Nov / Dec 2020 EliteGen Toronto

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luxury living for canada's chinese elite

November/December 2020 Vol. 54 Toronto

ToronTo noV/DEC 2020

A sing Tao publicAtion

致敬珠寶傳奇 the jewellery issue : cartier, chopard, elsa peretti for tiffany & frédéric Zaavy 我要平穩地上升‧ 傅菁

singing success

fu jing

Display until Dec 31, 2020


Holiday gift guide inside


B® CHANEL S. de R.L.

A sing tao publicAtion

luxury living for cAnAdA's chinese elite

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 黃敬強 Calvin Wong 副社長 Associate Publisher 葉子青 Leslie Yip

編輯部 editorial 編輯及美術總監 Editorial/Design Director 華艾朗 Alan A. Vernon 副總編輯 Deputy Editor-in-chief 胡君偉 Kelvin Wu 編輯 Editor 李彩 Connie Li 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 卓穗良 Kannis Cheuk 編審 Copy Editor Ross Hopkins 編輯部 Editorial enquiries / 416-861-8168

參與 Contributors Simon J Boucher-Harris, Iris Chui, Michelle Demaree, Norris McDonald, Michael Muraz, Crystal Ng, Isabelle Ngai, Truc Nguyen, Renée Suen, Shuk Wa Tsang, Miranda Tsui, Emilia Ku Yazar, Kelvin Wu

互聯網及社交媒體 Online & social media 統籌 Coordinator 陳麗華 Tiffany Tan 編輯 Editor 徐少玲 Iris Chui

美術部 production & design 美術及製作經理 Production Manager/Art Direction 邱卓庭 Cliff Yau 美術助理 Graphic Art Assistant 陸凱茵 Gloria Luk

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出版 Publishing Published by Sing Tao Media Group Canada, affiliated with Torstar 加拿大星島傳媒集團出版,附屬多倫多星報

《星尚》歡迎來稿,但不對投稿負上任何責任。 《星尚》每年出版六期 。所有內容均為本刊資產。 eliteGen welcomes submissions but is not responsible for unsolicited materials. eliteGen is printed 6 times a year. Entire contents are property of eliteGen . 221 Whitehall Drive, Markham, Ontario L3R 9T1

publisher’s letter

送上小禮物 Break out the BauBles 被“桎梏”了差不多一年之後,我已經對假日迫不及 待了,讓聚會快點來吧,不管是線上的還是線下的,是 盛大的還是小型的,只要能讓我有機會打扮起來玩得開 心就好。更重要的是,我要送給我愛的人最豐富的禮 物—在過去的一年我沒有太多機會見到他們,但至少, 我要讓他們知道我是多麼珍視他們。 有人說這是“報復式”消費,但誰又不想這樣呢?正 因為如此,我要給您送上一期最華美的節日雜誌。除了 一年一度的節日送禮指南,您還會從蕭邦、卡地亞、蒂 芙尼和法國珠寶大師Frédéric Zaavy的經典中挖掘到珍 寶。為慶祝Pandora珠寶誕生20周年,我們更與該品牌 合作制作了特輯。時尚名人Alyssa Lai專程從埃德蒙頓飛 到多倫多,拍攝了佩戴Pandora最新款手鏈和串飾的專 輯。 在今秋巴黎、米蘭時裝周都移師線上的特別時期, 我們依然先行一步,為您展示出2021年春夏時裝的最新 潮流,如果您錯過了時裝周的網上直播,最炫的時裝造 型就在我們這裏。亮麗的色彩、大膽的圖形和線條蘊含 著的是希望,是信心—我們不都在期望明年會更好嗎? 在過去幾個月,我們主辦了幾期網上美妝大師班, 幫助網友扮靚自己。通過Neostrata、Caudalie、Clé de Peau Beauté、Kérastase等品牌,我們向網友推介了不 少皮膚護理專家,解答網友季節性皮膚護理的難題,傳 授一些重要的自我護理技巧。我們希望今後帶給大家更 多特別的體驗,不想錯過這些項目,就請關註我們的 Instagram或Facebook@eliteGenMag吧。 最後,讓我向我們的每一位讀者道一聲節日快樂! 把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮,開開心心過節吧!我們2021年 再見!

After being cooped up for much of the year, I just cannot wait for the holidays. I don’t care whether the parties are virtual or IRL (in real life)—I just want to dress up and have some fun for a change. Moreover, I want to shower my loved ones with the most lavish gifts ever. As I have not seen them as much as I would have liked this year, at least I can show them how much I love and cherish them. Some may call it revenge dressing/spending/gifting, but who doesn’t need some of that about now? So, we feature one of our most extravagant holiday issues yet. In addition to our annual gift guide, our pages are filled with jewellery from Chopard, Cartier, Elsa Peretti for Tiffany and Frédéric Zaavy. Plus, in celebration of the 20th anniversary of Pandora jewellery, we are doing a special collaboration with the brand. Influencer Alyssa Lai (@imalyssalau) made a special trip to Toronto from Edmonton for our photo shoot so she could model Pandora's latest bracelets and charms. As usual, our fashion pages spring one tiny step ahead of the season. The Spring/Summer 2021 shows in Paris and Milan all went virtual this year. For those who missed the web livecasts, we've curated some of the best looks: bright colours, bold patterns and daring shapes that exude hope and confidence. Aren’t we all looking forward to better times ahead? And to help our readers always look their best—not just in attire and adornment—in the last few months we've also been busy hosting virtual beauty masterclasses. Working with great brands like Neostrata, Caudalie, Clé de Peau Beauté and Kérastase, we connect readers with skincare experts to address seasonal skincare concerns and learn important self-care tips. Going forward, we hope to continue to bring you more special experiences. If you haven’t already, please be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook @eliteGenMag. We hope you enjoy the issue. And from all of us at eliteGen, we wish each and every one of you a healthy and wealthy festive season. See you in 2021.

Leslie Yip Associate Publisher Twitter & Instagram: leslieyip0911


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eliteGen 38

up front 6 團隊 Masthead

8 出版人的話 publisher's letter


14 鎂光燈下 on the red carpet

fashion 18-29 潮流特區 lV store opening, ss 2021 froM paris/Milan, office fashion beauty & scents 30-39 捍衛肌膚 neostrata, burberry, cool tools, Valentino shopping 40 聖誕禮品巡禮 annual xMas gift guide celebrity 46 封面故事 傅菁 • 我要平穩地上升 coVer girl: fu Jing




eliteGen 54




jewellery 54-71 簡約優雅 cartier, tiffany & frederic ZaaVy plus: pandora

lifestyle 80 品味 interior design: bolia

timeworthy 72 簡約設計精工藝 chopard

92 多倫多美食王國 dining to tell: liberty group 98 自流釀美酒 wine not?: the Magic of graVity

fashion: men 76 時尚之旅 giorgio arMani

86 旅遊 traVel: new Zealand

automobiles 100 凱迪拉克豪秀藍圖 cadillac lyriq eV tech 104 遊戲電視 tV innoVation


Dress coDe: oN the 'reD' carpet

繽紛燦爛 Spring flower

高貴修長 ring leader

仙氣滿滿 elegant allure




Bowie Cheung 張寳兒這身長裙色彩耀眼但不娘不俗,加上好多釘 珠和立體花花,繽紛又陽光。


E L I T E G E N. C A



Crystal Fung 馮盈盈這身黑色晚裝氣質高貴型格滿分。腰帶上的 鎖扣很特別,讓整個身形顯得修長。

Shiga Lin 這套白色閃片晚裝稍稍性感若隱若現,感覺好女性 化。尤其兩個手袖令整個造型透露出青春氣息。

Dress coDe: oN the 'reD' carpet

華麗耀眼 the blueS

溫潤優雅 gala glitter

簡約低調 chic Sheath




Moon Lau 劉佩玥這件開叉晚裝用上閃亮寶石藍,且面料富於 質感,加上腰位顏色對比鮮明的釘珠刺綉,既華麗 又耀眼。


E L I T E G E N. C A



Eliza Sam 銀色釘珠晚裝一向都較易顯肥,好難穿出韻味,但 岑麗香以簡約髮型配合,溫潤優雅氣質超群。

Louisa Mak 這身黑色low-cut晚裝款式簡約,很適合麥明詩的 氣質。誇張鑽石耳環同閃石高跟鞋,實行低調中顯 時尚。


HauteListed 3.





1. Gucci ring, BERANI JEWELLERY DESIGN 2. Mackage coat, ANDREWS 3. Sweater, LUISA CERANO 4. Face à Face sunglasses, SQUINT EYEWEAR 5. Misa dress, ANDREWS 6. D.A.T.E. sneaker, JEAN-PAUL FORTIN

It’s all about colour and pattern, prints and layers. This season, BV’s got it in the mix!


7. Blouse, LUISA CERANO 8. Made in Italy pants, SANDRO



9. Earrings, SWAROVSKI 10. SJP mule, BROWNS 11. Chanel nail polish, SHOPPERS DRUG MART




12. Dress, BRIAN BAILEY 13. Giorgio Armani My Way eau de parfum, SEPHORA



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fashion: store launch


Making an entrance Louis Vuitton Yorkdale—more than just a store Story | Leslie Yip Photography | Michael Muraz 樓高兩層的LED彩燈幕牆,展示著色彩繽紛的Louis Vuitton經典Monogram,加上兩層高的巨形櫥窗,華麗閃 耀的全新Louis Vuitton Yorkdale店你絕不可能錯過。據 說,單是新店的外牆建築已耗資過百萬元。雙入口設計 分別通往女裝及男裝專區,旅遊專區是交匯點,牆身以 行李牌作裝飾,展現多倫多本土色彩。 8,000平方呎的新店建築設計和裝飾物料新穎獨特, 充滿藝術及文化元素。店內所有柱子都以Louis Vuitton的 標誌性皮革包裹。(我暗想:可以考慮用皮革把家裏的柱 子包起來!) 日本藝術大師村上隆的巨型車厘子雕塑亦放於店內 展示,肯定會成為粉絲的打卡位。 店內傢私亦充滿藝術氣息,當中包括Floris Wubben 的雕塑桌子、Pierre Paulin的圓形座椅、Andrianna Shamaris的石化木桌,其中一張用作陳列用途的桌子出 自Carlo Mollino手筆,而其它座椅則來自品牌的收藏。


E L I T E G E N. C A



It is impossible to miss: the grand façade of the new Louis Vuitton at Yorkdale, wrapped in an illuminated two-storey LED screen, featuring animations of LV’s iconic signature flower motif in ever-changing colours, punctuated with dramatic double-height display windows. The façade alone is rumoured to have cost more than $1 million. Two separate entrances at different elevations lead into dedicated women’s and men’s boutiques, converging in the travel room decorated with a luggage-tag wall arranged in locally inspired colours. The massive store spans more than 8,000 square feet filled with art, designer furniture and architeture that wows. Columns throughout the store are wrapped in emblematic Louis Vuitton stitched leathers. (Note to self: I should consider wrapping the columns in my home in leather.) Takashi Murakami fans will love the larger-than-life “cherries” sculpture by the Japanese artist, which serves as a whimsical centrepiece. Completing the decorative interiors are sculptural tables by Floris Wubben, rounded Pierre Paulin chairs, petrified wood tables from Andrianna Shamaris, a display table by Carlo Mollino, and seating from the famed fashion house’s archival collection. Some of the art, furniture and historical objects are sourced from LV’s rich archives. However, many are commissioned locally, like a bespoke ceramic tile art piece by Canadian artist Rebecca Bayer and wall art inspired by Toronto-based street artist BirdO.

即場燙印服務為客人在皮具上印上個性化 圖案。這不單只具識別作用,更為產品印 上專屬印記。

還記得Louis Vuitton前創作總監Marc Jacobs邀得村上隆為品牌設計的Cerises嗎?新店放 置了一個巨型車厘子雕塑讓你盡情打卡。 Do you remember the Cerises collection for Louis Vuitton, designed by Takashi Murakami under the helm of creative director Marc Jacobs? Now you can pose with the gigantic cherries sculpture at the store.

An on-site hot-stamping service allows clients to personalize a variety of leather goods.

部份藝術品、傢私及古董陳設來自Louis Vuitton的珍藏,但很多是多倫多本 地藝術家的作品,包括由加國藝術家Rebecca Bayer特別為新店打造的陶瓷磚藝 術品,而其中壁畫的設計靈感源自多倫多街頭藝術家BirdO。 Yorkdale店與別不同之處是提供品牌全線產品系列,包括女士及男士皮具、 成衣、鞋履、配飾、腕錶及珠寶、旅行產品、香水及書刊。此外,更可找到獨家 精品及預售即將登場的產品系列及膠囊系列。 客人更可體驗Louis Vuitton傳統的訂製產品及手繪個性化服務。除了為客人 即場在皮具上進行個性化燙印外,亦可於Les Parfums Louis Vuitton系列的香氛上 刻字。而訂製服務則適用於硬框旅行箱、部份皮革產品及Objets Nomades系列的 產品。

The Yorkdale store sets itself apart with a full offering of all LV’s product categories and collections, including women’s and men’s leather goods, ready-towear, shoes, accessories, watches and jewellery, travel, fragrances and publishing. This is also where exclusive products and pre-launches of upcoming collections and capsules will be introduced. You can also experience LV’s historic tradition of bespoke items and handcrafted personalization. The bespoke offerings include a selection of exceptional hand-crafted trunks, exotic leather goods and pieces from the Objets Nomades collection. An on-site hot-stamping service offers clients the opportunity to personalize a variety of leather goods, and a fragrance engraving service allows for the customization of an assortment of fragrance bottles within the Les Parfums Louis Vuitton collection. ELITEGEN




runway: women


spring/ summer 2021

新冠疫情阻擋不住我們追求時尚的 腳步,巴黎、米蘭2021春夏時裝 周依然色彩繽紛,展現出新氣象。 The Covid-19 pandemic can’t stop our pursuit of style. And the runways of Paris and Milan proved that with a promise of a beautiful, colourful and hopeful new season.


E L I T E G E N. C A







runway: women


E L I T E G E N. C A



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runway: women

VERsacE 24

E L I T E G E N. C A







Fashion: Women


at the Office the dress code is cool and casual Story | Da Fa Zheng

現代女性可以有各種各樣的身分,進得 廚房,更登得職場。或精致,或沉穩,或颯 爽,或霸氣,俏姐姐們就是職場一道道多姿 多彩的風景線。

Let’s face it. Women wear many hats and perform many roles. From mom to career girl, women have become expert jugglers of life. But as more and more take on powerful postions in the workplace, their dress for success remains relaxed, cool and casual


E L I T E G E N. C A











Fashion: Women



E L I T E G E N. C A










Special Beauty Supplement

專為敏感皮膚的抗衰老組合 NEOSTRATA 全新高效抗衰老 PHA日用潤膚霜 AN ANTiAgiNg REgimEN fOR SENSiTivE SkiN iNTROduciNg NEOSTRATA ® RESTORE PHA dAily mOiSTuRizER 無論是何種皮膚性質,每當踏入冬天總是面臨莫大挑 戰—冷風和乾燥的室內空氣不單令皮膚脫水,更很可能導 致出現敏感狀況。當我們的皮膚受到壓力,衰老現象會變 得明顯,使用抗衰老護膚品又怕造成進一步的刺激,若您 正處於這兩難局面,不用擔心,因為NEOSTRATA的全新 PHA日用潤膚霜(Restore PHA Daily Moisturizer )正是為敏 感皮膚而設的高效抗衰老產品。 NEOSTRATA的PHA日用潤膚霜含有4%的多羥基酸 (PHA),可刺激皮膚的天然膠原蛋白增生,加強保濕鎖水 之餘,亦有溫和去角質功效。丁香的植物細胞萃取物和維 他命E有助保護皮膚為皮膚築起乾燥環境保護屏障,免受自 由基的侵害而出現明顯衰老現象。這兩種有效成分融合為 一,為乾燥和敏感的皮膚提供抗衰老護理作用。 對敏感皮膚人士來說,温和而徹底的清潔十分重要, 在去除雜質和污染物的同時,也不想過度用力令皮膚受 損。建議使用同一系列的的PHA無泡潔面乳,它不含肥皂 和香精,所含4%的PHA成分,可去除化妝品和雜質,且不 會影響皮膚的保護性水分屏障而導致乾燥。

The onset of winter can be challenging for our skin. Cold wind and dry indoor air are not only dehydrating, but they also increase sensitivity. When your skin is stressed, signs of aging become more apparent. However, you might be wary that antiaging products could cause further irritation. Don’t despair. There are effective antiaging products designed especially for sensitive skin. NEOSTRATA’s PHA Daily Moisturizer contains 4% Polyhydroxy Acids (PHAs), which target the skin’s natural collagen, while also hydrating the skin’s moisture barrier and providing gentle exfoliation. Lilac Plant Cell Extract and Vitamin E help protect against drying environmental factors, which can cause oxidative damage and lead to visible skin aging. Together, these ingredients provide antiaging care for those with dry, sensitive skin. Gentle, yet thorough, cleansing is very important for sensitive skin. You want to remove impurities (read: potential irritants) but don’t want to strip the skin. The PHA Facial Cleanser from the same line is a soap-free and fragrance-free, non-foaming gel which removes makeup and impurities and contains 4% PHAs, known to lightly exfoliate without drying the skin’s protective moisture barrier.

要是您眼睛部位也有敏感問題,NEOSTRATA的PHA 眼霜通過眼科醫學測試,不含香精,特強補濕滋潤,不刺 激眼部皮膚,可明顯撫平眼部幼紋,改善眼部皮膚光澤, 讓本來疲憊的皮膚煥發神采。

lf you have sensitivity around the eye area, NEOSTRATA’s PHA Eye Cream is ophthalmologist tested, fragrance-free and non-irritating. It visibly softens fine lines, improves radiance and revitalizes the look of stressed, tired skin, while hydrating the skin’s moisture barrier around the eyes.

對於敏感性皮膚人來說,結合使用PHA日用潤膚霜、 PHA潔面乳和PHA眼霜,會起溫和有效的抗衰老作用。

Together, the PHA Daily Moisturizer, PHA Facial Cleanser and PHA Eye Cream provide a gentle and effective daily antiaging regimen for those with sensitive skin.

若要皮膚時刻保持最佳狀態,除了日常使用上述 PHA護膚品,也可每周一或兩次配合使用Bionic Oxygen Recovery氧氣小氣泡臉膜,當中所含的分子氧和仿生酸, 能極速為皮膚注入生氣及光澤,有效均勻色澤,提升皮膚 彈性。

Finally, once or twice a week, use Bionic Oxygen Recovery as a treatment in conjunction with the above regimen. This effervescent formula delivers Molecular Oxygen and Bionic Acid to help energize and rebalance stressed skin in minutes. Skin looks and feels refreshed, with translucent radiance and suppleness.



