Elegant Island Living February 2020

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Look Before You Leap Thirty days hath September, April, June and November; All the rest have thirty-one, Excepting February alone Which hath but twenty-eight, in fine, Till leap year gives it twenty-nine.


t’s that time again. This February 29, is a leap day, the calendar oddity that occurs (almost) every four years.

A leap year is a year with 366 days, instead of the usual 365. Leap years are necessary because the actual length of a year is 365.242 days, not 365 days, as commonly stated. Leap years occur every 4 years, and years that are evenly divisible by 4 (2004, for example) have 366 days. This extra day is added to the calendar on February 29th.

Celebrating 23 Years in Business 28 Market Street, Suite 124 St. Simons Island, GA 912.638.5100 10


Julius Caesar was behind the origin of leap year in 45 BC. The early Romans had a 355-day calendar and to keep festivals occurring around the same season each year a 22 or 23 day month was created every second year. Julius Caesar decided to simplify things and added days to different months of the year to create the 365-day calendar. The actual calculations were made by Caesar’s astronomer, Sosigenes. Every fourth year following the 28th day of Februarius (February 29th) one day was to be added, making every fourth year a leap year. Something that visits us only once every four years – even if it’s a day – is bound to be surrounded by mystery.

Now you know why! And maybe Caesar should have been paying more attention to the Ides of March.


David Butler

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Beth Rowen

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Anna Martin Chris Templeton C O N T R I B U T I N G P H OTO G R A P H E R

Lindy Cofer ON THE COVER: Chocolate. It really needs no introduction. Welcome to our chocolate issue. Yes, there are recipes.



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ESoeTs, Ties B D E T VO’s Attire, Sh s eader


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’s iving L d n t Isla rds legan oice Awa E 9 1 h C 20 F E AT U R E


18 Passion for Chocolate

50 All Aboard & All Insured





54 Business Buss

38 Time to Wine

58 What’s Happening

42 Get Spicy

62 Social Scene

44 Our Students, Our Village

76 Real Estate

52 Wear Pink to Par

106 SSI Archives

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The Beatles sang, “All you need is love,” but Peanuts creator Charles M. Schulz was the wise man who said, “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” This month, with a nod to love and Valentine’s Day tradition, we turn our focus to this heavenly treat. We say “heavenly” because the botanical name for the plant from which we make chocolate, Theobroma cacao, literally translates as “food of the gods.” Luckily, we need not actually be divine to indulge. Mere mortals have been consuming chocolate in all its forms since ancient times. (continues)







he earliest known use of chocolate is by Mayans before A.D. 400 and possibly as early as 1400 B.C. They grew the cacao beans in their gardens and crushed them and blended them with other spices to make a strong cocoa drink, hot and bitter. Later, the Aztecs improved upon that recipe. They made a delicious cold drink called “xocoatl” that was a mixture of the roasted and crushed cacao beans, cornmeal, chiles, vanilla and honey. They associated the cacao bean chocolate with Xochiquetzal, the goddess of fertility, and used it as a sacrificial offering. The Aztec believed cacao was a source of spiritual wisdom, energy and higher sexual prowess, so it was popular for use during the nuptial night and the wedding ceremonies. They considered chocolate to be an aphrodisiac, able to arouse sexual passion. Aztec emperor Montezuma was

known to drink fifty cups a day to be able to satisfy all of his many wives. As cacao was expensive, it was a highly-prized luxury item among Mayan and Aztec elites, and was generally reserved for the upper classes. Cacao beans were as valuable a commodity as gold, often traded for goods and services, and even used to pay taxes levied by Aztec rulers. Christopher Columbus discovered the surprising and amazing taste of chocolate during his travel in America. He liked it immensely and decided to bring it back to Spain. Once introduced there, the new luxury beverage quickly made its way across Europe, where it became very popular. All chocolate is derived from the cacao bean/seeds. Nicknamed “black gold’ by the Spanish, chocolate captivated taste buds with its rich bittersweet

flavor and, by the early 1600s, chocolate was in vogue all across Europe. In London, chocolate houses began to pop up and rivaled coffee houses as social gathering spots. One shop opened on Gracechurch Street in 1657 advertising chocolate as “a West Indian drink [which] cures and preserves the body of many diseases.” In France, Madame de Sevigne wrote about enormous chocolate consumption at court in Versailles in 1671. Louis IV consumed the drink daily. A Madame du Barry was said to use chocolate mixed with amber to stimulate her lovers. When Marie Antoinette married Louis XVI in 1770, she brought her own personal chocolatier to Versailles. The official “Chocolate Maker to the Queen” created recipes that included chocolate mixed with orchid bulb for strength, chocolate with orange blossom to calm the nerves, and chocolate with sweet almond milk to aid the digestion. He must have also made a divine cake! The chocolate bar didn’t come along until later in the 18th century, when chocolate was mixed with milk, but we’ll get into that a little later. Now that mere mortals were passionate about this “food of the gods,” they found medicinal uses for cacao and other ways to incorporate it into their lives. (continues)







arly colonial records from the 1500s indicate cacao was used as a medicine and acted as a carrier in the administration of other remedies. It was highly valued for its ability to treat weak patients with a variety of ailments. It was particularly known to improve digestion and stimulate appetite as well as kidney and bowel function. Additional conditions that responded to treatment using cacao included anemia, fatigue, fever, low sex drive, respiratory troubles, and low breast milk production. In addition to the roasted and ground cacao bean, cacao oil/butter was used in the treatment of skin problems including eczema, psoriasis and burns. Today, that oil we know as cocoa butter is used as a skin and hair moisturizer, lubricating agent, and beauty aid. When it’s combined with the cacao bean, it becomes the sweet chocolate confectionery we love.



With more than 300 identifiable chemical compounds, cacao is one of the most complex and pleasurably satisfying foods on the planet. In its raw form, cacao has many benefits because it contains natural substances thought to stimulate and balance brain wave activity. It also has antioxidants and other beneficial compounds known for their rejuvenating effects. Cacao is a potent source of magnesium, a mineral essential in aiding the heart to pump blood efficiently, building strong bones, and lowering blood pressure. In fact, it’s thought that a female’s strong cravings for chocolate during the menstrual cycle may be related to a need for magnesium, a mineral that has calming qualities. Cacao is also a good source of the beauty mineral sulphur, responsible for healthy skin, nails and hair. Research has demonstrated that when dark chocolate is incorporated into a healthy lifestyle, it can improve heart health, blood pressure, reduce LDL “bad” cholesterol, and increase blood flow to the brain. It can also improve blood sugar and insulin sensitivity, thus reducing risk of diabetes.

As far as chocolate’s reputed ancient use by the Aztecs as an aphrodisiac and the Mayans’ association of chocolate with their fertility god, there is indeed some scientific support. Chocolate contains the chemicals phenylethylamine and serotonin, known mood boosters and mild sexual stimulants. It’s widely known that eating chocolate makes you feel good, sometimes even euphoric. But the aphrodisiac qualities of chocolate relate more to the sensual pleasure of how it feels smooth and melts in your mouth than to sexual stimulus. Chocolate satisfies our appetite for pleasure like no other substance. Many of us are likely to consume a little chocolate every day, perhaps as a morning cup of mocha or an afterlunch snack, for its mood boosting effects in an attempt to help relieve some of the stress of working life. Is it any wonder that when polled, 50% of women say they prefer chocolate to sex? Widespread availability and easy portability of chocolate makes it the perfect private pleasure to enjoy anytime, anywhere. When not accompanied by guilt, the power of chocolate is truly a beneficial thing. However, while chocolate really can be good for you, not all chocolate is

created equally. If you’re after health benefits, you need to know a little more about how your chocolate is made. Cocoa beans are roasted, graded, and ground to make a chocolate liquor, which also contains cocoa butter. Unsweetened baking chocolate is chocolate liquor that’s been solidified and pressed. Cocoa powder is cocoa butter that’s been removed from the chocolate liquor and dried. Dark chocolate is a blend of sugar, cocoa butter, and chocolate liquor. Sometimes vanilla is also added. Milk chocolate is created when milk or milk powder is added to the dark chocolate formula. White chocolate has no chocolate liquor and is a combination of sugar, cocoa butter, milk

or milk powder, and vanilla. Emulsifying agents are often added to chocolate candy to give it a smoother texture and pleasant mouth feel. This process is often enhanced for more expensive chocolates. Chocolate’s health benefits come from flavonoids, a phytochemical found in cacao beans. Most chocolate we eat today is a combination of cocoa solids, fats, sugar, and, in the case of milk chocolate, milk. Dark chocolate contains a higher percentage of cocoa than white or milk chocolate. The greater the percentage of cocoa in the chocolate product, the higher the concentration of flavonoids and the richer its health-promoting content. Most milk chocolate contains up to 50% cocoa, while

some inexpensive chocolates contain as little as 7% cocoa. Look for dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa for the finest dark chocolate rich in healthy flavonoids. Limit portion sizes when consuming chocolate regularly, because even though dark chocolate contains those good-for-you flavonoids, you can’t overlook the fat, sugar, and calories. A small portion of about an ounce, savored slowly, should satisfy your taste buds and provide chocolate’s health benefits without also adding unwanted pounds. Life is meant to be enjoyed, so don’t be afraid to indulge from time to time with chocolate cake or other decadent desserts, but maintain a healthy balance with salads, veggies, water, and regular exercise. (continues)





o find out how chocolate became part and parcel of Valentine’s Day celebrations, we need to dive back into the history annals. What seems a natural pairing actually took centuries to merge. The origin of Valentine’s Day is attributed to various early Christian martyrs named Valentine, and, although particulars are a bit murky, the stories pertaining to St. Valentine all emphasize his appeal as a sympathetic, heroic and romantic figure. Likely due to this reputation, by the Middle Ages, Valentine would become one of the most popular saints in England and France. Some believe that Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the middle of February to commemorate the anniversary of Valentine’s death or burial, which most likely occurred around A.D. 270, while others argue that the Christian church decided to place St. Valentine’s feast day in the middle of February in an effort to “Christianize” the pagan fertility fes-



tival of Lupercalia. This celebration, dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture, and Roman founders Romulus and Remus was held on the ides of February, or February 15, and involved the matching of young women with bachelors for marriage. It appears the occasion was first linked to romantic love in Geoffrey Chaucer’s 1382 poem, “Parlement of Foules.” He remarked on the nature of love and the commonly held belief in England and France that February 14 marked the beginning of mating season for birds in verse, “every bird cometh to choose his mate” on “Seynt Voantynes day.”

British chocolate makers, Cadbury, had invented a method to make a more palatable drinking chocolate. Richard Cadbury was searching for a way to use the pure cocoa butter that was extracted from that process. His solution: “eating chocolates,” delicious morsels that were packaged in lovely boxes he designed himself. In a master stroke of marketing genius, Cadbury adorned heart-shaped boxes with Cupids and rosebuds, suggesting that after the chocolates had been eaten, these beautiful boxes could be used to hold love letters and other special momentos.

In the centuries that followed, Valentine’s Day blossomed in popularity as a late winter-early spring holiday. The occasion was celebrated with song, poetry, roses, and cards, but because sugar was still a precious commodity in Europe, candy was not part of the observation. That would change in 1861, thanks to the marketing brilliance of Richard Cadbury.

In the U.S., commercialization of Valentine’s Day flourished around the turn of the century, coinciding with the time Milton Hershey began mass-producing affordable chocolate bars. In 1907, Hershey applied automation to create a new product almost ear-marked for the romantic holiday: the tear-dropped shaped “Kiss.” Obviously the most marketable thing about this Hershey’s confection (continues)

Richard Cadbury



around Valentine’s Day is its name. Hershey trademarked “Kiss” specifically in 2000, but disputes remain over its origin. The company’s explanation: the nozzle of the equipment that produces the candy makes a kissing sound as it dispenses the chocolate onto the belt. But historians say that the term was actually popularly used for candies wrapped with a twist as early as the 1820s, and the 1856 Webster’s Dictionary defines the word as “a small piece of confectionary.” Hershey eventually won its hard fought battle for the Kiss trademark by proving via consumer survey that the public almost exclusively associates the word “kiss” with their brand. Now, wrapped in multi-colored foils for different holidays, Hershey’s has broadened the Kiss’ marketing appeal, but it remains a Valentine’s Day staple. Another heavy-hitter on the American Valentine’s Day chocolate scene is Russell Stover. In 1923, Clara Stover started wrapping and selling “Bungalow Candies” out of her Denver kitchen, but eventually she moved to Kansas City with her husband, where they opened several factories and sold Valentine’s chocolates in heart-shaped boxes to department stores throughout the Midwest. When they bought out their biggest competitor, Whitman’s, they refocused their wholesale business on drugstores and big-box retailers, where you can find them going strong today. Locally, if you want to impress with a box of chocolates, we suggest you take a drive up to Sugar Marsh Cottage Specialty Confections in

Sugar Marsh Cottage located in Darien has an array of delicious artisan Valentine candies.

