Appendix 10: Fixed-band supplies (see Articles 8, 11 and 20) This document in its entirety forms part of the Access Contract with reference [] and concerns the case in which the Grid User:
has concluded supply contracts with several suppliers, and
the scope of one or more of those supply contracts is for the supply of a fixed quantity of energy – hereinafter, [fixed-band supplies].
for the same Access Point (for which, in accordance with the aforementioned Access Contract, he himself acts as Access Holder or for which he has designated a third party as Access Holder This document governs the designation by the Access Holder of the Access Responsible Party to which is allocated the relevant fixed-band supply at an Off-take Point, in accordance with Part III b) of the present Appendix, hereinafter referred to as the “Access Responsible Party for fixed band”. Part I: information about the parties concerned Details of the Grid User Surname, Forename:
declares he is the Grid User of the Off-take Points with the following references: Access Points (Off-take Points) (EAN-code) []
Name of Access Point + address of site []
The Grid User declares he has concluded a contract with a supplier for fixed-band supplies to the Off-take Points mentioned above, whose references are set out below:
Access Contract
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