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Community engagement
In 2020, our contact centers received 70,567 requests, 99.97% of these were answered within the set times. Upon request via the Contact Centre or any communication channel, Elia offers information and free electromagnetic field measurements to the owners of land and buildings located near Elia facilities. In 2020, we performed 108 measurements.
5.7.4 Cooperation and innovation
SDG 11, GRI 203-2
For Elia, active lead management and participation in research and development projects are an integral part of innovation management. In diverse cooperations with academic and industry partners, the focus is mainly on activities in the areas of new technology and digitalisation, energy markets and system security, the integration of renewable energies and the required development of the electrical system as well as on supporting the industry in decarbonising its processes.
In light of the increasing electrification, decentralisation and integration of the continuously growing share of renewable energies, the Elia group launched its own incubator in May 2020: “The Nest”. The aim is to promote digital transformation projects in an agile manner and overcome the increased complexity of various processes. Furthermore, the company strives to develop new business models in this interdisciplinary space and enhance the quality and efficiency of its activities and internal processes at all levels. Elia and 50Hertz, along with 18 other organizations signed a joint declaration of intent, the Offshore Coalition, an initiative of the RGI (Renewables-Grid-Initiative) members. The Elia group was one of the founding members of this initiative that promotes the integration of 100% renewably-generated electricity into the European grid. TSOs
and NGOs join forces in RGI to support the build-up of a sufficient grid infrastructure in Europe for both decentralised and large-scale renewable energy sources.
In January 2020, the Elia group launched its fourth Open Innovation Challenge. The competition invites start-ups from around the world to present solutions to any of the many challenges system operators face. The 2020 Challenge focused on the development of digital solutions promoting more secure grid and data management. Every year, the competition allows the Elia group to innovate faster in specific sectors by creating synergies with start-ups and SMEs (small and medium-sized companies).
In October 2020, the Elia group launched re.alto, its own corporate start-up to accelerate digitalisation of the energy sector. The aim of the re.alto marketplace is to make energy data easy to access and integrate, enabling the industry to take a giant digital stride towards more widespread adoption of Energy-as-a-Service business models and ultimately drive a low carbon energy future.
Belgium’s energy system operators teamed up with 60 companies, public bodies and academic institutions in a collaborative innovation initiative, IO.Energy, launched in February 2019 to bridge the gap between digitalisation
and sustainability and to promote innovation in the energy sector. It aims to develop new services through the exchange of data between all sector players. The focus is on end users, who will be able to tailor their generation and consumption to grid needs using a digital communication platform. In October 2020, the first sandboxing of the Internet of Energy (IO. Energy) project came to an end. Eight Belgian pilot projects were completed.
In its vision paper “Accelerating to net-zero: redefining energy and mobility”, published in November 2020, the Elia group describes how better alignment between the power and mobility sectors can deliver societal benefits and push electric mobility to widespread adoption. However, successful convergence between the power and mobility sectors can only be achieved if current barriers are removed and additional value streams are unlocked and developed.
5.7.5 Community engagement
Eliais committed to creating a sustainable future for all stakeholders. This also means that we take our social responsibility seriously.
Local added value / Supporting local initiatives
Since 2017, Elia has been collaborating with the Be Planet Foundation to develop and support local citizen initiatives promoting ecological transition. Elia has established a structural partnership with the public utility foundation Be Planet to develop and support ecological transition initiatives by citizens in municipalities where Elia infrastructure projects are underway.