Space English Easy Grammar 4-5

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Easy Grammar

Easy Grammar



1 Incolla una tua fotografia e completa.



Glue your picture here

Osserva e completa.

3 Gioca a Picture Dictation con un compagno o una compagna.

She has got a big nose.

He has got two legs.

She has got four fingers. He has got four eyes.


1 Osserva e completa.

Can you ? Can you ? Can you ? Yes, I . No, I . Yes, I .

2 Ascolta e completa la tabella. Poi completa per te.




3 Osserva la tabella e completa le frasi.

• Susan can and . She can’t or .

• Michael can and . He can’t or .

• I can , but I can’t .


Osserva e scrivi i nomi. Ascolta e controlla.

5 Osserva e rispondi alle domande. is happy. is thirsty. is scared. is angry. is tired. is hot. is sad. is surprised. is cold. is hungry.

Are you sad?

Are you cold?

Are you scared?

Are you happy?

Simon Chang
Mike Tim
Anne Helen Claire


1 Leggi e numera i disegni.

1. Hi, I’m Jane. I’ve got a mum, a dad, a grandad and a sister. I’ve got an uncle and an aunt, I’ve got a cousin, too. I’ve got two pets: a fish and a lizard. I love my family!

2. Hello, I’m Steve. I’ve got a mum, a granny and a grandad. I’ve got a brother, a cat, a dog and a rabbit. We like animals!

3. My name is Andy. I’ve got a small family: I’ve got a mum and a dad. I’ve got an uncle and an aunt. I haven’t got pets.

4. I’m Paula, hello! I’ve got a dad, a sister and a brother. I’ve got a granny, too. I haven’t got a dog, but I’ve got a hamster.


Ascolta e segna la foto giusta.

3 Scrivi frasi affermative (✔) o negative (✘) con il verbo have got.

Sylvia / tortoise ( ✔ ), rabbit ( ✘ )

Sam / two dogs ( ✘ ), fish ( ✔ )

Pete / cat ( ✔ ), bird ( ✘ )

4 Leggi e scegli l’opzione corretta. Ascolta e controlla.

1. I have / has got a brother and a sister.

2. He have / has got a grandad and a dog.

3. We haven’t / hasn’t got a big family.

4. They have / has got a cat and a dog.

5 Rileggi le frasi dell’esercizio 4 e numera le foto.


1 Osserva e scrivi le parole al posto giusto.

2 Completa le frasi. Ascolta e controlla.

1. Where is the bookcase? It’s in the .

2. Where the fridge? It’s in the . 3. is the shower? It’s . 4. sofa? .


Osserva e cerchia gli intrusi: sono 3. Poi scrivi le parole corrispondenti.

4 Osserva e completa. Ascolta e controlla.

The lamp is the table. The carpet is the bed. The poster is the bookcases.

The armchair is the wardrobe. The chair is the fridge. The shelf is the shower.

1 Completa la mappa.




2 Che animale è? Osserva e completa. It’s . It’s . It’s . It’s . cow • monkey • chick • parrot • tiger • pig • goat • crocodile • mouse • snake • giraffe • hen • donkey • horse • elephant • penguin • duck • polar bear • sheep • kangaroo

3 Ascolta e disegna.

4 Osserva e rispondi.

Has it got wings?

Has it got feathers?

Has it got fur?

Has it got a tail?


1 Ascolta e numera.

2 Leggi e completa la tabella.

On Tuesday: cloudy and cold.

On Wednesday: cold and windy.

On Thursday: foggy and cool.

On Sunday: rainy and stormy.

Sunday Tuesday Friday

3 Osserva e completa.

Today it’s and cold.

She’s trousers, a and a .

Today it’s sunny and . He’s wearing and a . He’s wearing a .

4 Disegnati nella tua stagione preferita e completa.

In this picture I’m wearing .

The weather is .

5 Osserva le fotografie e rispondi.

1. What can I wear today? I can wear .

2. What can I wear today? I can wear .

3. What can I wear today? I can wear .

4. What can I wear today? I can wear .


Come sarebbero le tue vacanze dei sogni? Completa il testo.

In my dreams, I want to t go to . I can go there by or by .

4 Osserva e completa.


1 Incolla una tua fotografia e completa.

Today I feel...

The weather is...

My favourite holiday place is...

I’m wearing...

I can go there by...

Glue your picture here

I can... I like...

My favourite animals are...

I can’t...




Il nome al plurale si forma aggiungendo la s alla fine del nome al singolare: a cat, two cats.

Il plurale si forma aggiungendo es in alcuni casi particolari, quando la parola finisce con ch, sh, s, o oppure x: watch watches; dish  dishes; bus buses; potato potatoes; box boxes.

1 Leggi e completa.

2 Leggi e completa con le parole al singolare o al plurale.

1. The (book) is in my schoolbag.

2. I like (dog) and (cat) .

3. My (teacher) are very nice. orange • house • flower • hand • book • dog •

3 Forma il plurale con -s o con -es.
1. car
2. kiss 3. bottle
bush oranges


Segna il plurale corretto.

• radios radioes

• photoes photos

• potatos potatoes



• tomatos tomatoes

• kiloes kilos

• girls girles

Se la parola finisce con consonante + y, il plurale si forma togliendo la y e aggiungendo ies: lady ladies. Se termina con vocale + y si forma solo con la s: boy boys. Le parole che finiscono per f o fe formano il plurale così: wolf wolves; knife knives.

5 Riscrivi le frasi al plurale.

1. The baby is hungry.

2. The day is sunny and hot.

3. The scarf is red.

4. Look at the wolf!


Esistono poi nomi il cui plurale si forma in modo completamente diverso. Osserva la tabella.






woman women







Gli articoli determinativi italiani (il, lo, la, i, gli, le) si traducono

con the: the cat, the table, the dogs. The non si usa davanti:

• a nomi che indicano una categoria generica (I like oranges. Elephants are grey.);

• a nomi propri (Alice is happy. Mr Cometix is hungry.);

• ai nomi geografici (Italy is beautiful. Lake Como is big.).

Gli articoli indeterminativi italiani (un, uno, una) si traducono con a davanti a un nome che comincia per consonante (a dog) oppure an davanti a un nome che comincia per vocale (an apple). Davanti alle parole che iniziano con h muta (hour, honor, heir, honest) si usa sempre an (an hour).

1 Leggi e scrivi the dove necessario.

1. Asia is a big continent.

2. I love cats: they are my favourite animals. 3. schoolbag is very big. 4. Look at all stars in the sky!

2 Leggi e completa.







Remember: a house an hour.

