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Appendix 2 []: Designation of Access Holder, listing of Access Points, addition of Access Points to an Access Contract (Switching form), modification of period of validity of Access Points (see Articles 9 and 10) This document forms an integral part of the Access Contract with reference []. I. Designation of Access Holder by the Grid User and renewal of the Access Holder's designation 1. Designation of Access Holder: If the Grid User is not his own Access Holder, he shall designate an Access Holder in accordance with Article 9 of the Contract. The undersigned party (details of the Grid User) Surname, Forename












Address Head Office

[] []

Company Registration No.




hereby designates the Access Holder mentioned below as Access Holder for his Access Points and for the periods of duration stated below. The undersigned Party (details of the Access Holder) Surname, Forename






hereby accepts being Access Holder for the Grid User’s Access Points listed below, for period of time stated below. By this designation, the Access Holder declares that he undertakes to provide the Grid User with a copy of all the Appendices to the Contract relating to the Access Point(s) concerning him, duly filled in and signed by the Access Holder. 2. Renewal of Access Holder’s designation Ninety calendar days before the period of validity of the Access Points listed in Appendix 2 expires (to that extent that the period of validity of the Access Points concerned permits it), Elia will communicate, by way of information, the procedure described hereafter to the Access Holder and to the Grid User: -

In the absence of communication to Elia, at least thirty calendar days before the period of validity of the Access Points listed in Appendix 2 expires, of the designation of an (new) Access Holder for those Access Points, Elia will invite the Grid User in writing (e-mail and/or fax) to designate an Access Holder for the Access Point(s) concerned, no later than twenty-one calendar days before the period of validity of the Access Points listed in Appendix 2 expires.


If there is no response to that invitation, Elia will invite the Grid User in writing (e-mail and/or fax) to become the Access Holder himself for all the Access Points concerning him twenty calendar days before the period of validity of the Access Points listed in Appendix 2 expires. In this case, the Grid User must conclude an Access Contract with Elia and fulfil all the conditions and obligations (including the setting-up of a bank guarantee) provided by that Contract, no later than 11 (eleven) calendar days before the period of validity of the Access Points concerned expires.

Access Contract


[●]/[●] V1/2012 !! For information purposes only !!

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