高效抗衰老潤膚霜 適合敏感性肌膚



採用皮膚科醫用成份以改善整體皮膚的狀況 抗氧化劑



幫助皮膚內的天然膠原 蛋白以提升皮膚絞理及 緊致功效

有助肌膚對抗顯著的 氧化性損傷 ©NeoStrata Company, Inc., 2020



the Beauty pages


Shape, Sculpt & Shine Burberry Global Beauty Director Isamaya Ffrench shares tips on how to use the new Glow Palette to accentuate Asian facial features Story | Leslie Yip Photography | Burberry Beauty 化妝師兼Dazed Beauty創立人之一的Isamaya Ffrench於今 年春天加入Burberry Beauty,成為品牌的全球美妝總監,首次負 責的產品系列於今年秋天發布,當中又以Essentials Glow Palette 三合一臉部蜜粉餅最受注目,一盒六格,包含乳霜和細緻蜜粉兩 種質感,視乎所使用的部位,可以即時達至塑造輪廓、上色和提 亮效果。對擁有亞洲和東方臉孔的女士們,Ffrench也分享了如何 使用最新推出的Essentials Glow Palette來突出獨特的東方美態。 eG:Essentials Glow Palette有什麼特色,令它成為2020年 秋冬必備的美妝產品? F:Glow Palette幾乎可以完全滿足女士們美化臉部的需要。 塗上後,能夠提亮、塑造輪廓和添加色澤,是每天都可使用的多 用途化妝品。 eG:大多數亞洲人的膚色都偏黃,卻追求白裏透紅的膚色, Glow Palette能做到這效果嗎? F:首先,您需要使用遮瑕液作為妝前準備及作粉底的一部 份。對大部份亞洲女性,我會建議她們使用適合白皙至自然膚色 的「01 fair to light medium 」Glow Palette,它具有三種不同的粉 紅色珍珠色調,以明亮和富光澤的珠光顏料製成,用在臉頰和太 陽穴周圍,效果猶如腮紅,其絲般的光澤和暖調亦可克服臉部泛 黃的問題。


E L I T E G E N. C A



Make-up artist and Dazed Beauty co-founder Isamaya Ffrench joined Burberry Beauty this spring as the new global beauty director, and her first campaign is being released this fall. One of the key products is the Essentials Glow Palette, a three-in-one face palette combining creamy and powdery formulas that is said to instantly sculpt, colour and highlight. Since most of our readers have Asian features, we asked Ffrench for some specific application tips. eG: What is the Essentials Glow Palette? What makes it a Fall/Winter 2020 must-have? F: The Glow Palette is kind of everything you need to perfect and enhance your face. After you apply your foundation, it is there to brighten, contour, colour and add definition. It’s your everyday multi-use face palette. eG: Most Asians have yellow undertones, but aspire for radiant paleness with peachy/rosy tones. Can the Glow Palette help them achieve that? F: You may want to use a colour corrector as a first step. It can be viewed as part of the preparation and foundation part of your makeup. The Glow Palette I would suggest for most Asian women would be the “01 fair to light medium”. It has three different tones of pink pearl tones for blush and highlight, and can be used to counter any yellowness or sallowness by adding warmth and radiance, especially around the cheeks and temples.

eG:亞洲人的面部輪廓一般都不甚突出,Glow Palette可以 營造顴骨和鼻樑較高和挺直的效果嗎?

eG: Asians tend to have less prominent facial features. Can the Glow Palette give us higher cheekbones and nose bridges?

F:兩款較淺的粉紅色非常適合用於臉頰蘋果肌及顴骨稍高的 部位;而白色的珠光色調則非常適合用到鼻樑和眉骨位置,增加 輪廓的層次感,令五官看上去更立體。

F: The two lighter pinks would be perfect for the apples of the cheeks and slightly higher up on the cheekbones. The fairest shade, which is a white pearlescent tone, would work well for highlights for the bridge of the nose and/or the brow bones.

eG:應如何以打陰影來塑造輪廓? F:這是見人見智的問題,有些女士喜歡打陰影來加強輪廓 感,有些則討厭這樣做。其實打陰影不僅有助於加強顴骨和鼻 樑,亦有助營造更順眼的整體感覺。如果您的下巴比較方,可以 巧妙地使用陰影從下頜線向上移動以消除粗獷感。至於鼻子方 面,則有兩種陰影色調可以選擇︰較深色調的乳霜和較亮的高光 粉末。您可以根據自己的膚色,單獨使用其中一種,也可以將它 們混合使用到鼻側,讓鼻子看上去更挺。 eG: 怎樣以Glow Palette來打造自然的日間妝容? F:由於這個產品是可以添加構建的,所以適宜使用軟毛化妝 掃,既更加仔細,看上去亦會較柔和。掃上顏色時,盡可能仔細 完美,方便之後逐漸添加。長毛的圓頭粉底刷,或是任何具有柔 軟彈性感的刷子都是理想選擇,因為這些刷子均適用於暈染用途。 eG: 晚間妝容又該如何? F:雖然產品名稱是臉部蜜粉餅,但您亦可用作眼影。直接將 褐色調的蜜粉用指頭或是以化妝掃塗到眼瞼上,營造出煙熏眼影 的效果,由於這跟臉部色調相若,看上去會很自然。之後便可將 光影粉抹到眼瞼或是眼角,獲得出色的提亮效果。這個粉盒不但 易於攜帶收藏,內裡的大鏡子亦方便您隨時轉換妝容。 eG: 油性皮膚也適用嗎? F:一般來說,鼻子周圍或T字位都較易泛油,平時也應避免 在這些部位使用提亮的產品,而是在顴骨、眉骨和鼻樑上使用提 亮化妝品。Glow Palette的圓球微粒能輕易塗抹並與皮膚融合,可 視乎要求來提亮突出輪廓;由於是蜜粉,即使是較油的膚質,也 不會使用如乳霜性質產品般因出汗而浮起或顯得更油膩。當中的 珍珠粉末非常細緻,擁有乳霜性質產品的柔和光澤,能經常保持 明亮潔淨的效果。

eG: What about contouring? F: This can be up for a debate as I know some ladies love contouring and some hate it. Contouring can be helpful not just to create cheekbones and structure, but also to create a more rounded profile. If you have a very square jaw, you can use shading in a clever way to try to move the shadow from the hard jawline upward to shave off the harshness. As for the nose, there are two contouring tones, a darker creamy tone and a lighter taupe that is semi-shimmery. Depending on your skin tone, you can use one of them on its own, or blend them as a two-step process to shape the sides of the nose. eG: How should we apply it for a natural daytime look? F: Soft brushes are nice to apply with as the product is buildable, and you don’t want to go in too strong too quickly. Sweep on the colour carefully and perfectly so that it can be added gradually. A longer-haired kabuki brush, or anything with a soft flexible feeling is ideal for blush and highlight as these brushes make for a delicate application. eG: How about for an evening/going-out look? F: You can use the palette on your eyes even though it is billed as a face palette. A smoky eyeshadow look can be created with the taupe shade. You can apply with a finger or a brush to smoke out the eyelids. Because it is the same colour tone as your face, it looks really natural. Then, you can put one of the highlighters on the lid and/or the corner of the eyes for a great brightening effect. And with the big mirror in the compact, it is handy to keep in your purse for an easy day-to-night transformation. eG: Can I use it if I have oily skin? F: Generally there are certain areas of your face that could be greasier, such as around the nose or on the T-zone, and you should avoid putting glow products there anyway. Highlighters are generally meant to be used on the top of cheekbone, cupid’s bow and the nose bridge. The great thing about this palette is that the highlighters are powders, so even if your skin is oilier, the product won’t move, unlike cream-based products that may move as you sweat or get greasier. That being said, the pearls in this product are so fine, it has the gentle glow of a cream-based product. It will always go on super sheer, glowy and clean. ELITEGEN




the Beauty pages


Cool Tools Story | Leslie Yip 無論是美肌或美髮,這些法寶都可以讓妳由頭到腳容光煥發。

May your curls grow and your skin glow with these useful beauty gadgets.


Daily Care




Deep clean

Get rollIn’

BrIGht eyes

這款聲波潔面儀備有4種個人化模式,每分 鐘震動超過7,000次,分解毛孔內的污垢及多餘 油脂,去除肌膚離質,深層潔淨。除此之外,它 更有效提升及緊緻肌膚,令肌膚重拾年輕光彩。 值得一提的是,其矽膠擦頭防異味、抗菌、抗敏 及防水,而且永遠無需更換,難怪產品經常斷 貨。

這款在多倫多研製的專業按摩滾輪,把傳統 中醫學理念跟現代科技給合,使用時不單安靜而 且不會左右搖擺。光滑石面滾輪提供溫和的按摩 效果,凹凸滾輪則可有外皮層微針效用。用後者 按摩頸部及鎖骨以至全身的淋巴結,能有效打通 淋巴,紓緩肌肉疼痛及炎症。

這款眼霜附帶的塗抹棒,取擷自工程力學的 成果。10顆陶瓷微珠均可360°轉動,配以鍍金 按摩頭,功效等同於10次微按摩。按摩範圍比起 以手指塗抹大3倍,相比起單一滾珠棒,這款全 新的塗抹棒能更有效減退浮腫與黑眼圈。

With more than 7,000 vibrations per minute, this sonic deep-cleaning tool has four customizable modes to remove skin’s impurities by breaking down dirt and oil from within the pores. In addition to cleaning, it can visibly lift, firm and tone problem areas for a more youthful appearance. It is also interesting to note that the silicone brush head is odor-resistant, antibacterial, hypoallergenic, waterproof and never needs replacing. no wonder retailers can’t seem to keep it in stock. 潔面儀 PMD Clean Smart Facial Cleansing Device, $119


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this professional-grade roller was created in toronto, respecting the art and principles of traditional chinese medicine while utilizing today’s technology, to craft a quiet, no-squeak and wobble-free mechanism. In addition to the traditional smooth stone for gentle massaging, it has a ridged end that can be used as a non-invasive form of micro-needling. Use the latter over the lymph nodes along the neck and clavicles, as well as all over the body for effective drainage and deep, targeted relief of sore muscles and inflammation. 面部及身體按摩滾輪,備有蛋白石、玫瑰石英、黑曜 石及綠砂金石供選擇 Happy Duo Texture Facial and Body Roller (available in opalite, rose quartz, obsidian and green adventurine), $48

this eye serum comes in a unique applicator that is a feat of engineering. ten independent ceramic micro-pearls with 360° rotation are integrated into a massaging head gilded with fine gold, offering the equivalent of 10 simultaneous micro-massages. the massage surface is three times larger than with fingertip application, and is more efficient in draining puffiness and alleviating dark circles than with single roll-on beads. 眼霜 Dior Prestige Illuminating Micro-Nutritive Eye Serum, $269


at-Home meDi-Spa

三源射頻 Ir, leD & rf 這款美容儀器結合了三源射頻,包括熱紅外 線、LED光及雙極電波,有助改善膚色及膚質、 刺激骨膠原生長及改變皮膚張力,從而提拉及收 緊肌膚。它還有一個額外好處,就是可以重塑顴 骨及收窄鼻翼。無論男、女及任何膚質適用,備 有5重設定讓你慢慢提升療程強度,更內置熱力 穩定裝置確保皮膚不會過熱。

Infrared heat, leD lights and radio frequency— this skin rejuvenation tool combines three technologies to help improve skin tone and texture, boost collagen production and bond connective tissue to lift and tighten. there is a side benefit, too—it helps to sculpt your cheekbone and narrow your nose wings as well. It is suitable for both women and men and for all skin types, and there are five energy settings to let you increase treatment strength progressively, and a built-in heat stabilizer to ensure that the skin does not get overheated. 提拉緊緻美容儀 Silk’n Titan Skin Tightening and Lifting Device, $299

微晶換膚 MIcroDerMaBrasIon 定期為肌膚去除表層死皮十分重要,肌膚不 單可重現光彩,同時讓護膚品更易被吸收。這款 家用微晶換膚儀,備有3款鑽石頭用於面部、特 別嬌嫩的部位及身體,另加一個按摩頭。它就好 像吸塵機一樣吸走皮膚污垢,同時刺激紅液循環 改善膚質。整個面部療程只需時4分鐘,最多每 星期進行一次。使用方法十分容易,LCD顯示屏 幕會指示你把儀器放於面上哪一個部位,移動方 向及時間等。持續使用能有效減退暗處印、粗大 毛孔、幻紋及老人斑。

It is essential to remove the buildup of dead skin cells regularly, in order to reveal fresh skin and allow maximum absorption of facial products. this at-home microdermabrasion device comes with three diamond-tip heads for use on the face, around delicate areas of the body, plus a massage tip. Vacuum action helps wick away debris while stimulating blood circulation for a healthy complexion. a full facial takes only four minutes, and can be done as often as once a week. the fool-proof auto mode shows you on the lcD exactly where to place the tip on your face, which direction to move in and for how long. With regular use, shallow acne scars, large pores, fine lines and age spots will become less visible. 鑽石微晶換膚儀 Silk’n Titan ReVit Prestige Intelligent Diamond Microdermabrasion, $199.99

超聲波潔淨及輸注 UltrasoUnD cleanInG anD InfUsIon 有人把它稱為「皮膚鍋鏟」,但並不恰當。 這個2合1的超聲波儀器利用低超聲波頻率潔淨毛 孔、去除皮膚死皮及污垢。先以清水洗面或塗抹 水性爽膚水(蘊含溫和去角質酸性的最為理想), 然後把金屬一端以彎曲處朝上並輕輕於面上移 動,特別是容易積聚污垢及油脂的部位,注意面 部必需保持濕潤。切記無需大力按壓或刮,這個 絕非鍋鏟。儀器以溫和的方式深層潔淨肌膚,免 去使用粗糙的磨砂物料,就算是敏感性甚至紅斑 痤瘡皮膚亦適用。完全潔淨程序後,以清水洗面 並塗上優質的精華素,然後把儀器反過來轉換成 輸注模式,利用震動令產品更易被皮膚吸收。完 成療程後,你會感覺皮膚非常清潔及煥然一新。

some people call it the “skin spatula”, but that’s a misnomer. this 2-in-1 ultrasonic device uses low ultrasound frequency to clear pores, dislodge dead skin cells and debris. Just wet your skin with water or a water-based toner (one with exfoliating gentle acids works best), and gently pass the metal end, curve side up, all around the face, paying special attention to where dirt and grease tend to accumulate. Make sure the area being treated is wet. there is no need to press down hard or scrape—it is not a spatula. this is a gentler way to deep clean your face without the use of harsh abrasives, and is suitable for those with sensitive or even rosaceaprone skin. after your cleaning session, rinse the area, apply a nice serum, then flip the tool over and use the infusion mode; let the pulsating vibrations help your skin absorb the product. you will feel so clean and fresh after the treatment. 超聲波護膚儀 Jean d’Arcel Technologie Ultrasonic Skin Perfector, $300

智能面膜 space-aGe MaskInG 這款面膜儀利用熱力、冷凍、LED光療及 T-Sonic震動,令紙面膜的功能發揮至極致。超 級輸注式面膜儀由引進紙面膜概念的美容專家們 研究,專為配合韓國面膜配方使用。90秒的美容 療程預設了最適合的溫度、震動頻率及LED光, 更可以利用智能電話應用程式紀錄妳的護膚進 度。

Magnify the effect of your facial mask treatment with heating, cooling, leD light therapy and t-sonic pulsations. this hyper-infusion device is designed to be used with a range of specially designed korean formula masks developed by the same beauty experts who pioneered the original sheet mask concept. each 90-second treatment is preprogrammed with the optimal temperatures, pulsation intensity and leD lights to activate the benefits. a complementary smartphone app helps track your beauty progress. 智能面膜護理儀 Foreo UFO Smart Mask Device, $259 ELITEGEN




the Beauty pages


migHt & mane



Get a GrIp

“happIness Is free, cUrly haIr”

無論是吹頭或為頭髮造型,髮夾都是不可缺 少的工具,可是大部份髮夾的設計都十分差劣。 設計單薄的經常下滑,夾得太緊的又會在頭髮留 下痕跡。這一組髮夾的柄有紋理,容易抓緊。 呈彎曲的開口位及凹陷的中間部份可夾住更大範 圍的頭髮,無齒式表面能固定頭髮之餘又不會留 印。

styling clips are indispensable for blow-drying hair and creating other styles, but often they are poorly designed. the weaklings tend to slip, while the stronger ones can leave marks on your freshly styled mane. these clips have a textured handle that is easy to grip. the curved opening and concave bill can gather large sections of hair, and the no-teeth surface provides a strong hold, yet will not crease the hair. 造型髮夾 (一組6支) Moroccanoil Styling Clips (pack of six), $56

這款自動捲髮器把無線技術推至更高層次, 它使用高效能鋰電池,溫度可高達400° F,更可 用USB充電,電量可維持1小時。預熱時間亦大 大縮短,只需60秒或更短時間便可使用。捲髮 器備有不同的溫度及時間設定,亦可選擇捲髮方 向,讓妳輕鬆打造鬈髮造型。

taking cordless technology to a whole new level, this auto-curler uses high-performance lithium batteries capable of heating up to 400°f, which can be recharged using a UsB connection and last for up to an hour per styling session. and there is less waiting, too, for it heats up quickly and is ready to use in 60 seconds or less. With multiple temperature and timer settings, and a choice of curl directions, it is easy to create professional results. 自動捲髮器 Conair Unbound Auto Curler, $129.99



sheVeleD anD keMpt

style WIth steaM

妳有沒有想過何解美人魚總是束著一把長長 的秀髮?或許她們都有自家的美髮竅門。梳頭有 助把油脂帶到髮端從而滋潤秀髮、促進頭皮的微 循環、去除雜質及死皮,更可減少洗頭的次數。 這把梳以野豬鬃毛製成,蘊含角蛋白,成分跟人 的頭髮十分相似。梳理頭髮的同時把油脂從髮根 帶至髮端,令秀髮散發自然亮麗,而末端呈圓形 有助刺激頭皮。木荷梳把耐用美觀。

第三代Steampod蒸氣直髮夾讓妳輕鬆夾直 或捲曲頭髮,又無需擔心高溫令頭髮受損。最新 設計比上一代輕37%,水箱的存水量足夠夾直 192米的頭髮而無需加水,即差不多4個巴黎凱旋 門的高度。它比傳統的直髮夾的速度快2倍,同 時對頭髮的損害減少78%,而且機身輕巧,帶去 旅行亦無問題。其電線更可360度轉動,可輕鬆 捲出不同造型的鬈髮。

have you ever wondered why mermaids are often depicted combing down their hair? they may know a thing or two about keeping their tresses beautiful. Brushing your hair helps distribute sebum to the tips for nourishment, it stimulates micro-circulation in the scalp, and clears impurities and dead skin cells. It also allows for hair to be washed less often. the wild boar bristles on this brush contain keratin and are similar to the composition of hair. they help to gently style the hair while distributing the sebum from roots to the ends for naturally shiny hair, while the blue ball tips help to stimulate the scalp. the schima wood handle is both sturdy and beautifully finished.

straighten or curl your hair without worrying about heat damage with the third-generation steampod. It is 37 per cent lighter now, with an integrated water tank that lets you straighten up to 192 metres of hair without having to refill it—that’s almost four times the height of the arc de triomphe. this travel-friendly styling tool straightens hair two times faster than a traditional flat iron, with 78 per cent less damage. It can also easily create different forms of waves with a 360-degree rotative cord.

