Why Software will be Critical in Shaping the Future of Drone Industry?

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So many speculations are going on about where the drone industry is headed towards in the future and what developments will critically impact this industry. Experts believe as we move forward, software developments will dominate the headlines in 2017 and beyond with respect to creating value from the perspective of end user. Let us take a closer look how software developments will impact the drone industry in near future.

Improving drone services with software applications Field workers will be able to buy prosumer drone off the shelf to use them for their work as prosumer drone hardware becomes cheaper due to commodification. They would be able to download software application on their phone and use it for tracing, analyzing and watching the drone fly. The application will also collect sensor data and then combine it to form maps; aid the user with analysis and make decision with the data.

Commercial use cases Insurance, agriculture, land surveying, photography, etc. are the sectors wherein you can get your work done by a prosumer drone in a faster, better and cheaper way. For instance, in the insurance space drones can take the place of humans to climb on roof tops to do inspections and other similar works thus reducing the risk and potential injury.

As a result liability will be reduced and so will be the insurance costs. Hence, it is the right time for you to reach out to a software development agency and get developed industry-specific software applications to suit a particular commercial scenario you are working on. You can opt for an outsourced software development for a costeffective solution and get the maximum return on investment from your software strategy.

Data to actionable insights You would either need to depend on a data scientist or a software application to help you sort data and get answers from the drone. So, talk with your software development expert to create apps best suited to your sector of operation. For example, if you are a farmer then you can have an app to help you figure out irrigation plans or decide when to change the current fertilizing method. Such tailor-made apps can effectively answer your questions once they are seamlessly fed with drone data and thus enhance the value created by the drones. Originally Posted On:- http://bit.ly/2kroeSf

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