Cover Image: La Donna Uccello - acrylic on canvas, 2015 100 cm x 70 cm
BROCHURE CONCEPT ARTMOORHOUSE A l l i m a g e s © To m m a s o P e n n i s i
First publish in 2016 by ArtMoorHouse All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by means, electrical, mechanical or otherwise, without first seeking the permission of the copyright owners and publishers. All images in this catalogue are protected by copyright and should not be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder. Details of the copyright holder to be obtained from ArtMoorHouse. ©2016 ArtMoorHouse
To m m a s o P e n n i s i a t A r t M o o r H o u s e Tommaso Pennisi at Le Dame Gallery On show is a selection of thought provoking artworks spanning the last three years of Pennisi’s artistic practice. They are the depiction of the deconstruction of natural forms and elements, which have been inspirationally drawn from the Artist’s origins and upbringing. Pennisi’s paintings are deeply rooted in the use of symbolism and illustrational techniques. Growing up in the coastline of Sicily, south of Italy, the artist has always been greatly inspired by nature, which is often depicted with bright colours and thick expressive brush strokes. Pennisi plays with illusionary shapes have the ability to communicate with our memories and subconscious. The movement in his artistic decision-making can be said to be a metaphorical portrayal of the sea and the recurring theme of waves. With complete freedom and an enduring willingness to explore his impulsive, almost childlike painting techniques, represent both playtime and profound meditation. The soul, freed from the weight of the body, is depicted by the artist as different birds. The Phoenix, the mythological bird that burns in flames and rises from its ashes, is the representation of the metamorphosis of the matter. In Pennisi’s work, this continuous life cycle occurring by opposing forces achieves absolute harmony.
Alba Marina Acrylic on canvas, 2013 70 cm x 100 cm
La Foca Notturna Acrylic on canvas, 2014 70 cm x 70 cm
La Donna Uccello Acrylic on canvas, 2015 100 cm x 70 cm
Lo sguardo Acrylic on canvas, 2014 70 cm x 50 cm
La Donna albero Acrylic on canvas, 2015 100 cm x 70 cm
La Scia del Ritorno Acrylic on canvas, 2013 50 cm x 70 cm
Gli occhi della vita Acrylic on canvas, 2013 50 cm x 70 cm
Ossigeno del mio cuore Acrylic on canvas, 2013 50 cm x 70 cm
Creatura Esotica Acrylic on canvas, 2016 50 cm x 40 cm
Natura Mistica Acrylic on canvas, 2014 50 cm x 70 cm
Follie di Primavera Acrylic on canvas, 2016 50 cm x 70 cm
Untitled 1 Ink on canvas, 2016 24 cm x 33 cm
Untitled 2 Ink on canvas, 2016 24 cm x 33 cm
Untitled 3 Ink on canvas, 2016 24 cm x 33 cm
Untitled 4 Ink on canvas, 2016 24 cm x 33 cm
Untitled 5 Ink on canvas, 2016 24 cm x 33 cm
Untitled 6 Ink on canvas, 2016 24 cm x 33 cm
Untitled 7 Ink on canvas, 2016 24 cm x 33 cm
Untitled 8 Ink on canvas, 2016 24 cm x 33 cm
Untitled 9 Ink on canvas, 2016 24 cm x 33 cm
Untitled 10 Ink on canvas, 2016 24 cm x 33 cm
Untitled 11 Ink on canvas, 2016 24 cm x 33 cm
Untitled 12 Ink on canvas, 2016 24 cm x 33 cm
Artist Statement I t hink t hat t he act of paint ing does not involve just a simple mechanical appl icat ion of colour; for me it is an art t hat makes us face complex issues. In my opinion, t he more complex our ID is, t he more we tend to create somet hing profound ly mysterious, which impl ies also colour rendering, hue variat ions and t he study of l ight and shadow. Under my tranquil surface, l ies a troubled man. Each t ime I find mysel f in front of a blank canvas, wit hin me, a silent rebel l ion is hatchi ng. It is as if inside me t here were twisted coloured wires, ready to explode from my ego to imprint t hem on t he pictorial surface. I am a lover of nature, as a child I was always at tracted to t he animals and in part icular to birds. W inged animals always give me a sense of freedom and freshness, a feel ing of marine euphoria. Just l ike t he fl ight of seagul ls ready to lash out at t he waves of t he sea to feed on smal l fish, so my brush is ready to sink into t he canvas. Mainly I depict birds or animals t hat transform and develop, as I paint t hem, into imaginary, somet imes indefinable, shapes. I love to use bright colours, however lately I have been using darker shades, aiming to give my depict ions a feel of indefinite shapes, wit h soft edges, as t hey are often covered by a black pat ina. It amuses me to keep on changing shapes on my canvas unt il I find t he right one. My characters are subject to t he same simpl ificat ion as I apply to t he colours; so simpl ified t hey appear to be more human and more al ive, instead of being detailed representat ions. The graphic l ine is crucial to be able to achieve t he creat ion of my fantast ic shapes t hat are t he symbol of my inner l ife and my way of being: so calm and quiet at first glance. Paint ing is my surge, my soul, my inner sel f, my sadness, my happiness, my l ife.
Born in Giarre (Catania) Italy in May 1988, he currently lives in Giarre (Catania), Italy In 2009 - 2010 Pennisi attends painting classes taught by Master F. Scialfa. In 2010 he illustrates the book “Farewell, Culture of Respect� for Armando Siciliano Editore. In March of 2012 he graduates in Graphic Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania, Italy. In 2012, 2013 and 2015 Pennisi took part in the Exhibition Etna Comics exhibiting works inspired by the literary works of the poet Edgar Allan Poe. In the years 2010 to 2012 he exhibited his works in exhibitions organised at the Academy of Fine Arts of Catania and Nike. In 2013 Pennisi achieved the same degree in Painting Techniques Institution Address Restoration with highest honours from the Academy of Fine Arts of Catania and Nike. In 2016 he graduates MA Degree in Visual Arts Painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania, Italy.
ArtMoorHouse is proud to present:
T. P. L O N D O N P R O J E C T Tommaso Pennisi at ArtMoorHouse 26 April - 25 May 2016 Tommaso Pennisi at Le Dame Art Gallery at MeliĂ White House 21 November - 27 November 2016
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