3 Segna la frase corretta.

Mum is in the garden.

The mum is in the garden.

Listen to teacher.

The cat is on the sofa. Cat is on the sofa.

Where is the mum?

Where is mum?

Listen to the teacher. He is Doctor Robinson. He is the Doctor Robinson.

4 Completa con a, an oppure the dove necessario.

1. Put dishes in the dishwasher.

I like the milk. I like milk. the EASY GRAMMAR GRAMMAR

6. kangaroos can’t fly.

7. Give me pen, please.

2. balls are round.

3. Help, there is mouse in my room!

4. Dad, where is dog?

5. Can I have glass of water, please?

8. I like apples.

9. Look! orange aeroplane!

10. teacher is in the classroom.

11. Where is Mr Smith?



In inglese, i pronomi personali soggetto devono sempre essere espressi. Il pronome personale I (io) si scrive sempre con la lettera maiuscola.


I am Luca. She is Alice. We are happy. He is Luca. It is a ball.

I ioWenoi



He lui, egli She lei, ella Itesso/aThey loro, essi/esse

1 Completa le frasi con il pronome personale soggetto corretto. are friends. am Italian. is a parrot. is my bike. are the champions. is my brother. are English. is my granny. are in my class.


Per gli animali si usa sempre it, tranne per quelli domestici: in questo caso si usano he e she.

2 Completa con he, she, it oppure they.

3 Leggi le frasi e numera i disegni.

1. He’s cold.

2. They’re cold.

3. It’s cold.

4. She’s happy.

5. They’re happy.

6. It’s happy. is Jack. are rabbits. is a mouse. is Paul. is Janet. is Bobby. is snowy. is my schoolbag. cars.

Al telefono o al citofono, per presentarsi si usa sempre it: Hello, it’s me!



I pronomi personali complemento si usano al posto dei nomi.


I pronomi personali complemento si usano dopo un verbo o una preposizione (di, a, da, in, con, su, per, tra, fra): Come with me! Do you like it?

He is Michael. I go to school with him.

They are my friends. I like them and they like me.

1 Completa le frasi con i pronomi personali complemento.

1. Show your picture, please. I want to have a look!

2. Can I phone tomorrow?

3. Where is your dad? This letter is for .

4. This present is for my sister, it’s for .

5. I like your jacket, but where is ?

6. We are going to play in the park. Come with !

7. Good morning children. These photocopies are for .

8. Your teachers want to help you. Please, listen to .

2 Riscrivi le frasi usando il pronome complemento corretto.

1. This book is for (Alice).

2. Listen to (Mark and Tim).

3. Come with (me and Sue)!

4. Do you like (my ball)?

5. Look at (Mr Smith)!

6. This is for (the dog).

3 Segna la frase corretta.

Come and play with we.

Come and play with us.

I like it. I like them.

Do you like it?

Do you like them?

She’s Miss Lee. We like him. She’s Miss Lee. We like her.

This cake is for I. This cake is for me. This is for you. This is for him.




Gli aggettivi dimostrativi hanno una forma diversa per il singolare e per il plurale. Gli aggettivi dimostrativi sono: this (questo, questa) that (quello, quella) these (questi, queste) those (quelli, quelle, quei, quegli)

1 Collega le frasi alle immagini.

This is a butterfly.

That is a butterfly.

That is a cat.

This is a cat.

These are dogs.

Those are dogs.

Those are sheep.

These are sheep.

This is a tree.

That is a tree.


2 Completa. are books. are houses. is a girl. is an ice cream.

3 Completa e cerchia la risposta giusta.

Are bikes?

Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

Is a car?

Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

Are cars?

Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. these

Is a plane?

Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

Are cats?

4 Riscrivi le frasi al plurale o al singolare.

1. These balls are blue and red.

2. That girl is blond.

3. This present is for you.

4. Those are my books.



Aggettivi possessiviPronomi possessivi my mine your yours his his her hers its / our ours your yours their theirs

1 Completa con gli aggettivi possessivi.

1. I am Susan. name is Susan.


2. You are Sue and Helen. names are Sue and Helen.

3. She is Martha. name is Martha.

4. They are John and Lisa. names are John and Lisa.

5. We are Tim and Martin. names are Tim and Martin.

6. He is Patrick. name is Patrick.

7. You are Jonathan. name is Jonathan.

8. It is Ginger. name is Ginger.

2 Completa con i pronomi possessivi.

1. These toys belong to Mike. They’re .

2. That pen belongs to Mary. It’s .

3. This dog belongs to us. It’s .

Gli aggettivi e i pronomi possessivi non vogliono mai l’articolo e sono invariabili, cioè mantengono la stessa forma al maschile, al femminile, al singolare e al plurale. belongs to = appartiene a !


3 Osserva l’immagine e completa.

1. Her hat is pink. She is .

2. Its hat is orange. It is .

3. Their scarves are green and red. They are .

4. His scarf is blue. He is .

4 Leggi e cerchia l’opzione corretta. Poi numera le fotografie.

1. I’m Martin and this is my / his brother.

2. This pencil case is not your / yours.

3. Paul and Mary are in its / their car.

4. Look at that fish! It’s her / hers!

5. They are our / ours friends.

5 Completa con i pronomi o gli aggettivi possessivi.

1. My mother is blond and eyes are green.

2. That is my bike: it’s !

3. I’ve got schoolbag.

4. This is friend, is Claire.

5. I’ve got two cats, names are Fiona and Zoe.

6. Is this pencil , John?


Il genitivo sassone (o forma possessiva) si usa:

• per indicare il possesso di un oggetto da parte di persone o animali;

• per indicare le relazioni di parentela tra persone.

Il genitivo sassone si forma con: nome del possessore + ’s + cosa posseduta o persona con cui è in relazione: This is Lisa’s pencil. She is Tom’s sister. It’s Paula and Tim’s car.

1 Completa le frasi.

1. Helen / cat

2. Simon / glasses

3. Laura / garden

4. Tom and Nick / room

Helen’s cat

It’s .

They’re .

It’s .


2 Rispondi alle domande usando i nomi tra parentesi. Poi numera le immagini.

1. Is this your notebook? (Danny)

2. Have you got a hamster? (Sarah)

3. Is this her kite? (Alan)

4. Is this your pencil? (the teacher)

No, it’s Danny’s notebook.

3 Segna la frase corretta. Poi numera le immagini.

1. This is…

a. the my sister skateboard.

b. my sister skateboard.

c. my sister’s skateboard.

