Issue 15

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Elements The Scientific Magazine of the University of Puget Sound

Meet The Wizard Swimming with Harbor Seals

Delve into the Deep:

Critters and Geology Under the Sea

Numbers Gone Wild! History of the Integer

Art Contest Winners! See Back Cover Issue 15, Spring 2014

University of Puget Sound


What a bunch of animals! Elements Staff: Back: Jeremy, Kathryn, Kira, Angelica Front: Lake, Jordan, Krista


Editor-in-Chief: Kathryn Papoulias Content Manager: Jordan Dilley Head Layout Editor: Kira Thurman Head Copy Editor: Krista Haapanen Staff: Angelica Kong & Lake Thelen Campus Outreach: Jeremy Parke-Hoffman Front Cover Photo: Kieran O’Neil Back Cover Photo: Ryan Cruz Table of Contents Photo: Kathryn Papoulias Allium Cover: Kathryn Papoulias CosmoNerd: Alicia Burns CosmoNerd Photo: Dylan Witwicki

Acknowledgments We would like to thank the following organizations and individuals: the ASUPS Media Board for their wonderful company and support, The Trail for loaning us their computers and software, students for submitting the most fantastic artwork we’ve had the honor of seeing, and everyone we coerced (nicely) into helping out!

Contact & Publishing

e-mail: web: mail: ASUPS - Elements, University of Puget Sound, 1500 N Warner St. #1017, Tacoma, WA 98416 Published by QC Graphics LLC 1819 Central Avenue S, Suite 80, Kent, WA 98032 This issue was published on paper from well-managed forests, controlled sources and recycled wood or fiber. Recent science discoveries got you excited? There’s a place for you here at Puget Sound. Elements wants writers, editors, media designers, and photographers interested in producing a scientific magazine once a semester. Make like margarine and support the spread of science! What’s it gonna be, the red pill or the blue pill? Express your interest at


Letter From The Editor


n honor of this being the 15th issue of Elements, here are 15 things I have loved about working with the magazine, counting down to one: 15. Eating chips and salsa for three days straight while we finish up layout, dancing to Destiny’s Child, and brainstorming chemistry pick-up lines. 14. Getting to learn so much from the writers—in this issue, you can travel from the depths of the ocean up to the atmosphere, reading about everything in between. This includes marine and terrestrial conservation issues, the history of numbers, and an interview with a wizard. And not just any wizard—The Wizard. 13. And on that note, getting to interview The Wizard. Wiz, it was so much fun to talk with you and put together the article. And we’re so excited for everyone to have the opportunity to read the interview and learn a little bit more about the man behind the magic! 12. The Media House and the Elements Attic. You’ve been a great home, and though we’re all excited about the move to the SUB basement (hello, close proximity to the Cellar!), we’re gonna miss you. 11. Hilarious and productive meetings with the Media Board. Thank you so much for all your encouragement and help, and for great Thursday night meetings! 10. Getting to know our advisor, Jeff Tepper. Thank you for all your support! 9. Working with actual, legitimate photographers. Dylan Witwicki and Blake Hessel, thank you so much for all your help in photographing CosmoNerd! And Dylan, thank you especially for always staying upbeat and being so nice to me when I frantically ask you for photos right before we need them for layout. 8. Learning how to use editing software, like InDesign and Photoshop, and all the frustrations and fun that goes along with them. Thanks to everyone who helped out with the technical aspects of the magazine! 7. Manipulating my friends into agreeing to work with me on magazine content, in the nicest way possible. Huge shout out to Alicia Burns, this semester’s CosmoNerd and my wonderful housemate, who agreed to be CosmoNerd and let us pose her in labs around Thompson even though she was feeling under the weather. You rock that labcoat, girl! 6. Bringing back Elements of the Month posters in bathroom stalls. Entertaining people while they use the restroom with hilarious and educational facts about elements—what could be better? 5. Hosting our 2nd art contest! This year we opened it up to all types of visual art, and were overwhelmed by the amazing submissions we received. 4. Involving people from across campus and across disciplines in the issue—we got a broad swath of people helping out this semester, and it’s been awesome! 3. Furthermore, working with people across the world—not only do we publish our magazine online to a global audience, but we also get submissions from Puget Sound students who are currently abroad or have studied abroad. 2. Working with what is literally the most perfect staff. You guys made every Monday night meeting better, and there’s no one else I’d rather make puns and spend 72 straight hours with during layout weekends. 1. Meeting so many incredible individuals, and becoming better friends with those I already knew. I’m so thankful to have had this experience, and to everyone that’s been involved on this crazy journey: thank you. I couldn’t have asked for a better way to end my college career. Thank you to everyone—Elements will always have a special place in my heart. Puget Sound wouldn’t have been the same without ya! Without further ado, enjoy the magazine! Sincerely,

Kathryn Papoulias, Editor-in-Chief

Elements Magazine

Table of Contents Pirates of the Caribbean: How Invasive Lionfish are Pillaging Reef Ecosystems


You Should Be Dead: Hollywood’s Flawed Emergency Medicine


Bright Night Sky: The Far-Reaching Consequences of Light Pollution


Leah Shamlian Nick Lyon

Megan Reich

Plight of the Polar Pups Kieran O’Neil

More Numbers, More Problems: Integers and Beyond Amrei Oswald



The Musky Rat Kangaroo: Can this Not-So-Typical ‘Roo Help Conserve the Rainforest? 13 Jacie Ihinger, Corinne Straube, and Sophia Gabriel

Wildlife Rehab: The Good, the Bad, and the Way-Too-Cute


Interview with The Wizard


A Shark’s Sixth Sense: The Art of Electroreception


THE ALLIUM A Brief Affair: Poem of a Mantle Plume

22 23

Jordan Dilley

Jeremy Parke-Hoffman Zuri Johnson

Sean Tanner

Elementian Humor 24 Kyle Kolisch

Quiz: What Type of Bond are You?


Angelica Kong

CosmoNerd 26 Citations 27 FLIP! Back Cover: Contest Winner, Ryan Cruz Photo Contest Winners 1a Honorable Mentions: Staff Picks 3a FLIP!

University of Puget Sound


Pirates of the Caribbean

How Invasive Lionfish are Pillaging Reef Ecosystems by L e ah S hamlian


restrial, despite the high profile of the invasive zebra mussels in inland freshwater systems. But one marine invader, lurking on tropical coral reefs, may prove to be more devastating than any terrestrial invader. Lionfish (Pterois volitans) are reef predators native to the IndoPacific region that are surprisingly popular with home aquarium enthusiasts, given the fact that their spines are venomous. In 1985, one was spotted off the coast of Florida—rather blatantly outside of their usual range. And thus, the lionfish invasion be-

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e all know that global trade is a good thing. But it turns out that, in addition to promoting the spread of culture and ideas and creating new markets, it is also the leading vector through which species are introduced.1 And, in turn, invasive species are one of the most significant players in environmental change.2 The most beautiful aspect of the earth is its heterogeneity—but invasive species threaten that variety. They also end up costing rather a lot of money through mitigation and damages (an estimated $120 billion in the United States alone).2 Aquatic invasions are much rarer than ter-

Cute but deadly.


Elements Magazine

P h oto by B r e n t S ac k s

headfirst consumption.15 As previously mentioned, their spines are venomous. And they have very few predators, both in their invasive range and their native range.9, 17, 18, 19 Some scientists have called them the “ultimate predator.”13

This fish is displaying typical hunting behavior: angled downwards, with flared pectoral fins.

gan. Likely started by the release of 8-12 lionfish from one or more aquaria, it is now a fairly serious threat to the economies of many Caribbean countries.3, 4, 5, 6 But why do people care, when they’re swimming around in the water so blue it looks backlit, that there’s a new stripy, spiky fish in addition to all the others? Characteristics that contribute to an introduced species’ success in its new environment include adaptability, resistance to a wide range of abiotic factors, fast maturity and high reproductive rate, and high dispersal capabilities; the lionfish has those, and more, covered—and therein lies the problem. Lionfish may look cool, but if they live somewhere long enough, there won’t be any indigenous and equally interesting fish to admire. The root of the problem is their appetite: Lionfish will eat any fish as long as they can open their jaws wide enough to fit it in, so their spread is not limited by prey availability. It’s possible that the only factors that will eventually control them are their thermal tolerance or starvation, neither of which bode well for the future of native reef fish populations. They are also tolerant of most habitats, found at a wide range of depths and in more habitats than their native counterparts, including reefs, mangroves, and seagrass beds.8,9,10 They have an estimated fecundity of two million eggs per mature female per year, grow rapidly (avg. 0.46 mm per day), and because they go through a pelagic life stage, can be spread quickly throughout the region due to biogeographical factors.3,11,12 As if that weren’t enough, lionfish are also extremely effective hunters. With their many spines and cryptic coloration, lionfish blend surprisingly well into the reefs (speaking as someone who spent several weeks last fall looking for them for research).9, 13 Their hunting mechanism is so unique that Caribbean reef fish don’t recognize it as predation and therefore don’t react defensively: they spread their fin rays and hover over reefs, eventually cornering their prey.7, 13, 14, 15, 16 And because it’s easier to swallow fish head first, lionfish have evolved the ability to blow directed jets of water at their intended prey in order to orient them for