Darien. Behind their trademark bright green door on Vernon Square is a wonderland of flavors to rival Willie Wonka’s factory creations. Dale Potts and her busy chocolatiers create an assortment of confections that include truffles,

inside for a truly sweet occasion. We recommend a visit to the shop to see and taste the seasonal creations, but you can also order gift boxes and other products at sugarmarshcottage.com and have them shipped. If you’d like to learn

“Chocolate is the first luxury. It has so many things wrapped in it: deliciousness in the moment, childhood memories, and that grin-inducing feeling of getting a reward for being good.” – MARISKA HARGITAY

toffee, dipped shortbread, and more. For Valentine’s Day, this small-batch artisan confectioner adds solid chocolate heart-shaped boxes to their offerings. You can fill them with truffles or other treats from the shop or hide an engagement ring

chocolate making tips from the master, complete with sample tastings, Dale will be presenting a workshop at Golden Isles Olive Oil in Redfern Village on February 8th. To sign up, visit goldenislesoliveoil.com. (continues)





hocolate is such a big part of our lives that it’s been featured in books, movies, and iconic television episodes. Roald Dahl’s 1964 book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was successful, but the 1971 movie Willie Wonka & the Chocolate Factory with Gene Wilder cast as the “Candy Man” of song might be even more well-known. The story has even made its way to Broadway. And

while Johnny Depp left his eccentric mark as Wonka in Tim Burton’s 2005 movie following Charlie’s golden ticket adventure, it was his charm as gypsy river rat Roux that stole rebellious chocolate maker Vianne’s heart in the film Chocolat, based on the novel of the same name. Other movies like The Chocolate War and Like Water for Chocolate illustrate the complex relationship we have with this confection that can by turns be sensuous, indulgent, decadent, and bittersweet. And one of television’s finest comedic moments might be Lucy and Ethel wrapping chocolates on the factory assembly line in I Love Lucy. Even sixty years after it originally aired, you can’t help but laugh at the sight of Lucy stuffing her mouth with the unwrapped chocolates to “hide” them as they start running behind. Unforgettable. From Jean Harlow seductively nibbling her way through a giant box of chocolates in 1933 film Dinner at Eight to Harry Potter and his friends buying (and chasing) chocolate frogs on the



Hogwarts Express or eating chocolate to recover after dementor attacks, there’s no question that we identify with the feelings that chocolate evokes. We all understood Elaine’s horrified and bewildered reaction to seeing Mr. Pitt eating a Snickers bar with a knife and fork on Seinfeld. But maybe Tom Hanks as the title character in Forrest Gump served up the best quote about chocolate in one of the most memorable movie lines of all time: “My momma always said: Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” Here’s hoping that whether dark and rich or creamy and sweet, or a combination of it all, your box of chocolates holds nothing but deliciousness. (continues)



Chocolate Mudslide



MAKE IT CHOCOLATE Here we’ve assembled some chocolate recipes, from the Mayan beverage that got it all started and an adults-only “milkshake” to some easy no-bake treats you can make with the kids. There are some classic go-tos we think every chocolate lover should have, a couple breakfast ideas to sweeten your mornings, and instant pot chicken mole tacos (who doesn’t love tacos?) and a divine filet to remind you that chocolate isn’t just for desserts.

heat. Stir cocoa-spice mixture to the milk once it’s warm and heat through, approximately 10-15 minutes, stirring


constantly. When heat level and

1 c. uncooked quinoa

flavor of the cocoa suit your taste, remove from stove and strain through

2 c. unsweetened almond or coconut milk, plus more for serving

a fine sieve to remove cloves and

2 Tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder

cinnamon pieces, being careful of

2 to 3 Tbsp. honey or brown sugar

splatter. Stir in powdered sugar and vanilla. Pour into mugs and top with a dollop of whipped cream and garnish with a cinnamon stick stirrer.

Mayan Hot Chocolate

Chocolate Mudslide



4 c. milk

2 Tbsp. chocolate syrup

½ c. cocoa powder

1 oz. vodka

1 tsp. flour

1 oz. Kahlúa or other coffee liqueur

¼ c. brown sugar

1 oz. Irish cream

¼ tsp. nutmeg

1 oz. heavy cream

3 whole cloves, crushed

1 oz. crème de cacao

¼ tsp. chili pepper, crushed

1 c. crushed ice

1 cinnamon stick, broken up

Whipped cream

2 tsp. powdered sugar

Chocolate chips or cocoa powder to garnish

1½ tsp.vanilla

Chocolate Quinoa Breakfast Bowl

TOPPINGS: Dark chocolate chips 1 c. blueberries, strawberries, and/or raspberries Sliced banana Toasted coconut chips PREPARATION: Thoroughly rinse quinoa in a fine mesh strainer for 2 minutes. Combine quinoa and almond milk in a small saucepan. Bring the mixture to boil, then reduce to simmer and cook for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until quinoa is fully cooked



In two large wine or cocktail glasses, drizzle

Sift cocoa powder and flour to combine. SLOWLY

one tablespoon of chocolate syrup and swirl

whisk about ¼ c. of the milk (or slightly more)

glass to distribute it around inside edge. In a

into cocoa/flour mix until it becomes a paste.

blender, combine vodka, Kahlúa, Irish cream,

Cocoa will clump if milk is added too fast. When

heavy cream, crème de cacao, and ice.

all the cocoa and flour are a wet paste, add sugar,

Blend until smooth. Carefully pour mixture

nutmeg, cloves, peppers, and cinnamon. Heat the

into prepared cocktail glasses. Garnish with

remainder of the milk in a saucepan (or double-

whipped cream and chocolate chips or cocoa

boiler if you worry about burning) over medium

powder, if desired.

and a creamy texture. Remove from heat and stir in cocoa powder and honey. Combine well and adjust flavor with more cocoa, almond milk or honey to taste. Serve in bowls and top quinoa with fruit, coconut, dark chocolate chips and other desired toppings. Add a splash of almond milk for extra almond flavor. (continues)



Shredded Chicken Mole Tacos (Instant Pot and Slow Cooker options) INGREDIENTS: ½ Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 1 small yellow onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, roughly chopped 1 can (14.5 oz.) fire-roasted diced tomatoes 2 chipotle peppers from one can of chipotles peppers in adobo sauce 1Tbsp. adobo sauce from the can of chipotle peppers ¼ c. toasted pepitas or toasted sliced almonds ¼ c. raisins 2 Tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder 1 tsp. kosher salt 1 tsp. ground cumin ½ tsp. ground cinnamon

Nutella Banana Crepes INGREDIENTS:

Filet with Chocolate Port Wine Sauce

½ c. flour


1 large egg

2 filet mignon steaks

1 Tbsp. melted butter

1 tsp. pink Himalayan salt

Pinch of salt

½ tsp. white pepper

6 Tbsp. low-fat milk

½ tsp. black pepper

¼ c. water

2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Butter for the crepes

4 oz. unsweetened chocolate

¼ c. Nutella

1 c. port wine

2 bananas, peeled and sliced

½ c. beef stock

Confectioners’ sugar

1 sprig rosemary

PREPARATION: Heat a 10” nonstick pan over medium heat. Add enough butter to coat, then add 2 Tbsp. of crepe batter and swirl pan to cover it in a thin, even film (use rubber spatula to help, if needed). Cook on first side for 3 to 4 minutes, until bottom takes on a deep golden brown color. Flip and slather a tablespoon of Nutella down the middle of the crepe, then top with a scant quarter of banana slices. Cook for 3 to 4 minutes longer, until bottom is golden brown. Fold crepe sides over filling and slip onto a plate. Top with a few slices of banana and a shake of confectioners’ sugar and/or drizzle of warmed Nutella. Repeat to make three more crepes. Add whipped cream or vanilla ice cream for an additional treat. For more fruit flavor, mix sliced strawberries or other berries in with sliced banana. 32


2 shallots, peeled and sliced PREPARATION: Pre-heat oven to 400°. Mince rosemary sprig leaves. Rub steaks with 1 Tbsp. of olive oil, salt, and pepper. Set aside. Add remaining olive oil to saucepan, then add shallots. Sauté until tender, approximately 4 minutes. Add in rosemary, and stir well. Pour in broth and bring to a simmer. Mix in port wine and simmer until it reduces by half. In the meantime, heat an oven-safe skillet the stove on medium-high heat. Once hot, place steaks in skillet. Sear steaks for 2 minutes on each side, then place in 400° oven. Turn off the oven, do not open door, and set a timer for 4 minutes. Chop up chocolate. Remove sauce from heat, and whisk in chocolate until it is melted and smooth. Remove steak from oven, and place on a cutting board to settle for 5 minutes. Spoon the sauce onto plates. Plate steak over sauce.

2 lbs. boneless skinless chicken breasts or thighs FOR SERVING: Prepared corn tortillas (or flour, if preferred) Freshly chopped cilantro, avocado, cotija cheese, queso fresco or other desired toppings PREPARATION: Set a 6-quart or larger Instant Pot or similar electric pressure cooker to SAUTE. Add the olive oil. Once hot, add onion and sauté until softened, about 3 to 4 minutes. Add garlic and cook just until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Turn off Instant Pot and scrape onion and garlic into a blender. Return insert to pot and set back to SAUTE. Add a few splashes of water to clean out pot, scrape out and discard any browned bits. Turn off Instant Pot. Add to the blender with the onions: tomatoes, chipotle peppers, adobo sauce, pepitas, raisins, cocoa powder, salt, cumin, and cinnamon. Blend until smooth. Lightly coat the Instant Pot with nonstick spray and place chicken inside. Pour sauce over the top and do not stir. Cover and seal Instant Pot. Cook on HIGH pressure for 8 minutes (for chicken breasts) or 10 minutes (for chicken thighs). Vent immediately. Remove chicken to a plate. Turn Instant Pot to SAUTE and bring sauce to a simmer. Let bubble, stirring occasionally, until sauce is rich and thick, about 10 minutes. Place a layer of paper towels over top as sauce cooks to catch any splatters. While sauce cooks, shred chicken. Return chicken to pot and toss with (continues)

Filet with Chocolate Port Wine Sauce





thickened sauce. Serve shredded chicken and

Drop dough by rounded tablespoons or using

sauce as filling for tacos with desired toppings or

medium cookie scoop onto ungreased cookie

over brown rice and black beans for a mole bowl.

sheets (line with parchment paper, if desired), 2 inches apart. (Makes approximately 2 dozen large

To make in a slow cooker: sauté onions and garlic

cookies.) Bake low and slow for 18-22 minutes or

in a skillet and make sauce as described above.

until golden brown. Transfer cookies immediately

Place chicken and sauce in slow cooker as directed

to a baking rack or cool surface.

and cook for 1½ to 2½ hours on high or 4 to 5 hours on low. After chicken is cooked, transfer the sauce to a saucepan to reduce on stovetop on medium-high heat. Add chicken to saucepan to toss with sauce, then serve.

Salted Chocolate Brownies INGREDIENTS: ¼ c. mild, good quality, fresh extra virgin olive oil (avoid oil with strong or peppery flavors) 8 oz. bittersweet chocolate, chopped ¾ c. granulated sugar 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract 2 large eggs ¼ c. all-purpose flour 1 Tbsp. espresso powder

FOR FILLING: 7 oz. white chocolate, finely chopped 1 lb. cream cheese, at room temperature 1 c. confectioners’ sugar 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract ¼ tsp. finely grated orange zest ¼ tsp. finely grated lemon zest 1 c. heavy cream

fleur de sel finishing salt FOR TOPPING: PREPARATION:

Blue-Ribbon Chocolate Chip Cookies

Strawberries, sliced or quartered, to top/garnish

Preheat oven to 350°. Line a 8x8inch brownie pan with parchment paper, allowing excess paper


to hang over all sides. Lightly spray parchment

In medium bowl, mix graham cracker crumbs

paper with cooking spray. In medium bowl set

with butter, sugar, vanilla and salt until evenly

over a pot of simmering water, warm olive oil and

moistened. Press crumbs over bottom of a


bittersweet chocolate together over low heat,

9-inch round springform pan. Freeze until

2 ½ c. all-purpose flour

stirring until chocolate is completely melted

firm, about 20 minutes. In a microwave-

½ tsp. baking soda

and smooth. Remove from heat and stir in sugar

safe bowl, microwave white chocolate on

and vanilla, then beat eggs in one at a time.

high power in 10-second intervals until just

Add flour, espresso powder and stir vigorously

melted. Let cool slightly. In large bowl (or

for 1 minute until batter becomes smooth and

in stand mixer with paddle), beat together

shiny. Scrape batter into prepared brownie pan

cream cheese with confectioners’ sugar,

and sprinkle some fleur de sel evenly on top of

vanilla, orange and lemon zests until smooth.

batter. Place in oven and bake for approximately

Gradually beat in white chocolate. Set aside.

30 minutes. Let cool completely before

Pour cream into large bowl and whisk at

removing brownies from pan using parchment

high speed until firm peaks form. Stir 1/3 of

paper and cutting into squares.

whipped cream into cream cheese mixture,

¼ tsp. salt 1 c. (packed) dark brown sugar ½ c. granulated sugar 2 sticks (1 c.) salted butter, cold, cut into cubes 2 large eggs 2 tsp. vanilla extract 12 oz. semi-sweet (or milk) chocolate chips PREPARATION:

then continue to fold in remaining whipped

Preheat oven to 300° degrees. In a medium

No-Bake White Chocolate Cheesecake with Strawberries

cream until no streaks remain. Spread


quarter strawberries (toss in sugar, if desired).

1½ c. graham cracker crumbs

Top cheesecake with strawberries or use

chocolate chips, and blend at low speed until just

1 stick unsalted butter, melted

to garnish slices. Cut cake into wedges to

mixed. Again, careful not to overmix. Refrigerate

¼ c. granulated sugar

serve. (Cheesecake can be prepared and

dough at least 30 min. before baking for best

½ tsp. pure vanilla extract

refrigerated for up to 3 days. Add strawberries

results. (Dough can be refrigerated up to 2 days.)

Pinch of sea salt

just before serving.) (continues)

bowl, combine flour, soda, and salt. Mix well with wire whisk. Set aside. In a large bowl with an electric mixer, blend sugars at medium speed. Add butter and mix to form a grainy paste, scraping down sides of bowl. Add eggs and vanilla extract, and mix at medium speed until just blended. Do not overmix. Add flour mixture and

cheesecake filling over chilled crust in an even layer. Cover with foil and refrigerate for at least 3 hours or overnight. Loosen cheesecake and remove from pan. Slice or



flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and

pecans. Chill until ready to serve. Slice into 1-inch

whisk vigorously until batter has just combined,

squares and store in an airtight container in the

about 1 minute. Pour batter (loose and fairly

refrigerator for up to a week.

runny consistency), into prepared pan and bake for about 25 minutes, or until top has set and a toothpick or cake tester inserted in center comes out clean. Allow cake to cool in pan completely, at least 30 minutes, before adding ganache, or before slicing and serving. Unfrosted cake can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 5 days, or store frosted cake in the refrigerator for up to 5 days FOR GANACHE: Place chocolate in a medium microwave-safe bowl and heat on high power for 1 minute to soften chocolate; set aside. In a small microwave-safe bowl or measuring cup, heat the cream or half-and-half on high power just until it begins to bubble and show signs of boiling,

Easy Chocolate Cake with Ganache INGREDIENTS FOR CAKE: 1 large egg 1 c. granulated sugar 6 oz. plain, vanilla, or chocolate Greek yogurt (NOT diet, fat-free or light) ¼ c. canola or vegetable oil 1½ tsp. vanilla extract ½ c. brewed coffee, room temperature/warm (NOT hot) ½ c. unsweetened natural cocoa powder (like Hershey’s) 1 c. all-purpose flour

about 60 to 75 seconds. Pour hot cream over chocolate and let it stand about 1 minute. Whisk vigorously until chocolate has melted and mixture is smooth and velvety. Add vanilla

pan with aluminum foil and spray with cooking spray, or grease and flour pan; set aside. In large mixing bowl combine egg, sugar, yogurt, oil, vanilla, and whisk until smooth and combined. Add coffee, cocoa powder, and whisk vigorously until batter is smooth and free from lumps. Add 36


1 pkg. (4 oz.) Baker’s unsweetened chocolate ¼ c. butter 1½ c. confectioner’s sugar

in large bowl for 2 min. Stir in whipped topping.