梳子 Hair Rituel by Sisley Radiance Brush, $95


E L I T E G E N. C A



蒸氣直髮夾 (12月開始發售) L’Oréal Professional Steampod 3.0 (available in December), $350




Lady Gaga lends her face—and voice—to Valentino’s new scent Story | Leslie Yip Photography | Maria Moratti/Contigo/Getty Images


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Voce Viva—可以解作活著的聲音又或者聲音萬歲。 大家對Valentino全新香氛的名字可以有不同的理解,但 可以肯定的是,請來Lady Gaga擔任代言人必會為新品增 添「聲」勢。 Valentino Beauty創意總監Pierpaolo Piccioli表示: 「Lady Gaga代表自由、自我意識以及純潔的心。」他續 說:「她的加入把這個項目的象徵力量提升至最高水平。 她絕對是這個世代的代表人物。」 過去十年,Lady Gaga的歌聲感動全球數以百萬計 樂迷。她憑著電影《一個巨星的誕生》(A Star is Born),成 為首位藝人在同一年贏得奧斯卡獎、艾美獎、英國電影 學院獎及金球獎。她又積極參與慈善工作,推動人與人之 間的尊重——每個人都是地球上的一份子。她告訴我們: 「要做回自己,愛惜自己,永不放棄追求夢想。」 Gaga的意大利裔背景是她跟品牌的另一個共通點, 香氛蘊含著意大利情懷。前調是意大利香檸檬、橘子及生 薑,令人聯想到西西里的果園。接著,香橙花及黃梔子花 把妳帶到托斯卡納的花田。水晶苔蘚及香草作基調,就好 像身處包圍著杜林古羅馬廢墟的古老花園。香氛是糅合了 花香、木香、清新及甜香等元素的完美結晶。 瓶身設計展現了意大利匠心獨運的設計及工藝。簡 單的方形瓶身兩側凹陷,當光線穿過時V字字樣會巧妙地 呈現。瓶蓋及瓶頸飾以Valentino標誌性的鍋釘及紅色, 粉絲相信會非常受落。

Voce Viva! Should I translate that to “the living voice”, “the voice lives”, or “long live the voice?” While the name of Valentino’s new perfume may be open to various interpretations, one thing is unmistakable: having Lady Gaga as the face and the voice of the new scent hits all the right notes. “Lady Gaga means freedom, self-consciousness, pure heart,” says Pierpaolo Piccioli, creative director of Valentino Beauty. “Her participation in this campaign elevates the symbolic power of the project to the highest level. She is the icon of a generation.” The voice of a generation, Lady Gaga has inspired millions of people around the world for more than a decade. She is the only artist to receive an Oscar, Grammy, BAFTA and Golden Globe in the same year for her outstanding work in A Star is Born. Her philanthropic work has also made her a symbol of respect for individuality—everyone has a place in the world. She tells us: “Be yourself, love who you are, and never give up on your dreams.” Another commonality she shares with the brand is her Italian heritage. The scent itself also encapsulates the spirit of Italy. It opens with Italian bergamot, mandarin orange and ginger, evoking an orchard in Sicily, before orange blossom absolute and yellow gardenia transport you to the flower fields of Tuscany. Crystallized moss and vanilla ground the experience, like the ancient gardens surrounding the Roman ruins in Turin. The result is an artful composition of floral, woody, fresh and sweet elements.

Valentino Voce Viva eau de Parfum, 50ml | $123, 100ml | $165

Italian craftsmanship and design ingenuity also comes into play. The sleek square glass bottle is notched on the sides, and when light passes through, a V of light emerges—quite a mesmerizing effect. Fans of the brand will also love the detail on the cap and collar, decorated with the iconic Valentino rock studs and in unmistakable Valentino red.





shopping: gift guide Dior Lady Art#5 Olga Titus, $12,000,

David Yurman cable collectibles white enamel initial charm with 18K yellow gold, $900,

Caudalie holiday face craker, $20 ($43 value),

聖誕禮品巡禮 Tiffany & Co T1 Wide Hinged Bangle, $7,550,

shopaholic fantasy

the harder the past year has been, the nicer we should treat ourselves and the people we love. 'tis the season to express our love and care through gift giving Story | Connie Li Hermès Albane ballet flat, $1,250,

Repair + Renew 50ML Advanced Night Repair Set, $138.00 ($188 value), leading Estée Lauder counters


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Gucci bloom acqua di fiori 100ml, $140,


Pandora kiss pavé charm, $130,

Elizabeth Arden advanced ceramide capsules gift set, $155,

for her

Fendi orange lace skirt, $2,790,

Michael Kors faux fur coat, $495,

Chanel Mademoiselle J12 Acte II watch, Price upon request

Louis Vuitton ultimate scarf, $1,470, ELITEGEN




shopping: gift guide

Bleu de Chanel parfum, $345,

Tom Ford reversible T buckle belt, $895,

for him Panerai Luminor Luna Rossa GMT 42MM, $10,800 USD,

Fendi white wool sweater, $1,150,

Giorgio Armani hammered leather shopper bag, $3,863, 42

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Hermès baseball key ring, $1,275,

David Yurman cable classic money clip, $295

Gucci online exclusive square sunglasses with charms, $1,035,

Ermenegildo Zegna zodiac printed silk tie, $225,

Dolce and Gabbana smartphone holder, $955,

Boucheron Quatre Classique gold chain bracelet, $6,058,

Prada superstar sneakers, $695,

Cartier Santos De Biplane cufflinks, $1,260,







shopping: gift guide

Swarovski festive ornament set, $189,

Driade 33 cuscini ottoman, $4,280,

Elsa Peretti teardrop carafe in sterling silver with vermeil lining, $3,750,

for Home Le Creuset french press, $90, Bastide Figue d'Ete potpourri scented crystals, $105,

The prisoner red blend 750ml, $54.95,

Hermes horsecut chess, $8,900,

L’Occitane en Provence 13 Desserts Premium Candle, $59,

Diptyque baies hourglass diffuser, $256, 44

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Swarovski baby's 1st christmas ornament 2020, $95,

Versace Medusa crystal hair pin, $205,

wHere to buy

+kids Dolce & Gabbana nylon satchel with medal print, $1,125,

Schoenhut baby grand piano, $150,

Chantecaille Bébé wild moss rose body lotion, $74,

Hoovy Bicycoo balance bike, $230, Bonpoint baby wool burnou, $310,

Fendi Teddy Bear, $940,

Gucci GG Supreme ballet flat, $420,

Chanel Toronto - 98 Yorkville Ave, 416-925-2577 Vancouver - 737 Dunsmuir St, 604-682-0522 Tiffany & Co. Toronto - 150 Bloor St W, 416-921-3900 Vancouver - 723 Burrard St, 604-630-1300 Harry Rosen Toronto - 218 Yonge St, 416-598-8885 Vancouver - 700 W Georgia St, 604-683-6861 Royal De Versailles Jewellers 101 Bloor St W, 416-967-7201 Michael Kors Toronto - Yorkdale Shopping Centre, 416-907-7871 Vancouver - 650 West 41st Ave, 604-629-0286 Holt Renfrew Toronto - 50 Bloor St W, 416-922-2333 Vancouver - 737 Dunsmuir St, 604-681-3121 Hermès Toronto - 100 Bloor St W, 416-968-8626 Vancouver - 755 Burrard St, 604-681-9965 Louis Vuitton Toronto - 150 Bloor St W, 416-968-3993 Vancouver - 737 Dunsmuir St, 604-687-4644 Fendi Toronto - Yorkdale Shopping Centre, 416-789-6626 Vancouver - 737 Dunsmuir St, 604-681-1289 David Yurman Toronto - Yorkdale Shopping Centre, 416-780-9598 Vancouver - 737 Dunsmuir St, 604-681-3121 Swarovski Toronto - 100 King St W, 416-642-0392 Vancouver - Oakridge Centre, 604-269-9949 Hudson's Bay Toronto - 176 Yonge St, 416-861-9111 Vancouver - 674 Granville St, 604-681-6211 Gucci Toronto-130 Bloor St W Suite 102, Vancouver-737 Dunsmuir St, 604-681-3121 Elizabeth Arden Toronto-CF Toronto Eaton Centre, 416-598-8560 Vancouver- Hudson's Bay 674 Granville St, 604-681-6211 Dior Toronto- 176 Yonge St, 416-507-3367 Vancouver- 737 Dunsmuir St, 604-685-9960 Tom Ford Toronto- Scarborough Town Centre, 416-290-6822 Vancouver- 1045 Robson St, 604-681-9704 Dolce and Gabbana Toronto- 111 Bloor St W, 416-921-1939 Vancouver- 757 W Hastings St, 604-683-1133 Giorgio Armani Toronto-176 Yonge St, 416-507-3100 Vancouver-737 Dunsmuir St, 604-681-3121 Panerai Toronto-3401 Dufferin St Suite 216A, 647-259-2850 Vancouver-1008 Alberni St, 604-207-5528 Prada Toronto-131 Bloor St W Unit 105, 416-975-4300 Vancouver-737 Dunsmuir St #1, 1-778-785-9175 Ermenegildo Zegna Toronto-100 Bloor St W, 647-730-9530 Vancouver-700 W Georgia St, 604-681-7988 Cartier Toronto- 131 Bloor St W, 416-413-4929 Vancouver- 456 Howe St, 604-683-6878 Saks Fifth Avenue Toronto- 176 Yonge St, 416-507-3100 Vancouver- 755 Park Royal N, 604-922-1641 Bonpoint Toronto-176 Yonge St, 416-507-3100 Vancouver- 1512 W 14th Ave, 604-620-0649 Versace Toronto-106 Yorkville Ave, 647-954-1800 Vancouver-747 Thurlow Street Cru #2B, 604-449-1010 Pandora Toronto- CF Toronto Eaton Centre, 647-347-8460 Vancouver- 725 Granville St #1, 604-891-1864 Estee Lauder Toronto-Scarborough Town Centre, 416-296-0296 Vancouver-Hudson’s Bay, 674 Granville St, 604-681-6211 ELITEGEN




cover girl


Rise up

Fu Jing on a rocket ride to fame

Story | Qian Lu

Photography | LewisChanX

兩年多前,一個叫傅菁的普通女孩參加了中國偶 像女團競演真人秀《創造101》,她懵懂、激動、緊張、 害怕……。她心裏一直在嘀咕:“會不會有人質疑我不 自量力?”“會不會被別人說,妳把野心寫在臉上?” 其實,25歲的傅菁並不認為“野心”二字是貶義 的,「有野心沒有錯,每個人都有野心,就看你去不去 做。」她的初衷就是希望自己能勇敢一點,讓更多的人 認識自己、了解自己。她知道,只有被別人看到,才 能有更多的機會,她想把握住這次被看見的機會,「如 果說,單純地想讓自己變得越來越自信、越來越好,也 算是野心的話,那我覺得大家就說傅菁是個有野心的人 吧!」她將這個「沖動之舉」視作建立自信的第一步。


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Two years ago, Fu Jing was green and anxious as a young singer, but excited nevertheless, performimg on China’s Creation 101 reality show. “Will they question my capability?” Fu mused at the time. “Will they think that I am overambitious?” In retrospect, Fu doesn’t think having ambition is a negative trait. Just the opposite, in fact. “There is nothing wrong with being ambitious,” says the 25 year old. “Everyone has it; it all depends on whether you go after it or not.”





cover girl

There is nothing wrong with having

ambition, everyone has it; it all depends on whether you go after it or not.

“ 48

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2019年1月12日,《火箭少女101飛行演唱會》在上海舉行,那是 她們的第一場演唱會。在個人展示環節,傅菁身著亮片長裙演唱了一 曲《說散就散》。傅菁說自己能聽到臺下粉絲的合唱,但再多的感受就 只剩下緊張,「我時時刻刻都緊張,第一次站在那麽大的舞臺上一個人 唱歌,真的很沒有安全感。」 而在今年6月23日的團體告別演唱會中,傅菁在表演個人單曲《阿 麗塔》前剖白道:「那個曾經想要跳出舒適圈,想要和自己和解的小 傅,今天也勇敢地站上這個舞臺和大家說,我很自信。」她已經不再是 過去那個獨自面對舞臺時缺乏安全感的女孩了。

不偏科 慢慢走 剛成團時,傅菁周圍出現了很多聲音,網絡上有觀眾評價她沒 有特點。傅菁起初也苦惱過如何找準自己的定位,但她很快就不再糾 結,她要做「不偏科的全能偶像」。爭取做到沒有短板,在拓展其它領 域的同時,也不能落下原先的優勢,這是她對自己的要求。 傅菁現在的微博認證是:歌手、演員。去年,她多了演員的新身 分,《你是我的命中註定》在視頻平臺上線,古裝劇《且聽鳳鳴》也已與 觀眾見面。偶像為什麽要去演戲?面對這樣的質疑,傅菁的回答是: 人要不斷去提升自己,去嘗試新的領域。演戲是傅菁的主動選擇,嘗 試過後,她發現自己喜歡這種可以體驗不同人生的感覺。 音樂方面,傅菁已於6月29日發表了首張個人EP《發光體》的第一 首歌《硝煙四起》,另外兩首《發光體》、《荒唐》也在7月發布。她暫時還 不想去定義未來的路和方向,也不想給自己設限,歌手和演員這兩個 身分她想要「兩手抓」。

Fu quickly realized that what she really needed to do was become more courageous if she was to step up and be a true performer. She knew that if she could showcase her talent through this show, it would open many doors. It was Jan 12, 2019 when her female group Trainee 18 hosted its first show, Rocket Girl Aviation 101 Concert, in Shanghai. During her solo session, Fu sang her favourite song, “Adjournment”. She could hear her fans singing along in the audience, yet she was so nervous. “That was the first time I had sung solo on such a huge stage,” says Fu. “I felt timid and insecure.” Nevertheless, during this year’s group farewell concert on June 23rd, Fu confessed before singing her single “Alita”: “The junior me who wanted to leave behind my comfort zone and reconcile is now standing tall and bold on this stage announcing that, I am proud and confident.”

SoArINg STEADIly When the group was first formed, it received mixed reviews, especially online. A number of comments suggested Fu’s performances lacked character. How far off that observation was as today she has become a full-on super idol. She thrives to develop new performance horizons and, at the same time, maintain her humble beginnings without losing sight of her goals. Performing since she was a child, Fu trained in folk and classical dance during her teens. However, she says her family never saw a career for her in the performing arts. Even when she auditioned for Creation 101 and quickly advanced to the final, then signed a recording contract, she says it all came as a big surprise to many.





cover girl


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人生最後才是句號 傅菁從小就喜歡唱歌跳舞,十來歲學習民族舞 和古典舞,但家人沒想過要把她往文藝方向培養, 參加《創造101》海選,一路走到決賽並順利簽約算是 個「意外」。成為練習生,由《創造101》入選偶像女團 「火箭少女101」,傅菁自己也沒有想到能一步步走到 今天。作為限定偶像團體,「火箭少女101」已正式解 散,但對傅菁而言,人生到最後才是句號,「火箭少 女101」的終結只是個小逗號,是暫時的停頓休整, 也是全新的起點。 有人說,「火箭少女101」中大多數成員的第一個 事業巔峰就是在限定團期間。傅菁對「巔峰」有自己的 解讀:「我不認為一定要說什麽巔峰不巔峰的,我倒 不希望自己有巔峰。」她甚至覺得巔峰有些可怕,因 為站得越高,所承受的壓力也越大,她更願意慢慢 走,「平穩地走著,慢慢地一層一層走上去」。

Even when she was selected to join Rocket Girl 101, Fu never imagined what she would go on to achieve. When the group officially disbanded, it was only the end of her first chapter—the best was yet to come. on Weibo, Fu is labelled as: singer and actor. last year, she did indeed expand her horizons, acting in the online drama We Were Meant to B, as well as the costumed drama Listen to the Phoenix. So what prompted this super idol to branch off into acting? Fu asserts with conviction that one should constantly strive to improve oneself and expand personal boundaries. She followed her heart and made the choice. Now she’s experiencing a different life professionally—and enjoying every moment. As for her music, this past summer Fu released her first solo EP single “Smoke Arise” followed by two more songs, “luminous Body” and “Absurdity”. In the meantime, she plans to live up to her roles as a singer and actor as much as she can.





in memoriam

Kenzo TaKada (1939-2020)

旅居法國的日本時尚設計師、著名品牌凱卓(Kenzo) 創始人高田賢三,因感染新冠肺炎於10月4日逝世,他締 造的時尚神話,將成為永久的傳奇。 其時剛剛於巴黎2021春夏時裝周上發佈蜜蜂主題系 列時裝的凱卓(Kenzo)設計總監Felipe Oliveira Baptista緬 懷自己的前輩:「他超凡的活力、友善、才華和微笑都具 有强烈的感染力,他的親善精神將永存。」 儘管在1999年將凱卓賣給法國奢侈品企業LVMH后, 高田賢三宣佈退休,但他仍然是世界最受尊敬的時尚設計 師之一。 「高田賢三自上世紀七十年代便不斷為時尚注入詩 意輕盈和甜美自由的氣息,激發出後輩的創意和靈感。」 LVMH集團董事長兼首席執行官Bernard Arnault給予了這 位時尚設計大師崇高的贊譽。 安息吧,高田賢三先生。


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The passing in October of famed Japanese-French designer Kenzo Takada from complications from Covid-19 sent shockwaves through the fashion world. Takada’s contributions to ready-to-wear are legendary and his influence on high-style will live on. “His amazing energy, kindness, talent and smile were contagious,” said Kenzo artistic director Felipe Oliveira Baptista, who unveiled the bee-themed collection to fashion editors in October. “His kindred spirit will live forever.” Though Takada retired from his own house in 1999, after being bought out in 1993 by French luxury goods company LVMH, Kenzo remained one of the world’s most respected fashion icons. “Kenzo Takada has, from the 1970s, infused into fashion a tone of poetic lightness and sweet freedom, which inspired many designers after him,” said Bernard Arnault, chairman and chief executive of LVMH. Rest In Peace monsieur Kenzo.

photo: Associated Press ELITEGEN




jewellery special

H o l i d ay T w i n k l e 每年Pandora都會推出精巧的節日珠 寶,打造閃爍璀璨的節慶時刻。2020節日系 列的設計靈感來自藝術品,主要特點是標誌 性造型及天藍色寶石。一系列手鏈、頸鏈、 串飾、戒指及耳環均以人手打造,盡顯精湛 工藝。 搭配之道:永不過時的設計,無論是 配襯亮麗的派對穿束或休閒隨性的日常打扮 均合適。想更富時尚氣息,可混搭不同金 屬,包括Pandora標誌式71%回收純銀、金 黃色澤的Pandora Shine或浪漫粉紅色澤的 Pandora Rose。 This year and every year, Pandora helps you celebrate the holidays with elegant, exquisitely crafted jewellery that makes every moment shine a little brighter. Drawing inspiration from fine art, the 2020 holiday collection features iconic shapes and a recurring theme of celestial-inspired blue stones. These expertly designed new bracelets, necklaces, charms, rings and earrings are hand-finished with cutting-edge craftsmanship techniques. How to wear: Timeless, on trend and versatile, the pieces can be dressed up for a glam party outfit or paired with cozy, everyday looks. For a modern touch, stack on the shimmering charms with mix metals with Pandora’s signature 71 percent recycled sterling silver, golden-hued Pandora Shine or warm-toned Pandora Rose.

