Ready for Planet English PREMIUM - sample

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Claire Moore
Sarah Jane Lewis

Il 2030 è la data che l’ONU ha indicato come traguardo per il raggiungimento dei 17 obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile: la lotta alla povertà, l’eliminazione della fame nel mondo, il contrasto al cambiamento climatico, la parità di genere, l’istruzione di qualità – per citarne solo alcuni. ‘Obiettivi comuni’ significa che essi riguardano tutti i Paesi e tutti gli individui: nessuno ne è escluso, né deve essere lasciato indietro lungo il cammino necessario per portare il mondo sulla strada della sostenibilità.

Nei volumi del Gruppo Editoriale ELi le tematiche legate all’Agenda 2030 vengono affrontate in modo coinvolgente e costruttivo, attraverso testi, attività, video e immagini volti a sensibilizzare la classe a una comprensione più attenta e critica di ciò che succede nel mondo.

L’attenzione alle competenze, cognitive e non cognitive (soft skills), completa il nostro impegno nella formazione di cittadine e cittadini consapevoli e responsabili di uno sviluppo sostenibile.

La parità di genere è il quinto dei diciassette obiettivi dell’Agenda 2030 e mira a ottenere la parità di opportunità tra donne e uomini nello sviluppo economico, l’eliminazione di tutte le forme di violenza nei confronti di donne e ragazze e l’uguaglianza di diritti a tutti i livelli di partecipazione.

Il Gruppo Editoriale ELi in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici dell’Università di Macerata ha creato un programma di ricerca costante mirato all’eliminazione degli stereotipi di genere all’interno delle proprie pubblicazioni.

L’obiettivo è di ispirare e ampliare gli scenari delle studentesse e degli studenti, del corpo docente e delle famiglie fornendo esempi aderenti ai valori di giustizia sociale e rispetto delle differenze, favorendo una cultura dell’inclusione.

Ci impegniamo a operare per una sempre più puntuale qualificazione dei libri attraverso:

CONTENUTI attenzione ai contenuti al fine di promuovere una maggiore consapevolezza verso una scenario più equilibrato da un punto di vista sociale e culturale;

IMMAGINI valutazione iconografica ragionata per sensibilizzare a una cultura di parità attraverso il linguaggio visivo;

LINGUAGGIO utilizzo di un linguaggio testuale inclusivo, puntuale e idoneo a qualificare i generi oltre ogni stereotipo.

Conoscere gli obiettivi dell’Agenda 2030 per un futuro sostenibile
Il nostro impegno per l’inclusione, le diversità e la parità di genere


The Big Question

According to recent research, 88% of college students are not happy with their routine and time management skills.
Are you happy with your routine? Is there anything you want to change? Why? / Why not? 25 MY LIFE Unit Objectives Vocabulary & Functions Grammar Goalkeepers Podcast Soft Skills ● Routine and free-time activities ● Parts of the day ● Quality adjectives Telling the time Making friends ● Present simple ● Prepositions of time ● Adverbs and expressions of frequency The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Know yourself: ● Learn to deal with stress ● Ask for help ‘Space Oddity’, by David Bowie


Routines and free-time activities

1 1.20 Match the words to form routines or free-time activities. Then listen and check.

1 go to a n your smartphone

2 have b n the gym

3 look at c n up 4 stretch d n breakfast 5 read e n your body 6 wake f n dressed 7 get g n a cup of coffee 8 make h n books

2 Read again the expressions from exercise 1 and write R for routines or F for free time. 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

3 Pairwork List other activities that you do every day.

4 1.21 Read the article. In your opinion, what is the most unusual morning routine?

5 CERT Read the article again and find which person (A-H)…

1 n only eats once a day?

2 n drinks the same thing every morning?

3 n doesn’t check their smartphone first?

4 n doesn’t want to forget dreams?

5 n meditates every day?

6 n likes clean air at home?

7 n stays in bed an extra 15 minutes?

8 n wears the same clothes every day?

Watch out!

We use the verb have (not have got) in a lot of idiomatic phrases, such as have breakfast/lunch/dinner, have a shower, have a break, have a rest.

I have a shower twice a week. My mother always has a rest after lunch.

morning routines Unusual

Think about what successful people do every day… Get up early, go to the gym, have a nutritious breakfast? Maybe, but they often have some very unusual routines too.


Arianna Huffington Huffington Post and Thrive Global, doesn’t look at her smartphone first. She takes a minute to breathe deeply, say thank you and set an intention for the day. She also writes down any problems and hopes that solutions can come naturally!


Elle Luna, designer, painter and writer, tries to remember her dreams when she wakes up. About 60% of people say they don’t dream at all, which isn’t actually true. And 95-99% of people who say they dream forget them within the first ten minutes after they wake up.

