March issue 8

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MARCH 2013 ISSUE # 8






Gensha Publishing Maxine Byers Lazy Witch Ingrid Jeffries CraftyWitch Doreen Shababy Lady Ti-Eagle Alena Orrison Sandra Kynes Gertrude Moon Skye Alexander Crafty Witch Maxine Byers Janie Bass













































From the Editor






Pagans and witches celebrate Ostara (also known as Eostre) when the sun enters 0 degrees of Aries, around March 21. In the Northern Hemisphere, the Spring Equinox ushers in warmer weather, days that are longer than nights, and the advent of new life. Christianity adopted this joyful period of the year for the celebration of Easter (which usually falls near the Spring Equinox). Ostara gets its name from the German fertility goddess Ostara; the word Easter derives from the same root. Both holidays celebrate the triumph of life over death.

The Sun King's chariot continues climbing higher in the sky, reaching the point at which day and night are of equal length on Ostara. Therefore, this Sabbat is associated with balance, equality, and harmony.

The Spring Equinox marks the first day of spring and the start of the busy planting season in agrarian cultures. Farmers till their fields and sow seeds. Trees begin to bud, spring flowers blossom, and baby animals are born. Ostara, therefore, is one of the fertility holidays and a time for planting seeds — literally or figuratively. On Ostara, sow seeds that you want to bear fruit in the coming months. This is an ideal time to launch new career ventures, move to a new home, or begin a new relationship. If you're a gardener, you'll start preparing the soil and planting flowers, herbs, and/or vegetables now. Consider the magickal properties of botanicals and choose plants that represent your intentions. Even if you aren't a gardener, you could plant seeds in a flowerpot to symbolize wishes you hope will grow to fruition in the coming months.

Witches connect each plant — herb, flower, and tree — with specific magickal properties. Sage, for example, is used for purification rituals. Mint and parsley can be added to prosperity talismans to attract wealth. White snapdragons insure protection and roses play an important role in love magick. In an old German story, a rabbit laid some sacred eggs and decorated them as a gift for the fertility goddess Ostara. Ostara liked the beautiful eggs so much that she asked the rabbit to share the eggs with everyone throughout the world.

Some popular Easter customs have their roots in Ostara's symbolism. Eggs represent the promise of new life, and painting them bright colors engages the creative aspect of the Sabbat. You might enjoy decorating eggs with magickal symbols, such as pentagrams and spirals. And rabbits, of course, have long been linked with fertility.


Feasting and Food No Pagan celebration is really complete without a meal to go along with it. For Ostara, celebrate with foods that honor the coming of spring -- eggs, early spring greens, shoots and sprouts, and of course, the allimportant marshmallow Peep. Ostara Peep Ambrosia Surprise Lemon Bread At Ostara, the earth is waking up in anticipation of Spring... and it's not uncommon to find small treasures peeking out of the ground at us. Green shoots appear from the mud, and bright flowers appear where there was nothing the day before. This easy "surprise bread" reflects the theme of re-emergence, and you can put it together easily by using a pre-packaged lemon poppy seed bread mix. Add small treasures to the mix, as well as a few edible additions, and you'll have a real treat on your hands for your Ostara celebration

Ingredients:           

1 package Lemon Poppy Seed Bread mix Ingredients to prepare mix as directed 1/2 C golden raisins 1 Tbsp. orange zest 1/2 C dried cranberries Non-meltable goodies to add into the bread, such as: A shiny coin A piece of gold or silver jewelry A ring A polished crystal Vanilla ice cream

Everyone knows Peeps, those overwhelmingly sweet little marshmallow critters that appear every Spring in the grocery store. Put your leftover Peeps to good use this Ostara, and make them into a delicious ambrosia salad! For the most colorful results, use yellow or pink Peeps.

Ingredients:        

1 pkg of 12 marshmallow Peeps (chicks or bunnies) 2 cans mandarin oranges 2 cans pineapple tidbits 1 jar maraschino cherries 2 chopped bananas 2 C. shredded coconut flakes 1 16-oz tub cottage cheese 1 8-oz tub of Cool Whip or other dessert topping

Preparation: Dice the Peeps into small pieces. Drain the juices from all the fruit. Mix all ingredients together, and allow to chill in the refrigerator for a few hours. Serve as dessert following your Ostara celebration.

Preparation: Prepare the bread mix as directed. Once it's all mixed together, add in the golden raisins, the orange zest, and the cranberries. Finally, fold in a few small treasures, such as a ring, a cleaned coin, or a polished crystal. Be sure you select items that won't melt when you bake it in the oven! Bake as directed on the package, and then remove from oven. Allow to cool. To serve, slice off pieces, keeping an eye out for the hidden treasures. Top each slice off with a scoop of vanilla ice cream


Spring Sabbat Incense Burn during spring and summer Sabbat rituals.    

3 parts Frankincense 2 parts Sandalwood 1 part Benzoin 1 part Cinnamon

Add a few drops Patchouli oil

Ostara Incense

Ostara Soap        

1 cup grated unscented soap 1/4 cup hot water 1 tbsp. apricot oil 1 tbsp. Jasmine 1/2 tbsp. rose 6 drops frankincense oil 6 drops sandalwood oil 3 drops lavender oil

Place grated soap in a heat-proof nonmetallic container and add the hot water and apricot oil. Leave until it is cool enough to handle, and then mix together with your hands. If the soap is floating on the water, add more soap. Leave to sit for 10 minutes, mixing occasionally, until the soap is soft and mushy. Once the soap, water, and oil are blended completely, add the dry ingredients. Once the mixture is cool, and then adds the essential oils (essential oils evaporate quickly in heat). Enough essential oils should be added to overcome the original scent of the soap. Blend thoroughly and then divide the soap mixture into four to six pieces. Squeeze the soaps, removing as much excess water as possible into the shape you desire, and tie in cheesecloth. Hang in a warm, dry place until the soap is completely hard and dry

Burn during Ostara rituals.       

2 Parts Frankincense 1 Part Benzoin 1 Part Dragon's Blood 1/2 Part Nutmeg 1/2 part Violet flowers (or few drops violet oil) 1/2 Part Orange peel 1/2 Part Rose petals

Ostara Potpourri        

45 drops rose oil 1 cup oak moss 2 cups dried dogwood blossoms 2 cups dried honeysuckle blossoms 1/2 cup dried violets 1/2 cup dried daffodils 1/2 cup dried rosebuds 1/2 cup dried crocus or iris

Mix the rose oil with the oak moss, and then add the remaining ingredients. Stir the potpourri and then store in a tightly covered ceramic or glass container.


GODS AND GODESSES OF OSTARA ~ by LazyWitch Ostara is celebrated at the Spring Equinox (March 19th to the 22nd) here in the Northern Hemisphere. The Equinox is the time when time of daylight and night is of equal length. While it is mainly associated with the goddess Eostre, the festival also links to Persephone, Cybele and many other deities. Ostara and Eostre Easter derived its name from the ancient Teutonic goddess of spring and rebirth, Eostre. A goddess of new beginnings, Eostre's sacred animal is the hare or rabbit, representing fertility. Hares are sacred to the Goddess, and closely associated with magick, mysteries, spring and the moon. The Easter bunny links rabbits with eggs, another potent fertility symbol. One legend thought to explain the origins of this unusual paring involves Eostre, who saved an injured baby bird from the ravages of winter by turning it into a hare. The creature retained the ability to lay eggs, and ever after it would decorate the eggs it laid and leave them as gifts for the goddess who saved its life. (I must admit, I've always wondered what the connection was between bunnies and eggs!). Ostara and Persephone Persephone is a Greek goddess. According to legend, Hades abducted her, taking her to the Underworld. Persephone's grieving mother Demeter was left behind; she caused winter and death to cover the earth. Eventually, Persephone was returned, but because she had eaten six pomegranate seeds during her time in the Underworld, she was forced to go back for 6 months of the year. During autumn and winter, the time Persephone is apart from her mother, cold and death cloak the land until her return, when spring bursts forth. At this time of balance, with day and night equal length, the Goddess is both Mother and Daughter.


