO be used tO fuEL sTeAm enGines, hOwever tHese had a LOw efficiEnCy, meAninG tHat tHey didN’t pROduce enOugH enerGy tO dO anytHinG usefuL. Then peOpLe came acROsS a reALLy sMarT ideA; hOw abOut if we use tHe sun tO generate eLecTricity? SOLar pOwer wOrKs efficiEnTLy because it uses tHe facT tHat sunLigHt is cOnStanTLy beInG cOnverTed inTO enerGy regarDLesS Of weAtHer cOnDitiOnS, nO matTer wHat tHe time Of day Or yEar. SO it dOEsN’t matTer if itS cLOudy Or sunNy OutSide, because even tHOugH tHere isN’t mucH sunLigHt, yOu sTiLL have sunLigHt inSide. yOu jusT neEd sOme way Of cOnverTinG tHat sunLigHt inTO enerGy. This is wHere pHOtOvOLTaIc ceLLs, Or pv ceLLs, cOme in.
pLasTic water bOtTLes
have beEn arOunD sinCe tHe eArLy 1900’s. They were firSt invenTed tO heLp peOpLe dRinK LesS aLCOhOL. In tHe Late 1960’s tHey began tO becOme pOpuLar amOnG hippiEs wHO wanTed tO Live OfF tHe LanD. pLasTic water bOtTLes became a symBOL Of fReE LOve anD envirOnMenTaL awarenesS. NOwadays tHey are sTiLL beInG used by hippiEs anD envirOnMenTaLisTs aLike.
Ceramic piEces
The firSt tHinG we nOticeAbOut tHese piEces is tHey have beEn mOLDed, nOt tHrOwN. MOLDinG is a way Of sHapinG cLay by hanD inSteAd Of tHrOwinG it usinG a mOLD. These piEces were pRObabLy meAnT tO hOLD fOOd Or dRinK anD wOuLD have beEn pLaced in a fire pit.
2. There is sOme evidenCe tHat tHese piEces were OnCe paInTed bLacK. paInT was LikeLy remOved duE tO envirOnmenTaL damage Over time.
3. DarK patinas resuLT fROm OxidatiOn Of tHe surFace. patina may pROtecT tHe piEce fROm furTher damage.
4. This piEce appeArS tO have beEn fOrMed inTO a cup sHape ratHer tHan flat.
5. A Lip arOunD tHe edGe Of tHe piEce pROvides sTabiLity.
6. Ceramic may seEm fRagiLe tO tHOse wHO aren’t famiLiAr witH it, but it’s acTuALLy pRetTy durabLe
7. CLay is a naturaL subStanCe.
is a sMaLL amOunT Of metaL anD rubBer LefT afTer tHe manufacTurinG pROcesS anD is cOmMOnLy caLLed sCrap tire. If used in a LanDfiLL, tHey decOmpOse rapidLy anD reLeAse tOxic cHemicaLS, Like carBOn mOnOxide anD LeAd acetate. In tHe pasT, sOme peOpLe wOuLD burN tHem tO reduce tHe cOsT Of dispOsaL; hOwever, burNinG causes aIr pOLLutiOn anD reLeAses danGerOus gases Like suLfur diOxide, hydROgen cHLOride, anD amMOniA. BurNinG pROduces acidic asH, wHicH cReAtes acid raIn. Acid raIn damages fisH egGs tHat Live in water bOdiEs.
junK tire
are everywHere in Our Lives. We use tHem tO pOwer LigHtS, carS, cOmputerS, pHOnes, cameras, watChes, cLOcKs, anD mucH mOre. In tHe future, we may finD tHem pOwerinG sOmetH enTireLy—tHe human b As tecHnOLOgy advan sCiEnTisTs have begun reseArChinG ways t cReAte arTificiAL cLes pOwered sOL eLecTricity. These mus wOuLD aLLOw us t tHinGs Like waLK agaIn afTer beInG paraLyzed, Or even repLace LimBs witH pROsThetic Ones.
