The department of Graphic design of TEI Athens (Technological Institute of Athens) is the only Public higher education institution in Greece in this area of studies. The faculty of graphic arts is an integral educational unit and at the same time a vehicle for the dissemination of scientific cultural and social values, functions that are widely acknowledged by the professional educational and artistic media in the country. I worked In this department as a full time professor for 15 years. , I taught theory and the course of visualizing poetry part of which are the presented projects supervised by me and KANELLA ARAPOGLOU, a great graphic designer, artist and cheerful person , I was lucky to work with. This book is dedicated to all the amazing students whom with we shared this wonderful road of creating a book together. I wish them all many meaningful experiences and successes in their professional life. For more information on TEI: Athens 2016 ELENI GLINOU:
VISUALIZING THE INVISIBLE This book is made of the books of the 7th semester students of TEI Athens*. These students books were created in the years 2012 -2014. The course was about visualizing texts and poetry. In my many years in visual education I realized that students of all levels have fundamental gaps in many subjects such as art theory, design theory, semiotics, philosophy, and rhetoric of the images. These come from so many different disciplines and are so complex that it is impossible for students to study them thoroughly and to grasp their meanings during their undergraduate studies. Τhis course’s theme was inspired by the project of the Duch Designer and researcher in visual studies Will Holder who proposed 1200 unique titles for 1200 books, (2003), In the project “Black my Story”, at the Museum De Paviljones, Alemere. The central theme of the exhibition BLACK MY STORY was perception with regard to nationality, religion, race and ethnicity. Students were asked to imagine a related text to the titles. It took a lot of workshop hours for students to choose a title as a navigation tool for the creation of possible content and then the concept that would be expressed in a visual form. Students worked on questions such as : • what is the difference between texts for prose, philosophy, narration, persuasive or , pragmatic speech? • what is form and content in prose? • what possible context of text or texts might this title attract? • what content would be more meaningful to their context? In this project starting from a title supported by no text it was like walking blind folded in an open space. While producing the texts students were assisted to verbalize the invisible, had in depth perspectives of the potential of the visual as a product of original research . To understand means to replace the word with the object it responds to. We add value to the process by making it more transparent. The quality here is found in its effectiveness to serve understanding. We tried to encompass the theory of the visible, semiotics and we also used a lot of input from art and illustration case studies, in some cases even sound and movies. However students trusted mostly their intuition when it came to decision time. In some cases content development was based on free associations, links of irrelevant sources of inspiration seemed at the end also appropriate. All possible ideas and texts produced a map of connotations that was enriched gradually by images that assisted the final visualizations for the book. Each different book became a field of emotions along with art and design exercise. This project gave the chance to the students to use the creation of their book as a tool to explore, express themselves, take responsibility , grasp very complex inputs such as behavioral studies, social and political input, psychology, philosophy, culture, literature, linguistics. Then students did evaluate the interconnections of their contents in order to reflect upon, solve or design problems. This project was not about who may design the best or most inventive book, there are always going to be better works than ours. However the energy certain paths or tools activate in order to develop students skills make all the difference. The more you try and the ways you try, the more chances you have to be reflective , creative and innovative as a student and then as a professional. Students look for visual inspiration now, accessible to them all over the world. However possibly this is a parallel path to failure along with many others. Students may easily accumulate information that is not processed by them or become a part of their skills in any case. This is exactly what did not happen here. The field of graphic design is undergoing continuous development and transformation, which comes in many forms and shapes, including the related bibliography. To facilitate students to experience the field , the recent developments in research and new creative design solutions, we did trust and encouraged students to come in touch with very strong abstract themes. As we followed this route students were immersed and challenged to create a body of meaningful reflections that were expressed in a non static format with effective visual and design elements. Students experienced this process as if they were on stage participating in a performance playing varied interactive but meaningful roles.
Ieva Badune “Remember� In psychology, memory is the process in which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved. Encoding allows information that is from the outside world to reach our senses in the forms of chemical and physical stimuli. In this first stage we must change the information so that we may put the memory into the encoding process.
