Sustainable Refurbishment of Traditional Buildings in Beirut

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Architectural Association School of Architecture | Graduate School AA SED MSc + MArch Sustainable Environmental Design 2015 - 2016 | Research Paper 2 | April 2016

Sustainable refurbishment of traditional buildings in Beirut: The central hall house


Research Paper 2

TITLE: Sustainable Refurbihsment of Traditional Buildings in Beirut: The Central Hall House



DECLARATION "I certify that the contents of this document are entirely my own work and that any quotation or paraphrase from the published or unpublished work of others is duly acknowledged."


DATE: April 25, 2016

Architectural Association School of Architecture Research Paper 2 | MSc + MArch Sustainable Environmental Design 2015 - 2016


Sustainable refurbishment of traditional buildings in Beirut:: The central hall house


Abstract 1- Introduction 2- Climate Analysis 3- Traditional buildings characteristics 3.1 Predominant elements in domestic dwellings 3.2 Environmental performance 4- Sustainable refurbishment 4.1 Design limitations and considerations 4.2 Building fabric and thermal mass 4.3 Thermal insulation 4.4 Windows 4.5 Ventilation 5- Conclusions Acknowledgements References


Architectural Association School of Architecture Research Paper 2 | MSc + MArch Sustainable Environmental Design 2015 - 2016

Sustainable refurbishment of traditional buildings in Beirut: The central hall house

ABSTRACT A paradoxical situation arises when traditional vernacular buildings are continuously being diminished and replaced by modern constructions but are repeatedly cited in literature as exemplary models of environmental practice. This paper focuses on the origins of the central hall house, being the predominant vernacular type in Beirut, and reviews its properties and environmental performance such as internal layout, functionality, orientation and construction materials. Then, it suggests sustainable design considerations and restrictions to take when refurbishing this particular building type and investigates feasible strategies to improve the performance of it to meet the demands of the modern occupant and bring this typology back to its iconic status. Keywords: Sustainable refurbishment, central hall house, vernacular strategies, thermal comfort, warm climate.

1. INTRODUCTION Unlike most of its surrounding countries, Lebanon is limited with natural resources. Despite major interventions to improve the energy sector, it’s barely being able to meet the demand of its population. The energy consumption in residential buildings for space heating/cool accounts for about 38% of the national energy consumption which is one of the major factors responsible for carbon emission. Being located in a sunny area with an average global horizontal radiation of 2200 kWh/m2 per year, there’s an opportunity to develop passive strategies to reduce the consumption of fossil fuel and achieve independence from mechanical heating and cooling systems. The other major factor that contributes to carbon emission is the increasing destruction of the existing urban fabric to make way for new developments, particularly when it comes to traditional buildings forming the city’s architectural identity. “There is a vast stock of existing buildings, many of which are getting to the end of their useful life. To replace the stock would take several decades and incur an unrealistic financial burden, [...and] create a large contribution to CO2 emissions. It is therefore essential that we develop strategies and techniques to improve the energy performance of our existing stock.” (Baker, 2009, Preface) Beirut’s oldest districts, once home to traditional Lebanese and Ottoman structures, mostly characterized by their red-tile roofs, their sandstone walls and colonnaded halls, are increasingly being either demolished by poor urban planning or replaced by concrete blocks and luxury flats. Old buildings from the city’s French and Ottoman periods – many in states of disrepair – still exist, though they are becoming increasingly rare. In an interview with Lebanese designer and architect Benedicte Moubarak, she points out that “the weakness of the Lebanese state is one important factor that prevents the preservation of the architectural heritage as it is unable to enforce laws. In addition, the corruption that exists in the country and the seeming lack of concern of citizens for their own heritage are factors that are not helping”.

Until now, no actual law has been passed. "There are few empty plots in the city, meaning that for new projects to go up, something has to be torn down. Often, that means the city’s old buildings. Of a list of 1,000 traditional buildings compiled by the Lebanese government in the 1990s, fewer than 300 remain." (Wood, 2013)

2. CLIMATE ANALYSIS Beirut is located in the coastal region of Lebanon benefitting from the Mediterranean from one side, and the mid, inland and high mountain regions from the other. The climate of Lebanon is classified as Csa climate according to the Koeppen-Geiger classification, a subtropical Mediterranean climate with a dry summer. Climate analysis taken from the SED PET spreadsheet shows that the dry-bulb temperature in summer fluctuates between 24.6 °C and 30.8 °C whereas in winter the minimum is around 11°C and the maximum around 24°C. (Fig.1) Wind flows from the coast to the inland during the day and the opposite at night. The prevailing winds are mostly Southwest with considerable winds from the East as well. 35