Ostara and Cybele Cybele is a Roman goddess, celebrating her festival at the Spring Equinox to mark the death and resurrection of her lover Attis. Christianity replaced this pagan celebration with the resurrection of Jesus at Easter. Cybele was a mother goddess of Rome, who was also at the center of a Phrygian cult, where eunuch priests preformed rites in her honor. Her lover, Attis castrated and killed himself due to her jealousy, but assisted by Zeus, Cybele was able to resurrect him. It is said that his blood formed the first violets. Ostara and Freya Freya is associated with Ostara due to her re-emergence in the spring. Having abandoned the world to the grip of winter, she returns to restore nature's beauty. Her magical necklace "Brisingamen" represents the fire of the sun. Along with the moon goddesses of Norse mythology, Freya was attended by lantern-bearing hares. Ostara and the Trickster Gods The God of Spring is young and joyful, ever the trickster. Born at Winter Solstice, by spring he is wild and raw, representing creative, untamed energy. He dances through spring and marks his proper celebration on April Fool's Day. Many earth-based cultures recognize the trickster god: ~ Native American tribes call him Coyote ~ West African people recognize him as Elegba ~African-Americans tell of Brer Rabbit, tricking his way out of trouble ~ Loki is the trickster god of Norse mythology ~ European cultures have Robin Goodfellow, mischievous faerie sprite ~ The Slavic god Verles is a god of trickery ~ Other names include the Raven, creator of the world, and in the Tarot, he is represented by the Fool.

Other Gods and Goddesses of Ostara There are numerous other goddesses associated with Ostara: ~ The Babylonian goddess Ishtar, goddess of morning and evening stars ~ The Jewish queen Esther, celebrated at the spring festival Purim ~ Celtic goddess Brighid, who conceives the sky god's child ~ Asasa Ya, an earth mother goddess celebrated by the Ashanti people, brings forth new life at spring ~ Flora, a Roman Goddess of spring and flowers ~ Saraswati, Hindu goddess of wisdom and art, celebrated each spring at her festival Saraswati Puja ~ Osiris, Egyptian god and lover of Isis, is another deity with a death and resurrection story at this time ~ Adonis and Mithras are also reborn at spring ~ The steadily growing sun symbolizes the Sky God, whose child is conceived by Brighid ~ The Ashanti people celebrate the sky god Nyame alongside Asasa Ya at the festival of Durbar Old pagan tradition would see a young man play the part of the God of Spring. This god was champion of the Goddess, with twelve tasks to perform. Armed with the spear of the sun, he wooed the Goddess, and together they would conceive a child. The serpent is also connected with the egg of new life, and associated deities are relevant, including Cernunnos, Bel, Helios, Apollo and Pythios. St Patrick is also known for his association with snakes, and his festival takes place just before Ostara on March 17th. REFERENCES Ostara-Goddesses and Gods/Suite 101, " Religion Facts, "" Paganism/Wicca, History of Ostara The Spring Equinox, ""

10 THINGS I LOVE ABOUT SPRING ~ by Doreen Shababy 1.

Baby animals, including ducklings and goslings.

4. More Daylight

5. Buttercups, the earliest wildflower

3. Wild spring greens, especially nettles

6. Snakes, frogs, and turtles


7. Asparagus

8. Gardening has begun in earnest

9. Rejuvenation and renewal

10. Morel mushrooms


Banishing Ritual of the Chocolate Rabbit ~ by Patti Wigington, Guide

Sure, Ostara is a time to celebrate spirituality and the turning of the earth, but there's no reason we can't have a good time with it as well. If you've got kids -- or even if you don't -- this simple rite is a great way to welcome the season using some things that are readily available in the discount stores at this time of year! Bear in mind, this is meant to be fun and a little bit silly. What You Need  Jelly beans  Peeps  Chocolate rabbits  Milk Here's How: For this ritual, you'll need the following:  A bag of jellybeans  Marshmallow Peeps -chicks, bunnies, etc.  A chocolate rabbit for each participant  A glass of milk for each participant Arrange your ritual supplies on your altar so they look pretty. Kids can do this -- typically the chocolate rabbits end up in the center, surrounded by an army of Peeps and several rings of jellybeans. A quick note -- you might want to perform this ritual well in advance of mealtime, or all the kids will be too full of candy to eat a real dinner. First, give everyone present a handful of jellybeans. Point out the different colors in the jellybeans, and what they can represent. As you call out each one, eat the jellybeans in that color. Feel free to be a bit goofy. Say something like:


Behold, little jelly eggs, small symbols of the season, How we adore you! Green is for the grass that springs from the land! (eat all the green jellybeans) Yellow is for the sun shining above our heads! (eat all your yellow jellybeans) Red is for the tulips that grow in our garden! (eat your red jellybeans) Pink is for Aunt Martha's new Easter hat! (eat your pink jellybeans) Purple is for the crocuses that sprout along our driveway! (eat the purple ones) Continue this until all the colors are gone -- if you really want to have some fun, make the kids take turns naming off the colors and what they mean to them. When they're all gone, call out: Hail! Hail! to the mighty jelly bean of Spring! Next, hand out the marshmallow Peeps. As you do, say: Behold the Peep! The Peep is life, brought back in the spring! Little Peep chickens, we honor you! (bite the Peep chicks) Little Peep bunnies, we honor you! (bite the Peep bunnies)… Continue this until the Peeps are all gone -- it's probably a good idea to limit each kid to just two or three Peeps at the most. When the Peeps have all vanished, call out: Hail! Hail! to the mighty Peeps of Spring! Finally, distribute the chocolate rabbits. Say:

Behold the great chocolate rabbit! As he hops through the land, he spreads joy and happiness! O, how we adore the chocolate rabbit and his great big chocolate ears! (eat the rabbit's ears) Praise the chocolate rabbit, and his delicious chocolate tail! (eat the rabbit's tail) Honor this chocolate rabbit, and his chocolate hoppity legs! (eat the rabbit's legs) He is a wonderful rabbit, and he is special indeed! (eat the rest of the rabbit) When the rabbits are all gone, say: Hail! Hail! to the mighty chocolate rabbit of Spring! Give everyone a glass of milk, and raise your drinks in a toast to these three symbols of the season. To the jelly beans! To the Peeps! To the chocolate rabbit! We drink in your honor! Drink your milk, and sit back to enjoy the sensation of being stuffed with ritual candy.













