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how To BoosT menTal healTh
as explained Before, menTal healTh influences how you Think, feel, and Behave in daily life. aBouT 1 in 5 will suffer from a diaGnosaBle mental DisorDer. To improve menTal healTh There are a few ThinGs ThaT can Be done wiThouT The help from a professional.
Figure 39
we iGnore The emoTional messaGes ThaT Tell us someThinG is wronG and Try TouGhinG iT ouT By disTracTinG ourselves or self-medicaTinG wiTh alcohol, druGs, or self-desTrucTive Behaviours. xvi
relaxation practice
sensory inpuT can relieve sTress in The momenT. relaxaTion can reduce sTress in The lonG Term.
play is an emoTional and menTal healTh necessiTy.
Brain-healthy Diet
a wholesome dieT can Give you more enerGy and improve your mood and sleep. food plays an imporTanT role on menTal healTh.
appeal to the senses
lisTeninG To a sonG, The smell of coffee, a scenT, a sTress Ball… everyone responds To sensory inpuTs differenTly.
stayinG active is as GooD for the Brain as it is for the BoDy
mind-Body connecTion. improvinG physical healTh auTomaTically hikes wiTh The menTal and emoTional well-BeinG. iT releases endorphins ThaT lifTs The mood and provides more enerGy.
time for contemplation anD appreciation
mediTaTion, reflecTion or even JusT enJoyinG The sunseT.
make social connection a priority.
we need The company of oThers To feel and funcTion aT our BesT. we are social animals wiTh emoTional needs. we ’ re noT meanT To survive, leT alone Thrive, in isolaTion.
`in the modern Age, we ’ re obsessed with seeking simple Answers to complex problems. we look for connection with others by compulsively checking sociAl mediA insteAd of reAching out to people in the reAl world; to boost our mood And eAse depression we tAke A pill rAther thAn Address the underlying issues´ xvii