4 minute read
Reading for Overall Comprehension
5a Read the texts below, then decide who (A–H) is being described. The first one (0) has been done for you.
0 I This person is unhappy because they have someone in their life they do not like. They do not care if other people are hurt by their lies.
1 This person goes to live in a new house after their mother dies. They have their own servant and teacher. They are able to love and be loved by people around them.
2 This person is successful but doesn’t have everything they want in life. They do not always make fair decisions, but are able to care about others and try to protect them.
3 This person has a difficult life. They are not always able to understand what is happening, and can do things that make life very difficult and dangerous for others.
4 This person gives a lot of time to other people, but does not always know how to listen to others and doesn’t always respect them. This person doesn’t understand love.
5 This person is kind, and enjoys a comfortable life. They sometimes get lonely and worry about other people, but are not afraid to talk about difficult subjects.
6 This person is unkind and unhappy. They don’t know how to choose good friends. They are selfish and make bad choices that hurt their family.
7 This person does not always tell the truth. However, they are able to be brave when they need to be, can take action quickly, and like things to be correct.
8 This person doesn’t care if they hurt people they believe are beneath them. They want to be the centre of attention and are interested in what they can get from others.
A Blanche Ingram
B St John Rivers
C Bertha Mason
D John Reed
E Adèle Varens
F Mrs Fairfax
G Richard Mason
H John Eyre
I Aunt Reed
5b Using the descriptions above, discuss in pairs, giving reasons for your decisions
• your least favourite of these characters
• any of them you feel sorry for
Creative Writing
6 Write a short story up to 100 words. Start your story with the words in the box.
I was on the third floor of the house when I heard the strangest sound. It was a deep and unnatural laugh. It was not happy, though, it was tragic. I wanted to find out who it was, so I…
Writing – Describing Events
7 During the party at Thornfield someone receives a letter from a friend.
1 Read the letter
, IhearthereisapartyatThornfield.Tellmeall aboutit!Iwanttoknowwhatyouaredoing,whoisthere, andhowyouarefeeling.
2 Choose a character from this list.
• Blanche Ingram
• Mr Rochester
• Jane Eyre
• Mrs Fairfax
3 Write a reply (35–45 words) from your chosen character to their friend.
Location: In the garden at Thornfield, by the old chestnut tree
Who: Jane Eyre and Mr Rochester

Background: Jane Eyre is getting ready to leave Thornfield. She and everyone else believe that Mr Rochester will soon marry Blanche Ingram
Jane Eyre (seriously): I grieve to leave Thornfield, I love Thornfield because I have lived a full and happy life here, for a short time at least. I have talked with and known you, Mr Rochester. And I grieve to leave you, because I will never see you again.
Rochester: Then why must you leave?
Jane Eyre: Because soon you will marry Blanche Ingram. I cannot stay here if you have a wife!
Rochester (angrily): My wife! What wife? I have no wife.
Jane Eyre (surprised): But you will soon.
Rochester (smiling now): When you leave you will forget me.
Jane Eyre (shocked): That I will never do.
Rochester (excited): Then you must stay!
Jane Eyre (suddenly very angrily): No! I must go! Do you think I could stay and become nothing to you when you are married to Miss Ingram? Do you think I am some kind of machine with no feelings?
[Mr Rochester listens with a serious face.]
Jane Eyre (with great feeling): Do you think that because I am poor, plain, and little that I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! If God had given me beauty and money, I would make it as hard for you to leave me as it is for me to leave you! This is my true self speaking to you, as if we had both died and stood at God’s feet equal – as we are!
Rochester (calmly): As we are, Jane, as we are.
Jane Eyre: But we are not equal, because you are a married man, or are soon to be a married man. And your new wife is not your equal. I do not believe that you love her. I would never marry without true love. So, no, we are not equal, I am better than you because I would only marry for love. Now, let me go.
Rochester (gently): Jane, stay calm, you are like a wild bird that has been caught.
Jane Eyre: I am not a bird, I am a free woman, and I use that freedom to leave you.
Rochester (quietly): Jane, don’t go. I am to be married, but not to Miss Ingram. I want you to be my wife.
[Jane looks at him in shock, she doesn’t believe him. She starts to cry.]
Jane Eyre (crying and angry): You are laughing at me!

Rochester: Do you doubt me, Jane? Do you think I am a liar? You are right, I do not love Miss Ingram and she does not love me. She only wanted me for my money. Do you remember the old fortune teller? (Rochester smiles) Well, she told Miss Ingram that Mr Rochester did not have any money. Since then, both Miss Ingram and her mother have stayed away from me.
[There is a moment of silence, Jane still does not believe him.]
Rochester (speaking seriously): Jane, I am serious. I am asking you to take me as your husband. I ask you to pass through life at my side. I want you to be my second self. Will you be my wife, Jane?
Jane Eyre (carefully): Do you truly love me? Do you seriously wish me to be your wife?
Rochester: I do. I swear it.
Jane Eyre (after a moment): Then, I will marry you.
[A strong wind starts to blow. There is lightning in the sky. A storm is coming.]
Rochester (happily): Hurry inside, my dearest Jane.
[They quickly leave the garden and go to the house.]