Sep / Oct 2021 EliteGen Vancouver

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Sep/Oct 2021 Vol. 59 Vancouver

vancouver SeP/ocT 2021

luxury living for canada'S chineSe eliTe


Fall/winter collections


A sing tao publicAtion

the natural world oF rolex & Panerai


Fendi’s classic Baguette


a gucci garden oF gems



Display until Oct30, 2021



A sing tao publicAtion

luxury living for cAnAdA's chinese elite

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 黃敬強 Calvin Wong 副社長及總編輯 Associate Publisher & Editor-in-Chief 葉子青 Leslie Yip

編輯部 editorial 編輯及美術總監 Editorial/Design Director 華艾朗 Alan A. Vernon 編輯 Editor 李彩 Connie Li 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 卓穗良 Kannis Cheuk 編審 Copy Editor Ross Hopkins 編輯部 Editorial enquiries / 604-321-1111

參與 Contributors Colette Ascenuik, Simon Boucher-Harris, Wendy Chan, Iris Chui, Kenson Ho, Norris McDonald, Crystal Ng, Jennifer Poh, Edison Sigua, Shuk Wa Tsang, Miranda Tsui, Emilia Ku Yazar, Iris Yim

互聯網及社交媒體 Online & social media 統籌 Coordinator 陳麗華 Tiffany Tan / 王碧琪 Becky Wong

美術部 production & design 美術及製作經理 Production Manager / Art Direction 邱卓庭 Cliff Yau 美術助理 Graphic Art Assistant 陸凱茵 Gloria Luk

廣告及市場部 Advertising sales & marketing 副總裁 Vice President of Sales & Marketing 周潔華 Tina Chow 總經理 General Manager 黎家盛 Andrew Lai 營業及市務總監 Director of Sales & Marketing 梁素珊 Lelia Leung 高級市場推廣 Senior Marketing Executive 黃嘉瑩 Kay Wong

營業代表 Sales Representatives Ken Li, Patrick Lo, Amanda Wong, Kevin Wong 營業部 Advertising enquiries / 604-909-7236

發行部 Circulation & Distribution 市場行銷總監 Consumer Marketing Director 奇士文 Craig Sweetman / 604-321-5211

出版 Publishing Published by Sing Tao Media Group Canada, affiliated with Torstar 加拿大星島傳媒集團出版,附屬多倫多星報

星尚歡迎來稿,但不對投稿負上任何責任。 星尚每年出版六期 。所有內容均為本刊資產。 eliteGen welcomes submissions but is not responsible for unsolicited materials. eliteGen is printed 6 times a year. Entire contents are property of eliteGen . 8508 Ash Street, Vancouver, BC Canada V6P 3M2

publisher’s letter

珍惜當下 The Time is Now 昨天晚餐時,和家人邊吃邊聊,說起我的閨蜜因為 疫情從多倫多回到滿地可的老家遠程工作,與家人團聚 令她感受到親情的重要,於是決定辭去多倫多的工作, 留在家人身邊。想起和閨蜜同哭同笑的日子不再,「珍惜 當下」四個字縈繞心頭。 這 四 個 字其實涵蓋了我們生活的方方面面,本期 eliteGen裡有新潮安瓶護膚推介,有多倫多新開的幾家 餐館,還有Pholc的精美燈飾 The Dalmore昂貴的威 士忌珍藏 ASUS神級電競手機 卑詩省的各種精釀啤 酒……。逛街購物,美容保養,品嘗美食,玩物珍藏, 探索自然……,我要帶領讀者們去領略當下的美好,和 讀者們一起,不論在怎樣的境遇之下,以自己的方式發 現生活的積極意義,享受「那一刻」的愉悅和滿足。 「珍惜當下」的另一層意義還在於積極進取,就拿 eliteGen今期的封面女孩孫仙易來說,從故鄉來到多倫 多打拼,所有的計劃都被新冠疫情擾亂,但她把困難 當作磨礪自己的機會,一步一步穩扎穩打。路易威登正 是看重她的這份努力,傾其「家珍」要令她光芒四射。還 有今期Rolex和Panerai腕錶故事中的主角—海洋攝影師 Sylvia Earle率領的極限探險者,及美國華裔登山家金國 威,這些傳奇英雄以征服大自然為樂,同時竭盡全力保 護大自然。正是「珍惜當下」給了他們信心和勇氣,每一 個「當下」成就了他們非凡的人生。 再看看時尚界,以創新的方式推出各種新品發佈大 秀,最新的2021-22秋冬系列和旅行系列時裝意念大 膽,型色繽紛;還有古馳的Hortus Deliciarum和寶格麗 的Magnifica高級珠寶系列折射出自然萬象。疫情的種種 負面因素成了激發創意開拓商機的原動力,不也是對「珍 惜當下」的最好詮釋嗎? 珍惜當下,生活中的每一刻都有意義,所有的喜怒 哀樂都會成為珍貴的生命記憶。

Have you heard of psycho-cybernetics? It’s a system of ideas put forth by Dr. Maxwell Maltz that we can have a more successful and fulfilling life when we have a positive view of ourselves. Here is a quote from him that I find very inspiring: “Live in the present. The past is gone; the future is unknown—but the present is real and your opportunities are now. You must see these opportunities; they must be real for you. The catch is that they can't seem real if your mind is buried in past failures, if you keep reliving old mistakes, old guilts, old tragedies.” I find this passage very relevant to our collective psyche. The past year and a half has affected everyone, leaving some of us feeling wounded and scarred. But we must not dwell on sad memories. It is time now to move on and start a new chapter in our lives. Our mandate at eliteGen has always been about helping you to look and feel your best. And so now maybe it’s time to try something new: how about the latest in skincare ampoules, a newly opened restaurant in Toronto or craft beer from British Columbia? And while you’re at it, refresh your wardrobe with the latest fashion-house collections, decorate yourself with sparkly stones, light up your living space with uber designer fixtures, reward yourself with a bottle of collector’s edition whiskey, and indulge your inner child with a top-performance gaming mobile phone. No matter what you choose, go find joy and savour the moment. You deserve it. Next, we work on the second part of the quote—seeking success through opportunity. Our cover girl SSUN has an inspiring story to tell. The Shanghai-born singer-songwriter relocated to Canada, hoping to ignite her international music career, but her plans were thwarted by the pandemic. Unfettered, and keeping her nose to the grindstone, this month she is releasing a new album. We can see her flying high— literally. Special thanks to Louis Vuitton and our creative/production team for this cover feature. Preseverence and determination. This spirit is also evident in the protagonists of our Rolex and Panerai watch features, ocean photographer Sylvia Earle and ChineseAmerican mountaineer Jimmy Chin. Their extraordinary achievements only reaffirm that you have to believe in yourself in order to achieve greatness. “Our self image, strongly held, essentially determines what we become,” says Dr. Maltz. I hope that you will feel inspired and empowered by our pages, and I wish everyone a wonderful new start. Yours sincerely,

Leslie Yip Associate Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Twitter, Instagram & Tiktok: leslieyip0911 10

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up front 8 團隊 Masthead

10 出版人的話 publisher's letter

16 鎂光燈下 on the red carpet

fashion 18-31 潮流特區 2021 F/W WoMensWear, 2022 runWay cruise, Fendi, longchaMp jewellery 32-39 棲身歡愉之園 gucci & bulgari celebrity 40 封面故事 仙樂飄飄愿君聞 cover girl: ssun


置 身 於 SUB-ZERO 及 WOLF的 陳 列 室 , 就 仿 如 佳 餚 美 食 當 前 , 牽 動 你的感官味蕾!

歡迎親臨切身感受,揀選合適你廚房的品味之列,無論是初試設施 以至大廚級的要求,定能令你的感官得到全新體驗!



beauty & scents 48-53 aMp it up, sisley, issey Miyake fashion: men 54 翩翩俊朗公子 2022 spring collection timepieces 60-65 探索恆動星球 rolex, panerai interior design 66 瑞典光譜 sWeden’s pholc lifestyle 72 旅遊 travel: the bc ale trail

78 人生哪得幾回嘗 Winenot: tiMe in a bottle 82 吃出正宗墨西哥美味 restaurant: aliMentaria Mexicana 86 美麗婚紗盡顯新娘風華 an experience to cherish tech 90 恃機行「兇」 the ultiMate asus phone 5 automobiles 92 賽車代步兩皆宜 2021 chevrolet corvette stingray



夏日進行曲 享受最唯美的意大利設計, 獨特家具由最優秀的意大利工匠精心打造; 沉浸在這個系列的永恆之美, 為您的家增添一絲和諧與品味。

Dress coDe: oN the ‘reD’ carpet

斯文淑女 flower power

優雅成熟 ClassiC Chinoiserie

雛菊盛放 Coming up daisies




Grace Chan 陳凱琳這身連身裙花色原本很老氣,幸而白色花邊 領口的設計出彩,再襯上一對別緻的高跟鞋,顯得 年輕又高貴。


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Joey Wong 青花從來都特別有中國傳統風情,這條長袖連身裙 給人舒適大方之感。但有所欠缺的是王灝兒選擇了 一對太隆重的高跟鞋,換成淺色會更清新。

Jeannie Chan 這條黑色雛菊圖案連身裙很cute,領口位亦很特別, 很適合陳瀅一向喜歡的少女風。不過下身黑色絲襪 略嫌成熟,脫去的話會更有減齡效果。

笑展冷艷 making waves

成功搶鏡 pattern play

氣色超凡 the sun queen

Jessica Chastain

Zendaya Coleman

Helen Mirren

Jessica Chastain這身哥特式黑色鏤花晚禮服,配上 烈焰紅唇,頗具冷峻神秘氣息,但她的燦爛笑容立 即將冷色融化,令人頓感親切。

Zendaya在好萊塢大片 《太空也入樽:改朝換代》 首映 禮上,以撞色幾何圖案短搭衫亮相。憑藉大長腿和鮮 亮顏色成為全場焦點。

老牌影后Helen mirren向來品味絕佳,此番大膽選擇 一襲鮮黃長裙,一頭銀髮清朗俐落,時尚感十足, 讓人完全忘記她的年齡。






warm Up

rich textures and saturated colours of the 2021/22 Fall/winter womenswear collections heat up the cooler seasons 18

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runway: women






runway: women


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runway: women


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Jean-Paul Gaultier ELITEGEN





Your passport to stYle the Cruise 2022 collections are here for that long-awaited trip


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Max Mara

runway: women

Louis Vuitton ELITEGEN





runway: women


E L I T E G E N. C A







fashion: fendi

FF Vertigo jacquard bag with embroidery, $4,400

Brown jacquard FF Vertigo bag, $4,400


Legendary styLe Fendi Baguette bag always a classic Story | Connie Li Photography | Fendi


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Pink satin bag with sequins, $4,500

FF Vertigo jacquard bag with embroidery, $4,400

Pink lizard leather Re-Edition bag, $7,600

Blue glazed canvas bag, $3,490

Yellow glazed canvas bag, $3,490

短肩帶,背起來正好夾在腋下,Silvia Venturini Fendi於1997設計 出獨特的Baguette法棍包,腋下包的鼻祖就此誕生。不論潮流如何變 遷,它每年都會以新的材質和色彩再現。

A reinvention of the luxury fashion house’s signature bags, designed by Silvia Venturini Fendi, plays with the bag’s original silhouette, revamping its legendary style.