On weekdays, Aiste Gazdar, founder of Wild Food Café in London’s Covent Garden, usually wakes up just before the alarm rings and spends 10-15 minutes stretching his body from head to toes and massaging his muscles. When he’s ready for the day, he jumps out of bed.

1 26 Presentation

Jenny Blake, author and podcaster, loves reading non-fiction books, with a candle, for one or two hours until the sun rises. Afterwards, she meditates for 30-45 minutes before her day begins.

Biz Stone, cofounder of Twitter, plays Minecraft with his son first thing every day. After that, Biz gets dressed. It doesn’t take long as he wears the same things every day: jeans, a black T-shirt and blue Converse.

President of Pixar and former head of Walt Disney Animation Studios, Ed Catmull, wakes up, goes downstairs and makes a cup of coffee. He uses three shots of espresso and he mixes in cocoa powder and sugar. Maybe it doesn’t help, but it always tastes very good!

How about you? What unusual daily routines do you have?

first per prima cosa breathe deeply respirare profondamente who say che dicono from head to toes dalla testa ai piedi

take long prende molto tempo shots bicchierini cocoa powder cacao in polvere waterproof impermeabile

Grammar: Present simple – Affirmative and negative forms VIDEO MAP

They often have some very unusual routines. He only sleeps for four hours each day. They don’t dream at all. She doesn’t look at her smartphone first.

+ I start She starts classes at 8.30.

– You don’t watch He doesn’t watch TV in the morning.

Grammar Bank pp. 270-271


While Marie Kondo, TV star and writer of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, wakes up at around 6.30 in the morning, opens the windows to let in some fresh air, and purifies the house with some incense.

Finally, Japanese inventor, Yoshiro Nakamatsu, eats just one meal of 700 calories and only sleeps for four hours each day. He also swims underwater and visualises his inventions, writing the ideas on a waterproof notepad.

6 Complete the sentences with the Present simple of the verbs in brackets.

1 I (wake up) at 6.30 every morning.

2 We (go) to bed at the same time every night.

3 My mother never (drink) coffee, only tea.

4 The children (not play) video games before school.

5 Seth (not read) many books.

6 The dog always (stay) downstairs at night.

Grammar: Prepositions of time

Marie Kondo wakes up at 6.30 in the morning, On weekdays, Aiste Gazdar usually wakes up just before the alarm rings.


Grammar Bank pp. 270-271

7 Pairwork In pairs, talk about your morning routine. Include one true and one false thing you do.

A I get up at 6 every morning. I always have a sports massage.

B No, you don’t get up at 6.

1 27

What’s the 2030 Agenda?

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda represent a call for action to change our world. What do you do to try to make the world a better place? Does it work?

1 See Think Wonder Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1 What can you see?

2 What do you think they mean?

3 What would you like to know about them?

2 Buzz Session Read the text ‘What’s the 2030 Agenda?’ above.

Do you think everyone can be a changemaker for a better world? Or do you think it’s too late to achieve the 2030 Agenda goals?

Discuss in pairs. Use the expressions below.

● an individual can make some difference (to...)

● it needs the cooperation of every one of us

● we can all become changemakers

● an individual doesn’t make any difference (to...)

● only governments and big organisations can change things

● people feel impotent, indifferent or lazy

3 1.22 Now listen to the Goalkeepers Podcast – Episode 1 and compare your ideas to those in the podcast.

4 1.22 Listen again and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).

1 The Goalkeepers Podcast explores ideas for saving the world.

2 The 2030 Agenda is a UN plan to fix the world’s problems.

3 There is a list of 2030 problems to fix.

4 This podcast is for people who work for governments and big organisations.

5 Individuals can do lots of little things to change the world.

6 People are too impotent, indifferent or lazy to ever change the world.

Grammar: Present simple –interrogative form


What do you do to try to make the world a better place? Does it work?

Grammar Bank pp. 270-271

5 Pairwork Match the questions to the answers. Then ask and answer the same questions in pairs.

1 Which big problems does your city have?

2 What does sustainable mean to you?

3 Why do we need goalkeepers?

4 Who do you talk to about problems?

5 Do girls and boys have the same rights in your country?

6 Does climate change affect your country?

a n Yes, it does in the weather.

b n To help fix problems in the world.

c n Using things without damaging nature. d n Not in all areas of life.

e n My friends and family.

f n Food, heating and houses are expensive.

6 Critical thinking Discuss the following with your partner.

Look at the picture above again. What is the most important Sustainable Development Goal for the future in your opinion? Why?