珍•飾 精巧工藝串起珍貴回憶 Pandora串飾手鏈20周年慶 Pandora jewellery celebrates 20 years of self-expression and hand craftsmanship Story | Leslie Yip Photography | Simon J Boucher-Harris Styling | Leslie Yip Hmua | Jennifer Poh Assist | Ray Baldeo Model | Alyssa Lau 不知不覺,原來我的第一條Pandora串飾手鏈已經 有12年歷史了。巴黎鐵塔及行李箱代表著我對旅行的熱 愛,兩隻狗仔串飾代表我的兩隻「毛孩」(永遠懷念你們, Sylvie和Bricot),還有代表我的處女座浮雕。

I still remember my first Pandora charm bracelet from 12 years ago. there is an Eiffel tower and a suitcase charm to speak for my love of travelling, a dog house and a sitting puppy to represent my two dogs then, (both, alas, have gone to the other side of the rainbow bridge), and a dangling shell cameostyle virgo bibelot, my astrological sign.

之後我為手鏈添加了更多串飾,每一個都代表著我 生命中一個特別的時刻。

more baubles have been added to the accolade subsequently, and each one represents a special moment in my life.

iconic and Timeless 蛇紋鏈是Pandora Moments手鏈系列中的主打設計。 為配合20周年慶,Pandora的設計團隊特別利用蛇鏈的設計 元素打造全新手鏈、串飾、吊飾、耳環及戒指。全新系列飾 品設計出色,富時尚感又永不過時,突顯個性得來又易於 配搭。 搭配之道:以密鑲寶石蛇鏈紋三圈戒指當作頸鏈吊飾 配戴,表達時尚宣言。三圈戒指以經典Pandora Moments蛇 鏈系列為靈感,選用純銀以手工綴飾而成,鑲嵌透明立方氧 化鋯石。其中一個環圈飾以蛇鏈紋理,中間升起的環圈鑲滿 寶石,另一個環圈集合這兩種質感。可配襯同系列的其它飾 品塑造完美造型。


The snake chain is the defining feature of the original Pandora Moments bracelet. As part of the 20th anniversary celebration, Pandora’s design team distills the snake chain’s essence and find new ways to apply its pattern to the new bracelets, charms, pendants, earrings and a ring. The result is a range of beautiful, wearable jewellery that feels modern yet timeless, edgy yet versatile.


How to wear: Make a statement by wearing the Triple Band Pavé Snake Chain Pattern ring as a pendant. Inspired by the iconic Pandora Moments snake chain bracelets, this three-band ring is hand-finished in sterling silver and includes clear cubic zirconia. One ring is covered in a snake chain pattern, the elevated middle ring is completely embellished with stones, while the other ring features a mixture of both textures. Complete your look with other pieces from the collection.


相信很多喜歡Pandora首飾的朋友都跟我一樣,認為串飾手鏈不僅是飾物,它更在數說自己生 命的故事。每個串飾都有特別意義,加起來就好像古時的結繩一樣,記載自己的經歷及里程碑,每 條手鏈都獨一無二。

來自哥本哈根的愛 今年Pandora也迎來了自己的里程碑,這款深受全球粉絲喜愛,讓他們透過自由配搭飾品去呈 現真我的串飾手鏈踏入20周年慶。由一家丹麥首飾小店開始,經過多年努力發展成今天全球首屈一 指的首飾品牌,單是去年已經售出九千六百萬件飾品。 品牌故事由1982年說起,當時丹麥金匠Per Enevoldsen與妻子Winnie遠赴泰國為自己的小店 訪尋工藝精緻的飾品。數年後,首位品牌自家設計師加盟,自此Pandora專注設計自家飾品。直至 2000年,個性化串飾飾品概念正式面世,並一直流行至今。

I believe that many fellow Pandora jewellery fans share my sentiment that their charm bracelets are so much more than sheer ornaments. Rather, they tell the story of their lives. Each charm has its special meanings, and together, they become somewhat of a quipu, a knotted string record of personal stories and landmarks, and each collection is unique to its owner.

FRom CoPEnhagEn, wIth lovE the Pandora brand itself is celebrating a milestone this year—the iconic Pandora moments charm bracelet, globally renowned and beloved for letting fans tell their stories and express their true self through jewellery, is turning 20 years old. It has come a long way from a local Danish jeweller’s shop to becoming the number one jewellery brand in the world, selling 96 million pieces of jewelry just in the past year. the story began in 1982 when Danish goldsmith Per Enevoldsen and his wife winnie would travel to thailand in search of well-made jewellery for their own business. a few years later, the first in-house designer joined the company and Pandora began to focus on creating its own unique jewellery. the idea of developing a charm concept that could be styled in a personal and individual way became reality in 2000, and it’s been history ever since.

jewellery special

Sleek and Modern Pandora Reflexions織網手鏈以手工綴飾而成,特別的 夾扣設計易於開合,佩戴舒適。可隨心之喜好扣上夾扣串飾, 可固定於鏈上,簡約俐落,綻放時尚女性魅力。 搭配之道:平坦的織網設計線條俐落,無論配襯上班服 又或厚毛衣皆可。可選擇金色的Pandora Shine或粉紅金色的 Pandora Rose。 The hand-finished Pandora Reflexions metal mesh bracelets sit beautifully on the wrist. Designed to move with you, they open and close with a smooth bar clasp for the perfect fit. Reflecting modern femininity, the customizable design holds sleek charms that clip on effortlessly to sit flush with the bracelet. How to wear: The flatter weave gives you a sleek look that is as in ease in a boardroom as paired with a chunky wooden sweater. All available in radiant Pandora Shine, blush-pink Pandora Rose.

人手綴飾 由於泰國有大量手藝精湛的首飾工匠,而且供應貴金屬及晶石,因此品牌選擇在泰國生產他們 的設計。現時品牌在當地聘用了超過11,000名工匠,並分別於泰北清邁附近的南奔市及曼谷市郊珠 寶工業城Gemopolis設廠,廠房更獲LEED環保認證。 在製作過程中,一件珠寶平均經過25雙巧手處理,因此每款飾品均獨一無二,正如配戴 Pandora首飾的女性一樣。 自2011年開始領導品牌設計隊團的首席創意總監Stephen Fairchild說:「飾品看起來大同小 異,但微小的區別正正突顯每件飾品的獨特性。」 「製作珠寶本身是一門藝術,」他解釋道。「很多人採用自動化工序,但我們的珠寶全部是泰國的 工匠在我們先進的廠房以人手製作。我跟很多工匠已經認識多年,他們就好像家人一樣,沒有他們 就沒有我們的珠寶。」 每件飾品雖然獨一無二,但從百分百回收純銀的制作傳統,到各種象徵性圖案,如Pandora徽 記、鏤空心形、閃爍密鑲及蛇形花紋,全都體現品牌簽名式的設計元素。

A hAnDcrAFting trADition they chose to manufacture their design in thailand thanks to the highly skilled local jewellery craftspeople and supply of precious metals and gemstones. More than 11,000 people are employed there today, between the two leeD-certified crafting facilities in lamphun near chiang Mai in northern thailand and in gemopolis, a jewellery industry zone outside bangkok. Just like the women who wear Pandora jewellery, every piece is truly unique because of the handcrafting involved in the production process. An average of 25 pairs of hands contribute to creating each piece of jewellery. “though they may appear the same at first glance, each one has infinitesimal distinctions and that makes them even more special,” says Stephen Fairchild, who has creatively guided the company since 2011. “the crafting of jewellery is art in itself,” he explains. “A lot of people use automation, but we create our jewellery through the hands of the thai crafters at our own incredible facilities. i consider them family, have known many of them for years and without them we couldn’t do what we do.” each piece may be one-of-a-kind, but the brand’s signature design elements remain consistent across collections, from its 100 per cent recycled sterling silver to iconic motifs like the Pandora logo, cut-out hearts, sparkling pavé and snake chain pattern.

廿周年慶 標誌性的Pandora Moments系列串飾於2000正 式面世。為慶祝20周年及紀念過去20年的珍貴回憶, Pandora自一月開始推出2020限量版串飾系列,再現過 往深受喜愛的12個款式。限量版串飾系列於每月推出一 款,包括草莓(一月)、青蛙王子(三月)、14k金四葉草 (五月)、愛心骰子(八月)等等。每款限量版串飾均鑄有 特別的20周年紀念印及證書,而且售完即止,別具收藏 價值。 除此之外,品牌亦為20周年慶推出融入經典元素的 全新設計飾品,包括綴以新鏈扣的蛇紋鏈,與及新款蛇 鏈紋串飾、吊飾、耳環以及戒指。無論買來當作節慶禮 物,還是Pandora品牌的首份起始禮物,或是為已擁有 Pandora飾品的人增添新飾件都是不二之選。品牌新品 可瀏覽ca.pandora.net查閱。

A yeAr-long celebrAtion throughout 2020, Pandora has been celebrating two decades of memories and innovations dedicated to its iconic Moments charm bracelet, which was first released in 2000. Since January, one of 12 of Pandora’s most beloved charms is being relaunched as part of the 2020 limited edition charm series, set to become immediate collector’s items. they include the strawberry (Jan), the frog prince (Mar), 14k gold pieces like the Four-leaf clover (May) and the love Dice (Aug) and more. each of these limited editions comes with a special 20-year hallmark and a certificate of authenticity, adding to collectability, and each is available only until sold out. new designs invoking the brand’s beloved and distinctive elements are also being launched as part of the 20th anniversary celebration, including a snake chain bracelet with a new closing mechanism, as well as new charms, pendants, earrings and a ring distilled with the essence of the snake chain. these pieces are indispensable whether as holiday presents, a first time gift or introduction to the brand, or as an addition to an ongoing collection. to explore the latest styles, visit

la Vie en roSe 獨特的Pandora Rose,呈現華美溫潤的浪漫粉紅色澤,令飾品展現獨特美態及復古魅 力。耀目珍美的金屬象徵自我個性、浪漫和含蓄奢華。Pandora鍍玫瑰金系列於2016年推 出,金屬組合含17% 銀及83% 銅,罩上一層鈀增加耐用性,之後鍍上14k玫瑰金,抹上令光 澤更持久的塗層並以人手綴飾。 搭配之道:獨特緋然的粉紅色彩,洋溢暖意,修飾各種膚色,特別適合搭配中性色調, 如淺灰色、土灰粉紅色、灰棕色、米色、褐灰色及珊瑚色。可疊戴飾品突出層次感。 Warm, luminous and romantic, Pandora Rose is a unique blend of metals that makes jewellery glow with rare beauty and vintage appeal. The lustrous precious metal symbolizes individuality and personality, romance and understated luxury. Launched in 2016, the core of Pandora Rose jewellery is made of 17% silver and 83% copper, encased in a layer of palladium for durability before being dipped in 14k rose gold plating, coated in anti-tarnish and hand finished. How to wear: The characteristic blush-pink colour offers flattering warmth that matches every skin tone, and works especially well with a neutral palette: think dove grey, dusty pink, beige, cream, taupe and coral. Layer delicate pieces for maximum impact.

jewellery: cartier


Glitter and Glamour Cartier—the king of jewellers and the jeweller of kings—reveals its latest portfolio of dazzling brilliance Story | Maisie Lau


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鉑金指環,鑲嵌一顆祖母綠式切割祖母綠,主石 可選擇1卡至1.99卡,配以鋪鑲明亮式切割圓鑽。 Platinum ring with an emerald-cut emerald of 1ct to 1.99ct, on a band of brilliant-cut round diamonds.

鉑金指環,鑲嵌一顆橢圓形切割紅寶石,主石可 選擇1卡至1.99卡,配以鋪鑲明亮式切割圓鑽。 Platinum ring with a brilliant-cut ruby of 1ct to 1.99ct, on a band of brilliant-cut round diamonds.

鉑金指環,鑲嵌一顆梨形切割鑽石,主石可選擇2卡 至5.99卡,配以鋪鑲明亮式切割圓鑽。 Platinum ring with a pear-shaped diamond of 2ct to 5.99ct, on a band of brilliant-cut round diamonds.

鉑金指環,鑲嵌一顆重4.03卡、F色VS1明亮 式切割圓形鑽石,配以鋪鑲明亮式切割圓鑽。 Platinum ring with a 4.03ct brilliant diamond of VS1 clarity and F colour, on a band of brilliant-cut round diamonds.

鉑金指環,鑲嵌一顆橢圓形切割藍寶石,主石可選擇 1卡至3.49卡,配以鋪鑲明亮式切割圓鑽。 Platinum ring with an oval sapphire of 1ct to 3.49ct, on a band of brilliant-cut round diamonds.





jewellery: cartier

18K白色黃金耳環,鑲嵌祖母綠、 鑽石及縞瑪瑙。 18K white gold earrings with emeralds, diamonds and onyx, $228,000

18K玫瑰金指環,鑲嵌沙弗萊石榴 石及縞瑪瑙。 18K pink gold ring with tsavorite garnets and onyx, $8,300

18K黃金手鐲,鑲嵌縞瑪瑙、沙弗 萊石榴石及黑色真漆。 18K gold bracelet with onyx, tsavorite garnets and black lacquer, $38,200


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18K白色黃金吊墜項 鏈,鑲嵌祖母綠、縞瑪 瑙及鑽石。 18K white gold pendant and necklace with emeralds, onyx and diamonds, $108,000

18K白色黃金胸針,鑲 嵌祖母綠、縞瑪瑙及 鑽石。 18K white gold brooch with emeralds, onyx and diamonds, $29,300

18K黃金玫瑰金手鐲,鑲嵌祖母綠、 縞瑪瑙及鑽石。 18K gold and rose gold bracelet with emeralds, onyx and diamonds, $333,000

18K白色黃金雙豹頭造型手鐲,鑲嵌祖母綠、鑽石及 縞瑪瑙。 18K white gold bracelet with dual panther heads set with emeralds, diamonds and onyx, $406,000

18K白色黃金指環,鑲嵌沙弗萊石 榴石及縞瑪瑙。 18K white gold ring with tsavorite garnets and onyx, $103,000





jewellery: tiffany


To The


Tiffany celebrates 50 years of the iconic elsa Peretti cuff


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Elsa Peretti® small Bone cuff in sterling silver with black jade, $3,750 Elsa Peretti® small Bone cuff in sterling silver with turquoise, $10,400 Elsa Peretti® small Bone cuff in 18k gold with green jade, $24,900

「我對骨頭的熱愛跟所謂的毛骨悚然一點關係也沒有」, 珠寶設計師艾爾莎·柏瑞蒂曾經這樣說。 「當我還是個孩子時, 常跟著保姆去一座17世紀的卡普欽教堂的墓地,那裏到處都 用人骨作裝飾。我媽媽不得不一次又一次把我偷偷放進自己 小包包裏的骨頭送回原處。越是被禁止的事情越是會留給你 永久的記憶。」

“My love for bones has nothing macabre about it,” says jewellery designer Elsa Peretti. “As a child, I kept on visiting the cemetery of a 17th-century Capuchin church with my nanny. All the rooms were decorated with human bones. My mother had to send me back, time and again, with a stolen bone in my little purse. Things that are forbidden remain with you forever.”





jewellery: tiffany

Elsa Peretti在工作中。 Elsa Peretti at her worktable in New York City in the 1970s. 64

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“I have always been interested in the mechanics and its feel; every jewellery piece should be captivating and comfortable to wear.”—Elsa Peretti

鮮艷的紅色,藍色,綠色,內刻 「特別版」 字樣。 Elsa Peretti® small Bone cuff in green, red and blue finish over copper with “special edition” inscription, 43mm, $660

柏瑞蒂於1974年加入蒂芙尼公司,她的設計著眼於女性,並堅信 珠寶應該既美麗迷人又佩戴舒適,二者缺一不可。在1970年代女權主 義風行,女性追求更大平等權利的高峰時期,柏瑞蒂開創性地設計了 開口手鐲,她要女性在輕鬆自如之中顯示覺醒的力量。超越時空局限 的開口手鐲引領了一次珠寶設計革新,從它誕生的那天起,就備受女 性推崇。

Peretti, who joined Tiffany & Co. in 1974, designs with the woman in mind and the belief that jewellery should be equally captivating and comfortable to wear. Her groundbreaking bone cuff design was introduced in the 1970s at the height of feminism and the pursuit of greater equal rights. Powerfully feminine with an effortless ease, the timeless bone cuff is a design innovation that’s been revered by women since it was first introduced.

今年是開口手鐲誕生50周年,蒂芙尼為此推出開口手鐲彩色及 寶石鑲嵌特別版,向傳奇致敬。柏瑞蒂的設計顛覆了珠寶的概念,將 珠寶首飾變得簡潔和充滿裝飾性,賦予了它全新的佩戴方式,與此同 時,讓佩戴它的女性更堅強更自信。

To honor the 50th anniversary of this timeless design icon, the bone cuff is reimagined in special edition colors and new carved stone styles. Peretti’s designs have changed the notion of jewellery as simply adornment, subverting how it is worn while empowering women.





Jewellery: Frédéric Zaavy

成就珠寶 直臻藝境

The impressionisT Jeweller The famed Frédéric Zaavy celebrated in new book

Story | Connie Li Photography | John Taylor, Dianne Dubler

一本講述已故法國著名珠寶設計師Frédéric Zaavy生 活、藝術故事,展示其代表作品的書籍《星塵》(Stardust) (作者Gilles Hertzog、John Taylor和Dianne Dubler)新 近出版。Frédéric Zaavy生前的生活伴侶和生意夥伴Lisa Chen女士,為此接受了EliteGen記者的專訪,以她獨特 的視角詮釋這名珠寶藝術家留下的傳世之作,講述他鮮為 人知的故事。 第一眼看到Frédéric Zaavy的珠寶設計作品,濃重艷 麗的色彩和婀娜多姿的造型會強烈沖擊你的感官,代表 「永恒的愛」的鳶尾花手鐲、照映嬌嫩春天的千禧年春花胸 針、靈感源自莫內畫作的「睡蓮」手環……無不讓人過目難 忘。 「對我而言,有兩件事情非常重要──顏色和光。顏 色和光線之間的連結就是印象。我希望在未來的作品中創 造出印象派的範例。有時候,我會想要用綠色,讓他們看 起來像紅色。那麼,為什麼光線和陰影明明是黑色的, 有時候卻可以被描述成藍色的呢?這就是印象派派上用場 的地方。對我來說,寶石就是印象。每顆寶石都有其重要 性。寶石就是珠寶作品的氧氣。這一切就是印象派,關 於我對作品的印象,以及我對我的世界的印象。」Frédéric Zaavy如此解釋。

致敬傳統臻完美 Zaavy出生在巴黎一個珠寶商世家,2011年因癌癥 病逝,享年46歲。他一生都在周遊世界與大自然親近, 一生都在從人類的文化遺產中吸取養分,Lisa說Zaavy喜 歡花朵,精巧的花朵,大自然和印象派繪畫令他的設計靈 感源源不絕。


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The artistic journey of renowned French jewellery designer Frédéric Zaavy is finally told in Stardust, a new book by Gilles Hertzog, John Taylor and Dianne Dubler. EliteGen recently spoke to the late designer’s professional and life partner, Lisa Chen, to find out more about Zaavy’s legendary works. Zaavy once said: “To me there are two very important things: colour and light. The connection between colour and light is impression. I want to create examples of impressionism.” No surprise that his Nymphéa bracelet was inspired by Monet’s famous impressionistic Water Lilies paintings. Osther vivid designs like his Iris bracelet and Millennium flower brooch have had lasting impact. “This is where impressionism comes to work,” Zaavy once said. “To me, stones are impressions. Every stone has its importance. Stones bring oxygen to a piece. This is totally about impressionism—about my impression towards the piece and towards my world.”