2. This is…

a. my parents’s camera.

b. of my parents camera’s.

c. my parents’camera.

3. This is…

a. the Peter’s mobile phone.

b. of Peter’s mobile phone.

c. Peter’s mobile phone.

4. This is…

a. your mother’s bag.

b. the your mother bag.

c. yours mother bag.

5. This is…

a. ours guitar.

b. the Pam guitar.

c. Pam’s guitar.

6. This is…

a. Helen’s umbrella.

b. her’s umbrella.

c. her umbrella’s.

4 Trasforma le frasi usando il genitivo sassone.

1. Gina has got a tortoise.

2. Sam and Noah have got a car.

3. Mr Green has got a sister.

4. My dad has got a bike.

5. Lucy has got a house. It’s Gina’s tortoise.




La forma affermativa del verbo essere si costruisce con: soggetto + verbo essere (be): I am happy. She is tired. They are surprised.

SoggettoVerboForma contratta I amI’m YouareYou’re He/She/Itis He’s, She’s, It’s

I’m Mike, she’s my sister Anne. We’re Scottish.

Completa le frasi con am, are o is.


ten, he’s twelve. They’re our cats.

We French. She very tall. They thieves.

You my teacher. He Tommy. I English.

You my friends. It a shark. He tired.

2 Riscrivi le frasi con la forma contratta.

1. I am happy.

2. They are my sisters.

3. She is a tennis player.

4. It is my rubber.

5. You are late.

6. We are in London.

7. He is my uncle.

3 Leggi e cerchia l’opzione corretta. Poi numera le immagini.

1. I am / are a student.

2. Steve are / is my brother.

3. They am / are in the park.

4. She are / is angry today.

5. We are / am good friends.

6. You are / is a doctor.

7. The cat is / are on the sofa.

8. It is / am a sunny day.

4 Scrivi delle frasi usando le parole date.

1. Claude / my friend

2. we / hungry

3. they / Italian I’m happy. EASY GRAMMAR GRAMMAR



La forma negativa del verbo essere si costruisce con: soggetto + verbo essere + not:

!SoggettoVerbo Forma contratta

I am notI’m not

You are notYou aren’t

I’m not Luke, she isn’t my cousin. We aren’t French.

He/She/It is notHe isn’t/She isn’t/It isn’t We are notWe aren’t You are notYou aren’t They are notThey aren’t

1 Riscrivi le frasi alla forma negativa. Poi numera i disegni.

1. They are in the garden.

I am not sad. They are not tall. She is not Susan. They aren’t in the garden.

2. We are friends.

3. She is sad.

4. I am English.

5. He is Mark.

6. It is an alligator.

I’m not fifteen, he isn’t thirteen. They aren’t hamsters.

7. You are ten.


2 Completa con il verbo essere alla forma negativa.

1. I Laura. I’m Paula.

2. She sad. She’s angry.

3. They at school. They are at the park.

4. He a doctor. He’s a vet.

5. You hungry. You are thirtsy.

6. We sisters. She’s my cousin.

3 Riscrivi le frasi con la forma contratta.

1. We are not Italian.

2. She is not from Japan.

3. They are not American.

4. You are not friends.

5. He is not a student.

6. I am not at home.

7. You are not fifteen.

8. It is not my bag.

We aren’t Italian.

4 Osserva le immagini, leggi le frasi e cerchia l’opzione corretta.

1. She isn’t / is a teacher.

4. It is / isn’t cold today.

2. They aren’t / are at the park. 3. We are / aren’t tired.

5. The dog is / isn’t in the house.

6. The shells are / aren’t on the beach.


La forma interrogativa del verbo essere si costruisce invertendo la posizione di soggetto e verbo della forma affermativa: verbo essere + soggetto: Are you happy? Is it a crab? Are they on the beach?

VerboSoggetto Risposte brevi affermative

Risposte brevi negative

Am I… ?Yes, I am.No, I’m not.

Are you… ?Yes, you are. No, you aren’t. Is he/she/ it…? Yes, he/she/ it is. No, he/she/it isn’t.

Are we… ?Yes, we are.No, we aren’t. Are you… ?Yes, you are. No, you aren’t. Are they… ?Yes, they are.No, they aren’t.

1 Completa le frasi con il verbo alla forma interrogativa e rispondi.

1. he a doctor?

2. they lizards?

3. he angry?

Are John and Paul at school? Yes, they are. Yes, it is.

4. they felt-tip pens?

5. it a school?

6. we at the park? . Is it a rabbit?

2 Trasforma le frasi alla forma interrogativa.

1. She is here.

2. We are in the same class.

3. He is a doctor.

4. They are volleyball champions.

5. It is my pencil case.

6. You are good at Maths.

7. I am late. Is she here?

3 Osserva, leggi e rispondi. They are tired.

1. Are they afraid or tired?

3. Is he scared or happy?

2. Is he hot or cold?

4. Is he sad or thirsty?

4 Rispondi usando le risposte brevi.

1. Are you American? Yes, .

2. Is he Steve? No, .

3. Are they pencils? Yes, . I am

4. Is she your sister? No, .

5. Is it a train? No, .

6. Are we late? Yes, . EASY GRAMMAR GRAMMAR



Per dire c’è, ci sono, in inglese si usano le formule there is e there are: There is an apple on the table. There are two flowers in the vase.

Forma affermativa

There is There’s

There are

Forma negativa

There is not There isn’t

There are not There aren’t

Forma interrogativa Risposte brevi

Is there… ? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

Are there… ? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.

1 Completa le frasi con There is oppure There are. Poi numera le immagini.

1. an ice cream for you.

2. three birds in the tree. 3. my friends at home. 4. a book on the shelf.

2 Trasforma le frasi alla forma negativa.

1. There is a cat on the chair.

2. There are two apples in the basket.

3. There is a book on the table.

4. There are three pens on the table.

5. There are four chairs in the room.

There isn’t a cat on the chair.


Osserva i disegni e completa le frasi.

4 Usa le parole date e formula delle domande, poi completa le risposte brevi.

1. apple / fridge Yes, .

2. clothes / wardrobe No, .

3. cat / living room Yes, .

4. clouds / sky Yes, .

5. elephant / Safari park No, .

6. poster / bedroom No, .

7. lamp / table Yes, .

8. people / beach Yes, . Is there an apple in the fridge? a goat on the desk. a crab on the beach. a palm tree on the volcano. dogs on the armchair. a cook in the kitchen. three books in the schoolbag.