Fendi Summer 2021 Capsule系列讓我們又重溫Silvia Venturini Fendi簽名包的原汁原味——濃彩的亮片、迷幻的花卉刺綉、蜥蜴紋路 鋪陳。同時,翹曲Fendi標志、塗層帆布、提花面料,又為這款經典的 法棍包注入全新魅力。

Vintage design and materials are also brought back, including kitschy sequins, embroidery and, yes, pink lizard. Reinterpreting the iconic FF logo, the FF Vertigo is distorted and twisted. The psychedelic pattern is printed on coated canvas and pops up on a tobacco jacquard fabric, as well as on canvas punctuated by floral patterns from the luxury brand’s archive.






fashion: Longchamp


It’s a Bucket… It’s a croIssant… It’s Le PLIage More than 32 million have been sold since it launched in 1993. It is carried by countless celebrities and rumoured to be found in every home in France. What is the story behind Longchamp’s iconic Le Pliage, and why is it having an identity crisis now? Story | Leslie Yip Photography | Longchamp 30

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自1993年推出以來,已售出超過3200萬個的Longchamp Le Pliage 包袋,可能是曝光率最高的包包,被無數名人攜帶使用,更傳聞是法國每 個家庭必備之物。如此具標誌性的Le Pliage背後有何故事?為什麼現在竟 然出現身份危機? Le Pliage名稱沿自法文動詞,意指「摺疊」,是一個可任意摺疊展 開,只需四步即可摺成口袋書大小的包袋。這個採用俄羅斯皮革手柄、 標誌性翻蓋和多種色彩尼龍材質的包款,靈感是品牌創始人之子Philippe Cassegrain到日本旅行,看見日本摺紙藝術時觸發的。 Le Pliage自1993年推出以來,被譽為設計的傳奇,不單因為首創將 當時法國軍隊使用的尼龍材質跟皮革組合起來,更以其包款簡潔俐落、 堅固實用、輕盈而聞名於全球。對支持環保人士來說,全新Le Pliage® Green永續包款採用環保再生材質,以由塑料水瓶製成的再生聚酰胺帆布 和同色系飾邊製作。 為慶祝推出全新Pilage Green系列,以及禮讚經典的原創風格, Longchamp與洛杉磯精品創意網絡公司Fred & Farid合作,9部短片的迷 你系列和靜態圖像,全部由屢獲國際獎項的知名導演、攝影師、視覺藝術 家和設計師Sander Plug主理。 在短片中,我們會看到這標誌性包袋可以盛載餵馬的乾草,像冰壺一 樣滑過地板,又或是摺疊成牛角包模樣……讓它開始懷疑自己究竟還是不 是一個包袋,於是它甚至參加小組治療、看心理醫生、接受催眠,企圖找 出答案。 當然,這身份危機只是以半開玩笑形式來回應今次的宣傳活動—— 「這不是一個包袋,這是Le Pliage。」這個構思來自Longchamp的首席執行 官Jean Cassegrain和創始人孫女兼藝術總監Sophie Delefontaine平日深 刻觀察所得——Le Pliage不是一個包袋,而是一個概念;代表了富冒險精 神、充滿動力的生活方式,渴望遊歷及積極完成工作……,同時,更是充 滿時尚感。

Longchamp’s iconic creation is not a bag but a concept representing a lifestyle of adventure, movement and energy. Crafted with Russian leather handles, a signature flap and colourful nylon, Le Pliage is named after the French verb “to fold,” because it can be folded up and stowed away. It is designed by the brand founder’s son, Philippe Cassegrain, who was inspired by the origami art he saw on a trip to Japan in the ’90s. It has been touted as a design legend since its launch in 1993, because of its ingenuity, as well as its status as the first style to pair nylon and leather in a chic way. It is well loved for its versatility and durability—the original nylon canvas is used by the French army as the floor of its tents. And for those who are seeking an environmentally friendly alternative, a new Le Pliage Green line is now available, featuring recycled polyamide canvas made from plastic water bottles and tone-on-tone trimmings. To celebrate the launch of Le Pliage Green and the timeless original style, the brand partnered up with Los Angeles boutique creative network Fred & Farid for a visual campaign. It includes a miniseries of nine short films and still images by internationally-awarded director, photographer, visual artist and designer Sander Plug. In the films, we see the iconic bag used as a bucket to feed a horse, slide across the floor like a curling stone and folded up like one does with croissant pastry. It begins to question its identity. “Am I a bag? Am I not a bag?” It even attends a group therapy, sees a psychiatrist and undergoes hypnosis to try to find out the answer. This identity crisis is actually the tongue-in-cheek theme of the campaign: “It is not a bag. It is Le Pliage.” The inspiration is from an insightful observation from Longchamp’s CEO Jean Cassegrain and Artistic Director Sophie Delefontaine, that: “Le Pliage is not a bag. It is a concept.” It represents the desire to go places and to get things done, all the while looking stylish. Large shoulder bag, $200





jewellery: Gucci


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白金耳墜,鑲嵌坦桑石、沙 弗萊石、黃色綠柱石和鑽石。 Earrings in white gold with tanzanites, tsavorites, yellow beryl and diamonds.


A gArden of delights gucci high jewellery collection a kaleidoscopic universe Story | Connie Li Photography | Gucci 古馳今年推出由創意總監Alessandro Michele設計的第二個 高級珠寶系列Hortus Deliciarum。在發佈大片中,形象大使Jodie Turner-Smith為斑斕豐富的古馳珠寶更增添了一層好萊塢魅力。

Gucci presents its second High Jewellery collection of 2021, by creative director Alessandro Michele, in a new advertising campaign featuring actress Jodie Turner-Smith.

Hortus Deliciarum,拉丁語「歡愉之園」之意,Michele受到一 日之中光影變幻,天空迷人色調的啓發,將其與品牌鍾愛的多元象 徵性圖案糅合,打造出一個色彩形態變化萬千的「歡愉之園」。

Inspired by the mesmeric hues of the sky at various times of the day, the collection Hortus Deliciarum, Latin for Garden of Delights, echoes the eclectic quixotism of Alessandro’s kaleidoscopic universe.

該系列涵蓋130餘個單品,圍繞四大主題演繹各具特色的品牌 圖案,大部分都是獨一無二之作。歡愉之園裡有傾瀉的瀑布、綻放 的玫瑰,微風拂過的叢林棲息着神秘而古老的獸群,自然界的符號 盡情肆意綻放。

The collection is comprised of more than 130 pieces—largely one of a kind. From waterfalls, softly windblown forestry and the saturated, hypnotic hues of a sky at sunset to the animal kingdom and a rose garden, its motifs are divided into four chapters informed by the majestic beauty of the natural world.

「歡愉之園」將歷史長河蘊含的詩意與當下的美學理念結合,每 款單品都閃耀出大自然原有的光輝和普世之美,就如你身處瞬息萬 變的天空之下,無論在世界的哪個角落,只要仰頭觀望,簡單而純 粹的愉悅就會從心頭油然升起。

Drawing on symbolic motifs, the collection takes its cue from the ephemeral yet recurring beauty of the changing sky and its shifting colours and constellations—and the simple, spiritual pleasure of looking up, wherever you are in the world.





jewellery: Gucci


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鑲鑽白金手鐲。 Bracelet in white gold and diamonds.

白金耳墜, 鑲粉色藍寶 石和鑽石。 Earrings in white gold, pink sapphires and diamonds.

白金戒指,鑲嵌帕拉伊巴碧璽和鑽石。 Multi-finger ring in white gold, Paraiba tourmalines and diamonds.

黃金手鐲,鑲嵌黃色綠柱石和鑽石。 Bracelet in yellow gold, yellow beryl and diamonds. 白金吊墜,鑲嵌金色珍珠、橄欖石、石 榴石、紅碧璽、粉紅色帝王黃玉和鑽石。 Pendant in white gold, golden pearl, peridot, garnet, rubellites, pink imperial topaz and diamonds.





jewellery: Bulgari

ImperIal SpInel Imperial Spinel項鍊綴有世界上第四大尖晶石,重達131.21克 拉。巨大的尖晶石由一連串鑽石和祖母綠珠子襯托,充分體現了寶 格麗長期以來對彩色寶石的熱愛。項鏈線條平衡又保持整體的輕 盈、柔和。

Featuring the fourth-largest known spinel in the world, weighing 131.21 carats, this necklace is an ode to Bulgari’s longstanding love of coloured gemstones. Surrounded by a cascade of diamonds and emerald beads, the necklace is a showstopper.


ready for impact Bulgari launches the magnifica collection Story | Iris Chiu Photography | Bulgari

寶格麗最新頂級珠寶系列Magnifica再次為我們打開璀璨寶藏, 展現這一羅馬珠寶品牌的華麗與精湛。 獨一無二,大氣奢華,卻又質地輕盈,戴在身上猶如第二層 肌膚般舒適,是Magnifica系列每件作品的設計追求,其超過120件 首飾是珠寶工匠花費了逾10,000小時的力作,其中Mediterranean Queen、Imperial Spinel、Baroque Spiral和Prodigious Colour四條 項鏈尤其令人過目難忘。

Bulgari’s 2021 High Jewellery collection magnifica celebrates three of its iconic design pillars: gems, creativity and craftsmanship. more than 10,000 hours of master artistry culminated in this collection of more than 120 pieces, featuring one-of-a-kind works of art.

耳墜 白金,翡翠珠,鑽石 Earrings in white gold, emerald beads, diamonds


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medIterranean Queen Mediterranean Queen項鏈的靈感來自1969年的寶格麗項鍊, 複雜的鉑金和鑽石結構宛如海浪一般。5顆瑰麗的橢圓形枕形切割 帕拉伊巴碧璽重約500克拉,光是中央寶石就重達153克拉;由優雅 的弧形元素串聯,其上鑲飾祖母綠和鑽石,瀉湖色寶石和祖母綠相 互襯托。需知帕拉伊巴碧璽是世上最稀有的寶石之一,而這條項鍊 共耗費2,400小時才大功告成,稱得上是稀世珍寶。

this necklace, which required more than 2,400 hours to complete, is inspired by an archival necklace that dates back to 1969. Five oval cushion-cut paraiba tourmalines, weighing approximately 500 carats, are connected by curved waves of cabochon emeralds and diamonds. paraiba tourmalines, amongst the rarest gems in the world, glow with an aqua hue reminiscent of the crystal-clear waters of the mediterranean Sea that surrounds Italy’s Sardinia.

戒指 白金、海藍寶石、帕拉伊巴碧璽、祖母綠、鑽石 Ring in white gold, aquamarine, Paraiba tourmalines, emeralds, diamonds

項鍊 鉑金、鑽石、翡翠珠 Necklace in platinum, diamonds, emerald beads





jewellery: Bulgari

BaroQue SpIral Artemisia Gentileschi是17世紀意大利巴羅克派最具有開創性 的女畫家,她對螺旋圖案的複雜幾何形狀特別感興趣,認為螺旋 是生命和進化的象徵。Baroque Spiral項鏈以凸圓形紅寶石、祖母 綠、藍寶石和閃爍的鑽石呈螺旋式排列,達成3D效果,是對寶格麗 六十年代標誌性風格的最新詮釋。

Seventeenth-century painter artemisia Gentileschi is one of the most celebrated artists of the Baroque movement. and this necklace is a reflection of her rebellious, indomitable spirit. using the spiral as a symbol of life and evolution, cabochon rubies, emeralds, sapphires and diamonds are masterfully set, all creating a contemporary interpretation of Bulgari’s signature style of the 1960s.

項鏈/耳釘 鉑金、鑽石 Necklace/Earrings in platinum and diamonds


E L I T E G E N. C A



prodIGIouS Colour Prodigious Colour項鍊上總重達288.20克拉的5顆凸圓切割寶 石好似項鏈的五個核心,以不同的比例、不同的切割方式、不同的 色彩各領風騷,是寶格麗珠寶尊貴氣派的寫照。

With its five spectacular cabochon-cut gems of outstanding proportion, this necklace of amethyst, citrine, rubellite, blue topaz and pink quartz—totalling an extraordinary weight of 288.20 carats—fuses some of Bulgari’s most distinctive stylistic trademarks.

耳墜/項鏈 玫瑰金、珍珠母貝、綠玉髓、孔雀石、紅碧璽、鑽石 Earrings/Necklace in pink gold, mother-of-pearl, chrysoprase, malachite, rubellite, diamonds





cover girl Bags (from left to right) Fornasetti Cannes, $4,800 Fornasetti Pochette Tête, $3,400 Fornasetti Petite Malle, $7,200 Fornasetti Pochette Tête, $3,400

Knit pullover, $4,950 Boots, $3,150 Earrings, $16,300 Necklace, $12,000 Pink gold and diamond ring, $5,350 Pink gold, malachite and diamond ring, $4,100 President briefcase, $9,350


E L I T E G E N. C A




Flying HigH

SSUn may be a new to the music scene but her drive and talent is already getting her noticed by heavyweights Story | Iris Chui Photography | Simon Boucher-Harris Wardrobe and accessories | Louis Vuitton 音樂是國際語言—動人的旋 律,撩發共鳴的歌詞,均足以觸動 人心。然而,以音樂為職業的路卻 不易走,特別是由華裔女歌手演繹 騷靈、R&B和 Pop英文歌。新晉加 藉華裔唱作歌手SSUN孫仙易今年2 月推出了第一張個人唱碟,雖然暫 時仍未至一鳴天下響,卻已贏得樂 壇舉足輕重的Nineteen 85和Niko (OVO)的支持,踏出亮麗一步。

Music is an international language. Melodies can stir emotions and lyrics that resonate can touch every heart. That said, pursuing a career in music isn’t always an easy path, especially for an Asian musician who dabbles in soul, R&B and pop. Fresh to the music scene, Chinese-Canadian singer SSUN released her first single in February. While it wasn’t an overnight hit, it has won applause from heavyweights like Nineteen85 and OVO Niko. EliteGen recently caught up with the budding star to chat about her exhilarating step forward.





cover girl

Dress, $3,850 Skirt, $7,900 Boots, $3,150 Necklace, $9,700 Earrings, $16,300


E L I T E G E N. C A



eG ︰可以介紹一下自己嗎? SSUN︰我在上海出生和成長,中文名字是「孫仙易」,「仙」 是父母希望我有一顆善良的心,「易」則是希望所有難題都可以容 易解決。2015年夏天以國際學生身份來到多倫多,修讀新媒體。 eG ︰是什麼驅使你踏上音樂路? SSUN︰我父母都從事音樂工作,在家裡總是樂聲不絕,所 以由小時候開始,音樂已是我生命中不可或缺的重要一環,我的 古典鋼琴技巧亦是由父親教授。他們沒有強迫我學音樂,卻培養 出我這方面的興趣;他們會引導我自發地練習唱歌,幫助我建立 自己的風格。對我們一家來說,音樂更是很好的溝通途徑,不過 直到近幾年我才真正有信心和其他人分享自己的音樂。 eG︰你會怎樣形容自己的音樂? SSUN︰很難一概而論,我會說那是Soul、R&B和Pop的混合 體,因為我喜歡不斷作嘗試和挑戰,希望可以融合不同元素,又 或是從不同風格中找出最適合自己的一套來。我創作時很視乎自 己的心情,讓情緒帶動,過程中可能摻雜了不同事物,雖然成果 可能有點雜,但這正代表了真正的我。 eG︰今年二月推出第一張個人大碟,感覺如何? SSUN︰是筆墨難於形容的感覺。那是我踏出的重要第一 步,心情很忐忑,但樂迷和業界的反應卻超乎想象。特別是見到 自己的作品在電台節目和Billboards出現,仿如發夢般很不真實。 我現在正着手明年初推出的大碟,不住提醒自己要走出舒適圈, 要推動自己做得更好,希望讓大家知道之前的大碟只是開始,他 們將見到表現愈來愈好的SSUN。