One of the most beautiful and energy filled gemstones, the Fluorite is often confused with Amethyst, Ametrine and Crystal but Fluorite usually carries at least two colors laying parallel to each other. Often found in beautiful purples and clear, Fluorite can also be found in very deep dark almost black colors along with assorted shades of lighter purple, greens and yellows. All are gorgeous and carry a lot of magick and spiritual energy. Though Fluorite seems hard (7 on the Mohs scale), this wonderful gemstone, which is considered a true crystal, is often delicate to temperature and will chatter if dropped. It can be polished to a beautiful, glistening finish, but more likely in a tumbled, soft finish for beads. They do have a glorious feel around the neck! Fluorite is beneficial to seekers desiring greater spiritual awareness. Its subtle energies can help connect with forces beyond the physical. It aids intuition and can help increase psychic development. Fluorite is often carved into Buddha’s, Goddess figures and crosses. The deeper purple Fluorite is a great assistance in meditation, bringing inner peace and calm, aiding with concentration and helping to focus. It also helps to gain an understanding of abstract concepts. Fluorite helps balance the mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional aspects and helps to feel more whole. Green fluorite soothes and clears the heart chakra as well as rekindling your sexual appetite, but this effect is subtle, allowing you to remain in control. The lighter purple Fluorite is often used across the brow chakra to relax and open the third eye area. Fluorite adds its strength to chakra stones when used in tandem. Fluorite is Projective, allowing for increased strength, an out-going personality and the ability to be forceful when necessary. Physically, Fluorite is said to be healing, helpful for those suffering with rheumatism, arthritis, or spinal problems. It benefits the teeth and bones (many municipalities at fluoride to their water supplies). It also brings luck, success, willpower, courage and self-confidence. The perfect stone to create Order from Chaos so should be on everyone’s desk or in their work area! Depending on which listing you prefer, Fluorite favors the Element of Air and/or Water.


This wonderful stone is found in China, Mexico, South Africa and the United States. Because of where it is found, Fluorite doesn't have a long history in European and Celtic magick. Said to be a good stone for those born during The Moon of Brisk Winds - 19 Feb - 20 Mar. Fluorite can help those born during this time of the year be more in tune with the non-physical forces of the spiritual realms. This can free them from the bonds of normal physical realities and allow them to become more flexible. Fluorite is also a good stone for people with the Zodiac sign of Pisces and Capricorn. Cleanse and recharge Fluorite under the Full Moon, NEVER, EVER, in water, salt or sunshine as its colors and energies will fade quickly!!

……… you're avoiding an accident Listening to that INNER Voice

I was living in Guatemala, and it was time to make a trip to California. I had little money, so needed to do the 72 hour trip without layovers where I'd have to pay for a hotel. That meant leaving on the 10am bus from Guatemala City, and the trip would be made without extra expenses. Only 40 min. into the trip, the bus driver pulled off the road, the engine was blown. I really needed to stay on schedule, so started to gather my belongings to exit the bus. The idea was to hitchhike to the next town where I could catch another bus to the Guatemala/Mexico border. I heard what I have called a "thought impression" because the words aren't audible but the idea comes through LOUD AND CLEAR. "Sit down and relax, you're avoiding an accident". Without thinking anything was strange about getting this message in my head, I put my belongings down, got out my book and started reading. Two hours later, the "thought impression" was, "ok, you can go now". Oh great!, I was just getting comfortable. So, again I gathered my belongings and requested that the bus driver get out my backpack because I was leaving. Before he could pull it out, the replacement bus arrived to take us to the border. Yea!, on the road again! The driver drove like a maniac, missing some of the scheduled stops, so was able to make up one of the two hours that we sat beside the road. I made good time going through immigration on both borders, then caught a shuttle to the next town and the bus station. I was able to buy a bus ticket to Mexico City on a bus, about an hour later than originally planned, still within my time constraints to make the trip with no layovers.

All was going smoothly until about three hours into the latest chapter. The driver stopped the bus. My first thought was that we were making a food and potty stop, which seemed ridiculous, having only been on the road for three hours. Then I looked down the aisle and through the windshield to see the flashing red lights. "Oh GREAT", I thought, "a Police/Military checkpoint. Don't these guys ever sleep?" The bus driver left the bus, only to return five min. later. He explained to all the passengers "you have a choice, we can stay here until they clear the road, or return to town and leave again in the morning". Everyone chose to wait. My first thought was that there had been a landslide, but he continued to explain, "there has been a collision, a bus vs. a truck, and the bus is still burning". I had that "chill of realization" go through my body! That was the bus I would have been in had the bus not broken down in Guatemala. We sat on the road for maybe an hour when we were allowed to pass. I could clearly see a portion of the logo on the bus, the same bus company I was traveling with. I also smelled the unmistakable odor of burning flesh. It's hard to say how this experience has changed me. Of course, I try to listen to the voice, (notice I say TRY). Sometimes when I don't listen, I realize that I was warned to do or not to do what I did. That reminds me to listen more closely next time. Where that voice comes from, I can only say it is my Higher Self, one of my Guardian Angels, who knows? I love my guides! Blessings, Lady Ti-Eagle


It may be a cliché to compare spirituality to a garden, but there really is no better analogy because our lives come into blossom and grow lush when we cultivate spirit. With springtime unfolding, this is the perfect time to pay attention to our spirituality, and a good way to do this is through ritual. Author Elizabeth Fisher noted that “to be in ritual is to be in the river of life. Ritual is separate from everyday life, and yet it nourishes every facet of life. It allows us to pause and step out of our everyday existence. When we do this, we move beyond the familiar into mystery, where we can seek answers to age-old questions about life. We are continually drawn by mystery because we are seekers. We want to find who we are, what we are, and where we belong. There is a deep part of us that needs to search for answers, that needs to find connection with something greater than what is presented to us in daily life. Through ritual we seek connection with the Divine as well as connection with inner self. Eckhart Tolle noted that when we reach a certain state of being, it is “a state of connectedness with something immeasurable” that is “essentially you and yet is much greater than you. It is finding your true nature beyond name and form. All too often the inner self cannot be heard because of all the noise with which we surround ourselves, as well as the chatter of our minds. Tolle said that “this incessant mental noise prevents you from finding that realm of inner stillness that is inseparable from being. Although ritual can be noisy at times, it is sounds such as chanting, singing, and drumming that gives us focus. As we maintain focus, we move deeper into self and find our connection with divinity. This is why ritual is never a passive event. We engage our intention and energy in an exploration of sacred relationship with self and the Divine which enables us to find that state of connectedness. Once found, we can begin to balance our inner and outer worlds. We begin to bring true self into daily life as well as find something sacred in each day. We start to live with intent. This is when life begins to blossom and we find our purpose.


Prayer in a Garden


Through ritual we are able to create the physical and mental space we need to define and follow our inner path to the outer world where we eventually see that many of the trappings of modern life are meaningless. I don’t believe that we were put on this earth to worry about what is happening on Wall Street or next door at the proverbial Jones household. Dr. Wayne Dyer said that “connecting to intention means listening to your heart and conducting yourself based on what your inner voice tells you is your purpose here. When we develop a rich inner path, we can live in wonder and appreciation of each day. The sacred and the secular parts of our lives become intertwined. John O’Donohue noted that “each day is a secret story woven around the radiant heart of wonder.”5 To feel deep within our souls the beauty of a sunset or a seagull winging low over the water, to feel the pull of the moon and the sway of the tides is to find our place in the greater cosmos. Through ritual we are able to slow down and reflect on the things that are important on a soul level. In ritual we create a time and place that is sacred and safe. Because we move into different levels of self that we may not frequent on a regular basis, we may encounter deep-seated emotions. These can be expressed in ways that are not scary or overwhelming. In group ritual others are present to provide comfort and support. Whether or not deep emotions are expressed, ritual serves to strengthen community. When we open ourselves for ritual, we open our hearts for sharing. In addition, as we stand in the circle of community we connect with the spiral of past and future. We engage in traditions that reach back to our ancestors and we add nuances that may stretch forward for the many generations who follow.