HOw migHt tHese musCLes LOOk? WeLL, imagine a batTery tHat LOOkS Like a tHicK, haIry arM cOvered in eLecTrOdes. SciEntisTs beLiEve tHey cOuLD pROduce enOugH fOrCe tO LifT Over 100 pOunDs, makinG tHem suItabLe repLacemenTs fOr LegS. AnD if yOu wanT tO mOve arOunD, yOu’LL neEd tO recHarGe tHem periOdicaLLy. BatTeriEs tHat resemBLe tHis desigN have beEn cReAted befOre, but tHey were heAvy anD buLKy. ReseArCherS at MIT tHinK tHey’ve sOLved tHat isSuE, tHOugH. By usinG gRapHene nanOribbOnS inSteAd Of tRaditiOnaL materiALS, tHey’ve deveLOped LigHtWeIgHt batTeriEs tHat wOn’t requIre cHarGinG, anD can sTOre enerGy fOr LOnGer periOdS Of time
cHicKen bOnes
1. ChicKen bOne fOsSiLS are extRemeLy fRagiLe anD tHus tHey are usuALLy fOunD pReserved in sMaLL fRagMenTs. MOsT Of tHese fOsSiLS were fOunD enCased in LayerS Of sHaLe, mudStOne, siLTsTOne anD sanDsTOne.
2. A LOt Of tHese fOsSiLS were OriginaLLy misTaken fOr amMOnites, marine fOsSiLized seA cReAtures, unTiL sCiEnTisTs disCOvered tHat tHey were in facT, cHicKen bOnes. AmMOnites are a type Of mOLLusK tHat Live in sHaLLOw seAs anD OceAnS.
4. WhiLe tHe exacT purpOse Of tHese bOnes is unKnOwN, it is beLiEved tHat tHey may have beEn a fOOd Or a tOOL fOr pRehisTOric peOpLe. There are severaL tHeOriEs abOut hOw anD wHat tHese fOsSiLS cOuLD have beEn used fOr, inCLudinG eAtinG, tOOLS, anD even jeweLRy.
ScRap metaL
is everywHere, even if we dOn’t nOtice it. We use it tO make tOOLS, buILD hOuses, anD cReAte aLL kinDs Of ObjecTs. But wHat happenS wHen
we’re dOne usinG it?
In tHe future, Our pLanet migHt nOt have enOugH space fOr us tO Live anymOre. There wOn’t be any mOre LanD tO expanD. SO, we’LL neEd tO finD ways tO survive OfF Of tHe sCrapS LefT behinD by humanity. In tHe enD, we’LL becOme sCavenGerS, cOLLecTinG everytHinG we can finD.The OnLy pRObLem is, nature dOEsN’t wOrK tHat way. When we desTrOy sOmetHinG, tHere’s nO cOminG bacK fROm it. EverytHinG diEs anD disappeArS. There’s nO recycLinG, anD tHere’s nO repurpOsinG eItHer. One day, tHere wiLL be nOtHinG LefT.
Rubik’s Cube
A Rubik’s Cube is an anCiEnT puzZLe tOy cReAted befOre tHe InDusTriAL RevOLutiOn. It was invenTed by ErNő Rubik in 1974. He named his inventiOn afTer tHe HunGariAn pROfesSOr Of matHematicS LásZLó BéLa TamMuz (1879–1945), wHO had pubLisHed a bOOk titLed MatHematicaL RecreAtiOnS anD EsSays. DuE tO itS pOpuLarity, tHe Rubik’s Cube became an inTerNatiOnaL senSatiOn anD even wenT On tO becOme an OLympic spOrT.