of it over the cake. Lightly smooth and spread

Layer about 1/3 of the grahams and half the

the ganache with a spatula or offset knife. Allow

pudding mixture in 13x9-inch pan, breaking

ganache to set up at room temperature for at

grahams as necessary to fit; repeat layers. Top

least 30 minutes before slicing and serving the

with remaining grahams. Microwave chocolate and

cake; or speed this process up by placing pan in

butter in medium microwaveable bowl on high 1½

the refrigerator or freezer briefly.

min., stirring after 1 minute. Stir until chocolate is

2 c. dark or semi-sweet chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350°. Line 9x9 square baking

22 graham crackers (use chocolate grahams for added chocolate flavor)

Whisk together pudding mix and 1-3/4 c. milk

9 oz. semi-sweet chocolate (can use chips or bar, choose sweetness of chocolate you desire from milk to dark)


1 tub (8 oz.) frozen whipped topping, thawed

a bit. Whisk mixture briefly before pouring all


1 tsp. vanilla extract

2 c. cold milk, divided



¾ c. heavy cream or half-and-half

1 pkg. (3.4 oz.) vanilla instant pudding

minutes, allowing ganache to cool and thicken

½ tsp. salt, optional

½ tsp. baking powder


and stir to combine. Set bowl aside for about 10

Microwave Chocolate Pecan Fudge

1 tsp. baking soda

No-Bake Éclair Squares

14 oz.sweetened condensed milk ¼ c. butter 1 tsp. vanilla extract 1 c. chopped pecans + 2 Tbsp. for topping PREPARATION: Combine chocolate, milk, and butter in medium glass bowl and heat in microwave for 90 seconds. Stir to combine and heat another 15 seconds if needed. Add vanilla and stir until smooth. Stir in 1 c. of pecans. Pour mixture into parchment lined loaf pan. Spread with spatula to approximately 1-inch thickness. Top with remaining chopped

completely melted and mixture is well blended. Add sugar and remaining milk; mix well. Spread over grahams. Refrigerate at least 4 hours before slicing and serving.


e hope you try some of these out for your Valentine’s Day culinary endeavors and they find a treasured spot among your favorite recipes. If you’d rather let someone else do the cooking (after all, self-love is important too!), stop by the Market at Sea Island for a grab-and-go dinner. They’ll be making chocolate covered strawberries and chocolate strawberry tarts for the occasion, so even if you didn’t grab a box of chocolates for your love, you won’t miss out on continuing this delectable age-old tradition.


e timto e n i w

set aside Saturday, February 22, for a fun day of sipping, savoring, and shopping presented by Auxiliary of Hospice of the Golden Isles at the 7th annual Wine Women & Shoes. This fabulous event that showcases a designer boutique marketplace and award-winning wines returns to The Cloister on Sea Island from 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. You and your friends can enjoy a delectable lunch prepared by the Sea Island culinary team and sample a phenomenal selection of vintages and varietals while you shop designer fashions and accessories from an array of carefully curated vendors. Be sure to find Martha Banister and her team from The Pampered Foot, because she’s brilliant at getting the very newest styles from the best shoe designers! In addition, you can bid on outstanding auction lots and purchase Key to the Cellar raffle tickets for a chance to win 50 bottles of wine or tickets for the Key to the Closet offering the ultimate prize: your dream closet! Dress to impress and don your most stylish shoes and you could win the Best in Shoe contest. The Shoe Judges will be circulating the crowd and taking notes, so put your best foot forward! While the live auction is always lively and entertaining, the highlight of the afternoon is the high-energy fashion runway show. Sit back and enjoy your wine as you watch models from the community rocking the catwalk in fashions from local retailers that range from sassy swim and activewear (continues)





to glamorous gowns. If prior years’ shows are any indicator, prepare to be impressed! Another highly anticipated feature of this girls’ day out with a purpose is seeing the Shoe Guys. An assembled cast of charming gents from our community provide some personal pampering by making sure the wine glasses stay filled and circulating with trays that display items available from vendors at the event. There’s gorgeous jewelry, sensuous scarves, and must-have handbags, in addition to the mindboggling assortment of shoes. These handsome and charismatic fellas are competing for the titles of “King of Sole” and “Prince of Sole” by raising money through online donations. The Shoe Guys receiving the most donations will be “crowned” at the event, so you’ll want to be there to see who earns the royal treatment. This year’s participants include: Andy Broderick, Dr. Mike Cordle, Brandon Derrick, Bob Blanchard, Chris Bennett, Eric Friedrich II, Jeremy James, Frank Solana and Scott Hummel, with others being added as we get closer to the event. The campaign should be up and running online soon, so watch the WWS website and Facebook page for your link to vote. Tickets are $100 for general admission and $150 for VIP admission. You and your girlfriends can purchase a VIP that seats 8 for $1,200 or a general admission table that seats 8 for $800. VIP purchases enjoy early admission at 11:00 a.m. Seating is assigned in advance, so if you plan to sit with friends, you must purchase your seats in a bundle or note their names

in the Special Accommodations section of your purchase. Read the ticket descriptions carefully and make sure that you purchase the same type of tickets as your planned tablemates. General Admission seats will not be placed at VIP tables and tables seat 8 guests. No exceptions. At the time of writing a limited number of Sparkling Tables that seat 10 were added with a price of $2,000. Sparkling Table guests enjoy early admission, premier seating, gifts for each attendee, and a dedicated charming sparkling steward at your table. These are the only tables that will be served bubbles during the seated portion of the event and the only tables that seat 10 people. As they are the best seats in the house, they may be snapped up before we go to print, but we’re mentioning it in case any availability remains or additional tables are added. Last year the event sold out three weeks in advance, so do not delay in getting your tickets! Raffle tickets are $25 for the Key to the Cellar and $100 for the Key to the Closet. Please note that these raffle tickets can be purchased online via the WWS website at any time before the event and you do not need to be present at the event to win. If you can’t attend the event, but still want to show your support for Hospice of the Golden Isles, this is another terrific way.

ability to pay. HGI is a proud beneficiary of the United Way and they rely heavily on individual memorials, donations and fundraisers. Their ability to provide a continuance of award-winning quality care depends heavily on the generosity of our community. The services and support they provide for patients and their families are invaluable. Auxiliary of Hospice of the Golden Isles is a member-driven organization dedicated to supporting and advancing the mission of HGI. Their goal is to raise funds needed to help HGI focus on maintaining the dignity of their patients, providing physical comfort and pain management, and meeting the social, emotional and spiritual needs of patients and their families. For more information about Wine, Women & Shoes at The Cloister, email Becky Derrick at wwsgoldenisles@gmail.com. Visit winewomenandshoes.com/event/goldenisles for the most updated information about the event and to purchase tickets, and follow Wine Women & Shoes Golden Isles on Facebook. Be there. Be giving. Be fabulous!

Hospice of the Golden Isles is a communitybased, non-profit organization. This year marks the 40th year that the organization has been providing unparalleled hospice care to patients with advanced illnesses and their families for our five-county area, regardless of a patient’s

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he 19th year of the Red Hot Rotary Chili Cookoff brings a new look to the branding of this springtime staple of the Golden Isles Rotary Club (who has also formalized their name with a new logo of their own). Local artist ED Hose created this cute and colorful illustation for the cookoff to demonstrate the fun feel of the event and breathe some new life into the marketing of this nearly two decade old March tradition. The popular family-friendly culinary showcase at Postell Park in the Village on St. Simons Island heralds the arrival of spring event season and is enthusiastically supported by the community with annual attendance averaging over 2,000 people. The cookoff will take place on Saturday, March 7. Gates open and ticket-holding “Official Tasters” can make their rounds to cast votes for their favorites in the People’s Choice competition between 11:30 a.m. and 1:45 p.m. In addition to the popular vote winner in the People’s Choice category, judges present awards for Judged Competition Best Chili, Best Heat, Most Unique, and Best Booth Theme. Every

year the chili teams turn up the heat and make this a fun and hotly contested challenge for bragging rights. Sirens and bells announcing votes earned punctuate the day’s festivities and live music by The Stringrays keeps the crowd entertained. The awards ceremony takes place around 2:15 p.m. Tickets will be available for $10 at the gate or can be purchased in advance from Golden Isles Rotary Club members at $8 for adults and $5 for children 7 and under. Proceeds from the chili cookoff are donated locally to humanitarian efforts including the Club’s partnership with Goodyear Elementary School’s Child in Crisis and literacy programs. Some of the other non-profits supported with the proceeds of last year’s cookoff include Golden Isles Youth Orchestra, Coastal Outreach Soccer, Grace House, HIS Ministries, Coastal Coalition for Children Grandparent Connection, Seaside Enrichment Camp, Sparrows Nest, and Safe Harbor. For more information or to buy advance tickets, call Molly Duckworth at 912.506.1115.

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Our Students, Our Village by Anna Martin


any children of all ages in our community suffer silently, carrying much heavier loads than books in their backpack. They face great hardships like losing a home, parent, or sibling, and often lose the will to continue to work toward graduation. Feelings of abandonment, hopelessness, depression, suicide and more are packed into these children’s lives, causing them to give up on a chance of ever becoming successful in life. Such was the story for Alexis, a former student assisted by Communities in Schools of Glynn



County (CIS of Glynn) who lost both her mother and stepfather in a domestic dispute in fourth grade. She tearfully shared her testimony of how her CIS site coordinator, Tara Williford, changed her life and helped her to graduate high school and continue to college: “It takes a lot for somebody to care for you as they have for me. And it hurts because my own family, my own blood, won’t do that. But she’s willing to do that for me.” “It takes a village to raise a child,” is an African proverb meaning that an entire community of people must interact with children for those

children to experience and grow in a safe and healthy environment. And that is exactly what CIS of Glynn is doing. They work tirelessly to prevent students like Alexis from dropping out by surrounding them with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school


and achieve in life. Following this mission, CIS focuses on helping to increase the graduation rate by providing services and support to enable students to overcome those life challenges they face.

CIS of Glynn is part of a national organization founded by Bill Milliken, who believed that “It’s relationships, not programs, that change children.” His idea of bringing community resources inside public schools began in New York City in the 1970s and has grown to work directly with 2,300 schools in 25 states. By working alongside the Glynn County School System, CIS of Glynn manages the cases of those students most at-risk to drop out of school by tracking their academic, behavior and attendance data and providing (continues) TOP: BHS and GA seniors in the CIS of Glynn program (some students not pictured). ABOVE: Alexis, a CIS of Glynn success story. RIGHT: A graduate proudly displays his CIS t-shirt. OPPOSITE PAGE (inset): Some of the seniors stop for a group selfie.



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the support they need to stay focused on the goal of graduation and success in life. They believe that every child needs and deserves the “Five Basic Needs”: a one-on-one relationship with a caring adult, a safe place to learn and grow, a healthy start and a healthy future, a marketable skill to use upon graduation, and a chance to give back to peers and the community. CIS currently serves eight schools in Glynn County: Brunswick High School, Glynn Academy, Glynn Middle School, Needwood Middle School, Altama Elementary School, Burroughs-Molette Elementary School, Goodyear Elementary School, and Glynn Learning Center. While successful promotion to the next grade level is the goal for all students, high school caseloads remain the largest among all levels. CIS hires site coordinators for each of the schools it serves. The site coordinators work with school administrators to determine which students need intervention. They meet with these students, their teachers, the CIS staff, and in some cases their parents and/or social workers, to devise a plan and address the issues to improve academics and behavior. And the program works. According to Executive Director Lynn Love, “We had 18 seniors at each high school last year, and they all graduated on time. And they all had a plan after graduation.” During the 2018-2019 school year, the more than 460 students who received CIS of Glynn services achieved an overall promo-


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Brandon Lewis, Tara Williford and Jazmin Ponce at last year’s CIS Shamrockin’ fundraiser.

tion rate of 86.4 percent. For the second consecutive year, 100 percent of students at Brunswick High School and Glynn Academy who received CIS services graduated from high school, which contributed to an overall Glynn County graduation rate of 93.7 percent. Glynn County was also recognized as a state leader in graduation rates for the second consecutive year for the 20182019 school year. This year, there are 42 CIS seniors at Brunswick High and Glynn Academy. Currently 20 have been accepted into college and others are awaiting acceptance, pending scores and transcripts, or looking at trade schools or military. Jazmin Ponce, site coordinator at Glynn Academy, sees firsthand the impact CIS of Glynn makes on these students. “It’s been pretty amazing, seeing them get to this point now and getting them graduated.” All Ponce’s senior students plan to or have already applied to the College of Coastal Georgia and all are signed up for the SAT. Graduation rates aren’t the only numbers growing for Commu-

nities in Schools. In addition to establishing an additional program site at Altama Elementary School at the start of the 20192020 school year, CIS and the school system also implemented a new strategy in which the CIS Student Support Team leader now oversees the progress monitoring of more than 500 students in the schools with CIS program sites. This includes all students at those schools, not just the ones who are involved directly at the CIS program. And progress monitoring doesn’t only include improving student’s academic success. Many cases involve personal influence in their everyday lives such as helping a child to see a dentist, getting eye glasses, finding a homecoming dress, assisting with senior picture fees, and so much more to give the child a support system that they sometimes do not receive at home. After all, the mission of Communities in Schools is to help students achieve in life, and that means in their academics, their future plans and their personal lives. In addition to determining the simple things like (continues)

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what supplies are needed for school, the CIS team also case manages the complex issues such as social and emotional distress, trauma, family discord and more. “We are in the business of creating developmental relationships,” says Tonya Barbee, CIS Clinical Program Manager. Tonya uses a specific training method with site coordinators and CIS staff applying research-based language on a developmental framework of five levels. The first: just listen and be warm. Asked how the organization has continued to improve, Love says that over time, growth has come from the increased need for assistance from the school system and has been achieved by more support within the community. She also says the partnership with the school system has really strengthened over the last two years, driving the direction for which schools should be considered for CIS services in the future. “Our ultimate goal is to establish a CIS program site in every Title I school in Glynn County,” Love said. Dr. Valerie Whitehead, executive director for strategy and innovation for the Glynn County School System, serves as the school system’s liaison on the CIS of Glynn Board of Directors. “After working first-hand in the schools with CIS and tracking the data on discipline referrals and interventions, we saw that CIS

was having better success in providing interventions that really work.” Whitehead praises CIS for their vision. Rather than viewing the child’s need for progress as something wrong with the child, the CIS staff looks at issues “from the angle of ‘What’s wrong with this picture? What’s going on in this child’s life that we can address so the child can be successful?’” Love encourages Glynn County to join Communities in Schools in improving our community by starting with our county’s students. “At the end of the day, the more kids we can graduate and either connect them to the workforce or college or the military, the stronger and healthier our community is going to be.” There are a number of ways to show your support. You can help CIS’ mission while having a jammin’ good time at their 7th annual fundraising event: JAMbalaya on February 28th at scenic Village Creek Landing on St. Simons Island. This New Orleans-themed night will feature Cajun dishes, drinks, and live music by the modern-rock fivepiece Jupiter Coyote. Come celebrate the successes of this incredible organization and contribute to the continued expansion of lives saved through CIS of Glynn, all while enjoying a festive night at a beautiful venue. Tickets are $75 and include a deli-

cious meal and two drink tickets (cash bar will be available). Ticket purchases can easily be made by sending a Venmo to @CIS-Glynn38. For other payment options and questions, contact Casey Cate at ccate@cisglynn.org or 912.223.4641. Unable to attend the event? Volunteers are always needed at CIS of Glynn, especially those able to tutor or mentor a student. To find out how you can help, contact Casey. Monetary donations are always welcome and can made online at glynncounty.communitiesinschools.org or made payable to Communities in Schools of Glynn County and mailed to P.O. Box 2318, Brunswick, GA 31521. Items always in need include backpacks, general school supplies, non-perishable snacks, socks, undergarments, coats and personal hygiene items. 100 percent of donations go directly toward student support and are 100 percent tax deductible. To stay up to date on ways you can be a part of the CIS organization, follow CIS of Glynn on Facebook (facebook.com/cisofglynncounty) and Instagram (@cisofglynn). It takes a village to support our community’s children in need. Become a part of Communities in Schools of Glynn County’s village today to impact a child for life.