7 What’s your slogan? Read this inspiring slogan. Then write your own. Be the CHANGE you WANT TO SEE in the WORLD.

“ ”

28 1
Goalkeepers Podcast

Present simple

1 Complete the rules.

1 To form the Present simple with he/she/it we add at the base form of the verb.

2 To form the negative and to ask questions, we use the auxiliary verb with he/she/it and with I/you/we/they.

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets using the Present simple affirmative or negative.

1 Hannah and Louis (go) to school by bus.

2 After school Tom (relax) on the sofa in the living room.

3 My sister (not / have) a shower in the morning.

4 We (wake up) early on weekdays.

5 Samantha and her brother (not have) lunch at school.

6 We (not watch) TV before we do our homework.

3 Write questions using the Present simple.

1 Jay and Lucy / leave home together in the morning / ?

2 you / do your homework in the evenings / ?

3 Charlie / get dressed before or after breakfast / ?

4 Greg / have lunch at home or at school / ?

5 Martin / always / catch the 7.45 bus / ?

6 Sarah / get home before her parents / ?

Prepositions of time

4 Complete the sentences with the prepositions from the box.

in (x 3) • from • at (x 3) • to • on

1 We start music class nine o’clock.

2 They go on holiday the summer.

3 Sundays I get up late.

4 The meeting is seven nine.

5 I hate the cold January.

6 I have lunch midday.

7 What do you do the weekend?

8 Come and have a coffee the afternoon.

Adverbs and expressions of frequency

5 Read the examples and underline the correct alternative.

I’m often in the library after school.

I always wake up at 7 o’clock on weekdays. Do you often play football?

I take the bus to school every day.

We put adverbs of frequency (1) before / after the verb be and (2) before / after other verbs.

We put expressions such as every day/week/month/ year at the (3) beginning / end of the sentence.

6 Rewrite the sentences using the adverbs and the expressions in brackets.

1 He’s in his bedroom after he comes home from school. (always)

2 When they are ill, they watch TV. (never)

3 We have dinner all together in the evenings. (usually)

4 I wake up early if there’s no school. (never)

5 Before you have dinner, do you help your mum in the kitchen? (every day)

6 Dad works in the garden on Saturdays. (often)

7 Answer the questions so that they are true for you.

1 How often do you have a shower?

2 How often do you get late to school?

3 How often do you have lunch at home?

4 How often do you go to the cinema?

Round up

8 Sosuke wants to know about Lenny’s family. Read the email and underline the correct alternative.

Dear Sosuke,

My mother is a receptionist in a big hotel. She only (1) work / works in the morning from 8.30 to 12.30.

My father is a businessman. He (2) gets / get home (3) at / in the evening before dinner but he (4) does / doesn’t work on Saturday or Sunday.

(5) Do / Does your parents work? What do they do?

My sister is a student at university. She (6) want / wants to be a vet because she loves animals. She (7) have / has lessons (8) on / in Monday, Wednesday and Thursday and she works in the lab (9) in / on the afternoons.

My mother makes dinner and we eat together during the week but we are all free (10) at / in the weekend!

She (11) doesn’t / don’t make lunch or dinner (12) in / on Saturdays and Sundays!

Write soon!


1 Grammar Lab VIDEO MAP
 Mind Map p. 214  Grammar Bank pp. 270-271 29  Pronunciation Bank: 3rd person -s
1 Vocabulary
Listening 30
6 1.24
What does
7 1.24 CERT
1 get 4 start 7 watch 2 have 5 finish 8 surf
3 go to 6 make 9
 Vocabulary Bank 3 1 2 3 4 5 6
Routines and free-time activities 1 Complete the expressions under the pictures with the words from the box. dinner • work (x 3) • Internet breakfast • up • television (TV) • bed The time
1.23 Listen and write the times in the watches. Adjectives and their opposite
Match each adjective to its opposite.
late 2 small 3 happy 4 boring 5 quick
calm a n interesting b n excited c n slow d n sad e n early f n big Listening
Listen to a radio programme.
Rashid do at the weekends?
Listen again and choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
Rashid wakes up at 7 o’clock.
often B usually C always
He leaves the house at .
8.00 B 8.15 C 8.45
At school, he at 1.30 in the afternoon.
has a break B starts classes C has lunch
On , he has his favourite lesson at school.
Wednesdays B Thursdays C Fridays
He always after school in his bedroom.
watches TV B eats C does his homework
He sometimes goes surfing with .
his friends B his brother C his sister
Which of these activities do you do at home? Which do you do outside? Write them in the correct group. swimming • drawing • playing video games reading • listening to music • cooking dancing • playing chess
Look at some other expressions for routines and free-time activities. Add them to the diagram in exercise 2. doing my homework • taking the dog for a walk playing cards • catching the bus • cleaning the house making lunch/dinner • chatting online
go to
home Outside Both

Making friends

1 1.25 Harry meets Darsha.