The voracious appetites of lionfish have had a wide-reaching impact. Many Caribbean nations base their economies on the tourism industry, which markets the beauty of biodiverse coral reefs and fishing (so many economies are already a little bit mutually exclusive). But because the presence of lionfish has been linked to a 65% decrease of the biomass of prey fish, lionfish present a pretty significant economic danger. Coral reefs are already threatened ecosystems due to dangerous fishing methods, exploitative practice, and ocean acidification; even places portrayed as relatively pristine have a disturbing number of dead corals.14 And if native fish populations continue to be decimated by the onslaught of lionfish predation, the oceans are going to be looking pretty barren before too long, and that’s not a good situation for either tourism or fisheries. Ecologically speaking, the introduction of a generalist mesopredator to a coral reef system has significant trophic effects. The increased pressure on herbivorous fish allows for algae, previously kept in check by species such as parrotfish, angelfish, surgeonfish, and tangs, to overrun reefs, preventing the symbiotic zooxanthellae in coral tissues from photosynthesizing and thus stressing and killing corals. And corals are a pretty big deal. Not only are they relatively ancient life forms, but reefs also provide millions of dollars of ecosystem services in the form of coastal protection. Lionfish also present competition with other mesopredators, such as groupers and small sharks, many of which are already threatened species. As usual, there is no easy fix to the lionfish invasion. Studies have been performed with conflicting results on the subject of biocontrol, using predators to control the lionfish population. As discussed earlier, lionfish don’t have a ton of predators, and the fishes that have been observed eating them are threatened.17, 19 Lionfish derbies (competitions to collect and remove as many lionfish as possible) don’t provide long-term benefit. The ecotourism industry may be able to market lionfish hunting dives, but the efficacy of this method is untested.20 What has been proved to work is sustained intense fishing pressure.12, 21 Although creating a formal fishery may, depending on the country, automatically provide the lionfish population with protective legislature —which is obviously not desirable in this situation—lionfish could be marketed to the tourism industry as a “green” seafood option. As other fisheries become increasingly depleted, an additional resource for fishermen to exploit may prove beneficial economically as well as ecologically. Keep this in mind the next time you’re planning a vacation. Go to the Tropics, because both global coral health and the lionfish invasion are getting progressively worse. Take advantage of the biodiversity that is present there while it still can be found, and remember: save a reef, eat a lionfish.

University of Puget Sound


You Should Be Dead by

N ick Lyon


spent the summer of 2012 in Lander, Wyoming doing a Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician (WEMT) course through the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS). From this experience, I gained a fairly strong grasp of physical trauma and the appropriate methods for the field treatment of different wounds. Since then, my favorite movies (Indiana Jones, Die Hard, The Matrix, etc.) have become a balancing act of enjoying myself while suspending my disbelief at the wounds some of my favorite heroes shrug off. In this article, I’ll go over a few of the more common injuries, how Hollywood misrepresents them, the real implications of such injuries, and the proper methods of treatment. One injury from the big screen is a dislocated shoulder. In real life, this isn’t the end of the world; however, the problems start when our hero throws him or herself into a wall to shove the injured limb back into place and then proceeds to fight bad guys, run, jump, and generally jostle their restored joint. In reality, forcing a dislocated limb back into its socket will pinch nerves, stretch connective tissues, hyperextend muscles, and even break bone if the pressure is great enough. This laundry list of complications would not only be hugely painful and result in a largely useless limb for the next few months to years, but would likely reduce the range of motion in that arm permanently.1 If our hero

P h oto by N i c k Lyo n

Disclamer, this is not a real injury, but it is akin to how Hollywood would depict a head injury.


W i k i m ed i a C o m m o n s

Hollywood’s Flawed Emergency Medicine

did not attempt to force the relocation, their arm would need to be put in a sling for several months. At this point, all of their effort would likely go into not bouncing or jiggling the recovering joint.1 There is, however, a right way to respond to a dislocated shoulder (as many athletes will likely attest). If you are 30 minutes or more away from a hospital and have the proper training, you can attempt to relocate the joint by applying constant pressure to the muscles until they loosen enough to readmit the shoulder.2 This can be accomplished using basic objects that most people have access to when out in the wilderness. First, the injured person should lie face down, allowing their injured arm to dangle down towards the ground. Two or three full water bottles (1L is fine) should then be tied around their wrist, gently pulling the arm toward the ground.2 After 10-15 minutes go by in this fashion, the shoulder muscles are typically fatigued enough for the shoulder to re-enter its normal position within the joint.2 If, at this point, the joint does not re-enter the socket, the arm should be placed in a sling for the hike or drive to a hospital.2 Another Hollywood classic occurs when a character grabs the nearest blunt object at hand and clubs their adversary in the head, causing the victim to take a several hour nap before they awaken and rejoin the plot. This is half right; if you were to try it yourself, you would most certainly knock out your opponent, though they would probably not wake up— ever—because they would have a crushed skull (no speaking role paycheck for them). People who do suffer blunt force trauma to the head and wake up are very lucky to escape with only a concussion.1 An untrained person attempting to knock someone out with a blunt object would probably use their full force (plus any added strength from the adrenaline rush) and thus crush the skull inward on the first blow.1 If death was not immediate, a blow like that would likely cause hemorrhaging (bleeding) within the skull. The resulting increase in pressure would injure the brain, either killing the victim or putting them into a vegetative state. Recovery? Unlikely.1 Hopefully, you’ll never feel the need to knock someone out. However, if you do, here’s a safer alternative: apply pressure to both sides of the trachea (windpipe) for a few seconds and they will pass out due to oxygen deprivation.1 You should not attempt to do this unless you have been properly trained; one poor attempt and you might kill your friend, so just

Elements Magazine

make do with using your words until you get involved in the World Wrestling Federation. Finally, the most classic of all Hollywood injuries: gunshot wounds. In movies, our hero takes a couple bullets and then runs around for a few days, gets in at least three fist-fights, and, at the end of the movie, gets some aesthetically pleasing bandages before heading home with their love interest. If only that were how it worked. When someone is shot, one of several things can happen. First, they can die (this is by far the most common result of a bullet entering your body).1 If they don’t die, there is a good chance that they will be crippled for life or hospitalized for at least a few weeks or months.1 If, however, they have taken a significant dose of PCP in the recent past, they can probably walk it off (name this movie: “He was probably on PCP. Broke every bone in his hand…”3). Shockingly, there isn’t really a good way to get shot. If you get shot in the middle of a bone (in the arm between shoulder and elbow or in the leg between hip and knee are popular Hollywood injuries), your bone will likely shatter.1 If you are very lucky, you won’t need to get your limb amputated at the injury, but you won’t even be strong enough to pick up a spoon and eat your hospital pudding, much less punch a bad guy (between getting shot and pudding, 10/10 surveyed would recommend: pudding).1 If you get kneecapped or shot in another joint, you will probably never use that limb again.1 It’s rough, but that kind of massive damage to the bundles of nerves, connective tissue, muscle, and bone found in joints is not something most people can come back from.

If you have the misfortune of getting shot in the rib cage, the bullet will likely enter into the area your lungs like to occupy.1 Because lungs operate on pressure changes generated solely by your diaphragm, any external pressures (say, the pressure outside your body) that enter your chest cavity will collapse one or both of your lungs.1 If air from outside of your body enters your chest cavity, you are suffering from a pneumothorax.1 This injury results in outside air causing your lungs to crush inward, rendering them unable to take in sufficient quantities of air with each breath.1 If you start coughing up blood then you’re dealing with a hemothorax, in which your lungs fill with blood and restrict the amount of air you can process.2 If you are unlucky enough to have both of these happen to you at the same time, you have—intuitively enough—a pneumohemothorax, a condition that no Hollywood medicine can fix.2 Despite these flaws in the medicine used in movies, you should still take the time to watch films because they are, fundamentally, super entertaining. The medicine is rarely accurate, but the entertainment value more than compensates for the amount of facts and procedures that our favorite screenwriters fudge. And after all, who doesn’t like watching movies with superhumans? W i k i m ed i a C o m m o n s

Even if your joints are spared, a shot below the rib cage would be likely to hit several internal organs, most of which contain

enough blood to result in death from blood loss once ruptured.1 If the actual tissue damage doesn’t kill you, the infection you will likely acquire afterwards (known as peritonitis) will cause you to become very familiar with the pattern of tiles on your hospital’s ceiling.1 This infection is so-named because the lining of your abdomen is called the peritoneum, and any word with the suffix -itis typically means infection/inflammation of whatever the prefix is (i.e. bronchitis, tendonitis, etc).

Only in Hollywood could Indiana Jones have lived so long.

University of Puget Sound


Bright Night Sky

The Far-Reaching Consequences of Light Pollution by M egan R eich For Puget Sound freshmen during orientation, one of the highlights of Passages happens with an upward glance at the night sky. Gasps of surprise commence as students realize that a glorious spread of twinkling stars has replaced the familiar dull orange glow. The increasing output and intensity of light from human urbanization, particularly over the past two centuries, has drastically changed the earth’s nightscape. Because many Puget Sound students have been raised in the suburbs and cities, we’ve grown up accustomed to skies of “photopollution”—a general term referring to the effects of humancreated, artificial night lighting. The consequences of photopollution, however, extend far beyond a disappointing aesthetic view. Human lighting at night affects ecosystems in devastating ways, influencing both the behavior of nocturnal animals and our own physiological and psychological health.1 Is it possible to eliminate our late night electrical output in a world where productivity never seems to stop? Maybe not. But by gaining awareness of how light pollution is created and its farreaching consequences, we can take steps towards solving a problem that, if not addressed, will only get worse with time. So, what exactly is “light pollution”?

Why should I care?

A glimpse of an unpolluted night sky in Arches National Park (Moab, Utah).