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All Aboard & All Insured Why You Should Insure Your Boats and Yachts by C h r i s Te m p l e t o n , M o r r i s & Te m p l e t o n I n s u ra n ce


ife in the Golden Isles means unmatched access to pristine waterways. Residents embrace life on the water through socialized boating, fishing, and water sports. Whether you enjoy fishing on your boat or prefer relaxing with family and friends on your yacht, it’s important that you’re all insured before being all aboard. Often times your homeowners policy will cap boat coverage at ten percent of your home’s insured value or just cover up to $1,000 in damages. So it’s best to take the guesswork out and give Morris & Templeton Insurance a call as soon as you bring home that new treasured watercraft. We never want to think the worst, but accidents happen. Finding the right boat insurance will come to the rescue should damage or theft take place. Most boat owners buy liability insurance, which covers the damage your boat could do to others (according to the Insurance Information Institute, it provides coverage in amounts from $15,000 to $300,000). For example: damage from a collision, fire, theft, or vandalism; destruction from an anchor or piece of attached equipment; coverage if some-

one gets hurt on your boat; and any kind of harm done to someone else’s property. Should tragedy strike, how do you get paid? There are typically two ways: actual cash value and agreed amount value. Actual cash value pays you at the time of the damage, based on the market value of your boat. On the other hand, agreed amount value pays you a specific amount that you and your insurance company agreed on beforehand. If your boat isn’t completely destroyed, then your insurance company will likely replace old items with new ones, while also not deducting for depreciation. When the unexpected happens, make sure you know what your policy covers. Liability insurance usually does not cover normal wear and tear, damage from dolphins, sharks, or any wildlife, nor will it cover mold. Boating is a luxury for so many of us! Boat insurance makes it that much more enjoyable and stress-free. There are a couple of things to

remember when you decide on your coverage plan. Most policies have a navigational limit, meaning you have to stay within a certain territory in order for any accidents to be covered by insurance. Also, it might be tempting to let your 13-year-old drive your boat every once in a while, but don’t forget that there are age and license requirements for operating your

personal watercraft. Insurance policies, oftentimes, don’t cover anyone underage. Canoes, watercraft under 25 mph, and boats with small engines won’t need boat insurance but anything above and beyond should be covered. For more information and to get insured, call Morris & Templeton Insurance at 912.355.4549 today, so you can take delight in life on the water without any added stress. You can also visit their website at morristempleton.com.

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ith the generous support of the community, last year “On Par” to Cure Breast Cancer (CGA Cure Breast Cancer) was able to donate $20,650 to Susan G. Komen Coastal Georgia. This year they raised this year’s goal to $22,000 and you can help by participating in the 17th annual “On Par” to Cure Breast Cancer Social & Scramble be held March 30-31at Sea Palms Resort. Now is the time to for you to wear your pink attire proudly and tee up for this great cause. There are so many ways to participate. You can go to the social, donate a gift certificate, a theme basket, bottle or wine or other spirits to the silent auction or raffles, or play in the golf scramble. You’ll also be able to bid on some great silent auction items (valued at $100 or more) at the social and golf scramble. If you

love an item, you can donate the “buy it now” price and take it home on Monday night.

range balls, breakfast snacks, cart snacks, the luncheon, and tournament prizes.

The social will be on Monday, March 30th from 4:00-7:00 p.m. There will be some light bites, a cash bar and entertainment. There will be 50/50 raffles and baskets of cheer to bid on, as well as the silent auction. Cost is $15 for those not participating in the golf scramble.

If you want to become a sponsor it’s easy and there are lots of options. Become a Luncheon Table Sponsor ($75) or sign up for a Hole Sponsorship at the Birdie ($100-$149), Eagle ($150-$249), or Double Eagle ($250+) level. Be a Major Sponsor of the CGA Cure Breast Cancer Event at $1,000, $1,500, or $2,500. You could also sponsor snacks, food, beverages, or other gifts for the social or golf scramble.

The four-person Golf Scramble will tee off on the beautiful new golf course at Sea Palms Tuesday morning, March 31st at 9:00 a.m. Last year, they had a full field of 120 men and women golfers, so sign up early. The cost of $125 per golfer includes a donation to Susan G. Komen Coastal Georgia, entry to Monday evening’s social, golf fees, Mulligan package (2 Mulligans or Shorts),

Please contact co-chair Carol Sabo at 912.634.6867 to take advantage of sponsorship opportunities, or to register. Put on your pink and come out to Sea Palms Resort and scramble in support of a cure for breast cancer.


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CUNNINGHAM RETIRES HunterMaclean, a leading business law firm with offices in St. Simons Island and Savannah, congratulates attorney Robert M. Cunningham on his retirement. Bob has been a respected member of the Golden Isles legal community for over 40 years. He joined HunterMaclean in 2012 and has been an integral part of the team. “Bob’s extensive knowledge and experience in creditors rights, bankruptcy, foreclosure, and real estate matters have been invaluable and appreciated by his longtime clients and colleagues,” said managing partner Brad Harmon. “Most importantly, Bob is simply a very good person.” Bob has deep community ties and is a generous volunteer. He has served as legal advisor to several area nonprofit organizations, as a charter member of Wesley United Methodist Church at Frederica, and as a member of the Kiwanis Club of Brunswick. We hope the Golden Isles community will join HunterMaclean in wishing Bob well in his retirement. 455 Sea Island Rd., 912.262.5996. huntermaclean.com.

COSMETIC & FAMILY DENTISTRY Highly Recommended. Highly Referred. Accepting New Patients. 54


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WEST AWARDED GRI DESIGNATION Linton “Bubba” West, associate broker with Sea Island Properties, was awarded the Graduate, REALTOR® Institute (GRI) designation. He joins other top producers in the residential real estate industry who hold the designation across the nation. Bubba earned the “Graduate, REALTOR® Institute” (GRI) by attending a minimum of 80 hours of classroom instruction, covering a variety of subjects including: contract law, professional standards, sales and marketing, finance, and risk reduction. In addition, he has learned the fundamentals of brokerage and other areas of real estate specialization. With this designation and through increased awareness of current topics important to the real estate professional, such as legal issues, these REALTORS® can better serve prospective clients. Bubba’s designations also include Accredited Buyer’s Representative, Seller Representative Specialist, Resort and Second-Home Property Specialist, and Real Estate Negotiation Expert. You can reach Bubba at 912.291.2189 or lintonwest@seaislandproperties.com. seaislandproperties.com.


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BUSINESS BUZZ HOSPICE OF THE GOLDEN ISLES HONORS The Hospice of the Golden Isles (HGI) leadership team recently recognized Helen Benefield Billings for her years of dedication and service on the Board of Directors and beyond as a hospice champion. HGI CEO, Karen Miller said, “Helen is a faithful friend of Hospice of the Golden Isles, and we are truly grateful for her many contributions to support our mission. We are delighted to thank and honor Helen for her many years of service on our Board of Directors.” Hospice of the Golden Isles is a 501(c) 3 community-based, nonprofit organization serving patients in Glynn, Camden, McIntosh, Brantley and Charlton counties. Hospice provides care for the body, mind, and spirit, focusing on expert pain and symptom management and improving quality of life for patients with life-limiting illnesses. For more information about HGI’s services, call 912.265.4735 or visit Hospice.me. TRAVEL SERVICE WELCOMES NEW TEAM Travel Service is excited to welcome Jamie Pazur to their team as a Travel Advisor. They’re also thrilled to announce that Donna Simpson is moving to a full time role as Travel Advisor. In November, Kemper Sarrett took over ownership of the business, bringing with him almost 30 years of experience in the travel industry. This Jamie Pazur and Donna exciting development Simpson allows for Camille to transition into retirement and Ann to spend more time doing what she loves, traveling with groups and researching new adventures to offer, while both still continue to serve clients remotely. Jamie and Donna round out the team in the office and can help you with your global travel needs. Please stop by Travel Service at 1806 Frederica Road to welcome these two ladies or call 912.638.6888 and start planning your next vacation! travelservicessi.com.

MARSH’S EDGE ACCEPTING SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS Marsh’s Edge is currently accepting applicants for their annual Silver Pen Writing Competition. This writing competition awards three local high school seniors with scholarships ranging from $500 to $2,500. This year’s essay topic is “Right now, you are nearing your high school graduation and preparing for your future. What do you want your legacy to be? What do you want to have accomplished?” Participants are required to submit an essay with a minimum of 1,000 words, application form and transcript. Entries must be received by February 14. The Members at Marsh’s Edge play an integral role as judges in the competition. “It’s a great scholarship opportunity and way to connect our Members with the local community,” said Chris Thorpe, Marsh’s Edge Executive Director. The complete rules, eligibility and submission information for The Silver Pen Competition are available at silverpen-slc.com.





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W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G DADDY-DAUGHTER EVENING OUT Dads need to shine up their dancing shoes and pick some posies for their best girls. The annual Father-Daughter Dance presented by the American Cancer Society Victory Board will take place at Ziggy’s on St. Simons Island Sunday, February 9 from 4-7:00 p.m. Tickets to the dance are only $10 per person and include refreshments, music, and ample opportunity for photos. They can be purchased at Jill Stanford Dance Studio, Bailey Boys, Cutie Patooties, Lillie B. Tween and Whippersnappers or online at acsvictoryboard.org. If you buy tickets at Bailey Boys, Cutie Patooties or Lillie B. Tween, pick out a new party dress too, because they’ll donate 10% of dress sales for the event to American Cancer Society. Spoil your precious princesses and help support a worthy cause, sounds like a win-win for everybody! It’s a perfect early Valentine!

HERE COME THE CALENDAR GIRLS Brunswick Actors’ Theatre presents Calendar Girls by Tim Firth. When Annie’s husband dies of leukemia, she and her best friend resolve to raise money for a new settee in the local hospital waiting room. They manage to persuade four friends to pose nude with them for an “alternative” calendar, with a little help from a hospital porter and amateur photographer. News spreads like wildfire, and hordes of press descend on their small Yorkshire village. The calendar is a success, but friendship is put to the test under the strain of new-found fame. Showtimes: Saturdays, February 15, 22, & 29 at 8:00 p.m., Sundays, February 16, 23, & March 1 at 3:00 p.m. (doors open 45 minutes prior). Desserts and coffee/tea are served before the show and during intermission. $25 per person. For reservations, call 912.280.0023.

JOIN THE JUBILEE Come out for a night of groovy music, good food and fun for a great cause – the annual “Community Jubilee” benefiting Keep Golden Isles Beautiful. This family-friendly fundraiser takes place on Sunday, February 9th from 5-8:00 p.m. in the Tree Bar at Bennie’s Red Barn. Enjoy all-you-can-eat BBQ with all the fixings and sweet tea, live music by local favorites Backbeat Boulevard, an upcycled art silent auction, big ticket live auction, a 50/50 raffle and a cash bar. Tickets are $30 at the door. Raised funds support Keep Golden Isles Beautiful local efforts, projects and initiatives. “Fundraising is crucial to further Keep Golden Isles Beautiful’s litter prevention, waste reduction, recycling, community greening, water resource awareness and educational efforts and programs in the Golden Isles,” said KGIB board chairman Clement Cullens. For more information or to purchase tickets, contact KGIB at info.kbgib@gmail.com or 912/279.1490.

Inspired Work by Local Artists Susan Anderson Ella Cart Helen Carmichael Dottie Clark Suzanne Clements Roz Harrell Joan Hilliard Joyce Ledingham Trish Rugaber

The Gallery with the Orange Door Open Tuesday - Saturday 10-4 and by appointment

3305 Frederica Road / St. Simons Island, GA 31522 / 912-268-4761 / www.ArtTrends.Gallery.biz 58


W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G SUPER DOLPHINS ARE TRUCKIN’ There’s an exciting new addition to the 42nd edition of Super Dolphin Day! The usual 10K, 5K and 1-Mile Fun Runs will all take place on Saturday, February 22. Friday evening before the races, however, instead of the usual pasta party, there’s going to be a Food Truck-RUN Fest at the St. Simons Casino from 5-8:00 p.m. This is also where the silent auction will be set up for bidding. Everybody is welcome! An island tradition, the Dolphin Day race is the largest fundraiser for St Simons and Oglethorpe Point Elementary School PTAs. On Saturday, races start with the 10K at 7:00 a.m. and the Expo set up on the ocean side of the Casino will have bounce houses, face painting, games and more family activities to round out this fun filled day for the Golden Isles community. For more information or to register, visit superdolphinday.com.

TIME TO TACKLE THE BRIDGE Saturday, February 15, the Southeast Georgia Health System Foundation Bridge Run returns. A signature event for the Health System and the Golden Isles, this run is unique because the races take place on the 7,780-foot Sidney Lanier Bridge. Certified by the U.S. Track and Field Association as the toughest 5K in Georgia, 5K runners start on the southbound side of the bridge, go over, and return back, crossing the bridge twice. This year, runners can also opt to do a 10K Double Pump, running the course twice. The Bridge Run also includes a first responders’ challenge, fun walk, and family-friendly festival with vendors, entertainment and children’s activities. Proceeds benefit the Health System’s cancer and cardiac care programs. Friday, February 14, enjoy a pasta dinner and vendor expo at the foot of the bridge from 5-8:00 p.m. Register at the-bridge-run.org.

