5 minute read
Chapter 2 My Life at Lowood School
After so many girls died, questions were asked. When the truth came out about Mr Brocklehurst, he was sent away and life got better. I was a pupil there for six years, a teacher for two. Miss Temple was my friend but when I was eighteen, she got married. The day she left us I knew I could not stay. I wanted a new life. Perhaps I could find work as a governess*. I put an advertisement in the local newspaper. A week later, a letter arrived from a Mrs Fairfax, of Thornfield, near Milcote. She wanted a governess for a girl of nine.
Milcote was far away to the south, but the writing was neat and old fashioned, and the money good. I asked for references* to be sent to Mrs Fairfax from the school and my Aunt Reed, and was accepted for the position*.
On my last evening, dear Bessie arrived to see me.
‘How is everyone at Gateshead?’ I asked.
‘Miss Georgiana is a beauty, Miss Eliza is unhappy, but Mr John leads a very bad life spending all your aunt’s money.’ And she gave me other news. ‘Five years ago a fine gentleman* called for you. He said he was your uncle. He was sorry not to see you – he had to return to Madeira the following day.’ governess woman who teaches the children of a rich family at their home references letter to a possible employer from people who know your work experience and education position old word for job gentleman man with money and a good name in society
Next morning, I left Lowood forever.
Until 1944, British women had to stop teaching after they got married.
At that time, women with an education could earn money as a teacher or governess (a private teacher in a family). There were not many other jobs open to women.
Jane learns that she has another uncle, and that he lives on the island of Madeira, which is in the Atlantic, off the coast of Morocco.
Reading for Overall Understanding
1 Put these events from Chapter 2 in the correct order.
a Mr Brocklehurst tells everyone that Jane is a liar.
b Miss Temple says she will write to Mr Lloyd about Jane’s story.
c Jane learns that Helen is dying, and goes to say goodbye to her.
d Mr Lloyd replies to Miss Temple that Jane is telling the truth.
e Bessie visits Jane, then Jane leaves for her new job as a governess.
f It is so cold that the water in the jugs for washing is frozen.
g Jane becomes a teacher at Lowood.
h Jane speaks to her friend during play hour, and learns her name.
i Mr Brocklehurst is removed from the school, and life gets better.
j Jane is made to stand on a stool in front of the whole school.
k Jane learns that Helen is ill.
l In the spring and summer, many Lowood girls get ill and die of typhus.
Writing a letter
2 Imagine you are Jane aged ten. Write a letter (up to 100 words) home to Bessie. Tell her:
• who you meet at your new school
• what happens to you, and how you feel about it
• what happens to your best friend
• what happens to the school
Grammar – Conjunctions
1 These sentences use the wrong conjunctions. Can you correct them?
before – until – when
1 ‘Why would I go away when I have learned what I need to?’
2 ‘I hate anyone who punishes me before I have done no wrong.’
3 Helen and I sat like that before Miss Temple came.
4 I waited when everyone was asleep, then went to her.
Grammar – Prepositions
2 Use the correct word in the box to fill in each gap. The first is done for you.
of – for (x2) – on (x2) – to (x2) – over – off on
He told me to stand the stool.
1 I sat next to her and rested my head her shoulder.
2 He arrived in the room and went to speak to her.
3 ‘I’m not afraid you, even when you tell me off,’ I said.

4 At the end of the day, I got the stool and sat by the fire.
5 The teachers often punished Helen no good reason.
6 ‘They don’t dislike you, they feel sorry you.’
7 ‘I can’t visit you, I have to return my home in Madeira.
8 I tried to hide behind a book, but it slipped and crashed the floor.
Reading and Listening for Detail
Read these questions and the 3 possible answers below. Then, listen to the recording and choose the correct answer A, B, or C for questions 1-5. The first one has been done for you. There is only one correct answer.
0 Questions were asked about Lowood school because…
A the girls had no one to protect them.
B ✔ so many girls died that summer.
C everyone knew the girls were hungry and cold.
1 After this, Mr Brocklehurst…
A told the truth about life at Lowood school.
B made life better for the girls.
C no longer controlled the school.
2 When Miss Temple left Lowood, Jane…
A did not want to stay at the school.
B wanted to leave with her.
C was not allowed to stay at the school.
3 Jane found a job…
A at a local newspaper.
B by writing to Mrs Fairfax.
C by letting people know she was looking for work.
4 Before Jane could have the job…
A Mrs Reed had to say yes.
B her family and colleagues had to write to Mrs Fairfax.
C Mrs Fairfax wanted to see that her handwriting was neat.
5 Jane learned from Bessie that…
A she was happy Jane was going to the south.
B a relative wanted to see her.
C her cousins were all leading bad, unhappy lives.
The 2030 Agenda Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being
Sharing and Discussing Ideas
1 Global goal 3 is about helping everyone, from the youngest to the oldest, live healthy and good lives.
Good well-being is when you live a comfortable, happy and healthy life.
Jane experiences the terrible results of typhus and tuberculosis. Today, people with these diseases can be helped with medicines, while tuberculosis can be stopped with vaccines.
In the past, millions of people died of typhus, today it is a rare illness. Typhus is carried by small, biting insects, and travels quickly when many people live together in small spaces.
a Why do you think typhus is rare now when it was so common in Charlotte Brontë’s time?
Sadly, millions of people still die from tuberculosis or TB. It can be stopped but billions of dollars are needed.
b Use the words in the box to discuss how you think we can make TB less common in the world.
vaccines, doctors, hospitals, medicines, money, education, free healthcare

2 Listen to start of Chapter 3 – The Fire in the Night, then write
• your first impressions
• one thing that you have questions about