Development in Practice, Volume 15, Number 1, February 2005
Gender and human security issues: building a programme of action-research Rosalind Boyd Introduction Since March 2000, McGill University’s Centre for Developing-Area Studies (CDAS) has been collaborating with the Women’s Centre of Montreal (WCM) and various other organisations in an action-research programme on gender and human security issues (GHSI) to address one of the most pressing problems of our time—the plight of so many civilians adversely affected by violent political conflict.1 At the time of writing (October 2003), there are over 37 civil wars taking place in different parts of the globe, primarily in the so-called ‘developing world’, where most of the world’s poor reside. Increasingly, civilian populations, especially women and children, are the prime victims of these wars. How to assist them to resume their lives and to feel safe and secure in their surroundings, whether in the post-conflict state, in their region, or in their new country of choice, is the central motivating force behind this four-year (2000– 2004) cooperative programme funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)’s Community–University Research Alliance (CURA) programme. As the nature and number of violent conflicts changed, especially during the 1990s, human security rather than merely the security of national borders or of governments became the more appropriate all-encompassing concern for ensuring the safety of peoples and their communities. The term ‘human security’ was first used by UNDP in its 1994 Human Development Report, where human development was defined as ‘the process of widening the range of people’s choices’, while human security was defined as the ability to pursue those choices in a safe environment, broadly encompassing seven dimensions of security—economic, food, health, environmental, personal, community, and political. For many of us, however, particularly researchers at the CDAS, people and their enjoyment of these rights were always at the centre of our development pursuits. What was new was the legitimacy and breadth such a shift in perception received from mainstream organisations and governments. Similarly, the problematic of gender, which allows us to examine the differently constructed roles and responsibilities of men and women in situations that are culturally determined and changeable, was clearly useful as we witnessed the degree of gender-based violence in situations of armed conflict. Our programme stresses the notion of human security from the perspective of rights and needs of women who have experienced or continue to experience violent conflict. Globally, war-torn societies and armed conflicts are producing more refugees, displaced people, and migrants than ever before, including many women coming to Canada. These wars do inordinate damage to ISSN 0961-4524 Print=ISSN 1364-9213 Online 010115-07 # 2005 Oxfam GB Routledge Publishing DOI: 10.1080/0961452052000321668