Boots, $2,610 Bag, $7,200 Pendant, $5,600 Medallion, $9,700 Ear studs, $4,500 Earrings, $16,300 Pur pullover, Price upon request

Q: Who is SSUN? Tell us about yourself. A: I was born and raised in Shanghai, but I moved to Toronto in the summer of 2015. I came here as an international student to study New Media… and it just kind of happened. I mean, I was raised with music as a huge part of my life, but it wasn’t until recently that I truly felt confident enough to share my music with the world. Q: What got you into music? A: My parents are definitely the key driver that helped me first get into music. Much of my musical style has been adopted from what I have learned from them. Both of my parents work in the music industry. My father taught me how to play the piano, through classical training, so it’s always been a huge part of my upbringing. For me and my parents, music is an incredibly important form of communication. Q: For those who have not heard of you, describe your music? A: I would describe it as a mix of soul, R&B and pop. It’s hard to describe it concisely because I always try to challenge myself by experimenting, combining various elements and taking inspiration from different styles to try to find the style that suits me best. My writing often depends on my mood. I really let emotion drive the creative process so, in the end, what you hear is really me—a little bit of everything. Q: You released your first EP in February this year. What was that like? A: I don’t think words can do it justice. I mean, it was my first big project, but while it was nerve-wracking, the response from fans and the industry was overwhelming. It was such a surreal experience to have my work showcased on billboards and on the radio.

Skirt, $5,650 Boots, $3,150 Pink gold and diamond ring, $5,350 Pink gold, malachite and diamond ring, $4,100 Ear studs, $5,900 Bag, $7,000 Pur body, Price upon request ELITEGEN




cover girl eG︰樂壇很有影響力的Niko (OVO)和 Nineteen 85都 支持你,你是怎樣認識他們的?

Q: We noticed you got support from some very influential people like OVO Niko and Nineteen85. How did that come about?

SSUN︰幾年前我在一個派對表演,Niko (OVO)也是座 上客,朋友介紹我們認識,我們談音樂,談時裝,說個不 亦樂乎,之後也保持聯絡。他還把我介紹給Nineteen 85認 識。在我發展音樂事業的路途上,他們毫不吝嗇地提供意 見,給了我很大的支持。

A: Well, Niko and I met at a party a few years back. I was performing and Niko was one of the guests. A mutual friend introduced us later that night and it was a really cool experience to connect with him. We talked about fashion and music, and we ended up keeping in touch. He then introduced me to 85 and they have both been a great support to me, continuing to give me advice on my development and growth as an artist.

eG︰在開闖音樂路上,遇過什麼難忘經歷? SSUN︰直至目前為止,我還是挺幸運的。小時候由父 母啟發我對音樂的興趣,他倆亦一直是我的最強後盾。我讀 高中時,每逢有大型活動,校長都會讓我表演,在我十一年 級時,更幫助我舉辦個人音樂會,對當時小小年紀的我來說 是很大的鼓勵。而現在的合作團隊不但是行內精英,更認同 我對音樂的熱誠和創作,他們的支持驅動我做得更好。 同時,我認為無論目標和所熱衷是什麽,最重要是堅 持,不放棄,特別是遇上阻滯,感覺沮喪的時候。我的經驗 告訴我︰只要定立目標便鼓起幹勁往前走,雖然永不知道前 面將會發生的事,但無論結果為何,過程中見到進展,那份 快樂和滿足感已是一份收穫。 eG︰你何時寫出第一首作品?靈感源自何處? SSUN︰第一張唱片中的主打歌曲《Dear Lover》是第一 首全由我寫的歌曲。記得去年3月,全世界都因新冠疫情而 備受影響,看見很多人被迫跟自己的親人摯友分離,有些更 是永別,我將這種悲傷的心情投放到這首歌曲中。我希望大 家在聽這首歌曲時,感受到那份深情,同時謹記要珍惜眼前 人。 eG︰可否分享工作上遇過最難忘的評語? SSUN︰說起來也覺有趣。我的唱片監製Niko向來很嚴 謹,當我跟他提起製作音樂時的意念時,他總是很認真和 一矢中的指出有待改進的地方。第一次在錄音室聽到《Dear Lover》的Demo時,他卻是一言不發,沉默了整整兩秒鐘, 然後爆發出掌聲。對我來說,這是迄今為止我收到的最好反 饋,那一刻我知道我們創作了一首非常特別的歌曲。 eG︰ 有計劃發展亞洲或中國市場嗎? SSUN︰因為我與上海的密切聯繫,在那裡出生長大, 唱中文歌曲的機會跟英文歌曲一樣多。我發現兩者之間有很 多不同的音樂製作和演唱方法—中國歌曲傾向於注重旋律和 使用演唱技巧來表達情感,而西方音樂則較少結構化的方 法。我希望將我的東方背景和經歷的西方文化結合起來,創 造出自己獨特的音樂風格。所以如能有機會回到中國發展和 分享自己的音樂風格,我將會很高興和自豪。 eG︰疫情有所紓緩,重開後你最想做什麽事? SSUN︰過去兩年實在發生了太多事,我迫不及待想跟 朋友相聚、吃飯或看電影,以及回中國看望父母。同時很渴 望可以參與大型的現場表演,回到錄音室正常工作……看似 都是簡單的事﹐但實在渴望能跟我愛的人做所愛的事。 eG︰有些人會將某些年輕華人定型為「富二代」而忽略 他們的才華,你有何感想? SSUN︰我認為每個人都有自己的個性和生活方式,沒 有人應該以先入為主的錯誤觀念來判斷他人。我鼓勵大家要 深入了解,不要流於表面。中國人聰明、謙遜、勤奮,紀律 性強,不要被錯誤說法而誤判。其實這同樣適用於所有種 族、國家和背景的人。


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Q: The music business can be very challenging. Can you share some unforgettable incidents. A: I’m so lucky that I have had support every step of the way on my music path. My parents led me into music from the start at a very young age, and they have also been my biggest support. Then, my high-school principal gave me huge encouragement by inviting me to perform at every big event that happened at our school, and even helped me hold my own concert in Grade 11, which truly meant a lot to me. Now, I have a huge support system with the best team, who share my passion in music and creation. The support they provide drives me to be the best version of myself. I think no matter what your goal or passion is, the most important thing is to not give up, especially when you are feeling like you will never be on the right track. My experience has shown me that once you’re on the path towards a career or passion that is meant for you and aligns with your goals, you never know what can happen. At the same time, you’ll find the progress you make allows you to feel fulfilled and be happy, regardless of the outcome. Q: When did you write your first song? Where did you find your inspiration? A: Actually, “Dear Lover” is the first complete song I’ve written. I wrote this song last March when the pandemic started. It’s so sad to see people being separated from their dearest family and friends, in some cases forever. Therefore, I tried to take my feelings and channel them into this song. Along with telling this story, I wanted everyone who listens to this song to feel that emotion and remember to cherish what they have right now. Q: What are some of the harshest/best comments you have come across thus far. A: It’s funny, but it’s actually a wordless comment from my producer, Niko. He’s always very serious and precise about the music ideas l share with him and he can always point out where there is room to improve. However, when he heard the “Dear Lover” demo for the first time in-studio, he didn’t say anything. Instead, he stayed silent for a full two seconds, then he burst into applause and, for me, it was the best feedback I’ve received so far. I knew we had created something really special in that moment. Q: Any plans for the Asia/Chinese market? If so, will the music created be much different from now? A: Yes, because of my close connection to Shanghai, being born and raised there, I would welcome any opportunity and would be proud to perform in the country where I first immersed myself in the music styles I’m always creating and pursuing. I am always looking for a new approach to my music. For me, it’s always evolving during the creation process. Q: What are you looking forward to most as pandemic restrictions begin to be lifted? A: I can’t wait to hang out with my friends, start travelling again and to visit my parents. For me, I’m most excited for the simple things, like catching up with friends, going for dinner or going to a movie. And, of course, I can’t wait for the performance opportunities. I haven’t really had the chance to perform live for a big crowd, as it’s always been smaller performances here and there. Getting back into the studio goes hand in hand with this. It’s all about getting back to the things I love, with the people I love. Q: Some people stereotype young Chinese as “young and rich” and overlook their talents. How do you feel about that? A: I think everyone has their own personality and lifestyle, and no one should be stereotyped. Instead of judgment, I always encourage that we look to find what’s under the surface. The Chinese are smart, humble, hard workers who are well disciplined, and should not be misjudged due to stereotypes. This is true for all people, of all races, nations and backgrounds.

Bags (from left to right) Fornasetti Pochette Tête, $3,400 Fornasetti Petite Malle, $7,200 Fornasetti Pochette Tête, $3,400

Jacket, $6,000 Shirt, Price upon request Pants, $2,110 Boots, $3,150 Earrings, $5,900 President briefcase (top), $9,350 Alzer 80 suitcase (bottom), $11,500





cover girl Coat, $8,450 Skirt, $2,290 Boots, $3,150 Pendant, $5,600 Pink gold and diamond ring, $5,350 Pink gold, malachite and diamond ring, $4,100

Coat, $6,350 Boots, $1,480 Pink gold and diamond ring, $5,350 Pink gold, malachite and diamond ring, $4,100 Earrings, $16,300

eG︰你喜歡怎麼樣的時裝?最喜歡的服裝品牌是什麼? SSUN︰我喜歡經典、高檔中見低調,以及一些復古和街頭 元素的服飾。我很想在永恆經典和年輕風格之間找到平衡。Louis Vuitton 向來是我衣櫥裡的必備品,現在能穿上由這品牌贊助的服 飾拍今期的封面,真是一種令人難以置信且非常酷的體驗。 eG︰這個秋冬,你有何必備服飾? SSUN︰我愛秋天時裝。秋天擁有最完美的天氣,不會太熱 或太冷。我喜歡穿上超大號服裝,例如是連帽衛衣,又或是牛仔 褲配輕身外套。此外,以厚實的針織衫襯珠寶首飾營造時尚感, 也是另一種我喜歡的造型。 eG︰你是那種隨心而行,還是緊跟程序的人? SSUN︰我總是讓心情主導,但我會盡力跟從程序安排,不 會影響大局。就等於我愛各式美食—中國菜、日本料理、意大利 菜……但我會留心份量,那就可以樣樣都吃。我盡量每天都做運 動,但密度還得看我的工作表了。 eG︰你最喜歡哪位歌手? SSUN︰太多了。但最近我聽得最多的是Kiana Lede、 SZA和Jorja Smith。我亦喜歡Snoh Aalegra、H.E.R和Ariana Grande,當然還有The Weekend。 eG︰誰是你的偶像? SSUN︰我的頭號偶像毫無疑問是我媽媽。她對身邊每個人 都那麽關懷、友善和愛護。但我最欣賞她強大的內在力量,她對 所做的一切都充滿熱情,亦鼓勵我追求理想。我真的很感恩一直 有她的智慧和支持伴我前行。


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Q: Describe SSUN’s fashion. What are some of your favourite brands? A: I like to have a mix of classic, luxury low-key pieces, and some vintage and streetwear elements. I try to find that balance between timeless and young styles. Louis Vuitton has been a staple in my closet for a very long time, and it’s been a mind-boggling—and very cool—experience to now be sponsored by the brand for the cover of the EliteGen Fall issue. Q: What is your top fashion must-have this fall? A: I love fall fashion. It’s the perfect weather to layer up without getting too hot or cold. Personally, I love to throw on oversized pieces, like a hoodie or pairing denim with a lighter coat. Pairing chunky knits with some jewellery to make it pop is another fall look I adore. Q: Are you the follow-a-strict-schedule or go-with-your-mood type of person? A: I always let my mood inform my approach to anything. However, I do my best to keep on track with my schedule and follow a big-picture structure. For instance, I eat everything that’s yummy, including Chinese, Japanese, Italian, and more. However, I’m mindful of my portion sizing, so I can try a little bit of everything. And I do try to exercise every day, but the intensity depends on my working schedule. Q: Who are your favourite singers? A: There are so many to choose from. Recently, I’ve been listening to tons of Kiana Ledé, SZA and Jorja Smith. I also love Snoh Aalegra, H.E.R and Ariana Grande—and, of course, The Weeknd. Q: Who are your role models? A: My mom is definitely my No. 1 role model. She’s caring, loving and kind to those around her, and she has an inner strength I’ve always admired. She’s passionate about everything she does and has encouraged me to follow my passion, too. I’m so grateful to have her wisdom and support in my life.