Comfort band limit [°C]




Fig.1 Climate analysis (source: SED PET spreadsheet)

Architectural Association School of Architecture Research Paper 2 | MSc + MArch Sustainable Environmental Design 2015 - 2016


Sustainable refurbishment of traditional buildings in Beirut:: The central hall house

3. TRADITIONAL BUILDING CHARACTERISTICS 3.1 Predominant elements in domestic dwellings During the first phase of modernization (1840-1900), Beirut’s population grew fast resulting in an urbanization of its suburbs and an expansion of the city’s limits. This is mainly due to the migration of the urban bourgeoisie outside the walled city and the settling of rural migrants in the suburbs. This classification is explicitly perceptible by the three types of housing that formed the cityscape: the upper-class mansions, the flat-roofed farmhouses and the bourgeois central hall houses known for their cubic sandstone structures, triple arches, corbelled balconies, and red tile roofs indicating wealth. The central hall house model (Fig.2) was largely spread across the city because of its flexibility to adapt to different climates, lifestyles, social class and owners. These variants were influenced mostly by climatic seasonal conditions but also by occidental trade. The choice of imported materials and the level of details in the façade characterized each variant model: The aristocratic mansion represented through a supra-vernacular façade with its gothic and Islamic influence, the high bourgeois family residence characterized by its high and mainstream vernacular façade relying on the know-hows of local builders and the garden suburban house with its low vernacular façade known for its simplicity and small conventional window openings. With the introduction of cement and concrete in 1930, two new elements were introduced: the concrete veranda and the bow window of European import. “The central hall house that we celebrate today as our national icon, the source of our architectural identity, and our traditional building type par excellence, is a hybrid suburban structure resulting from the integration of wrought iron I-beams and roof tiles from France, mechanically sawn timber from Romania, cast iron balustrades and hardware from England, and marble tiles from Italy. Other than the bearing walls built from local sandstone, the majority of materials used are machine age construction materials imported from Europe […] The triple arch, the most distinguishing feature of the new type, is considered to be a Venetian import.” (Saliba, 2004)

Fig.2 Central Hall House in Lebanon (credit: Maroun Ghassan Kassab)


The central hall house differed in sizes ranging from 100 to 500 m2 but maintaining the same space distribution. The central hall, as the name says, is a large space that serves as a general living area for gatherings of family and friends. The ground floor functions are mostly services and storage areas while the upper floor contains the living spaces. Rooms are on double sides of the central void and only accessible from it (Fig.3). The high pitched roof is one of the main characteristics of the model but was most of the time unoccupied. This type of architecture was not only implemented in domestic architecture. Throughout the capital, few buildings adopted the model to accommodate new functions: hotels, municipality headquarters, and mixed-use buildings.

Fig.3 Central Hall house - Circulation and Hierarchy (Source: author)

3.2 Environmental performance The area’s most critical season in terms of thermal comfort is summer with an average temperature of 30 °C and a relative humidity up to 80%. The wide spread and dominance of that type of residential models suggests that its natural characteristics equipped with adaptive strategies offered the occupants pleasant indoor thermal conditions facing summer heat and high level of humidity. The house is oriented according to the prevailing winds which would usually allow the central hall to be cross-ventilated through the triple arches. “Apart from the three arched windows that were opened on both sides of the central hall, other rectangular windows were located in every room, usually two on each room's external wall. In many cases, small round apertures were built into the external walls relatively close to the room ceiling. While the rectangular windows were glazed and closed with external wooden shutters, these round apertures were sometimes left unglazed, enabling an undisturbed flow of air into and out of the room during summertime: during winter, an inner wooden plate was used for sealing them” (Aleksandrowicz, 2012). Night ventilation helped purge the excess heat of the day and cool the stone walls. The thickness of these walls vary between 60cm and 90cm which offers the inhabitants indoor climatic efficiency. The high thermal mass properties of the local stone along with reduced external openings resisted well to heat and minimized solar gains to create cool indoor thermal conditions by keeping low indoor temperatures during the warm periods. “The building envelope of a traditional house forms an effective barrier against the worst extremes of the external climate. It provides a filtering which modifies the climate sufficiently for the internal conditions to be more acceptable” (Collier, 1995).