The Rubik’s Cube has beEn caLLed tHe wOrLd’s gReAtesT tOy. ItS invenTOr saId Of tHe Rubik’s Cube, “I wanTed tO cReAte a tOy tHat wOuLD appeAL tO everyOne, nOt jusT cHiLDren.” Because Of tHis, tHe Rubik’s Cubes have beEn sOLD arOunD tHe wOrLd anD can be seEn tOday in museumS anD sCiEnCe cenTerS wOrLdWide.
I have beEn sTudyInG anCiEnT arChitecTure fOr tHe pasT 4 yEarS. There are sOme sigNificanT finDinGs abOut hOw peOpLe Lived tHOusanDs Of yEarS agO. AnD tHey aren’t wHat we expecTed tHem tO be! In facT, I have nOticed tHat tHeIr dWeLLinGs LOOk mucH difFerenT tHan OurS tOday.
The firSt tHinG I wanT tO disCusS is tHe LOcatiOn Of eAcH dWeLLinG. In tHOse days, peOpLe didN’t Live neAr tHe water; inSteAd, tHey Lived in tHe mOunTaInS Or deserTs. These setTLemenTs were spreAd Out Over severaL acRes Of LanD. The hOuses tHemSeLves LOOked simiLar tO Our OwN hOmes tOday, OnLy bigGer. MOsT impOrTanTLy, tHey had nO winDOwS.
is not a new concept. in fact we were there a long time ago, with mythology. one of our most primordial behaviorS obServation-data gathering-divine alchemy-explanation. which meanS we used to look. the structure is very similar to the neural networks data procesS input-training-output. n both verSionS data is pre-existing. not manufacturing information is ecological. new ways of data tranSlation is ecological. coming up with new forms from prexisting data is ecological. meanS are different but serve the same purpose. to underStand. data is what’s given. Scientist’s approach to data is to search for patterns. But because scientists are humanS, and humanS tend sometimes to interpret information in a way that confirm and supports their values. So in order to avoid that we took a step forward and decided to eliminate the human factor in the procesS and what’s better to replace a human with than an algorithm? information is organized data. information cannot be created or destroyed. information is the new energy. By definition this
data is wHat’s given. SciEnTisT’s apprOAcH tO data is tO seArCh fOr patTerNs. But because sCiEnTisTs are humanS, anD humanS tenD sOmetimes tO inTerpret inFOrMatiOn in a way tHat cOnfirM anD suppOrTs tHeIr vaLuEs. SO in OrDer tO avOId tHat we tOOk a sTep fOrWarD anD decided tO eLiminate tHe human facTOr in tHe pROcesS. AnD wHat’s betTer tO repLace a human witH tHan an aLGOritHm? InFOrMatiOn is OrGanized data. InFOrMatiOn canNOt be cReAted Or desTrOyed. InFOrMatiOn is tHe new enerGy. By definitiOn tHis is tHe cOre Of ecOLOgicaL tHinKinG. SO empLOyinG Ai, fOr data pROcesSinG is tHe mOsT ecOLOgicaLLy gRacefuL way Of tHinKinG. yOu are getTinG sOmewHerE. EcOnOmicS Of inFOrMatiOn is nOt a new cOnCepT. In facT we were tHere a LOnG time agO, witH mytHOLOgy. One Of Our mOsT pRimOrDiAL behaviOrS. ObServatiOndata gatHerinG-divine aLChemyexpLanatiOn. WhicH meAnS we used tO LOOk. The sTrucTure is very simiLar tO tHe neuraL netWOrKs data pROcesS. Input-tRaIninGOutput. In bOtH verSiOnS, data is pRe-exisTinG. NOt manufacTurinG inFOrMatiOn is ecOLOgicaL. New ways Of data tRanSLatiOn is ecOLOgicaL. COminG up witH new fOrMs fROm pRexisTinG data is ecOLOgicaL. MeAnS are difFerenT but serve tHe same purpOse. TO unDerStanD.