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the Beauty pages

Vichy多重胜肽緊緻安瓶精華 Vichy Liftactiv Peptide-C Anti-Aging Ampoules Face Serum with Brightening Pure Vitamin C And Hyaluronic Acid, 10x1.5ml | $42.95


Amp It Up

Curious about the latest trend in skincare's glass ampoules, but don’t know where to start? Here are five to try Story | Leslie Yip 把精華濃縮在小玻璃瓶的安瓶精華熱潮突然冒起,不但一眾 美容bloggers紛紛在Instagram發文介紹,藝人亦對此趨之若鶩。 由亞洲美容教主牛爾老師研發的京城之霜美白安瓶,便邀得被封 為「台灣最美歐巴桑」的藝人陳美鳳任代言人。小小的安瓶精華竟 如此厲害?


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Beauty potions in tiny single-dose glass vials seem to be popping up out of nowhere lately. Beauty bloggers show them off on Instagram, while celebrities like Taiwanese artiste Meifan Chen, who is billed as “Taiwan’s hottest ‘auntie’”, swears by the Bright Repair Concentrate developed by beauty guru Robin Niu Er. They certainly look different from the usual bottles and jars, but are they worth the hype?

一些皮膚專家,包括Vichy國際科研總監兼藥劑學博士 Dr.Marion Nielsen表示,這種濃縮小瓶有多重好處:「密封式 以及防曬的包裝能抵禦紫外光、熱力及氧化,從而保護活性成 份。因此產品配方毋須加入防腐劑之餘,更可把活性成份的濃 度提升,一開瓶即時塗抹,達至最新鮮的高濃度修護能量。」 高濃度的活性成份加上精確的一次性份量,令安瓶成為 急救護膚療程的最佳之選。妳可以針對肌膚的問題選擇合適 的安瓶療程,療程一般為期一星期至一個月。由Dr. Yannis Alexandrides創立的護膚品牌111Skin最近推出一星期的療程 專門針對五大皮膚問題如暗啞及缺水。達至最佳效果的秘訣 是什麼?Beautymark Solutions的宣教總監Machael Varicchio 說:「產品一開瓶便要立即使用,因為小瓶的設計是避免醫藥 用配方暴露於氧氣之中。」

Dr. Barbara Sturm晚間安瓶 Dr. Barbara Sturm Night Ampoules, 7x2ml | US$150

大家亦可把安瓶加入到日常的皮膚護理程序。三度榮獲 德國最佳美容及化妝品大獎的Jean D’ Arcel,其加拿大副總裁 Peggy Fu表示,很多顧客為了在聖誕節以最佳一面示人,會 在很早之前便購入安瓶,然後把安瓶加入平日的護膚程序,每 星期使用一次或兩次,而非在聖誕前才進行急救。有興趣把日 常家居護膚提升至另一層次的朋友,不妨考慮該品牌環保且可 持續的Hydratante Intense Moisture安瓶療程。

According to some skincare experts, they are. Dr. Marion Nielsen, Vichy’s international scientific director and doctor in pharmacy, says this particular format has multiple advantages. “Their hermetic and photo-protective pack preserves the actives against UV, heat and oxidation,” she says. “This allows our labs to create minimalist formula without preservatives. This conditioning also gives the possibility to integrate actives into high concentrations and to deliver all their power when applying, just after opening.” The possibility of offering higher concentration of active ingredients and precise dosage makes ampoules a good format for intensive booster treatments. These programs allow you to choose a specific ampoule to address your skin concerns at a particular moment, and could range from a week to a month. 111Skin by Dr. Yannis Alexandrides recently launched five targeted one-week systems to address specific concerns, such as clarity and hydration—the secret to reaping maximum benefit.

Jean d’ Arcel保濕極致安瓶 Jean d’Arcel Hydratante Intense Moisture, 7x2ml | $74

京城之霜超激光束美白安瓶 Jing Cheng Super Diamond Bright Repairing Concentrate, 14x1.5ml | $109

“Use it immediately upon opening,” says Machael Varicchio, education director at Beautymark Solutions. “The reason for the glass vials is to protect the clinical-grade formulations from exposure to oxygen.” Ampoules can also be incorporated into your regular home-care regime. Peggy Fu, Canadian vice-president of Jean D’Arcel, a three-time winner of Germany’s Best Facial Care and Cosmetics award, says many customers stock up on ampoules for their pre-Christmas advent calendar. However, instead of using one a day leading up to Christmas, they use one or two ampoules each week throughout the year as regular treats for their skin. Those looking to level up their home-care regime can also check out the clean and sustainable Hydratante Intense Moisture.

111 Skin提亮煥白安瓶精華 111 Skin The Radiance Concentrate, 7x2ml | $240





the Beauty pages


SiSley’S Black RoSe Story | Leslie Yip 黑玫瑰的珍貴,在於它的花期只在5月及6月,在玫瑰盛 放之時必須以人手採摘,而且每年就僅有一次機會。 原本是深紅色的黑玫瑰由於色澤太深,讓人錯以為是黑 色。花形圓潤飽滿,每當光線投射到花瓣時,呈現如絲絨般 的質感,說的就是由法國東南部House of Meilland玫瑰園繁 殖的巴卡拉黑玫瑰,玫瑰園至今已是第六代經營。 這種黑玫瑰亦是Sisley經典護膚系列中的皇牌成份。 真正的黑色素在玫瑰的基因中並不存在,但玫瑰繁殖人 員卻能令無變為有。他們利用技術增加花瓣的色素,從而成 功繁殖出巴卡拉黑玫瑰。巴卡拉黑玫瑰於2000年首度公開亮 相,是世界上色澤最深的玫瑰品種之一。


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The ingredient story is extremely unique as the Black Rose only blooms between May and June and must be plucked by hand once a year when the roses are open and most fragrant. The garnet colour is so deep, it gives the illusion that it is black. The flower form is full and round, and when the petals catch the light, they seem like velvet. This is the Black Baccara rose, created by the House of Meilland, sixthgeneration rose breeders based in southeastern France. This is also the black rose behind Sisley’s iconic skincare line. Real black does not exist in roses because they lack the gene for it, but that doesn’t stop rose breeders from trying to create one. The exotic Black Baccara is obtained by increasing the dose of colour pigments in the petals. First presented to the public in the 2000s, it is one of the darkest roses in existence.

Black Rose Cream Mask, 60ml | $210

Black Rose Beautifying Emulsion, 200 ml | $225

Black Rose Eye Contour Fluid, 14 ml | $195

Black Rose Precious Face Oil, 25 ml | $310 Black Rose Skin Infusion Cream, 50 ml | $260

研究發現這款頂級玫瑰花擁用卓越的護膚功效,促使 Sisley研製成黑玫瑰面膜。用家表示,面膜的質地不但絲滑 潤密,用後皮膚更即時恢復活力,肌膚感覺清新而且充滿光 澤,產品因而全球熱賣。 Sisley的科研總監José Ginestar解釋:「黑玫瑰含豐富類 胡蘿蔔素,能有效抵禦自由基及有助肌膚吸收營養,令皮膚 滋潤幼滑,」她更表示:「每朵玫瑰的40片花瓣含豐富活性分 子,為了更完整地保存其功能,每年5月及6月首次開花時會 以人手小心翼翼地採摘。」 玫瑰花精油萃取深入皮膚抵禦自由基,而水漾萃取則好 像美顏玉液撫平及柔滑肌膚。除了最先面世的面膜外,整個 系列選有面部精華油、水凝霜、亮眼水凝精露和身體乳霜。

After studying the benefits of this exceptional rose, Sisley launched the Black Rose Cream Mask. Beyond its sensorial experience, users find an instant effect on the skin’s vitality, freshness and radiance, leading to its worldwide success. “The Black Rose is rich in carotenoids, which are very good free-radical traps and help bring nutrition, emolliency and softness to the skin,” explains José Ginestar, Sisley’s scientific director. “Each rose is formed of 40 petals that are highly concentrated in active molecules. In order to preserve their full power, they are picked by hand, only between May and June, as they first bloom.” The oily extract of the rose infuses deep down to deliver anti-free radical properties, while the aqueous extract works as a beauty elixir to smooth and soften the skin. In addition to the original Cream Mask, the collection has now expanded to include the Precious Face Oil, Skin Infusion Cream, Eye Contour Fluid and Beautifying Body Emulsion.







Silence iS golden Some flowers refuse to let their scent be captured in a perfumes, so issey Miyake recreates it by human hand Story | Leslie Yip Issey Miyake的經典香水L’ Eau d’ Issey面世至今將近30年, 今天品牌的香氛將開啟前所未見的視野。靈感再次來自賦予我們 生命的水,其原型就是一點水滴,名字A Drop d’ Issey由此而來, 而圓型扁平的瓶身設計模仿水滴落在地面上的形態,充滿詩意。


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Nearly 30 years after Issey Miyake Parfums released L’Eau d’Issey, the brand is opening a new chapter in its scent story. Drawing inspiration once again from life-giving water, the creative team takes us to its poetic original form: one single drop. Hence the name A Drop d’Issey and a flat, round glass bottle mimicking the flattening of a water droplet as it lands on a surface.

香水造型的創作概念不難理解,那香氣又如何呢?調香師 Ane Ayo決定挑戰自己,選用「沉默的花香」,即採用以傳統萃取方 法如蒸餾法和冷吸法都不容易展露香氣的花卉。最後她揀選了小 巧而且平易近人的丁香花。 就好像侍酒師能識別不同紅酒的特性,Ayo把丁香香氣的特 性重組再造,這全憑她在Grasse受訓多年的歷練以及周遊列國所 獲得的經驗。 她先以杏仁奶帶出柔和的前調,再以花香為主軸散發自然氣 息。為了把充滿陽光氣息的丁香香氣完全展露出來,她配以細膩 的香橙花和玫瑰,打造光芒煥發且叫人心動的花香;茴香令丁香 花的香氣更加突出;茉莉花把丁香花包裹着,提升其香氣。圓潤 的麝香為後調,加上香蘭素和龍涎香,令人倍感柔和。木質清香 叫人舒適愜意、寬慰安心,而且十分療癒,無論搭配清爽的麻質 連身裙又或暖洋洋的毛絨圍巾都一樣合適。 別出心裁的瓶身出自美國設計師Todd Bracher手筆,設計簡 約的圓潤瓶身有神來之筆——剛好可放入大姆指的凹位,以及柔 軟的瓶蓋,只需輕按便可釋出香水。創作團隊更以可持續發展為 元素,由香水設計及包裝,至細意挑選的成份,糅合大自然與新 科技,達至保護環境的目標。

The visual concept may be easy to grasp, but what does it smell like? Perfumer Ane Ayo decides to challenge herself to encapsulate the beauty of “silent flowers”—those which refuse to yield their scent via traditional extraction methods, such as distillation and enfleurage. She chooses the dainty and familiar lilac. Ayo has to recompose the characteristics of the lilac’s aroma, much like a sommelier discerns the many nuances of a wine’s bouquet. This is where she draws experience from years of training in Grasse, France, as well as extensive travel around the world. Dissecting its olfactory composition, she uses almond milk in the top notes to set a soft tone, while a botanical accord reinforces the natural feel. To magnify the sunny nature of the flower, she pairs delicate orange blossom with rose to create a radiant floral heart. A touch of star anise echoes the physical facet of the lilac floret and jasmine lactones enhance the enveloping effect. This whole bouquet rests on a base of creamy musks, with biovanillin and Ambrox amplifying the sensation of softness. The fragrance is musky, cozy and reassuring, a cocoon of comfort that is as much at ease with a summer linen dress as with a warm and fuzzy cashmere wrap. The distinctive bottle created by American designer Todd Bracher combines the simplicity of a perfectly round glass pebble with a tactile touch—a dip to rest your thumb and the gentle press of a built-in soft touch cap to release the scent. Throughout this project, sustainability is top of mind. From the design of the bottle and box, to the carefully considered selection of ingredients, nature and technology come together to reinterpret and protect nature.

Issey Miyake A Drop d’Issey, 50 ml | $114, 90 ml | $142





runway: men


Nature boy the 2022 spring menswear is a rich interplay of the light and the bold


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Louis Vuitton

runway: men


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ExploRERs unitE Rolex documentary chronicles work being done to protect ecosystems of the world’s oceans Story | Connie Li Photography | Rolex


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勞力士最近在rolex.org發佈了一部名為《恆動星球:海洋英 雄》的紀錄片,該片匯集了傳奇海洋攝影師暨勞力士腕錶測試者 Sylvia Earle,及一群前衛海洋科學家,講述全球共同協作,一 起保護脆弱海洋生態系統的故事。 在將近一個世紀的漫長歲月裏,勞力士一直給予開拓性探 險家積極支持。這些探險家去到世界最極端的地方深入探索, 突破極限,揭示大自然的奧秘。從上世紀八十年代到本世紀 初,包括登山者、深潛者在內的無數探險家和科學家,與勞力 士結下不解之緣,成為勞力士腕錶的測試者,這些時計與他們 一道經歷令人震撼的奇妙旅程,一次次打破極限,將各自的能 力推向更高的邊界。

For nearly a century, Rolex has been an active supporter of pioneering explorers, individuals who have pushed back the boundaries of human endeavour by venturing to the most extreme places on Earth to shed light on the natural world. So it’s fitting that Rolex recently released Perpetual Planet: Heroes of the Oceans on its website, a documentary film that brings together legendary oceanographer and Rolex Testimonee Sylvia Earle with a cast of pioneering marine scientists. Here, they chronicle the work being undertaken to protect the fragile ecosystems of the world’s oceans. Since the 1980s, many explorers—including mountaineers, divers and scientists—have associated themselves with Rolex, testing their abilities and endurance while equipped with Oyster Perpetual watches.






