1 minute read
how To Break The cycle
Figure 44
There are many ways To Dissconnect. The main four are: - silence: reflecT, conTemplaTe, relax, appeal To senses. - voice: Give a voice To The communiTy, a place To speak up. - memories: rememBer old Times, The hisTory of The place and The people. - BoDy: expressinG physically and sTayinG acTive.
There are differenT ways of BreakinG possilpark’s cycle. addinG JoBs, helpinG druG and alcohol addicTs GeT inTo rehaB are JusT some of Them. BuT, also helpinG improve the mental health of people livinG there. as discussed in a previous chapTer, There are a few ThinG ThaT help improve menTal healTh. These are:
relaxation practice
appeal to the senses
time for contemplation anD appreciation
Brain-healthy Diet
stayinG active is as GooD for the Brain as it is for the BoDy
make social connection a priority.
Figure 45