Light pollution is generally interpreted through two intertwined definitions. “Astronomical light pollution” refers to human light output that obscures the view of the night sky. The focus of this article, however, will be on “ecological light pollution,” referring to human light output that affects the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of other organisms.3 All light pollution stems from three distinct sources: Spillover or “light trespass” light spills past the property boundary of the light source. Porch lights, security lights, and billboard lights are common culprits. As a result, areas in the night that would otherwise be dark are unnecessarily lit up.3,4 Glare consists of excessively bright light. Because our eyes will attempt to adjust to the brightest light in our surroundings, these lights can be dangerous when looked at directly. Take, for example, oncoming cars at night with unnecessarily bright headlights. Like staring at the sun, a glance at glare light reduces vision contrast and essentially blinds the onlooker.4


Skyglow is the result of artificial light scattering in the atmosphere. Produced from upward-directed sources such as stadium lighting and general city lights, this light can be seen from miles away and is what causes the sky to mask the stars and take on that cloudy orange hue.3,4

When light is detected by photoreceptive ganglion cells (pRGCs) in the eye, it activates a group of neurons that function in melatonin synthesis. Throughout the animal kingdom, melatonin plays an important role in physiological responses to variation in day length. These physiological responses are collectively known as an organism’s circadian rhythm. This 24-hour cycle regulates physiological processes and essentially determines the sleeping and eating patterns of humans and other animals alike. Through regular exposure to artificial night lighting, however, melatonin levels are altered. This disrupts normal circadian timing, leading to a myriad of serious physiological implications, such as altered hormone levels, metabolic regulation, immune function, and endocrine balances, as well as increased risks for certain types of cancer.1

Ecological Impacts Natural light plays an important role in the regulation of species’ interactions with one another and their environments. As human technology and industrialization have progressed, however, the earth’s nightscape has gone from a dark world dotted with a few candles and lanterns to a collection of glows seen from space. This sudden introduction of a new light source has left species in a state of confusion. Unable to differentiate between the natural and the artificial, many animals express attraction to human light sources.5 Insects, as we exhibit, hover around streetlights. Nocturnal insects that fly at night have evolved to use the moon’s light as means of navigation. These insects are able to maintain a straight flight path by keeping the moon’s light at a constant angle. If an insect encounters a streetlight, it will attempt to navigate by it rather than the moon. As a result, it will continually circle around the light to the point of exhaustion in an attempt to keep the light at a constant angle.6

Elements Magazine

W i k i m ed i a C o m m o n s

Composite image of Earth at night.

Other types of animals are also affected. Night lights can alter predator-prey interactions between species; in brighter settings, nocturnal foragers such as opossums, bats, and desert rodents become easier targets for predators. Birds have been found singing at unnatural hours, throwing their temporal breeding patterns out of whack. The unnaturally long days and short nights imitate the sunlight patterns of spring and summer, encouraging birds to breed at irregular times. Migratory times are also affected. Because the longer days allow birds to feed for longer periods of time, an increased rate in weight gain will trigger an earlier impulse to migrate. An increasing number of migrating birds have been found dead under tall, lit structures such as airway signals and flares of marine oil stations.5 Many songbirds have evolved to migrate at night while hidden from the harm of natural predators. Similarly to insects, these birds navigate by the stars but become disoriented upon seeing city lights below them. This becomes especially problematic in the pre-dawn hours, when the birds begin to descend from their pre-migration altitudes. As they descend, they can become easily confused and experience deadly collisions with the light sources.7 Empire State building at night in New York - a lightpolluted sky. This would be an example of Sky Glow.

What can we do? In 2007, the World Wide Fund for Nature established an annual “Earth Hour,” an event that encourages homes and businesses to turn all lights out in order to spread awareness about the impacts of light pollution as well as demonstrate the simplicity of reducing its effects—just flip the switch. Responses to this notion, however, have not all been positive. In a mocking reply to Earth Hour, the Competitive Enterprise Institute has established a “Human Achievement Hour” to coincide with Earth Hour, asking people to, rather, turn on all the lights in their houses. The two conflicting hours headline the clash between environmental activism and the successes of human technological progress.8 But despite the controversy that surrounds activism for light reduction, it’s important to remember that we don’t necessarily need to black–out our cityscapes to solve the problem of light pollution. The three fundamental sources of pollution—spillover, glare, and skyglow—are essentially a result of bad lighting design, and something we can easily change.5 The non-profit organization known as the International Dark Sky Association has publicized guidelines on residential lighting and initiated programs for the development of shielded outdoor light fixtures. Their website also includes a database of lighting codes and ordinances from around the country. An increasing number of cities have developed regulations on light fixtures and usage.9 In Toronto, the Fatal Light Awareness Project (FLAP) aims to reduce interior building lights and nonessential outdoor lights at night in response to an increasing number of dead birds found in the mornings on city sidewalks. The organization stresses that being aware of migration times is important; shielding even essential lighting during migration times means less birds to rescue or dispose of the next day.7 We can’t reverse the damage done to species affected by pollution, but education can put an end to carelessness and increase awareness of this worldwide problem.

University of Puget Sound


Plight of the Polar Pups by

K ieran O’N eil


able habitat for seals, as it exposes them to predation and anthropogenic disturbance (this particular haul-out—substrate suitable for harbor seal molting, pupping, and resting—was indeed just around the corner from a wellused put-in for commercial and recreational vehicles). And this isn’t a regionally-specific phenomenon; similar on-shore pupping patterns have been observed all along the Alaskan south coast. So why are harbor seals placing themselves-and their pups-at so much risk?

his summer, I swam with seals.

I suppose that’s an occupational hazard of living in Alaska—no matter where you are, you’re bound to experience some sort of run-in with the wild things, be it a fishing grizzly while rafting down the river or a moose just chilling on your front porch. This time, I was kayaking around the nooks and crannies of Shoup Bay in southern Alaska when I saw a whiskered face pop up a few meters from my bow. Wide-eyed and shamelessly curious about the strange, surface-dwelling whale cruising through its waters, it bobbed up and down in the whitecaps, disappeared for a moment, then reemerged a little closer. We spent the rest of the day playing a bizarrely mutualistic game of hide and seek, with the harbor seal pups following me around until mama called them back to their haul-outs on the shore. But this experience—as awesome and liberating as it was—was also tinged with unexpected tragedy. Though I did not fully understand or appreciate it until later, the permanent presence of harbor seals on the shore was actually indicative of a serious environmental and ecological problem plaguing northern glacial marine systems. Quite simply, Alaskan harbor seals do not belong there. An on-shore beach is actually the most dangerous and vulnerP h oto by K i e r a n O ’ N e i l

Shoup Glacier, Valdez, Alaska. Absence of floating substrate indicates glacial recession and diminished rate of calving.


The answer is simple: their natural habitat is, quite literally, melting away. Tidewater glacial fjords—such as those typically found in areas like Shoup Bay and all along the south coast of Alaska—provide crucial habitat for marine mammals and especially for harbor seals, which rely on floating ice shelves for resting, foraging, molting, and pupping. These isolated “islands” are formed by the cleaving of tidewater glaciers, and as such facilitate a natural and necessary transition from land to water in a seal pup’s early development. Ice shelves offer immediate access to the water where pups may begin swimming and foraging soon after birth (as early as an hour), a critical phase considering a pup’s wooly protective coat is shed soon thereafter.1 Harbor seal pups are also completely dependent on the mother for food and protection until weaning, making these islands valuable and secure spaces in which the pup-mother relationship may be preserved until the pup reaches independence. Additionally, ice shelves function as secure vantage points from which predators may be easily spotted and avoided, diminishing the risk of early predation and allowing easy access to food sources.2 On a larger ecological scale, the preservation of this vital seal habitat bolsters the greater marine systems in which harbor seals play a dynamic and crucial ecological role. As a top predator, harbor seals prey upon benthic fish species such as herring, sea bass, cod, and whiting, as well as on crustaceans and molluscs, maintaining a vital ecological balance by preventing overpopulation of lower-trophic level species. Harbor seals also are a primary food source for orcas and some shark species, thereby bolstering the abundance and biodiversity of high-trophic level systems.3 Because they intrinsically enhance species diversity and productivity, the drastic decline or loss of harbor seals in

Elements Magazine

W i k i m ed i a C o m m o n s

from 6,200 to 2,550 at the same haul-outs within a 10 year period.1,3 Studies have also shown increasing rates of population decline, in some cases increasing from -6.6%/yr to -14.5%/yr within the span of only few months (June to August).3

Harbor seal resting on a glacial island shelf. Isolated substrates such as this offer ideal habitat for seal molting, foraging, and pupping.

arctic ecosystems has significant and long-ranging ecological effects in the arctic marine environment. In addition to providing habitat, cleaving glaciers also contribute chemical and physical gradients that facilitate foraging and bolster higher-trophic level species. The natural melt-off of glacial bodies incorporates vital freshwater sediment and nutrients into saline waters, resulting in a chemical-compositional gradient that fosters the metabolic processes of both freshwater and marine species. Glacial cleavage also facilitates vital regional differences in temperature and turbidity, creating a range of oceanographic conditions suitable for a wide variety of marine species. The diversification of these lower trophic-level systems attracts a host of marine predators such as harbor seals and a number of whale and seabird species.1

And the ice is only getting thinner. Due to warming arctic and subarctic ocean temperatures, glacial ice melt is occurring at a startling rate. Recent studies have shown that since the early 1990s, only about 50 tidewater glaciers currently remain throughout Alaska, and those that do remain have significantly diminished rates of glacial cleavage.1 With the rapid loss of this valuable resting, foraging, and pupping habitat, harbor seal populations are being forced to turn to more terrestrial and shore-based haul-outs that do not offer the spatial transition, food diversity, intimacy, and protection provided by floating substrates. Indeed, haul-outs on shoreline are often more exposed and consequently more susceptible to attack by land-based predators and the effects of human-disturbance, such as an increasing frequency and prevalence of tourist vessels and the commercial fishing industry.2 Depletion of ice shelves also increases depredation risk or death by exertion at sea because harbor seals are being forced to travel longer distances between their pupping and foraging habitats. Death of the mother in transit between these locales too soon after birthing almost always ensures subsequent death of the newborn, resulting in the high numbers of harbor seal mortality noted above.

