TiMEC Building 2 Sustainable Strategies July 1st, 2011
Sustainable Consultant
Filippo Taidelli Architetto
TiMEC - Building 2
www.e3lab.org Via Gioberti 5 20053 Muggio’ Milano - Italy, P.iva 06888870968
www.filippotaidelli.com Via Ascanio Sforza 81/A Milano - Italy, P.iva 03562170963
www.tenovagroup.com TENOVA TIMEC CO.Ltd Huashan Road 666 300459 Tianjin China
Project Team: - Prof. PhD. Emanuele Naboni - Elian Hirsch
LEGAL DISCLAIMER This work is largely based on Building Performance Simulation. Generally there is a significant gap between energy simulation results and actual building energy performance. Due to the nature of various capabilities in energy simulation software, level of detail in architectural designs, assumptions about non-regulated energy, and other unknowns, energy model results could vary. Sometimes significantly from actual energy consumption shown on utility bills. As a result, simulations can present the owner/tenant with a misconception about the building’s actual energy use during its life-span. It is for this reason that the document is intended to predict percentage of energy savings and not the exact consumptions. Therefore E3Lab does not accept any responsibility for any of the predicted performances described in this document.
Table of Contents
Introduction ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4 Weather Analysis �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5 Comparison of Three Cities Passive Strategies for Tianjin: Psychrometric Chart
6 8
Cumulative Shadows Analysis ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9 Envelope Performance ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12 Envelope Analysis: Window to Wall Ratio Envelope Analysis: Window to Wall Ratio: North: Internal Gains Envelope Analysis: Window to Wall Ratio: South: Internal Gains Envelope Analysis: Window to Wall Ratio: West: Internal Gains Envelope Analysis: Window to Wall Ratio: East: Internal Gains Envelope Analysis: Window to Wall Ratio: Calibration Opaque Envelope Optimization: Cooling Opaque Envelope Optimization: Heating Opaque Envelope Optimization: Internal Gains Envelope Analysis: Possible Wall and Glass Types Glass Type Optimization: Cooling Glass Type Optimization: Heating Glass Type Optimization: Internal Gains Opaque Envelope Optimization: Wall Types Internal Gains
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Daylighting ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27 Daylight General Considerations Daylighting Iteration 1: Daylight Factor Daylighting Iteration 1: Daylight Factor Daylighting Iteration 2: Daylight Factor Daylighting Iteration 2: Daylight Factor Daylighting Iteration 2: Daylight Autonomy Daylighting Iteration 2: Daylight Autonomy Daylighting Iteration 2: Illuminance Winter - December 21st / Cloudy Sky Daylighting Iteration 2: Illuminance Winter
Note: The digital version of this document has navigation capabilities. Clicking each title redirects to the respective page. On each page, clicking on the title on the bottom-left corner redirects to this page.
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Bridge Analysis ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 37
Compared Designs 38 Bridge Comparison: Operative Temperature 39 Bridge Comparison: Discomfort Hours 40 Bridge Comparison: Internal gains 41 Daylight General Considerations 42 Daylighting Simulation: Bridge 0: Fully Glazed 43 Daylighting Simulation: Bridge 7: Inside Shading Slats 44 Daylighting Simulation: Bridge 8: Inside Shading Slats + Frit 45 Daylighting Simulation: Bridge - additional case 2: Light diffusers 46 Daylighting Simulation: Bridge - additional case 1: Internal translucent layers 47 Bridge Analysis: Conclusion 48
Natural Ventilation ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 49 Compared Schemes Natural Ventilation Comparison: Operative Temperature Natural Ventilation Comparison: Cooling Natural Ventilation Comparison: Heating Natural Ventilation Comparison: Discomfort hrs Natural Ventilation Comparison: Mech Vent + Nat Vent + Infiltration Natural Ventilation Comparison: Ventilation, Cooling and Heating CFD Analysis: Velocity: North-South CFD Analysis: Velocity: West-East CFD Analysis: Operative Temperature: North-South CFD Analysis: Operative Temperature: West-East CFD Analysis: Plan Views CFD Analysis: Pressure
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
Conclusion �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 63 Conclusion: Adopted Strategies Effectiveness Conclusion: Summary of Adopted Strategies Conclusion: Summary of Adopted Strategies Conclusion: Energy Costs Reduction
64 65 66 67
Concept of Iteration
The goal of this document is to report the Sustainable Design Strategies analysed and applied during the preliminary design phase of TiMEC Building 2.