We find purpose in holding our strands in the web of life that connects us to everyone and everything. Entering into ritual awakens us to what is eternal within ourselves as well as the world around us. We find that the wheel of the year does more than mark cyclic occasions; it brings our souls into the rhythms of the natural world. In this cyclical process we find the presence of the Divine in nature and as part of our true nature, which leads us back into self and the inner path we tread. We affirm what we believe and confirm who we are and weave a rich tapestry with strands that connect our inner and outer worlds. If we set our intent, the energy that we build in ritual remains with us as we move from sacred back to secular. When we return to the multitasking, rush-rush world we can keep that spark of divinity kindled in our hearts and carry on with our everyday endeavors with a mindfulness that brings fulfillment. However, in order for ritual to have such a profound effect it must hold meaning. It is vital to develop a personal understanding of the purpose of each ritual. Yes, Imbolc/Candlemas celebrates the growing light and Ostara, renewal and growth; but what does that mean on a personal level? Figuring this out for ourselves is an essential ingredient that we intertwine with the tradition behind each ritual which allows us to integrate it with our inner path. Without this level of individual engagement, ritual is mere performance. It may be fun, but so is going to the movies. Ritual requires personal perspective and depth. If we want to find a true connection with self, community and the Divine, we must invest time and effort to dig deep. It doesn’t automatically happen just because we go through the motions. Preparation for ritual needs to include self-exploration and intent. We must prepare the inner garden of our souls if we want it to blossom and come to fruition. May this season of renewal that is ready to burst forth help you cultivate the garden of your soul.


St. Patrick and the Pagan Snakes of Ireland:

St. Patrick is known as a symbol of Ireland, particularly around every March. One of the reasons he's so famous is because he supposedly drove the snakes out of Ireland, and was even credited with a miracle for this. What many people don't realize is that the serpent was actually a metaphor for the early Pagan faiths of Ireland. It's important to note that he did not physically drive the Pagans from Ireland, but instead St. Patrick brought Christianity to the Emerald Isle. Conversion of medieval Pagan populations to Christianity was never a sudden and complete transformation. In most cases, local folks were so deeply connected to their ancestral beliefs and deities that the missionaries had to shape their teachings to better fit the local Pagan traditions. In Ireland, were Pagans worshipped a large pantheon of Celtic deities, the first and foremost divine being was a Triple Goddess representing love, fertility, and wisdom. Legend has it that St. Patrick, during his very best conversion speech, stood on top of the Rock of Cashel in the province of Munster and picked up a clover from the green lush of the Irish land. Showing the three leaves of the clover to the Pagans, he explained to them the Christian Trinity, and from this day on, the clover became the symbol of Ireland. This legend is an obvious and gross attempt by the clergy to christianize an old pagan symbol of the Triple Goddess. He did such a good job of it that he began the conversion of the entire country to the new religious beliefs, thus paving the way for the elimination of the old systems. And while it's true that snakes are hard to find in Ireland, this may well be due to the fact that it's an island, and so snakes aren't exactly migrating there in packs.

The real St. Patrick was believed by historians to have been born around 370 c.e., probably in Wales or Scotland. Most likely, his birth name was Maewyn, and he was probably the son of a Roman Briton named Calpurnius. As a teen, Maewyn was captured during a raid and sold to an Irish landowner as a slave. During his time in Ireland, where he worked as a shepherd, Maewyn began to have religious visions and dreams -- including one in which showed him how to escape captivity. Once back in Britain, Maewyn moved on to France, where he studied in a monastery. Eventually, he returned to Ireland to "care and labour for the salvation of others", according to The Confession of St. Patrick, and changed his name to Patrick, which means "father of the people." Today, St. Patrick's Day is celebrated in many places on March 17, typically with a parade (an oddly American invention) and lots of other festivities. Some modern Pagans refuse to observe a day which honors the elimination of the old religion in favor of a new one. However, there are Wiccans who actually enjoy the celebration because of its "hidden" Pagan meaning, The 3 leaf clover, and smile when they see devout Christians wearing a symbol of the Goddess. It's not uncommon to see Pagans wearing some sort of snake symbol on St. Patrick's Day, instead of those green "Kiss Me I'm Irish" badges. If you're not sure about wearing a snake on your lapel, you can always jazz up your front door with a Spring Snake Wreath instead.


Jazz up your front door with your own version of St. Patricks’ Day Decor    

Grapevine wreath Plastic snakes Hot glue gun Spray acrylic paint

What To Do: 1. You can paint the plastic snakes any color you choose, or just use them as is. 2. Hang the wreath on the door and begin winding the snakes in and out of the limbs. Have some winding around, others hanging down, and some posed to strike. The limbs hold the snakes pretty snug, but for added security hot glue into place.


Compiled by Gertrude Moon GHOST/SPIRIT CATAGORIES Before we begin, let it be said, ghosts are never good to have around your home, office or any place else where living mortals exist. They use up the energy around them including the energy we need for ourselves. It may not be apparent to you or others but ghosts have their own agendas and they will use any means to accomplish it including stealing every bit of energy they have access to. You should also know that where there is one ghost, there are probably others, and in some cases, many others. I recommend reading as many books and websites on ghost clearings/rescues as you possibly can. Read the stories of what the rescuers did and how the ghosts responded to the rescuers actions. These are a wealth of information that can be used and, if you are just starting out, you’ll want to draw on the experience of others for ideas. I would suggest keeping a journal on your “ghosting” experience. First, so you can determine if you really have one, and second, so you can compile information on the ghost just in case you must call in someone else to help later. Now for the “Meat” of the topic! Ghosts are cold, shivery, energy sucking entities that often produce very cold energy similar to a chilly breeze. The more emotional the ghost, the colder they will feel. If a room feels cold for no reason, it’s a good indication a ghost is present. Aliens and other entities have no temperature, or are warm. The whole dynamic of ghosts was shown very well in the movie, “The Sixth Sense.” A ghost has not gone into the light and is in no way worthy of being a guide, so don’t be fooled.


They perceive reality through the filter of their “earthly” ego, and are not connected to the Divine Light so not wise enough to guide. They are fuzzy about the passage of time and want you to help them with their own long dead agendas. Don’t! Don’t listen to any being or spirit until you’ve tested them by sending them into the light. If they go, come right back and have enjoyed the trip, then you can trust them. It’s best, though, to let your own heart be your guide. A ghost can be tricky, just like we mortals. Ghosts are often seen in the mind’s eye rather than in physical form, and communication with them is not really clear. Emotional impressions and fragments of sentences, sometimes fragments of visions are the common means of communication. DO NOT intentionally allow a ghost to possess your body as this can prove dangerous to you physically and mentally! Once you’ve detected the ghost, talk to them and they will usually listen. Human spirits can be divided into a few types. The most common are those who do not know they are dead. They are trapped in a purgatory-like state, lost in a dream world of their own memories. The really old ones are like a faint recording on replay. They are hardly aware of themselves or their surroundings or the passage of time; they just keep going through the motions of whatever was familiar to them in life, or replaying the trauma of their death. Sometimes you have to give them love so they can wake up enough to have a conversation, so you can persuade them to move on. Another type, the Protectors, know they are dead, but for some reason have chosen not to go into the light. These may be parents who do not want to leave their children, or lovers who cannot bear to be parted from their loved ones. It can be any connection, and the connection often comes partly from the living not wanting to let go.

