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Foundations of Design : Representation, SEM1, 2017 M3 JOURNAL - PATTERN vs SURFACE Elias Hanna

(91503) Ben Waters + 06


WEEK 6 READING: Surfaces that can be built from paper in architectural geometry Question 1: What are the three elementary types of developable surfaces? Provide a brief description. (Maximum 100 words) The three elementary types of developable surfaces are as follows: 1. Cylinders - A surface that, when flat (unfolded), is comprised of a set of parallel lines that make up its surface. 2. Cones - The counterpart of basic pyramid shapes, Cones can involve iterations of base circles/ ellipses that end in a point or another differing circle/ellipse to that of its base. 3. Tangent Surfaces of Space Curves - Comprising a polygonal base surface with 2 or 3 sets of consecutive vertices (edges) that together define faces (planar shapes) of the model

Question 2: Why is the understanding of developable surface critical in the understanding of architectural geometry? Choose one precedent from Research/Precedents tab on LMS as an example for your discussion. Understanding the possibility of developable surfaces gives designers a means of rationalising and thus creating or fabricating (digitally or by analogue means) complex geometries, such as California: Stage Set for John Jaspere - by AEDS/Ammar Eloueini, without diminishing their creative expression through complex forms, as long as they are capable of being developed. Added complex attributes to this stage piece, apart from the beauty of its complex simplicity, are its reactive and morphing flexible nature as well as the easibility (and rudimentary: zip ties as connections, and polycarbonate (essentially plastic) pieces) of construction and transport.



2d Panelling, Pattern: Triangular

2d Panelling, Pattern: ‘Box’ Shape

2d Panelling, Pattern: Wave Shape


VARIABLE 2D PATTERN 2D Variable Pattern using Scale Option on Two Circles with a Curve Attractor (Spline) centrally. Experimenting with effect of using Split Command on Surface and Curves. These tools coupled together create an effective sense of depth through varying scales of shapes about the centre.

Modifying Uniform Grid using PtGridDomain Variable with Point Attractors and Record History tool to live modify. Resulting random Mesh surface using Dense setting is shown in first image. Scalene Triangle as Curve for 2D Variable Pattern and Point Attractors with Rotate Tool. More interesting Patternation is created when Point Grids are less regimented and more random.

2D Curves arrayed and then applied to Terrain Surface using Flow Along Surface tool and then made 3D using Pipe tool


2D Variable pattern on a denser and subtly varying grid of points. Mean setting is used to shift from a Triangle shape into a Circle shape. Point Attractors and the Record History tool was used to quickly alter resulting complex patterns by shifting the two attractor points.

3D Panel TEST Prototype & TEMPLATE

3 Sided Shape, Extra Tab at side was not needed. Somewhat unsuccessful model.

4 Sided Shape with Added fold along face (dotted line), interesting faceted effect created although tricky to fold at smaller scales.

Larger 4 Sided Shape with folds along face (folds mirrored about centre), creating effective surface patternation and subtle shadow (thanks to afternoon setting sun.)

3 Sided Pyramid Shape, inefficient and difficult to fold due to the unrolled pattern and paper size near edges/where triangles meet.

Experimenting with 4 Sided Surface with Alternating Shape/Size, interesting architectural result but difficult and incorrect method of drawing/unrolling shape.

Last and most resolved/effective model, simple 4 sided shapes with alternating Appertures cut out about the centre.

Studies of models combined on cutting Mat and 2D Terrain Pattern surface showing their possible collision/ interface. Interesting contrast between larger model module and the three smaller model modules (almost taking up the same area as 1 larger mdoel) like a mini city cluster on a grid. When modelling digitally my 3D Pannelled surface on grid will likely have the same base size (unlike the models above) but the excercise created some interesting results in 2D Surface and 3D Surface interaction as well as the effectiveness of varying appertures sizes (last model), these appertures of varying sizes could also be cut out of my 2D Terrain Surface (which otherwise may be uninteresting.)


WEEK 7 READING: DIGITAL FABRICATION Complete your reading before attempting these questions:

Question 1: What is digital fabrication and how does it change the understanding of two dimensional representation? Digital Fabrication in simple terms: a way of Machines building (in segments or in full) computer generated designs (modelled in 3D CAD software such as Rhino) through 3D Printing, CNC (Computer Numerical Control) Routing etc., or Laser Cutting. It differs from the historic nature of 2D representation by affording designers, in essence, a means of streamlining the gap between representation and building, that is, design and making. Because of this ability to rapidly prototype and create complex 3D designs and fabricate them easily and now cheaply, this has energised many designers and students, affecting their design output in more ways than other simple software developments of the past by un-constraining design thinking through affording the possibility of fabricating unique forms that may have in the past been possible but too complicated and expensive and therefore out of reach for most designers.

Question 2: Suggest two reasons why folding is used extensively in the formal expression of building design? Folding afforts numerous benefits to Building Designers, not only by way of aesthetic resolutions but that of structural integrity through its geometric nature, and ease of construction/prototyping. By folding a 2D flat surface into a 3D surface materials can span great distances and often support (free-span) their own self-weight through their efficient geometries, as is the case of the undercroft of the grand staircase in the Sydney Opera House by Jorn Utzon (engineered by Ove Arup), which happens to be one of the first Buildings to utilise Computer software (in the design rationalisation of its ‘shells’). Folding is effective and possible at multiple scales, and creating accurate small scale models, by hand or through digital fabrication, of large buildings for testing, analysis and discussion is quick and extremely beneficial for building designers.


EXPLORING 3d panelling

Surface with Offset and Variable (Curve Attractor) Grid. 4 Custom 3D Pyramid Iterations to populate surface with.

Custom 3D Variable Pattern with 4 Shapes, Pattern Method: List, Curve Attractor at Top.