Further on this document, among with technical concepts it will be mention the term “Iteration’.
Sustainable design The building sustainable design of heating, cooling, and lighting buildings is the goal of the following work.
Iterative design is a design methodology based on a cyclic process of prototyping, testing, analysing, and refining a product or process. Based on the results of testing the most recent iteration of a design, changes and refinements are made. This process is intended to ultimately improve the quality and functionality of a design. In iterative design, interaction with the designed system is used as a form of research for informing and evolving a project, as successive versions, or iterations of a design are implemented.
The work is divided in different phases: - The first is the architectural design of the building itself to minimize heat loss in the winter, to minimize heat gain in the summer, and to use light efficiently. Poor decisions at this point can easily double or triple the size of the mechanical equipment and energy eventually needed. We are showing that by making the right design decisions it is possible to reduce the building total energy consumption of as much as 40-50 percent.
- The second phase involves the use of natural energies through such methods as passive heating, cooling, and daylighting systems. The proper decisions at this point can reduce the energy consumption another 15-20 percent. Thus, the strategies in tiers one and two, which are both purely architectural, can reduce the energy consumption of buildings up to 75% percent. - The third phase consists of designing the mechanical equipment to be as efficient as possible. According to literature, this effort could reduce energy consumption another 8 percent. Thus, only 12 percent as much energy is needed as in a conventional building. That small amount of energy can be derived from renewable sources both on and off site. It is suggested that the mechanical engineer refers to this type of consideration
Iteration 1
Iteration 2
Iteration X
This Report
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
Weather Analysis
E3Lab Sustainable Strategies TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
Comparison of Three Cities This comparison is made in order to provide an overview of the analysed building site’ weather, compared to locations that all the involved parts are familiar with. The conclusion is on the next page.
Relative Humidity
Wind Speed
Celsius Degrees
Dry Bulb Temperature
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Weather Analysis | 6
Weather Comparison: Conclusion The data shows that Tianjin has hot summers and cold climates. The site is relatively windy. Those parameters are taken in account to optimise the building design.
Solar Direct Normal Radiation
Vernacular Architecture
Reference Images
Solar Global Horizontal Radiation
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Weather Analysis | 7
Passive Strategies for Tianjin: Psychrometric Chart Certain building Design Strategies are more appropriate to different climates. The Design Strategies shown in the charts are all defined relative to the Comfort Zone. The percentage of hours that fall in each Design Strategy zone is also shown. These percentages help identify which passive Design Strategies will be most effective in this climate.
Summer 8% of Comfort Hours could be Passively Provided
63% of Comfort Hours could be Passively Provided
Mechanical System are the main source of comfort during winter time, but passive strategy, such as Passive Solar Gain could be beneficial. The development of sustainable strategies will be based on facade optimization in order to collect solar direct radiation.
The summer period cooling loads could be minimized by using passive features such as natural ventilation e facade solar protection. The use of natural ventilation will be therefore approached in the study as well as solar protection.
Prevailing Winds
Prevailing Winds
Psychrometric Chart
Psychrometric Chart
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Weather Analysis | 8
Cumulative Shadows Analysis
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Cumulative Shadows Analysis: December 21st
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Weather Analysis | 10
Cumulative Shadows Analysis: June 21st
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Weather Analysis | 11
Envelope Performance
E3Lab Sustainable Strategies TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
Envelope Analysis: Window to Wall Ratio Different facades have different contributions for heating and cooling. For instance the North and West facade impacts more the Heating, while East and South facades impacts more the Cooling.
This analysis is made in order to understand how different configurations of WTWR for each facade are impacting the operational costs.