FEBRUARY FESTIVAL Island Concert Association brings brilliant artists to St. Simons Island every Tuesday evening in February. The 2020 Festival starts on February 4 with a return performance by romantic pianist Konstantin Soukhovetski. The powerfully entertaining women of Seraph Brass rejoin the series on February 11. Canadian violinist Claudia Schaer makes her debut with the festival on February 18. For the finale of the series on February 25, Bare Opera director Laetitia Ruccolo is returning and bringing Suchan Kim, Baritone and Liana Guberman, Mezzo Soprano, to join with her in presenting opera scenes. Rhonda Hambright will be participating as well. Concerts are presented at 7:00 p.m. in the St Simons Presbyterian Social Hall and will continue to be open to all in our community free of cost thanks to member support and generous contributions. Seating is limited. For more information about membership and concerts, visit islandconcertassociation.org.

Keepsake Jewelry from the artist of the

No matter how small or big your wrist is, silver or gold, or a bit of both, we’ll make you something special and lasting. 60


original St Simons Island Signature Bracelet and Jekyll Island Turtle Bracelet. #106 Pier Village Market, St. Simons Island (912) 638.3636 www.GIBCoBracelets.com ALL PIECES PROUDLY HANDCRAFTED IN THE BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN ISLES.

THIRTY YEARS OF GUIDING YOU HOME CHANDRA KENDALL is a life long Glynn County resident celebrating 30 years as a licensed REALTOR® with over $50 million in sales. Chandra specializes in resort, residential, and investment properties. She has received numerous awards throughout the years and is respected and praised in the real estate community. She has local knowledge and prolific experience with an unmatched global reach using the Sotheby’s International Realty brand. To see what her clients have to say about her service, look at her stellar reviews on Zillow.com. When you are ready to make a move, call Chandra. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR EXPERIENCE

Chandra.Kendall@sothebysrealty.com DeLoachSIR.com | 912.258.4233 912.638.0406 | 2901 Frederica Road | St. Simons Island, GA


©2020 DeLoach Sotheby’s International Realty. All rights reserved





CHRISTMAS IN THE GOLDEN ISLES IS A SPECIAL TIME. Holiday markets, open houses, bake sales, parades, caroling, and so much more pop up everywhere. The EIL staff tries to get out and enjoy as much as we can of the festivities. This year, we visited the homes on the Magnolia Garden Club Christmas Tour of Homes (including the requisite stop to see the gorgeous decorations and the Christopher Radko tree at Brunswick Manor), visited with the ladies at the Cassina Garden Club bake sale and Lord of Life Lutheran Church holiday market on St. Simons Island, watched the Brunswick Christmas parade, and joined the families enjoying the fun at Jekyll Island’s Winter Carnival. The lights everywhere were spectacular! Hope your holidays were wonderful too! 62








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winners were Brad Stroud, Tommy Stroud, JR Wright and Tommy Stroud Jr. The team of Matt Jones, Josh Proctor, Richard Russell and Louis Dyer came in third. Congrats to all and thank you to all who participated. Photos by Lindy Cofer. 68





there was live music in the square, and happy people everywhere. 70


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THE SANDPIPERS SOCIAL CLUB GATHERED AT ECHO IN THE KING AND PRINCE BEACH & GOLF RESORT for their annual holiday happy hour gathering. The group, made up of members who have been residents of St. Simons Island for three or more years and former Island Newcomers, came bearing gifts – pajamas and books for kids in the Head Start program. With more than 70 members participating, that helped make for a nice Christmas. 1. Susan Thompson, Cathy Simprini, Janice Davis. 2. Patti and Dennis Mehegan, Judy Hart, Gael Johnson. 3. Ralph Ainger, Steve Landis, Jerry Mooney. 4. Kathy Pennington, Linda Henderson, Barbara Browne. 5. Donna Greenberg, Joanne DeVincenzo, Denise Busby, Wendy Goldin, Nancy Harper, Fran Kielt. 6. Karen Stansbury, Corinne Ramsey, Kathy Pace. 7. Bill and Mary Askew. 8. Gary and Diane Tjaden, Carl Pennington. 9. Luke and Beth Fennell, Bruce Goldin. 10. Ed O’Grady, Joanne DeVincenzo. 11. Dave and Marcie Kerstetter. 12. Jackie Fishman, Bill and Charlotte Lueckel. 13. Steve Greenberg, John Walker, Grant Young. 14. Al Unglaub, Wendy Anderson, Kathye Unglaub. 72


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Island. This is a relocation from the former location in Brunswick for the firm that’s been serving the Golden Isles community since 1967. 1. Joel Backmore, Bill Stemble. 2. Deborah Murphy, Mary Jo Prater, Zaida Clay Harris. 3. Jim Bishop, Jimmy Bishop. 4. Scott Ledbetter, Gene Rachley. 5. Beth Knittel, Mary Bishop, Laura Slack, Doug Klinowski. 6. Greer Brown, Jason Tate, John Rose. 7. Cedric King, Jim Bishop. 8. Dodie Shepherd, Ed Crumb, Marty Crabtree THE HOSPICE OF THE GOLDEN ISLES (HGI) BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND LEADERSHIP TEAM HOSTED A HOLIDAY RECEPTION in honor of

its Dove Society Members (who donated $1000 or more in 2019) and the Lights of Love Sponsors. The reception was held at the Hospice House prior to the annual Lights of Love program and campus lighting. 9. Joy Gill, Angie Call, Lisa Rowland. 10. Con Holland, Brenda Boone-Cove, Mike Scherneck. 11. Judy Woodcock, Joyce and Johnny Thomas. 12. Leah Hayes Carriveau, Tarsia Palmer. 13. Baylie Lane, Ann Granger, Pam Morris. 14. Katie Wood, Marcia Cochran. 74




DeLoach Sotheby's Agent Feb_Layout 1 1/16/20 4:13 PM Page 1

Proudly introduces two new sales associates,

Frannie Thompson


Sandra Jones

Artfully Uniting Extraordinary Homes With Extraordinary Lives. Frannie Thompson | 334.524.7908

Sandra Jones | 770.653.6907

When looking for a friendly, reliable REALTOR®, look no further than Frannie Thompson, known as @yourfrandlyrealtor on Instagram! The South is in Frannie’s blood. She treats each client with hospitality, warmth and openness as you would want from the person helping you to find your dream home. When you are looking for a fresh, energetic REALTOR® who gives each client an individual experience, contact Frannie Thompson, your “frandly” realtor!

Whether it is a pedigreed historic property, a readymade or luxe-build, Sandra brings care and skill to the realization of your home vision and wishes. Originally getting her license here in the Golden Isles in 2002 Sandra has sold millions worth of real estate all over the South. Sandra and her husband who is a retired surgeon recently relocated to the Golden Isles for the unbeatable natural beauty and quality of life there is to offer here. Making a move? Call Sandra!



DeLoachSIR.com | 912-638-0406 | 2901 Frederica Road | St. Simons Island, GA ©2020 DeLoach Sotheby’s International Realty. All rights reserved.

TOC - Margie Feb20_Layout 1 1/16/20 6:46 PM Page 1


ISLAND LIVING REAL ESTATE Advertiser Index - FEbRuaRy 2020

76 • DeLoach Sotheby’s

84 - 85 • Coldwell Banker Platinum

93 • Joy Wright / Lilmar Properties

77 • Directory Margie Stockton

86 - 87 • Coldwell Banker Platinum Partners

94 - 95 • Palmetto Realty

88 - 89 • DeLoach Sotheby’s

96 - 99 • Sea Island Properties

90 • Ann Harrell

100 - 102 • BHHS Hodnett Cooper Luxury Listings / Condos / Listings

78 • Golden Isles Realty / Carol Pollock 79 • Rowell Auctions 91 • Micki Carter 80 - 82 • Georgia Coast Realty

103 • Pat Hodnett Cooper / Kelly Bennet 92 • Mac Sullivan / Dee Wright

83 • Ruth Heyward Beall / Kelli Osteen Phoebe Hoaster

104 - 105 • Duckworth Properties

The following pages are submitted to Elegant Island Living Magazine by Elegant Island Real Estate, LLC. Reproduction of any photographs, artwork or copy prepared by Elegant Island Real Estate, LLC is strictly prohibited without prior written permission. all advertised properties are subject to prior sale or withdrawal without notice. Elegant Island Living and Elegant Island Real Estate, LLC is not a registered real estate broker, and this publication is not an effort to assist in the buying or selling of real estate. The advertisers and publishers are not responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints, or typographical errors. Real Estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Fair Housing act of 1968 and its amendments. all electronic files submitted to Elegant Island Living Magazine or Elegant Island Real Estate, LLC. become property of the publication. © 2020 Elegant Island Living. all Rights Reserved.

For real estate advertising information: Todd Baker, Elegant Island Real Estate, LLC | 912/506-3625 | elegantislandre@gmail.com

GIRC - Carol Dec_Layout 1 1/16/20 5:33 PM Page 1

137 Newfield 4BR, 3BA home in desirable Harrison Pointe. Split BR floor plan. Master suite with 2 guest BR on main with an oversize bonus rm w/ full bath up. Private yard w/ room for pool. Mid-south on the island and apx. 3 miles to the beach! $399,000

St. Simons Grand unit #209 Ocean front complex with pool, hot tub and private beach access. Best ocean views from the kitchen, living area and master suite. 4BR / 3BA, over 2,100 SF, upgrades galore! sold furnished. $1,150,000

1205 Grand View Gorgeous 3BR, 3BA condo in immaculate condition overlooking the pool, lush landscaping with marsh views and offered furnished. Gated, salt water pool w/ zero entry, elevators & covered parking. Sea Palms Golf Course. $410,000

112 Biltmore Beautiful views of Retreat Golf Course! 4BR, 4BA, 3,150 SF, built 1994, low maintenance stucco ext., open plan, kitchen remodel in 2018 with quartz counters, white solid wood cabinetry and many other upgrades. $749,000

114 Nature Pointe Lane Great family home! Offering 4BR, 3.5BA, 2,993 SF, built 2014, open plan, top of line kitchen, master suite down, 3 guest BRs up along with a 2nd living area. Lots of outdoor space (scrn porch, patio) & room for a pool. $524,900

126 Riverview MARSH & DEEP WATER…one of a kind property! If you are looking for a home w/ MAGNIFICENT views, ability to fish & kayak w/ superb location… This is the home! 3BR, 3.5BA’s bonus room. $625,000

Carol Pollock • 912.996.2384 • CarolfSSI@bellsouth.net Helping Buyers & Sellers Since 2001

Rowell Auctions_Layout 1 1/16/20 5:34 PM Page 1

Georgia Coast Feb 1_Layout 1 1/16/20 5:38 PM Page 1


Teri Moore

135 Royal Drive This 3BR, 2.5BA home offers a GR with FP, formal DR, split plan & fenced yard. Com. has a deep water dock with boat hoist giving access to the Satilla River. Large stocked lake and 24 hr. surveillance. Access to I-95 & Jekyll Island. Call Dana. $239,500

1440 Ocean Blvd #132 Many upgrades in this 2 bedroom/2 bathroom condo that is conveniently located close to all the amenities in the complex. With tile floors, updated kitchen, new systems and recently painted, this condo is turn-key ready. $445,000

1726 Ocean Road - East Beach Breathtaking marsh front home with 6BR/7.5BA This home features 2 masters, beautiful marsh views from all porches, outdoor kitchen, and heated pool. Great buy for East Beach. Call for more details. $1,795,000

105 Grove Lane - The Grove at King City Beautiful Southern plantation style home in the village. 4BR with 4.5BA and 4,000 sf. French doors leading to multi-level balconies, elevator, hot tub, den with access to deck overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. $1,290,000

1205 Reserve Lane St. Simons Island Great location. 3BR, 2.5BA townhome with upgrades including ceramic tile and hwd floors, granite counters, custom kitchen cabinets, SS appliances, 9 ft. ceilings, & more. Great rental potential. Easy to show! $334,000

Gated Exclusive Orange Hall This Mediterranean home features a large master on main level. Upstairs are two additional guest rooms each with a bath. Eat in kitchen, family room w/FP. Large butlers pantry and 2 car garage. $575,000

316 Promise Lane, Brunswick 3BR, 2BA townhouse in a maintenance free community. AC unit and hot water heater under five years old. New paint, flooring and kitchen appliances. Many upgrades from standard floor plan. Community pool and playground are included in the monthly HOA fee. Priced to sell.$146,000

1701 Dixon - East Beach Tons of charm! 3BR/2BA split bedroom floor plan. Spacious screened in back porch great for entertaining. Large back yard overlooks green space leading you to the beach! Perfect for primary, secondary or rental income! $850,000

Dana Hill





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Georgia Coast Feb 2_Layout 1 1/16/20 5:43 PM Page 1

1409 S Windward - Sea Palms 4BR/4BA home on a private lot. Large master suite and two guest BRs on the main level. In addition, there is a large kitchen and additional room for a cozy den and a family room with fireplace. Remodeled in 2009/2010. $515,000

442 Mimosa - West Point This fabulous home with spectacular water views offers 3BR/3.5BA w/ the master suite on the main level. 4600SF, FP and windows overlooking the expansive lake, outdoor living areas, pool and large backyard. $897,500

235 Medinah - Island Club 5BR, 5BA, 2HBA home on apx 1 acre overlooking the Golf Course. 9+ foot ceilings, 4 car garage with 2 garage bays climate controlled, gourmet kitchen, wet bar, 2 FPs built-in speaker system, large heated pool and more. $1,200,000

936 Ocean Blvd. A classic 4BR/5BA beach cottage just a short distance from the ocean. Completely updated yet retains all the charm and intimacy. From the antique front door with glass to the 3rd floor observation area, this house is a MUST SEE! $850,000

409 Beach Dr. Island Beach Cottage located close the beaches & Village. Family room, reading area, updated kitchen with breakfast nook, spacious master suite, and a nice mud/laundry room. Private outside enclosed shower. Live close to the South End! $550,000

903 Ocean Blvd. Located on the south end of the island with easy access to the village, shopping, restaurants, and just a short walk to the beach. This subject property is currently rented with a great rental history. $850,000

Saint Simons Grand - Unit 218 This 4BR, 3BA condo has marvelous views and finishes. This will rent well or serve as an excellent primary or second home. HOA renovating now and current owners are covering costs. $1,150,000

