1 minute read
The 2030 Agenda Goal 4: Quality Education
Sharing and Discussing Ideas
1 In 2015 world leaders agreed to 17 ideas – or goals – to make our world a better place. Goal 4 is about giving a good education to all children and young people. Discuss your answers to the following questions in pairs.
a Read what these leaders said about education. Do you agree? Do you disagree?
Education helps your mind to become free, it opens up your thinking, and is very important for feeling good or proud about yourself.
b In Charlotte Brontë’s time, few people had enough money to send their children to school, and very few girls went to school even if they were from rich families.
What might stop people around the world from getting a good education today?
c In 1800s England, girls studied only basic reading, writing, maths, music, art, and how to look after a house.
What subjects do you think are important for all children and young people today?
Speaking – Discussing Opinions and Experiences

2a In the next chapter we read about Jane at her new school. Look at the questions below, then discuss in pairs.
1 Do you think Jane will enjoy her school? Why/why not?
2 Discuss your own experiences – good and/or not – of school and education.
2b Now listen to the first part of Chapter 2 – does anything surprise you, or even shock you, about Jane’s school?
There were no taps or running water then, you had to wash using a jug and a bowl, often with cold water.
The girls at Lowood have a hard life, but there are moments of happiness, too.