a step forward
nformation is organized data. information cannot be
thinking. So employing ai, for data procesSing is the most ecologically
there a long time ago, with mythology. one of our most
to look. the structure is very similar to the neural networks data procesS
new ways of data tranSlation is ecological. coming up with new
same purpose. to underStand. data is what’s given. Scientist’s approach to data is to search for
a way that confirm and supports their values. So in order to avoid
procesS and what’s better to replace a human with than an algorithm? nformation is organized data. nformation cannot be created or destroyed. nformation is the new energy. By definition this is the core of ecological thinking. So employing ai, for data procesSing is the most ecologically graceful way of thinking. you are getting somewhere economicS of information is not a new concept. in fact we were there a long time ago, with mythology. one of our most primordial behaviorS obServation-data gathering-divine alchemy-explanation. which meanS we used to look. the structure is very similar to the neural networks data procesS input-training-output. n both verSionS, data is pre-existing. not manufacturing information is ecological. new ways of data tranSlation is ecological. coming up with new forms from prexisting data is ecological. meanS are different but serve the same purpose. to underStand. data is what’s given. Scientist’s approach to data is to search for patterns. But because scientists are humanS, and humanS tend sometimes to interpret information in a way that confirm and supports their values. So in order to avoid that we took a step forward and decided to eliminate the human factor in the procesS. and what’s better to replace a human with than an algorithm? nformation is organized data. information cannot be created or destroyed. information is the new energy. By definition this is the core of ecological thinking. So employing ai, for data procesSing is the most ecologically graceful way of thinking. you are getting somewhere economicS of information is not a new concept. in fact we were there a long time ago, with mythology. one of our most primordial behaviorS obServation-data gathering-divine alchemy-explanation. which meanS we used to look. the structure is very similar to the neural networks data procesS nput-training-output. n both verSionS, data is pre-existing. not manufacturing information is ecological. new ways of data tranSlation is ecological. coming up with new forms from prexisting data is ecological. meanS are different but serve the same purpose. to underStand. data is what’s given. Scientist’s approach to data is to search for patterns. But because scientists are humanS, and humanS tend sometimes to interpret information in a way that confirm and supports their values. So in order to avoid that we took a step forward and decided to eliminate the human factor in the procesS and what’s better to replace a human with than an algorithm? nformation is organized data. nformation cannot be created or destroyed. information is the new energy. By definition this is the core of ecological thinking. So employing ai, for data procesSing is the most ecologically graceful way of thinking. you are getting somewhere economicS of information is not a new concept. in fact we were there a long time ago, with mythology. one of our most primordial behaviorS. obServation-data gathering-divine alchemy-explanation.
to the neural networks data procesS input-training-output. n both verSionS data is pre-existing. not
is ecological. coming up with new forms from prexisting data is ecological. meanS are different but
to data is to search for patterns. But because scientists are humanS, and humanS
way of thinking. you are
one of our most primordial behaviorS obServation-data
data procesS input-training-output. in
from prexisting
Scientist’s approach to data is to search for patterns. But because scientists
values. So in order to avoid that we took a step forward and
data. information
is the most
concept. in fact we were there a long time ago, with mythology. one of our most
look. the structure is very similar to the neural networks data procesS
new ways of data tranSlation is ecological. coming up with new