General Lighting Computer + Equip Occupancy
Solar Gains Exterior Windows Zone Sensible Heating Zone Sensible Cooling
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Envelope Performance | 13
Envelope Analysis: Window to Wall Ratio: North: Internal Gains Yearly, in Heat Balance (kWh!m2)
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
General Lighting Computer + Equip Occupancy Solar Gains Exterior Windows Zone Sensible Heating Zone Sensible Cooling
Envelope Performance | 14
Envelope Analysis: Window to Wall Ratio: South: Internal Gains Yearly, in Heat Balance (kWh!m2)
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
General Lighting Computer + Equip Occupancy Solar Gains Exterior Windows Zone Sensible Heating Zone Sensible Cooling
Envelope Performance | 15
Envelope Analysis: Window to Wall Ratio: West: Internal Gains Yearly, in Heat Balance (kWh!m2)
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
General Lighting Computer + Equip Occupancy Solar Gains Exterior Windows Zone Sensible Heating Zone Sensible Cooling
Envelope Performance | 16
Envelope Analysis: Window to Wall Ratio: East: Internal Gains Yearly, in Heat Balance (kWh!m2)
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
General Lighting Computer + Equip Occupancy Solar Gains Exterior Windows Zone Sensible Heating Zone Sensible Cooling
Envelope Performance | 17
Envelope Analysis: Window to Wall Ratio: Calibration Note: Each facade has a total of 72 modules. Windows are the same size as each module.
Iteration 1
Final Design
The Study of different Window to Wall Ratios showed that significant saving can be achieved by differentiate the approach for each facade. The recommendations made on Iteration 1 were applied to optimise the design. In the following pages it is possible to appreciate how final design performs.
18 Windows
50 Windows
48 Windows
33 Windows
25 %
70 %
66 %
45 %
37,5 %
50 %
50 %
45 %
27 Windows
36 Windows
36 Windows
33 Windows
Iteration 1 Facade OLD
Iteration 2 Facade New Final Design
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
Envelope Performance | 18
Opaque Envelope Optimization: Cooling Monthly Final Design The new facade geometry allows for significant cooling savings
Final Design
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Envelope Performance | 19
Opaque Envelope Optimization: Heating Monthly
Final Design The graph shows that heating may increase with the new facade scheme.
This is due to the reduction of winter solar gains on the south facade. It is suggest to slightly increased the amount of glazed surface at south facade level.
Final Design
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Envelope Performance | 20
Opaque Envelope Optimization: Internal Gains Yearly, (kWh/m2)
New Facade Scheme The graph shows that cooling cost are significantly lower, while heating costs may increase with the new facade scheme.
Given the high cost of cooling versus heating for a office building, and given the high cost of electricity, the new scheme allows energy savings. It is suggest to slightly increase the amount of glazed surface at south facade level.
Iteration 1
Iteration 2 Final Design
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
Envelope Performance | 21
Envelope Analysis: Possible Wall and Glass Types Parametric Analysis Few Walls Types and few Glass Panes are compared . Material optimization is the second step of optimization after facade geometry optimization. The analysis is meant to drive the construction detailing and needs to be integrated with local regulation prescriptive requirements.
Walls Note: Images are not in scale
Wall 25mm
Wall 75mm
Wall 100mm
Wall 125mm
Wall 275mm
U-value: 1,331
U-value: 0,551
U-value: 0,426
U-value: 0,347
U-value: 0,165
Steel + Rock wool + Steel + Plasterboard
Final Design
Glass Panes
Final Design
Note: being glass 7 with low Visible transmittance daylighting criteria might not be satisfied and therefore the lighting cost might increase
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
Envelope Performance | 22
Glass Type Optimization: Cooling Monthly
Iteration 1 Being Glass 0 the worst reference, it is notice-
able how all the double panes performs relatively equally. While the best reference is the Triple Pane Glass 7, the double pane which has the best performance in a typical summer period is Glass 4.
Final Design Glass 2
Final Design
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Envelope Performance | 23
Glass Type Optimization: Heating Monthly
Iteration 1 In a typical winter, Glass 0 is again the worst refer-
ence, but surprisingly the Triple Pane is not the one that performs the best. Glass 5 and Glass 6 are the ones which responds more efficiently.
Final Design Glass 2
Final Design
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Envelope Performance | 24
Glass Type Optimization: Internal Gains Yearly
Iteration 1 Besides the Cooling and Heating performances
shown previously, in this chat it is possible to appreciate clearly the impact and efficiency of using a Low Emissivity glass. This can be noticed for instance in the difference in Solar Gains in between Glass 1 (No Low-E) and Glasses 2-6.