La forma affermativa del verbo avere si costruisce con: soggetto + verbo avere (have got): I have got a book. She has got two brothers. They have got a car.

I’ve got a big dog. You’ve got a cat. We’ve got pets.

SoggettoVerbo Forma contratta

I have got I’ve got You have got You’ve got He/She/ It has got He’s got/ She’s got/ It’s got

We have got We’ve got

1 Completa le frasi con la forma affermativa del verbo avere.

You have got You’ve got They have got They’ve got Paula a red bike. We a ball. I brown eyes.

It a short tail. You a new watch. We a dog.

2 Cerchia l’opzione corretta.

1. Sam have got / has got a green schoolbag.

2. We have got / has got a bike and a car.

3. Claire have got / has got two cats.

4. They have got / has got black shoes.

5. I have got / has got red hair.

6. Mrs Robinson has got / have got a big nose.

3 Completa le frasi, poi numera le immagini.

1. Tim a blue bike.

2. Sarah and James a big house.

3. The dog a small toy.

4. Lucy a yellow bike.

5. Simon and Mike a small house.

6. It a big toy.

4 Riscrivi le frasi con la forma contratta.

1. I have got an orange T-shirt.

2. We have got two brothers.

3. They have got a hamster.

4. You have got a poster in your bedroom.

5. She has got a horse.

6. Luke has got a big mouth.


La forma negativa del verbo avere si costruisce con: soggetto + not + verbo avere (have got): I have not got a dog. She has not got a big house. They have not got two rabbits.

SoggettoVerboForma contratta

I have not got I haven’t got

You have not gotYou haven’t got

He/She/It has not got He hasn’t got, She hasn’t got, It hasn’t got

We have not gotWe haven’t got

You have not gotYou haven’t got They have not gotThey haven’t got


I haven’t got a blue T-shirt. She hasn’t got a yellow scarf.

Completa le frasi con la forma negativa del verbo avere.

She blond hair.

We books. They water. We haven’t got red socks.

2 Completa le frasi con la forma negativa contratta del verbo avere.

1. He a computer.

2. We a horse.

3. She a brother.

4. You brown hair.

5. They a history lesson today.

6. I a motorbike.

7. It a bone.

3 Trasforma le frasi alla forma negativa.

1. She’s got a blue skirt.

2. I’ve got an old computer.

3. They’ve got a blue sofa.

4. It’s got a big toy.

5. You’ve got black eyes.

6. We’ve got a big carpet.

4 Leggi le frasi e numera le immagini.

1. Luna has got a sister.

2. Tim has got a dog.

3. Amy hasn’t got a sister.

4. Rob and Fran have got a big car.

5. Hans hasn’t got a dog.

6. Otto and Carmen haven’t got a big car. hasn’t got

She hasn’t got a blue skirt.



La forma interrogativa del verbo avere si costruisce invertendo la posizione di soggetto e verbo della forma affermativa:

verbo avere (have) + soggetto + got: Have you got blue eyes? Has she got a kite? Have they got a hamster?

Le risposte brevi si costruiscono con Yes + soggetto + have/has. / No + soggetto + haven’t/hasn’t.

Attenzione: le risposte affermative non hanno la forma contratta.

VerboSoggettoGot Risposte brevi affermative Risposte brevi negative

Have I got… ? Yes, I have.No, I haven’t.

Have you got… ? Yes, you have. No, you haven’t. Has he/she/ it got… ?

Yes, he/she/ it has. No, he/she/it hasn’t.

Havewe got… ? Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.

Haveyou got… ? Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.

Yes, they have. Have they got grey jackets?

Havethey got… ? Yes, they have. No, they haven’t. Has he got a book? No, he hasn’t.

1 Cerchia l’opzione corretta.

1. Have / Has he got a pencil case?

2. Have / Has we got an apple?

3. Have / Has they got an armchair?

4. Have / Has you got a kite?

2 Osserva e rispondi. Usa le risposte brevi.

1. Has she got a bike?

2. Have you got a teddy bear?

3. Have we got a guitar?

4. Have they got videogames?

5. Has he got a skateboard?

No, she hasn’t.

6. Has it got a tail?

3 Trasforma le frasi alla forma interrogativa.

1. They have got good teachers.

2. He has got an American friend.

3. I have got a goldfish.

4. She has got an old computer.

5. We have got a big school.

6. You have got a new T-shirt.

7. It has got eight legs.


Have they got good teachers?

In inglese si usa il verbo avere (have, ma senza got) in alcune espressioni in cui in italiano abbiamo altri verbi: have breakfast/lunch/dinner fare colazione/pranzo/cena; have a shower farsi una doccia; have a look dare un’occhiata; have a picnic fare un picnic; have fun divertirsi; have a rest riposare; have pizza for lunch mangiare la pizza a pranzo.



Il verbo can in italiano si traduce con “saper fare”, “essere capace di”. Il verbo can è invariabile, cioè resta sempre uguale per tutte le persone: I can ski. She can’t swim. Can they drive?

Forma affermativa Forma negativa

Forma interrogativa Risposte brevi

I can…I can’t…Can I... ?Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. You can…You can’t…Can you… ?Yes, you can. / No, you can’t. He/she/it can… He/she/it can’t… Can he/she/ it… ? Yes, he/she/it can. / No, he/she/it can’t. We can… We can’t... Can we… ?Yes, we can. /No, we can’t. You can… You can’t...Can you… ?Yes, you can. / No, you can’t. They can… They can’t...Can they… ?Yes, they can. / No, they can’t. Hello!

1 Completa le frasi con la forma affermativa o negativa di can.

I talk. We climb. It jump. He swim. You run. They fly.


2 Inserisci can o can’t. Poi numera le immagini.

1. A rabbit jump, but it fly.

2. Elephants walk, but they climb trees.

3. A parrot swim, but it talk.

4. Cats talk, but they catch mice.

5. A fish fly, but he swim.

6. A penguin walk, but it fly.

7. Frogs swim, but they smile.

8. A monkey climb trees, but it talk.

3 Trasforma le frasi alla forma interrogativa.

1. Birds can fly.

2. Linda can dance.

3. I can ski.

4. My friends can skate.

5. Elephants can walk.

6. We can speak English.

7. You can play the piano.

8. Peter and I can run fast.

9. Mary and Lisa can play chess.

Can birds fly?



Gli articoli partitivi italiani (del, dello, della, dei, degli, delle) si traducono

sempre con some: I’ve got some butter. There are some bananas. Nelle frasi interrogative e in quelle negative al posto di some si usa any: Have you got any pets? Are there any apples?