In light of climate change predictions, effective and proactive management of the species is necessary in preserving the future of harbor seals in places like Shoup Bay, Alaska. By examining and expounding upon baseline data, researchers and conservationists may identify harbor seal “hotspotsâ€? where floating glacial substrate is still present and protect these areas from excessive tourist access.2,4 By developing further understandThe value of these glacial ing of how harbor seals transitory habitats is unutilize glacial habitat, we deniable. Unfortunately, may also obtain a better so too is the reality of comprehension of hartheir imminent demise. bor seal adaptability to rapidly transforming enWith increasing concenvironmental conditions. trations of atmospheric Spreading public awareCO2, rapid depletion of ness on both a comthe ozone buffer, and a mercial and recreational subsequent rise in ocean level will also educate the temperatures, the glacial Alaskan public (both resarctic landscape is unident and visiting) on the dergoing drastic physical current instability of harShore-based harbor seal haul-outs such as the one above increase and ecological transforbor seal populations in their risk of predation and susceptibility to human disturbance. mation. For harbor seals Glacier Bay and the Keresiding in glacial fjords nai Fjord National Park. (especially in the Shoup, Glacier Bay, and Kenai Fjords NaNothing less than global collective action will alter the bleak tional Park), the effects of glacial recession and habitat loss are future of the arctic harbor seal and the arctic marine systems glaringly evident. In only the last 30-40 years, numerous studin which they play an integral ecological role. However, deies have shown drastic declines in arctic harbor seal populafining the mechanisms associated with habitat usage will only tions as a result of habitat loss; since the mid-70s, certain ice improve our understanding and appreciation for this vital (and shelf-dwelling populations have decreased by more than 80%.3 adorably precocious) marine species. A study conducted in Aialik Bay from 1980-2000 showed a population drop from over 1,600 to less than 200 individuals, So spread the word of their plight‌and help protect the polar while yet another conducted in Glacier Bay showed a decline pups!

University of Puget Sound


2 More Numbers, More Problems 3 Integers and Beyond 5 by A mrei O swald 7 in the rationals, but not the integers. In short, we have built the he word number usually makes one think rational numbers in response to needing to do more compliof an integer (whole number). The integers 11 cated arithmetic. If we include irrational numbers—numbers are a set of numbers that have particularly that cannot be represented as a fraction of two integers, such properties like straightforward ordering (1<2) 13 nice as √2 or π—we get the real numbers. The real numbers are the and unique prime factorization (12=2·2·3). Hownumbers scientists use everyday when they make measurements these properties are not inherent to numbers, 17 ever, and do calculations with those measurements. and playing around with numbers that lack them can have surprisingly useful results. 19 Now that we can describe any measurable quantity, it would Numbers can be thought of as elements in a set seem that we have all the numbers we need. But, remember the is closed under the operations of multiplicaquadratic formula from algebra? 23 that tion and addition. Closure means that if you add multiply two elements of the set, the result is 29 oranother element in the set. The most basic set of This is the solution to the quadratic equation ax +bx+c=0. Nonumbers is the natural numbers or the counting that if b -4ac<0, we have to take the square root of a nega31 numbers, {1, 2, 3, ...}. Unfortunately, the natural tice tive number to get a solution, and square roots of negative numnumbers do not allow us to subtract, since subtracbers are certainly not real. What if we simply extended the real is the addition of a negative number, so we numbers to include √-1? This process involves a lot of technical 37 tion might want to extend our set to include -1. Bemachinery, but the result can be thought of intuitively as a dicause our set needs to be closed, this means we consequence of closure. Since a set of numbers needs to be 41 have every sum and product with -1. We now have rect closed under addition and multiplication, inclusion of the √-1 integers or whole numbers, {..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, in our set of real numbers means we have the sum and product 43 the ...}. of √-1 with every real number as well. If we call √-1 “i” then we have all numbers of the form a+bi, where a and b are real may remember from algebra that every innumbers. This set of numbers is called the complex numbers. 47 You teger can be factored into irreducible primes in a way (unique factorization). While we genAn incredible result, known as the Fundamental Theorem of 53 unique erally think of irreducible and prime as the same Algebra, is that every polynomial equation with real coefficients property, they are actually distinct. An irreducible a solution in the complex numbers. A downside is that we 59 is a number that is not a unit (1 and -1 are the has lose any conventional sense of order. It is not straightforward to only units in the integers), and only has factorizadetermine whether 2+3i is larger or smaller than 4+i. Another 61 tions that include at least one unit. In the integers, interesting feature of the complex numbers is that some integers since the units are 1 and -1, an irreducible element that were irreducible in the real numbers have new factorizaanything that factors only into 1 and itself; for tions in the complex numbers. For example, 2 is irreducible in 67 isexample, 3 is irreducible because its only factorizathe real numbers because its only factorization is 2·1. However, tion is 3·1. A prime is a number that always divides 71 at least one of the factors of another number that in the complex numbers, and is not a unit. For example, 3 divides 2=(1+i)(1-i). 73 it24,divides and 24 factors into 2·12, 3·8, and 4·6. Notice that 3 divides 12, 3, and 6. This will be true for any In fact, any integer that is the sum of two squares will factor in that is divisible by 3. Therefore, 3 is prime. the complex numbers. For example, 79 number In the integers, all irreducible elements are prime 13 = 4 + 9 = (2+3i)(2-3i) and 41 = 16 + 25 = (4+5i)(4-5i). 83 and vice versa. can make fractions from the integers to obtain Notice that both 13 and 41 are prime irreducibles in the inte89 We the rational numbers. For example, ⅓ is an element gers. When mathematicians initially encountered complex quanti97 ties, they considered them impossible and there was a lot of handwringing about their use—so much so that the number 101 i=√-1 is known as the imaginary unit to this day. However, the






What do these numbers have in common?



Elements Magazine

complex numbers have stood the test of time. Their use has lead to incredible breakthroughs in mathematics, and they have become commonplace in applied fields including physics, engineering, and modeling; models are used in almost any field from biology to economics. Since extending the set of real numbers with a new element has had such promising results, why don’t we extend the rational numbers and see what happens? For example, we could include √-14. This gives us numbers of the form c+d√-14, where c and d are rational numbers. Once again, any conventional sense of ordering is lost. While some polynomials that were unsolvable in the rationals now have solutions (such as x 2+14=0), this is not true for every polynomial. The really interesting effect of extending with √-14 is that factorization is no longer unique and primes and irreducibles are no longer the same. For example, 15 has two factorizations into irreducibles, 15=3·5=(1+√-14)(1-√-14). These irreducibles are not necessarily prime. For example,

81=3·3·3·3=(5+2√-14)(5-2√-14). Notice that (5+2√-14) is not prime because it cannot possibly divide 3.3 Extending the rational numbers with square roots is called quadratic field extension. These sorts of extensions may not seem useful at first, since the resulting number set has lost unique factorization into primes and the expected ordering. However, while the complex numbers guarantee us a solution to every polynomial, these solutions are still very difficult to find. Quadratic field extensions are important for solving a class of equations called binary quadratic forms, which have the form ax 2+bxy+cy2=m, where m is some integer. In fact, quadratic field extensions are just a special case of algebraic field extensions, which are the result of extending the rationals with new numbers. Studying the structure of algebraic field extensions has spawned the entire field of algebraic number theory and has lead to a lot of insight about how to find solutions of polynomials.4 Thus, constructing new numbers systems is not just interesting because of the strange properties that can arise, but is also useful in that it provides a different perspective on many difficult problems.

The Musky-Rat Kangaroo Can this Not-So-Typical ‘Roo Help Conserve the Rainforest? by

J acie I hinger , C orinne S traube , S ofia G abriel

This face-to-face encounter with one of Australia’s unique creatures, the elusive Musky Ratkangaroo, is something that many people do not get to experience. These creatures can only be found in the Wet Tropics region of Queensland, making them an exciting animal for visitors to see.1 As a result, they could possibly be used in promoting the protection of the area in which they live, because without these forests, we will lose the chance to visit with

rare and valuable species such as the Musky Rat-kangaroo.

The Wet Tropics bioregion in Queensland, Australia takes up less than 0.05% of the land in Australia, but it is home to over 3,000 plant and animal species, 700 of which cannot be found anywhere else.2 The rainforest in this region has suffered from a history of logging and forest clearing. While these activities have now been halted by legal action and the formation of national parks, climate change and human development in the form of infrastructure and roads continue to pose a threat to the rainforest ecosystem. Raising awareness of these problems can help conserve what is left of the Wet Tropics. A common method used by conservationists is to promote a flagship species—a species found in a The elusive Musky Rat-kangaroo on the forest floor. threatened environment—in or-

University of Puget Sound


W i k i m ed i a C o m m o n s


hiker is walking quietly in the Australian rainforest, following a trail that meanders alongside a crater lake. Suddenly, she sees a dark shape scuttle across the path. It stops on the far side of the path and turns to look at her. Its small eyes look inquisitively out of a long narrow face as its nose wiggles. They stare at each other for a while, and then it runs off.

der to encourage the public to preserve the area. This has been an extremely effective strategy for other places in the world. For example, everyone easily associates the polar bear with the Arctic and melting ice caps. In Australia, the koala has been promoted as a reason to save eucalypt forests from clearing. But what can be a flagship species for the Wet Tropics rainforests? One possible species is the Musky Rat-kangaroo. This cute, rabbit-sized creature is only found in the rainforests of this part of Australia, which makes it a special part of the area. It is a marsupial related to kangaroos, but it evolved much earlier in time and still has many primitive characteristics.1,3 For this reason, this species is considered to be the evolutionary link between kangaroos and possums. Unlike kangaroos, it cannot hop, so it scurries along the forest floor looking for fruits and fungi. It can also carry leaves and ferns with its long tail.