Final Design Glass 2
Final Design
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
Envelope Performance | 25
Opaque Envelope Optimization: Wall Types Internal Gains Yearly, using Glass 1
Iteration 1 Being the building “internal load dominated�, ex-
cessive heat retention (excessive insulation) could lead to higher cooling loads. Given the higher cost of cooling compared to heating, it is suggested an assembly with U-values ranging from 0.6 and 0.4 Kw/mK.
Final Design Wall 75 seems to be a good balance between heating and cooling loads. The suggest wall type needs to be verified against local energy regulations.
Final Design
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Envelope Performance | 26
E3Lab Sustainable Strategies TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
Daylight General Considerations
How to read Daylighting Simulation Advised illuminance values per activity Activity............................................................................................................... Illumination (lux, lumen/m2) Public areas with dark surroundings.....................................................................................................................................20 - 50 Simple orientation for short visits....................................................................................................................................... 50 - 100 Working areas where visual tasks are only occasionally performed....................................................................100 - 150 Warehouses, Homes, Theatres, Archives....................................................................................................................................150 Easy Office Work, Classes.................................................................................................................................................................250 Normal Office Work, PC Work, Study Library, Groceries, Show Rooms, Laboratories................................................500 Supermarkets, Mechanical Workshops, Office Landscapes................................................................................................750 Normal Drawing Work, Detailed Mechanical Workshops, Operation Theatres....................................................... 1,000 Detailed Drawing Work, Very Detailed Mechanical Works..................................................................................1500 - 2000 Performance of visual tasks of low contrast and very small size for prolonged periods of time......... 2000 - 5000 Performance of very prolonged and exacting visual tasks . ............................................................................5000 - 10000 Performance of very special visual tasks of extremely low contrast and small size.............................. 10000 - 20000
Advised luminance values per activity Upper Luminance Value should not be above...................................................................................................... 4000 cd/m2 Suggested Luminance Ratio: ................................................................................................................................................... 1:3:10
Iteration 2: Recommendations According to the final design, it is suggested to: 1) use material with high reflectivity (white colors or similar ) as per following: Ceiling = 0.9 Walls = 0.7 - 0.9 Floors = 0.7 2) Include white materials, mirrors and metal high reflective plates into the atrium to increase daylighting penetration trough the atrium 3) The reflective system at the top of the atrium should be optimised, since design iteration 2 has a reduced area if compared to iteration 1. 4) According to DF and illuminance studies, the south facade should be slightly more glazed, especially at ground floor
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
Daylighting | 28
Daylighting Iteration 1: Daylight Factor Corresponds to the initial design
Ground Floor
First Floor
Second Floor
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Daylighting | 29
Daylighting Iteration 1: Daylight Factor
Section West-East
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Daylighting | 30
Daylighting Iteration 2: Daylight Factor
Final Design The daylighting factor is well distributed.
Increase the amount of glazed area at south facade (especially at ground at first floor) could increase the quality of natural light.
Corresponds to the final design ( smaller atrium, different window to wall ratio.)
Ground Floor
First Floor
Second Floor
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Daylighting | 31
Daylighting Iteration 2: Daylight Factor
Final Design The daylighting factor is well distributed.
Increase the amount of glazed area at south facade (especially at ground at first floor) could increase the quality of natural light.
Section North-South
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Daylighting | 32
Daylighting Iteration 2: Daylight Autonomy
Final Design The daylighting autonomy is related to electrical con-
sumption for lighting. Most of the offices could rely on natural light rather than on artificial lighting. Increase the amount of glazed area at south facade (especially at ground at first floor) could reduce the electrical lighting costs
Calculated for 300 lux, yearly, from 08:00 to 19:00, without weekends.
Ground Floor
First Floor
Second Floor
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Daylighting | 33
Daylighting Iteration 2: Daylight Autonomy
Section North-South
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Daylighting | 34
Daylighting Iteration 2: Illuminance Winter - December 21st / Cloudy Sky
Final Design This is the worst case scenario with winter cloudy sky.
Overall it looks like the building has a good perimetral light and that the atrium is effective. As previously stated, increase openings at south side should arise the illuminance levels.
Ground Floor
First Floor
Second Floor
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
Daylighting | 35
Daylighting Iteration 2: Illuminance Winter
Final Design This is the worst case scenario with winter cloudy sky.