This type of ghost often was, in life, a member of a larger social group such as Native Americans or Oriental families. These ghosts can be found in large numbers which seems to be a side effect of ancestor worship where the dead think that’s their role to remain as support and counselor, or enforcer of traditions, to the living. They hang around to make sure their descendants keep to the old ways. These ghosts could be a part of the reason for the high Native American suicide rates (Native Americans seem to be more sensitive to spirits) as most aboriginals inherit a few hundred dead ancestors who put pressure on them to keep old ways. The old ways are dead and gone, but this type of ghost doesn’t perceptive enough to see that. They can be manipulative, and stuck in their own agenda. It’s like having a few hundred bossy mother-inlaws. The pressure of their disapproval can drive a person to suicide. It’s like “If you can’t beat them, join them” type of thing. These ghosts usually don’t want to listen to anyone living, so you have to pull rank on them by calling their own ascended ancestors back from the light to tell them to stop and go into the light. Sometimes it’s necessary to go back a few hundreds of years and/or many generations to find one who knows and understands the truth of what you are trying to tell them. There are also the deliberately negative ghosts, who know that they are dead but refuse to go into the light. They know that without being fed by the energy of human attention they will fade away like an old photograph. They haunt and try to upset people to get the energy they need to stay active. Often this type of ghost is stubbornly stuck in their own long dead agenda of revenge or attachment to a place that was theirs. These are the vengeful ghosts of horror movies. This may sound shocking, but ghosts can possess people! These are sometimes called ShoveIns or Push-Ins. Some mistake this for demons, but it is really dis-embodied human spirits co-inhabiting live person’s physical body. These ghosts sometimes tend to be addicted to earthly pleasures or had an extremely sudden death with an extreme agenda. They inhabit individuals who have been knocked out or rendered unconscious in some manner at some time. Those possessed tend to appear spiritually dead, with all focus being outwardly. Marked signs are personality changes, new addictions, depression, etc., could point to one or more possessing spirits. This is not to say that all addictions, depressions and mental illnesses are caused by ghost possession. Be aware that there are ghosts that are Tag-a-Longs or Cling-Ones. They are come to a home or space “attached” to furniture or other object, sometimes to a person. When they come with furniture or on an object it’s often because that item was in some way special to them. If it attaches itself to a person, it can often be seen as a “bump” in the person’s aura and is hitching a ride to somewhere. Either way they can cause problems.

Most ghosts have no power except emotional energy, so they will seek to manipulate your emotions. They use fear and try to posses a body to be able to have more influence, but if you do not fear them then they are powerless. Sovereignty of your body and home is your divine right. Call on your Goddess, Guardian Angels or Spirit Guides to end the attempt. The sweet ghosts/spirits are the ones who have gone into the light, and retain a connection to the Light while being present to love and support their children or loved ones. Remember, while we think of the Light being above, or as a location, it is really a dimension that is woven through and supporting the fabric of physical reality. The Light is not here or there, it is everywhere but veiled by perceptual filters (E=mc2) matter and light and energy are the same thing in different states, like how water can be ice, liquid or steam depending on the temperature=vibration. These Divine Spirits are connected to wisdom, so they are aware of the passage of time, supported by being in the light so they have no need of being fed by your attention. They see you through “Goddess eyes”, and may guide but do not judge. They have gone through the life review and know the purpose of their life and death, and return simply for the sake of love for those they have left behind. Entities may claim to be this: test them by sending them into the light. If they go, come back and have enjoyed the trip, then they are worthy guides...but even so, you do not need them. Serve the Goddess with yourself, you own heart and have none before. Finally there are the Ascended Masters. These are enlightened beings that have evolved enough while alive to manifest a strong energy body that does not need the energy of human attention to keep it viable. They are the strongest presences, sharp and aware, and usually not cold. Sometimes they have transmuted their body back into pure light by raising their vibration, (E=mc2, again) and take most of it with them when they die. They can move in and out of the light at will and their energy bodies are solid enough that can affect the physical plane...but they are enlightened enough to not usually interfere with the affairs of humans unless invented to and their love is for all people, not just the loved ones they left behind. Ascended Masters do not have to be dead but apparently have the ability to become invisible. I firmly believe the Dahlia Lama is one of these beings.

RESCUING/CLEARING GHOSTS Rescuing/Clearing: Tell them that they are dead. Most ghosts do not know this. They might find the information rather upsetting. If you are dealing with a child, be gentle when you tell them. If you are dealing with a very old ghost who had faded like an old photograph, sometimes you can just call on the angels to take them or you may have to send them love until they wake up enough to make a decision to go.


Direct them to go into the light. NEVER COMMAND THEM as we have no power to command anyone but ourselves; just nicely instruct them. Tell them that anything they were hoping to get/fix/prevent or control can only be handled or handled better by them going into the light. Reason with them concerning why they have chosen to remain here, while at the same time educate them as to where they should be. Let them know they cannot understand the meaning of their life’s purpose until they go into the light. They have no power or wisdom until they go into the light. Some ghosts seem to panic, not knowing what is going on. Comprehending the death of one’s own body is important as well as understanding that one’s spirit lives on and is incorruptible. Acknowledge that you know the ghost is there and that you are trying to hear the lost spirit and be of help to them. Many times ghosts just want to be acknowledged as it proves to them they are still alive and well, and not hallucinating or dreaming. You may be surprised to find that while you are explaining such things to earthbound spirits in order help them, other spirits have come forward from the light willing to communicate with the ghost. It’s sort of like a tag team-type effort from both sides. Next, explain that the light is where the lost ghost should be and not here on Earth. Describe the light as a place some call heaven – where intense love, joy, and peace will be felt. The light a place where all pain goes away, no punishment exists, and the lifejourney will continue. Remaining behind has stopped their lifejourney from moving forward. The lost spirit has gotten “stuck” in the past by the power of the mind. If communicating with a child ghost, describe the light as a fun, enjoyable place that is full of love. With all ghosts, do your best to understand the reason behind the spirit remaining here.

Seek to understand their frame of mind and assist them to resolve issues if possible. Is there unfinished business? Is there a message that needs to be shared with the living from the deceased? Is there fear of punishment or something else that keeps them from going to the light? Confront the past and help vanquish fears (which may be expressed as concerns, doubts, worries, anger, etc) is what sets entities free. Assure the lost spirit that they may return and visit earthly loved ones from time to time. Finally, once you reach a point where the spirit is ready to move beyond this realm and into the next, it is time to make the transition as easy as possible. Let them know that the spirits that are currently with you are there to help guide them and mean them no harm. Further explain their loved ones are right there with them as well (this information seems to help the transition and set the expectation). Loved ones are most likely already with the lost spirit. They often reach out to those who are trapped here, but many times are unsuccessful in making the connection. The ghost may or may not be aware of their presence. Make the ghost aware of their loved ones by asking him/her to concentrate on family or friends who passed before them. Hearing this will encourage loved ones to step forward to reunite with the ghost. This process seems essential in removing the fear of moving further into the light alone. Ask the ghost to close their eyes and as they do so, tell them a small light will appear behind them. Tell them about their loved ones, the light is growing larger and warmer behind them – nothing to fear, just something that feels inviting and full of love. Now ask the ghost to imagine that same light wrapping them in warmth, a blanket of love, peace and joy; tell them their loved ones are in the light, as well. Ask the ghost to keep their eyes closed and turn around reaching out to their loved ones. Upon doing so, ask that they open their eyes and they will see their loved one(s) holding their hands.