Overall, our findings from this survey support the idea that Musky Rat-kangaroos would be a good flagship species for the Wet Tropics rainforest. The fact that there were multiple sightings of them even at high-use sites shows that tourists would be able to find and observe these unique animals. In fact, they seem to prefer areas with regular visitors. This may be due to the fact that the two national park trails are around lakes, which make better habitats for the animals, or the marsupials may have simply become accustomed to the presence of people using the lake for recreation. This idea is supported by a study by Peter Byrned, Miriam Goosem, and Stephen Turton, which showed that car noises do not seem to disturb Musky Rat-kangaroos.5

It was found that the national park sites at Lake Eacham and Lake Barrine, which have the highest visitor traffic, had the highest number of observed Musky Rat-kangaroos. There was no relationship found between the number of people using the trail during our sampling and the number of animals seen. We saw anywhere from 1 to 10 Musky Rat-kangaroos at each site, with an average of 4 individuals seen in a 2 hour sampling period. Most were seen during mid-morning, which is when research has found them to be most active. Many were seen running across a hiking trail or within one meter of the trail’s edge. While the Musky Rat-kangaroo is a skittish creature, sometimes it was seen foraging and ignored the human observers.


A pretty beautiful place for a Musky Rat-kangaroo to call home, eh?

Elements Magazine

W i k i m ed i a C o m m o n s

In addition, the Musky Rat-kangaroo’s willingness to come close to and even onto the walking paths makes them easier to spot. While these animals seem to be skittish in response to human noise, they The range of the Musky Rat-kangaroo is extremely can still be seen by walking toursmall - they’re only found in the rainforests of In addition to being rare and limists. With a little education, visitors northeast Australia, colored darker on this map. ited to the Wet Tropics, the Musky can get the most out of their enviRat-kangaroo could be an ideal flagronmental experience. The fact that ship species because it is active during the day and spends most of these are rather elusive animals makes a sighting even more excitits time on the ground, making it easier to spot.1 To determine if ing! Other flagships worldwide, like the pandas and polar bears, this is the case, our study abroad group of university students con- and even others in Australia like the platypus, are just as hard for ducted a brief walking survey to figure out how easily this creature visitors to view in nature. Musky Rat-kangaroos are only found in can be seen by tourists. this unique part of the world, and they are a cute and very old part of the amazing Australian rainforests. With the right marketing We picked out four sites with varying amounts of human use. Two and increased public awareness, this marsupial can play a vital role of them were national parks with designated trails (Lake Eacham in protecting the Wet Tropics bioregion. and Lake Barrine), and the other two were low usage dirt roads in different national parks. All of the sites were surrounded by rainforest where Musky Rat-kangaroos have been seen. We worked in groups of 2 to 4 people. In the morning and afternoon on a single day, each group picked a site and walked along the trail for about 2 hours looking for the marsupials and taking note of their behaviour. Afterwards, all the groups compiled data from all of the survey sites.

Wildlife Rehab


The Good, the Bad, and the Way-Too-Cute

J ordan D ill e y


ver the summer I worked at a wildlife rehabilitation center in Washington where we took care of orphaned and injured wildlife. Because I worked directly with a wide variety of animals and got up-close and personal, I learned a couple of valuable lessons. Here are some tips and tricks that I picked up along the way. 1. Marmots like to be greeted every day in the morning; they are quite polite. 2. When a baby bird stands up and starts to wiggle its butt, watch out: it’s going to poop. 3. When a baby starling (out of all baby birds) starts to wiggle its butt, ACTUALLY watch out. They are able to get poop on you from several feet away. 4. If you are ever stuck in a room full of baby starlings, you will lose your hearing for a couple of hours. 5. If you are ever faced with two doors, one with an adult squirrel behind it and the other with a bird of prey, never choose the squirrel. Adult squirrels are crazy and unpredictable. They also can bite through leather gloves. You are not safe.

7. While seagulls might not be everybody’s favorite animal (or even in the Top 50), baby seagulls are adorable and definitely not as annoying as adult seagulls.

9. Fawns learning how to drink from a bottle will try to suckle just about anything, like armpits. A fawn trying to suckle your armpit will be one of your Top Ten Best Experiences. 10. Great Blue Herons are able to poke your eyes out. Wear goggles. 11. During the spring, if you see a small crow on the ground hobbling around that isn’t able to fly, leave it alone! You have just found a baby crow and if he isn’t obviously hurt, he’s completely fine there. His parents are watching him and the nest is most likely right above. He’s just figuring out how to fly. 12. Wildlife is awesome!

I m a g e s by J o rda n D i l l ey

6. While number 5 is absolutely accurate, baby squirrels are a completely different story and are probably in the Top Five Cutest Baby Animals. They have not learned yet how to be crazy, psychotic, deranged animals, so handling them is not an issue.

you don’t agree with me, just meet a baby opossum.

8. Prehensile tails are pretty cool. Opossums have prehensile tails. This means that opossums are awesome and if

University of Puget Sound


Interview with


J eremy Park e -H offman

On the surface, the chemistry department may seem like any other bustling scientific center. But if you look closely, you might catch a glimpse of a bearded gentleman, occasionally donning a pointed cap and starred robe, strolling through campus with a bouncing black poodle. That gentleman is none other than the Wizard with his canine companion Sammy—and how many chemistry departments, let alone universities, can boast of their own wizard? Elements Magazine recently sat down with Tim Hoyt, chemistry instructor Bill Nye guest star, and official campus wizard, to talk about life, retirement, and of course, magic. The Wiz is undoubtedly one of the most beloved individuals on campus, and we were honored to have the privilege of interviewing him for this semester’s issue. Thank you, Wiz —thank you for the knowledge, the smiles, and the magic.

equipment, and he had some GC columns that I came over to borrow. He said he had some part-time teaching in the organic lab in the evening, so I started doing that. And then the next year, this job opened up so I applied for that. I’m sure it didn’t hurt to have Dasher’s influence, but I also knew Rousslang, who retired just before Dasher, two or three years ago. J: How long have you been at UPS in total, then?

P h oto by L a u r a n ce S t ac k

Jeremy: How did you first come to the Chemistry department at UPS? Wizard: I was teaching at Green River Community college—I was there for a one year appointment—and I knew Dasher ‘cause we had gone to undergraduate school in the 70s, and then went to UW as graduate students together. We were good friends. But I was looking for some help with


W: About 25 years. J: What would you say would be your most memorable time here at UPS? W: It’s been a great experience, every bit of it. As you know, they’ve let me do pretty much what I want with respect to those magic shows and outreaches to schools and stuff. I think when we entertain those 250 6th graders or those 250 9th graders, I’m really always proud of it. I think we touch a lot of students that way, in a lot of different areas of the sciences. The magic show is just one area. The department’s just been fantastic, my colleagues have been great, the students are all great. I really can’t pick any one. J: Can you tell us more about how you first started the magic show?

The Wizard with his characteristic rainbow beard, dyed specially for the 2012 Magic Show.

Elements Magazine

W: Well, I thought after graduate school to earn

money, I would go out on the road and do chemistry demonstration shows. I always had long hair and it was never white and I never had a beard, but, you know, it was kind of like a wizard apprentice. One year, I think my son was 8, I did a wizard show for his birthday party, with a real costume with stuckon stars and stuff. It was really fun and from then on I’ve been doing the shows as the wizard. When I first came here, there was a professor, Dr. Keith Berry, who did outreach to schools as an education specialist. He let me do demonstration shows with him but he didn’t want any magic implications; he wanted to teach the science, but [the students] were not very excited. He passed away about four years into my tenure here, and I kind of took over doing those shows with my own flair. And Dasher started doing the big show with me, and then when Jo came she stepped into that role and has really been a great addition I think.

W: You know, from the time I moved here in Tacoma. I grew up in Puyallup and when I moved back here to teach, I had my phone listed as “The Wizard”—you know, when they used to have phone books. I’ve always been The Wizard. J: Have you ever gotten any calls from people thinking, “Wow, that’s a crazy name in the phone book!”? W: Back in the day, with more Dungeons & Dragons, I’d often get a call seeing if I was the Grand Wizard of the game they were playing the night before or something, or if I could give them some sort of incentive or authority. I was never into that, so…(Laughs) I’ve got my share of crank calls too, but like I say back with the phone books, when you catch a name like Wizard… J: Sammy the dog is with you every day, stays in your office when the door is wide open, and says hi to people. How long have you had him? W: I had a friend that knew this person that had Sammy for about 3 months. They were concerned about how playful he was with their cats, so they needed to give him a new home. And that was actually the third home he’d had in that year, ‘cause his original owner passed away or moved to a nursing home. I didn’t really want a dog, but they brought him from Oregon, and he immediately just came over and latched onto me. That was about five years ago —he’s about 8 years or so now. He’s such an amazing animal, and very loyal. (Laughs) J: So I hear you’re hosting a golf tournament? W: Well I think this is the 18th or 19th Wizard Golf Tournament, it’s now actually the UPS Veterans Scholarship slash Wizard Invitational. I’ve been hosting—just kind of organizing—a group of guys going out to golf, and it’s turned into hav-

ing trophies for the best team, and trophies for the worst team, prizes for everybody, you know, shirts or balls or whatever. So there are about 30, 35 people that play now. Many of them are faculty here, and we often get one or two teams of students, often golf team members will play. J: So you and Dasher still play the course as much as you can? W: In the summer we used to play 4 or 5 times a week, and during the school year I’d play 2 or 3 times a week, cause I do a lot of lab prep. Almost all my classes are in the afternoon or evening so I have the mornings free to golf. Dasher’s always a little jealous because he always had organic at 8 o’clock ‘til he retired. Lately I’ve gotten a little weak, but it’s a very relaxing kind of game. You still get out there, you’re walking 5, 6 miles, and you’re flexing your muscles a little bit. And there’s a little competition between you and the course, and maybe between you and your playing partner, but not normally. It’s just more, you’re seeing if you can do better than last time. And you know, they’re nice green areas, pleasant estates of somebody, some rich person. (Laughs) J: Can you tell me about some research you did in undergrad or graduate school? W: As a graduate student I worked on a compound that is a derivative of an amino acid found only in mushrooms. It’s called ibotenic acid and when it’s decarboxylated it makes a compound called muscimol. Both ibotenic acid and muscimol are said to be hallucinogenic compounds that’ll get you euphoric and stuff like that, with muscimol being 40x stronger than ibotenic acid. So it’s found in the mushrooms; if you eat [them] there are other toxins in there that’ll get you more sick than high, but my research was to isolate the compound, determine what the structure is, then synthesize it. And so we’d collect mushrooms down in Olympia for a two-week process of chromatography and out of 40 pounds of mushrooms, we’d isolate maybe a gram

University of Puget Sound


P h oto by K at h r y n Pa p o u l i a s

J: When did you first start being known as “The Wiz” instead of Tim?