Each of us can make a difference in inspiring others. With passion, curiosity and hope, anyone can change. –Sylvia Earle


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2021年最新款蠔式恒動探險家型及探險家II型,伴隨探險 家經歷各種境遇——攀登險峰,深入岩洞,體驗北極地區的 刺骨嚴寒,感受火山地帶的熾熱高溫,同時將勞力士堅韌與優 雅並濟的獨特風格盡情彰顯。令探險家系列超凡脫俗的一個元 素是其蠔式鋼材料。蠔式鋼是一種獨特的合金,具有出眾的韌 性與光澤,是製作探險家錶殼及錶帶的關鍵材質,它強力抗腐 蝕,並能應對極其嚴苛環境,因此成為探險家出征必不可少的 裝備。

The latest editions of Explorer and Explorer II take us from the deepest caves to the highest mountain peaks, and from ultra-precise technology to exacting artisanal craftsmanship. One of the key elements that makes the Explorer series outstanding is Oystersteel, a superalloy unique to Rolex, with incomparable strength and clarity. It is a key element of the cases and bracelets. Corrosion-resistant and designed for the most challenging conditions, it is part of what makes this series essential instruments for every explorer.


Oyster PerPetual exPlOrer 2021 & exPlOrer II 2021 錶殼、錶盤和指針 Explorer:蠔式,36毫米 黑色錶面;3、6、9數字,鐘點標記和指針均覆有散發長效藍光的夜光 物料。 Explorer II:蠔式,42毫米 白色錶面;啞光黑漆時針、分針和秒針;黑色塗層採用 PVD (物理氣相 沉積) 。 夜光顯示 夜光物料在黑暗中散發持久藍色光芒;在日光下,這些鐘點標記則呈現 白色光澤。 機芯 勞力士3230型機芯 (藉恒動擺陀雙向自動上鏈) 。 頂級天文台精密時計認證。 Case, DIal & HOur markers ExplorEr: oyStEr, 36 mm Black lacquer dial. Bears the index hour markers and emblematic 3, 6 and 9 numerals. ExplorEr II: oyStEr, 42 mm White lacquer dial. Black lacquer hour, minute and seconds hands with matt finish. Black coating is applied using pVD (physical Vapour Deposition). CHrOmalIgHt DIsPlay In dark conditions, an intensive blue glow is emitted by the hour markers and hands. In daylight, they display a bright white hue. mOvement perpetual calibre 3230 (self-winding module via a perpetual rotor). Carries the Superlative Chronometer certification. oyster perpetual Explorer Gold & oystersteel (36mm), $12,750 oyster perpetual Explorer II oystersteel (42mm), $10,050

Explorer II







Transcending LimiTaTions new Panerai collection pays homage to Jimmy chin, renowned photographer, mountain climber, filmmaker and environmentalist Story | Connie Li Photography | Chris Figenshau


意大利奢華腕錶品牌沛納海,以品牌大使美國華裔職業登山家 金國威非凡的人生歷程為靈感,呈獻全新腕錶系列。

Italian luxury watchmaker Panerai has released a new collection that takes its inspiration from the life journey of brand ambassador Jimmy Chin.

金國威是一位舉世知名的攝影師兼高山運動員,亦是電影製 作人及環保主義者。品牌特別推出Panerai Submersible Chrono Flyback J. Chin Edition及Panerai Submersible Chrono Flyback J. Chin Xperience Edition向他致敬。他的睿智、決心及創意令他締造 非凡成就,包括成為極少數由珠穆朗瑪峰速降滑雪的完成者之一。 他有份導演的紀錄片《赤手登峰》更贏得奧斯卡最佳紀錄片獎。

The Panerai Submersible Chrono Flyback J. Chin Edition and the Panerai Submersible Chrono Flyback J. Chin Xperience Edition pay homage to the renowned photographer, mountain climber, filmmaker and environmentalist. His intelligence, determination and creativity have guided him to historic accomplishments, including becoming one of the only people to ski off the summit of Mount Everest. He also won an Academy Award for co-directing the documentary Free Solo.

「我的工作很大部分都在說故事,藉此增加我們對世界的認 識,」金國威說:「沛納海的品牌故事及多年來致力製作性能卓越的設 備以應付歷險探索,這個信念正正吸引了我。」

“So much of my work has to do with storytelling that will broaden the understanding of the world around us,” says Chin. “I was attracted to collaborating with Panerai because of the brand’s unique story and long heritage of creating tools that enable exploration.”

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Panerai Submersible Chrono Flyback J. Chin Xperience Edition配置輕巧但無比堅固的47mm啞黑色DLC塗層鈦金屬錶殼, 而錶冠、擒縱零件和錶圈則為磨砂鈦金屬。圓點、時標及指針覆 蓋Super-Luminova夜光物料,灰色錶盤綴以藍色中央計時秒針, 營造如雪山景象般對比分明的設計。這個限量版腕錶全球發行僅 14枚。 Xperience限量版的名字還有另一個意思,就是買家可以前往 金國威位於懷俄明州Jackson Hole的住所,跟他進行探索之旅。 為期數天的旅程,參加者會全程融入金國威的日常生活,一同進 行各種戶外活動如攀山及滑浪,了解他的消遣活動及最喜歡的餐 廳等。 兩款腕錶均搭配P.9100自動上鏈機械式機芯,為優秀探險家 提供精準的計時功能。飛返功能藉由8點鐘位置的一個按鈕控制, 可以將計時針撥回至零的位置,同時立刻開始重新運轉,且配備3 日動力儲存。 錶背刻有群山、交叉擺放的滑雪橇以及美國國旗的圖案,代 表金國威在多個方面的成就,另刻有「Jimmy Chin Edition」字樣。 每枚腕錶配備梯型針式錶扣及兩條錶帶:一條以合成橡膠和灰色 技術布料製成;而另一條則主要由循環再造塑膠製成,顏色為灰 色配淺藍縫線。 隨錶附有更換錶帶的工具,讓你輕鬆更換錶帶。用來盛裝腕 錶及配件的盒子亦由循環再造塑膠製成。

The Panerai Submersible Chrono Flyback J. Chin Xperience Edition features a lightweight and remarkably strong 47mm titanium case with matte black DLC coating, while the crown, the lever and the bezel are in brushed titanium. Dots, indicies and hands filled with white Super-LumiNova™, a shaded grey dial and blue accents, like the central chronograph seconds hand, compose a high-contrast palette drawn from icy mountain landscapes. The watch will be available in a limited edition of only 14 pieces. Aptly named, the Xperience Edition includes an opportunity to join an excursion to Jackson Hole, Wyoming, where Chin resides for much of the year. There, participants will be his guests for several days, getting an intimate view of his life through outdoor adventures, including climbing and wakeboarding, his leisure pastimes and favourite dining destinations. Engineered with the precision required by elite adventurers, these watches are powered by the P.9100 movement. It features the flyback function, which allows the chronograph to reset and restart with one press of the pusher at eight o’clock, and a power reserve of three days. The caseback is engraved with imagery that evokes Chin’s diverse and celebrated achievements: a dramatic mountain range, intersecting skis and a United States flag, along with a “Jimmy Chin Edition” inscription. Each watch features a trapezoidal pin buckle and two straps: a dual-material strap composed of rubber and grey technical fabric and another one made mainly of recycled plastic, in grey with light blue stitching. Also included is a tool to allow interchangeability of the straps and a screwdriver for removing the buckle. The watches and their accessories are housed in boxes made from recycled plastic.

PANERAI SUBMERSIBLE CHRONO FLYBACK JIMMY CHIN EDITION (PAM01208) 機芯:P.9100自動上鏈機械式機芯,完全由沛納海研製,13¾法分,厚 8.15毫米,31石,Glucydur®平衡擺輪,每小時振動28,800次。Incabloc® 防震裝置。兩個發條盒。302個零件。 功能:時、分、小秒盤、飛返計時、秒針歸零 動力儲存:3日 防水性能:300米 錶框:直徑47mm。磨砂鈦金屬Sapphire DLC。鈦金屬陶瓷逆時針旋轉錶 圈帶刻度標。磨砂鈦金屬錶冠安全鎖裝置。藍水晶石。 錶盤:灰色,附夜光小時標示及圓點。3點鐘位置設日期顯示,9點鐘位置 設小秒盤,中央計時秒針和分針。磨砂鈦金屬錶背為旋入式及帶有鐫刻。 MOVEMENT: Automatic mechanical, P.9100 calibre, executed entirely by Panerai, 13¾ lignes, 8.15mm thick, 37 jewels, Glucydur™ balance, 28,800 alternations/hour. Incabloc™ anti-shock device. Two barrels. 302 components. FUNCTIONS: Hours, minutes, small seconds, chronograph flyback, seconds reset. POWER RESERVE: Three days. WATER RESISTENCE: 300 metres. CASE: Diameter 47mm. Brushed titanium DLC. Titanium ceramic anticlockwise rotating bezel with graduated scale. Safety Lock crown protection device in brushed titanium. Screw and engraved caseback in brushed titanium. Sapphire crystal formed of corondum. DIAL: Shaded grey with luminous hour markers and dots. Chronograph hour counter at 3 o’clock, small seconds at 9 o’clock and central chronograph seconds and minute hands. US$43,200





interior design

KandinsKy, by broberg & ridderstråle 靈感來自包豪斯風格的畫,手吹玻璃波波令室內氣氛更加溫潤。 inspired by bauhaus style, the hand-blown glass globe softens the mood in a space.


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IllumInatIng desIgn sweden’s Pholc blends art into stylish lighting—and living Story | Zu Hui Photography | Courtesy of Pholc

瑞典設計品牌Pholc成立於2015年,但超過半世紀以來,它體內 流着會發光的血——前生是瑞典南部傳統照明品牌,自1962年開始生 產燈具,不過今日有全新理念及品牌形象。 Pholc來自瑞典南部一個叫Småland的地區,由一對夫妻Maja及 Samuel Norburg主理。Småland字面意思是small land。原來設計不 一定來自大城市,這個寧靜地區多年來都是瑞典品味搖籃。這裡玻璃 製品廠多的是,手指隨意指一指,就是一所可以追溯到十八世紀的玻 璃工房。這裡也是眾多瑞典家具設計師的故鄉,包括他們的國民設計 師Bruno Mathsson,你不熟悉Mathsson都一定見過他筆下的家俬,甚 至買過抄他款的家俬。很多瑞典古老家具廠仍在用櫸木和白蠟木造可 以坐一世的椅子。順便提一提,Ikea也是在Småland成立的。 Småland有另一優良傳統,就是他們瑞典南部人以勤勞著稱,經 驗豐富之餘要求又嚴格。有這種品牌文化,Pholc跟全部來自瑞典的 設計師合作,成品便都非常北歐非常瑞典。自Monika Mulder以她的 Mobil燈贏了瑞典Elle Deco設計獎,Mobil就成為Pholc的招牌作,一燈 風行。

Swedish designer brand Pholc has been illuminating the world for nearly 60 years, even though it was only incorporated in 2015. Evolving from its previous incarnation as a traditional lighting brand in southern Sweden dating back to 1962, it continues to shine with new ideas under a different brand image. Founded by couple Maja and Samuel Norburg, Pholc hails from the southern Swedish province of Småland (small land), proof that high design doesn’t always come from big cities. This tranquil area has been a cradle of Swedish style for years. Glass manufacturers are aplenty here, with some workshops dating back to the 18th century. The region is also home to many Swedish furniture designers, including national icon Bruno Mathsson, whose works are well known and have inspired other furniture designers. Beech and ash are still used widely in many classic Swedish furniture plants here, including iconic Ikea. Småland is synonymous with hardworking, experienced and meticulous artisans, including those at Pholc. A case in point is Pholc’s signature product Mobil, which earned its designer, Monika Mulder, the Elle Decoration Swedish Design Award. Strangely, though, this “designed in Sweden, made in Sweden and awarded in Sweden” creation was actually inspired by New York. Mulder had in mind a simple and functional lamp for a New York loft. She blended the black finish on many of New York’s balconies with the lights on the Brooklyn Bridge to deliver a unique Swedish design.

apollo, by broberg & ridderstråle 系列有多種顏色,可以單獨使用,亦可以配搭不同顏色,掛高掛低起落有致。 Available in a range of colours, it can be used stand-alone, or in a mix of colours and composition.





interior design

donna, by NiNA Jobs ANd stiNA sANdwAll 用本來冷硬的金屬物料模仿百褶裙的妙曼飄逸。 this piece evokes the softness of pleats in hard metal. 68

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Romb, by broberg & ridderstråle 肉桂色系加上瓦通條紋,令Romb座檯燈俊朗剛健。 the cinnamon tone and rippled effect give it a masculine appeal.