Quando si offre qualcosa, si usa would like + some anche nella domanda: Would you like some coffee? Would you like some biscuits?

E le risposte sono: Yes, please. Oppure: No, thank you.

1 Cerchia l’opzione corretta.

1. There are some / any horses on the farm.

2. There isn’t some / any coffee.

3. Are there some / any trains for Manchester?

4. Have you got some / any apples?

5. I’m hungry, but there aren’t some / any biscuits.

6. Is there some / any fruit in the fridge?

2 Completa le frasi con some oppure any.

Have you got pets?

Have you got cousins?

There isn’t water in my glass. Would you like tea?

I haven’t got comics. Have you got bananas?

3 Usa le parole per scrivere delle frasi. Poi numera le immagini.

1. we / got / haven’t / pets / any

2. some / has / she / got / books / some

3. have / got / teddy bears / any / they / ?

4. pencils / are / some / there / red

5. there / any / apples / aren’t

4 Completa le domande e le risposte con some oppure any.

1. Are there eggs in the fridge? Yes, .

2. Have they got felt-tip pens? No, .

3. Are there donkeys on the farm? Yes, .

5 Leggi e collega.

4. Have you got brothers or sisters? No, . We haven’t got any ice creams.

There isn’t any milk in the bottle. They have got some books. He has got some toys.



Il comparativo di maggioranza (più… di...) si traduce con: aggettivo + er (se l’aggettivo è corto) oppure more + aggettivo (se l’aggettivo è lungo). Il secondo termine di paragone è introdotto da than: Elisa is taller than Linda. This lesson is more interesting than that one.

1 Completa le frasi con il comparativo di maggioranza.

Se l’aggettivo termina per consonante preceduta da vocale, la consonante raddoppia: big bigger. Se l’aggettivo termina con y preceduta da consonante, la y diventa ie: easy easier. Tom is Mike.

Amy is Andy.

Elephants are mice. Her T-shirt is his.

2 Completa le frasi con il comparativo di maggioranza.

1. Is science (easy) than history?

2. This tree is (tall) than my house!

3. This book is (interesting) than the film.

4. My dog is (small) than my cat!

Attenzione alle eccezioni: bad diventa worse e good diventa better! !


Il superlativo relativo di maggioranza (il più… di..., la più… di..., i più… di..., le più... di...) si traduce con: the + aggettivo + il suffisso -est (se l’aggettivo è corto) oppure the most + aggettivo (se l’aggettivo è lungo): Linda is the strongest in her class. This is the most interesting film of the festival. Se l’aggettivo termina per consonante preceduta da vocale, la consonante raddoppia: big the biggest. Se l’aggettivo termina con y preceduta da consonante, la y diventa ie: easy the easiest.

3 Cerchia l’opzione corretta.

1. John is the tallest / taller in the class.

2. My dog is the happiest / happier in the park.

3. She is my better / best friend.

4. This is the most / more boring book in the library.

5. That is the tallest / taller tree in the wood.

6. Susan is the most / more interesting person in the room.

4 Osserva l’esempio e completa la tabella.

Attenzione alle eccezioni: bad diventa the worst e good diventa the best!



La data si può scrivere in diversi modi, per esempio: il 9 gennaio 2025.

Si scrive Si legge

What’s the date today?

9 January 2025 the ninth of January, two thousand and twenty-five OPPURE the ninth of January, twenty-twenty-five 9th January 2025 09/01/2025

It’s the 6th of June.

1 Osserva le immagini e completa le domande e le risposte.

25 MAY 2023

20 OCTOBER 2024

2 AUGUST 2015

What’s the today? It’s . What day is it ? It’s . What’s the ? It’s . What ? It’s .

15 JUNE 2018

2 Completa con i giorni e i mesi mancanti.

Sunday Tuesday Friday January April June September November DAYS


LOOK! Ricordati che i giorni della settimana e i mesi in inglese hanno sempre l’iniziale maiuscola!


Si usa o’clock per indicare un’ora intera, past per indicare i minuti trascorsi dall’inizio dell’ora fino alla mezz’ora, to per il tempo che va da dopo la mezz’ora fino alla fine dell’ora successiva. Le ore dopo il mezzogiorno non si indicano con 13, 14, 15… come in italiano, ma si riparte a contare dall’1, le 2, le 3 ecc. Per specificare se si tratta, per esempio, delle 7 del mattino o delle 7 del pomeriggio, si aggiunge am per la prima parte della giornata, fino a mezzogiorno; pm da mezzogiorno a mezzanotte.

3 Osserva gli orologi e segna la frase corretta.

It’s eight o’clock.

It’s seven o’clock.

It’s half past six.

It’s a quarter past nine.

It’s ten to nine.

It’s half past ten.

It’s a quarter to three.

It’s five to seven.

It’s ten o’clock.

It’s five to four.

4 Rispondi alle domande usando i dati tra parentesi.

1. What’s the date today? (5/6/2025)

2. What time is it? (2:35)

3. What day is it today? (Tuesday)

4. What time is the English lesson? (8:30)

5. When is Christmas? (25/12)

6. What time do you go to bed? (9:30)

It’s six o’clock.

It’s five past six.



Il presente semplice (present simple) si usa per esprimere azioni abituali, di routine, per affermazioni di tipo generale o per esprimere fatti che sono sempre veri. Nelle frasi affermative il presente semplice si costruisce con: soggetto + forma base del verbo (I walk to school.) per tutte le persone, ad eccezione della terza singolare (he, she, it) che si costruisce così: soggetto + forma base del verbo + s: He walks to school.

Soggetto Verbo I like…


He/She/It likes…




1 Leggi e completa con like / likes. Poi numera le immagini.

1. Tom art.

2. Mary and Jane music.

3. Martha history.

4. You and John science.

2 Completa con la forma affermativa dei verbi.

read • like • run • drink • play • sing • start

1. We ice cream.

2. She milk in the morning.

3. They lovely songs.

4. You basketball every day.

5. He a lot of books.

6. I lessons at 8.00 in the morning.

7. It very fast.


Nei verbi che terminano in y preceduta da consonante, alla terza persona singolare si toglie la y e si aggiunge ies: I study, she studies. I verbi che terminano in ch, sh, s, x oppure o aggiungono es alla terza persona singolare: You teach English, he teaches French. I mix the eggs, she mixes the flour. We wash a T-shirt, he washes the dishes. I go to school, he goes to work. We cross the road, she crosses the square.