Overall it looks like the building has a good perimetral light and that the atrium is effective. As previously stated, increase openings at south side should arise the illuminance levels.
Section North-South
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Daylighting | 36
Bridge Analysis
E3Lab Sustainable Strategies TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
Compared Designs
Bridge 0: Fully Glazed
Bridge 1: Outside Shading
Bridge 2: Fritted Glass
Bridge 3: Fully Glazed – Blinds IN
Bridge 4: Fully Glazed – Blinds OUT
Bridge 5: Outside Shading – Blinds IN
Bridge 6: Outside Shading - 1m
Bridge 7: Inside Shading Slats
Aluminium Frame each 1m
Aluminium Frame each 1m
Bridge 8: Inside Shading Slats + Fritted
Aluminium Frame each 1m - Alum. Slats, Inside, 0.5m width
Aluminium Frame each 0.5m - Louvres: Sides 1m, Roof 0.5m
Aluminium Frame each 0.5m - Louvres: Sides 1m, Roof 0.5m
Bridge 9: Idem 8 + 7,5 Panel Roof
Aluminium Frame each 1m - Alum. Slats, Inside, 0.5m width
Aluminium Frame each 1m
Aluminium Frame each 1m - Louvres: Sides 1m, Roof 0.5m
Aluminium Frame each 1m
Aluminium Frame each 1m - Alum. Slats, Inside, 0.5m width
Bridge 10: Dwl LowE glass + Green Roof
Aluminium Frame each 2m - Inside Louvres behind reception Final Design
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
Bridge Analysis | 38
Bridge Comparison: Operative Temperature Monthly
Iteration 1 Bridge 4 is the one that performs better in summer
as it has an operative temperature of 26 Celsius degrees. In an average winter season, Bridge 7 is the best, with an operative temperature of 15 degrees. In the overall performance, Bridge 8 appears to be the most effective solution, as it provides a good balance between winter and summer operative temperatures. Also Bridge 5 and Bridge 2 performs efficiently.
Iteration 2 Both, Bridge 9 and Bridge 10 perfoms excellent in comparison to the previous options.
Final Design Bridge 10 was chosen.
Celsius Degrees
Final Design
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Bridge Analysis | 39
Bridge Comparison: Discomfort Hours Monthly, for all clothing
Iteration 1 In summer the best ones are Bridge 4, 5 and 2;
while in winter 4 is the worst and 7 is clearly the most effective. In the overall yearly performance, Bridge 8 appears to be the most effective solution, as it can be seen both in the chart and in the ranking. Also Bridge 5 and Bridge 7 performs efficiently.
Iteration 2 Both, Bridge 9 and Bridge 10 perfoms excellent in comparison to the previous options.
Final Design Bridge 10 was chosen.
Final Design
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Bridge Analysis | 40
Bridge Comparison: Internal gains Yearly
Iteration 1 In summer the best ones are Bridge 4, 5 and 2;
while in winter 4 is the worst and 7 is clearly the most effective. In the overall yearly performance, Bridge 8 appears to be the most effective solution, as it can be seen both in the chart and in the ranking. Also Bridge 5 and Bridge 7 performs efficiently.
Iteration 2 Both, Bridge 9 and Bridge 10 perfoms excellent in comparison to the previous options.
Final Design Bridge 10 was chosen.
Final Design
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Bridge Analysis | 41
Daylight General Considerations
How to read Daylighting Simulation Advised illuminance values per activity Activity............................................................................................................... Illumination (lux, lumen/m2) Public areas with dark surroundings.....................................................................................................................................20 - 50 Simple orientation for short visits....................................................................................................................................... 50 - 100 Working areas where visual tasks are only occasionally performed....................................................................100 - 150 Warehouses, Homes, Theatres, Archives....................................................................................................................................150 Easy Office Work, Classes.................................................................................................................................................................250 Normal Office Work, PC Work, Study Library, Groceries, Show Rooms, Laboratories................................................500 Supermarkets, Mechanical Workshops, Office Landscapes................................................................................................750 Normal Drawing Work, Detailed Mechanical Workshops, Operation Theatres....................................................... 1,000 Detailed Drawing Work, Very Detailed Mechanical Works..................................................................................1500 - 2000 Performance of visual tasks of low contrast and very small size for prolonged periods of time......... 2000 - 5000 Performance of very prolonged and exacting visual tasks . ............................................................................5000 - 10000 Performance of very special visual tasks of extremely low contrast and small size.............................. 10000 - 20000
Advised luminance values per activity Upper Luminance Value should not be above...................................................................................................... 4000 cd/m2 Suggested Luminance Ratio: ................................................................................................................................................... 1:3:10
Recommendations Iteration 1 - A movable curtain system is recommended for facades East and West
- The glass roof should be protected with a movable curtain system or internal/external shading continuous system, to avoid excessive light on the desk. - A movable shading system is always recommended to avoid the use of electrical lighting on cloudy days. - These systems are in addition to any type of solar protection, such as fritted ceramic coats and/or internal/ external louvres.