Tell the ghost to proceed further into the light with loved ones and in peace. Ghosts and spirits are all around us. Even though spirits exist on another plane, they choose to interact with the living for either our help (ghosts), or to help us (spirits from the light, such as angels, spirit guides, etc.). Both interact with all of us more than most people know and are not limited to living in what we may deem as haunted locations. Ghosts and spirits have no boundaries with respect to when they must be, or who they may visit. All of us are one with each other, whether with a body or without. True healing can only come to us when we recognize the truth regarding our oneness with all. Be sure and read actual accounts of ghost rescues both on line and in as many books as you can find. You will receive help and ideas that you’ll need when you decided to tackle a ghost rescue of your own! When dealing with a ghost parent or grandparent who is possessing or interacting with their descendants, point out to them how their actions are causing pain and harm to the vessel, and ask if this is what love would do? They, the ghost, had their time, now the descendants have their own lives to live and it is not right or responsible to cling to life by stealing the life of others. When dealing with a dead parent who wants to watch over their living children, tell them that it is if “Goddess Wills” they will be allowed to return, able to do a better job of it if they go into the light first and get the “after death” orientation to discover the purpose and meaning of all the events in their own lives, and become empowered. No time will pass in this reality, while they are gone. You may see them go, then reappear a moment later, much changed: radiant and selfless.


Whatever motive they have for whatever they are doing, tell them that whatever they want or need is in the light. Tell them that there is a wonderful welcome home party, waiting for them in the light. People who love them are waiting for them in the light. Repeat as needed. Accept no other solutions, suggestions or excuses and answer all of their complaints with a suggestion to go into the light. Then ask your angels/guides and their angels/guides to escort them into the light, and thank the angels/guides for doing so. Very rarely will there be ghosts who will not listen. If this happens simply ask the Goddess/your guardian angels/guides or theirs, to bring someone from the light that they will respect and listen to, to persuade them of the truth of what you are saying. Sometimes when dealing with some Native ancestors or ghosts of other cultures who practice ancestor worship, the ghosts can be hard to clear/rescue. The ghosts are convinced that their proper place is to nag the living into adhering to the old ways...which can be devastating to the descendants, if the old ways are gone the way of the buffalo. If that is their place, then like parental ghosts, they may be allowed back once they have gotten the after-death orientation...and they will be stronger and wiser, better able to serve the descendants. To handle negative ghost or entity: 1) Remain unemotional and firm when dealing with a negative ghost, as they will feed off your fear and make themselves stronger and more powerful (much of this is simply in our mind – they don’t have any power over us, except what we give them). Just know you are in control, and speak out loud for the ghost or spirit to leave; and that they are not welcome in you home. You have nothing to fear, for fear is created in the mind. Do this firmly, yet with love 2) Tell the spirit or ghost to seek the light, and that its physical body has perished and it’s time (and good) to leave this physical realm. Tell negative ghosts that they will see other spirits (loved ones, friends) who are called to direct and guide them; and will be treated with love and forgiveness no matter what they’ve done. Ghosts need to know that they can be affecting others negatively, and that it is time for them to move on in life and unto peace and enjoyment. 3) If they are worried about punishment, tell them that they’re not sent to an eternal “hell,” but will be shown their lives and are made to experience what they have done, so they can understand those things and how they have impacted themselves and others. They will always be treated with love and will be helped to move beyond any self-created guilt and condemnation – through forgiveness, especially forgiveness of themselves. Be very firm in letting them know it’s good for them, and it’s time for them to go. Keep telling them this until you feel they’ve gone to the light, the realm of spirit – this will help them move

on. Light is not to be feared for it is love, peace and truth. Darkness is “lack of understanding” and negative – false

TRADITIONAL SPIRITUAL CLEANSING – GHOST SMUDGING If the spirit or ghost activity does not stop, or stops only for a while, then resumes, you may want to do a spiritual cleansing of your home. This is the traditional practice of “smudging” a home to get rid of an unwanted ghost. What this does is chase the ghost from your home to the outside. Once the smudge has warn off, the ghost(s) will be back. This, in most cases, will only temporarily slow the activity down, for the ghost needs to truly move on: 1) Crack a window in each room of your home and take a dried bundle of sage and “smudge” your home clearing out any negative or stagnant energies. Smudging is simply lighting the sage bundle, making sure you have a safe receptacle to catch the ashes in, and walking around your entire home allowing the smoke to circulate and cleanse the energy and space. 2) Being firm and unemotional, walk around each room of your home, while saying loudly and firmly, “This sage is cleansing out all negative energies and spirits...all negative energies and spirits must leave now through the windows and not return.” Do this until you sense the negative energy has gone and the room’s energy lightens (returning to a positive, peace place) and then say, “In the name of Goddess and God, this room is now cleansed.” Know and sense this. Close the windows. Place your sacred symbol in oil on the windows and doors. Move on to the next area that needs work and do the same. 3) Remember not to worry about how you sound as if you stumble on your words. The main thing is your intent, which is your faith. You have power and have nothing to fear. Your intentions are to rid the home of negative energies and spirits and they will know this, if they are there. Always work with your own energy from within your soul and incorporate this energy into the cleansing. Draw your divine power for within your innermost being. 4) Always be firm, non-fearing, and unemotional and deal with negative ghosts strongly, yet in love. You are always in control and are not powerless. Some people like to re-visit a cleansed house by going back into all of the rooms with a pleasant incense such as lavender while inviting all loving, protecting, positive spirits into the home. You may end the ritual by lighting a white candle and setting it on a table to burn for a bit to “seal” the ritual.


NATURE SPIRITS Nature spirits are called Faeries, Fey or Devas. They are the consciousness of nature and do the creative work of being the consciousness guiding the patterns of wind, weather, and water, wood and stone. Every mountain, forest and flower has a Deva, every stone and stream has consciousness. These beings are more or less immortal, because they do not experience separation as we do. They have individuality, but not as much compared to people. They know that they are light, manifest into form to do certain work and have experiences. In this, they are similar to Angels. Many assume that all Faeries must be good faeries but unfortunately it just is not so. Many Fey have become messed up by encounters with humans, and have taken on some ego-separation, forgotten what they truly are and where they came from. They are stuck just as people get stuck, away from the light, forgetting “I AM THAT,” similar to fallen angels. The best thing you can do for them is send them back to the light, where there is a rehabilitation program for bent Fey there and a great welcome home party too. They will love it and it is more fun than being bent. It’s better for you if the fey move on. It’s better for them that you send them on. That is why they’ve come to you; they just may not know it. Sometimes you can simply open your heart to them with unconditional love, and they will be healed when they see their true selves reflected there. Do not try this unless your own heart is clear and able to love them unconditionally, or they may turn into entities that possess you. Better to let the Angels handle it. Aside from some representative Devas like the Greenman, whose job it is to deal with us and some Teaching Faeries, most healthy Fey pay little attention to people. They generally only seek the company of humans if they are bent or if they want something. A water nymph whose stream has been replaced with a sewer pipe will have something to say about it, but one who is fine, simply “Is” a cordial presence of “Namaste or Peace” and otherwise not much conversation unless you have questions. Sometimes the Teaching Faeries seem to be pranksters, but often there is an important message for you in their actions. When in doubt, send them into the light. It is said that a pillar of white light above your head, is their path home. Show it to them and ask them to go there, up, up and away! Goddess will take care of them, repair them (you cannot so don’t try). If you find the fairy or deva to be stubborn and make a lot of excuses, about why they are not yet ready to go, the kindest thing is tough love intervention. Stuff them through a white light hole if you can, or, better yet call on your Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides or the Goddess to take them home. Since the Light is outside of time, generally they are done rehabilitating and may come back in minutes, whole and healed and offering thanks for the intervention. Then they may stay to keep you company but more likely head out to do what they are meant to do, helping flowers grow etc.


Harmony Hearth Brooms And Faancy Hats

Handmade Witch Hats

Handmade Besoms

Time to conjure up a new look for the stylish witch that you are! Let your spirit take flight in one of these handmade magical adornments. Boost your supernatural presence with one of these haute hats.