3 Scegli la voce corretta e completa.

4 Cerchia l’opzione corretta. Poi numera le immagini.

1. She watch / watches TV in the living room.

2. I put / puts my books in the schoolbag.

3. You brush / brushes your teeth in the morning.

4. She do / does her homework in the afternoon. Forma baseTerza persona singolareVoce corretta do dos • does play plaies • plays brush brushs • brushes study studies • studys cross crosses • crossies mix mixs • mixes matchmatchs • matches does



La forma negativa del presente semplice si costruisce con: soggetto + do not (don’t) + forma base del verbo per tutte le persone, a eccezione della terza persona singolare (he, she, it) che si costruisce con: soggetto + does not (doesn’t) + forma base del verbo: I don’t like fish, she doesn’t like meat and he doesn’t like pizza!

SoggettoVerbo Forma contratta

I do not runI don’t run

You do not runYou don’t run

He/She/It does not runHe/She/It doesn’t run

We do not runWe don’t run

You do not runYou don’t run

They do not runThey don’t run

1 Cerchia l’opzione corretta. Poi numera le immagini.

1. He don’t / doesn’t walk to school.

2. She don’t / doesn’t like apples.

3. We don’t / doesn’t go to the mountains in the summer.

4. She don’t / doesn’t play tennis.

5. It don’t / doesn’t eat meat.

6. I don’t / doesn’t like history.

2 Completa con il verbo tra parentesi alla forma negativa.

1. Dogs (fly).

2. We (play) basketball.

3. She (like) pizza.

4. Anthony (study) in the afternoon.

3 Trasforma le frasi alla forma negativa.

1. She drinks coffee for breakfast.

2. They play the guitar very well.

3. You go to a lesson on Monday.

4. He reads a lot of comics.

5. I ski in winter.

6. It swims very fast.

4 Osserva e completa le frasi con la forma affermativa o negativa del verbo.

1. We (eat) fish.

3. I (start) lessons at 8.00.

2. He (drink) milk.
4. It (eat) fruit.
5. She (run) fast.
6. You (play) tennis. EASY GRAMMAR GRAMMAR



La forma interrogativa del presente semplice si costruisce con: do + soggetto + forma base del verbo per tutte le persone, a eccezione della terza persona singolare che diventa does + soggetto + forma base del verbo: Do they like apples? Does he play volleyball?

DoSoggettoVerbo Risposte brevi affermative Risposte brevi negative

DoI play… ?Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

Doyouplay… ?Yes, you do.No, you don’t.

Doeshe/she/itplay… ?Yes, he/she/it does.No, he/she/it doesn’t.

Dowe play… ?Yes, we do. No, we don’t.

Doyou play… ?Yes, you do.No, you don’t.

Dothey play… ?Yes, they do.No, they don’t.

1 Rendi interrogative le frasi.

Do they like monkeys?

They like monkeys. She likes dogs. You like butterflies. He likes lions. We like ducks. She likes donkeys.

2 Cerchia l’opzione corretta.

1. Do / Does she like English?

2. Do / Does Alice read books?

3. Do / Does we go to school by bike?

4. Do / Does they speak French?

3 Osserva le immagini e rispondi alle domande.

1. Does she like eggs?

2. Do you like bananas?

3. Do we like pasta?

4. Do they like tomatoes?

5. Does he like milk?

6. Does your dog like fish?

4 Completa le domande e le risposte come nell’esempio.

1. dogs / they / like / ✔ ?

2. pizza / you / eat / ✘ ?

3. eat / meat / it / ✔ ?

4. play / she / guitar / ✔ ?

5. I / a cat / have / ✘ ?

6. walk / to school / we / ✔ ? Do they like dogs Yes, they do.



Gli avverbi di frequenza si usano per indicare quanto spesso viene compiuta un’azione e si trovano tra il soggetto e il verbo: I usually go to school by bus. She sometimes comes with me. always **** usually *** often ** sometimes * never

1 Riordina le frasi.

1. My / usually / Saturdays / works / mum / on

My mum usually works on Saturdays.

2. nice / always / my / English teacher / is

3. never / I / watch / on TV / reality shows

4. Jessica / eats / often / chocolate ice cream

5. Peter / sometimes / to the disco / goes / Sundays / on

2 Riscrivi le frasi inserendo l’avverbio di frequenza al posto giusto.

1. We have coffee for breakfast. (never)

2. They go to the park on Sundays. (sometimes)

3. You write a lot. (always)


Collega le due parti delle frasi. Poi riscivile.

1. My sister always goes to A. with my best friend Andrea.

2. Martina is always

3. I usually do my homework

4. Paul never reads

5. Joe always does his homework

6. We always help

4 Osserva e completa i fumetti. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

B. novels.

C. very happy.

D. in the evening.

E. London for the weekend.

F. our friends.

My sister always goes to London for the weekend.

Do you (***) go to school by bike? I (****) go to the seaside in summer. Me, too! I (**) go to Greece! Yes, I do.



Il presente progressivo si usa per esprimere azioni che avvengono nel momento in cui si parla e si costruisce con: soggetto + am/are/is + forma –ing del verbo principale: I am doing my homework. The dog is running in the park. She’s wearing a red T-shirt.

SoggettoVerbo Forma contratta

Iam wearing…I’m wearing…

You are wearing…You’re wearing…

He/She/It is wearing…

He/She/It’s wearing…

We are wearing…We’re wearing… You are wearing…You’re wearing… They are wearing… They’re wearing…

1 Completa le frasi con i verbi al present continuous.

are studying. We She her bike.

They a pizza. He .

2 Cerchia l’opzione corretta.

1. We go / are going to the park, come with us!

2. I’m wear / I’m wearing a blue jumper.

3. Lucy is eating / is eat a big pizza.

4. Now they are living / are live in Manchester.

3 Trasforma il verbo tra parentesi al present continuous.

1. I (read) this book.

2. They (play) football.

3. She (read) a wonderful book.

4. We (study) our lessons.

5. They (go) home.

6. I (watch) my favourite TV show.

4 Completa le frasi usando i verbi al present simple o al present continuous. I’m reading this book.

Linda usually to school by bike, but today she to school by bus.

They usually cartoons, but today they a film. goes is going

Luke usually tennis, but today he basketball. She usually the guitar, but today she the piano.



La forma negativa del presente progressivo si costruisce con soggetto + am/are/is + not + forma –ing del verbo principale: I am not wearing a jacket. Lucy is not doing her homework. We are not going to the park.