Iteration 2 Some of the recommendations were applied. Final Design As it can be seen in the conclusion of this chapter, the chosen design is the one which performs better. Note: Simulations were performed for the worst case scenario: June 21st at 12:00 with sunny sky.
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Bridge Analysis | 42
Daylighting Simulation: Bridge 0: Fully Glazed Luminance image
Illuminance image
The image shows that the space is over exposed to light.
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
The image illustrates that there is too much contrast between the desk and its front facing surface.
Bridge Analysis | 43
Daylighting Simulation: Bridge 7: Inside Shading Slats Luminance image
Illuminance image
The image shows that the space is over exposed to light.
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
The image illustrates that there is too much contrast between the desk and its front facing surface.
Bridge Analysis | 44
Daylighting Simulation: Bridge 8: Inside Shading Slats + Frit Luminance image
Illuminance image
The image shows that the space is over exposed to light.
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
The image illustrates that there is too much contrast between the desk and its front facing surface.
Bridge Analysis | 45
Daylighting Simulation: Bridge - additional case 2: Light diffusers Luminance image
Illuminance image
The image shows that the space is over exposed to light.
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
The image illustrates that there is too much contrast between the desk and its front facing surface.
Bridge Analysis | 46
Daylighting Simulation: Bridge - additional case 1: Internal translucent layers Luminance image
Illuminance image
Luminance values are in a comfort range.
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Contrast values are in a comfort range.
Bridge Analysis | 47
Bridge Analysis: Conclusion This table compares all the options according to a grading scale from 1 (Worst) to 10 (Best) . The points are given differently for each category, according to the best and worst values of the simulations.
Final Design
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Bridge Analysis | 48
Natural Ventilation
E3Lab Sustainable Strategies TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
Compared Schemes Note 1: The following drawings are schematic, and they do not represent accurately the complexity of the models.
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Model 4
Model 5
Natural Ventilation: OFF
Natural Ventilation: ON
Natural Ventilation: ON
Natural Ventilation: ON
Natural Ventilation: ON
Windows Operation: OFF
Windows Operation: ON, 30%
Windows Operation: ON, 30%
Windows Operation: ON, 30%
Windows Operation: ON, 30%
Atrium Void: SEMI-GLAZED
Atrium Void: SEMI-GLAZED
Atrium Void: SEMI-GLAZED
Atrium Void: SEMI-GLAZED
Skylight Windows: CLOSED
Skylight Windows: OPEN
Skylight Windows: OPEN
Skylight Windows: OPEN + 3m
Skylight Windows: CLOSED+ 3m
Atrium Side Vents: NO
Atrium Side Vents: YES
Final Design Note 2: Model 2 is the most similar to the final design. The main difference is the height of the skylight window, which in the final design is 1,5 m higher. This difference does not affect the results of the analysis. Note 3: Detailed Natural Ventilation studies should be carried to provide specific data and criteria for optimizing natural ventilation. For instance, for a proper User Operation of operable windows and skylights.
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Natural Ventilation | 50
Natural Ventilation Comparison: Operative Temperature Monthly
Iteration 2 Operative Temperature is the average of air temperature and radiant temperature. Therefore is a direct expression of the comfort. The graph shows how natural ventilation should increase comfort conditions when air velocity is higher (Model 5 with Vents). It also highlights how natural ventilation is an efficient strategy in April, May, August and September.