MATEI Edvarts Virza
They want to take actions to obtain their goal. Human desire is the fundamental motivation of all human action.While desires are often classified a s emotions b y laypersons, psychologists often describe desires as different from emotions.
Ieva Badune I “Remember�
Daiga Kalnina “Find yourself” Be yourself is a phrase that is quite possibly the most commonly used phrase in the history of advice. Be yourself. It’s such a vague adage. What do they really mean when they tell you to be yourself? And is it really as easy as it sounds? How to Be Yourself Find yourself and define yourself on your terms. Oscar Wilde once said with his usual wit: Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
Daiga Kalnina I “Find yourself”
Dimitris Perdikopoulos “Facade” The word “facade” comes from the french where it stands for “face”. A face can belong to a person or a building and seres the purpose of maing them recognizable and distinct. But i can also take the form of disguise creating a front for something else that is hidden in the background. This concept is fairly old. In Plato’s Republic Socrates talk abou theso called “noble lie”. According to Socrates sometimes an elite chooses to make the masses believe in a myth for their own good.
Dimitris Perdikopoulos I “Facade”
Zoi Kontou “Jar of curry powder� Global and regional political,economic and social development, in recent years,has troubled the relationship between Western,European and Islamic societies strongly and manifold. Throughout the world, people are witnessing unsettling changes.In the era of communication, wars begin, continue and end with media war. The mass media are used as the most important weapon. There is a connection between the role of media and post-modernity. The media shapes the world how we see it.
Zoi Kontou I “Jar of curry podwer”
Fay Familiti “Hold Back” I was waited for love to come and you came. I thought you were the love i was waited for.. So, i gave you the sweetest wine and in all my confusion i didn’t even ask fot the conselation. I was so pleased that you came , even if you were a Leo or an Cancer. It was you, our fate, an earthquake... We confused, in our dizziness, love with desire. What we had was just a desire..
So, i gave you the sweetest wine and in all my confusion i didnít even ask fot the conselation.
Manogiannaki I “Hold back”
Sotiria Karakike “I wasn’t there� Global and regional political,economic and social development, in recent years,has troubled the relationship between Western,European and Islamic societies strongly and manifold. Throughout the world, people are witnessing unsettling changes.In the era of communication, wars begin, continue and end with media war. The mass media are used as the most important weapon. There is a connection between the role of media and post-modernity. The media shapes the world how we see it.
Second Sino-Japanese War 1937 – 1945./ Nuclear fission discovered by Otto Hahn, Lise Meitner and Fritz Strassman in 1939./ Spanish Civil War begins in 17 July 1936./ Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected President of the USA in November 1932 and initiates the "New Deal"./ The Great Depression./ Gandhi's peaceful resistance movement against the British rule in India./ Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party rise to power in Germany in 1933./ World War II breaks out on September 1, 1939./ The Volkswagen Beetle had its roots in Nazi Germany in the late ‘30s./ Radar was invented by R. Watson-Watt.
Sotiria Karakike I “I wasn’t there”
Aggelina Stavela “Menacing madmen�
John Kellogg, doctor
Aggelina Stavela I “Menacing Madmen”
Eleni Sfakianaki “Illuminated Identities” Το έντυπο αυτό δημιουργήθηκε στο πλάισιο του μαθήματος Λογοτεχνικού Σχεδιασμού και το θέμα που επηλέχθηκε είναι οι ταυτότητες- προσωπικότητες του σημερινού κόσμου. Παρουσιάζονται εικόνες και κείμενα που αφορούν τη σχέση του σύγχρονου ανθρώπου με το φαίνεσθαι και αναφέρεται πως αυτό που πολλές φορές παρουσιάζεται από αυτούς ως αληθινό, έρχεται σε αντιπαράθεση με την πραγματικότητα.
Eleni Sfakianaki I “Illuminated Identities�
Anastasia Triantafyllou “Any colour you like, there are all blue” Eclipse , in all of it’s nihilistic and existential nature, reminds us how insignificant we truly are. How all of our experiences, all of our actions and all of our thoughts that we stress ourselves over, are in the end all meaningless. We live and we die. It’s a continuous cycle.