Architectural Association School of Architecture Research Paper 2 | MSc + MArch Sustainable Environmental Design 2015 - 2016

Sustainable refurbishment of traditional buildings in Beirut: The central hall house

Shading devices like overhangs and external wood shutters were used to enhance indoor comfort by reducing infiltration of sunlight through the openings thus preventing the building envelope from warming up and blocking its heat conduction. A study made by Or Aleksandrowicz (2012) investigates the thermal performance of central hall houses in the Israeli/Palestinian coastal plain, which has the same mediterranean climate as Beirut. The research aimed at determining whether thermal comfort conditions could be achieved in a central hall house during the warm months of the year without the use of any mechanical cooling. The computer-based simulations analyzed the performance of three existing houses in Tel-Aviv and Haifa sharing a similar layout of a main central hall linking smaller rooms along its walls. Natural ventilation was proven to have a very important role in maintaining indoor thermal comfort during summer. The high thermal mass property of the stone walls coupled with night ventilation kept the indoor temperatures low. The results proved that the central hall was mostly warmer than the side rooms during a summer day which could be due to the fact that it has less external wall surface and much lower air change rates. Nevertheless, it was the most occupied space throughout the day due to its architectural typology and space distribution. The study supports how literature and theories describe the central hall house as being a vernacular model well adapted to the local thermal conditions and enabled its users to enjoy relatively reasonable indoor conditions even during the warmest months of the year.

4. SUSTAINABLE REFURBISHMENT 4.1 Design limitations and considerations Sustainable refurbishment is considered to be more of a challenge in traditional buildings where restrictions can be much more accentuated because of the need to preserve the layout and appearance of the original building to maintain its identity, and where materials and finishes must be chosen to match those used during the building’s original construction. Upgrading historic building fabric is complex and often costly, particularly where conservation restrictions apply, and a holistic understanding is required before modern materials are applied to old structures to minimize unintended and negative consequences. However, with a meticulously detailed approach and a sound understanding, successful retrofit is possible, and examples of good practice and research can be found across the world. Unfortunately, few recorded or published precedents exist in Lebanon or the Arab world and not enough data to rely on. Therefor, theories and strategies presented below are based on literature from similar warm climates.

and ventilation of buildings accounts for nearly half of global energy consumption, with the consequent CO2 emissions having an effect on global warming. The reduction of day-today consumption of fossil fuels for heating, cooling, lighting and ventilation must be the main objective in any attempt to refurbish a building sustainably.” (Baker,2009) In order to do that, implemented strategies should meet the requirements of thermal comfort in the different seasons of the year. In Beirut, during the cold period, the building should be as much as possible decoupled from the outdoor and maximize solar access to help reduce the heating load. During the intermittent seasons, the outdoor conditions are more or less within comfort so a reasonable amount of natural ventilation would suffice. During the hot season, solar access need to be controlled and the heat capacity of the building fabric should be maximized to avoid overheating. “When improving energy efficiency in traditional buildings it is important to deal with ventilation and draughts, but not to over-seal buildings […] Insulation changes internal building conditions (e.g. Relative humidity), particularly where impermeable systems are used. In addition, this issue becomes more important as levels of insulation increase – so with ever-more demanding energy- and CO2-saving targets, the push for more and more insulation needs to be accompanied by a proper ventilation assessment” (Lopez, 2014). 4.2 Building Fabric and Thermal mass The ability of a material to store and absorb heat to delay the peak of the indoor temperature is what characterizes thermal mass. Therefor, it reduces the risk of overheating caused by solar and internal gains. As Baker (2008) points out, in order to maximize its effect, it is necessary that thermal mass covers the maximum surface area possible of the occupied space and that it should be thermally coupled with it. “Despite the thick heavy walls found in many architectural traditions, the heat capacity of any material is dependent on the heat ability to flow in, resulting in the heat capacity as a function of the thickness (Givoni, 1998). In the case of the central hall house, stone has an effective thickness of approximately 14-15cm. The total of thickness of the envelope varies between 60 and 90cm. Figure 4 shows the properties of sandstone compared to brick, concrete and lightweight construction materials. Having a high storage capacity with moderate thermal conductivity (compared to low timber value and high steel value) allows sandstone to store heat during the day and release it at night at a rate that matches the daily heating and cooling cycle of the building. Minimal interventions can be done to the building fabric when it comes to refurbishing a traditional building without altering its identity. The rules of conservation and restoration of heritage buildings don’t allow flexibility in finding solutions to improve or substitute thermal mass. Weber and Yannas (2013) mention that in cold winter days, in Mediterranean countries where high thermal mass is often used, the high heat capacity of the building fabric may not be