Watch or listen to the video.

What’s Harry’s weekend job?

Harry Great place, isn’t it?

Darsha Yeah, the coffee is fantastic!

Hi, I’m Darsha.

Harry Good to meet you, Darsha. I’m Harry.

Darsha Are you a student?

Harry I am, yes, but I’m also a musician in a reggae band.

Darsha A band? That’s so cool!

Do you practise every day?

Harry No, we don’t. We play on Thursdays and at the weekends

Darsha Do you play gigs?

Harry Sure, sometimes. Music is my life, my future… What do you do, Darsha?

Darsha I’m an actress.

Harry Really? Are you in films?

Darsha No, I’m not. Not yet! I do commercials… I go to the Arts college around the corner

Harry Me too. Do you live in this part of London?

Darsha Yes, I do, but I’m from Manchester.

Harry Cool! Darsha, are you free after class on Thursday afternoon?

Darsha In the afternoon? Yes, I am. Why?

Useful language

Hi, I’m Darsha. Good to meet you. Are you a student? Do you like… ? What do you do? Do you live in… ? Why don’t we…? See you on Thursday.

Harry Why don’t we go for a coffee before I go to the gig? And listen to my band’s CD?

Darsha Yes, I’d love to. Thanks.

Harry Great! Here at 6?

Darsha Fine by me

Harry OK! See you on Thursday, then.

Darsha Bye.

2 1.25 Watch or listen again. Answer the questions.

1 Where are Harry and Darsha?

2 Is it the first or the second time they meet?

3 Does Harry play on Saturday?

4 Do you think Harry likes Darsha? Why?

5 Does Darsha want to be a singer?

6 What does Harry want to do on Thursday?

3 Underline the correct replies.

1 Meet an old friend

A Hi Jeremy, how are you?

B Great, thanks. / Good to see you. / See you later.

2 Meet a new person

A Hi, I’m Matt.

B Fine, thanks. / Good to meet you. / Bye.

3 Saying goodbye

A See you tomorrow.

B Yes. / Thanks. / Bye.

4 Pairwork You meet a new friend. Follow the steps and practise the dialogue.

● Introduce yourself.

● Ask where your friend lives.

● Ask what he/she does after school.

5 Complete the mind map with the key language for interaction from the dialogue.

Breaking the ice Great place, isn’t it?


Reacting/Showing interest That’s so cool! 1 2 3

Inviting a friend out 4 Accepting an invitation 5

6 Pairwork In turns, reply to the following situations.

1 Break the ice at a concert.

2 Your friend invites you at the theatre show. Accept.

1 Functions & Video 31

An unusual job

Warm up

1 Look at the photos and read the title of the article. Where are the men? What do you think is unusual about their day?

A Typical Day in Space

On a typical day in space astronauts have got a lot of different jobs to do. A work day on the International Space Station isn’t eight hours, it’s twelve hours!

The astronauts get up when it’s morning at Mission Control in Houston, Texas. They haven’t got a bathroom on the Space Station and water is difficult to use because there’s no gravity. The astronauts wash with gel soap and then they put on their clothes. They have breakfast in the ‘kitchen’, then they look at their list of jobs for the day. They talk to Mission Control about any problems they’ve got, and then they start work.

The Space Station is the astronauts’ laboratory. It’s also their office and their home. In the afternoon they work on experiments with the scientists at Mission Control. They write about their experiments on their computers, they look at data and they clean the Space Station. It’s very important to keep healthy in space too, so the astronauts also exercise for two hours every day. This helps them prepare for space walks. They put on their special spacesuits and helmets and they practise walking in them.

In the evening the astronauts sit down to have dinner and talk about their day. They don’t make dinner, or cook any of their meals, because their food comes in packets. It’s not delicious but it is healthy. They go to bed when it’s night in Houston, but they haven’t got beds, they sleep in special chairs!

1 Language Skills 32


2 1.26 Read and listen to the text. Put the events in the astronauts’ day in the correct order. n talk to Mission Control n have dinner n start work n exercise n go to bed n work on experiments n put on their clothes n clean the Space Station

3 Read the text again and answer the questions.

1 Do astronauts work for eight hours a day on the Space Station?

2 What do they do in the morning?

3 What do they do in the afternoon?

4 Why is exercise important in space? 5 Do they make dinner in the evening? 6 Where do they sleep?


4 1.27 CERT Listen to the interview. Which photo shows the woman’s job? Tick (3).

5 1.27 Listen again and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). Then correct the false ones.

1 Stella works with gorillas. 2 She gets up early every day. 3 She makes food for the animals. 4 The gorillas exercise for an hour every week.