Custom Conical Form with No Varying Apperture Size. PtGrid Offset using Attractor Curves and Attract Method: Away

Custom Pyramid Form with Consistent Apperture and ptGrid Curve Attract Method: Toward

Custom 3D Variable Pattern with 3 Shapes, Curve Attractors Left/Right and Triangulated Mesh surfaces (Developable).

As Left but experimenting with altering the Shift Settings when selecting Objects for distribution, Placing Objects at every second square resulting in a hit and miss look or a grid between buildings.



Sheet 1 of Unroll Template (for printing) with Dashed Lines indicating folds (or small cuts) and solid lines indicating full cuts. Note: all visual numbering and colour coding instructions for folding and joining of seperate pieces are hidden, I will have my laptop and rhino file beside me when assembling the final model so there is no need to print this information on the physical model.


Sheet 2 of Unroll Template. The maximum amount of 100x100 2D, 3D or 2D/3D panels I decided to join and unroll in one strip was 4, I could possible have tried more but given the time constraints and my modelling ability I decided to limit the amount to 3 or 4, I believe this will result in a stury final model and one that is still easy and (hopefully) relatively quick to assemble.

Panelised landscape

Overall Plan View of Final Model showing ‘valley’ running diagonally through ‘mountains’

Detail View showing undulations of ‘2D Flat’ surface and their varying appertures nestled within ‘3D Mountains’



APPENDIX Experimenting with 3D Custom Variable Patterns on Terrain surface using a spline attractor curve set above the offset points, resulting varying pattern effect is too subtle in retrospect.

First in Studio Attempts of constructing Physical models using Ivory Card after brief intro/instruction from tutor. Folding and Gluing techniques clearly need attention.

I will send my final rhino model into the FabLab for lasercutting, but to ensure the unrolled surfaces are buildable and to improve/test my hand-modelling ability as well as see the physical effect of my digital model prior to creating the final outcome, I spent a morning exploring different cutting, folding, gluing and photographing (experimenting with light direction and resulting shadow) techniques on two unfolded strips of my model, the outcome was very positive. Tools used: Paper Folding Tool, Metal Rule, Cutting Mat, Pen Knife (difficult/dangerous to use on paper), 300gsm Paper, Stanely Knife (needed replacement blades (too blunt)), Uhu Glue Stick, Uhu Twist and Glue and small steel buffalo clips (to assist adhesion).



Central Australia (2010): Bridges traversing undulations in Kings Canyon, Northern Territory

Close up of Kings Canyon Rock Face offering beautiful clues to landscapes ancient past through the complexity of it’s changing colour, pattern and shape.

Wadi Rum, Jordan (2011): Visitor Centre with Seven Pillars in background

‘Lost City’ Petra, Jordan (2011): Subtractive and Additive forms of Bedouin Cave Dwellings dug out/into the face of stone landscape



Excerpt of Dorothy Napangardi - Mina Mina Salt Lakes, 2011 (Bendigo Art Gallery). Dreamtime depiction of sacred Landscape: pattern, repetition, stark juxtaposition of colour and line direction employed. Immensely powerful painting.

Lucio Fontana - Concetto Spaziale, Attese (~1965). An ‘opening of space’ through incisions on a canvas, utterly simple, beautiful and striking

Cracked Pavement/Tarmac - Frankston Bus Stop (2015) Nature taking over the artifical and resulting in dizzying and seemingly endless variations of geometric patterns on a surface.

Robert Owens - Double Vision #2 (2002), McClelland Gallery & Sculpture Park, Langwarrin. Painted Steel sculpture bent into intersecting and connected geometric forms, fixed to planar brick wall surface creating subtle array of changing shadows


APPENDIX S.A. Health and Medical Research Institute by Woods Bagot. Double Facade with external fin like screen ‘wrapping’ around building within.

Tokyu Plaza Omotesando Harajuku, Japan by Hiroshi Nakamura. Panelised (Tringulated) mirror surface creating a myriad of differing reflections/outlooks.

Upper House by Jackson Clements Burrows. Steel boxes (apartment balconies) seemingly randomly protruding out at varying distances from flat planar face of building envelope

Shrine of Remembrance, External Courtyards by ARM. Sunken Courtyards radially (in jagged patterns) cut out of landscape mounds around historic shrine, a combination of 2D and 3D effects depending on vantage point.



3D Model in Top View with each ‘column’ of panels coloured and labelled (by letter), as well as each sheet of paper they will fit on

Resulting unfolded surfaces on a sheet (size matches that of the fablab lasercutters maximum sheet size 900x600). Note some Text Dots have been hidden for clairity of unfolded panels. Note unnecessary tabs (those around top openings) have been deleted.

Layer structure for each Column (strip) of panels. This systematic process will be crucial in simplifying the documentation and unrolling of the complex geometries.

Layer structure for each Column (strip) of panels. This systematic process will be crucial in simplifying the documentation and unrolling of the complex geometries.



Underside of Model in progress, 2 Strips (Columns) completed and glued together. Plastic ‘bulldog’ clips added after gluing to assist in bonding and adhesion of seperate individual and overall pieces. Extra clips added when there are steep inclines in terrain as pieces will be more susceptible to seperation.

Template successfully Lasercut out of 290gsm Ivory Card. Beginning to remove panels from card and folding them in correct sequence. Pictured is the underside of a 2D panel, showing ‘burns’ caused by the lasercutter, luckily these will not be visible. Also noted is the ability of the laser cutter to create minute incisions in material. The large dashes I have adopted are not as subtle as I would have liked and create ‘bubbles’ along the folded edge.


Modelling workflow, 3 Strips completed and glued. Labelling the next 3 (1, 2, 3) indicating direction and their gluing order. Everything checked and referenced back to digital model prior to final folding and gluing.

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