Architectural Association School of Architecture Research Paper 2 | MSc + MArch Sustainable Environmental Design 2015 - 2016


Sustainable refurbishment of traditional buildings in Beirut:: The central hall house

enough for the indoor temperature to meet the limits of the comfort band. Therefor, proper insulation techniques should be used to enhance indoor thermal conditions.

Fig.4 Thermal properties of common construction materials (source:

4.3 Thermal Insulation Minimum monthly average temperatures go as low as 5°C which requires an improved envelope to reduce the heat losses and maintain the heat inside during winter. To increase the resistance of the envelope and reduce the heat flux through it, there usually are three ways to insulate according to SHC (2010): - Insulation by outside: it eliminates the risk of thermal bridges, protects from the penetration of driving rain inside the wall and conserves the thermal inertia; but, it is costly and changes the outside appearance of the building. - Insulation by inside: the appearance is conserved and costs are lower; but, thermal bridges are often not completely eliminated, thermal inertia is lost and dampness needs to be controlled. - Insulation in the hollow: only feasible in double wall constructions. It is generally cheaper than insulation by outside, thermal inertia is not lost and the external appearance is not affected. Considering the fact that we’re dealing with a traditional heritage building, the materiality of the external wall has to remain visible hence insulating from the inside is the optimal option. A fixed insulation system would not be beneficial during warm periods as it affects the performance of the thermal mass. Therefor, it is best to consider fixed insulation for the roof and movable insulation for the heavy-weight external walls. Green Specs (2013) offer different types of insulation materials which can be summed up in three categories: materials derived from organic source, mineral and oilderived insulation. While investigating the specifications of the insulation materials proposed by SHC (2010), it became clear that, in terms of the origins of the raw material and its embodied energy, sheep wool was the most suitable due to the high percentage of sheep raising in Lebanon which means the production is local and the need for transportation is substantially reduced. It also provides good humidity control. “The advantages of using sheep’s wool include the fact that it is a waste product from renewable sources, absorb moisture without losing thermal efficiency and can be recycled in suitable conditions (GreenSpecs, 2013). It has a relatively low thermal conductivity of 0.035 W/mK


which means a very good thermal performance hence it minimizes the internal heat dissipating through the stone walls. As for the movable insulation, it is important that the system applied enable all edges of the walls to be closed tightly to prevent warm air leakage. Wall carpets or curtains should be considered for their light storage, practicality and ease of use. That will limit the high thermal mass effect of the walls during winter. As a matter of fact, the ground and wall covering technique is an ottoman characteristic which could be adapted to the central hall house and its ottoman influenced architecture. Sarioglu (2013) suggests an easy to use possible movable insulation technique using carpets that can be stored in the ceiling and rolled/unrolled depending on the outdoor climatic conditions (Fig. 5)

Fig.5 Walls cover technique installation (source: Sarioglu (2013))

4.4 Windows 10% of the solar and internal heat gains of a typical domestic house is lost through the windows. Replacing the existing glazing with new high performance ones is a critical strategy in the refurbishment scheme. In historic buildings, this strategy is problematic because it has to match the appearance of the existing windows. Therefor, in some cases, secondary glazing is an option which can improve the overall thermal performance by creating an insulating air barrier. Greenspecs (2013) suggests that the secondary glazing should be offset from the existing one by 100mm to improve sound insulation and that it should be well sealed whereas the existing one should remain unsealed to allow possible water vapor in the air cavity out. The most recommended type of glazing is the ‘Low-E’ glass because of its ability to allow short wave radiation from the sun to enter the house whilst reflecting long wave radiation back inside (Fig.6) A thermal insulation of the frames is also necessary to to reduce heat loss. The external wooden shutters found in most central hall houses are to be repaired and enhanced for their role in blocking the sun out when needed. Also, shading the window areas during summer is very important in minimizing solar heat gains. Planting deciduous trees around the South, East and West façade intercepts the sun when it’s high in the sky during summer but allow it in when it’s at a low position during winter.

