“who in the world am I? Ah, that’s the great puzzle” - Lewis Carroll
Cover Image: Context Acrylic on canvas 200 cm X 145 cm
Context A n E x h i b i t i o n o f P a i n t i n g a n d S c u l p t u re b y L a u r a Z e n i
17th JUNE 2015 - 15th JULY 2015
EXHIBITION CURATED BY ELISA MARTINELLI, FORTUNATO D’AMICO UK ARTIST LIASON AGENT MONICA COLUSSI BROCHURE CONCEPT ARTMOORHOUSE ALL IMAGES ©Bruno Bani PRESS OFFICE IBC IRMA BIANCHI COMMUNICATION MEDIA PARTNER First published in 2015 by ArtMoorHouse All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by means, electrical, mechanical or otherwise, without first seeking the permission of the copyright owners and publishers. All images in this catalogue are protected by copyright and should not be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder. Details of the copyright holder to be obtained from ArtMoorHouse. ©2015 ArtMoorHouse
Laura Zeni's artistic research focuses on the origins of the evolving aspects of human behaviour. It centres on the perpetual swinging of conscious and unconscious impulses that generate individual sets of cognitive representations. Mankind is the engine for these great transformations and what we depend upon for all future political and earthly developments. Inner balance and hedonistic excess, derived from the pursuit of power and vainglory, are responsible for both positive and negative results. In our daily life these become tangible, and appear to us as at the moment they are conceived in our minds. The heads on show, drawn, painted or sculpted like antennas, are the representation of Laura Zeni's reflections: both individual and collected behavioural psychologies. They tell us about the soul's journey, a voyage through achievable and impossible contexts, they urge us to recognise their pivotal role in determining the quality of our choices. It is the soul that guides us towards awareness of inner peace and our contemplation of earthly elements and the divine. Cognitive threads wave our thoughts, and evoke our imagination like the waves of a large deep sea, they move towards our dreams. The works on show are the visual representation of our most inner feelings. Liquid bodies, multidimensional shapes and ultra thin threads, that become alive in their intersections. They define the cluster of relationship philosophy, capturing common interests and frequencies, they generate new intuitions and positive energetic movements. Zeni is in perpetual dialogue with herself and with each one of us. Her iconography is based upon the interactions between the external environment and our individual inner universes which are responsible for generating our thoughts and actions. Nothing remains the same, everything is in constant flux. Earthly elements are bound to the rebirth cycle, they grow to rot becoming part of great Mother Nature. The individual point of view is determined by the personal perception of the social cultural environment within a given historical context. These ephemeral aspects of life generate contrasts and insecurities, but it is the balance between opposites that leads us towards the purity of the soul. Laura Zeni's research, free from any material restriction, aims for enlightenment. Fortunato D’Amico Art Critic and Writer
Context - 2015 - Acrylic on canvas - 200 cm x 145 cm
Connexion - 2015 - Acrylic on canvas - 180 cm x 120 cm
Corpi fluttuanti - 2015 - Acrylic on canvas -180 cm x 120 cm
Risveglio - 2015 - I of II - Acrylic on canvas - 100 cm x 150 cm
Coral Diptych - 2015 - Acrylic on woven paper - 140 cm x 200 cm
Geometrie Femminili - 2015 - I of III Acrylic on canvas - 120 cm x 100 cm
Geometrie Femminili - 2015 - II of III - Acrylic on canvas - 100 cm x 120 cm
Geometrie Femminili - 2015 - III of III Acrylic on canvas - 100 cm x 80 cm
Corpi - 2015 - Iron - 43 cm x 50 cm x 15 cm
Radar - 2015 - Iron - 71 cm x 63 cm x 15 cm
Dondola - 2015 - Iron - 63 cm x 55 cm x 50 cm
Intreccio - 2015 - Iron - 100 cm x 43 cm x 0,5 cm
Trame - 2015 - I of II - Acrylic on woven paper - 100 cm x 140 cm
Composizione Centaura - 2015 - 7 acrylic on cardboard,13 cm x 10 cm each Plexiglass - 60 cm x 70 cm
Composizione Dialoghi - 2014 - Coltivare la Mente I of II - Acrylic on canvas 151,5 cm x 150 cm
Dialoghi Diptych - 2015 - I of II - Acrylic on canvas - 50 cm x 80 cm
Dialoghi Diptych - 2015 - II of II - Acrylic on canvas - 50 cm x 80 cm
Anime Diptych - 2013 - Acrylic on woven paper - 33 cm x 53 cm
Forme - 2013 - Acrylic on canvas - 80 cm x 60 cm
Scomposizione - 2013 - Acrylic on canvas - 80 cm x 60 cm
Corpi Aurei - 2012 - Acrylic on woven paper - 140 cm x 100 cm
Il Soffio della Ballerina Triptych - 2013 - Acrylic on woven paper - 140 cm x 300 cm
Risveglio - 2012 - II of II - Acrylic on woven paper 140 cm x 100 cm
Trame Diptych - 2012 - II of II - Acrylic on woven paper - 140 cm x 200 cm