Soggetto Verbo Forma contratta

I am not wearing…I’m not wearing…

You are not wearing…You’re not wearing…

He/She/It is not wearing…He/she/it isn’t wearing…

We are not wearing…We aren’t wearing…

You are not wearing…You aren’t wearing…

They are not wearing…They aren’t wearing…

1 Trasforma le frasi alla forma negativa.

1. They’re washing their car.

2. I’m doing my homework.

3. We’re having a good time!

4. My brother is making a cake.

They aren’t washing their car.

5. Mark is buying some food at the supermarket.

6. I’m working now.

7. Linda and John are waiting for the bus.

2 Osserva e completa le frasi.

She (play) tennis. He (read) a book.

They (eat) food. We (go) to the beach.

3 Ordina le parole e scrivi le frasi.

1. listening / aren’t / me / to/ They

2. wearing / She / isn’t / jeans

They aren’t listening to me.

3. cinema / going / We / aren’t / to / the

4. children / The / sleeping / aren’t

5. not / I’m / a / wearing / jacket

6. studying / Barbara / isn’t

4 Completa usando i verbi forniti. Usa la forma negativa del present continuous.

eat • do • study • play • watch

1. Mike and Simon tennis.

2. We lunch at the restaurant.

3. Linda History for the test.

4. My brother cartoons in the living room.

5. They are an experiment in their room.



La forma interrogativa del presente progressivo si costruisce con am/are/is + soggetto + forma –ing del verbo principale: Are you going to the cinema? Is she studying with Bill? Are they running home?

Verbo essere SoggettoVerbo Risposte brevi affermative Risposte brevi negative

AmIwearing… ?Yes, I am.No, I’m not.

Areyouwearing… ?Yes, you are.No, you aren’t.

Ishe/she/itwearing… ?Yes, he/she/it is.No, he/she/it isn’t.

Arewe wearing… ?Yes, we are.No, we aren’t.

Areyou wearing… ?Yes, you are.No, you aren’t.

Arethey wearing… ?Yes, they are.No, they aren’t.

1 Osserva e rispondi usando le risposte brevi.

Are you dancing?

Yes, I am.

Is he writing?

Are you dancing?

Is she writing?

2 Completa le domande e le risposte con la forma interrogativa del present continuous.

1. she (read) a book? Yes, she is.

2. you (make) a cake? No, .

3. we (go) to school? Yes, .

4. it (eat) a carrot? Yes, .

5. they (have) fun? No, they . Is reading

3 Osserva e scrivi le domande e le risposte usando il present continuous. Are they playing tennis? No, they aren’t. They’re playing football.

play / tennis

write / letter

swim / in the sea

eat / food

make / a cake



Per WH-questions si intendono tutte le domande la cui prima parola comincia, appunto, con le lettere WH, benché comprendano anche la domanda How?

1 Cerchia l’opzione corretta.

1. Who / What is in your schoolbag?

2. Who / What is your English teacher?

3. Where / What do you live?

4. When / What are you doing?

5. When / Who is your birthday?

6. Where / Why are you sad?

7. What / How do we get to school?

2 Ordina le parole e scrivi le domande.

1. is / Where / my / pencil case?

2. I / can / the / How / station / to / get?

3. is / your / brother / Who?

4. concert / When / is / the?

5. What / favourite / your / is / colour?

6. are / How / today / you?

Who?Chi? What?Che cosa? Where?Dove? When?Quando? Why?Perché? How?Come?

3 Completa le domande.

4 Leggi le risposte e scrivi le domande corrette. Poi numera le immagini.

1. The cat is on the armchair. ? (where)

2. It’s my yellow scarf. ? (what)

3. My science teacher is Mrs Albert. ? (who)

4. The concert is on Tuesday. ? (when)

5. I go to school by bus. ? (how)

6. I’m happy because it’s my birthday! ? (why) is she? She’s at the library. are they doing? They’re swimming. is the show? It’s on Sunday. is that? That is my cousin.



La forma affermativa dell’imperativo si costruisce con la forma base del verbo: Come here! Run! Alla forma negativa, si aggiunge Don’t prima del verbo: Don’t shout! Don’t jump on the sofa!

L’imperativo alla prima persona plurale si usa per proporre qualcosa e si costruisce con let’s + forma base del verbo: Let’s go! Let’s have lunch!

1 Abbina le frasi alle immagini.

1. Stop!

2. Look left!

3. Look right!

4. Listen!

5. Cross the road!

2 Trasforma le frasi alla forma imperativa.

1. You have to wash your hands.

2. You have to open your book.

3. You have to brush your teeth.

4. You have to sit down. Wash your hands!


Trasforma le frasi alla forma negativa dell’imperativo. Poi numera le immagini.

1. Play video games in class.

2. Listen to music in class.

3. Eat in class.

4. Shout in class.

5. Sleep in class.

6. Chew bubble-gum in class.

Don’t play video games in class.

4 Trasforma le frasi alla forma negativa.

1. Stand up!

2. Raise your hands!

3. Write!

4. Close the window!

5. Disturb!

6. Go out!

Don’t stand up!




Il verbo like può essere usato per esprimere preferenze e gusti abbinato alla forma in -ing degli altri verbi, che in questo caso si traducono all’infinito: I like swimming. He likes reading.

Alla forma negativa, si aggiunge don’t (o doesn’t alla terza persona singolare) prima di like:

They don’t like running. It doesn’t like eating meat.

La forma interrogativa si forma con do/does + like + forma in –ing del verbo: Do you like going to school? Does he like watching films? Does she like reading?

Forma affermativaForma negativaForma interrogativa I like reading. I don’t like running.Do I like swimming?

You like reading.You don’t like running.Do you like swimming?

He/She/It likes reading.

He/She/It doesn’t like running. Does he/she/it like swimming?

We like reading.We don’t like running.Do we like swimming?

You like reading.You don’t like running.Do you like swimming?

They like reading.They don’t like running.Do you like swimming? He likes . She

Osserva e completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi forniti.

Le risposte brevi si costruiscono con do: Yes, I do. No, he doesn’t. Yes, she does. play tennis • sing • cook


Completa le domande e le risposte.