Architectural Association School of Architecture Research Paper 2 | MSc + MArch Sustainable Environmental Design 2015 - 2016

Sustainable refurbishment of traditional buildings in Beirut: The central hall house

Fig.6 Low-E glazing properties (source: GreenSpecs (2013))

4.5 Ventilation In old structures, 20% of the energy coming from space heating Is lost through ventilation whereas in modern constructions it’s around 35% since the building is better insulated and more airtight. The major factors contributing to this factor are opening the windows and doors but also the gaps surrounding them. A reduction is only possible through securing the airtightness of the building but also ventilating the right way. Passivhaus standards recommend 0.3 ac/h whereas common practice sets the ventilation rate between 0,5 and 1.5 ac/h. Ventilation strategies should be applied throughout the house, each depending on the function it’s covering. For kitchens, bathrooms and utility rooms, it is recommended to use extract ventilation to draw the moisture out of these wet rooms and minimize the migration of humidity to the adjacent rooms. Purge ventilation should be applied throughout by opening the windows. A whole house ventilation system should be implemented to supply and extract air throughout the house such as passive stack ventilation that is based on the “stack effect” where warm air goes up to an outlet above the roof through ducts. This method is simple but there’s a risk of over/under- ventilating. A substitute is a mechanical system that requires more user interaction but offers more control over ventilation rate and humidity. Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR)is the optimal solution for this kind of strategies. Fresh air is provided mechanically and warm air is extracted passing through a heat exchanger. This system requires a high level of airtightness and an electric energy to operate.

Located in a subtropical Mediterranean climate, The Central Hall house has proved to be a beacon of architectural excellence and a successful environmental model. Its continuous presence and dominance, though endangered, in the Arab region is an authentication to its reputation. Understanding its physical characteristics and the vernacular incorporated elements lead to assess the limits of interventions of the refurbishment process. The suggested strategies aim to benefit most from natural elements to control heat loss/gains through the building fabric and its openings. The correct use of high thermal mass properties of sandstone with the right insulation techniques enhances the performance of the building fabric. As well as properly ventilating, replacing the windows, insulating the frames and providing shutters and shadings are modern opportunities for the occupant to adapt to his surrounding environment.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank my tutors Paula Cadima and Simos Yannas for their help and guidance throughout the RP2 tutorials. I would also like to thank all of the SED teaching staff and visiting lecturers who offered us their support. I would like to acknowledge the AA bursary committee for the bursary I was awarded to attend the AA SED MArch course 2015-2017.

5. CONCLUSIONS Vernacular architecture has developed naturally and in accordance with the climatic and environmental conditions of its context. In most cases, it is self-sufficient and offers thermal comfort to its occupants through physiological passive strategies, contributing in the reduction of CO2 emissions. Refurbishing the existing building stock should be unquestionably a priority in modern urban development. Traditional vernacular architecture has the added value of cultural heritage and identity to be preserved. Architectural Association School of Architecture Research Paper 2 | MSc + MArch Sustainable Environmental Design 2015 - 2016


Sustainable refurbishment of traditional buildings in Beirut:: The central hall house



- Ragette F. (2003), Traditional Domestic Architecture of the Arab Region, Menges, Stuttgart.

GreenSpecs, 2013.Insulation derived from organic sources. [online] <available at: http://>

- Saliba R. (2004), “The Genesis of Modern Architecture in Beirut, 1840-1940,� in J. Abed (ed), Architecture Reintroduced: New Projects in Societies in Change, Geneva . - Weber, W., and Yannas, S., 2013. Lessons from Vernacular Architecture. London: Routledge - Burton S. (2012), The Handbook of Sustainable Refurbishment: Housing, Earthscan, New York. - CPA (2010), An Introduction to Low Carbon: Domestic Refurbishment, Construction Products Association, London. - Heath, N. (2014), Sustainable refurbishment of historic buildings: risks, solutions and best practice. - Lopez, M.; Yanez, A.; Gomez da costa, S.; Avella, L., (Coord.) (2014), Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings. - Baker N.V. (2007), Natural ventilation strategies for refurbishment projects, Revival Technical Monograph 3.