FaSCINaTED by NaTurE Zaavy, a third generation Paris diamond merchant who lost his battle with cancer in 2011 at the age of 46, travelled around the world to stay close to nature and absorb the essence of cultural heritage. Chen says Zaavy loved flowers and drew endless inspiration from delicate blooms, nature and impressionist paintings. Zaavy knew full well that his designs did not connect with trendy, contemporary jewellery designs of the day. but he was fine with that, paying tribute to the art of the French royal court and it’s regal jewellery of the 18th and 19th centuries.

Frédéric Zaavy(1964年10月9日-2011年9月15 日),法國著名高定珠寶設計師,成為俄國王室禦 用珠寶品牌Fabergé於2009年重開時的首個專屬設 計師。代表作品有鳶尾花胸針、睡蓮手環、海馬胸 針、空間戒,及緞帶系列、傳說系列珠寶。 Frédéric Zaavy (Oct 9, 1964-Sept 15, 2011), was a high jewellery designer from France and the first master of the Russian royal jewellery house Fabergé when it reopened in 2009. The Iris brooch, the Nympheas bracelet, the Seahorse brooch, the Space ring, the Ribbon Series and The Legend Series, were just some of his masterpieces. ELITEGEN




Jewellery: Frédéric Zaavy 熔巖戒指 尖晶石、白鑽、粉鑽、彩色寶石、黃金 Magma ring Spinel, white diamond, pink diamond, coloured stone, gold

牡丹花戒指 白鑽、彩鑽、紅寶石、彩藍寶石、黃金、銀 Peony ring Diamond, coloured diamond, ruby, coloured sapphire, gold and silver

Frédéric Zaavy生前的生活伴侶和生意夥伴。兩人於1992年在美國因寶石 而相遇。1993年Zaavy回到巴黎,開始巴黎臺灣兩邊飛,兩人開始交往。 1999年,兩人的兒子出生。 Lisa Chen was Frédéric Zaavy’s professional and personal partner. They met in the U.S. in 1992 through their mutual interest in gemstones. Zaavy returned to Paris in 1993, but maintained the relationship by shuttling between Paris and Taiwan. In 1999, their son was born.

Zaavy自認為他的珠寶作品和現代工藝並不大有關聯,因為 他採用的是法國古典皇室珠寶的傳統工藝,追求精緻華美的極 致,向十八、十九世紀法國皇室珠寶致敬。 原料一定要是最頂級的寶石,從寶石本身的品質到切割, 都要相當完美。Zaavy的珠寶將一顆顆精彩的寶石當作顏料來創 作,難度較繪畫更高,繪畫上的色點下筆而就,珠寶上的色點, 卻是要走過迢迢長路才可達到,而為了那個色點,總是在買寶 石、累積寶石。Lisa透露,有時候,Zaavy會直接拿顏色對的大 寶石來切磨,為了釋放寶石最美的光芒,去做這種「殘酷」的事。 Lisa驕傲地說,Zaavy珠寶的製作工藝可以用「工不厭精」四 個字形容,鑲嵌師傅經常要在30倍放大鏡下工作,不但每個面 都用寶石滿滿鋪鑲,有時連小小的鑲爪也鑲上了寶石。有些作品 上,寶石的鑲爪精簡到只需兩個,就能達到平衡及牢固;還能夠 只用兩顆鑲爪,就固定住寶石桌面互呈90度角的兩顆寶石。鑲爪 用到最簡,單位面積內因此可以容納最多的寶石。而且不論是怎 樣的角度、彎曲度,都不用金屬帶過,而是紮紮實實滿鋪,連內 部都不放過。如何鑲嵌,有的迄今仍是師傅才知曉的秘密。 「我們做過一件名為《睡蓮》的手環,靈感源自莫內的畫作, 鑲嵌的寶石僅有0.6毫米,那是極小的顆粒。然而透過顏色和光影 的設計,手環的表面感覺上便有了3毫米的厚度。Zaavy希望這只 手環正反兩面都可配戴,為此請到一位瑞士的技師解決了技術上 的難題。兩位師傅在上面花了一年的時間,還好,這件作品最終 完成。那只手環的結構是一段扣接一段,攤開來平順無縫;鑲嵌 的寶石則緊密相挨或層疊。佩戴起來,柔軟服貼,不見任何縫隙。 還有一件作品,造型是綻放的牡丹,每片花瓣上下均需滿滿 鑲嵌寶石,為了不讓寶石底部碰在一起,上下兩側鑲嵌的工法和 形式不同,這件作品花了七年的時間才完成」


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From the quality of the gems to the cutting, Zaavy settled for nothing less than perfection. Each stone was like a paint from his artistic palette. using gemstones to achieve the desired colour profile is a long, drawn-out process, beginning with sourcing and collecting the right gems. Chen says Zaavy would sometimes “brutally” cut right into the raw stone to release its beautiful light. She is proud that his works were a hallmark of a tireless pursuit of the highest form of artistry. Master setters often had to use 30X zoom to pave every surface of a design, even on miniscule claws. On some pieces, only two claws were required to tightly and evenly set a stone, or two stones were set together on a 90-degree angle.

a SECrET THaT rEMaINS WITH THE MaSTErS Minimizing the number of claws created more room for paving gemstones smoothly at various angles or curvatures. This feat remains a trade secret of the masters. “Our masterpiece, the Nymphéas bracelet, was inspired by a Monet painting,” Chen says. “The gemstones are as small as 0.6mm. They are tiny, yet through colours and light, they feel like threecentimetre stones on the surface of the bracelet.” Zaavy wanted the bracelet to be worn on either side so he invited a Swiss artisan to resolve the technical issues. They spent more than a year working on it. What they eventually came up with was a bracelet constructed link by link that draped perfectly on the wrist. “another piece takes the form of a blossoming peony,” Chen says. “Each petal is paved with precious stones. To make sure the gemstones in the base did not crush one another, different settings and designs were applied to the upper and lower sides. This piece took seven years to finish.”

緞帶戒 白鑽、灰鑽、粉鑽、黃金 Ribbon ring White diamond, grey diamond, pink diamond and gold

海馬胸針 鑽石、黃鑽石、變石、紫水晶、海藍寶 石、藍寶石,帕拉依巴碧璽、沙弗來石、 黃金、銀 Seahorse brooch Diamond, yellow diamond, alexandrite, amethyst, aquamarine, demantoid, Paraiba, coloured sapphire, tsavorite, hauyne, gold and silver

睡蓮手環 各色鑽石、各色寶石、火蛋白石、月光石、鉑金、黃金、銀 The Nymphéas bracelet (right), inspired by Monet's Water Lilies series (left), has 5,000 stones, including multi-coloured diamonds and sapphires, alexandrite, fire opal, aquamarine, moonstone, ruby, matural padparadscha, tsavorite, demantoid, platinum, yellow gold and silver.

蛋白石傳奇戒 鑽石、錳鋁榴石、碧璽、彩色寶石 Opal Legend ring Diamond, spessartite, paraiba, coloured stone





Jewellery: Frédéric Zaavy

Fabergé以一個大花蛋來慶祝其 2009年重新開張。 Floral egg celebrating the Fabergé launch, 2009


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用珠寶揮灑情感 在Zaavy眼裏,珠寶應被視為藝術作品,要自我表現,自我完 成。但他沒忘珠寶的本質,每件作品並非只宜靜觀,而有高佩戴性。 它們不只綻放藝術的光彩,而且隨著佩戴者的行止,閃耀出活潑的生 命力。 Fabergé的藝術總監Katharina Flohr曾評價Zaavy的作品:「這是 珠寶藝術家對完美的奉獻。他使用珠寶闡述其敏銳的眼光,如同畫家 一般,經由珠寶揮灑出動人的作品。當你將他的作品捧在手上時,情 感會不由自主地湧上心頭。」 Lisa說:「『我要成名。』是Zaavy常說的一句話,他期望浸淫在光 輝中——寶石的光輝,名聲的光輝。」求取榮譽及功名,堅持完美, 追求藝術價值,這是Zaavy一生的執著追求。他,做到了。

Zaavy perceived jewellery as an art form that expressed and completed one’s self. yet he didn’t overlook the fact that jewellery is not only to be admired, but also to be worn. and it must dazzle in artistic brilliance and sparkle with vibrancy. Fabergé artistic director Katharina Flohr describes Zaavy’s works this way: “It was his dedication to perfection and the sensitivity seen through the eye of a painter who painted with stones. It was—and indeed still is—the emotional engagement that you have when you hold a piece of his work in your hands.” Says Chen: “Zaavy always said, ‘I want to be famous.’ He wanted to submerge himself in brilliance, the glory of gemstones and of reputation.” Striving for honour and recognition, Zaavy insisted throughout his life to pursue artistic value. That, he certainly accomplished.







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Blending aesthetics with mechanics chopard teams up with fashion house Kiton for the best of swiss haute horlogerie and italian sprezzatura 蕭邦首次與意大利大師級西裝訂製品牌Kiton 工作坊攜手合作,推出L.U.C XP Il Sarto Kiton超 薄腕錶,限量100枚。以簡約純粹的優雅特質而著 稱,L.U.C XP超薄腕錶如今換上由Kiton工作坊工 匠們量身訂製的精美「西裝」。瑞士製錶品牌與拿 坡里時裝訂製工作坊一同譜寫合作新篇章。這兩 家體現男性儒雅風範的知名家族品牌,匯聚各自 的精湛工藝,攜手創造L.U.C XP Il Sarto Kiton腕 錶。 L.U.C XP Il Sarto Kiton腕錶採用40毫米直徑 錶殼,厚度僅7.2毫米。超薄設計帶來出色的佩戴 舒適感,突顯簡約特色。這款時計黑色廓形搭配 深灰色調DLC(類碳鑽)處理微珠打磨精鋼錶殼、 錶盤和錶鏈,色調和諧一致。 經電鍍處理和漆面潤飾的黃銅錶盤上,裝飾 Kiton工作坊一眼可辨的獨特千鳥格紋圖案。深色 錶盤搭配金色阿拉伯數字和時標,以及太子妃尖 劍型指針,令時分顯示清晰可見,輕鬆讀取。 錶帶體現Kiton工作坊的精工細作,採用結合 未經化學處理的蒙古羊絨、羊毛、法蘭絨和少量 氨綸的柔軟混紡布料手工縫製,佩戴舒適,並搭 配紅色鱷魚皮襯裡,更顯奢華。腕錶另附一條黑 色鱷魚皮錶帶,同樣搭配紅色鱷魚皮襯裡。

With the L.U.C XP Il Sarto Kiton timepiece, Chopard is introducing its first partnership with the Kiton Ateliers, masters of Italian tailoring. This strictly limited edition watch in beadblasted DLC-coated steel is soberly attired with a houndstooth-patterned dial and a slate-coloured cashmere strap lined with red alligator leather. The automatic timepiece is equipped with a tungsten micro-rotor and Chopard Twin technology to ensure a power reserve that will last more than two days. The partnership between the Swiss watchmaker and the Neapolitan couturier appears to have been written in the stars. Both representing family maisons committed to the same vision of craftsmanship and tradition, these two great names have combined their know-how in creating the L.U.C XP Il Sarto Kiton watch. “L.U.C is a collection of Haute Horlogerie watches that stands out for its distinctive character,” says Chopard co-president Karl-Friedrich Scheufele. “Our partnership with Kiton is an entirely logical move, in that over the years our two family maisons have proven the excellence of their craftsmanship and their fertile creativity.” The result is a highly exclusive timepiece, produced in a numbered 100-piece limited edition. The 7.2mm, ultra-thin timepiece imposes an aura of simplicity, echoing Ciro Paone’s motto: “Elegance must be associated with simplicity.” The allure of this timepiece also lies in its chromatic uniformity: a beautiful black silhouette, subtly carved out from the slate grey shades of the beadblasted DLC (Diamond-Like Carbon) steel case, dial and a strap in a soft blend of Mongolian cashmere, wool and flannel with a hint of elastane, to ensure comfort. This opulent wristband is lined with red alligator leather as is a second black alligator leather strap also sold with the model.





timeworthy L.U.C XP Il Sarto Kiton腕錶亦搭載品牌自製L.U.C 96.53-L超薄機芯。這款厚度僅3.3毫米的機芯是蕭邦錶 廠首款自製機芯——L.U.C 96.01-L機芯的升級版。 L.U.C 96.53-L自動上鏈機械機芯配備蕭邦Twin技 術研發的雙發條盒,可提供58小時動力儲存。機芯採用 高效堅固的鎢金微型擺陀上鏈。L.U.C XP Il Sarto Kiton 腕錶的錶橋上裝飾精美別致的「日內瓦波紋」,精密機芯 透過透明錶底蓋一覽無遺,兼備外在美與內在美。

As for accuracy, the L.U.C XP Il Sarto Kiton incorporates automatic winding, equipped with twin barrels ensuring a 58-hour power reserve. It is powered by a micro-rotor made of tungsten, a high-density alloy facilitating optimal winding. Featuring movement bridges finely decorated with “Côtes de Genève”, the L.U.C XP Il Sarto Kiton watch is equally beautiful inside and out, which is why its precious calibre is visible through a transparent case-back. The L.U.C collection embodies the perfect blend of virility and sensitivity, humility and charisma that define the modern-day gentleman. It epitomizes an ideal alliance between aesthetics and mechanics, celebrated by those who make their existence a quest for fine craftsmanship and regard inward and outward beauty as an art of living.

l.U.c Xp ii sarto Kiton 限量100枚,DLC精鋼款 錶殼 微珠打磨DCL精鋼 總直徑:40.00毫米 厚度:7.20毫米 防水性能:30米 微珠打磨DLC精鋼錶冠:5.00毫米 微珠打磨錶圈、錶底蓋、錶緣和錶耳 防眩光藍寶石水晶玻璃錶鏡 透明錶底蓋–淺色錶鏡 機芯 自動上鏈機械機芯:L.U.C 96.53-L 零件數:172枚 總直徑:27.4毫米 厚度:3.30毫米 寶石數:29顆 震頻:28,800次/小時 (4赫茲) 動力儲存:58小時 雙發條盒–蕭邦Twin技術 鎢金微型擺陀上鏈 扁平終端曲線游絲 橋板裝飾日內瓦波紋 100-piece limited edition in dlc-coated steel case diameter: 40mm thickness: 7.20mm Water resistance: 30m croWn: 5mm Glare-proof sapphire crystal movement mechanical With automatic WindinG: l.u.c 96.53-l number of components: 172 diameter: 27.4mm thickness: 3.30mm jeWels: 29 frequency: 28,800 vph (4 hz) poWer reserve: 58 hours $14,500


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SUSTAINABLE LUXURy 瑪莉安·歌迪雅(Marion Cotillard)積極參與環保公益活動和由 蕭邦於2013年發起的「通往可持發展奢侈產業之旅」(Voyage vers un Luxe Durable),這位藝術家希望能夠製作出一套同時體現其個 人風格和推崇負責任珠寶個人理念的珠寶首飾。她與蕭邦聯合總裁 兼藝術總監卡羅琳·舍費爾(Caroline Scheufele)合作,「Ice Cube Capsule by Marion Cotillard」系列由此誕生。 從蕭邦Ice Cube系列的幾何造型及其所體現的搖滾精神中汲 取靈感,瑪莉安·歌迪雅設計了七款高級珠寶作品,採用符合倫理 道理標準的「公平採礦」認證黃金製作並鑲嵌鑽石,達到最高國際標 準。蕭邦高級珠寶工作坊由此在她指導下製作出一款戒指和六款耳 環。 Ice Cube珠寶,由呈幾何造型排列的刻面方形構成,可單獨或 混搭佩戴。這位女星大膽顛覆傳統珠寶製作規範。鑒於大自然並不 完全遵循人類所創的對稱法則,此小型系列的耳飾也截然不同,相 輔相成,適於玩味混搭佩戴方式。可以在一側的耳尖佩戴一套兩枚 的金質單鑽雙環,同時在耳垂上佩戴一枚鑲嵌公主式切割單鑽的單 環耳飾,鑽石的正方造型與雙環的刻面方形相互呼應。而在另一側 耳背可佩戴由三個單鑽環圈構成的組合式耳飾,每個環圈皆鑲嵌一 顆精巧別致的細鑽;耳垂上則佩戴鑲嵌一顆鑽石的環圈,細密的公 主式切割鑽石猶如瀑布般傾瀉而下,將承托鑽石的金質鑲座巧妙隱 藏。沒有穿耳洞的人士,這些耳飾皆採用耳夾式設計。為搭配這些 可單獨佩戴或疊戴的耳環系列,她還設計了一枚雙環戒指,鑲嵌一 顆公主式切割鑽石。

A fervent environmental activist sensitive to the journey towards sustainable luxury pursued by Chopard since 2013, actress Marion Cotillard (pictured left) came up with the idea of creating a jewellery set that would embody both her style and her personal idea of responsible jewellery. So Caroline Scheufele, Co-President and Artistic Director of Chopard, agreed to devote the expertise of her ateliers for such a purpose. The Oscar winner thus passionately devoted herself to this project, which reflects a fairer form of luxury that demonstrates concern for those who mine raw materials. Inspired by the graphic shapes and rock ‘n’ roll spirit of Chopard’s Ice Cube collection and by the idea of ethical jewellery, Marion Cotillard designed seven Haute Joaillerie creations in Fairmined-certified ethical gold and diamonds meeting the best international criteria. Under her impetus, the Chopard Haute Joaillerie atelier thus gave life to a ring and seven earrings. Marion Cotillard’s design notably reprises the Ice Cube collection’s graphic alignment of small faceted cubes, as well as the easy-going manner in which the jewellery can be worn solo or stacked. Renowned for its geometry, the collection is nevertheless infused with a wave of asymmetry that gives it an even more contemporary look and feel. The actress shows undeniable boldness in disrupting the aesthetic codes of traditional jewellery. Because nature does not confirm to the laws of symmetry invented by humankind, the earrings in her capsule collection are all different, complementary, and made to be worn as part of a mix and match game. One side features a series consisting of two connected gold rings to wear on top of the ear followed by a diamond-set counterpart; and finally, on the lobe, a princess-cut solitaire diamond with a square shape recalling the small faceted cubes of the rings. The other ear features a new combination of three rings connected via the back of the ear, each set with a small diamond, then another, also set with diamond; and finally, on the lobe, a cascade of generous princess-cut diamonds, discreetly set to entirely cover the underlying gold. All these ear jewels have been designed as clips, as Marion Cotillard intends them for non-pierced ears such as her own. Completing this series of earrings to be worn solo or stacked, she has created a ring composed of two rings connected by a princess-cut solitaire diamond.





runway: GiorGio armani

GiorGio ArmAni 時尚之旅

A Style Journey

An oversized silhouette and billowy shapes define a new casual elegance for men Story | Mark


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runway: GiorGio armani


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interior design

Bolia Techno 品味

Modern style with a nod to old school danish company Bolia marries cutting edge technology with furniture design Story | 祖慧

丹麥設計師Henrik S. Thomsen設計的 Swing Chair,實木椅是大路北歐設計,反 而是看品牌為產品styling所投放的資源。 The solid timber Swing Chair, by Danish designer Henrik S. Thomsen, is a classic Scandinavian design. What sets it apart is the amount of resources the company has dedicated to styling it.