Model 5:
Final Design Model 2 with Skylight 1,5 higher
Final Design
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Natural Ventilation | 51
Natural Ventilation Comparison: Cooling Monthly
Iteration 2 Cooling Loads are significantly reduced with natural ventilation. The building should be operated so that windows and the skylights are open when the outdoor temperature is equal or lower than the internal one. It also highlights how natural ventilation is an efficient strategy in April, May, August and September.
Model 5:
Final Design Model 2 with Skylight 1,5 higher
Final Design
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Natural Ventilation | 52
Natural Ventilation Comparison: Heating Monthly
Iteration 2 The graph is intended to explain that natural ventilation should not be used in spring and autumns cold days and along winter. Energy saving and the comfort depend are strictly related to calibrated operations of openings.
Model 5:
Final Design Model 2 with Skylight 1,5 higher
Final Design
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Natural Ventilation | 53
Natural Ventilation Comparison: Discomfort hrs Monthly, for all clothing.
Iteration 2 The uncontrolled introduction of external air is summer could lead to high discomfort. The month of July should rely on the cooling system rather than on natural ventilation. Model 5:
Final Design Model 2 with Skylight 1,5 higher
Final Design
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Natural Ventilation | 54
Natural Ventilation Comparison: Mech Vent + Nat Vent + Infiltration Monthly, in (ac/h)
Iteration 2 Different schemes lead to different air changes per hour. Scheme 2 guarantees a calibrated amount of air. Model 5:
Final Design Model 2 with Skylight 1,5 higher
Final Design
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
Natural Ventilation | 55
Natural Ventilation Comparison: Ventilation, Cooling and Heating Yearly
Iteration 2 The summary says that a well planned natural ventilation strategy allows to save 50% of the cooling costs.
Heat Balance (kWh/m2)
Final Design Model 2 with Skylight 1,5 higher
Model 5: Final Design
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
Natural Ventilation | 56
CFD Analysis: Velocity: North-South Image corresponds to the10th of May at 15pm, without mechanical systems. Note: This is a limited analysis, further studies should be made to maximize performances.
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
Final Design The image clearly shows that the stack effect produced by the atrium works properly. This permits a better natural ventilation which leads to reduce temperatures.
Natural Ventilation | 57
CFD Analysis: Velocity: West-East Image corresponds to the10th of May at 15pm, without mechanical systems. Note: This is a limited analysis, further studies should be made to maximize performances.
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
Final Design The image clearly shows that the stack effect produced by the atrium works properly. This permits a better natural ventilation which leads to reduce temperatures.
Natural Ventilation | 58
CFD Analysis: Operative Temperature: North-South Image corresponds to the10th of May at 15pm, 15pm without mechanical systems. Note: This is a limited analysis, further studies should be made to maximize performances.
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
Final Design The image clearly shows that the stack effect produced by the atrium works properly. This permits a better natural ventilation which leads to reduce temperatures.
Natural Ventilation | 59
CFD Analysis: Operative Temperature: West-East Image corresponds to the10th of May at 15pm, 15pm without mechanical systems. Note: This is a limited analysis, further studies should be made to maximize performances.
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
Final Design The image clearly shows that the stack effect produced by the atrium works properly. This permits a better natural ventilation which leads to reduce temperatures.
Natural Ventilation | 60
CFD Analysis: Plan Views Images corresponds to the10th of May at 15pm, without mechanical systems. Note: This is a limited analysis, further studies should be made to maximize performances.
Air Velocity
19,99 cยบ
0,44 (m/s)
12,90 cยบ
Operative Temperature
Second Floor
First Floor
Ground Floor
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
Natural Ventilation | 61
CFD Analysis: Pressure Image corresponds to the10th of May at 15pm, without mechanical systems. Note: This is a limited analysis, further studies should be made to maximize performances.
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
Final Design The image clearly shows that the stack effect produced by the atrium works properly. This permits a better natural ventilation which leads to reduce temperatures.
Natural Ventilation | 62
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
Conclusion | 63
Conclusion: Adopted Strategies Effectiveness This analytic diagram shows the main sustainable strategies adopted and their effectiveness. For instance, it shows that the optimization of the envelope accounts for the 50% of the possible savings, also Natural Ventilation could lead to significant savings.