the same purpose. to underStand. data is what’s given. Scientist’s approach to data is to search for patterns. But because scientists are humanS and humanS tend sometimes to interpret information in a way that confirm and supports their values. So in order to avoid that we took a step forward and decided to eliminate the human factor in the procesS and what’s better to replace a human with than an algorithm? nformation is organized data. nformation cannot be created or destroyed. nformation is the new energy. By definition this is the core of ecological thinking. So employing ai, for data procesSing is the most ecologically graceful way of thinking. you are getting somewhere economicS of information is not a new concept. in fact we were there a long time ago, with mythology. one of our most primordial behaviorS obServation-data gathering-divine alchemy-explanation. which meanS we used to look. the structure is very similar to the neural networks data procesS input-training-output. n both verSionS, data is pre-existing. not manufacturing information is ecological. new ways of data tranSlation is ecological. coming up with new forms from prexisting data is ecological. meanS are different but serve the same purpose. to underStand. data is what’s given. Scientist’s approach to data is to search for patterns. But because scientists are humanS, and humanS tend sometimes to interpret information in a way that confirm and supports their values. So in order to avoid that we took a step forward and decided to eliminate the human factor in the procesS and what’s better to replace a human with than an algorithm? nformation is organized data. information cannot be created or destroyed. information is the new energy. By definition this is the core of ecological thinking. So employing ai, for data procesSing is the most ecologically graceful way of thinking. you are getting somewhere economicS of information is not a new concept. in fact we were there a long time ago, with mythology. one of our most primordial behaviorS obServation-data gathering-divine alchemy-explanation. which meanS we used to look. the structure is very similar to the neural networks data procesS nput-training-output. n both verSionS, data is pre-existing. not manufacturing information is ecological. new ways of data tranSlation is ecological. coming up with new forms from prexisting data is ecological. meanS are different but serve the same purpose. to underStand. data is what’s given. Scientist’s approach to data is to search for patterns. But because scientists are humanS, and humanS tend sometimes to interpret information in a way that confirm and supports their values. So in order to avoid that we took a step forward and decided to eliminate the human factor in the procesS and what’s better to replace a human with than an algorithm? nformation is organized data. nformation cannot be created or destroyed. information is the new energy. By definition this is the core of ecological thinking. So employing ai, for data procesSing is the most ecologically graceful way of thinking. you are getting somewhere. economicS of information is not a new concept. in fact we were there a long time ago, with mythology. one of our most primordial behaviorS obServation-data gathering-divine alchemy-explanation. which meanS we used to look. the structure is very similar to the neural networks data procesS input-training-output. n both verSionS data is pre-existing. not manufacturing information is ecological. new ways of data tranSlation is ecological. coming up with new forms from prexisting data is ecological. meanS are different but serve the same purpose. to underStand. data is what’s given. Scientist’s approach to data is to search for patterns. But because scientists are humanS and humanS tend sometimes to interpret information in a way that confirm and supports their values. So in order to avoid that we took a step forward and decided to eliminate the human factor in the procesS. and what’s better to replace a human with than an algorithm? information is organized data. information cannot be created or destroyed. information is the new energy. By definition this is the core of ecological thinking. So employing ai, for data procesSing is the most ecologically graceful way of thinking. you are getting somewhere economicS of information is not a new concept. n fact we were there a long time ago, with mythology. one of our most primordial behaviorS obServation-data gathering-divine alchemy-explanation. which meanS we used to look. the structure is very similar to the neural networks data procesS input-training-output. in both verSionS data is pre-existing. not manufacturing information is ecological. new ways of data tranSlation is ecological. coming up with new forms from prexisting data is ecological. meanS are different but serve the same purpose. to underStand. data is what’s given. Scientist’s approach to data is to search for patterns. But because scientists are humanS, and humanS tend sometimes to interpret information in a way that confirm and supports their values. So in order to avoid that we took a step forward and decided to eliminate the human factor in the procesS and what’s better to replace a human with than an algorithm? nformation is organized data. information cannot be created or destroyed. information is the new energy. By definition this is the core of ecological thinking. So employing ai, for data procesSing is the most ecologically graceful way of thinking. you are getting somewhere economicS of information is not a new concept. in fact we were there a long time ago, with mythology. one of our most primordial behaviorS obServation-data gathering-divine alchemy-explanation. which