BEYOND CRAFT CULTURE Designing a new contemporary authen?c Eleonora Lupo, Politecnico di Milano
THE THESIS Design driven ways and processes of designing new cra2, based on the paradigms of ac3ve‐ac3on and actualis‐ac3on
THE HYPOTHESIS AAA: Aesthe:cs of Ac:ve‐ac:on* of the Authen:c
1. The context: Art& craI “revival” in design “Industrious” designers who use cra2 produc:on processes to produce exemplary* design
From: De Vecchi,,
1. The context: Art& craI “revival” in design “Industrious” designers who use cra2 produc:on processes to produce exemplary* design
From: Hella Jongerius,
1. The context: Art& craI “revival” in design Cra2smanship* and cra2 exper:se* and produc:on processes within the contemporary industrial produc:on chains
Poltrona Frau Casanova
From: Giampiero Bosoni (ed. by), Italy: Contemporary Domes:c Landscapes 1945‐2000, Skira, Milano, 2001
1. The context: Art& craI “revival” in design Cra2smanship* and cra2 exper:se* and produc:on processes within the contemporary industrial produc:on chains
Louis VuiYon Adver:sement 2009
1. The context: Art& craI “revival” in design Limited series objects
Triennale Design Museum, 2° edi:on 2009‐10 “Serie‐fuori Serie”
1. The context: Art& craI “revival” in design Limited series objects
Object RoYerdam Interna:onal Art fair
2. CraI heritage as knowledge repertory for design Open‐ended* knowledge system (SenneY, 2009) or repertory* of forms and processes
“Use value” of typical knowledge and intangible&tangible heritage related to cra2 prac:ce and embedded in people and evolving in doing: ‐ Produc:ve (art and handcra2 products, tradi:onal recipes, gastronomic products) ‐ Rela:onal (celebra:ons, rites, customs, popular and religious feasts and manifesta:ons) ‐ Ri‐produc:ve (art, music, theater expressions, languages)
2. CraI heritage as knowledge repertory for design Sustainable factors for the re‐use of cra2 knowledge: Ownership defines how much the depositary of the knowledge undergoing the exploita:on is involved in the process; Control es:mates the capacity of the owner to manage and decide how and when to use its knowledge; Impact evaluates the amount of the benefits that the owner receive back (directly or indirectly) by the exploita:on process.
3. New forms of authen?city* Forms and processes as factors of authen:city (in con:nuity/discon:nuity) and sources for new design
*Authen:c‐ac:on: From a na:ve authen:c to an original authen:c (from iden:ty, :picity, originality, to exemplarity, representa:vity, recognisability and riproducibility)
4. Aesthe?cs of innova?on ‐
Iden:fica:on of the poten:al of ac:ve‐ac:on*of cra2, or “constants” as strong and recognizable cultural references to the na:ve forms and processes (“abacus of archetypes”)
Design of actualis‐ac:on processes, from tradi:onal to contemporary, based on two variables of transferability and re‐contextualisa:on: in a new geo‐cultural context and thema:c ambit
4. Aesthe?cs of innova?on
Formafantasma/ “Baked” ‐ ‐
Innova:on of forms manteining the same process Transfer process from the na:ve ambit to a new ambit (from decora:on to table ware, from folk event to daily life) within the same local geographical context
Ginevra MaXoli/ Lavec (Ollare stone from valtellina) and accessorises ‐ ‐
Innova:on of forms manteining the same process External cross fer:lisa:on: transfer process from the na:ve ambit to a new ambit (from tableware to fashion accessorises) in a new global geographical context
Studio Glithero/ Blue print ‐ ‐
New forms and process Transfer process from the na:ve ambit to a new ambit (from :ssuee prin:ng to vases) in a new global geographical context
CONCLUSION Sustainable factors ac:va:on poten:al authen:ca:on processes Aesthe:cs strategies A new contemporary authen:c, beyond cra2 culture