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interior design

法國葡國團隊Caurier & Gonçalves設計的Jalou console table,甚至帶來舊世界最漂亮的設計細 節:以往酒店是有電視櫃,電視櫃都有木條組成 的百業趟門。現在電視已經變了平面,再沒有這 些優雅又有手工的電視櫃,Jalou console table 就將這種逝去的品味帶回人間。Jalou當然不是 電視櫃,反而是照顧你散散收收的電線、插頭, 濕濕星星的電子用品。一拉下趟門,立即整潔。 The Jalou console table designed by Caurier & Gonçalves, from France and Portugal respectively, brings back the most beautiful design details of the old world, such as wooden venetian sliding doors that were once used for hotel TV cabinets of the past.

高科技設計是不是外觀就一定要多麼Techno多 麼冷酷多麼無人性?這個問題的答案反映的不是科 技問題,而是品味問題。丹麥設計公司Bolia經常強 調自己是活用最新科技的家具設計公司。他們精於 科技,不過賣的是傳統北歐品味。 Bolia成立於2000年,現任CEO Lars Lyse經常 強調Bolia除了是設計公司,更是一間科技公司。因 為他相信技術和設計都是源於創意。創意既可以用 於設計和產品開發,也可以用於技術開發。品牌要 做的,就是如何通過科技輕鬆完成每件工作,並且 做得更好。

Does high-tech really need to look stone cold and soulless? Not according to Danish design company Bolia that merges cutting-edge technology with furniture design to deliver today’s quintessential Scandinavian style. 新加坡的Dazingfeelsgood憑Latch coffee於17年贏了 Bolia設計獎。Latch的不規則、令它更像一件雕塑。 原來靈感是亞洲風景如畫的稻田。 Dazingfeelsgood from Singapore won the Bolia design award in 2017 with Latch Coffee, which looks like a sculpture with its irregular shape, inspired by picturesque Asian rice paddies.


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Established in 2000, Bolia CEO, Lars Lyse, maintains that the company is as much a design company as a technology outfit, aiming to use technology to make every task easier to maximum effect.

兩個德國大男人Hertel & Klarhoefer設 計的Core Sideboard就會令你記起丹麥 最經典的椅子。那種繩索來自丹麥小城 Randers,由超過半個世紀前的椅子到今 日新設計,仍然有同一種丹麥DNA。 The Core Sideboard, by German designers Hertel & Klarhoefer, has the same DNA as the classic Danish chair from more than half a century ago. The braided cords used on the face of the sideboard come from the small Danish town of Randers.

Lars Lyse經常說,自己的公司永遠處於beta版 本:不停在update,變幻原是永恆。品牌作為一所 家具連鎖店,可以做到好像時裝店一樣,每年投放 大量資源為幾十間舖換款轉裝潢改佈置,完全推倒 重來!北歐已經有百多年的設計美學傳統,他們不 會亦不想改變。不過在其它範疇他們可是出盡力注 入當代創意。一間新派高科技設計公司,不用販賣 太空飛船未來家具techno款cyber look。不過擁抱科 技之外,Bolia又懂得活用傳統智慧。

Lyse loves to say the company is always in a beta state, meaning it’s being constantly reinvented; at Bolia, change is its norm. In fact, substantial investment is made each year into revamping the décor of its dozens of stores. Sure, the Scandinavian design aesthetic has been refined over more than a century. But as a high-tech design company, Bolia doesn’t need to sell UFO-like, techno-cyber futuristic furniture; it knows how to maintain traditional intelligence while embracing technology.

瑞士DIIIS design studio設計的Ley掛牆鏡,在兩塊 鏡中巧妙隱藏一個儲物架在中間,又靚又聰明。 The Ley mirror, by Swiss DIIIS design studio, cleverly and beautifully hides storage between two mirrors.





interior design

就算Bolia年年轉款季季有新噱 頭,Yonoh Creative Studio設計 的Cloud多年來仍然站得住腳。 While Bolia comes up with new designs and gimmicks year after year, the Cloud by Yonoh Creative Studio stays strong.


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這間「科技設計公司」很懂得用資訊科技體察民 情,他們最新的設計重點是回歸自然。Bolia主要的 生產商是歐洲的工房,直到目前品牌用到的木材全 部來自歐洲有認證森林。生產時盡量利用到海洋塑 膠以至其它再生物料。所有皮革都是可追溯的,生 產時沒有任何有害化學物料。他們強調家具在工場 經專業人士裝組,無非想更堅固耐用。

Its latest design is about a return to nature. Bolia’s main producers are European workshops, where all its timbers are sourced from certified European forests. As much as possible, it uses marine-friendly plastic and other renewable materials in its production. All leather materials are traceable and no hazardous chemicals are added in the production process. It insists on having the furniture assembled by professionals at the workshop to ensure they are solid and durable.







All NAturAl, BeAutiful ANd Powerful New Zealand is much more than Hobbiton Story & Photography | Renée S. Suen

紐西蘭中部的北島,有著未受污染的風景及文 化源遠的原住民部族。舉世聞名的地熱景象及 備受熱捧的M nuka蜂蜜都是當地的名物。


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From unspoiled landscapes to a people rich in culture and customs, New Zealand’s central North Island is also where geothermal activity and highly sought-after M nuka honey is found.

從高處俯瞰Waimangu的壯麗景致。 Panoramic views of Waimangu from above.

紐西蘭Rotorua真的避無可避。雖然我身處距離奧克蘭東南面230公 里、北島的豐盛灣(Bay of Plenty)地區,但空氣中仍然瀰漫著濃濃的硫磺 氣味,把我緊緊包圍著。 Rotorua有硫磺之城的稱號。Rotorua這個名字來自Rotorua湖,該處 以地熱及刺鼻的氣味而聞名。硫磺排出硫化氫,形成臭雞蛋般的氣味。 遊覽當地要處處小心,不單只沸騰的硫磺溫泉不斷冒出縷縷高溫蒸 氣,Rotorua湖附近亦發現不少間歇式噴泉,酸性湖泊雖然清澈恬靜但其 實具腐蝕性,千萬不要把腳泡入湖中。一位曾到訪當地的朋友更表示, 她的衣服就算每星期清洗,但殘留的硫磺氣味在6個月後仍然不散。 Rotorua自1800年代起便是溫泉度假小鎮,景點包括植物公園、歷 史建築及超過130公里舉世聞名的越野單車徑。到訪當地的Tamaki毛利村 更可認識毛利人的傳統及文化,它更在TripAdvisor網站全球旅遊體驗中 排第七位。這個毛利村探秘之旅可了解毛利人如何透過haka戰舞及其它 形式的藝術來保育他們的m tauranga(歐洲人登陸前的知識),亦有機會 品嚐用傳統地爐炮製的美食hangi。Tawa枝繁葉茂,樹下成蔭,透過大自 然的規律我體會到人類跟大自然的親密關係(毛利語稱作kaitiakitanga), 這亦是我今次旅程的目的:探究M nuka蜂蜜的生產地及認識種植這種液 體黃金的人們。

I might be some 230 kilometres southeast of Auckland, in the Bay of Plenty Region on the North Island, but this smell—permeating and unwavering—wraps itself snuggly, like a thick cloak, around me. There’s a reason why Rotorua’s nickname is Sulphur City. Named after Lake Rotorua, the city is known for its geothermal activity and pungent smell. The latter is due to hydrogen sulphide emissions, which have the unappealing aroma of rotten eggs. If the wispy plumes of steam rising off bubbling thermal pools and geysers found near Lake Rotorua weren’t enough of a warning, then surely the clear, reflective acidic aqua lakes would deter hydrophiles from toe-dipping. A friend who had travelled through the region once told me her clothes still reeked of sulphur for six months, despite weekly washings. A spa and resort town since the 1800s, Rotorua is also home to botanical gardens, historic architecture and more than 130 kilometres of world-famous mountain biking trails. Experience the richness of M ori traditions and culture by taking a journey to Tamaki M ori Village, one of TripAdvisor’s top seven experiences in the world. Understand how the M ori protect their m tauranga (pre-European knowledge) through the haka and other art forms before feasting on a traditional geothermal hangi.






Onuku毛利土地信託公司的理事Ken Raureti跟我們分享了Tarawera火山的歷 史及文化。火山口於1886年火山爆發時形成,那次爆發淹沒了世界奇景粉色 和白色梯田,鄰近地區亦被火山灰、泥土及岩屑覆蓋,足足達20米深。 Onuku M ori Land Trust trustee Ken Raureti shares the history and cultural significance of Mount Tarawera. This crater was created from the devastating eruption in 1886, which destroyed the famed Pink and White Terraces, plus covered the surrounding area with volcanic ash, mud and debris about 20 metres deep.

我有機會跟Onuku毛利土地信託公司的理事們,當中包 括主席Moyra Te Ariki Bramley在Ngongotah 山頂的Skyline Rotorua’ s Stratosfare餐廳共晉晚餐。在Lake Rotorua美景相伴 下,品嚐多款紐西蘭獲獎美食,選用食材包括本土羊肉、牛肉以 及肥美的青口,水果及奶油蛋白甜餅pavlova,還有我的新寵兒 gold k mara(蕃薯)。 晚宴上,理事們跟我分享了信託公司自1982年成立以來, 如何在活躍火山地帶成功發展農業及林木業,當中包括管理及耕 作約2,363公頃農地,這些土地更曾於1866年Tarawera火山爆發 時被摧毀。他們亦有參與管理Onuku Limited持有的土地。後者 是百分百毛利人持有的公司,並由理事及股東Les Stowell領導, 專門跟當地毛利人合作採購、種植及分銷高品質的M nuka蜂 蜜。他們品牌的蜂蜜最特別之處是可以透過ApiTrak的產品認證 系統,追查產品來源,以防假冒。 對於毛利人來說,養殖蜜蜂是生活的一部份,但隨著 M nuka蜂蜜備受追棒而令價格上漲,採蜜這個行業在過去十年 急速發展。M nuka蜂蜜採自生長於於紐西蘭的M nuka花,有 著抗菌、消炎及抗氧化功效。M nuka花的花期每年只有兩至六 星期,期間只可收集僅一萬噸的蜂蜜。產量不多表示供應十分有 限,在其它地方出產聲稱是M nuka,又或者摻雜了非M nuka蜂 蜜的產品均屬假貨。 要認明正品,消費者必須留意產品上的官方UMF(即Unique M nuka Factor)等級,等級愈高,品質愈佳。值得留意的是,


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Sheltered under the canopy of magnificent Tawa trees, I learn the practice of kaitiakitanga—the kinship between humans and nature, manifested through environmental stewardship. The latter is related to the reason I’m here: to learn more about M nuka honey, the land it comes from and the people who harvest the liquid gold. From the peak of Mount Ngongotah , I met the trustees of Onuku M ori Land Trust, including chairperson Moyra Te Ariki Bramley. We’re dining on a freshly prepared array of New Zealand’s prized fare—locally-sourced meats, including lamb and beef, to plump mussels, fruit and airy pavlova, and my new favourite, gold k mara (sweet potato)—at Skyline Rotorua’s Stratosfare, while enjoying a panoramic view of Lake Rotorua. I learn about the successful farming and forestry operations the Trust has developed on the volcanically active landscape since 1982, including the administration and farming of about 25 square kilometres of land that was devastated by the 1886 eruption of Mount Tarawera, just outside Rotorua. They’re also associated with the management of lands for Onuku Limited. The latter, a 100-per-cent M ori-owned company headed by trustee and shareholder Les Stowell, is best known internationally for partnering with local M ori people to source, harvest and distribute the highest quality of M nuka honey available. The brand is known for its provenance, allowing product traceability through ApiTrak, which permits direct end-user product authentication. While beekeeping has always been part of M ori life, honey harvesting has exploded in the past decade as interest in, and value of, M nuka honey grew. Prized for its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, the nectar is produced from flowers of the M nuka bush flowers, which are indigenous to New Zealand.

從間歇噴泉及熱泥池冒出的縷縷蒸氣,襯托出Lake Rotorua的清晨美景。 An early-morning capture of Lake Rotorua and the steam rising from still-active geysers and hot mud pools.

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探索Tamaki毛利村,學跳戰舞haka及品嚐傳統地爐美食hangi,是一次精彩的體驗。 Have an immersive experience at Tamaki M ori Village, learning the haka and feasting on a traditional geothermal hangi.

UMF15+等級的蜂蜜可作外敷藥物使用,對免疫系統有幫助;反 之等級較低的則適合食用或加入到其他產品之中,位於Waihua Bay的化妝品品牌Tarnz Cosmetics便把蜂蜜加入肥皂當中。 Stowell帶我們參觀Onuku部份農地,亦是採蜜的地方。作 為都市人,望著眼前延綿起伏的蔥翠密林,令人不期然深呼吸, 盡情放鬆。我即時覺得精神為之一振,享受跟大自然相處一刻。 Boundary Road農場的觀景台四周都是毛利人的圖騰柱,在那兒 可欣賞一望無際的遼闊景觀,接著往下走前往探索世界上最年輕 的地熱谷Waimangu。 我參加了Waimangu火山谷的自助導賞遊,地熱奇觀叫人嘆 為觀止。走到Emerald Lake時已經開始氣喘,湖上蓋著一層水 藻及水蘚,四周被原始森林包圍著。全世界最大溫泉Frying Pan Lake是旅程其中一個亮點,另一景點是火山口Echo Crater,不 斷噴出的硫化氫酸性極高,熱氣亦令該處長期維持55° C高溫。之

Onuku毛利土地信託公司在Waimangu之上興建了一個觀景台,並放置了兩面雕刻了 人像的圖騰柱 (Pou) ,可360度眺望公司持有的土地 (毛利語為whenua) 。Pou是雕刻木 柱,毛利人會在主要的地方放置Pou,同時代表居住在該區的人。 The lookout, built by the Onuku M ori Land Trust above Waimangu, is marked by Pou, with two-dimensional faces that watch over 360 degrees of the Trust’s whenua (land). Pou are carved wooden posts used by M ori to mark places of significance and represent all the people who lived in the area.

I learn, however, that M nuka flowers only bloom for two to six weeks of the year, during which only 10-thousand tonnes of honey are harvested. That means there is a limited supply at any given time, and honeys produced elsewhere claiming to be M nuka, or are adulterated from being blended with other non-M nuka honeys, are considered counterfeit. To ensure authenticity, consumers have to look for the official Unique M nuka Factor (UMF) grade, where quality is directly related to the rating. Of note, honeys that are UMF15+ are used as topical medicines and provide other immune system benefits, while lower grades are best for eating or integrated into products, like soaps by Tarnz Cosmetics in Waihua Bay. Stowell takes us on a private tour of parcels of Onuku lands where the honey is harvested. In contrast to the cityscapes I’m used to, the undulating and lush landscapes seem to incite deeper breaths and a release of tension. I feel instantly refreshed and rejuvenated, invested in being one with nature. Surrounded by Pous from a lookout in Boundary Road farm, we gaze at the vastness around us, then down at Waimangu, the world’s youngest geothermal valley.





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Waimangu的Inferno Crater Lake火山湖自1886年Tarawera火山爆發後形成,粉藍 色的湖水就好像寶石。湖水時漲時退,水溫由35至80° C不等,酸性高達pH 2.2。 Waimangu’s Inferno Crater Lake is a pale blue gem that’s the result of the 1886 eruption of Mount Tarawera. In addition to the lake’s levels rising and falling in cycles, the water is an unassuming 35 to 80°C, with acidity up to pH 2.2.

後我繼續沿步行徑向Inferno Crater Lake進發,沿途滿佈沉澱於溪澗及 溫泉中的彩色礦石及閃爍晶石。 清澈的湖水在陽光下令人目眩,差點忘記了這裡危機四伏:熱氣 隨時會從接近沸點、酸性極高的湖面透過火山噴氣孔噴出。坐船暢遊 Lake Rotomahana可親睹西南岸的熱氣懸崖及間歇噴泉,更會經過曾 被喻為世界第八大奇景的粉色和白色梯田遺址。 小島令人又愛又怕。埋藏於地底深處的力量可於瞬間把小島摧 毀。但島上的景色又好像其特產M nuka蜂蜜一樣療癒。這裡讓人見證 大自然的美好與威力。

Later on a self-guided tour of Waimangu Volcanic Valley, I’m greeted with jaw-dropping vistas. I gasp at Emerald Lake, with its mats of algae and sphagnum moss, that is wrapped in regenerating native forest. There’s panoramic views of the world’s largest hot spring, Frying Pan Lake, within Echo Crater that’s a balmy 55°C and bubbling with highly acidic hydrogen sulphide gas. I continue to walk along trails lined with colourful mineral or gleaming silica deposited by creeks and springs until I reach Inferno Crater Lake. Lost in the glow of its crystal clear aqua waters, I’m almost impervious to the hidden danger: here, fumaroles—not wisps of angel mist—emerge from the near boiling, highly acidic lake’s surface. Then it’s a boat cruise around Lake Rotomahana to spy on steaming cliffs and geysers along the southwest shoreline, and to catch glimpses of where the legendary Pink and White Terraces, considered the eighth wonder of the world, were once visible. 養蜂人Angelas Tahere從蜂箱拉出一層格板,只見工蜂們都圍著蜂后 (點上鮮綠 色以作識別) ,並打開一小角讓蜂蜜流出,讓我們品嚐新鮮的M nuka蜂蜜。 M ori beekeeper Angelas Tahere pulls out a honey frame where worker bees surround the hive’s queen (that’s marked with a bright green dot), uncapping the wax off a portion of the frame to sample fresh M nuka honey. 90

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Captivated by all this beauty, a daunting reality hits me. Despite the size of the island country, there’s an unshakable force that can erupt at any moment beneath its surface. It can be likened to the highly potent nectar collected from the M nuka bush that can be used to heal and nourish. Mother Nature is both marvellous and powerful.

參加Waimangu火山谷自助導賞遊,可親睹被微生物覆蓋的熱石、間歇噴泉及溫泉、礦石及原始森林。 See vibrant colours of microbe-covered hot rocks, geysers and hot springs, mineral deposits and lush native forests on a self-guided walk along one of Waimangu Volcanic Valley’s trails.



紐西蘭國家旅遊局在新冠疫情期間,以「純正紐西蘭」之名, 在Spotify上發布了名為「心靈之旅」的4段音頻(兩段有旁白,兩段無 旁白),匯集紐西蘭大自然中的獨特聲音,讓濤喧風嘯蟲鳴鳥啼充 當向導,引領人們來一場貫穿紐西蘭島的想象之旅,將所有的煩惱 失意都拋開,放飛身心。

Although travel to New Zealand is on hold at press time, you can transport yourself to the North and South Islands through an auditory journey. The country has launched a Spotify channel with sounds from the islands, including native birds, bubbling geothermal mud pools and the gentle sound of the breeze moving through the forest.