不過世事奇妙,這個出自瑞典設計師瑞典品牌瑞典製造瑞典得獎的 燈,靈感卻來自紐約。Mulder開始幫Pholc設計Mobil時,只想要一盞可以 在紐約閣樓上使用、好看簡潔又好用的燈。設計師想到紐約那些黑鐵騎樓風 光,以及布魯克林大橋上圓形路燈散發出來的夜色。Mobil就是結合這兩種 紐約重要元素,成就一盞瑞典/北歐設計。Mobil最正之處是那些發光波波可 以擰來擰去,因應需要調校位置。不過看上去又一體成形,乾淨簡潔優雅。

發光藝術 北歐人比較內斂,不過瑞典人在北歐多國中又比較開心鬼馬。Mulder 跟Pholc的另一個合作,同樣展示了她的瑞典式鬼馬。Bounce表面是低調金 屬物料加一個個圓渾發光波波,這些表面上嚴肅簡潔的元素好鬼馬地連接一 起,一個又一個半圓變成一個又一個波浪層層疊,搶眼跳躍。設計師建議所 有能容得下長檯的家,上面吊一盞Bounce就堪稱完美。 Kandinsky吊燈的靈感則來自同名俄羅斯畫家Wassily Kandinsky上世 紀二十年代的抽象圓圈畫,渾圓波波與穿插其中的發光長矛飾演燈的主角。 設計師Mats Broberg及Johan Ridderstråle將Småland特有的吹玻璃技藝盡 情發揮,把度身訂造的光源融入玻璃波波之中,無縫接合。燈光從手工吹 製的煙燻玻璃中散射出來,未開燈時它已經是一幅畫,開燈後就是一種獨特 氛圍。 Romb是Kandinsky,Broberg&Ridderstråle這對瑞典組合剛剛為 Pholc設計的座檯燈。平日他們用好多瓦通紙來砌建築模型,便忽發奇想不 如用瓦通紙來砌一盞燈。Romb結構非常簡單,用瓦通紙摺成一大一細菱 形,上大下小。上面的大菱形當燈罩,下面的細菱形當燈座。無論是燈頂還 是燈座,Romb都可以透射出別緻光線。當然,推出市面的Romb不是瓦通 紙造,換上堅固耐用又易清潔的金屬物料。Broberg&Ridderstråle希望這盞 燈未開時都像一件雕塑。這就是Pholc的理念:透過燈光將藝術融入生活。

Mobil’s pendants can be turned every which way to form a variety of desired compositions, yet remain one cohesive, elegant form with clean lines.

A BouNcY, whIMSIcAl SPIN Scandinavians have a reputation for being relatively reserved, but the Swedes may be the playful lot among them. This is apparent in Bounce, another Mulder creation. opal glass globes hanging off the tips of understated metal arches look straight-laced and minimalistic on their own, but when many pendants are added, they provide a bouncy and whimsical spin—perfect hanging above an oblong table. The Kandinsky, on the other hand, was inspired by the abstract circular paintings of 20th-century Russian artist wassily Kandinsky. Its form consists of a long spear piercing a sphere. Designers Mats Broberg and Johan Ridderstråle celebrate Småland’s tradition of hand-blown glass with this piece, seamlessly shaped custom-made smoked glass spheres that glow. It’s an art piece in its own right, and its soft diffused light defines the mood of a space. Romb is a table lamp designed by Broberg & Ridderstråle. The duo experimented by utilizing rippled cardboard, a material used mostly for making architectural models. The Romb design is simple, with two rhombus forms of different sizes stacked together to cast light upward and downward. The final product is not made with cardboard, but with durable and easy-to-clean custom-pressed steel. Broberg & Ridderstråle intended it as a sculpture, in tune with Pholc’s ethos of blending art into stylish living through illumination.





interior design


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mobil, by MoNikA Mulder 品牌的招牌作。 A Pholc signature product.

EdgE, by MoNikA Mulder 未開燈時見到Edge的圓潤線條已經心情舒暢。 the smooth silhouette of the light is soothing, off or on.

bouncE, by MoNikA Mulder 燈如其名,結構簡潔但線條跳脫。可因應家居環境選擇波波數量。 Choose the number of pendants to create a bouncy light for your home. Hans, by MoNikA Mulder 用波浪線條,令金屬燈罩更見柔和。 wavy lines help soften the metal shade.







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“Hopping” along tHe BC ale trail explore everything British Columbia has to offer—great cities, incredible nature and diverse craft breweries Story | Iris Yim Photography | BC Ale Trail

卑詩省正從疫情中復蘇,放寬限制鼓勵民眾在省內度假遊玩, 是時候走出家門親近大自然,去發現卑詩省的美好所在了。若能跟 從一個主題去到旅行中不斷探索和體驗,這行程必然更為引人入勝 及別有意義。 BC Ale Trail是Destination British Columbia和BC Craft Brewers Guild合作推出的計劃,五年以來為民眾提供自助式行程, 重點介紹當地精釀啤酒廠到訪路線及其當季最新出品,以及周邊的 超級自然景觀,讓你邊走邊喝。BC Ale Trail把全省5個地區分成20 條遊覽品酒路綫,民眾可一一探索卑詩省共約二百多家啤酒廠。且 讓BC Ale Trail成為民眾開啓驚喜之旅的嚮導。 卑詩省各地的啤酒坊已再次開放室內品酒室,且大多數啤酒廠 還設有戶外空間和露天座位,可以安全地歡迎到訪賓客。還有什麼 比在陽光明媚的露台上品嘗冰鎮啤酒,欣賞怡人風光更為賞心樂事 的呢? 卑詩省精釀啤酒廠於今夏發佈了五十多種新款啤酒,無論是 在露台啜飲還是於公園野餐時品嘗,卑詩省各地的啤酒廠都有充足 及嶄新的存貨。請查看BC Ale Trail網站bcaletrail.ca以獲取完整列 表,又或許下面的推介正合你意。

As British Columbia continues its pandemic recovery, travel restrictions have been eased and out-of-province visitors are being welcomed. What could be more enjoyable than savouring a cold craft beer on a sunny terrace?

Nautical Nonsense Pineapple Sour with Pink Sea Salt (4% ABV | 8 IBU) Slackwater Brewing (on the Penticton Ale Trail) 瀰漫菠蘿香,是酸味和鹹味的有趣踫撞。 It is light and refreshing with sweet pineapple, balanced by a light, tart body and a gentle salty finish.

The BC Ale Trail was launched five years ago, a joint project of Destination British Columbia and the BC Craft Brewers Guild. The self-guided itineraries feature ale trails spanning five regions of the province, highlighting more than 200 breweries and the super, natural landscapes that surround them and feature a wide range of outdoor activities. Breweries across British Columbia have reopened indoor tasting rooms, and most of them also have outdoor spaces to welcome visitors. More than 50 new beers were released this summer, and the supplies are plentiful. Visit for all the details.

Faux Paw Cherry Saison (6.5% ABV | 25 IBU) Mt. Begbie Brewing (on the Kootenay Rockies East Ale Trail) 數年前,當Mt. Begbie Brewing Co.正在建造新的釀酒坊時,一隻熊偶然走過 剛澆完的混凝土泥板上,留下一串腳印。這款限量發行的啤酒採用令人愉悅 的甜櫻桃醬釀製,以好奇熊的足印為標志,以示紀念。 When Mt. Begbie was building its new brewery last year, a bear walked across a freshly poured concrete slab, leaving its paw prints forever preserved in the brewery’s floor. This limited-release beer, brewed with cherry purée, celebrates that curious bear’s faux paw.

More Often Than Not Apricot Blonde Ale (4.7% ABV | 18 IBU) Twin City Brewing & Dog Mountain Brewing (on the Vancouver Island Part 2 Ale Trail) 由Port Alberni兩家釀酒廠合作的這款色澤金黃的啤酒,摻入了淡淡的柑橘類 simcoe和果香的amarillo,然後以香杏為調料,帶青檸的清新感覺。 A collaboration between two Port Alberni breweries, this fruit-forward blonde ale is lightly hopped with citrusy Simcoe and fruity Amarillo, then conditioned on apricot.





Travel Mandarina Bavaria Sour Ale (6% ABV | N/A IBU) Apricot Wild Ale (5.8% ABV | N/A IBU) Persephone Brewing (on the Sunshine Coast Ale Trail) Mandarin Bavaria Sour Ale採用Mandarina Bavaria啤酒 花釀製,富濃郁的柑橘果酸;Apricot Wild Ale則帶時髦 的香杏氣息。 Made exclusively with Mandarina Bavaria hops, this sour ale packs a seriously citrusy punch. Loads of apricots and Brettanomyces make for a funky fruit-forward brew.


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Ponkan Pale Ale (5% ABV | 30 IBU) Twa Dogs Brewery (on the Victoria Ale Trail) 這款新發布的Pale Ale以橘子茸釀造,形成清脆多汁的柑橘味淡啤酒,具有橙皮 和啤酒花的明亮風格。 Brewed with tangerine puree, this crisp and juicy, citrus-infused pale ale has bright flavours of orange rind and hops.

Super Neat Saison (6.4% ABV | 12 IBU) Mighty Peace Brewing (on the Northern BC Ale Trail) 用當地莓果haskap和黑加侖釀造。 This saison is brewed with local Peace region haskaps and black currants.

Bayard Farmhouse Saison (5.5% ABV | 25 IBU) Mistral Riesling Saison (6% ABV | 18 IBU) Strange Fellows Brewing (on the Yeast Vancouver Ale Trail) Saison原是專為比利時和法國北部工人釀製的啤酒,口味清爽。精選酵母、小 麥及緩慢的釀造過程帶來不一樣的口感,帶有白胡椒的野味辛辣及梨果的微酸 滋味;Mistral Riesling Saison則是曾於釀製過雷思令的酒桶中陳釀,雖不是雷 思令卻有近似這葡萄酒乾身明亮的精妙口感。 Originally brewed for farm workers in Belgium and northern France, it is a refreshing and versatile style of beer with notes of white pepper, pome fruits and a delicate acidity. This dry bright saison was aged in Riesling barrels with a unique yeast culture. It is not unlike a classic Riesling wine, featuring flavours reminiscent of lime, petrol and dry earth.

Raspberry Lemon Sourweisse (5.2% ABV | 16 IBU) Mango Party Cream Ale (5.2% ABV | 22 IBU) Faculty Brewing (on the Vancouver - Brewery Creek Ale Trail) 兩款新口味啤酒:Mango Party Cream Ale是與Wize Coffee Leaf合作,將口感細 滑的啤酒注入Wize的Mango Party茶,並融合Mandarina Bavaria啤酒花的柑橘 味;粉紅色的Raspberry Lemon Sourweisse帶酸味,添加了紅莓和檸檬,果味濃 郁。 A kettle sour wheat ale with added raspberry and lemon. It’s millennial pink, fruity and refreshing. A collaboration with Wize Coffee Leaf. This smooth and crushable cream ale is infused with Wize’s Mango Party tea and enhanced by citrus notes from Mandarina Bavaria hops






All Inclusive Pineapple Coconut Sour (5.5% ABV | N/A IBU) Wheelhouse Brewing (on the Northern BC Ale Trail) 以菠蘿釀製,帶酸味,並加入烤椰子陳釀。 This kettle sour was brewed with pineapple and aged on a heap of housetoasted coconut.


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Hula Hula Shake (5.4% | 12 IBU)) Main Street Brewing (on the Vancouver - Brewery Creek Ale Trail) Berliner Weisse風格,帶果子露式的酸味,融合了新鮮的百香果、 鮮橙和番石榴茸以及淡淡的香草味。 This Berliner Weisse-style beer is a sherbet-y sour slammer that combines fresh passionfruit, orange and guava purée with subtle hints of vanilla.

Sunkissed Grapefruit Radler (5.2% ABV | 15 IBU) The Noble Pig Brewhouse (on the Kamloops, Shuswap and Vernon Ale Trail) 注入了西柚,是理想的庭院小酌酒品。 This grapefruit-infused beer is an ideal patio sipper.

Zest in Show IPA (5.8% ABV | 22 IBU) Luppolo Brewing (on the Yeast Vancouver Ale Trail) 含鮮橙、西柚及西海岸啤酒花的風味,富有熱帶果香如菠蘿和柑橘類水果的香氣。 Luppolo’s twist on an East Coast IPA has loads of fresh zested orange and grapefruit, yet plenty of West Coast hops. Aromas of tropical citrus fruit lead to flavours of pineapple and tangerine with a zesty finish.





wine not?


time in a bottle the release of the Dalmore Decades collections is a once in a lifetime opportunity Story | Connie Li Photography | Dalmore 1867年,Mackenzie家族開啟The Dalmore酒廠的經營歷史,以 極致複雜的轉桶工藝創造無法言喻的奧秘層次,以老酒銀行的長時間 熟成堅持,成就恆久璀璨的品牌傳奇。而Dalmore Decades這樣獨一 無二的珍藏系列,正是見證了酒廠多年來不懈追求卓越的故事——它 跨越了六個十年,包含了從The Dalmore發佈其中一款最古老的威士 忌,至新世紀釀製的首款蘇格蘭威士忌。 位列蘇格蘭威士忌名人堂的The Dalmore首席釀酒師Richard Paterson,釀製威士忌超過50年,結合品牌珍稀老酒窖藏與奧祕複雜 的轉桶熟成工藝,持續開拓珍稀威士忌的視野。Dalmore Decades便 是其心血結晶。 「在過往的50年裡,我一直密切留意我們最珍稀的威士忌庫存, 並以搜尋來自世界各地最好的木桶來配合蘊釀熟成,打造威士忌藏家 眼中極致的夢幻逸品。今次推出的Dalmore Decades珍藏系列,每瓶 均為品牌歷史里程碑,各自講述了一個獨特故事,我希望幸運的收藏 家能和最親近的人一起分享。」


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The Dalmore Decades, a one-of-a-kind selection of exceptional whiskies, tells the story of The Dalmore’s relentless pursuit of excellence over the years. It spans six decades, from one of the oldest liquors released by The Dalmore to the first Scotch created in the new millennium. A pioneer in the art of cask curation, master distiller Richard Paterson has been on a mission over the last 50 years to push the boundaries of whisky production. The Dalmore Decades is Paterson’s personal selection and a culmination of his custody of the rare casks the distillery enjoys. “Over the past 50 years, I have kept a watchful eye over our superlative inventory of rare whiskies, giving them the guidance to mature and reach their full potential in the finest casks sourced from around the world,” says proud distiller Paterson. “Each bottle marks a very special milestone in the brand’s history and has a unique story to tell, which I hope the lucky collector will enjoy with those closest to them.”