5 In the afternoon Stella cleans the gorillas’ homes. 6 Stella doesn’t like her job.


Learn to Learn Writing strategies

Taking notes

● Use a list with bullet points for your notes.

● Write key words and phrases (nouns, verbs, adjectives).

● Don’t write grammar words (pronouns, prepositions, auxiliary verbs, etc.).

● Use abbreviations, don’t write full words.

6 Pairwork Look at the photos of the other two jobs in exercise 4. Choose one of them. Ask and answer questions about the jobs. Use the words in the box and the questions below to help you. Take notes of your partner’s answers.

take photographs • watch animals give animals medicine • help animals

1 work in an office/hospital/hotel? 2 get up early? 3 work in the morning/afternoon/evening? 4 work at weekends? 5 finish work early/late? 6 put on special clothes for your job?

A Do you work in a hospital? B No, I don’t.


7 Use your notes from exercise 6 to write a paragraph about your partner’s job.

Pablo is a photographer. He doesn’t work in a hospital or in an office. He works outside. He…

1 33
n a photographer
n a
1 1
zoo keeper
n a

‘Space Oddity’

Warm up

Soft Skills: Know yourself

● Learn to deal with stress

● Ask for help

1 Pairwork What is stress? Try to give a definition together, then compare it with another pair.

2 When do you ask for help? Make a list of situations. Exchange it with your partner’s list. Find similarities and differences.


Born David Robert Jones in Brixton, South London, during his career Bowie produces 27 studio albums and hundreds of singles. He also stars in films, theatre shows, and is the voice behind Lord Royal Highness in TV’s Spongebob Squarepants

Innovative, creative and iconic, Bowie constantly changes his musical style, appearance and identity. Famous alter-egos include: astronaut, Major Tom; alien, Ziggy Stardust; and the aristocratic Thin White Duke. A master of self-promotion, he presents Black Star, his final album, on his 69th birthday. Two days later he dies. ‘Look up here: I’m in heaven’, say the lyrics of the song ‘Lazarus’ on that album.

3 Listen to the song online. Read this extract and answer the questions.

Ground Control to Major Tom Your circuit’s dead, there’s something wrong Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you hear me, Major Tom?

Can you…

‘Here am I floating ’round my tin can Far above the moon Planet Earth is blue And there’s nothing I can do’

ground control base di controllo a terra dead morto (non funziona) floating galleggiando tin can (space ship) scatola di latta (nave spaziale)

1 Who tries to contact Major Tom?

2 Why can’t Major Tom hear them?

3 Where is Major Tom?

4 What can Major Tom see?

5 What can he do to resolve his problem?

Space Oddity is Bowie’s first chart hit in 1969, the year astronauts land on the moon. Critics see the song’s character, Major Tom, who loses contact with Earth, as a metaphor for Bowie’s own isolation and loss of control. Whatever its true meaning, the song becomes the background to the 1969 Apollo 11 Moon Landing on TV.

4 Pairwork How does Major Tom feel? Choose adjectives from the box and tell your partner. Give reasons for your choices. I think he feels desperate because he’s alone in space.

lonely • free • desperate • powerful • happy terrified • tired • sad • anxious • nervous worried • excited

Talk about it

5 How do you feel in these situations? Tell you partner and give reasons. Use the adjectives from exercise 4.

travelling alone • going on holiday with friends losing a sports competition

When I travel alone, I usually feel… because…

1 Planet Rock 34

Invalsi Training

Reading: Multiple matching Food Faves

Today let’s talk to some teenagers about their favourite foods. (0) G or do they eat healthy food, too?

‘I’m (1) and I like ALL food. My favourite? That’s very difficult. (2) , so my favourite is Mexican food – tacos with meat and chilli. My granny is from Turkey and she has a restaurant, but I rarely go there to eat – (3) . I want to try new and different dishes!’

‘I love burgers, chips, kebabs… My mum isn’t happy about that but I only go to a burger bar or kebab shop about once a month, so I think that it’s okay. (4) : salad, pasta, fish and lots of vegetables. My diet is good. I never have fizzy drinks and (5) because I’m allergic to it.’

‘My family loves food. They eat many different things, (6) . There are many things that I don’t like – carrots, broccoli, apples, milk, cheese – the list is very long. But I love pasta! It’s my favourite food and (7) for my family. It’s the only thing we all eat together! But no cheese for me!’

1 Read the text about favourite foods of some teenagers. Parts of the text have been removed. Choose the correct part for each gap (1-7). There are two extra parts that you should not use. The first one (0) has been done for you.