Sacred to the Goddess and the God. Represents the Element of Water. The Broom or Besom is a purifying and protective instrument, used to cleanse the area for magick or to guard a home by laying it across the threshold, under the bed, in windowsills or on doors.

For more information and pricing please contact Anne at

Ostara ~ by Raven Spirit Pink and green, yellow and light blue But this is a beginning These are the colors of the Springtime Your goals don’t forsake hues We must continue to water, continue The light returns to a frozen Earth to rake The Lord and Lady court in lusty mirth To nurture and care for the still He brushes her face fragile seeds She brushes his horns Till they grow strong in to our magickal Tis not a thing to shun or scorn deeds Look there is a songbird To pull the weeds and nurture with And over there is a hare care Excitement in our souls so sacred and And watch your goals manifest fare As we Will, stay Silent, and Dare The signs that are given of a promise So salute the Lord and the Lady fulfilled As they explore and make marry The rebirth of all nature For your life will be prosperous With strength, hope, and caring Flowers in the fields


This Plantain is the leafy green plant with a long, thin, seedy stem that shoots up from the middle of the plant. Often found in unplanted/wild yards, fields and along streets and highways. Do not confuse it with the green to yellow banana looking fruit. Totally different plants. There is a story that goes something like this ~ Once upon a time there was a girl who was deeply in love with a man. She spent many hours on the side of the road watching for her love to come home to her. She spent so much time waiting for him that she eventually took root and was transformed into the herb Plantain, which now grows by the side of the road. (Kinda reminds me of some of the teen-aged girls I grew up with!). Anyway, that's the story. Plantain is one of the nine sacred herbs of the Ancient Saxons. They referred to Plantain as Weybroad. Early Christians saw Plantain as a symbol of those who made the long journey to see Jesus. Native Americans referred to Plantain as White Man's foot (it would have had to gotten that name after the white man arrived in America). It is found pretty much worldwide and though it is sometimes larger, the different sizes seem just to differ because of the amount of water and sun they receive. If choosing to plant Plantain you must be careful (if you are in North Idaho, please let me know, it’s one of the natural plants that love my yard!!! Really love my yard!!!!). It is recommended to only grow it in pots as this is an herb that will spread if left to its own devices (Oh yes it will!!). You can start plantain from seed in the early spring or fall. This herb will do well in almost any conditions, full sun or partial shade, dry, moist or nearly soppy! It just loves to grow.


Plantain has several uses. If you are stung by a bee, crush up a leaf and apply it to the area where you were stung. It seems to sooth most insect bites as well as poison ivy itching. Chew on a Plantain leaf if you have a tooth ache. It can also be used as a clean-set and an antiseptic. The small young leaves of the plant can be used in salads or lightly steamed. Don't use the larger leaves as they become tough. Don't eat too much either as it is a mild laxative for most people. Bunnies, chicken and pet birds love Plantain when it's young and will usually give you an extra little cuddle when it's given. Again, don't over feed your pet on Plantain. Magically, Plantain is used for protection from evil spirits and snake bites and provides strength. It removes weariness, heals headaches, and used in house and business blessings. Place a pinch of dried leaf in the flames of a candle or fire or throw it into an East wind for healing. Hang leaves in the car for protection from evil and jealousy (great use for those older, larger leaves). Nearly all Love Deities are partial to Plantain; Brawen, Brigit, Mab, Creiddylad, Angus mac Og, Belili, Eros, Adonis, Venus, Luna, Cupid, Hathor, Isis, Bast, and Xochiqutzal just to name a few!!! Plant yourself a little pot of Plantain if you don't have any growing in your yard. After all, you just never know when you'll need a little for that snake bite!!!

REFERENCES The Extremely Large Herbal Grimoire

Items needed:            

1 Gold God candle 1 Silver Goddess candle 4 corner candles A basket of eggs (real or artificial) Yellow, Green & Pink ritual candles Rose or Strawberry incense Spring flowers Cauldron & Sage (to purify circle) A bowl of salt A cup of water Chalice of wine or juice Athame (for The Great Rite) and wand

Cast circle and call the corners. Light the incense and sage. Invoke God & Goddess. (DO NOT light the green, yellow and pink ritual candles just yet) INVOCATION OF THE GOD:


Take the Goddess & God candles from the altar and light the surrounding ritual candles. When finished, place the Goddess candle back on the altar and say:

Then, while placing the God candle back on the altar, say:

set them around the perimeter of the circle, clockwise. If anyone else happens to be joining you or if there are others in addition to yourself in the circle, give one egg to each person present.

Holding the egg in your hand upward, toward the Sun, say:

(The following rite symbolizes the union between the Goddess & God - without which there would not be life. Pick up the chalice of wine or juice and your athame. While slowing dipping your athame into the chalice, repeat the following: THE GREAT RITE- (symbolic):

When finished, make a toast to the Goddess & God – drinking from the consecrated chalice.

(Eostre is the Teutonic Lunar Goddess of Fertility and Renewal, She symbolizes the rebirth of nature and Her sacred animal is the hare. During Her festival, it was the Pagan custom to exchange colored eggs as a way of celebrating the season of Spring and the anticipation of new life to come.)

Close ritual and open circle, remembering to give back to the Earth afterwards.



Pisces Astrology February 19 - March 20 Pisces and Independence: Pisces needs a dominant partner of role model in their life or they will very easily fall into a pit of self-pity and self-undoing. When they are independent and inspired by life's events, their creativity comes shining through but they are unable to be on their own for long before they start dreaming in their imaginary world of happy people and happy endings. They need other people to keep them grounded and on the right track. Pisces and Friendship: Pisces will go out of their way to help a friend. They are extremely sensitive and loyal. They will take a friend's problem and make it their own and suffer with them. This is the weak spot of Pisces but any friend of this zodiac sign should know that although they are attracted to people with severe problems who desperately need help, this actually does more harm them good. Even though Pisces will offer to make everything right, do not allow them to take on all your problems because they will lose their identity in your situation. They need a strong positive friend to make them strong. Pisces like adventure, new situation and social events. A Pisces friend will always have something exciting in mind and it is a very fulfilling, long lasting friendship. Pisces and Business: Pisces does not take well to a position of leadership or high business person, they are too sensitive and lacking in selfdiscipline and lacking self-confidence for a positions such as that. What they are good at is is writing, acting, poetry, or being musicians. Pisces are excellent at anything that tugs at the heart strings and mystical/spiritual. They are extremely creative and can use their skills of creativity and their understanding of people to inspire others. Unfortunately, most Pisces take the easy way out in life and never attain the degree of fame that they possibly could, they have to stop self-doubting themselves because they are capable of being good role models and leaders to others, people do look up to them. Pisces and Temperament: The Pisces personality is hard to pin down, it is very mysterious and elusive. Pisces are molded by their surroundings, they incorporate their experiences and surroundings into themselves. They have extreme compassion and they feel the pain of others. If something is wrong in the world that affects them, it affects them deeply, they take it to heart and feel extreme feelings regarding the matter. When they are happy, they are extremely happy and when they are sad, they are extremely depressed. Pisces is the zodiac sign of self-undoing. People born under this zodiac sign are not susceptible to bad luck and unfortunate events, they bring them on themselves by overindulging, laziness and a knack for picking poorly suited partners and friends.


