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Top 5 Software Development Trends to Watch Out for in 2017

The software development space is undoubtedly one of the extremely volatile markets. There have been significant advancements in machine learning, customer-centric design, open-source software development, infrastructure and reassembly, and so on. Let us put a glance on the breakthroughs that software development experts are anticipating in this New Year:

AI will become ubiquitous We are moving to an AI-omnipresent world. Tech Giants such as Google, Apple, Facebook, and Salesforce are locating and gathering startups that are highly focused on artificial intelligence. In 2016, 40 out of 140, rounded up since 2011, had been acquired.

Open source culture will continue to prevail The shift from operating systems to programming languages was made possible by open-source platforms. The success of every disruptive company out there is driven by the opensource culture and code. Let us keep pace with the everevolving face of technology!

Chatbots will engage customers Chatbots are giving feedbacks to customers efficiently as they can understand human emotion, even read their facial expressions and also learn new skills during the process. You can also implement chatbots to conduct sales or any form of communication with your customers. So, get in touch with a software development agency to create chatbots in order to facilitate your customers to engage with your brand through instant messenger.

Business infrastructure will be secure The overall health of your business infrastructure is often overlooked while paying attention to core business responsibilities. As a result security is compromised, maintenance costs increase, schedules conflict and servers succumb and perish within time. With new strides in development such as containers, serverless architecture, distributed systems and microservices, you will be able to focus on your business model without worrying about the infrastructure.

Smart apps will improve customer service With the colossal of data generated by the connected devices of Internet of Things (IoT) and other tech advancements, companies are turning to smart apps to get insights from the data and streamline them into core business processes in order to better serve their customers. The ever-growing popularity of chatbots is also pushing the rise of smart apps.

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