A only about once a month

B I never eat them

C really adventurous with food

D I don’t eat any chocolate

Listening: Multiple choice

E but I’m a bit fussy F I like spicy things

G Do they all eat junk food every day

H I make it every Saturday

I I eat healthy food at home

J They don’t like eating junk food

2 1.44 Listen to Lizzie’s podcast about university admission interviews with tips for students. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1-5. Only one answer is correct. You will hear the recording twice. The first one (0) has been done for you.

0 The interviewers Lizzie talks about are A teachers. C students. B managers. D journalists.

1 When they ask you to say something about yourself,

A only talk about school things.

B always start describing your family background.

C talk about the people you like to spend time with.

D avoid talking about personal details.

2 The purpose of this part of the interview is to A give as much information about you as possible.

B understand what the interviewers are interested in.

C catch the interviewers’ attention.

D give a positive idea of yourself to the interviewers.

3 When they ask you the reason for your choice, A talk about your plans for the future.

B talk about events in the past that motivate your choice.

C say that you like their university because it’s fun.

D don’t say that your studies can make their university better.

4 Which one of the following statements is not true?

A It’s important to give a good general impression.

B Don’t look self-confident.

C Don’t say too many words.

D Optimism and helpfulness are appreciated.

5 The tone of this podcast is

A professional. C friendly. B neutral. D humorous.

UDA1-3 A
Olivia Oscar Charlie


1 Complete Jenny’s daily routine with the correct form of the missing verbs.

My mother 1 me up at 7 o’clock a.m. every day. I 2 my body and then at a quarter past seven I 3 up. I usually 4 dressed before I 5 breakfast with milk and cereal. Then I 6 the bus to 7 to school. When I get home, my father 8 lunch: he’s a great cook. In the afternoon my father often 9 the house, because we have three cats and they’re very dirty. I 10 my homework from around 3 to 6 p.m. When my mother gets back from work, we have dinner and at around 10 p.m. I 11 a shower and 12 to bed. 12

2 Read the sentences and guess the freetime activities they refer to.

1 you do this sport in a pool of water

2 you need paper and a pencil to do

3 you can do this in your free time with a radio, an MP3 player or your smartphone

4 you do this when you move your body to music

5 you do this when you are in the park with your dog

6 you do this when you text your friends on an instant messaging app 6

3 Complete the dialogue. canteen • classroom • common • computer • gym headmaster • laboratory • library

A Good morning, Ms Lewis. I’m Guillarme, the new student from Paris. Where’s the 1 ’s office, please? He’s looking for me…

B Hello, Guillaume. It’s on the second floor, next to the science 2

A Thank you. I have another question. Today I have IT and PE, but there’s nobody in my 3 now. Where’s everybody?

B They’re in the 4 room for the IT class, after that they go to the 5 to do PE.

A Oh, I see. They’re on the ground floor, right?

B Yes, and when classes finish, students have lunch in the 6 . In the afternoon you can meet teachers in the 7 room.

A Thank you. Where’s the 8 ? I need to borrow some books.

B That’s on the first floor. I’m going there now so you can come with me!

4 Tick (3) the things you can put in your schoolbag. n pencil case n desk n playground n notebook n rubber

n blackboard n ruler n calculator n printer n highlighter

5 Complete the phrases to express quantities.

flour • cereal • chocolate • cake • milk cola • bread • crisps


6 Underline the correct alternative.

To make this dessert, first 1pour / steam some milk in a bowl, 2fry / add the eggs one by one and 3slice / stir. After that, 4boil / mix the flour with sugar and put this mixture in the bowl. Finally 5bake / roast it in an oven at 180°C for about half an hour.

To make this delicious Indian dish, first 6mix / slice an onion and 7pour / fry it in a pan. Put the chicken in a pot and cover it with the onion. Cut some carrots and 8bake / boil them in water for 10 minutes, then add them to the chicken in the pot. Put the chicken in the oven and 9stir / roast it for about an hour at 180°C. In the meantime, put a dish on a pot of boiling water and 10fry / steam the potatoes in the dish for about 20 minutes.


7 Use the prompts to write sentences with the Present simple. 1 Dad / always / watch TV / evening

I / usually / not / have lunch / midday

this train / sometimes / be / late / Mondays

it / often / rain / April?

Sam / never / go out / Saturday nights 6 Ellie and Mark / do / the shopping / every day? 7 how often / Jake / play computer games / night? 8 where / Sam’s grandparents / spend / their holidays / summer?

56 Summative Self-Assessment 1-3 UDA A
carton of ________ 2 a slice of ___________ 3 a bag of ___________ 4 a can of
5 a bar of ____________ 6 a loaf of ___________ 7 a bowl of __________ 8 a packet of ________

8 Complete the chat with the correct Present continuous form of the verbs from the box.

come • do (x2) • get • help • make • play • relax • roast • study

Albert Beth

Hey, Beth what 1 (you)?

