Elena Farinelli via Guglielmo Marconi 34 c/o Lewis 50121 Firenze Italy +39 3294376355 farinelli86@gmail.com born il 13/10/1986
2006_ ongoing Master degree in Architecture presso la Facoltà di Architettura dell’Università degli studi di Firenze
Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop Autocad Cinema 4d Rhino Microsoft Office
2010/2011 Erasmus program excange year Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris Val de Seine, Paris, France 2000/2005 High school graduation grade 100/100 painting specialization at the Istituto statale d’arte B. di Betto, Perugia, Italy WORK EXPERIENCE
September 2015/December 2015 Traineeship and collaboration with OKS Architetti June 2007/July 2010 Collaboration visual production and decor for happening with Arabeschi di latte
Italian French English
Good skills in interpersonal relations and aptitude for teamwork acquired at the university, also thanks to personal experiences such as participation in team sports and always looking to travel and study abroad. Excellent organizational skills thanks to several personal experiences, university and work experience (organization of work, meeting deadlines, partecipatio to competition...) Expressive graphic skills, honed by his studies at the high school and by participation to some workshops.
The complex is delineated along a structured path that connects the Salento Seaside with the platform that is built around the Torre Sgarràta. The idea of the horizon and the impression of long lines that dissolve into the infinite sea and the Puglia’s sky helps to conceive the project as a succession of low and elongated structures. The platform that is built around the tower marks a point of connection between the sky and the sea, an ex-
hibition room opensky. The tower stays within this structure as a sign of the past, surveillance and observation. The danger of the invasion there is nomore today, the observation and the relationship with the horizon remain then the basic element that links the old function of the tower to the present day.
Crevalcore reconstruction starts up as a continuous and open workshop where, trough the participation of both inhabitants and not, we can reverse the relationship between filled and emptied spaces. On this way, the City Hall takes progressively off the substance composing it, until only the scheleton of scaffolding remains. The place of the town becomes a place of memory, while the city comes back to itself.
PIETRE DI LUCE Berlin The restoration project of the Petriplatz evangelical center in the Mitte district of Berlin, is part of a broader process, an urban scale, which places the area in connection with the Museums Island. Archaeological excavations have now returned the part of the vestments ruins of a medieval Latin school and the remains of the foundation of the past three Petrikirke
curtains. Around the town is varied and uneven, the landscape appears a set of fragments of various megalithic gray masses that dissolve slowly in the sky. The three volumes, arranged through a sequence of substructures and excavations, in negative and positive, resting on a plate that covers the entire project area. gradually emerge the bell tower,
the temple for the evangelical community and the museum pavilion. The portal view, which opens on the empty intersection of the two roads, serves as a means of orientation between the existing buildings, to outline the presence of a new polarity.
MULTIPLEX Paris XVéme Built on the ruins of the ancient “Bouchicaut” hospital, the nineteenth-century plant and composed of more linear bodies, strongly elongated, built in brick, with large windows. The work has involved the whole lot with a residential program and urban facilities: an hospice, a kindergarten, a building of local relevance and a multiplex.
After studying the morphology of the lot, assigning spaces and volumes for the various functions, we focused on multuplex, centerpiece of the project and of the lot. The intention was to put the multiplex as a lot heart button, creating around it of open spaces that could offer opportunities to meet, the places on which to stop.
Everything is on a slight slope determined by the location of the auditorium with a raised portion, which takes up the sinuous shape of the surrounding terrain. To fill the gap and connect the buildings the square has been studied. This is characterized by the presence of ramps at the Florentine flanked by a route that guarantees the accessibility. L ‘auditorium has a quadrangular shape, which lends itself well to accommodate the room with the audience and semicircular gallery. Two walls, designed as a theater stage, are placed to act as a filter with the outside, going to define an external foyer that characterizes the main entrance. The main facade of the school is treated as the scene-front of a theater: a porch by splayed pillars almost simulating many perspective views; the central opening off the scale compared to the porch rhythm becomes a frame of view of the lake.
The centre of the composition is the square overlooked by the volumes that make up the library: the trend of the walls draws the eye of those who arrive from Porta San Frediano directly on volumes that they occupy the void left by the buildings. The Square and the river are connected by a portion of land gently sloping. The composition is played on the repetition of a module and its multiples and submultiples, which form the “steps” that connect the square with the gardens and the river. A pedestrian path made of ramps and landings provides access to the plots. A separate composition from the road, was conceived a green band cut from a bicycle path on the performance sine, thus breaking the system linearity. To this end the café were also rotated and one of the two volumes of the library in different directions in order to emphasize the connection with the buildings behind. The organization of space is inspired by the concept of the inner courtyard.