Daylighting Strategy
Bridge Optimization
39 % 7% 7% 4% 13 % 26 % 1% 3%
Window to Wall Ratio Optimization Wall Assembly Optimization Glass Type Optimization Internal glazed partition Atrium Natural Ventilation Bridge Optimization Daylighting Strategy
Window to Wall Ratio Optimization
Natural Ventilation
Wall Assembly Optimization
Glass Type Optimization
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
Internal Glazed Partition
Conclusion | 64
Conclusion: Summary of Adopted Strategies
Natural Ventilation: 26% savings
Daylighting: 3% savings
Atrium: 13% savings
Building overheating can be decreased with air movement provided by natural ventilation. The building should be tightly sealed (the adage is ‘build tight, ventilate right’) so that entry and exit points for air are controllable, or at least well defined. A tightly sealed construction requires careful design and good workmanship. According to the study ventilation is effective in spring, early and late summer, early autumn. Control is necessary because solar gain, temperature and wind speed vary so much. Traditionally, occupants have been able to influence their environment and comfort by simple, easy-to-use, robust means and were then able to see, and almost immediately experience, the results of their actions. The building users should be educated to run the building according to a strategy that will need to be studied. Controls can, of course, be manual or automatic or some combination of both. It is suggested that along design development more accurate analysis will be performed to develop the natural ventilation network and its control strategy.
Natural light is provided by the windows and the atrium. The ratio of direct to indirect light affects positively the visual ‘feel’ and comfort of office spaces. The contact with changing natural light is physiologically, psychologically and architecturally important. The building shell is studied to minimize the electrical consumption and daylighting autonomy studies shows a balanced shows a good balance on this matter. It is advised that lighting designer refers to the daylighting section to determine the luminaries layout and type. Further analysis should be dedicated to the atrium daylighting system.
The atrium has the potential environmental advantages of allowing ventilation, passive solar gain and daylighting. In addition to its climatic control function, it enhance the psychophysical comfort of occupants.. The atrium is defined as per following: -The top exceed the roof plane to increase the buoyancy effect and to relate to prevailing winds -Solar reflectors are used to control daylighting -Vegetation is used to purify air from contaminants
Final Daylighting features: -High reflective materials (0.6 to 0.9) -Office: venetian blinds to control glare -Office: window layout is designed to achieve a minimum daylighting factor of 0.2 -Atrium: top reflector are used to control glare and diffuse light
The network of natural ventilation is based on: -Operable windows -Plenums to conduct air -Internal partitions -Operable skylights
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
Conclusion | 65
Conclusion: Summary of Adopted Strategies
Window to Wall Ratio: 39% savings
Wall Assembly: 7% savings
Glass Type: 7% savings
The calibration of windows to wall ratio avoid the problems such as cold radiation from the faรงade, and warm radiation in summer. Window to wall ratio is also calibrated for each faรงade to reduce, heating, cooling, and lighting costs.
According to simulations it is suggested the following type of assembly:
According to simulations it is suggested the following type of glass:
- Wall 75mm, U-value: 0,551
- 6 / Air / 6-LowE
-South -North -East -West
Bridge Optimization: 3% savings
Internal Glazed Partition: 3% savings
The space will be comfortable, with controlled operative temperatures and light.
Internal partitions are an important factor for both the daylighting and the ventilation strategy. -The internal partition should have a clear glass -Doors should be used in combination with windows to increase the natural ventilation and to allow cross ventilation
Features: -Green roof -Shading systems -Glare control with venetian blinds
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
Conclusion | 66
Conclusion: Energy Costs Reduction Conclusion The new building and the old building are compared to estimate possible savings. The new building sustainable features are expected to achieve a 75% of reduction in energy used for heating, cooling and lighting. According to calculation the achieved design allows for 75% energy saving when compared to a baseline fully building. The latter is characterized by a fully glazed facade, no daylighted atrium, and no natural ventilation.
Note: The concept of percent savings and subsequent calculations presently have wide application in green building rating systems, utility programs, and federal tax deductions.
Existing Building New Building Reduction
Energy Costs
75% REDUCTION of energy costs (estimated)
Existing Building
Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto
TiMEC Building 2
Conclusion | 67
E3Lab Sustainable Strategies - TiMEC Building 2 - Filippo Taidelli Architetto