118 Hawkins Island Circle 3BR, 3.5BA Mediterranean style home on Hawkins Island. Many custom features, large master suite on main, chef’s kitchen, vaulted ceilings, FR with fireplace, hwd and tile floors, screened porch and swimming pool. 1,250,000

231 Beach Club This condo is located almost at the end of the south wing at The Beach Club Condos. With ocean views from the MBR and LR, this updated/renovated condo is currently in a rental program with an excellent rental history. $455,000

117 Cypress Pt - Island Club This home offers 5BR/4.5BA with an open floor plan, the main level includes a formal DR, updated kitchen that opens to a keeping room and family room, a study and spacious master suite. Pool. Call for more details. $949,500

1000 Sea Island Rd - Gascoigne #59 2BR/1.5BA. Easy on/off island location. Close to the Village and beach. Short term rentals allowed. Fireplace in the LR and a deck which over looks a lagoon. Move in ready and being sold fully furnished. $179,000

19 Sea Oats Lane - Coast Cottages Live the vacation lifestyle year round in this exquisite beach villa. Everything you could ever want and more! 4BR/4BA, elevator, multiple deck levels include a roof top deck offering beautiful ocean views. Partially furnished. $1,275,000

105 Main Street • Plantation Village • St. Simons Island


Georgia Coast Feb 3_Layout 1 1/16/20 5:45 PM Page 1

Available Homesites West 43rd Street Sea Island -$900,000 107 Saint Annies Frederica - $374,000 626 Oglethorpe St Brunswick - $10,000 1734 Ocean Road East Beach, SSI - $695,000 120 Fish Hall Rd Brunswick - $12,000 107 Jackson Court St. Simons - $219,500 103 Davison Lane Hawkins Island - $397,500 129 Rice Mill Hampton Plantation - $190,000 00 St. Andrews Glen Rd Waverly - $21,900

1000 Mallery Street Unit M95 - Mallery Villas You don't want to miss out on this beautiful fully furnished condo. This end unit offers travertine tile (NO carpet), a sunroom with attractive built-ins, and a living room with built-in computer nook. Lots of storage and large closets. Enjoy the Community pool and grill out on your private patio. Close enough to walk and bike to the village and beach! $309,900

4203 Ninth St - East Beach 4BR, 4BA, 2HBA beach home sits on over .5 acre of oceanfront land. The interior is a palate for your imagination. Soaring ceiling heights and a kitchen that is a work of art. Framed in steel exceed all hurricane standards. Oceanfront terraces and balconies overlook the pool and ocean. Much more to offer at this exquisite home. $2,975,000

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105 Main Street Plantation Village St. Simons Island

4222 Third St. - East Beach 4BR, 3.5BA, 3 separate living areas, an open floor plan with lots of windows, a deck with spiral staircase leading to rooftop sundeck. Located just 3 houses from the beach access. A great opportunity on East Beach! $625,000

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East Beach - Sixteenth St. 5BR/5.5BA. Breathtaking views. Amazing outdoor kitchen and private pool. Sleeps 10.

Village Area - May Joe St. 4BR/5.5BA. Walking distance to the Village Pier and Beach. Private pool. Sleeps 12.

King & Prince - St. Simons Island King and Prince ocean view villas. Call today to check availability!

East Beach - Twelfth St. Charming beach home steps away from the ocean. 4BR, 5.5BA. Private Pool and Cabana. Sleeps 10.

Thirteenth St. - East Beach 6BR/4.5BA. Located near Gould’s Inlet on East Beach with saltwater pool. Steps to beach. Sleeps 12.

St. Simons Island - Ocean Rd Amazing family friendly marshfront home w/ private pool. Short walk to beach. Sleeps 14. 5.5BA!

We have 100 dierent properties to choose from! For more detailed information visit www.GaCoastRealty.com or call 912.638.1144

Ruth Kelli Phoebe Feb_Layout 1 1/16/20 5:45 PM Page 1

Experienced. Knowledgeable. Trustworthy. Phoebe Hoaster

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119 CyPReSS Point, SAint SimonS iSlAnd One level living on a beautiful lagoon setting. Vaulted ceilings in living room overlooks open patio to lagoon. Formal dining room, powder room off foyer, den, morning room w/ see-thru fireplace to living room, sunroom to patio, 2 private guest bedrooms with private tile bath, master suite opposite end of home, walking closets, double vanities, whirlpool bath and separate shower. Bonus or 4th bedroom with full bathroom above the 3 car garage. Cell 912-269-5596 Freshly painted in and outside. ruthheyward@msn.com New hardwood floors all ABR, ASR, CRS, GRI, through the house. Wet bar. Inground swimming pool and hot SRS, SFR, CDPE tub. Need to see! $1,195,000

Ruth H. Beall

1 BAy tRee CouRt, St. SimonS iSlAnd • $315,000 Beautifully UPDATED 2BR/2BA Patio Home! Kitchen has been remodeled with new cabinets, granite counter tops and new appliances. The master bath has been renovated with new cabinets, granite counter top, double vanity and newly tiled floor and shower. Vaulted family room with gas fireplace. Formal dining room Cell 912-270-2505 over looks the lagoon kelli@kelliosteen.com and golf course. Corner lot offers privacy.

Kelli osteen

912-634-9995 | SignaturePropertiesGroup.com 600 Sea Island Rd. Ste 28, St. Simons Island, GA 31522

1018 Sinclair Pointe - South end of Saint Simons This charming 3,487 SF home is both beautiful and spacious. It features a classic design and a great functional floor plan and a breezy screened-in porch. Hwd floors , granite, ceramic tile, recessed lighting, tray ceilings, custom cabinetry included. Exceptional overall attention to detail.The main level features an open living room and kitchen design (with Bosch appliances), a separate DR, and guest BR/BA — all of which are beautifully detailed.The spacious oversized master BR/BA is on the main level. Upstairs boasts 859± ‫ ׅ‬square feet of living space w/open stairwell to 2 BRs/BAs, a bonus room and open loft/tv room. A garden and courtyard with a gas fire pit adorns the back yard — perfect for entertaining.Located on high ground (In X-Zone) on the beautiful and serene midnorth end of St. Simons Island. $569,000

8 Palm Court,Village Area It is rare for one of these properties to come on the market. In a small gated community, 3 BR, 3 BA, 2,784 SqFt.This beautifully updated private condo is well-appointed with new appliances including washer and dryer in downstairs laundry.There’s an open Family Room w/Fireplace gas logs, Kitchen, Dining Room, and 10' ceilings. The Master Bedroom is downstairs and the Master Bath features a new shower and extra large double vanity. Upstairs has a sitting room /loft, another Master Suite with shower, soaking tub, walk in closet, and a really gracious sized 3rd bedroom – both with private baths. One car garage. Wonderful Island Location! Conveniently located off Mallery St near the St. Simons village, within easy reach of all the island's charms & treasures-its golden beaches, bustling village shops, aquatic recreations & legendary golf courses. Condos of this caliber are rarely found on Georgia's Golden Isles & are always in high demand. $595,000

912-634-9995 | SignaturePropertiesGroup.com 600 Sea Island Rd. Ste 28, St. Simons Island, GA 31522

CBPP 1 Feb_Layout 1 1/16/20 5:47 PM Page 1

Each office is independently owned and operated. 507 Ocean Boulevard Suite 102 St. Simons Island, GA 31522

270 Palmetto Wynd, Waverly Great opportunity to own a golf course lot at a super price in Sanctuary Cove! Perfect lot to build your dream home! $15,500. Call James Vivenzio, 912-222-1063.

132 Huntington Cir, BWK Lovely 4BR, 2BA lake front home in impeccable condition. Split floor plan & loads of charm! Great outdoor space, huge screened back porch overlooking the lake. $234,900. Call Lori Lynn, 912-202-2200.

290 Wild Heron, SSI Nice 3BR, 2BA home offering spacious living areas, 1st level master bedroom, living room w/vaulted ceilings & wood floors. Lots of outdoor space for entertaining. $435,000. Call Don Varnadoe, 912-222-2969.

106 Wesley Oaks Drive, SSI Lovely 4BR, 3BA home situated on .33 acre lot with so much to offer! Spacious eat in kitchen, Mother In Law Suite and beautiful outdoor spaces perfect for entertaining! $425,000. Call Elaine Marlatt, 912-2450232

1608 Bruce Drive, EAST BEACH, SSI Furnished 2 Story 3BR, 3.5BA home with garage apartment! Main house features open living space including den w/fireplace. All situated on a lovely treed lot close to the ocean. $750,000. Call Don Varnadoe, 912-222-2969.

279 Bottlebrush, BWK - New Construction! 3BR, 2BA, split floor plan and lots of community amenities! $219,500. Call James Vivenzio, 912-222-1063.

Coldwell Banker Platinum Partners is Proud to Welcome The Newest Agents to Our Brunswick, Glynn Avenue Office! Shawna Sloan

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CBPP 2 Feb_Layout 1 1/16/20 5:48 PM Page 1

Each office is independently owned and operated. 1965 Glynn Avenue, Brunswick, GA 31520

Lot 4 Waters Bluff, Darien Great 2.5+ acre marsh front lot! Perfect for your dream home! Close to dining, shopping & other amenities. $75,000. Call James Vivenzio 912-222-1063.

102 Augusta, SSI Beautiful custom built 4BR, 4.5BA home ready for elegant living! Large kitchen w/eating area opening into the den w/gas log fireplace. Too many features to mention! $919,000. Call Don Varnadoe, 912-222-2969.

238 Huron Loop, BWK You’ll fall in love with this 3BR, 2.5BA home. Huge open plan, screen porch perfect for large gatherings. Massive kitchen island with quartz countertops and SS appliances. Too many upgrades to list! $309,000. Call Leslie Hamrick 912-270-8764.

109 Coyote Lane, BWK Beautiful 3BR, 3BA home featuring family/dining area w/gas fireplace, high ceilings & plantation shutters throughout. Large screened porch overlooking the lagoon. Many amenities. $270,000. Call Leslie Hamrick, 912-270-8764.

161 Sanford Drive, Waverly Great lot perfect for your dream home! Too many community amenities to mention! $17,900. Call Kelly Zachry, 912-2670054.

277 Bottlebrush, BWK New Construction Home! 3BR, 2BA, split floor plan and lots of community amenities! $217,900. Call James Vivenzio, 912-2221063.

The Academy for Real Estate Education & Consulting Pre License Real Estate Courses Online and Classroom Settings

305 Stone Mill Drive, BWK Great home featuring open floor plan and terrific lake view. All appliances to include the washer and dryer. A must see! $149,900. Call James Vivenzio, 912-222-1063.

Limited space! Call today for more information.

912-267-0054 or AREEC.com

Al Brown Feb 1_Layout 1 1/16/20 5:48 PM Page 1


Cottage 154, W. 18th Street

413 Pikes Bluff Drive, Frederica

Cottage 168, E. 27th Street

Sea Island's "Le Marais" has been restored. Cottage 154 was a national award winner named one of America's best small houses in the late 50's. Built as the personal home of a collector and connoisseur, the home has undergone a dramatic transformation to the preferences of prevailing tastes that allow comfortable and casual lifestyles without losing the graciousness of the original residence. Almost all new everything. Offering a rare commodity: room to spread out both inside and out. Six bedrooms, 6.5 baths.Truly one of a kind on Sea Island with expansive grounds of 1.1 acres. There's nothing else like it on the Island. $2,750,000

Nestled in the woods, backing up to 500 acres of protected land surrounding a wood stork rookery, this home was custom built using reclaimed wood, 80 year old brick and a palette of natural, earthy colors that match the bark of the surrounding forest. A sense of warmth pervades. The GR w/FP, open kitchen, breakfast room lead to a screened porch. The ground level also has the master BR, office, powder room, locker room, Ceasar’s room with shower, and a 3 car garage. Upstairs are 3BR with private baths, TV room, play nook, wildlife observatory bridge and a recreation room with half bath & wet bar. 2.21 acres in an exceptional setting. $1,795,000

It’s a very short walk to the beach from Cottage 168 located on the east side of 27th Street and Sea Island Drive. Plenty of inviting, spacious gathering areas in this charming cottage for all your family and friends. Four separate private guest suites offering 7 BR and 8 full BA, including a 2nd floor bonus room addition of BRs and a den. The first floor master suite has 2 baths, a large sitting room close by and opens to the pool terrace. Renovated and updated kitchen/breakfast area is well done. Entertaining is easy around the large heated pool in the newly fenced backyard and brand new pavered pool terrace too. You’ll enjoy the comfort of this home. $2,475,000

Cottage 207, W. 7th Street

52nd Street Homesite, Sea Island

233 Lake Cottage Dr, Sea Island Lake Cottages

A masterful Johnny Shackleford redo of a classic 7th Street cottage that makes some thing very special. This 5 BR, 7.5 bath home will delight your senses and surprise you with the creativity and functionality of a very professionally planned residence. Clean, crisp lines throughout allow you to live and enjoy a floor plan that flows easily, open and casual, with each room bringing in natural light. A terrific blend of social and private areas, all in excellent condition and tastefully done. The rear grounds, private, fenced and well groomed, have a lovely pool and spa. Come see a traditional plan has been opened up. $3,300,000

The dynamics of this marsh site are extraordinary. The high ground is bordered directly by salt marsh with a tidal tributary not far away. The wide bend of the river is a few hundred feet distant with a hammock (marsh island) full of coastal birds and wild life. 190 feet of marsh frontage. Located on the quietest and most peaceful section of the Island, the building envelope is cleared, under brushed and will provide a lovely setting for your home. $1,100,000

Distant ocean views from this six bedroom, six bath townhome in the Sea Island Lake Cottages. Marsh front in gated community. Mizner-style stucco over concrete block, and clay tile roof.. Two car garage with two interior storage rooms, 18'9 x 16' and 30'8 x 16'. Elevator to all levels. Vaulted and 10' ceilings on the first floor, vaulted and 9' ceilings on second floor. Stone, marble and wood floors. Super quality finishes. Screened terrace with Viking gas grill. Views of Marsh, Sea Island, tidal waters and surprisingly the Atlantic Ocean in the distance.. Spacious community pool facility. $1,999,000

Cottage 296, W. 9th Street

Lot 47, Hawkins Island

Ocean Cottage 400, Ocean Forest

Single story, pretty yellow stucco home with white quoins and green shutters. Landscaped with loving care and lush plantings. Four bedrooms, 4 full baths, 3,700 square feet plus two car garage. The spacious den/family room off the kitchen has pecky cypress paneling, fireplace and wet bar. With an adjoining rear patio, the room flows well as does the entire plan which includes a bright living room, separate dining room plus a sun room which is a delightful bonus with its adaptability as a garden room, reading room or play area. You’ll appreciate the warmth and love that this cottage exudes. $2,350,000