Wiz and the ever-joyful Sammy!

of ibotenic acid, maybe 250 milligrams of muscimol. So then we’d try to characterize it with that. And then I’d try to synthesize it. J: Were you successful in your synthesis? W: Yes, I was, yeah. I mean I don’t think it was the most efficient synthesis but at the time, the only way to get it was to pay a couple hundred dollars for 25 milligrams or something. It’s used in studies of GABA receptors (gamma aminobutyric acid), do you know what that is? It’s a derivative of glutamic acid, it’s a neurotransmitter, and readily passes the brain barrier and so does muscimol. Muscimol actually has a signature shape that looks like a glutamic acid chromophore but with a ring structure so it’s held rigidly, so it’s possible that this is the shape of the receptor site for GABA, and so it was a desirable compound to have for studies for things that pass through the brain barrier. Synthesis was desirable because the isolation was so hard, [and] such a poor yield. J: How did you get into science in the first place? W: I’ve always loved science and my vision as a little kid of a scientist was somebody who kept things in test tubes and wore a lab coat, right? So that was chemistry. So when I had a chance in high school, college mostly, I said I want to be a chemist. J: Well, you seem to have it down now, with the magic shows. You turned out to follow your dream more than anybody else I’ve ever met. W: It’s been such a fun time, it’s been so fun. And this has been the best place of all, the faculty are so... I mean, they’re so accepting, and interesting people, and fun people to be around, and supportive of everything. If [there’s] anything you want to do for the students, there’s always been money for it, and then the students—the students are always willing to learn. I taught at a lot of community colleges; I had a class of 750 students in one class at the University of Washington, another over 400, but never have I had students unilaterally willing and wanting to learn. In public schools there are always students that want you to teach them something, but they don’t want to really learn it, they want to be taught. And learning is a two-way street: one has to be accepting and the other has to be giving—both directions. So this has been a great place. You know, the students are really fun people to be around. J: How do you think UPS has evolved since your time here?

computer was bigger than a refrigerator and it had a big CRT screen, where you’d find your spectrum. They had to print it out on a printer, not get it all fancy on a screen and manipulate it. So anyway, it was just Thompson Hall, those three wings. [. . .] When they started doing the remodeling I was a little pessimistic because we lost what was a big grassy court here. If you look on my office door you’ll see [a picture of] the fountain that used to be here. I’ve got a couple pieces in my office, a couple bricks Wiz is known for his ability to clock from it. It was a little reactions to extreme accuracy! disappointing with the change. We had to spend a year out in the parking lot in trailers. Half of the department went into storage for a year and the other half into the trailers, and we moved into Biology. Biology had a lab we used for a storeroom and we shared labs with other departments, so when Harned was built it was just so spectacular. And then they remodeled everything else and put in air conditioning, and updated everything, and it’s just fantastic. J: There’s a rumor at UPS that one of the reasons the fountain got demolished was a big chunk of sodium was lobbed in and maybe did a little bit of damage. Is that true? W: Every year we took students out there and showed them reactions of lithium and sodium, and the night classes had it best ‘cause it lit up, but those things never hurt it. But what had happened was some, I think they were fraternity brothers, poured some gasoline or kerosene and lit that on fire, and that caused the concrete and the molding to explode because of the moisture and

W: When I first got here there was just Thompson Hall, there was no air conditioning, except for the NMR room, because the NMR heated up so much. Its


Elements Magazine

J: What has been the most memorable senior class chemistry prank? W: There have been a few. One of them was they took and painted—last time, when we were in our old offices—they painted all the doors ‘cause they were gonna be remodeled. I think it was the same year… they took soda cups of water and they put them on every apex of the tile floor through the hallway so you couldn’t walk without knocking them over like a domino effect, but they got caught by security. (Laughs) I think the thing was that they went in through the ceiling tiles and that’s how they got in there. That’s what security didn’t like: they weren’t authorized to be in there. So they had to pick them all up, but they took a picture of that. There have been some others, but some of them have been very subtle. One year, they took things out of one faculty office and put them in another. They once thought they were gonna take and move my office, and then they looked at it and decided not to. (Laughs)

W: Well I have my tuxedo, and I just wanna have more opportunities to wear it. I originally bought it for my funeral, which I thought was many, many years away. (Laughs) So, I’ve always wanted to have some events in between now and that point to wear it, so I wear it for lab dress up day and any opportunity I get. So I thought: Hey, how about for my retirement we have a formal spring ball? It’d be appropriate. J: Yeah, sounds like it’ll be a blast. W: And it’ll be fun, won’t it? I mean, I just think it’d be fun to have a band and people just mingling and dancing and eating and talking, and it also deflects the attention away from me. J: And it’s fun to just wander around and talk to people who you’ve known for so long, students and faculty… W: I wanted everybody to be able to come, not just a dinner with the faculty or students. It’s my life. That’s the toughest part of this process of thinking of retiring: what am I gonna do? This is what I wanna do, is be up here mingling and showing off science. J: I know at least the students will always be happy any time you come and visit. W: I plan on it. I plan on it, if possible, being up here every day, walking Sammy at least.

J: Too much old lab equipment…do you still have your collection?

J: Anything else you’d like to talk about your time here?

W: Oh yeah. I have a bunch at home and I have a bunch here.

W: As I said, the faculty have been great. The faculty I came in with have all retired; I actually got hired full-time the same year as Hanson, and then everybody after me—I’ve just got such profound respect for such good teachers that they are.

J: What is your favorite piece? W: I have some really neat distillation [equipment] called refillable autozeroing burettes. I have a couple of old wood things, balances at home, colored glassware, different shapes and stuff. Do you know what a retort is? In the old sorcerer pictures, they have this ball with a cone that comes down; it’s an old distillation apparatus that’s called a retort. I have a big box of those at home. Nobody’s used those things in 50 years. J: I understand you’re hosting your retirement party in a big, Thompson science hall formal. What’s that gonna be like? I heard you’re getting a swing band.

J: Well thank you so much for interviewing! W: Yeah thanks, it’s really been pleasant. It’s just been a fun place. Hate to see it end in one way, but it’s just another chapter. J: Yeah, just another chapter. And you’ve definitely had a memorable time here, and you’ll definitely be missed. Thank you. W: I never say goodbye, I just say see you sooner.

University of Puget Sound


P h oto s by D y l a n W i t w i c k i , L a u r a n ce S t ac k , a n d t h e C h e m i s t r y D e p a r t m e n t ( p rov i d ed by M i c h ae l H ot tot t )

it kind of destroyed the fountain. That wasn’t the sodium. Now, there were always the senior pranks where they would always pour soap suds in there and try and get it sudsy; one year they made it green. Again, there’s a picture there on my door where they made it fluorescent green, but they never really did damage with those things. It was that prank: it cost between 5 and 10 grand, and the fraternity had to pay for it, and I think they probably went on probation and stuff like that.

A Shark’s Sixth Sense


The Art of Electroreception

Z uri J ohnson


s it true that aquatic animals can navigate the ocean without sight? Find the same beach or place in a stream after traveling long distances? Sense electric currents over 900 miles away? Extraordinary skills like this show why many scientists consider electroreception, or the biological ability to perceive natural electric stimuli, an extra sense beyond the usual five. To the amazement of researchers, many animals use electroreception for locational purposes, hunting, sending messages, and disaster awareness. Many amphibians and aquatic species employ electroreception, which enables them to use electrical currents for locating prey, navigating, and communication. Electroreception is often used in used in harsh environmental conditions like total darkness and turbid water that render the common senses, like sight, useless.1 There are two major forms of electroreception: passive detection and active detection. The former is seen in animals without electric organs and is used for prey detection, while the latter detects high frequency waves and is used for echolocation and communication. Weakly electric fish like the South American gymnotiform knifefish more commonly use active electroreception, while cartilaginous fish like sharks more commonly use passive detection.2 Sharks perceive electrical currents with passive detection using thousands of specialized sensory cells

in their snouts called ampullae of Lorenzini. In the water, all animals produce weak bioelectrical fields; these are then detected by the shark through insulated canals connected to the bulb-shaped ampullae. Sensory ampullae cells react to very slight changes in electrical current in the shark’s surroundings, sending information to the brain and helping the shark to determine the location of the prey.1 The shark is able to pinpoint this location based on the relative position of the ampullae cells that detect the current. The extreme sensitivity of the ampullae cells was exemplified by the zoologist Murray, who showed they can respond to fields as weak as one-millionth of a volt across a centimeter of water. This is equivalent to the voltage of one regular 1.5-volt AA battery spread across the distance from the Long Island Sound to Jacksonville, Florida, a distance of approximately 900 miles. After discovering the ampullae cells, researchers questioned how sharks actually use these cells in the wild. The use of electroreception in sharks was investigated in the wild by Douglas Fields, a biological oceanographer. Fields found that, when presented with ground-up fish in an apparatus that could be activated by an electrical current, most sharks would be attracted by fish odor but would, at the last minute, veer off and bite the electrically charged container. Fields concluded that electroreception can override the strong visual and olfactory inputs in the final moments of an attack. These results may explain the numerous records of shark attacks in which a shark continually attacked their initial victim but ignored rescuers swimming the victim to safety; Fields attributed this behavior to the strong electrical current produced by the bloody salts pouring from the original wound on the victim. While the shark may receive strong olfactory and visual cues from the rescuers, in the final moments of the attack, the electroreception sense dictates the shark’s movement.1

Electroreceptors in a shark’s head, including ampullae of Lorenzini.