Nothing special. I 2 in my bedroom.

Lucky you! I 3 Mom in the kitchen. My grandparents 4 over for Thanksgiving.

Oh, what 5 (she)?

A giant turkey. It 6 in the oven now. I’m so hungry!

And your brother 7 anything as usual.

Well, no, actually he 8 Maths. He 9 ready for tomorrow’s test.

Oh yeah? Are you sure he 10 video games? I can see him online! 10

9 Present simple or continuous? Complete the postcard with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets.

Dear Viktor, How are you? I’m in Spain! My family and I 1 (stay) in Barcelona for a week and I 2 (have) a great time. Our hotel room 3 (have got) an amazing view of the sea. The food is cheap but delicious, so we 4 (go) to the restaurant every day. Today we 5 (spend) the day at the beach, but my sister Lola isn’t with us because she 6 (not like) the seaside. OK, that’s all for now. The sunset 7 (begin) now and I 8 (not want) to miss it!

See you soon, Love, Peggy

10 Choose the correct option (A, B or C).

1 Are those people police officers?

A some B any C /

2 Would you like apple juice?

A any B some C an

3 Fred doesn’t have friends in his new town.

A some B a C any

4 We don’t have sugar for our tea. A a B any C some

5 Is there special news in the paper? A any B some C a

6 I need information, please. A an B some C any 6

11 Underline the correct alternative.

1 How much / many water do you usually drink in a day?

2 Can I have a few / a little milk in my coffee, please?

3 There are a lot of / a few people on the bus: it’s crowded!

4 Many / Much of my relatives live in the UK.

5 ‘How much / many are these muffins?’ ‘1.50 dollars each.’

6 ‘Are you busy today?’ ‘Yes, I have a little / a few things to do.’

7 I’m a little / a lot tired. Can we go home now?

8 Not few / many people go on holiday in November.


12 Complete the three mini dialogues. agree • cool • for • having • how • like love • ready • what • why

1 A Look! I’ve got two tickets for the gig.

B That’s 1 !

A 2 don’t we go there together?

B I’d 3 to, thanks.

2 A I love this TV series. Everybody’s crazy about it. 4 do you think of it?

B Well, I 5 everybody loves it, but… I find it quite boring.

A 6 can you say that?

3 A Are you 7 to order?

B Yes, I’m 8 a tuna sandwich and a glass of orange juice.

A And 9 you?

B I’d 10 a slice of pizza and a can of cola, please.

57 Summative Self-Assessment UDA1-3 A
10 100 TOTAL Go to the FLIP BOOK, assess yourself and revise what you need.

Weird Food Facts

Warm up

1 Pairwork Discuss the following questions with your partner.

● What strange food traditions are there in your country?

● Do you like them? Why? / Why not?

Speed Read

2 Read the texts (A-E) and match them with the ingredients (1-5).

1 n cheese and pear juice

2 n egg, cheese, leeks and breadcrumbs

3 n fish, pastry, eggs and potatoes

4 n meringues, cream and strawberries

5 n pastry, meat, vegetables and fruit


3 CERT Read the texts again and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

1 Bedfordshire clanger is

A from Scotland. B not very filling. C sweet and savoury. D three courses.

2 The expression ‘to drop a clanger’ means A to have an accident. B to make a mistake. C to save a person’s life. D to smell really bad.

3 Eton Mess is A aristocratic food. B a dessert. C a game. D dog food.

4 Glamorganshire sausages

A are expensive to make. B are no longer made. C have got meat in them. D haven’t got meat in them.

5 Stinking Bishop is A a fruit. B a cheese. C a man. D juice.

6 Stargazey pie is A fish and chips. B life-saving. C picnic food. D typical of Cornwall.

58 Culture 1-3 UDA A
shortages carenze leeks porri breadcrumbs pan grattato smelly maleodorante baked cotte al forno

What’s trending?

A lot of people in the UK are drinking 1 now. These are cocktails with no alcohol. They are healthy and refreshing and have exciting flavours and colours. What’s not to like?

Another new trend is 2 . That’s right –food in a bowl! In many countries it’s common to eat soups or salads with lots of ingredients in a bowl. British people love it because you can combine your favourite foods. 3 is originally from Scandinavia. But the trend is becoming very popular in the UK too. It’s food from ingredients people make or grow in their local area or seasonal wild foods.

6 COMPETENCES Cultural awareness

Complete a food fact file with dishes from your region.