Hawkins Island is a rare island within an island. Reachable by bridge only and a fully staffed, full time guard house. Only 70 homes will grace this island, blanketed by ancient oak canopies and surrounded by salt marshes. Walking and bike paths, street lighting, underground utilities, Sea Island Club application rights. 1.31 acre marsh building site. Easterly exposure with lush hammock views. Thickly vegetated and well treed with mature live oaks. A rare price and a rare find in today's market. $299,000

Built on 1 1/2 lots within the gates in the private and protected world of Ocean Forest, this home reflects the love and caring of family ownership, tastefully decorated (and furnished) and custom built with the highest standards. Directly on the beach w/ a short path through the dunes. 6 BR, 5 BA, ample social areas. Open kitchen w/breakfast area plus fully equipped bar. Dining area, living room w/fireplace plus den w/ fireplace, both on the view side with pool. Exercise room w/ full bath. Excellent uses of stone, marble and wood throughout the residence. Elevator. One of the best locations on Sea Island. $4,995,000 unfurnished

Al Brown Feb 2_Layout 1 1/16/20 5:49 PM Page 1


816 Hamilton Landing Drive, Hamilton Landing

157 Kirkaldy Lane, Frederica

Cottage 92, E. 33rd Street

Located on Dunbar Creek, this well planned stucco home is in excellent condition and offers the perfect layout for your active family. Easterly exposure on the marsh with a pristine oval shaped pool . 6BR/ 5BA, living room with high ceiling and fire place, dining room, office/nursery, and a completely finished out game room on the ground floor. The new kitchen shines brightly with Quartz counter tops, big island and pleasant natural lighting. Breakfast area/family room. The waterside deck and covered porch with swing Convenient to all Island locations and the mainland. $1,299,000

Almost 3 1/2 Acres, Lot 135 offers 270' of direct lake frontage. This is one of the highest elevations in Frederica which allows for fabulous easterly breezes into the backyard, with unobstructed views of a large bass-filled lake. The street side of the lot is buffered with mature trees to give total privacy. The Building Envelope has been partially pre-cleared with a current survey, pre-paid soil boring test and sewer hookup permit. The Developer lots do not include these additional expenses. $419,000

Truly one of the most enchanting and picturesque oceanfront settings on Sea Island! This distinctive 7 BR, 7.5 BA brick home was built with an old world attention to detail. Lovingly renovated, retaining the graciousness it deserves. Endless ocean views from almost every room. An upstairs grand size sunroom with window walls and a spacious covered pool side veranda invite you to enjoy the ocean, beach, and water activities. You will never want to leave! $7,499,000

Cottage 292, W. 31st Street

Lot 18, Ocean Forest

126 Cuyler Lane, Kings Point

Magnificent marsh and water views from this expertly sited 31st Street home. Three bedrooms and 3.5 baths in the main house, and 3 to 5 bedrooms in the Guest House, depending on how you use them. With two game rooms in the Pool/Guest House, pool and ping pong tables, table hockey, screened porch and a 42' x 15' covered porch pool side, the fun and good times await your family and friends at this custom designed cottage. The grounds and 40' “L� shaped pool are walled and landscaped for privacy. $2,995,000

Located on the picturesque 6th fairway of the famed and private Ocean Forest Golf Course, this building site is exceptional. Contoured and well vegetated, the Live oaks and palmettos are beautifully set among rolls of ancient sand dunes in this maritime forest. Public sewer and water serve this site in its peaceful and secure setting. The Ocean Forest neighborhood has its own full- time staffed gatehouse. You will know your neighbors: short term rentals are prohibited. The ambience of Ocean Forest is real. Come see for yourself. $900,000

Best construction quality imaginable in this six bedroom West Indies lakefront home on 1.31 acres. All cedar line closets, hand scraped pegged pecan floors, two double garages. Elevator from garage. Great room with Rumford fireplace and wet bar, sun room with heated floors, a nationally featured Chef's custom kitchen, open breakfast area, dining room, richly wainscoted and finished. Lakeside screened porch with fireplace and wet bar. Master bedroom suite with exercise room is on the ground floor along with another guest suite. The first floor has four additional bedrooms, including a guest apartment, den with custom media center and wet bar. $2,995,000

Cottage 553, W. 38th Street

40th Street homesite, Sea Island

19 Darien Circle, Frederica

At 4,571 square feet, Cottage 553 may be the perfect sized seven bedroom home. The scale and proportions are excellent. Lovely street appeal, and the warm and inviting front porch and rockers set the tone. Combining casual living with a touch of formality, the Great room with two story ceilings provides views of the rear covered porch with brick floors and expansive pool. The dining room and sitting room have heart of pine floors that run throughout. The master and one guest room are ground floor. Five additional bedrooms, all with private baths, are on the first floor. The cottage has style and flair, and is located at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac. $2,485,000

Price reduced on this cleared building site on 40th Street. At .71 acres, 270 feet of street frontage and well buffered by green belts, you have plenty of room to work with your future Sea Island cottage. Walking distance to the beach on 36th Street. Lovely homes on Cook Avenue. An excellent opportunity. $595,000

This lakeside home exemplifies Frederica in its purest and best ways. Long views of the 400 acre freshwater lake. Using 300 year old timbered beams, the details are extraordinary. Totally open floor plan, views are enjoyed from the kitchen, dining, family rooms, screened porch and ground level master bedroom. The first floor provides 6 BR, 6BA, office w/FP, exercise room and open porch. A fully equipped carriage house has a spacious guest suite and kitchenette. 3 car garage and a motor court. Private dock for your boat. $4,950,000

DeLoach 1 Jan_Layout 1 1/16/20 5:51 PM Page 1



123 Saint Andrews, Isl Club | Nancy Wainwright 912.223.2821 | 4BR | 3.5BA Designer's personal home w/latest finishes features a lovely lagoon and golf course view that can be enjoyed throughout! Totally remodeled & updated w/the addition of natural gas, new appliances, new HVAC systems, new landscaping, exterior/interior painting & even a/c in the garage! The gourmet kitchen was redesigned w/quartz counter tops, Thermador stainless appliances & wine cooler, opens to a spacious family area. Additional living/dining extends to the terrace overlooking this lovely setting. $1,100,000

155 Old Plantation Point | Adair Allen 912.571.6399 | 4BR | 4BA Exquisite private marshfront estate located on 9.5 acres. You will enjoy the totally private and peaceful setting flourished with wildlife and captivating marsh and pond views from every room of this Colonial/ Georgian Style home. Features include a formal living and dining room, study, office, elevator, hardwood floors, porches front and rear, large rear patio with water feature and breathtaking views. Additional features include, fresh water pond, vacuum system, 3 fireplaces, deep well, purified water system. $2,495,000







277 Audubon Wynd 4BR | 4BA | Remarkable Golf Front Home Mary Hunt 912.217.1629 $420,000

113 Biltmore, Island Club 4BR | 3BA | 2HB | Pool Mack Sullivan 912.399.2309 $719,000

130 Limeburn Trail, D4 3BR | 3BA | End Unit, Garage, Elevator Amanda Duffey 912.222.3557 $379,000

47 Dorsey Circle, Stillwater 1.87 Marsh Front Acres Terri Simpson 912.580.8754 $190,000

208 West Commons Drive 4BR | 2BA | Remodeled Kitchen Chandra Kendall 912.258.4233 $338,000

633 Bartow Street 3BR | 2BA | Brick, near Village Anne Popham 912.399,3996 $495,000

DeLoach Sotheby’s International Realty DeLoachSIR.com | 912-638-0406 | 2901 Frederica Road | St. Simons Island, GA ©2020 DeLoach Sotheby’s International Realty. All rights reserved.

DeLoach 2 Jan_Layout 1 1/16/20 5:52 PM Page 1

Local Expertise, Worldwide.



307 West 50th Street | Amanda Duffey 912.222.3557 | 6BR | 4.5BA Priced BELOW appraised value! Expansive home on Sea Island that has been beautifully renovated and well-maintained. Located on a large corner lot with beautiful mature oak trees. Enjoy the private setting of the back yard from the screened porch, which is a great extension of your living space, and it overlooks the pool and beautiful landscaping. Gorgeous kitchen with high end appliances, a large island and beautiful cabinetry. Master on the main level with 2 closets and a large en suite bathroom. $2,200,000

178 Hampton Point Drive | Dee Wright 912.230.6156 | 4BR | 4BA | 2HB This beautiful Villa with stucco exterior and tile roof is situated on a large marsh front lot with views all the way to Cannon's Point. Spacious living areas consists of living room, circular dining room, family room, and fabulous gourmet kitchen with butler's pantry and wine room with tile floors. The kitchen has a Wolf gas cooktop, convection cooktop, 2 wall ovens, 2 dishwashers, a Sub-Zero refrigerator/freezer and microwave. A covered patio and circular porch offers plenty of outdoor living areas. $1,950,000







125 Santa Maria Circle, Youngwood 5BR | 5.5BA | Estate Lot, Ponds Ann Harrell 912.222.4002 $995,000

100 Olympic, Island Club 4BR | 3.5BA | Well Priced Nadia Johnson 912.771.9500 $649,000

200 Salt Air Dr, #168, Demere Landing 3BR | 2.5BA | Updated, Elevator, Garage Maria Jennings 912.222.0185 $339,000

1003 Sea Palms West, The Enclave 3BR | 3BA | Move-in-Ready Rayea Pieschel 912.222.4402 $549,000

30 Waterfront Drive, #133, Golden Isles Marina 3BR | 3BA | Water and Marsh Views Micki Carter 912.617.3807 $539,000

118 East Twenty Third Street 6BR | 9BA | 1HB | 2nd Row Ocean Home Susan Imhoff 912.222.5686 $3,750,000

DeLoach Sotheby’s International Realty DeLoachSIR.com | 912-638-0406 | 2901 Frederica Road | St. Simons Island, GA ©2020 DeLoach Sotheby’s International Realty. All rights reserved.

Ann Harrell Feb_Layout 1 1/16/20 5:53 PM Page 1

Ann Conner Harrell 912-222-4002


125 Santa Maria Circle, SSI 5BR/5.5BA home on estate lot. Oaks and two ponds surround well constructed home with cedar shake exterior, geothermal HVAC, and pine floors. Outdoor areas include Gardens with grilling area/fire pit and beautiful pool. Guest Suite over garage. $995,000

15 Fairway Drive, SSI 5BR/5F2HBA overlooking Sea Island’s newly renovated Plantation Course. Quality construction features heart pine floors, Savannah Grey bricks, Coffered ceilings and a chef ’s kitchen. Spacious rooms flow to fabulous outdoor spaces. $1,595,000

123 Yacht Club Drive, SSI Marsh front on the South End of St. Simons, this lot is sold with a deeded dock slip on the Frederica River. It's in The Yacht Club, St. Simon's newest luxury, gated development with beautiful homes and landscaping. $365,000

Waterfront Condominium, #211, SSI 3BR/3BA furnished condo with fabulous views of St. Simons sound is in most desirable, private Bldg. 10. Highest quality construction with steel framing, impact rated windows and doors. End unit has extra windows and best view. $599,000

361 Major Wright Road, SSI 3BR/3.5 BA home in fabulous mid-island location on estate sized lot surrounded by more expensive homes, property is updated and beautifully maintained. Spacious rooms with all hardwood floors, nice millwork. Master on main. Smart buy priced at $625,000

907 Beachview, SSI 3BR plus bunkroom / 4BA townhome overlooks the Atlantic Ocean and beach. Spacious rooms, high ceilings, deep molding and quality finishes. Tremendous storage closets and oversized garage. Views from the living areas and master suite are incomparable! Location between village and King and Prince is fabulous! $2,250,000

4321 Fifth Street, SSI 4BR/4.5BA NEW Construction on a private lot with pool. Spacious master suite on the first floor. Upstairs has 3BR/3BA, sitting area, bunk room/office or exercise room. Upstairs porch to catch the breezes and downstairs covered porch overlooks pool. $1,350,000

496 Forest Road, Sea Island 5BR/7.5BA River Cottage with incomparable views of Little St. Simons, the Hampton River and the Atlantic Ocean. Cruise from your dock 2 min over to where the Atlantic meets the Hampton River. Cast stone floors, 3 fireplaces and a sleek kitchen. Master bedroom and adjacent loggia have excellent views. $4,900,000

1006 Ocean Boulevard, SSI Four townhomes in stellar location one block from beach access and between the King and Prince beach and the village. Wonderful investment property, second home or full time living! Prices range from $387,500 - $465,500

3100 Lawrence Road, St. Simons Island 40 acre tract with fabulous marsh frontage overlooking the Hampton River and approx. 760 ft. of frontage on Lawrence Road. This one of a kind, peaceful and private setting is surrounded by property preserved by the SSI Land Trust. $3,256,000

204 Enclave Way, St. Simons Island Updated, 4BR/3.5BA home in desirable Sea Palms West has wonderful views of a bridge covered lagoon and the Sea Palms West green space. The living room, keeping room, kitchen, and master bedroom in the split plan all have fabulous views! $698,000

125 Point Lane Oak canopied lot with extensive views on the lake in King's Point, a Sea Island developed subdivision located adjacent to the golf course at the 5 star Lodge at Sea Island. Build your dream home and catch breezes from the nearby St. Simons Sound. $450,000

DeLoachSIR.com | 912-638-0406 | 2901 Frederica Road | St. Simons Island, GA ©2020 DeLoach Sotheby’s International Realty. All rights reserved.