Elements Magazine

A shark off Kronos Reef at Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, part of the PapahÄ naumokuÄ kea Marine National Monument.

Electroreception is a fascinating example of how life on earth has adapted to varying environments. Though not truly a sixth sense, electroreception serves as a reminder of the variety of sensory mechanisms evolution has produced, and the natural wonders that surround us. W i k i m ed i a C o m m o n s

While sharks are considered strong dischargers and use passive electroreception, fish that are weak dischargers use active electroreception for electric communication, or electrocommunication. Electrocommunication occurs when one fish emits an electric signal that evokes a behavioral response from another fish. This type of communication can serve many purposes, including courtship, aggression, appeasement, warning of possible predatory threats, and identification of the species or sex of other fish.3 The high-frequency electrical receptors of weak dischargers can be used to discern whether the message came from a member of their own species, as well as the actual content of the message. Under laboratory conditions, messages have been heard within the range of four and a half feet and come in many different displays, including discharge cessations, brief accelerations, bursts, buzzes, and rasps.3 These messages have been described as voices by Peter Moller, an expert in the field of electrocommunication in weak discharging fish. Moller has performed many different experiments in order to discriminate between the different electrical pulses and determine their message.

An unlikely pair: both sharks and platypuses have electroreceptors!

While electroreception is more frequently exhibited in aquatic and amphibious animals because water is a much better conductor than air, electroreception capabilities have also been found in some mammal species, like the platypus. The Australian duck-billed platypus has a very complex electroreception system that enables it to locate invertebrate prey in murky streams, even with its other senses completely obstructed. The 40,000 electroreceptors in the bill of the platypus are arranged in a highly directional pattern, with the greatest sensitivity occurring in areas that the platypus exposes most frequently. The platypuses orient themselves using electroreception, making short latent head movements called saccades in order to constantly expose the most sensitive parts of their bill. This behavior is comparable to how owls orient themselves to acoustic stimuli.4

University of Puget Sound


The Allium says: Happy Quinceañera! In honor of this being the 15th issue of Elements Magazine, the Allium decided to throw a Quinceañera party! (Yes, we know a Quinceañera is for 15 years, not 15 magazines, but look how much fun the onion had dressing up!) Warning: Just like the layers of tulle in the onion’s skirt, the Allium is full of different layers of comedy, romance, and more. Enjoy, and Happy 15th, Elements!


Elements Magazine

A Brief Affair Poem of a Mantle Plume


S e an Tanner Beneath the ever-rolling waves and filtered sun that darkness craves Is constellated by the graves of scallywags who sail no more A plain so distantly extending, its denizens think it unending This unknown’s a power lending to the deep abyssal floor Lonely are the lives that live alone upon the ocean floor A mile down and maybe more Slowly and with interruption, this abyss sinks in subduction Calling forth a deep eruption of magma rising to the floor From the mantle freely lifting the ocean basin slowly rifting The lithosphere continues shifting, as it will forevermore Dreaming of an isostacy denied the drifting ocean floor A mile down and maybe more Far from either crustal extreme but bound to follow the same dream Sounds rumble from what may then seem a peaceful patch of ocean floor When suddenly comes billowing the hot basaltic pillowing But quickly to congeal owing to the cold of abyssal floor Thus is born a seamount far from continental shelf or shore A mile down and maybe more The seamount rises with the glow of the Moho far below Partial melting of gabbro occurs while rising from Earth’s core Heated magmas flowing thick, yielding lavas ultramafic Built upon the older benthic bedding of the abyssal floor One day it reaches high enough to feel the waves on its own shore A mile high and maybe more As joyful as a rock can be that formed from nothing recently And stands now high above the sea so far from the abyssal floor So stood the island newly-made and for a while there it stayed Until the glow began to fade from deep within its molten core Abandoning the island to be crystallized forevermore A mile high and maybe more Soon all warmth did drift away so that the light of solar ray Became the only warmth to pay visit to the forgotten shore In time the wave’s incessant roll upon the island took its toll Beneath resounding crash then stole the island toward the ocean floor Subsiding far below the waves down to the dark abyssal floor A mile down and maybe more Sinking, shrinking further under as if lost in silent wonder Staring up at the blue yonder, a memory forevermore To be buried beneath debris of ocean floor turbidity It is a seamount’s destiny, just as all of those before And to the east another rises, just as all of those before A brief affair and nothing more

University of Puget Sound


E l e m e n t i a n

H u m o r

Comics by Kyle Kolisch

24 24

Elements Elements Magazine Magazine

Chemistry Personality Quiz What Type of Bond are You? by

A ngelica K ong


1.) You’re in the mood for some tunes. What do you listen to? a. Put my stuff on shuffle (1) b. METAL (2) c. Electronic jams (3) d. Other people have probably never heard of it… (4)

6-8 Van der Walls

2.) What’s your favorite sport? a. Is eating a sport? (1) b. Water sports (2) c. Steal the bacon: I’m old school like that (3) d. Pumping iron, bro (4)

YOU’RE WEAK. Go to the gym. In fact, go swimming; due to your natural appreciation for water, you will (literally) fit right in. You could even say that you’re quite FONd of it. You like to be in a group setting and tend to be pretty clingy, but at least you’ve always got a large support system to watch your back!

3.) Favorite Friday night activity? a. Social events are scary (1) b. Concerts and moshpits (2) c. Goin’ to da club (3) d. Inventing gadgets (4)

9-11 Hydrogen Bond

12-14 Metallic Bond

4. ) What’s your favorite dessert? a. Anything (eating is still a sport, right?) (1) b. Chocolate for life (2) c. Anything, as long as I can share it with my homies! (3) d. Bacon (4) 5.) Which best describes your social life? a. What social life? (1) b. I got homies, bros, and sidekicks (2) c. I meet all my friends in prison (3) d. You’ll find me alone at my mansion, beside the pool in the summertime (4) 6. ) The best potatoes are a. Instant mashed (1) b. Sweet (2) c. Fried in scalding hot oil (3) d. Raw (4)

Are you even a bond? Barely. Sometimes you’re in the mood, but you’re unpredictable. It is hard for you to connect with others, and as a result, you are the spontaneous, non-committal bonding type. But at least you’re a strong, independent human who doesn’t need a significant other.

You’re all metal, and that’s hardcore. So hardcore in fact, that you are bound to a life of bondage. ‘Nuff said. And don’t be afraid to get out of your valence comfort zone and take it to the next energy level.

15-18 Ionic Bond

You have been charged with theft (*ba dum tsh*). Stealing from your friends is how you obtain most of your resources, probably because you have too much of an electronegative outlook on the world. Some might say you have an unhealthy attachment style, but that’s just how you roll.

19-21 Covalent Bond

Sharing is caring, and when you’re around, everyone is stable and happy! Thanks for being so considerate of others’ needs. Yo, can you hook me up with some e-?

22-24 James Bond

With an atomic number of 007, you haven’t even been discovered yet. Doubling as an undercovalent secret reagent, you are the toughest of them all. Although you claim to go solo, you keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Now those are what I call everlasting bonds.

University of Puget Sound




3. Longcore T, Rich C. Ecological light pollution. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2: 191–198; 2004. Available from: http://dx.doi. org/10.1890/1540-9295(2004)002[0191:ELP]2.0.CO;2 4. “Three Types of Light Pollution”; 2009. Web. 24 Feb 2014. Available from: 5. Klinkenborg V. Light Pollution. National Geographic Magazine: National Geographic Society; November 2008. Web. 24 Feb 2014. Available from: 6. Hadley D. Why are Insects Attracted to Light? Web. 22 March 2014. Available from: 7. “Lights at Night Mean Trouble for Birds”. Journey North; Web. 22 March 2014. Available from: NightLights.html 8. Green H. “Let there be light: ‘Human Achievement Hour’ to coincide with Earth Hour”; 30 Mar, 2012. Web. 16 Feb 2014. Available from: 9. International Dark-Sky Association. “About Us”; 2014. Web.16 Feb 2014. Available from: PLIGHT OF THE POLAR PUPS 1. Hoover-Miller A, et al. Persistent decline in abundance of harbor seals Phoca vitulina richardsi over three decades in Aialik Bay, an Alaskan tidewater glacial fjord. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2011; 424: 259-271. 2. Bishop A, Read AJ. Selection of haul-out substrate by harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) associated with tidewater glaciers in Kenai Fjords National Park, Alaska. Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University 2011; 16-20, 25-36. 3. Matthews EA, Pendleton GW. Declines in harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) numbers in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska, 1992-2002. Marine Mammal Science 2006; 22(1): 167-189. 4. Calambokidis J, et al. Distribution and haul-out behavior of harbor seals in Glacier Bay, Alaska. Canadian Journal of Zoology 1987; 65(6): 13911396. MORE NUMBERS, MORE PROBLEMS 1. Judson TW. Abstract algebra: theory and applications. Ann Arbor (MI): Orthogonal Publishing L3C; 2013. 2. Ebbinghaus HD, Hermes H, Hirzebruch F, Koecher M, Mainzer K, Neukirch J, Prestel A, Remmert R. Numbers. New York (NY): Springer-Verlag; 1990. 3. Conrad K. Factoring in quadratic fields. Expository Papers [Internet]. [cited 2014 April 8]; Available from: blurbs/ 4. Swinnerton-Dyer HPF. A brief guide to algebraic number theory. Cambridge (UK): Cambridge University Press; 2001. THE MUSKY RAT KANGAROO 1. Dennis, AJ. (1997). Musky Rat-kangaroos, hypsiprymnodon moschatus: cursorial frugivores in Australia’s wet-tropical rain forests. PhD thesis, James Cook University. 2. Understanding Biodiversity [Internet]. Wet Tropics Management Authority. World Heritage Area. 2013. Available from: biodiversity 3. Burk A, Westerman M, and Springer M (1998). The Phylogenetic Position of the Musky Rat-Kangaroo and the Evolution of Bipedal Hopping in Kangaroos (Macropodidae: Diprotodontia). Syst. Biol. 47(3): 457-474. 4. Turton S (2005). Managing Environmental Impacts of Recreation and Tourism in Rainforests of the Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area. Geographical Research, 43(2):140–151. 5. Byrnes, Peter, Goosem, Miriam, and Turton SM (2012). Are less vocal rainforest mammals susceptible to impacts from traffic noise? Wildlife Research, 39 (4): 355-365. A SHARK’S SIXTH SENSE 1. Douglas Fields R. The Shark’s Electric Sense: An astonishingly sensitive detector of electric fields helps sharks zero in on prey. Scientific American. 2007:74-81. 2. Zhou M, Smith GT. 2006. Structure and sexual dimorphism of the electrocommunication signals of the weakly electric fish Adontosternarchus devenanzii. Journal of Experimental Biology 209:4809-4818. 3. Moller P. Electroreception and the behaviour of mormyrid electric fish. Trends in Neurosciences, 3(5), 105 - 109. 4. Electroreception in fish, amphibians and monotremes [Internet]. University of Cambridge: Map of Life. 2010. Available from: http://www.mapoflife. org/topics/topic_41_Electroreception-in-fish-amphibians-and-monotremes/



PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 1. Westphal MI, Browne M, MacKinnon K, Noble I. The link between international trade and the global distribution of invasive alien species. Bio Inv 2008; 10:391-398. 2. Ericson J. The economic roots of aquatic species invasions. Fisheries 2005; 30(5):30-33. 3. Betancur R, Hines A, Acero A, Orti G, Wilbur A, Freshwater D. Reconstructing the lionfish invasion: insights into Greater Caribbean biogeography. Journal of Biogeo 2011; 38:1281-1293. 4. Schofield P. Geographic extent and chronology of the invasion of nonnative lionfish (Pterois volitans [Linnaeus 1758] and P. miles [Bennett 1828]) in the Western North Atlantic and Caribbean Sea. Aq Inv 2009; 4(3):473-479. 5. Whitfield P, Gardner T, Vives S, Gilligan M, Courtney W, Ray G, Hare J. Biological invasion of the Indo-Pacific lionfish Pterois volitans along the Atlantic coast of North America. Mar Ec Pro Series 2002; 235:289-297. 6. Hamner RM, Freshwater DW, Whitfield PE. Mitochondrial cytochrome b analysis reveals two invasive lionfish species with strong founder effects in the Western Atlantic. Journal of Fish Bio 2007; 71B:214-222. 7. Cote IM, Green S, Morris J, Akins J, Steinke D. Diet richness of invasive Indo-Pacific lionfish revealed by DNA barcoding. Mar Ec Pro Series 2013; 448:119-129. 8. Kimball ME, Miller JM, Whitfield PE, Hare JA. Thermal tolerance and potential distribution of invasive lionfish (Pterois volitans/miles complex) on the east coast of the Unites States. Mar Ec Pro Series 2004; 283:269-278. 9. Albins M, Hixon M. Worst case scenario: potential long-term effects of invasive predatory lionfish (Pterois volitans) on Atlantic and Caribbean coral-reef communities. Env Bio of Fishes 2011; 96(10-11):1151-1157. 10. Claydon J, Calosso M, Traiger S. Progression of invasive lionfish in seagrass, mangrove and reef habitats. Mar Ec Pro Series 2012; 448:119-129. 11. Morris JA, Whitfield PE. Biology, ecology, control and management of the invasive Indo-Pacific lionfish: an updated integrated assessment. NOAA Tech Mem 2009; 99a. 12. Jud Z, Layman C. Site fidelity and movement patterns of invasive lionfish, Pterois spp., in a Florida estuary. Journal of Exp Mar Bio and Ec 2012; 414-415:699-674. 13. Lonnstedt O, McCormick M. Ultimate predators: lionfish have evolved to circumvent prey risk assessment abilities. PLoS ONE 2013; 8(10):1-8. 14. Green SJ, Akins J, Maijkovic A, Cote I. Invasive lionfish drive Atlantic coral reef fish declines. PLoS ONE 2012; 7(3):1-3. 15. Albins M, Lyons P. Invasive red lionfish Pterois volitans blow directed jets of water at prey fish. Mar Ec Pro Series 2012; 448:1-5. 16. Green SJ, Akins J, Cote IM. Foraging behavior and prey consumption in the Indo-Pacific lionfish on Bahamian coral reefs. Mar Ec Pro Series 2011; 443:159-167. 17. Hackerott S, Valdivia A, Green SJ, Cote IM, Cox CE, Akins L, Layman CA, Precht WF, Bruno JF. Native predators do not influence invasion success of Pacific lionfish on Caribbean reefs. PLoS ONE 2013; 8(7):1-10. 18. Maljkovic A, Leeuwen T. Predation on the invasive red lionfish, Pterois volitans (Pisces: Scorpaenidae), by native groupers in the Bahamas. Coral Reefs 2008; 27:501. 19. Mumby P, Harborne A, Brumbaugh D. Grouper as a natural biocontrol of invasive lionfish. PLoS ONE 2011; 6(6):1-4. 20. Ali F. Understanding the lionfish invasion in Bonaire to develop the best strategy for Trinidad and Tobago. Pro fo the 64th Golf and Caribbean Fisheries Inst 2011; 57-64. 21. Barbour A, Allen M, Frazer T, Sherman K. Evaluating the potential efficacy of invasive lionfish (Pterois volitans) removals. PLoS ONE 6(5):1-7. YOU SHOULD BE DEAD 1. American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons. Emergency care and transportation of the sick and injured. 9th. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc., 2013. 2. Schimelpfenig T. (2006). Nols wilderness medicine. 4th. National Outdoor Leadership School. 3. IMDB [Internet]. The Terminator (1984) Quotes. 2014. Available from: BRIGHT NIGHT SKY 1. Navara KJ, Nelson RJ.The dark side of light at night: physiological, epidemiological, and ecological consequences. Journal of Pineal Research 43:3, 215-224; 1 Oct 2007. Web. 16 Feb 2014. Available from: http://;jses sionid=91FC565FCE4A863EAC96C6416510454C.f01t01 2. “Types of Light Pollution”. Windows To The Universe. National Earth Science Teacher’s Association; 11 September 2007. Web. 24 Feb 2014. Available from:


Elements Magazine


University of Puget Sound



Elements Magazine

They’re Coming

by Morgan Hellyer It’s no secret—Pacific Northwesterners love their mushrooms! We love Morgan’s photo of the fungi popping up, and love her title even more!


by Marissa Croft As Marissa explains, this painting is of a sun bear and a moon bear (two species of Asian bears) peacefully coexisting, and the quote alludes to the symbiotic nature of love and life. How adorable are these bears?

Cyphoma gibbosum

by Claire Gordon What a beautiful shot—coral reefs are basically the definition of symbiosis! And boy is there a lot of symbiosis here, from the zooxanthellae symbiotic algae living in the coral to the flamingo tongue snail (Cyphoma gibbosum) feeding on the coral.

Likin’ the Lichen on Bear Mountain by Sean Tanner This is from the Chugach Mountains of Alaska overlooking the Knik Arm of Cook Inlet. Lichen is a great example of symbiosis, being composed of a fungus and either algae or cyanobacteria, and we love the depth of field in this photo!

Elements Magazine


University of Puget Sound


Honorable Mentions: Staff Picks

We were blown away by the many different ways artists conveyed the theme of symbiosis through their work. These are some of our favorite depictions. Thank you to everyone who submitted! -Elements Staff Right:

by Brian Freeman We love the fluid structure of this piece, and the teapot form makes us think of the opposing relationship between fire and water and how we need both in our daily lives.



by Dylan Farnsworth As Dylan explains, “[This is] sometimes used to mean transgender, sometimes used to mean gender fluid, sometimes used to mean someone of both genders. Either of these represents a symbiosis of life experiences, held within a single person.” We really appreciated getting a submission that highlighted the symbiosis between gender identity and the way in which it can shape one’s life experience. We don’t typically get submissions on this topic, and we loved having the opportunity to include this piece! 3a

by Tyler Ueltschi We love the colors of this photo, and the boats on the water call to mind the symbiosis of humankind and nature.

University of Puget Sound


Elements Magazine

interpret SYMBIOSIS?

3rd Place


by Jordan Meyers Jordan’s ceramic planter is a beautiful example of art meeting function, and definitely brings to mind the delicate skeletons of radiolarians, the small protozoans for which his piece is named.

a close, often long-term association between two or more different organisms of different species; may or may not benefit each member. Elements Magazine


University of Puget Sound


Art Contest Winners: How do you 2nd Place Home

by Jordan Dilley We love Jordan’s screenprinted piece showing, as she says, the symbiotic relationship between land and time. Check out those fossils!

What is symbiosis? 1a

University of Puget Sound

Elements 32

Elements Magazine

The Scientific Magazine of the University of Puget Sound

Art Contest Winner! more contest winners inside...

Portuguese Man o’ War by Ryan Cruz

We loved this drawing of the Portuguese man o’ war - it not only is a beautifully drawn piece, but it also exemplifies symbiosis, our contest theme. The Portuguese man o’ war is commonly mistaken as a jellyfish, but is actually a colonial siphonophore made up of specialized zooids, working together as a single organism.

Issue 15, FLIP SIDE, Spring 2014

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