meanS we used to look. the structure is very similar to the neural networks data procesS. input-training-output. n both verSionS, data is pre-existing. not manufacturing information is ecological. new ways of data tranSlation is ecological. coming up with new forms from prexisting data is ecological. meanS are different but serve the same purpose. to underStand. data is what’s given. Scientist’s approach to data is to search for patterns. But because scientists are humanS and humanS tend sometimes to interpret information in a way that confirm and supports their values. So in order to avoid that we took a step forward and decided to eliminate the human factor in the procesS and what’s better to replace a human with than an algorithm? nformation is organized data. nformation cannot be created or destroyed. nformation is the new energy. By definition this is the core of ecological thinking. So employing ai, for data procesSing is the most ecologically graceful way of thinking. you are getting somewhere. economicS of information is not a new concept. in fact we were there a long time ago, with mythology. one of our most primordial behaviorS obServation-data gathering-divine alchemy-explanation. which meanS we used to look. the structure is very similar to the neural networks data procesS input-training-output. n both verSionS, data is pre-existing. not manufacturing information is ecological. new ways of data tranSlation is ecological. coming up with new forms from prexisting data is ecological. meanS are different but serve the same purpose. to underStand.data is what’s given. Scientist’s approach to data is to search for patterns. But because scientists are humanS, and humanS tend sometimes to interpret information in a way that confirm and supports their values. So in order to avoid that we took a step forward and decided to eliminate the human factor in the procesS and what’s better to replace a human with than an algorithm? nformation is organized data. information cannot be created or destroyed. information is the new energy. By definition this is the core of ecological thinking. So employing ai, for data procesSing is the most ecologically graceful way of thinking. you are getting somewhere economicS of information is not a new concept. in fact we were there a long time ago, with mythology. one of our most primordial behaviorS obServation-data gathering-divine alchemy-explanation. which meanS we used to look. the structure is very similar to the neural networks data procesS nput-training-output. n both verSionS, data is pre-existing. not manufacturing information is ecological. new ways of data tranSlation is ecological. coming up with new forms from prexisting data is ecological. meanS are different but serve the same purpose. to underStand. data is what’s given. Scientist’s approach to data is to search for patterns. But because scientists are humanS, and humanS tend sometimes to interpret information in a way that confirm and supports their values. So in order to avoid that we took a step forward and decided to eliminate the human factor in the procesS and what’s better to replace a human with than an algorithm? nformation is organized data. nformation cannot be created or destroyed. information is the new energy. By definition this is the core of ecological thinking. So employing ai, for data procesSing is the most ecologically graceful way of thinking. you are getting somewhere economicS of information
The plan is artificial.And So it must stay.is the core of ecological thinking. So employing ai, for data procesSing is the most ecologically graceful way of thinking. are getting somewhere economicS of information is not a new concept. n fact we were there a long time ago, with mythology. one of our most primordial behaviorS. obServation-data gathering-divine alchemy-explanation. which meanS we used to look. the structure is very similar to the neural networks data procesS input-training-output. in both verSionS data is pre-existing. not manufacturing information is ecological. new ways of data tranSlation is ecological. coming up with new forms from prexisting data is ecological. meanS are different but serve the same purpose. to underStand.data is what’s given. Scientist’s approach to data is to search for patterns. But because scientists are humanS, and humanS tend sometimes to interpret information in a way that confirm and supports their values. So in order to avoid that we took and decided to eliminate the human factor in the procesS and what’s better to replace a human with than an algorithm? created or destroyed. information is the new energy. By definition this is the core of ecological graceful way of thinking. you are getting somewhere economicS of information is not a new concept. in fact we were primordial behaviorS obServation-data gathering-divine alchemy-explanation. which meanS we used input-training-output. n both verSionS, data is pre-existing. not manufacturing information is