作為品牌秋季拍賣系列的一部分,擁有6瓶不同年份威士忌的 Dalmore Decades珍藏系列中的No.6系列將於10月在香港舉行的 蘇富比拍賣會拍賣。拍賣所得的相當部分將捐贈給V&A Dundee、 蘇格蘭設計博物館及在倫敦以外的首家Victoria and Albert博物館。

The unique set of six whiskies, the No. 6 Collection, will be offered at auction by Sotheby’s in Hong Kong in October, as part of the company’s autumn sales series. A significant percentage of the monies received will be donated to V&A Dundee, Scotland’s design museum and the first Victoria and Albert museum outside of London.

The Dalmore亦會發佈15套No.5系列,當中5瓶分別來自 1967年、1979年、1980年、1995年和2000年的威士忌,是過去 50年深具代表性的佳釀。

The Dalmore will also release 15 sets of the No. 5 Collection, containing five masterpiece whiskies representing each of the past five decades (1967, 1979, 1980, 1995, 2000).

每個系列套裝均反映了品牌的核心酒款系列「The Principal Collection」的品位。酒瓶刻有專屬的套裝編號,並配有獨特的顏 色瓶塞。每套更附上陳列展示基座,方便買家展示他們的收藏。 如此矜貴的威士忌珍藏系列,將會在世界有數的高級商店如︰英 國的Harrods、美國的Wally's、法國的Le Bon Marché和海南的 CDFG發售,每套的建議售價是200,000英鎊。

Each set mirrors the colours of the brand’s Principal Collection. Decanters will be engraved with an exclusive set number and also feature a unique coloured stopper. Each set is presented on a pedestal that owners can take home to display their collection. They will be sold exclusively through the finest retailers in the world, including Harrods (UK), Wally’s (US), Le Bon Marché (FR) and CDFG Hainan, with a suggested retail price of £200,000.

此外,還有25套令人垂涎的No.4系列,每套都包含4瓶分別 來自1979年、1980年、1995年和2000年份的威士忌。跟No.5系 列一樣,每個酒瓶均刻有專屬的套裝編號,並配有黑色項圈和瓶 塞。同時,每套No.4系列將陳列在特製的展示台上,每個酒瓶各 有單獨間隔盛放,並將其獨特故事刻在其上。

As well, there’s 25 covetable sets of the No. 4 Collection, each containing four decades of whiskies (1979, 1980, 1995, 2000). Mirroring the No. 5 Collection, each decanter will be engraved with an exclusive set number and come with a black collar and stopper. Each set will be displayed within one bespoke display pedestal, with individual compartments to house each decanter, and with each whisky’s unique story engraved upon the door.

No.4套裝系列只會於全球指定商店獨家發售,包括英國 的Selfridges和Annabel's、上海的Harrods、法國的Galleries Lafayett和荷蘭阿姆斯特丹的Waldorf Astoria;建議零售價為 100,000英鎊。而在加拿大,則只會於BC Liquor Stores以20萬加 元的價格獨家銷售。

No. 4 Collection sets will be sold exclusively through retailers, including Selfridges (UK), Annabel’s (UK), Harrods Shanghai, Galleries Lafayette (FR) and Waldorf Astoria (NL), with a suggested retail price of £100,000. They will be sold exclusively in Canada through BC Liquor Stores for $200,000.





wine not? No. 6 套裝系列珍品


The Dalmore Decades 1951 Royal Heritage

The Dalmore Decades 1967 Expertly Composed Spirit

The Dalmore Decades 1979 Curating Exquisite Casks

Dalmore 60年的單一麥芽威士忌使用了於1951年 蒸餾的兩桶孿生威士忌,是麥肯錫年代留下來的最 後原酒。琥珀色澤的酒液散發雪莉桶的香氣,及黑 糖漿、薑和可可粉的味道。

這款53年的單一麥芽威士忌誕生於1967年,亦即 是如今蒸餾室誕生的一年,具有里程碑意義。它有 紅橘、濃郁磨碎咖啡和麝香葡萄般複雜和有層次感 的香氣和口感。

With this 60-year-old single malt, matured in twin sherry casks, one can expect to find whispers of black treacle, ginger and cocoa powder. It is one of the oldest whiskies ever released by The Dalmore and is the last one distilled during the Mackenzie era, founders of the distillery.

This is a 53-year-old single malt laid down in 1967—a landmark year in which the stillhouse as it stands today was created. It provides complex but intriguing layers of clementine, tangy ground coffee and muscovado.

Dalmore 40年單一麥芽威士忌源自美國白橡木波本 桶,2008年將珍貴原酒轉置至有30年歷史、來自 GonzalesByass的Matusalem Oloroso頂級雪莉酒 桶,在此珍稀的雪莉酒桶內熟成7年後,再將原酒 轉換至初次波本桶中醞釀,直至2017年裝瓶面世。 擁有濃郁的香甜葡萄乾、烤開心果、楓樹糖漿、菠 蘿和椰棗的香氣和餘韻。

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This 40-year-old single malt is a tribute to the longstanding relationship between Spanish sherry bodega González Byass and The Dalmore. It has enjoyed maturation in a particularly fine Matusalem Oloroso sherry butt before a final maturation in a Graham’s Port Vintage 1952—one of port’s rarest vintages. The resulting whisky is exuberant sultanas and toasted pistachios, finishing in notes of maple syrup, pineapple and succulent dates.

The Dalmore Decades 1980 Unbroken Chain of Visionaries

The Dalmore Decades 1995 The Creation of an Icon

The Dalmore Decades 2000 Into the New Millennium

殿堂級調酒大師Richard Paterson於1980年加盟 The Dalmore,而這瓶40年的單一麥芽威士忌採用 了品牌傳統熟成方式並將其逆轉—原酒從波旁酒桶 轉移到Matusalem雪利酒桶,然後在裝瓶前再將原 酒置入最初的波旁酒桶等待超過5年。它擁有淡淡 的,包括苦巧克力、杏仁糖和可可粉的層次韻味。

上世紀90年代迎來了The Dalmore標誌性的簡約鐘 形酒瓶的誕生,蜿蜒的曲線呼應了蒸餾器的外型。 The Dalmore Decades1995的原酒在之前釀製波本 酒桶中熟成,並在Tintilla de Rota葡萄的波特酒桶 完成;交織出紅色漿果、桃駁梨、杏仁餡餅和胡桃 派的獨特韻味。

它誕生於2000年1月1日凌晨12點02分,當時世 界正在慶祝新千禧時代的到來。這款威士忌在 Matusalem Oloroso雪利酒桶中度過了20年歲月, 跟品牌的釀酒做法有異,卻另有一番味道—罕見的 酒漬櫻桃和苦巧克力味道充滿味蕾,然後是仿若洋 甘草和蘋果批的餘韻。

The 1980s marked the arrival of master blender Richard Paterson at The Dalmore. This 40-yearold single malt takes the traditional maturation of The Dalmore and reverses it: the whisky moves from bourbon casks into Matusalem sherry butts, then spends more than five years back in first-fill ex-bourbon casks before bottling. Its single malt layers include a gentle whisper of bitter chocolate, marzipan and cocoa powder.

The ’90s welcomed the creation of The Dalmore’s iconic minimalist bell-shaped bottle, its sinuous curves echoing the voluptuous shape of the stills. It is matured in ex-bourbon casks and finished in spectacular Tintilla de Rota port pipes, offering a burst of red berries, glazed nectarines, frangipane and moist pecan pie on the palate, building to a triumphal finish.

It was born at 12:02 a.m. on Jan. 1, 2000, as the world celebrated the dawn of a new age. The final whisky of The Dalmore Decades has spent all 20 years of its life in a Matusalem Oloroso sherry butt, a radical departure from the distillery’s practice. Rare black maraschino cherry and bitter chocolate drench the palate, and a final kiss of licorice and tarte tatin ebbs slowly in the background.






餐廳裝修充滿輕鬆繽紛的氛圍。 Alimentaria Mexicana’s décor is relaxed and festive.


ExpEriEncE AuthEntic MExicAn culturE And dElicAciEs Story | Kenson Ho Photography | Alimentaria Mexicana


歐 洲 和北美廚房文化早年都將墨西哥食物歸納為兩個字:簡 單——只要在任何食材上加入辣椒就夠了。近年來人們開始明白墨西 哥美食非常多面化,有深厚的淵源,是包括墨西哥原住民和歐洲移民 在內不同文化的融匯。而且墨西哥美食的準備工作非常耗時,需要複 雜的烹飪技巧,又確實有自己的特定元素,常常會與其它美食文化規 則背道而馳。

Until a couple of decades ago, it was a common misconception that Mexican food was simplistic and only required the presence of chilies. But now, people understand that Mexican food is much more than that – a fusion of Indigenous and Spanish cultures.

Alimentaria Mexicana餐廳今夏在溫哥華受歡迎的固蘭湖島上開 業。EliteGen最近有機會與餐廳背後的創意人物、墨西哥裔加拿大廚 師和企業家Ernesto Gomez深談,以圖瞭解Alimentaria Mexicana的精 髓所在。

Here in Vancouver, Alimentaria Mexicana opened this summer on Granville Island. EliteGen recently caught up with the brainchild behind this restaurant, Mexican-Canadian chef and entrepreneur Ernesto Gomez, for a question-and-answer session.

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Mexican cuisine is very diverse, with deep roots and complex techniques. It is time consuming to prepare and has its own specific elements that might typically go against traditional gastronomic rules.

中南美洲美食中少不了檸汁醃魚生,這裡的版本是甜菜。 The popular Central and South American dish ceviche traditionally involves raw fish marinated with citric juice, but here we have beets.

牛油果醬是中南美洲著名的前菜,這裡不添加檸汁,別有一番風味。 Guacamole is a famous Central and South American appetizer. The unique version served here has no citrus juice.

eG:請介紹一下你們的玉米(墨西哥美食主要材料)和它的硝化 過程。

Q: How are the corns (major Mexican cuisine ingredient) selected and nixtamalized?

G:我們試圖展示墨西哥農村社區的一些烹調方式:忠於當地美 食文化的特色,以最傳統方式製作一切,絕不偷工減料走捷徑。我們 到墨西哥的家庭和社區去瞭解、學習當地人如何硝化那裏的玉米,如 何使用偏遠社區獨有的辣椒,將歷史悠久的烹飪技術變得簡單而充滿 趣味。以誠懇的態度為顧客做出忠於傳統的特色美食是我們的追求。

A: We are trying to showcase a bit of the way things are done in rural communities in Mexico. We’re not cutting any corners and we’re making everything in a traditional way.

我們使用的玉米品種來自墨西哥瓦哈卡州的32個不同社區,從 海岸到馬薩特卡山脈和低地平原,覆蓋廣汎。由於每一個玉米品種在 其社區已被栽種數百年,它們吸收了生態系統所具有的所有營養。數 千年的營養和遺傳將它們變成了一種超級食材。我們每天用不同品種 的玉米作硝化處理,將玉米轉化為玉米餅,改變了玉米的營養價值, 令它釋放所有蛋白質,帶出所有精華,變成一種更健康的產品。 eG:什麼是Alimentaria的招牌菜色? G:Alimentaria有兩個非常獨特、極具代表性的菜單類別。第一 個是煲仔/小鍋菜。這是一種家常炆燉菜,我們每個季節都會修改或 更換,務求突顯新鮮的時令食材,並以傳統的陶器餐具裝盛。 第二個是燒烤,其中包括各種以墨西哥燒烤風格烹製的肉類和 蔬菜。特別值得一提的是我們自己開發的兩個家庭香腸品種,還有 carne asada肉醬、雞肉、鱒魚、烤胡桃南瓜和香燒捲心菜。將它們 搭配玉米餅、酸菜、莎莎醬、米飯和豆類一起上桌,我們的顧客就可 以像真正的墨西哥人那樣,製作自己的炸玉米餅了。

We’re serious about nixtamalizing native corn that is traceable to families and communities, using endemic chiles from remote communities and learning their time-honoured techniques. The varieties of corn that we’re using come from 32 different communities in Oaxaca, from the coast to the Mazateca mountains and the lower plains. As each of these varieties of corn grow in their community over hundreds of years, they absorb all the nutrients of that particular ecosystem and turn the corn into its own native variety. The process brings together thousands of years of nutrition and genetics and turns the corn we use into a superfood. Our process is very unique. We nixtamalize a different variety of corn every day. It transforms the corn into a tortilla and also enhances the nutritional value of the corn. It releases all the proteins, brings out all the good stuff and turns it into a much healthier product. Q: What are Alimentaria’s signature dishes? A: We have two very unique menu categories that we think are most representative of us. We will always have a few cazuelas on the menu. It’s a style of homestyle stew and we’ll be changing them up every season, always highlighting fresh, seasonal ingredients and serving them in the traditional pottery dishware.