They want people in their life who stir their emotions because this helps them to practice emotional stability. The inner conflict of Pisces is extremes of temperament and conflicting emotions. They are trying to pinpoint themselves on the real world while their spiritual world can cloud their vision, they will try to escape or avoid a situation instead of confronting it. Pisces eternal struggle is to learn to use their powers and their imagination in a positive, productive way and vying for emotional stability by not giving away their emotions to everyone else, they need to help themselves. Pisces in a Nutshell: Pisces is the sign of mysticism, mystery and the spiritual unknown. Pisces live in two worlds, the real world and the spiritual or mystical world where they interpret what they see into what they want. They do this to avoid all the realities of pain and suffering in the world. They have extremes of emotions and feel both good and bad intensively. Pisces have formidable intuitive ability. Most Pisces are somehow involved with occult or spiritualism. Pisces are very good at understanding people for they have the ability to delve into the psyche and see behind a person's motivations. Pisces are prone to drug addiction and indulging lifestyles because of their eternal search for themselves and their fear of confrontation and having to change a situation, also they justify drug use by allowing it to get closer with their 'spiritual selves'. Once they aware this is why they are doing it, it will be easier to kick the habit. Pisces are not the pushovers that they may seem, in fact they have strength of character and will stand up for what they believe in and and they can do hard work for something they believe in. They can be very lazy but only in matters that they do not care about. Pisces is the most sensitive of all zodiac signs.

DEAR GERTRUDE Dear Gertrude, We moved into military base housing about a year ago. At that time we felt there was something "ghostly" in our house because of the knocking and banging and unusual noises but we just joked about it and laughed. For the most part it stopped with only an occasional series of noises. Our baby was born 7 months ago and little by little the noises have started up again. We recently went back home for our Christmas visit and when we got back all kinds of things were happening all over the house. Stuff being knocked or pushed off shelves, banging and all kinds and other noises we haven't had before. The house just felt different. It's spooky and we wanted to know if there is anything we can do to stop it. We know that base officials would just laugh at us and tell us that we could move out if we don't like it. Is it unusual for base housing to be haunted? Is there anything I can do to stop it? Can you please help us? Thank you Long Way from Home

Dear "Long Way", I completely understand your situation. This is not just an issue for military families but all those who rent homes, particularly older homes and apartments around the country. Always remember, you are probably not the first family to live in your base housing and you won't likely be the last. Have the Base Housing Office check out ALL pipes, windows, doors, closets, shrubs and bushes, overhangs like rain gutters, etc., to make sure they are all in good working order. Just tell them you continue to hear things bubble, gurgle, rub, or whatever.


They really should have checked all of this first, but with the winter winds and such, you've got enough reason for them to come and check. Ok, after the check you are still hearing noises and creepy things continue to happen. Houses and apartment buildings do settle, creak and moan with weather changes, even those that are built on concrete slabs. If you see cracks in your walls, this settling could be part of your noise problem. Let the proper authorities know about this condition. We have now pretty much eliminated most of the normal physical conditions. It's time to work on the Spiritual aspects: 1) What is the history of your house/apartment? Base housing, apartment complexes and rental housing carry the presence of residence who have gone before. It's possible that a deceased solider/sailor/airman has come back to visit. 2) If you can, find out the history of your housing. It's possible you are living in or very close to an old battle ground of some kind or possible an old Native American encampment area. Many of our military bases are built on such areas and they are often very spiritually active. It's possible that there are no records but check out your local public library, historical society or high school history teachers for such information. It's not necessary to go into great depth about what is happening unless you really want to, but having an idea of your area's history might explain your noise/spirit problem. 3) Have you done anything to bring or encourage spirits to come forward? This is very often the cause of hauntings. Watching lots and lots of scary, spooky, ghostly movies normally won't do it but the "spirit reality" shows seem to increase "in-home" activities.

If you are watching these, stop. If you have used an Ouaji Board or other spirit talking board/game, you could have called a spirit into your home and when you were done, the spirit stayed on. (This could have been done by a previous tenant as well.) If you have been focusing on a deceased relative or friend, particularly someone really close to you, you may have called him/her into your home. Regardless of how or who the spirits are, you really need to get them to leave. Ghosts and resident spirits absorb your personal energy and that of your family. If they stay, they will continue to sap power from you, cause stress, possible unexplained illnesses and social problems within your home and family. Many living individuals think it's "cool" to have a ghost/spirit haunting a home. It's not. Often children become moody or quarrelsome. Good students begin to have problems in school. Loving couples begin to fight. Close friends have arguments. Even if you live alone, you begin to notice life changes for you and usually the changes are not for the better. It's time to send that spirit/ghost on its way!

DEAR GERTRUDE‌ cont. Here is a quick explanation on how to clear spirits out of your home. It should work initially but you might have to preform it once a month for a while or whenever you begin to feel anything or begin to hear noises again: Rescuing/Clearing your space of ghosts or spirits: Open your doors and windows. Call to the spirit/ghost and tell it that he/she is dead! Most ghosts don't realize this. They might find the information rather upsetting. Be gentle but firm when you tell them. Say something to the effect of, "I need to tell you that you are no longer alive. My family lives in this home now. You need to leave. You should see a bright light or hear someone calling your name. Walk toward the light/voice. There is someone there to meet you and take you where you need to go." DO NOT COMMAND THEM! Keep your voice steady and matter of fact. If you are having difficulty getting the ghost to leave, call upon whatever deity you follow. If you are a pagan, call upon your most protective God or Goddess. If you consider yourself more Christian, call upon an angel, Jesus, the Virgin Mary or God. Ask them to assist moving the ghost/spirit out of your home because it is causing problems with your family. You must do this with every intent to move it and believe that your deity WILL move the entity on and out of your home. When you feel the ghost/spirit has gone, close the doors and windows. Mix up a bowl of sea salt and water (preferably rain or river water, but use whatever you can). On the inside of each window and door draw your own special symbol or segal. For a Wiccan or Witch it will probably be a Pentacle (a 5-pointed star within a circle). You may wish to use an equal-armed cross within a circle (the circle is important whatever symbol you use as the circle will help your energy/power on the spot keeping the ghost/spirit from returning. Burn candles (red is for protection, black absorbs negative energies, white is good for everything, particularly when

needing the help of your chosen deity). I like using cinnamon candles or incense but sandalwood or temple incense are also appropriate. If possible hang wind chimes on the outside of your home at each door that opens to the outside, including your garage if it's attached to your home. If you can't hang them on the outside, hang them on the inside. These don't have to be large or loud. You can make them if you'd like. The noise they make when the wind catches them tend to stop spirits/ghost from entering the home. Use salt water to mop/cleanse all your floors to wipe out any residual negative energy that may remain. If you have carpets, sprinkle them regularly with sea salt. Sprinkle sea salt on your window sills, particularly during the spring, summer and fall when you have your windows open. Bring in green plants like English Ivy and Spider/Airplane plants or kitchen herbs. All are good at soaking up negative energies and giving off positive. I could go on and on but here are a few ideas. The big thing is DO NOT CALL THE SPIRIT/GHOST BACK. Don't confuse occasional visitations of deceased family members and friends with an actual haunting. It's common for friends and family to drop by on special occasions (birthdays, Christmas and such) but they usually leave within a day or two. If they hang on, ask them what they want and then ask them to leave as this is your home. Most ghost/spirits have their own agendas and don't really have much time for us. They can be curious but normally don't stick around. If you need more information or assistance, please feel free to contact me through this magazine. This invitation goes for all who have questions or need assistance. Blessings to you all

Gertrude Moon, CC

I don't believe that ghosts are "spirits of the dead" because I don't believe in death. In the multiverse, once you're possible, you exist. And once you exist, you exist forever one way or another. Besides, death is the absence of life, and the ghosts I've met are very much alive. What we call ghosts are lifeforms just as you and I are. 35

PAUL F. ENO, Footsteps in the Attic

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