What are you going to buy?
Useful Language
Expressing future plans and intentions
I’m going to buy a new stereo tomorrow.He isn’t going to go to university when he finishes school. We use the future with going to when we are certain of our future plans or intentions.
1 Match the two parts of the sentences. Then look at the pictures and match them to the completed sentences.

1 She’s studying medicine.
2 She’s making a sandwich.
3 Look at those black clouds.
4 Look at him running!
5 We’ve got our tickets.

a She’s going to have lunch in the park.
b He’s going to win!
c She’s going to be a doctor.
d We’re going to go abroad next week.
e It’s going to rain.
PRONUNCIATION: Weak form of going to

2 1 Listen to the pronunciation of the weak form of to in the phrase going to. Then listen again and underline the stressed parts of the sentences. Repeat the sentences.
1 I’m going to watch a film this evening.
2 They’re going to be here soon.
3 She’s going to have a baby.
3 Pairwork What are they going to do? Look at the pictures and say what they are going to do. Use the verbs in the box to help you.

4 Group work Congratulations! You have got $100 each (or local equivalent) to spend. In small groups of three or four students, decide what you are going to buy. You can put the money together as a group if you prefer.
5 Classwork Tell the class what you are going to buy. We’re going to buy…