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From Martín Pescador’s Puerto Cardenas Lodge, anglers usually fish both ends of Lago Yelcho. Near the lodge at the outlet, we combine both lake and river fishing. The lake fishing includes dry dragonfly, dragonfly nymph, and streamer fishing—plus, a technique called ‘eeling’. The eels are actually a skinny semitransparent minnow that measure 1 ½ inches to 3 inches long. Trout surround a school of minnows or herd them against a shore, then attack! Minnows flying and large swirls indicate a blitz. Then, as quickly as we can, we make a cast right into the frenzy.
In the river below the outlet, literally right in front of the lodge, the guides start to search for trout in eddies, suspended and rising to a variety of aquatic and terrestrial insects. Here, a small dry, often a size 18, will be much more productive than a big chubby or parachute madam X. This is sight fishing at its best. Rio Yelcho has miles of great streamer water, and on any given day, a blue wing olive hatch can begin and bring all the trout to the surface. At the other end of Lago Yelcho, we fish the lower Futaleufú River where it enters the lake. This is big fish country, including browns and rainbows. Famous for the dry dragonfly fishing midsummer, this area also sees migrating baby salmon and ‘eels’ that help put pounds on the local trout. All the while, you’re surrounded by some of the best scenery in Chile.
At Martín Pescador’s La Junta Lodge, anglers will experience wilderness-framed rivers, bordered by neverending forests and interspersed with rapids, boulder gardens and emerald-green pools. These waters are rich with river-born insects, like mayflies, caddis flies and stoneflies. Many anglers fish with dry flies all day, every day, and streamer fishing is also always excellent, as is a dry dropper rig. These wild rainbows and browns average 16 to 19 inches, with larger fish caught quite often. This is the perfect “quality and quantity” scenario. Large, whitewater cata-rafts negotiate the rapids easily and provide a roomy platform to cast. We have several wilderness rivers to pick from and the drive times are from zero (starting at the lodge) to a half hour, making our La Junta Lodge location absolutely incredible. Needless to say, time in the truck is always far outweighed by time on the water.
Our group of highly trained, passionate angling specialists makes your Patagonian experience. They look forward to meeting you, chatting, learning your goals, and helping you improve. Our guides live and breathe fishing. They thrive on getting to know you and seeing your excitement while on the hunt for your favorite fish. It’s what sets Eleven Experience apart. If really getting after it on some of the best trout and salmon water in the world sounds exciting, our cast of guides will safely lead you to unforgettable experiences. OUR GUIDES LIVE AND BREATHE FISHING. THEY THRIVE ON GETTING TO KNOW YOU AND SEEING YOUR EXCITEMENT WHILE ON THE HUNT FOR YOUR FAVORITE FISH.
We provide only the finest fishing gear available, all included in your stay.
• Thomas & Thomas fly rods, in 6 and 7 weight • Abel fly reels • Fly lines from Scientific Anglers • Premium leaders and tippets • Simms waders, wading boots, and dry bags
• Rafts • Catarafts • Panga boats • Jet boats

We understand that many anglers prefer to fish with their own gear. Here are some suggestions and recommendations on what to bring.
We recommend medium fast to fast action rods. Patagonia is known for being windy so it’s good to be prepared with a rod that can deliver all sizes of flies on target. If you only bring one all-around trout rod we suggest a 9’ 6-weight 4-piece travel rod. A 5-weight is a good choice for dry fly fishing, and a 7-weight for larger streamers.
Large arbor reels are best for quick retrieve and less line memory. We recommend 75 to 100 yards of 20lb backing.
Fly lines can get complicated if you let them, so keep it simple. WF floating line for dries and most nymphs, and a fast sinking 24’ sinking tip streamer line are recommended. We have a good selection of specialty lines in all appropriate weights.
Your guides will have all the leaders and tippets you need. Stiff butt sections are important to turn over large dries and streamers. Use 3X – 5X for dries and nymphs and 0X – 3X for streamers.
These are some standard patterns to have handy if you feel like bringing some flies of your own. Our guide fly program is available for $75.00 per person per week which will provide access to your guide’s fly box all week.
A variety of Chernobyl style patterns and Fat Alberts #6-12. Parachute Madam X (yellow, royal) #814. Muddler Trude/Tarantula (red, yellow, natural) #8-12. Dave’s and Parachute Hoppers #6-10. Royal Wulff, Royal Humpy, Yellow Humpy #10-16. Parachute Adams #12 – 16. Adult Damsel #10-12. Gibson’s Dragonfly #6-10.
Copper John’s (copper, black, red) #10-16. Beadhead Pheasant Tail, Black Hare’s Ear #10-18. Beadhead Prince #10-14. Beadhead Cased Caddis #12-16. Beadhead Squirrel Nymph #-10-14. Rubber Legs (black, brown with black legs) #4-8). San Juan Worm (red, purple) #4-8. Beadhead Stone Fly (black, brown) #6-10. Damsel Nymph (green, brown) #8-10. Crane Fly Larvae #4-8. Pancora #4-8.
It’s hard to beat a classic Beadhead Wooly Bugger (black, olive, black/olive) #2-6. Conehead JJ Special #2-6. Dolly Llama (black/white, olive/white) #2-4. Woolhead Sculpin #2-4. Kiwi Muddler #26. Gummy Minnow (clear, pearl) #2-6. Lynch’s Drunk and Disorderly (white/pearl, olive/gold, black) #2.