Optimize Post-sale Experience of Your E-commerce Customers

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Optimize Post-sale Experience of Your Ecommerce Customers

You have successfully converted your prospects into customers, now what’s next? Remember that your relationship with your customers doesn’t end as soon as they click the “submit order” button; it goes to the next level from there, in fact. If you don’t pay attention to them after they complete a purchase then you miss out on the opportunity to convert them into loyal customers. Here are few tips on how to improve the post-purchase experience to make the most out of conversions:

Go beyond ‘Thank You’ Don’t just stop at ‘Thank You’ when your customers’ engagement with your e-store is still high. Your customer might be excited after successfully completing a purchase which they consider was a great deal. Tap into that positive emotion by giving them a way to share their happiness or get peer validation on social media. This is about customers’ feelings; do not mistake it for a promotional tactic.

Get creative with your transactional emails This is your only email that your customers look forward to. After placing an order or making a purchase they want to be informed about its progress. Personalize it by addressing your customers by name; get them to sign-up to your mailing list by offering them discount on next purchase or by any other creative way; include cross-sell items to bring them back to your website. Keep them hyped about the purchase by reminding them how much they have saved by taking advantage of the deal.

Build social proof by getting customer feedback Encourage your customers to rate your products and write testimonials and in the process you can also build social proof. Remember to time your email right. For instance, ask for feedback after your customers have had enough time to use your products.

Choose right timing for up-sells and cross-sells Use your email to serve as a reminder to your customers to get replenishment, an upgrade or items to complement their previous purchase based on the lifespan of your product. For example, your customer has just completed a purchase of an entry-level DSLR camera, if you try to sell a professionallevel camera to that customer, then your efforts may go in vain. Rather, to nudge that customer to buy lenses or filters would make some sense.

Add value with personalized messages For building a loyal customer base you need not be an aggressive marketer. You can segment them demographically and psychographically and help them to get the most out of what they have just paid for. And most important, it doesn’t have to be always about your product or services. For instance, to the aforementioned customer who has paid for an entry-level camera, you can add value by sending information on rule of thirds or depth of field which are useful for a newbie photographer.

For gaining in-depth knowledge in this subject you can consult your e-commerce development agency and they can guide you by bringing their marketers and e-commerce development experts on the same page.

Originally Posted On:- http://bit.ly/2hsYdSg

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