Micki Carter Feb_Layout 1 1/16/20 6:04 PM Page 1

Micki Carter 912-617-3807


2012 Bruce Drive, St SimonS iSlanD The Enchanted Cottage is a magnificent designer East Beach custom home completed in 2017 & showcased on the 2018 Tour of Homes. Featuring 5BR, 5.5BA, sophisticated decor, open concept living, 11' ceilings, wood floors, gourmet chef's kitchen & is just a short walk to the beach. 3 car garage. Too much to list. $2,499,999

1703 marinerS circle, St. SimonS iSlanD Beautiful 3BR, 2.5BA townhome in desirable Mariner's Landing. Floor plan is open concept living with the powder room, kitchen, dining and living areas located on the main level. Kitchen features a breakfast bar, white shaker style cabinets, granite counter tops, white subway tile backsplash and stainless appliances. Single car garage. $364,900

20 Waterfront Dr #222, St. SimonS iSlanD This lovely 3 bedroom, 3 bath condominium has gorgeous waterfront and marsh views. The Waterfront at the Golden Isles Marina offers sleek granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, Brazilian cherry hardwood floors, covered balcony, large pool with views of the water and a cozy fireplace. Live the Marina Village lifestyle $539,000

30 Waterfront Dr #133, St. SimonS iSlanD This lovely 3 bedroom, 3 bath condominium has gorgeous waterfront and marsh views. The Waterfront at the Golden Isles Marina offers sleek granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, Brazilian cherry hardwood floors, covered balcony, large pool with views of the water and a cozy fireplace. Live the Marina Village lifestyle! $539,000

1400 ocean BlvD #114, St. SimonS iSlanD Fabulous Views! This 1622 SF, 3BR, 3BA condo has been freshly painted. Located in the heart of South St. Simons this unit has amazing views of the ocean, lagoon and pool. The living, kitchen and dining space is open concept to take full advantage of the views. Open the doors to the spacious balcony, relax & enjoy the ocean breezes. $875,000

102 cypreSS point, St. SimonS iSlanD Gorgeous renovated Island Club home with lagoon views. Open plan, 4BR, bonus rm, 3.5BA, gourmet kitchen with custom cabinets and top of the line appliances, ground floor master ste w/ spacious bath/closet, study, media rm, screened porch, huge GR with vaulted ceiling, FP, and window wall overlooking the patio & lagoon. $1,145,000

1519 ocean BoulevarD, St. SimonS iSlanD Contemporary 3 bedroom, 3 and a half bath home located just steps to the beach with expansive panoramic marsh views. This very desirable location is an easy walk to the beach and village. Priced to sell at $899,000

117 Bay Berry circle, St. SimonS iSlanD Beautifully renovated home in Sea Palms on the Golf Course with 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, 1 half bath and apx. 3285 square feet of living space. Tastefully finished interiors and lots of curb appeal outside make this home a must see. $659,000

1706 Bruce Drive, St. SimonS iSlanD Original 1930s East Beach cottage. Renovated with new floors, kitchen and updated baths. The main house offers 3 bedrooms and 3 full baths, large open concept kitchen and dining, separate living room and den as well as a charming screened porch. Just steps to the beach! $875,000

DeloachSir.com | 912-638-0406 | 2901 Frederica Road | St. Simons Island, GA Š2020 DeLoach Sotheby’s International Realty. All rights reserved.

Dee W - Mack S_Layout 1 1/16/20 6:05 PM Page 1

Dee Wright 912-230-6156


178 hamPtoN PoINt DRIvE, St. SImoNS This beautiful 4BR, 4BA, 2HB Villa with stucco exterior and tile roof is situated on a large marsh front lot with views all the way to Cannon's Point. Spacious living areas, fabulous gourmet kitchen w/ Wolf gas cooktop, convection cooktop, 2 wall ovens, 2 dishwashers, a Sub-Zero refrigerator/freezer. A covered patio and circular porch offers plenty of outdoor living areas. $1,950,000

207 aNgUIlla, St. SImoNS ISlaND Island beach cottage, totally remodeled. New roof, flooring, appliances, heat pump, in-line water heater, baths, screened porch and ceilings, electrical, plumbing and landscaping. Charming cottage with 3BR, 2BA, LR, den/FR, and beautiful new kitchen. Hwd floors and large screened porch. Detached single garage with covered patio. New landscaping and well. $649,000

123 NoRth WINDWaRD DR., SEa PalmS 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home on Sea Palms Fairway. Hardwood floors, updated kitchen, two fireplaces, living room, family room and much more. Sunroom overlooks golf course and the large landscaped lot. Separate garage with apartment. $449,500

DeloachSIR.com | 912-638-0406 | 2901 Frederica Road | St. Simons Island, GA ©2020 DeLoach Sotheby’s International Realty. All rights reserved.

Mack Sullivan 912.399.2309



940 ChamPNEy

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DeloachSIR.com | 912-638-0406 | 2901 Frederica Road | St. Simons Island, GA ©2020 DeLoach Sotheby’s International Realty. All rights reserved.

Joy W - Lilmar_Layout 1 1/16/20 6:25 PM Page 1

LEt uS hELP yOu PLAn yOur nExt VAcAtIOn Lilmar Properties is proud to offer visitors to St. Simons Island the highest quality and largest variety of vacation properties on the Island. We have been helping our guests make lasting vacation memories for over 15 years! Visit our website: LilmarVacations.com or contact us today to book your next vacation. Experience the Lilmar Difference! - Adam & Beth Witt - Owners, Lilmar Properties

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912-771-8099 or info@lilmarproperties.com

LilmarVacations.com 110 Island Professional Park, Saint Simons Island, GA 2105 GRAND VIEW DR - $430,000 This fantastic updated condo features 3BR, 3BA, and a "must-see" fabulously renovated kitchen with all new SS appliances, glass tile backsplash, beautiful granite countertops, disposal, enlarged island, and custom cabinets and drawers. Other updates include crown molding, wainscoting in the LR & DR, new carpet in guest rooms, carerra marble countertops, new vanities and faucets in guest baths, new frameless shower door in master bath, added chair rail in foyer, living and dining areas. Pantry and laundry room have built-in cabinets allowing for plenty of storage. Plus plantation shutters and a lovely screened porch to enjoy the views. Call Joy Wright (912) 230-0134.

200 CAPALLTON DR - $429,000

JOY WRIGHT 912-230-0134 joydonwright@gmail.com

Attention Horse Lovers! This 19.44 acre horse farm is perfect for someone wishing to board, train, and ride horses in a location that is close in but feels like it is far out in the country. Property has a 31 stall horse barn with plenty of tack facilities, beautiful pastures, a show type arena, a pond, two wells, and several great locations for a homesite. Pastures are sown in tiff 85 and tiff 9 type grasses. Glynn County, GA parcel ID numbers are: 0307384, 03-05305, and 03-19248. Call Don Wright (912) 222-0133.

4332 FOURTEENTH ST - $949,000

912-638-4740 119 MaRIna DR ST. SIMOnS ISlanD, Ga 31522

Located on East Beach, the "Khaki Cottage" is only foot steps from Gould's Inlet and the beach. This custom built single family home features 4 bedrooms, 2 master suites with sitting areas, 3.5 bathrooms, 4 walk-in closets, 10' ceilings, heart of pine floors throughout and custom plantation shutters. This home is move-in ready. Soak up the afternoon breeze on the second floor covered porch in this low maintenance cottage. Call or text Gee Gee Adams at (912) 223-1709

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912-266-7675 LeAnn Duckworth Broker / President

912-269-7512 Hannah Melton Associate Broker

912-402-8594 Kacee McGowan

912-266-5350 Tracey Gonzalez

912-996-3789 Stephanie Cook

912-223-1946 Rebecca Strother

912-217-9076 Will Duckworth

912-777-9399 Melanie Yeckley

912-269-6108 Ginny O'Quinn

912-230-9131 Kymerlee Showalter

912-215-2021 Sara Altman

112 Hawkins Lane, St. Simons Island

227 Kings Way, St Simons Island

5/5.5/4,890 SF. Immaculate condition, stunning custom built home with expansive marsh views on almost 1 acre! Some of the many custom features include pine tongue & groove, custom cabinetry and cobbled edge Limestone throughout. $1,795,000

4/5.5/4,750 SF. Gorgeous custom build in the heart of Saint Simons. Exterior features include gated, salt water pool, sauna, outdoor fireplace and entertaining area, gorgeous landscaping, and more. Interior details include hardwood flrs and marble bathrooms. $1,595,000

1025 Captains Cove, St. Simons Island

1626 Bruce Drive, St. Simons Island

57 Glynn Oaks Ln, St. Simons Island

3/3.5/2,280 SF. Construction just finished! The Cottage style home with a rocking chair front porch. This home features an open great room, dining area and kitchen with all stainless steel appliances, custom cabinetry, granite counter tops, and recessed lighting. $479,900

5BR, 4.5BA. 3,499 SF. Fabulous East Beach home fully remodeled in 2017. Unwind in your tranquil backyard oasis featuring a large screened porch and sparkling pool or slip out the back gate and stroll down the path to St. Simon’s only non-tidal beach. $1,174,900

5BR, 5.5BA. 3,354 SF. Located 1 mile from the beach, pier, and villages, this better than new cottage is perfect for a vacation home or year round residence. Enjoy coastal living at its finest in St. Simons' newest neighborhood, Glynn Oaks. $894,900

1440 Ocean Blvd #216, St. Simons Island

1400 Ocean Blvd #101, St. Simons Island

122 Township Bluff - St. Simons Island

2BR, 2BA. 1,002 SF. Located in the ever popular Beach Club condos, unit 101 is tucked into a quiet corner with easy access to both the stairs and elevator. High return on investment to investors or second home owners! $399,000

3BR, 3BA. 1,619 SF. This Saint Simon's Grand ocean front residence is in pristine condition and features expansive views of the beach. This unit has been fully remodeled and updated. $924,900

4/3/2,440 SF. The home is in mint condition and is a one owner home with an oversized master bedroom, home features hardwood and tile with the exception of one bedroom. Many upgrades throughout and is truly one of a kind. $484,900

DuckworthProperties.com • Mainland • 912-262-0366 • St. Simons • 912-342-4002

Duckworth 2 Feb_Layout 1 1/16/20 6:40 PM Page 1

Turning houses into homes... 151 Pierce Butler Drive - St. Simons Island

131 Limeburn Trail - St. Simons Island

1030 Captain’s Cove - St. Simons Island

4/3/4,228 SF. Immaculate single story home with spacious open floor plan, two living rooms with fireplaces, travertine tile throughout; an enclosed in ground pool and spa, all while sitting on over an acre of land. $749,900

3/3.5/2,300 SF. This unit is fully furnished and has a private elevator- this home is located in Limeburn Village at Hampton Plantation. The view from the back patio is spectacular and is a great place to entertain. $364,900

4/3.5/2,868 SF. New Construction in Captains Cove. This cottage style home features an open great room, dining area and kitchen with all stainless steel appliances. Split floor plan offers master on main level and bedrooms upstairs. $573,600

308 Brockinton Marsh - St. Simons Island

100 Blair Road Unit F5, St. Simons Island

1407 Mariners Circle, St. Simons Island

2/2/1,234 SF. Move in ready condo with expansive marsh views that can be admired from one of your two decks. Great south island location near shops and restaurants. $279,000

3BR, 2BA. 1,086 SF. Wonderful Opportunity to own a three bedroom, two bath marsh front condo that has been remodeled! The spacious rear deck overlooks beautiful Marsh Frontage offering a perfect relaxation atmosphere to enjoy this Coastal Community. $244,900

3BR, 2.5BA. 1,772 SF. This home has many upgrades including hardwood floors downstairs, granite counter tops in the kitchens and bathrooms, and stainless steel appliances. Home has a garage and a cute fenced back yard off of the living area. $359,900

105 Pirates Cove, St. Simons Island

204 St. James Avenue, St. Simons Island

1100 Arthur J Moore 101 - St. Simons Island

5BR, 5BA. 4,197 SF. Gorgeous, low country tabby home, situated on the marsh in a prime location on St. Simons. Every room overlooks the marsh views and each level has its on access to the porches! $799,900

/3/2,400 SF. Renovated marshfront home in Hamilton Landing. This home sits on 1.04 acre lot on a cul-desac. Upgrades include marble countertops, stainless steel appliances, gas log fireplace, plus so much more. $779,900

Luxurious first floor unit at The Villas at Frederica River with views of Gascoigne Bluff, Frederica River, and St. Simons Marina. $689,900

177 Rice Mill, St. Simons Island

1000 Mallery St. A4, St. Simons Island

818 Kings Grant, St. Simons Island

3BR, 3BA. 2,542 SF. Great home located on the King and Prince Golf Course in Gated Hampton Plantation on a large lot. The screened porch overlooks #2 on the golf course and opens to a patio perfect for grilling and entertaining. Move in Ready! $429,900

2BR, 1.5BA. 1,126 SF. Gorgeous unit within walking distance to the Pier Village and beach. Completely renovated and move in ready! $229,900

3BR, 2.5BA. 3,086 SF. This home is located in gated Hampton Plantation which features the King and Prince Golf Course, lush landscaping, beautiful views of the fairway, and a clubhouse. $339,900

1607 Frederica Rd. Ste 103, St. Simons Island • 3441 Cypress Mill Rd Ste 203, Brunswick

• DuckworthProperties.com


Celebrating Black History Month Remembering Willis Proctor


ong-time residents of St. Simons Island will remember that the stretch of road linking the north end of Mallery Street with Demere Road was once known as Proctor Lane. When that lane became part of Mallery Street, we lost an important reference to one of the island’s most prominent African American families. Proctor Lane was at the heart of the South End neighborhood, a community established after the Civil War by former enslaved workers from nearby cotton plantations. Willis Proctor, in particular, was well known on St. Simons Island. For many years, he operated an emporium in South End. Previously, he had managed the dining room at the Arnold House

Hotel (once located in the vicinity of the present day King and Prince Beach & Golf Resort) and worked at the Jekyll Island Club, for a time serving as valet to club member William Rockefeller. Other Proctor family members had businesses in South End, including a fruit stand, a fish market, and a nightclub. Perhaps one of Willis Proctor’s most lasting legacies is his involvement with the preservation of the musical traditions of his Gullah Geechee ancestors. Through his sister Julia, he met folklorists Lydia Parrish, Alan Lomax, and Zora Neale Hurston (best known for her novel Their Eyes Were Watching God ) during the 1930s. From the memories of the Proctors and others who became known as the Georgia Sea Island Singers, Parrish collected and transcribed their music

for her book, Slave Songs of the Georgia Sea Islands (1942). It included work songs that Proctor learned from his father Adam, who had been an enslaved worker at Black Banks Plantation. By the time Alan Lomax returned with stereo equipment to record Gullah Geechee music in 1961, Willis Proctor was one of only two surviving members of the original island singers group. He was featured as lead singer on two of the recordings from that 1961 session: the praise shout “Daniel” and the dance song “Walk, Billy Abbot.” This month’s image of Willis Proctor on the front porch of his store is from a hand-colored glass lantern slide in the Society’s Margaret Davis Cate Collection.

Coastal Georgia Historical Society presents this article and images from our archives as part of our mission to tell Coastal Georgia’s inspiring stories. The Society operates the iconic St. Simons Lighthouse Museum and the World War II Home Front Museum, housed in the Historic Coast Guard Station at East Beach. To learn more about the Society, its museums, diverse programs, and membership, please visit coastalgeorgiahistory.org. 106 E L E G A N T I S L A N D L I V I N G

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