Papers and Dissertations - Aleksandrowicz O, (2012), Thermal performance analysis of central hall houses in the israeli coastal plain, Vienna University of Technology publications, Vienna. - Garufi D. (2013), Refurbishment of low income housing in Palermo, Italy, Architectural Association publications, London. - Contaldo F. (2011), Smart refurbishments, Architectural Association publications, London. - Apezteguia L. (2012), Refurbishing the farmhouses in Navarra, Architectural Association publications, London. - Sarioglu V. (2013), Improving the environmental performance of traditional Ottoman houses in Istanbul, Turkey, Architectural Association publications, London.

- Baker N.V. (2007), Adaptive thermal comfort standards for building refurbishment, Revival Technical Monograph 2. - Baker N.V. (2009), The Handbook of Sustainable Refurbishment: Non-Domestic Buildings, Earthscan copublished with RIBA Publishing, London. - Schittich C. (2003), Building in existing fabric: Refurbishments, extensions, new design, In DETAIL, Birkhauser. - Givoni B. (1998), Climate Considerations in Building and Urban Design, Van Nostrand Reinhold. - SHC, 2010. Advanced and Sustainable Housing Renovation. International Energy Agency Solar Heating and Cooling Programme.


Architectural Association School of Architecture Research Paper 2 | MSc + MArch Sustainable Environmental Design 2015 - 2016

MArch Dissertation Topic Proposal

Descriptive Title Environmental retrofit of the Beiruti Rose House

Overview In the minds of the nostalgic, Beirut is a city of red-roofed Ottoman villas cascading down its hills towards the sea. This Beirut existed once, but not anymore. Today, the skyline is crowded with cranes raising luxury apartment blocks. Old buildings from the city’s French and Ottoman periods- many in states of disrepair- still exist, though they are becoming increasingly rare. The old and semi-derelict Pink House on the seafront is Beirut’s best-known building and a perfect example of an endangered icon. The 1882 central hall house was transformed into a public venue for art, music and education for 3 months from November 2014 to January 2015 by artist Tom Young. Since then, it has been closed to the public and starting to fall apart. The proposal is to environmentally retrofit what used to be an exemplary model of environmental practice into a passive cultural center where young artists can draw inspiration from its walls and exhibit their work.

Ventilation strategies proposed in Research Paper 2 will be reconsidered and readapted to this model with focus on how to distribute and exhaust air with minimum contact and damage with the arcades. Enhancing the role of an incorporated riwaq also needs to be researched.

Methodology Literature review will be investigated in the upcoming weeks to identify precedents and inspect further refurbishment strategies that deal particularly with decaying stone constructions. A detailed architectural survey of the conditions of the building and fieldwork will take place during July. Measurements will be taken indoors and outdoors, in the building’s surrounding green spaces.

Research Questions Term 2 Research Paper focused on the analysis of the central hall house type and suggested feasible refurbishment strategies to improve the performance of it to meet the demands of the modern occupant. Refurbishing a domestic house into a non-domestic building is a major point to be researched. Also, building envelope has a major role in determining the building’s thermal efficiency. Enhancing the fabric within respect to the original stonework and preserving the original appearance of the building and its qualities will be investigated in greater depths. In cold periods, movable internal insulation strategies need to be researched furthermore to enhance indoor thermal comfort.

Fig.1 Exterior view of the Rose House (source: Author)

Fig.2 the "Riwaq" element (source: Tom Young)

Architectural Association School of Architecture Research Paper 2 | MSc + MArch Sustainable Environmental Design 2015 - 2016

Fig.3 interior view (source: Karim Sakr)


Sustainable refurbishment of traditional buildings in Beirut:: The central hall house

REFERENCES - El Zouki R. (2012), Environmental performance of the central hall house-Lebanon-:guidelines for reducing energy consumption in contemporary housing, Architectural Association publications, London. - Aleksandrowicz O, (2012), Thermal performance analysis of central hall houses in the israeli coastal plain, Vienna University of Technology publications, Vienna. - Garufi D. (2013), Refurbishment of low income housing in Palermo, Italy, Architectural Association publications, London. - Contaldo F. (2011), Smart refurbishments, Architectural Association publications, London. - Apezteguia L. (2012), Refurbishing the farmhouses in Navarra, Architectural Association publications, London. - Sarioglu V. (2013), Improving the environmental performance of traditional Ottoman houses in Istanbul, Turkey, Architectural Association publications, London.


Architectural Association School of Architecture Research Paper 2 | MSc + MArch Sustainable Environmental Design 2015 - 2016

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