Anastasia Triantafillou I “Any colour you like, there are all blue”
Panayiotis Litsioulis “His sinister vein”
Panayiotis Litsioulis I “His Sinister Vein”
Anna Freri “They label me as a bad character”
Anna Freri I “They Label me as a bad character”
Stamatia Fikari “Color diaries”
Stamatia Fikari I “Color Diaries”
Aggelina Stroumpouli “Hand-me-down clothes”
Aggelina Stroubouli I “Hand-me-down clothes”
Maria Sevastaki “Ο Μωυσής έπαθε ηλίαση”
Maria Sevastaki I “Ο Μωυσής έπαθε ηλίαση”
Giorgos Kukulas “Ας χαθώ στο όνειρο” Σχετικά με την ερμηνεία των ονείρων έχουν ασχοληθεί αρκετοί ψυχαναλυτές με κυριότερους τον Sigmund Freud και τον Carl Jung. Ο Freud άρχισε να ασχολείται με την ανάλυση των ονείρων καθώς πίστευε ότι κάθε ανθρώπινη πράξη, αντίδραση δεν συμβαίνει τυχαία αλλά υποκινείται ως ένα βαθμό από το υποσυνείδητο. Ο άνθρωπος στη σημερινή κοινωνία τείνει να καταστέλλει τις επιθυμίες και τα ένστικτά του, τα οποία του βγαίνουν στη διάρκεια των ονείρων. Ο Freud επίσης υποστήριζε πως το υποσυνείδητο χρησιμοποιεί μία συμβολική γλώσσα για να εκφραστεί.
Giorgos Kukulas I “Ας χαθώ στο όνειρο”
Christina Anastasoglou “Colour tastes better” JAPAN History of Japanese Cuisine Japan Textiles Origami Design Haiku ITALY Italian Food Masks Italian Design NEPAL Tibetan Prayer Flags Religion Bhanubhata
Christina Anastasoglou I “Color tastes better �
Vicky Panagiotopoulou “Guise” Οι μάσκες σχετίζονται με την απόκρυψη των χαρακτηριστικών και την ελευθερία ή και την ασυδοσία που πηγάζει απότην ανωνμία. Συχνά, η μάσκα διαμορφώνει το πρόσωπο και τον χαρακτήρα αυτού που τη φοράει. Στον ιδιότυπο ανταγωνισμό προσώπου και προσπείου, το δεύτερο αναδεικνύεται τις πρισσότερες φορές νικητής. Όσο δημοφιλές κι αν είναι το πρόσωπο του πρωταγωνιστή, η μάσκα που το καλύπτει κερδίζει κατά κανόνα τη μάχη των εντυπώσεων. Το κοινωνικό προσωπείο είναι συνυφασμένο με τη μη αλήθεια και τον φόβο να τη δει και να την αντξεικάποιος. Ξεδιπλώνει πτυχές του Είναι που του είναι απαγορευμένες, άγνωστες, μυστικές, ξεπερνώντας τον φόβο της κοινωνικής κατάκρισης. Και βεβαια, γνωστή είναι η θλίψη που προκαλεί το χαμογελαστό πρόσωπο τουκλόουν με τα ζωγραφισμένα δακρυα. Θλίψη και γέλιο και απόκρυψη και αποκάλυψη, απελευθέρωση και δέσμευση, αλήθεια και ψεύδος ή μη αλήθεια ή ημιαλήθεια θάρρος φόβος Όλα αυτά μαζί εκρήγνυνται στο σημείο μάσκα ή προσωπείο.
Vasiliki Panagiotopoulou I “Guise ”
Saradis Makris “Mr Orange”
Let‘s speak about orange colour.
Saradis Makris I “Mr Orange”
Athanasios Tsagris - Charilaos Benakis “Tractatus Logiko Philosophicus� Ludwig Wittgenstein
Athanasios Tsagris - Charilaos Benakis I “Tractatus Logiko Philosophicus�
Natalia Vougiouka “The book of love� A collection of poems about love from different cultures and origins.
Natalia Vougiouka I “The book of love”