1. Do you swimming? Yes, .

3 Abbina le immagini ai verbi corretti. Poi scrivi delle frasi con like oppure don’t like in modo che siano vere per te.

1. I like . 2. . 3. . 4. I don’t like . 5. . 6. . EASY GRAMMAR GRAMMAR

2. Does she ? (study French) No, . 3. he ? (cook) No, . 4. they basketball? (play) Yes, . 5. we to school? (go) Yes, . 6. you letters? (write) No, . swim • cook • study • write • set the table • wash the dishes



Le preposizioni di luogo indicano dove si trovano persone, animali o oggetti: The book is on the table. The cat is under the bed.

sopra on dentro in sotto under dietro behind tra between davanti in front of vicino next to lontano far from di fronte opposite

1 Osserva e scrivi la preposizione corretta.

2 Completa le frasi riferite ai disegni dell’esercizio 1.

1. The milk is the fridge.

2. The is the .

3. The is the . 4. The the cow.

3 Leggi le domande e scrivi le risposte.

1. Where is your schoolbag? (in / wardrobe)

It’s in the wardrobe.

2. Where is Edward? (in front of / school)

3. Where is the crab? (under / sand)

4. Where is the supermarket? (next to / school)

5. Where are the palm trees? (behind / volcano)

6. Where is Linda? (between / Jo and Meg)

Ora disegna gli elementi mancanti come indicato nell’esercizio



Il passato semplice del verbo essere si costruisce con soggetto

+ was per la prima e la terza persona singolare e con soggetto + were per tutte le altre persone: I was at school yesterday. He was at the park. We were happy. They were at the party.



You were

He/She/It was We were You were They were

Last summer I was at the seaside with James.

I was in the mountains with my grandad.

1 Completa con was oppure were.

I happy. They tired. He late. He scared. You a baby. It dirty.

2 Cerchia l’opzione corretta.

1. I was / were at home last night.

2. Susie was / were with James at the beach.

3. We was / were late for school yesterday.

4. It was / were very hot last summer.

5. They was / were very happy for the party.

3 Completa con was oppure were. Poi numera le immagini.

1. The car expensive.

2. We out last night.

3. The book interesting.

4. They at the library last week.

5. You late yesterday.

6. We at the concert together.

4 Riordina le parole e scrivi le frasi.

1. was / I / in the UK / born

2. was / She / September / in / born

3. They / on / Italy / holiday / in / were

4. yesterday / windy / It / was

5. was / Her / delicious / cake

6. was / It / cold / yesterday

7. My / was / grandad / doctor / a was

I was born in the UK.




La forma negativa del passato semplice del verbo essere si costruisce con soggetto + was/were + not: I was not ready. She was not happy. They were not at the mountains.

La forma contratta diventa wasn’t o weren’t. wasn’t

Soggetto Verbo Forma contratta

I was not… I wasn’t…

You were not…You weren’t…

He/She/It was not… He/she/it wasn’t…

We were not…We weren’t…

You were not…You weren’t…

They were not…They weren’t…

1 Completa con wasn’t o weren’t.

1. It a sunny day.

2. I at school yesterday.

3. The shoes expensive.

4. The film interesting.

5. He a football player at school.

6. You late for the lesson.


La forma interrogativa del passato semplice del verbo essere si costruisce con was/were + soggetto: Was he late yesterday? Were you at the party?

Forma interrogativa Risposte brevi affermative Risposte brevi negative

Was I… ?Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.

Were you… ?Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.

Was he/she/it… ?Yes, he/she/it was. No, he/she/it wasn’t.

Were we… ?Yes, we were. No, we weren’t.

Were you… ?Yes, you were. No, you weren’t. Were they… ?Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.

2 Completa le domande con was o were.

the shop open last Sunday? the bus late yesterday? your brother a guitar player? your sister a volleyball player? they at Jenny’s birthday party? they on holiday in Italy last week?

3 Abbina le domande dell’esercizio precedente alle risposte.

Yes, they were. Yes, they were. No, she wasn’t. Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t. Yes, he was.

Responsabile editoriale: Mafalda Brancaccio

Responsabile di progetto: Giulia Abbiati

Redazione: Chiara Tricella

Responsabile di produzione: Francesco Capitano

Progetto grafico e impaginazione: Carmen Fragnelli, ABC Zone

Supervisione grafica: Carmen Fragnelli

Copertina: A come Ape di Alessia Zucchi

Illustrazioni: Giulia Quagli

Ricerca iconografica: Paola Rainaldi

Referenze iconografiche: Shutterstock

Stampa: Tecnostampa – Pigini Group Printing Division Loreto – Trevi

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62019 Recanati (MC) • Italia



EquiLibri • Progetto Parità è un percorso intrapreso dal Gruppo Editoriale ELi, in collaborazione con l’Università di Macerata, per promuovere una cultura delle pari opportunità rispettosa delle differenze di genere, della multiculturalità e dell’inclusione. Si tratta di un progetto complesso e in continuo divenire, per questo ringraziamo anticipatamente il corpo docente e coloro che vorranno contribuire con i loro suggerimenti al fine di rendere i nostri testi liberi da pregiudizi e sempre più adeguati alla realtà.

• Personaggi affettivi che accompagnano i bambini e le bambine in un viaggio alla scoperta della lingua inglese di cui saranno i veri protagonisti!

• Tema del viaggio come punto di partenza per esplorare il mondo e la sua ricchezza attraverso la lingua inglese.

• Percorso di educazione socioemotiva (SEL) in tutte le unità del volume.

• Approccio ricorsivo e circolare all’apprendimento della lingua con attenzione al lead-in.

• Numerose attività di speaking, TPR, CLIL, craft.

• Canzoni divertenti e coinvolgenti.

• Cartoni animati delle storie e videopresentazione del lessico.

Il corso “spaziale” per imparare l’inglese in un contesto aperto alle scoperte e allo stare bene insieme!

• Sezione dedicata alle Festivities.

• Pagine dedicate alla Culture, alla grammatica e al CLIL in tutte le unità.

• Numerosi esercizi in preparazione al test INVALSI.

Il percorso del viaggio si snoda anche attraverso

i Travel Diary, allegati allo Student’s Book, ricchi di attività di approfondimento, giochi, mappe da completare e una sezione di Storytelling.

Il volume Easy Grammar presenta le regole grammaticali in maniera chiara e sistematica, con molti esercizi di consolidamento e approfondimento.

In apertura di volume uno Starter Module consente un ripasso dei principali contenuti affrontati nelle classi prima, seconda e terza.

Classe quinta


• KIT DOCENTE comprensivo di guida con la programmazione, risorse didattiche, test, flashcard, poster e tutto il necessario per il Corso.

• LIBRO DIGITALE (scaricalo seguendo le istruzioni all’interno della copertina) con LIBRO LIQUIDO ACCESSIBILE: volumi sfogliabili, esercizi interattivi, audiolibri, tracce audio, canzoni, video animati delle storie.

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