閉上眼睛,屏住呼吸,聽,浪濤輕拍海岸,海鳥的叫聲忽遠忽 近,海風吹向陸地,風過處樹葉沙沙低吟。北邊,有奇異鳥(Kiwi birds) 鳴和蟲兒悉索,還有間歇性噴泉在突突噴水,地熱泥漿池裏傳 出咕咕噥噥的氣泡聲。南邊,風嘯潮湧,普納凱基千層巖 (Punakaiki Pancake Rocks) 萬孔噴水,水聲隆隆。紐西蘭在召喚!

Under the artist name 100% Pure New Zealand, the album Mindful Journeys features four meditative audio tracks (two with narration and two without) to help calm the mind and disconnect from the world for a few moments. Tune into North Island—Far North to Rotorua to hear the sounds from the geothermal area of Rotorua—steaming water, bubbling mud pools and the distinctive rush of the natural geysers.



紐 西 蘭 航 空( 加 拿 大 航 空 合 作 夥 伴 )提 供 多 倫 多 及 溫 哥 華 往返奧克蘭航班。從奧克蘭可選擇自駕、乘坐巴士或飛機前往 Rotorua。當地航空公司如Air Chathams提供航班服務。

Air New Zealand (airline partner of Air Canada) flies to Auckland from Toronto and Vancouver. From there you can drive, bus or fly to Rotorua via regional airlines, such as Air Chathams.



我入住位處中心地區的Millennium Hotel,這間國際級的酒店 提供冷氣客房,而暖氣則利用天然地熱資源運作。酒店設施齊備, 除了水療中心外,更有暖水泳池、健身房及多間餐廳。住宿俱樂部 樓層客房的住客更可使用專屬酒吧及其服務。

I stayed at the centrally-located Millennium Hotel, an internationalclass hotel that offers air-conditioned rooms with heating utilizing natural geothermal resources. Besides having a spa, a heated swimming pool, gym and various dining options, those with Club Floor rooms have complimentary access to the exclusive Club Lounge and its services.



對於電影《魔戒》及《哈比人》系列的粉絲來說,哈比人村絕對 是必到景點。好動的朋友必玩巨形充氣滾下山坡、激流以及參加 導賞遊探索Mount Tarawera火山口等,戶外活動數之不盡。當地 亦有很多天然溫泉及熱水浴池,最適合喜歡浸溫泉的朋友,更可 順道參加間歇噴泉、梯田及其它天然景觀。Rotorua的CBD及位於 Tutanekai街的食通街市集Eat Street,都可以找到不同種類的食肆 及酒吧。

From Hobbiton Movie Set, recognized by fans of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, to rolling around in an outdoor gravity orb, white water rafting to a guided experience along the ridge of Mount Tarawera’s crater, there’s plenty to do when it comes to outdoor adventures in and around the area. There are also mineral springs and a range of hot pools for bathing, plus geysers, terraces and other natural formations to visit. A diverse collection of contemporary and international restaurants and bars can be found in Rotorua’s CBD or at Eat Street that dominates the lake end of Tutanekai Street. ELITEGEN




dining to tell


grand dame of hospitality the liberty entertainment group has been catering to our culinary needs for decades Story & Photography | Renée S. Suen 要數多倫多最具標誌性的高級飲食集團,已經有超過三十 年歷史的Liberty Entertainment Group是中流砥柱,多家餐廳 場所的總面積超過500,000平方英尺,捧場客既有名人紅星、 紳賈名流,亦是本地美食家的熱門選擇。


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When it comes to landmark establishments, the Liberty Entertainment Group has been a mainstay in Toronto’s diverse and demanding culinary landscape for the past three decades. Offering more than 500,000 square feet of space, the grand dame in hospitality has catered to a diverse clientele, from A-list celebrities and personalities to the well-heeled and local gourmand.

天氣和暖的日子,客人可於戶外花園用餐。 BlueBlood’s outdoor dining includes tucked-away tables within private garden alcoves.

酒吧除了充滿美酒,還可見到在古堡 博物館發現、屬於Sir Henry Pellatt的 收藏品。 The livelier bar features shelving decorated with bottles of spirits or heirloom pieces (found in the castle’s museum that were part of Sir Henry Pellatt’s collection).

烤Marieville鵝肝配無花果。 Seared Marieville foie gras with figs, ice wine gelée and grilled housemade brioche.

Liberty Entertainment Group在總裁兼首席執行官Nick Di Donato的領導下,以多個豪華場所而聞名,有歷史悠久、氣派 不凡的古堡Casa Loma、莊嚴的Liberty Grand Entertainment Complex、Don Alfonso 1890餐廳、由「加拿大Master Chef」 Claudio Aprile主理的Xango、在King街的夜生活娛樂勝地 Arcane和舉行婚禮等大型宴會的Rosewater Room。集團的 經營網絡還擴展至多個海外城市,包括在佛羅里達州的Coral Gables鄉村俱樂部和Cibo Wine Bar。 而應對餐飲業當前狀況,集團旗下餐廳BlueBlood Steakhouse和三家分別在King West、Yonge街和Yorkville的 Cibo,同時提供堂食和外賣服務,迎合多倫多人日益增長的就 餐需求。除了嚴格遵從清潔和衛生要求,餐桌之間保持一定距 離,餐廳的侍應們亦會配戴口罩,提供數碼菜單和包裝妥當的 餐具,鼓勵客人以電子方式付賬。若是需要舉行聚會,也可網 上訂購食品和選擇紅酒送遞服務。

Led by President and CEO Nick Di Donato, the group is best known for its premium venues, from regal Casa Loma to the stately Liberty Grand Entertainment Complex. Restaurants Don Alfonso 1890 and newcomer Xango, a concept with chef Claudio Aprile of Colborne Lane and Master Chef Canada fame, plus King Street’s nightlife venue Arcane and the Rosewater Room. Outside Toronto, the group’s efforts also extend to several international venues, including the Coral Gables Country Club and Cibo Wine Bar in Coral Gables, Fla. Being a hospitality stalwart in the current pandemic environment, two of its popular concepts—Blueblood Steakhouse and Cibo (King West, Yonge Street and Yorkville)—have evolved to meet the growing dining needs of Torontonians, offering both dine-in and delivery options. In addition to deep cleaning and sanitizing procedures of all common areas and physically distanced tables, the restaurants’ servers wear masks, provide digital menus, wrapped utensils and contactless payments. There’s also online grocery and wine delivery services for those looking for access to the group’s pantry.





dining to tell

BLUEBLOOD STEAKHOUSE 位於雄偉古堡Casa Loma內的BlueBlood Steakhouse,其現 代和前衛的餐廳設計跟經典的古堡建築相映成趣。餐廳由Liberty Entertainment Group的創意總監兼副總裁Nadia Di Donato設計。 耗資300萬的翻新工程,既有獨特的傳統古董裝飾,亦有Warhol、 Mr.Brainwash和Salvador Dali的現代藝術品,為城堡西面主層帶來新 貌,也榮獲2020年國際酒店和房地產大獎的設計獎項。在溫暖的月份 裡,餐廳的座位會擴展到室外的古堡花園,每張餐桌都有自己獨享的 私家花園或是俯瞰市中心的壯麗天際線。

入口處有著精心修飾的新花園外,還有一對於1920年代在意大利製造的粉紅色 大理石獅子雕像,作為對古堡原主人Sir Henry Pellatt致意。 In addition to a new intricately groomed garden lining the entranceway, there’s a pair of heritage pink marble lions (made in Italy in the 1920s) that are a nod to Sir Henry Pellatt’s era. He built the castle as his private residence in the early 1900s.

BlueBlood Steakhouse的行政總廚Scott Saunderson之前在米 芝蓮星級餐廳Manley任職,餐廳提供以現代手法處理牛排餐廳經典 菜式,專門烹製來自世界各地的優質牛肉,包括美國三島保護區的和 牛、澳洲的MB9+和日本的A5牛肉。客人可以根據自己的喜好選擇, 來一客$250的和牛免翁牛排品嚐;牛排加龍蝦套餐包括龍蝦尾、蟹 腳、大蝦和扇貝。不可錯過在餐桌旁即時烹製的凱撒沙拉及甜品冧酒 可麗餅。 紅酒總監兼侍酒師James Peden是價值150萬元國際級酒窖的幕 後功臣,為客人提供款式繁多的美酒,包括行內資深人士Oliver Stern 的經典和定制雞尾酒,當中的King Louis一杯$500,以Rémy Martin 作基調酒,還有Louis XIII Grande Champagne Cognac、30年陳的 Balvenie和苦味酒。若要尋找稀有烈酒,後排酒吧將令人一見難忘, 啤酒和不含酒精雞尾酒亦有多種選擇。

Experience refined dining in an upscale environment located within majestic Casa Loma. Set against the castle’s classic heritage architecture, BlueBlood’s modern and edgy dining rooms were designed by Liberty’s creative director and vice president, Nadia Di Donato. Decked out with unique heirloom antiques and modern art pieces by Andy Warhol, Mr. Brainwash and Salvador Dali, the $3 million renovation dominates the main floor of the castle’s west side and was the winner of design et al’s International Hotel & Property Awards 2020. During warmer months, the restaurant’s seating expands outdoors, taking over Casa Loma’s formal gardens. Helmed by executive chef Scott Saunderson, formerly of Michelinstarred restaurant Manley in Storrington, Sussex, the kitchen offers up a modern take on steakhouse classics with a section of the menu dedicated to fine beef cuts from around the world, including a list of wagyu from Mishima Reserve (US), MB9+ (Australia) and A5 (Japan). 海鮮併盤內有帝王蟹、龍蝦、生蠔和大蝦和三文魚。 Seafood towers are assembled at the seafood bar, which prepares everything from king crab and lobster to fresh shucked oysters, chilled jumbo prawns and salmon crudo that come with housemade lemon-gin cocktail sauce.

Choose from choice cuts prepared to meet your preferences, or a wagyu filet tasting for $250. Surf upgrade options include lobster tails, crab legs, jumbo prawns and scallops. Cap the meal with a tableside prepared Caesar salad and/or crepes with rum flambé. Wine director and sommelier James Peden is behind the $1.5 million international wine cellar that has a deep red list. Then there’s industry veteran Oliver Stern’s classic and custom-crafted cocktails, which include an Old Fashion menu using Rémy Martin as its base (the $500 King Louis features Rémy Martin Louis XIII Grande Champagne Cognac, Balvenie 30Yr, and bitters). Those looking for rare spirits will find an equally impressive back bar at their disposal, while beer and non-alcoholic cocktails round out the drink list. BlueBlood Steakhouse 1 Austin Terrace 416-353-4647 來自亞爾伯達省,重40安士的35天乾式熟成牛排。 The 40oz, 35-day castle dry-aged porterhouse (High River, Alta.) is presented whole tableside before being sliced for service. It comes with a trio of salts (smoked, black lava salt and Himalayan salt). Supplement the experience with a choice of sauces from cabernet béarnaise, chimichurri, cognac peppercorn and forest mushroom to red wine jus.


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Cibo在Yorkville的分店內分為幾層,同時提供露台座位。圖片由Cibo提供。 Cibo’s Yorkville location is split over a couple floors and offers patio seating wrapped around the building it calls home.

CIBO WINE BAR 在城中三個地點經營的Cibo酒吧,有著同樣輕鬆隨意的氛圍,無 論是供應的美食或是裝潢,都充滿意大利風味,使用暖意木材的高樓 底餐區、時尚的工業味道細節,以及放滿過千酒瓶、從地板到天花的 玻璃酒窖,跟廚房的意大利南部佳餚相呼應。 在Yonge街的Cibo擁有引人注目的40呎開放式廚房櫃檯和休閒露 台,及屢獲殊榮、兩層樓高的私人品酒室,品酒室內有女服務員坐到 升降架中,為客人拿取所選擇的佳釀。至於多人聚會的話,可以選擇 到開揚的White Room,在以白色水洗磚塊、別樹一幟的手工製水晶吊 燈的明淨環境下享受私人活動空間。對於活躍於市中心的人來說,更 可能於Cibo在King街的分店邂逅眾多名人;而在Yorkville區的Cibo, 其錯層式開放場地,更擁有面向Yorkville大街的休閑庭院。

Less formal with a buzzier ambiance, Cibo features multiple locations in the city. The lofty Italian resto-lounge is outfitted with a blend of warm woods, industrial chic details and a floor-to-ceiling glass wine cellar filled with thousands of bottles to pair with the kitchen’s southern Italian fare. Dominating uptown, Cibo Yonge Street boasts an eye-catching 40foot open kitchen counter and casual patio that’s only overshadowed by its soaring two-storey, award-winning private wine room. The latter is known for having a harnessed wine angel who will float the racks to retrieve your bottle of choice.

Cibo的烤八爪魚。 Cibo’s grilled octopus comes with mixed greens, radicchio, purple potato green beans, and fried capers drizzled with lemon juice.





dining to tell

Cibo在Yonge街的分店為客人提供多種就餐選擇。圖片由Cibo提供。 Uptown’s Cibo offers guests multiple dining options within its cavernous space.

Cibo的菜單獲得了意大利政府頒發的Ospitalita Italiana真品獎, 見證其真正意大利傳統菜式風味,揉合了傳統意大利經典菜、家庭食 譜和現代主菜,這裡既有粟米糕條、炸餅糰Arancini、以特級初榨橄欖 油烤蔬菜和烤八爪魚等;當然還少不了有多種配料選擇的意大利薄餅 和麵食,其它主菜還有紅燒牛肋排和大西洋三文魚等。

For intimate group dining experiences, there’s the White Room, a stunning open private event space below the restaurant that’s outfitted with exposed whitewashed brick, handcrafted one-of-a-kind crystal chandeliers and crisp marble flooring. For downtown dwellers, there’s Cibo King Street, known to have welcomed numerous celebrities, and Cibo Yorkville, a split-level open venue with a coveted casual Yorkville Avenue-facing patio.

多款自家製新鮮意大利麵。 In addition to fresh housemade pasta, there are also classics, like the spaghetti carbonara made with pancetta, egg yolk, Parmigiano Reggiano and cracked black pepper.

Touting the Ospitalita Italiana award of authenticity from the government of Italy, the menu features cocktails and wines next to fare that can be described as an intersection of traditional Italian classics, family recipes and contemporary staples. They range from polenta fries and arancini to a platter of extravirgin olive oil slicked grilled vegetables and grilled octopus topping dressed mixed greens and fried capers. Crowd-pleasing pizzas with a vast range of toppings and pastas, with tried-and-true ingredients like grilled chicken, fresh clams or shrimp and lobster, dominate most of the mains. Substantial secondi include braised short ribs and Atlantic salmon. Cibo Wine Bar Yorkville 133 Yorkville Ave. 416-925-2143 可選擇多種配料的新鮮烤製意大利薄餅,包括經典的Margherita和放有野生蘑 菇和白松露油的Funghi。圖片由Cibo提供。 Choose from a number of baked-to-order pizzas that might include classic Margherita to the Funghi that’s topped with wild mushrooms, fontina cream and white truffle oil.


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網上選項 ONLINE OPTIONS THE ABC’S OF WINE SERVICE 集團跟支持Sinai Health Foundation西奈健康基金會的烹飪籌款組 織Foodball合作,推出獨家網上購買酒品服務,顧客可以折扣優惠價 購買由集團侍酒師選擇的優質美酒,一套三瓶安全送到家門,內附品 嚐說明和集團廚師建議菜式食譜。也可選擇每月訂購(可隨時終止),之 前的套裝便試過有三款著名意大利紅酒Amarone、Barolo和Chianti, 配上Don Alfonso 1890名廚Saverio Macri的三個食譜。

In a partnership with Foodball—a culinary fundraiser that supports Sinai Health Foundation—the group launched an exclusive online wine service that offers bottles selected by the group’s sommeliers at a discount. Delivered safely to your home, each three-bottle package of premium wines includes tasting notes and an original recipe by the restaurant family’s roster of chefs to pair with the curated collection. The monthly subscriptions have no long-term commitment and have featured an amarone, a barolo and a chianti in the past that were paired with three recipes from Don Alfonso 1890 Toronto’s awardwinning executive chef, Saverio Macri.

CIBO MARKET 為了涉足電子商務,集團於今年夏天推出了Cibo Market (,以滿足多倫多食客的需求。新平台為客戶提供 方便的網上訂購和非接觸式送遞服務,提供新鮮和餐廳水準的時令食 材,還包括來自Butcher Shoppe的肉類,以及Liberty Spirits酒窖的精 選美酒。 隨時也可選購乾式熟成的安格斯戰斧牛排或是Tajima和牛牛排, 再配一瓶紅酒,甚至是添加一瓶Dom Perignon或Remy Martin XO。更 方便的是透過送貨車輛的GPS,可以掌握準確送貨上門時間。

Venturing into e-commerce, the group launched Cibo Market ( this summer to meet the changing needs of Toronto diners. Offering its clients convenient online, contactless grocery delivery, the new platform features pantry staples in addition to fresh, restaurant-quality seasonal produce and meats from the Butcher Shoppe. There’s also a selection of wines and spirits from Liberty Spirits’ cellar. Shop anytime for a dry-aged Angus tomahawk or Tajima wagyu steak with a bottle of red wine. Add a bottle of Dom Perignon or Remy Martin XO for that special occasion. The best part is that you can track the status of your delivery through a link that displays your GPStagged delivery vehicle. Cibo Market的食品包括新鮮農產品,omega 3走地雞蛋、獨立真空包裝的肉 類、精選紅酒、意大利粉、橄欖油、乾果和堅果等。 The haul from Cibo Market may include fresh produce, free-run omega 3 eggs, individually vacuum-packed meats, a selection of wine, and pantry staples including pasta, olive oil, and dried fruit and nut mixes.





Wine not?


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酒莊成立於1731年,現在的莊園建於19世紀初,一直保存 其原來風貌。 The wine estate was set up in 1731, and the modern vineyard established in the early 19th century maintains the original appeal.


The magic of graviTy a gentler, more environmentally-friendly approach to winemaking allows for more refined flavours Story | Ivan Wong Be water my friend是李小龍生前名言。上善若 水,如水般釀酒,有其自流大法,水向下流,英文稱 之為gravity-flow winemaking。 釀製高質素酒品反樸歸真是硬道理,Gravity-flow winemaking自流釀酒法,是利用地心吸力的重量原 理,讓壓搾後的葡萄汁或發酵後葡萄原酒,在每個釀 制環節的容器之間,自然地隨著萬有引力流動,從上 而下環環相接。因此,採用此法的酒莊釀酒設施要由 高至低呈階梯狀環環緊扣。 深入點說,那就是破碎、發酵/壓榨、陳年和裝 瓶這四個程序—葡萄經篩選、去梗和破碎後,會放進 下一層的發酵桶內,發酵桶底部以一根軟管與下一層 的過濾澄清桶連接,待發酵完成後,打開閥門讓酒液 自然流到下一層。如此類推,完成發酵的酒液在澄清 桶內沉澱一段時間後,由軟管流進下一層橡木桶或不 鏽鋼桶中作熟成醞釀。之後,酒液繼續往下,從軟管 流到下一層桶中進行裝瓶前的再次過濾澄清,最後裝 瓶。整個自流釀酒法過程只靠重量原理,讓酒質更細 緻味道更自然充實,減少葡萄酒天然風味流失的機會。 法國布根地的 Bouchard Père & Fils 酒莊,建立 於工業革命興起前的1731年,釀酒理念向來崇尚大自 然,尊重上天賦予的種植葡萄的優質風土氣候。採用 自流法,原因只有一個:追求完美!