Composizione Trame - 2015 - 7 acrylic on cardboard, 13 cm x 10 cm each Plexiglass 60 cm x 70 cm
Natural-Mente - 2015 - Coltivare la Mente II of II Wallpaper print - 317 cm x 228 cm
SOLO SHOW 2006 - Galleria GAV Playful joy. Milan, Italy 2007
- Mondadori via Marghera Omaggio a.. Milan, Italy - Globe, Launch event for the presentation of: Il mondo di Will, Book written and illustrated by Laura Zeni. Milan, Italy 2008
- Superstudiopiù White. Milan, Italy - Fuori Salone del Mobile - Jannelli & Volpi. Milan, Italy 2010
- Circolo della stampa, Launch event for the presentation of: Un cuore a quattro zampe Book written and illustrated by Laura Zeni. Italia Press Edizioni, Milan, Italy 2012
- Laura Zeni. Illuminazioni. Exhibition curated by Fortunato D’Amico, catalogue, Skira. MyOwnGallery di Superstudiopiù. Milan, Italy - Laura Zeni…Che meraviglia! Exhibition curated by Fortunato D’Amico. BIM-Banca Intermobiliare Milan, Italy 2013
- Laura Zeni. Indian Pattern. Exhibition curated by Fortunato D’Amico Spazio Tadini Milan, Italy - L’esperienza del risveglio. Exhibition curated by di Fortunato D’Amico. Arte nella Grotta, Church of San Giuseppe Alba (Cuneo) Italy - Fuori Salone, Superstudio 13 e ad AAM – Arte Accessibile. Milan, Italy - “Testa Scrambler” Spazio Acquadimare. Launch Event of the motorbike Scrambler Borile, Milan, Italy 2014 - Laura Zeni. Una Poetica. Exhibition curated by Gabriella Brembati. Cremona, Palazzo Comunale Cremona, Italy - Launch of Table cloth Design “io mangio con la Testa” From LaZenArt. Dada Café Superstudio Milan Italy - SuperstudioComplementi di arredo di design Più Double Room. Event for Porcelanosa group. Event curated by Fortunato D’Amico. Milan, Italy - Coltivare la mente Triennale di Milano - Spazio Material ConneXion, Exhibition curated by Fortunato D’Amico. Milan, Italy - Superstudio Più, Yogafestival. Milan, Italy
- Laura Zeni. Le forme del gusto, a cura di Stefano Valera. Eataly, Milan Italy 2015
- Roma, Aromatherapy. Laura Zeni, a cura di Fortunato D’Amico. Dai Studio. Rome,Italy - Laura Zeni. Mangia con la Testa, a cura di Melina Scalise e Francesco Tadini.Spazio Tadini, Milan, Italy COLLECTIVE EXHIBITIONS 2007 - Macef Vitamine Milano con il team di RistorArte. Fiera di Milano Rho, Milan, Italy Glamroom Choice with Aldo Cibic. Vicenza Art Fair. Vicenza, Italy 2012
- Il Fabbricone 20 Veggenti. Exhibition curated by Fortunato D’Amico. Vigevano, Italy 2013
- Il movimento del corpo e della mente. Exhibition curated by Fortunato D’Amico. Macs – Mazda Con-Temporary Space Be on the move. Milan, Italy - Arte da Mangiare. Chiostri dell’Umanitaria Milan, Italy - L’Ora del tè Eventiquattro, Head office of the newspaper: Sole24Ore Exhibition curated by Fortunato D’Amico. Milan Italy - Arte in movimento, Spoleto International Art Fair 2013 Exhibition curated by Maria Lucia Soares, Palazzo Leti Sansi. Spoleto, Italy - Macef Opere d’Arti con l’associazione Arte da Mangiare. Fiera di Milano Rho Milan Italy - Umanitaria Cibarsi CreativaMente. Gestalt. Poesia, Arte, Danza con l’associazione Arte da Mangiare. Milan Italy - Gong Om: suonati e meditati Exhibition curated by Fortunato D’Amico. Spazio Tadini, Milan Italy. - Brerart with Associazione Arte da Mangiare, C.A.M Falcone e Borsellino, Milan, Italy. - Save my dream a cura di da Francesco Tadini e Melina Scalise. Spazio Tadini Milan Italy. - Gesto della Semina with Associazione Arte da Mangiare Depuratore Nosedo Milan, Italy - Coreografia D’Arte 2013. Festival and Exhibition curated by Francesco Tadini and Federicapaola Capecchi. Spazio Tadini, Milan Italy
- Firenze, IX Biennale Internazionale d’Arte Contemporanea di Firenze - Passeggiata d’Arte e di Valori tra gli Olivi, Azienda Agricola Buonamici di Fiesole in collaboration with con Olio Officina Food Festival. - Il dono dell’Umanità. Exhibition curated by Maria Lucia Soares. Auditorium della Regione Lombardia, Milan, Italy 2014
- Le Celle - L’Anima. 8 celle per 8 artisti. Fortezza del Priamàr, Savona, Italy - International Festival Art Expo Spoleto 2014, Curated by Maria Lucia Soares. Chiostro di San Nicolò, Spoleto, Italy - MPG 2014 – Mostra per gioco, Spazio Tadini, Milan, Italy Esposizioni, Paratissima 10. Turin, Italy OTHER ACTIVITIES Filmmaker International Festival. Official Festival poster image. Milan, Italy
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TRIPHYLLA® is the technical sponsor of Laura Zeni's solo exhibition at ArtMoorHouse in London
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WALLPEPPER® is the technical sponsor of Laura Zeni's solo exhibition at ArtMoorHouse in London
Special thanks to Stefano Valera for Prosecco Bisol
UK ARTIST LIASON AGENT M on ic a Colu s s i +44 7802 647424
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