Recipe for Glamorganshire sausages

Finely slice one leek and fry in butter until soft. Add garlic and cook for another 1 __________. Mix 2 _________ grated cheese, 140g breadcrumbs, parsley, ½ teaspoon of 3 _________ mustard powder and one beaten egg in a bowl. Add 4 __________. Make into 5__________, cover and chill in the 6 __________ for 30 minutes. Preheat the oil in a frying pan and 7 __________ the balls until browned. Serve immediately with a 8

Move over vegetarian food, here comes 4 food! Lots of people are choosing plant-based diets for health and ethical reasons. Popular UK fast food chains are also following this trend and offering vegan options on their menus.

Super foods are good for your body, but now there are 5 , or brain food! People are improving their power simply by eating eggs, salmon, turmeric, spinach, cocoa and blueberries.

Always adventurous with food, the recent British culinary trend of 6 is no surprise. We love the fragrant and spicy stews, and delicious rice dishes typical of the region.

refreshing rinfrescanti trend tendenza brain cervello are improving migliorano


7 Use your food fact file to write a short text about food in your country.


8 Pairwork Compare British food and food from your country. Tell your partner what you like and don’t like about each. What is your ideal diet/food?

59 UDA1-3 A
4 1.45 CERT Listen and complete the recipe for Glamorganshire
Complete the texts
sausages. 5
words from
box. bowl food • Hyper-local food
mocktails nootropics • vegan • West African food

My School Days

Soft Skills: Time management

● Organise your time and prioritise your tasks

Watching for gist

1 Watch Isa’s vlog and tick (3) all the things she does.

n gets up n gets ready for school n has a bath n has a shower n gets dressed n makes breakfast n has breakfast

Watching for details

n packs her bag n grabs her bag n catches the bus to school n walks to school n has classes n goes to the gym n goes shopping

2 Watch the vlog again and answer the questions.

1 What time does Isa get up?

2 What is she wearing today?

3 What is she making for breakfast?

After watching

n has lunch n has more classes n goes home n has dinner n does homework n goes on social media n goes to bed

4 What does she love doing?

chutney chutney (tipo di condimento contenente di solito un misto di spezie, verdure e/o frutta) grab prendere al volo

5 How many classes does she have today?

6 What are she and her friend doing at the gym?

3 Make some notes about Isa’s school day and yours. Whose day do you think is more organised? Why? Isa You

1 What time do you get up? 2 What do you wear to school? 3 How do you get to school? 4 What, when and where do you eat? 5 How many classes do you have? 6 What other activities do you do? 7 When does the school day finish? 8 When do you study/do homework?

4 Pairwork Talk about what helps you manage your time with a partner. Use the words below to help you. Then decide on three changes you can make to improve your time management. avoid distractions (social media, TV etc.) • get enough sleep • find time for physical exercise • have regular routines plan ahead for homework and tests • plan your meals and eat healthily • write to-do lists


Organise your personal planner for next week. In your planner make sure to include:

● time for homework

● time for physical exercise

● time for sleep

● time for eating

● time for relaxing

● time for chores at home

60 Planet Vlog UDA A



soggetto + forma base del verbo I play tennis. We watch TV. terza persona singolare ➝ forma base + -s It lives in the sea. She speaks English.


soggetto + don’t/doesn’t + forma base del verbo I don’t play tennis. She doesn’t speak Chinese.


Do/Does + soggetto + forma base del verbo + ? Do you play tennis? Does she speak Chinese?


Yes, soggetto + do/does. No, soggetto + don’t/doesn’t Yes, I do. / No, she doesn’t.


azioni abituali e routine

affermazioni sempre vere

The Sun rises in the east.

dare istruzioni

You peel the apples and you cut them in cubes.

descrivere procedure

When the alarm is on, the green light flashes.

orari e programmi prestabiliti

The train from Milan arrives at 12:55.

raccontare storie

At the end of the book, Anna discovers the truth.

Variazioni ortografiche alla terza persona singolare

• verbi terminanti in -ch, -o, -s, -sh, -ss, -x, -z: si aggiunge -es does, washes, fixes

• verbi terminanti in consonante + -y: si elimina la y e si aggiunge -ies cries, worries, replies

con wh- words Wh- word + do/does + soggetto + forma base del verbo + ? Where do you play tennis?

con who/what/which/whose con funzione di soggetto Wh- word + verbo alla terza persona singolare + ? Who sings Marlena?

con avverbi di frequenza: always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, ever/never I rarely drink coffee.

con espressioni di frequenza: every day, once a week, three times a month, ecc. I drink coffee twice a day.

con espressioni di tempo: in the morning/afternoon, on Saturdays, ecc. I drink coffee in the morning.

risponde alla domanda How often…? How often do you drink coffee?

risponde alla domanda When…? When do you drink coffee?

1 26 Mind Map
 Student’s Book p. 214
dormer window drainpipe
door stairs
1 144
cellar garden

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