A growing trend with winemakers is all about being more hands-off, letting nature or, more specifically, gravity refine their technique. It is thought that by removing machinery like pumps or motors from the process the yield will have better fragrance and flavours. Among the many vineyards now adopting this process is Bouchard Père & Fils, in Burgundy, France. The winemaker, which dates back to 1731, is embracing the natural gravity-flow winemaking philosophy, with the utmost respect for nature and it’s gift of superior climate and grape-growing terroir. Gravity-flow winemaking has grape juice or fermented fluid flowing naturally downward from one vessel to the next. The product from each step flows through the entire process of crushing, fermenting/pressing, aging and bottling. After grapes are selected, de-stemmed and crushed, they flow to the fermenting barrels one level below. The bottom of each barrel is connected by a soft tube to a filtering barrel on the next level down. After fermenting, the valve opens to let the liquid flow to the next level. The process goes on, with the liquid flowing from the filtration barrel after a period of settling, to the oak or stainless-steel casks one level below for aging. When it’s ready for bottling, the wine flows downward for another round of filtering and then is bottled. The whole process uses gravity to enhance the wine’s delicate and wholesome flavours, with minimal loss of the grapes’ essence. Mother Nature strikes again. ELITEGEN





首款電動 SUV 凱迪拉克豪秀藍圖

CadillaC lyriq EV: sorry, not until 2023 Story | Norris McDonald

Lyriq將下一代的電池科技與大膽設計理念完美結合,為凱迪拉克 的新一代電動車帶來新面孔、新比例和新的風采。 The Cadillac Lyriq pairs next-generation battery technology with a bold design statement that introduces a new face, proportion and presence for the brand’s new generation of EVs.

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我工作時遇到的第一個執行編輯,是在《芝加哥論壇報》展開職業生 涯的克利夫·彼得斯。他曾於數十年前訪問過大黑幫頭子阿爾·卡邦。最 令彼得斯難忘的是卡邦泊在其芝加哥南區大宅外的凱迪拉克—一輛黑色的 V16。那是一輛獨一無二的超昂貴汽車,專門為這個被稱為「頭號公敵」的 人物度身訂造。 雖說這是陳年往事,但凱迪拉克似乎要重現這種霸氣。彼得斯為 1930年的V16所傾倒,而我則有幸透過這家公司位於底特律的總部向全球 發放的串流影片裡,首次看到這輛全新的凱迪拉克Lyriq EV跨界車。 Lyriq是通用汽車第一款全電動豪華汽車,以該公司下一代的電動汽 車平台為基礎,採用最新的Ultium電池系統驅動。這電池支援800伏特的 技術,可提供約100千瓦時的能量。 至於這款豪華SUV何時面世,通用汽車北美區總裁史蒂夫·卡萊爾表 示:「我們考慮在2022年下旬以2023年款推出。」而售價方面則未有公布。

The first managing editor I ever worked for started his career at the Chicago Tribune. His name was Cliff Peters and he once interviewed renowned gangster Al Capone at his South Side home. Peters was impressed by the car parked outside. It was a black Cadillac V16—an expensive car made-to-order for the man they called Public Enemy No. 1. But that was then. This is now and Cadillac seems to have done it again. While Cliff Peters was dazzled by that 1930 V16, I got my first glimpse of the brand spanking new Cadillac Lyriq EV crossover, which was introduced to the world recently via video streaming from the company’s headquarters in Detroit. Lyriq is GM’s first all-electric luxury automobile based on the company’s next-generation modular electric vehicle platform and is driven by its Ultium propulsion system (batteries that support 800-volt technology and store about 100 kilowatt-hours of energy). “We’re looking at a late 2022 introduction as a 2023 model,” said GM North America president Steve Carlisle. As you can imagine, Canadian pricing is not yet known. Lyriq is a show car—a concept—rather than the actual production model. A flow-through roof spoiler, a “black crystal” grille and LED lighting front and rear are pretty spectacular features. What the virtual reveal showed, executives said, was a vehicle that’s about 80 per cent of what it will end up being. ELITEGEN


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利用Super Cruise技術來操控汽車,駕駛者可以放心瀏覽33吋屏幕 所顯示的駕駛資訊、娛樂信息和車內設施操控。 With the company’s Super Cruise technology doing the driving, the driver will be able to peruse the 33-inch-wide screen that will contain driver and infotainment information and controls.

Lyriq所展示的是一輛概念車,而不是實際生產的車型。它的直 通車頂擾流板、「黑水晶」面罩和前後LED車燈非常引人注目。據車 廠高層稱,虛擬車所展示的設計,最終會有80%得以在量產車中落 實。

In the video, Carlisle says Cadillac will be led by the Lyriq as the company redefines luxury over the next decade with a new portfolio of transformative EVs. It’s the first of what GM is promising will be 20 EVs for sale around the world by 2023.

卡萊爾在影片中表示,從Lyriq開始,凱迪拉克將在未來的十年 通過全新改造的電動車陣容重新定義豪華。通用承諾到2023年,會 在全球推出20款電動車,而Lyriq將會是第一款。

Cadillac says its internal testing shows the Lyriq will go nearly 500 kilometres (485 kms to be exact) on a full charge, which means a non-stop drive between Toronto and Ottawa, for example. Other technology and performance highlights include:

據廠方稱,經過內部測試,Lyriq充滿電後可行駛近500公里(確 實數字是485公里)。其它科技和性能的亮點包括:

• Charging options for home, the workplace and the road, including DC fast-charging at more than 150 kilowatts and Level 1 and 2 charging rates up to 19 kW2.

•在家裡、工作場所和在旅途上的充電選項,包括以超過150千 瓦的直流電快速充電,及一級和二級高達19千瓦的充電率。

• The battery pack is attached to the underbody to help stiffen the vehicle and allow for a very low centre of gravity. The weight distribution will be about 50-50 (the drive motor will be at the rear).

•電池組安裝在車身底部,有助提高操控性和降低重心。車輛 前後重量分配接近50/50,驅動摩打放置在車輛的後部。 •有兩種動力傳動系統供選擇,所有型號都有後輪驅動,若額 外付款則可獲得高性能的全輪驅動(第二個驅動系統裝置在前方)。 Lyriq將設有最新版本的Super Cruise超級智能駕駛系統,這是 第一個實現真正解放雙手的輔助功能,增強版包括有自動換線和遙 距自動泊車功能。當人走近時,Lyriq會識別駕駛者,並會自動調校 座椅、後視鏡位置和空調系統。 駕駛座前方視線範圍安裝了一個33吋LED先進屏幕,提供詳細 的駕駛資訊、資訊娛樂信息和車內設施操控。車主更可選購有19個 揚聲器的AKG音響系統。另外,這車還會引入一套全新的消除道路 噪音技術,使車廂保持超級靜音狀態,讓人可以不受干擾地欣賞喜 愛的音樂。 Lyriq總工程師傑米.布魯爾表示,Lyriq務求使用者在每一個 旅程都愉悅,並將凱迪拉克帶到新時代,同時為使用者提供更加個 性化、有聯繫感和身歷其境的體驗,強調「它不僅是一款卓越的電動 車,也是一款不折不扣的凱迪拉克。」

102 E L I T E G E N. C A



• Two drivetrains will be available: rear-wheel drive will be on all models, but you can pay extra to have performance all-wheel drive (a second drive unit will be placed at the front). The latest version of Super Cruise will be on the car, the first truly handsfree driver assistance feature recently enhanced to include automated lane change and remote self-parking. And Lyriq will recognize the driver as he/ she approaches and automatically adjust seat, mirror and climate-control systems. A 33-inch diagonal advanced LED screen will span the entire viewing area of the driver and contain every bit of driver information imaginable, as well as infotainment info and controls. A 19-speaker AKG studio system is an enticing option, and the EV will introduce a new road-noise cancellation technology to keep the cabin so ultra-quiet that you’ll be able to listen to Saturday Afternoon at the Met and not be disturbed. “Lyriq was conceived to make every journey exhilarating and to drive the brand into a new era, while rewarding passengers with a more personal, connected and immersive experience,” said Jamie Brewer, chief engineer on the Lyriq project. “It is not only an exceptional EV, but first and foremost a Cadillac.”

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遊戲電視 越玩越大

Game on

The next big thing in TVs

Story | Kelvin Wu 疫情期間乖乖留在家中,打電玩變成許多人日常生活的一部份。 今年11月遊戲界將出現大顛覆,Play Station 5與Xbox Series X 差不多同時推出,除了用經典系列作招徠,最大話題是遊戲畫質竟 一下子衝向4K至8K境界。預售斷市買不到新機的玩家當然沒趣,但 買到的,也正頭痛現有的電視未能配合新機最大輸出。 兩部新機同時將起點設於4K及120 Hz畫速,但對於高要求 玩家,必然會盡用其8K 7680 x 4320的極限。而8K畫面更須配合 HDMI 2.1的新科技,搜索之下發現HDMI 2.1的電視並不算多,而達 8K的選擇更是寥寥可數。 其中,Samsung的Q900系列,8K畫質的QLED電視,除符合 以上條件,QLED科技利用量子點科技,比傳統LCD電視在顏色、光 度及暗度皆大幅提升,對遊戲的電影感及寫實感甚有幫助。而且其 98吋電視更是市面上的最大8K選擇,可說是遊戲迷的夢幻之選。

104 E L I T E G E N. C A



Video gaming has become a big part of many people’s lives, arguably more so as a result of the Covid-19 shutdown. While Play Station 5 is currently the biggest hit, people are looking for something even “bigger”, like a smart TV with the latest technologies that can maximize PS5’s output. Play Station 5 from Sony and Xbox Series X started a new age of video gaming. Other than their exclusive lineup of great games, the new benchmark of graphic output had been the hottest topic—4K gaming at 120 Hz, able to handle much higher resolution, with games playable at 8K Ultra HD or 7680 × 4320 pixels. Besides, HDMI 2.1 connection is a must for 8K gaming, yet another reason for an upgrade. There are not too many options on the market yet. For Samsung, HDMI 2.1 is only available on their Q90 series, while 8K is only available with Q900 TVs. Samsung’s QLED technology uses quantum-dot enhancement to deliver boosted colour and brightness, and black levels that surpass those of any traditional LCD TV.

SamSung 98” 8K uHD HDR QLED TizEn SmaRT TV QN98Q900RBFXZC 8K Ultra HD 7680 x 4320 resolution 120Hz refresh rate HDMI 2.1 ready $99.999.99 Available in 55”, 65”, 75”, 82”, starting at $3,299.99



2 0 2 0 105

tech special 盡顯霸氣的 SamSung galaxy Z Fold2 5g 尊貴身分與超多功能 as much a status symbol as a productivity tool

第一眼看到Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 5G,已經感受到它那無與匹敵的質 量。機面的6.2吋Infinity-O熒幕1和超大的7.6吋主熒幕都用上極超薄的玻璃保 護,提供優質及精緻的熒幕體驗2。 音響配備高動態雙喇叭和杜比全景聲技術(Dolby Atmos)的環迴立體聲效 果,為你帶來高質的聽覺享受。 不過,當你真正上手打開Samsung這款第三代摺疊手機的時候,會驚歎 這刻才是你獲得的最佳體驗。你會發現那隱藏式的轉軸設計上乘,配以專業的 手藝和尖端的科技,無縫地裝嵌入機身,令手機合上時顯得更纖薄。

盡情發揮創意 以創新的5個鏡頭裝置為例,機面熒幕和內頁熒幕各配有一個1,000萬像 素的鏡頭,而機背有3個同樣是1,200萬像素的主鏡頭,分別是超廣角、廣角和 長鏡。在半摺疊時啟動Flex模式3,大熒幕會分為上下兩部分,如在拍攝時上 半部分可顯示拍攝畫面,下半部分則用於操作拍攝及顯示相片,大大增加鏡頭 的功用。 你可以在不退出相機應用程式的情況下查看最新拍攝的照片,同時預覽 下一個要拍攝的畫面,也可以利用自動取景(Auto Framing4)功能免提攝錄影 片,追蹤畫面內的拍攝對象,即使主體移動也能保持焦點清晰。雙重預覽功能 讓攝影師和拍攝對象可以同時看到所拍攝的影像。即使自我拍照也邁進新的水 平─當你使用機背的鏡頭拍照時,可以用機面熒幕作觀景器,Flex模式讓你得 到高質的自拍照片。

功能靈活多樣 Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 5G的設計特意為用家提供更大的靈活性,讓 你在同一時間處理多個任務。你可以在機面熒幕同時打開電郵、導航和瀏覽網 頁而不用翻開手機。如你想獲得獨特的手機體驗,即可打開主熒幕。 App Continuity5讓你在打開和合起手機時,機面和主熒幕之間無縫切換。 打開了的大型顯示屏讓你有猶如使用平板電腦般的體驗。 6

在同一時間處理多件事情相當容易,你可以同時開啟多個應用程式 ,或 是在同一個程式打開多個文件7。你不僅可以把它們並排觀看,還可以輕易地 在它們之間拖放資料8。

超高速體驗 速度方面,由於有全5G波段的兼容性 9, Galaxy Z Fold2 5G能以超高速操作,時間 必將證明你的投資物有所值。對於那些希 望以傳統方式使用5G的用家來說,不管你 身處任何環境,配備先進S-pen的Galaxy Note20 5G 和Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G 都 可以讓你提高效率。

簡單摺合手機,在主屏幕使用Flex模式觀 賞,透過Google Duo進行免提視像通話。 Simply fold it to use Flex view on the Main Screen and make a hands-free video call with Google Duo.

想讓這部設計精湛的手機更彰顯個人風格? Samsung.com獨家提供隱藏式轉軸的額外色彩選 擇,包括銀色、金色、金屬紅色及金屬藍色10。 Exclusively on, those looking to stand out can add a personalized touch to the premium design of their device with four distinct Hideaway Hinge colours: Metallic Silver, Metallic Gold, Metallic Red and Metallic Blue10.

The quality is apparent from the moment you look at it. The ultra thin glass on the 6.2-inch Infinity-O cover screen1 and the massive 7.6-inch main screen offers a premium and refined display2. You can hear the quality too, with enhanced surround sound with Dolby Atmos effect provided by high-dynamic dual speakers. But the best experience is when you open up the third-generation folding phone in your hands. The hideaway hinge is the product of solid design, expert craftsmanship and cutting-edge technology, allowing it to fit seamlessly into the device body, making for a slimmer form when the phone is closed.

UnleAsh YOUr creATIvITY Take the innovative five-camera system, for example. There are two 10MP front cameras and a triple rear system that includes 12MP ultra-wide, wide-angle and telephoto lenses. With Flex mode3, the camera functionality expands exponentially. review your most recent captures while previewing your next shot without leaving your camera app. record hands-free video with Auto Framing4, which keeps the subject in focus even when it moves. Dual Preview lets both the photographer and subject see what’s being captured. even selfies are taken to a new level—Flex mode lets you take high-quality selfies with the rear cameras with the cover screen acting as the viewfinder.

UnFOlDIng versATIlITY The samsung galaxy Z Fold 2 5g is engineered to give you the flexibility to do more. The cover screen lets you access emails, directions and content without needing to unfold your device, but for a unique mobile experience, just open up the main screen. App continuity5 lets you transition seamlessly between the two. The massive display lets you mimic the tablet experience. Multitasking is easy as it lets you open multiple apps6 or files from the same app at the same time7. not only can you view them side by side, you can also easily drag and drop8 between them.

sPeeD MATTers And did we mention speed? The galaxy Z Fold2 5g can access hyperfast speeds thanks to its full 5g band compatibility9, future-proofing your investment. And for those who want 5g connectivity in a traditional format, the galaxy note20 5g & galaxy note20 Ultra 5g with advanced s-pen will also empower you to do more efficiently, wherever life takes you. *Photo captured with Galaxy Z Fold2 with simulated overlay for illustration purposes. Actual UI may be different. Measured diagonally, the screen size is 6.2" in a full rectangle and 6.2" accounting for the rounded corners. The actual viewable area is smaller due to the rounded corners and camera hole. 2 Measured diagonally, the screen size is 7.6" in a full rectangle and 7.6" accounting for the rounded corners. The actual viewable area is smaller due to the rounded corners and camera hole. 3 Flex mode is supported by Samsung native apps (Camera, Video call, Gallery, Video player, Clock, Calendar) and third-party partner apps including YouTube, Google Duo and more to come. 4 When more than 3 people are detected, the frame zooms out. Front (wide) and Rear (Ultra-wide) Cameras are available. Trackable distance is approximately 1.5 – 2.5 meters. This machine learning algorithm detects human face and body to track the subject’s movement. 5 Certain third-party applications may not support App Continuity. 6 Currently available with three native apps including Samsung Notes, Internet, Myfiles and Office apps in Microsoft 365. Certain applications may not support App Pair. (Currently only available between different functions). 7 Users can also use Multi-Active Window on the Cover Screen with two windows split horizontally. Certain third party applications may not support Multi-Active Window. 8 Drag and drop functionality works with select applications, including Samsung native apps including Gallery, Internet, Message, Myfiles, Samsung Notes and others including Office apps in Microsoft 365, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft Outlook, Gmail, Chrome, Google Maps. 9 Device is 5G enabled and requires optimal 5G connection. Actual speed may vary depending on carrier and user environment. 10 If you have ordered a Galaxy Z Fold 2 5G product with a customized hinge option (SM-F916WDKAXAC, SM-F916WSKAXAC, SMF916WBKAXAC, SM-F916WRKAXAC, SM-F916WDNAXAC, SM-F916WSNAXAC, SM-F916WBNAXAC, and SM-F916WRNAXAC) delivery can take up to 4-5 weeks from the time you place your order. The exact date and time of delivery is not guaranteed. Tracking information will be available once your order has shipped. 1

圖 須

Galaxy Z Fold2 5G

Galaxy Z Fold2 5G 矚目登場

選 。 to e nct allic

摺疊式屏幕設計 改變未來智能手機型態的設計

摺疊,是手機 打開,是平板

極致體驗 展開前所未能的體驗

摺疊 嶄新動態,始於此

FLEX模式 精心打造,自由度更大,讓您盡做更多

強勁性能 性能,智能手機前所未能

盡攝精彩 看世界的角度,更見趣味

欲了解詳情,請瀏覽 或前往您就近的 Samsung Experience Store:  CF Toronto Eaton Centre (多倫多) Yorkdale Shopping Centre (多倫多) CF Sherway Gardens (多倫多) Metropolis at Metrotown (溫哥華) Montreal Eaton Centre (滿地可) West Edmonton Mall (愛民頓) 圖片為模擬影像 須與合適的5G網絡連線。實際速度可能因國家、營運商和用戶環境的不同而異。


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