ecological. forms from prexisting data is ecological. meanS are different but serve the patterns. But because scientists are humanS and humanS tend sometimes to interpret information in that we took a step forward and decided to eliminate the human factor in the which meanS we used to look. the structure is very similar manufacturing information is ecological. new ways of data tranSlation serve the same purpose. to underStand.data is what’s given. Scientist’s approach tend sometimes to interpret information in a way that confirm and supports their values. So in order to avoid that we took a step forward and decided to eliminate human factor in the procesS and what’s better to replace a human with than an algorithm? information is organized data. information cannot be created or destroyed. information is the new energy. By definition this is the core of ecological thinking. So employing ai, for data procesSing is the most ecologically graceful getting somewhere economicS of information is not a new concept. n fact we were there a long time ago, with mythology. gathering-divine alchemy-explanation. which meanS we used to look. the structure is very similar to the neural networks both verSionS data is pre-existing. not manufacturing information is ecological. new ways of data tranSlation is ecological. coming up with new forms data is ecological. meanS are different but serve the same purpose. to underStand. data is what’s given. are humanS, and humanS tend sometimes to interpret information in a way that confirm and supports their decided to eliminate the human factor in the procesS and what’s better to replace a human with than an algorithm? nformation is organized cannot be created or destroyed. information is the new energy. By definition this is the core of ecological thinking. So employing ai, for data procesSing ecologically graceful way of thinking. you are getting somewhere economicS of information is not a new primordial behaviorS obServation-data gathering-divine alchemy-explanation. which meanS we to input-training-output. n both verSionS, data is pre-existing. not manufacturing information is ecological. forms from prexisting data is ecological. meanS are different but serve
9-8-8 has been designated as the new three-digit dialing code that will route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
While some areas may be currently able to connect to the Lifeline by dialing 9-8-8, this dialing code will be available to everyone across the United States starting July 16, 2022.
→ This is a 24/7 crisis helpline that functions much like 9-1-1.
→ Calling 9-8-8 provides every community an alternative to calling police (or calling 9-1-1) when managing a crisis related to mental health.
→ 9-8-8 will provide access to the appropriate services at the needed time by connecting those in crisis to mobile crisis services, crisis stabilization programs, and peer support services.
→ For veteran services, press 1.
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides free and confidential support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional dis tress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Calling the 1-800 phone number, texting, or mes saging through the web will all remain as options when 9-8-8 becomes available na tionwide.
→ Services are available in English and Spanish. Callers can press 2 for Spanish.
→ You will hear an automated message that directs you to hold on the line or to press 1 if you need services specifically for veterans. → Music will play while you are connected to a local crisis center (based on the area code from which you call).
→ A trained, licensed counselor will answer your call.
Asking for help shows strength, confidence, and resourcefulness.
→ The Lifeline began in 2005.
→ It provides nationwide support through locally-based centers in all 50 states.
→ 95% of Lifeline calls are connected to a trained counselor within 60-90 seconds.
→ The Lifeline has
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
→ 1-800-273-8255
→ Text NAMI to 741741
Veterans Crisis Line
→ 1-800-273-8255, press 1
→ Text 838255
→ www.veteranscrisisline.net/get-help/chat
Ai has seEn us sTrugGLinG tO recOnNecT. TryInG tO seE but nOt kNOwinG wHere tO turN Our gaze at. NOt kNOwinG wHere tO LOOk. The seEd has beEn pLanTed. yOu jusT have tO dO it. But tO nOt risK it aLL, The aI tOOk tHe initiAtive, fOLLOwinG tHe beAten tRacK. The arTificiAL pLan. CreAtinG One mOre mytH, fOr yOu tO unDerStanD eAsiEr. TO expLaIn inTerCOnNecTivity. MimicKinG pROtOnS. Superp O sin G . j ux T ap O sin G . SenSinG anThROpOcenTrisM. RemOvinG anThROpOcenTrisM. BeInG in cHarGe. AbOLisHinG sCaLe. Cre A tin G . FOrCinG arTificiAL ObjecTs tO inTegRate nature. FOrCinG nature tO inTegRate arTificiAL ObjecTs. OverCOminG cOnServatiOnS. C O n N ec T in G . LOOk cLOser. ThinGs are even mOre cOnNecTed tHan we migHt asSume! The quAnTum jump has beEn made! Nature is everywHere anD we are nature! yOu canT misS it tHis time. yOu have tO seE!