餐廳的露天茶座令你猶如身在墨西哥的度假村內。 The outdoor patio makes you feel you’re at a resort somewhere in Mexico.

硝化處理過程將玉米轉化為玉米餅,還提高了玉米的營養價值。 The process of nixtamalization transforms the corn into a tortilla and also enhances the corn’s nutritional value.


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餐廳使用的玉米品種來自墨西哥瓦哈卡州的32個不同社區。 Corn varieties used at Alimentaria Mexicana come from 32 different communities in Oaxaca.

Ernesto Gomez大廚希望架起一條橋樑,把來自墨西哥的傳統美食文化和新鮮食材呈獻給加拿大食客。 Chef and entrepreneur Ernesto Gomez wants to showcase his Mexican culture, its food and its fresh ingredients, and present them to a Canadian audience.

Alimentaria Mexicana不但有持酒牌的餐廳和平台、外賣窗口,有玉 米餅專家及教室,還有一個零售店,售賣本地和國外採購的高質量手工 產品和食材。 想像墨西哥人一樣享受正宗墨西哥特色美食,Alimentaria Mexicana 樣樣都有。

Our second signature menu category is our grilled section, which features a variety of meats and proteins and veggies that are cooked Mexican barbecue-style. We have two house varieties of chorizos, along with carne asada, chicken, steelhead trout and a barbecued butternut squash and charred cabbage. They’ll be brought to the table with tortillas, pickles, salsas, rice and beans, so our guests can make their own tacos, the way we do it in Mexico. Alimentaria Mexicana also offers an expansive, multi-faceted concept featuring a licensed dine-in cantina and patio, take-out window, tortilleria and educational space, as well as a retail shop with high-quality, locally and internationally sourced artisanal products and provisions — in essence, all the necessary elements to showcase an authentic Mexican taste of place. Alimentaria Mexicana 1596 Johnston St., Vancouver, BC, V6H 3Y1 236-521-8440

烤燒骨髓是另一道正宗墨西哥名菜。 Roasted bone marrow is another famous Mexican delicacy.







an experience to cherish expert tips on how to select a perfect wedding dress Story | Kenson Ho Photography | Mia Boutique Bridal & Occasions

挪威的Sadoni系列。 The Sadoni Collection from Norway. 86

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精品店內陳列着超過100款的婚紗,都在其網頁上列出。 More than 100 wedding dresses are listed on the shop’s website.

婚禮對於新娘的意義不言自明,那一刻所有人的目光都會聚焦一 身,展現出最好的自己對新娘來說是必須的。為了這重要的日子,選 擇合適的婚紗是準新娘面對的很大挑戰,聽取專業人士的建議絕對有 益無害。 Mia Boutique Bridal & Occasions「 美人婚紗」店已連續五年 (2017-2021)榮獲溫哥華地區婚紗店類別的消費者首選獎項Consumer Choice Award,亦是2019年和2020年卑詩省Wedding Award婚禮獎 的年度新娘配飾供應商獎項得主。 eliteGen最近參觀了位於列治文漁人碼頭的「美人婚紗」,該店的 主人Ella Lau劉少玄來自香港,在高級時裝行業擁有20年從商品、製 造到零售的知識和經驗。劉少玄在2005年開設自己的婚紗店,開業至 今,她精選的婚紗、伴娘禮服、晚禮服、舞會禮服、新娘配飾和時尚 首飾品位高雅而獨特。 劉少玄介紹說,開店之初她只是專注於晚禮服,但發現供應商其 實也有提供婚紗。最初她選擇了大約10件可作簡便婚紗之用的白色晚 禮服,但多次挑選貨品之後,對婚紗的設計越來越印象深刻,遂決定 在店內加入更多的婚紗選擇。隨着業務的發展,逐漸將主要重點轉移 到婚紗和配飾上,同時仍保留了一系列的晚禮服。 開始時,劉少玄主要是從美國供應商那裡購買(來自紐約和洛杉磯 的展覽會),在服裝行業多年的經驗令她能立即從細節中分辨貨品質量 的高下,她發現美國的設計量產較多,因此素質較遜。因此她現在只 去西班牙巴塞隆拿的年度婚紗展選貨,店裡的婚紗系列百份百來自歐 洲設計師。劉少玄相信簡潔而曼妙的設計加上一絲女性嫵媚的細節, 是優雅的關鍵。超卓的剪裁和稱身,是出色設計的真正品質。歐洲的 設計更精緻,更貼合身體,做工更上乘。

Choosing the right dress is one of the biggest challenges facing prospective brides, for all eyes will be focused on her on that very special day. Consider consulting a bridal professional before making that important decision. Mia Boutique Bridal & Occasions has won the Consumer Choice Award as top bridal store in the Vancouver region the past five years. It was also the recipient of Bridal Accessories Provider of the Year honours at the British Columbia Wedding Awards in 2019 and 2020. eliteGen recently visited Mia Boutique Bridal & Occasions, located at Richmond’s popular Steveston Fisherman’s Wharf, and spoke to its owner, Ella Lau. From manufacturing to merchandising, this Hong Kong native has more than 20 years of experience in the high fashion industry. She opened Mia Boutique Bridal & Occasions in 2005. Since then, the store has offered a tasteful and unique selection of exquisite wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses, evening dresses, prom dresses, bridal accessories and fashion jewelry. Lau told eliteGen she focused strictly on evening dresses when she started her business, but then realized that the suppliers also carried bridal dresses. Initially she stocked about 10 white evening dresses that could also work as simple wedding dresses. However, with each buying experience, she became more and more intrigued with the designs of bridal dresses and decided to carry more. As the business evolved, she shifted her main focus to bridal dresses and accessories, while still maintaining a selection of evening wear. Initially, Lau bought the majority of bridal dresses from U.S. suppliers, but soon found the American designs were more massproduced, hence inferior in quality.





fashion 晚禮服系列(可用作伴娘、新娘之母、畢業晚 會着裝) ,同樣絕美。 The evening wear collection (can be for bridesmaid, mother of the bride or prom night) is just as spectacular.

西班牙Rosa Clara的Aire系列。 From the Aire Collection of Rosa Clara.


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西班牙Rosa Clara的Aire系列。 From the Aire Collection of Rosa Clara.

Ella每年都到西班牙巴塞隆拿的年度婚紗展親自選貨。 Every year, Lau hand-picks her collection at the Barcelona bridal show. 榮獲溫哥華地區婚紗店類別的消費者首選獎項Consumer Choice Award。 Winning the Consumer Choice Award in the category of top Bridal Store in the Vancouver region).

目前「美人婚紗」提供來自挪威Sadoni的婚紗系 列,在溫哥華只此一家。該品牌設計概念非常獨特, 也是劉少玄個人最喜歡的。該店經營的另一個品牌 Rosa Clara的Aire系列來自巴塞隆拿,設計非常精練。 談到婚紗潮流,劉少玄說,20年前,大多數婚紗 都是無肩帶的,而且使用的材料往往比較重,如緞子 和塔夫綢。在設計方面有很多褶皺,人們也傾向於選 擇走路時要提起的大裙。現今的設計和材料往往更柔 軟、更輕巧,使用了大量的薄紗和蕾絲。設計方面出 現了波希米亞風格,俗稱boho,看起來更輕鬆,但 絕無向優雅妥協。從當今流行的婚紗上可以看到微妙 含蓄添加的顏色,衝開白色的框框;通常在分層材料 中,注入了極淺的玫瑰粉紅色或淺米色,為整體外觀 增添更多細微的深度。總之,現在的婚紗更時尚、更 舒適,新娘子也絕對穿得更輕鬆自如。 「美人婚紗」在其網站上展示有超過一百款婚紗, 準新娘及其家人光臨實體店時,更會得到體貼周到的 個性化服務。劉少玄建議,準新娘在親臨實體店前, 先在其網站上預選自己喜好的款式,這樣會事半功 倍。因為往往很多人,包括家人及閨蜜好友隨同準新 娘去到店內,或許七嘴八舌意見建議多多,但卻缺乏 建設性。準新娘如果有自己的主見,便會令挑選婚紗 的過程變得簡單流暢,愉悅的體驗將成為伴隨終身的 美好記憶。 劉少玄說,她每天都在店裡,瞭解顧客所想所 需,而且相信自己的專業眼光,挑選出的婚紗一定可 以讓新娘在婚禮上盡顯她們最好的一面。她說每個新 娘都應該擁有漂亮的婚紗,將她們最美好的婚禮夢想 變為現實,能為她們提供幫助及服務是她最大的喜悅 和滿足。

She believes a simple yet classy design, with a touch of feminine detail, is the key to elegance. Exceptional cut and fit is the true quality of a great design and she soon found that European designs were much finer, more body fitting and more superior in workmanship. Now, Lau selects bridal dresses from the annual Barcelona bridal show in Barcelona and 100 per cent are from European designers. Lau’s personal favourite is Sadoni from Norway, a brand that has unique concepts and designs. Lau believes Mia Boutique Bridal & Occasions is the only store in Vancouver carrying it. Another favourite is the Aire Collection from Rosa Clara of Barcelona. Lau is very keen on the trends in bridal dress design industry over the years. “20 years ago, most dresses were strapless, and the materials, such as satin and taffeta, were heavy,” she says. “A lot of ruching was a typical style. These days, the designs and materials tend to be soft and light, with a lot of tulle and lace being used. “Design-wise, there has been the emergence of the Bohemia style, commonly called Boho, which is more relaxed, but with no less elegance. We’ve also seen a subtle addition of colours, often infusing light rose or light beige in the layered material, adding more nuances to the overall look. Bridal dresses are now more fashionable, less traditional and definitely more comfortable to wear.” Mia Boutique Bridal & Occasions features more than 100 dresses on its website. Lau advises that it’s more efficient for the brides-to-be to pre-select their preferences online before coming to the store. She says they often bring family and friends along and that this can be counter-productive, with too many opinions being voiced. If the would-be bride has some favourites in mind, Lau says to pick them out beforehand, so that the ultimate choice can be simple, smooth and a pleasant experience to cherish for a lifetime. Lau believes every bride deserves a beautiful wedding dress that will be transformative. She takes pride in offering personalized service and the best value possible. Mia Boutique Bridal & Occasions #120-3531 Bayview St. Richmond, BC V7E 5W3 604-279-8936







Unleashing the Power the Ultimate asUs Phone 5 may just be the world's most advanced gaming smartphone Story | 陳旭英 早前推出的ASUS新一代旗艦電競手機ROG Phone 5,現今頂配版 本Ultimate版更有獨特的背屏賣點,以超強效能成為新世代電競神機。 ASUS ROG Phone 5 Ultimate同之前ROG Phone 5比較,設計大 同小異,機背則完全不同,並未使用帶有RGB燈效及ROG Logo的Dot Matrix設計,而是塞入了一個稱之為後置幻視屏幕的小型LED屏幕。另 外,此版本的「極光白」配色機背是霧面效果,觀感截然不同。或許因 加入了小型LED屏幕,重量加重了2克,實際上手感覺差異不大。 Ultimate的後置幻視屏幕是個注目點,此屏幕真正可按照使用者 喜好去顯示內容。本身後置LED屏幕已針對7個不同情境可顯示出3種 不同動畫,手機會自動偵測並播放。使用者也可自行設定字句顯示, 甚至是將相片放到後置LED屏幕播放。

The ultra-powerful Ultimate ASUS Phone 5 afforded Republic of Gamers (ROG) the opportunity to stage a live all-star competition, pitting the world’s leading gaming influencers against one another. Instead of having the same dot matrix design with RGB effects and ROG logo at the rear side, this Ultimate version includes a mini “phantom” LED screen with higher contrast and brighter colours. With the new matte aurora white body colour, the look and feel is completely different compared with prior models. Although the LED screen contributes an extra two grams in weight, it doesn’t have much of an affect in terms of handling. 90

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6.78吋FHD+ AMOLED屏幕顏色鮮艷,但可調整。ROG Phone 5 Ultimate的 6.78吋AMOLED屏幕支援HDR10+Delta E<1規格。 6.78-inch FHD+ AMOLED screen has brighter colours and can be adjusted. It supports HDR10+Delta E<1.

24MP前置鏡頭在屏幕的上方邊框,不會影響屏幕觀感。 The 24MP front lens is on the upper edge of the screen, so as not to impact its look.

ROG Vision就是用來調整機背屏幕可顯示的動畫。 ROG Vision is used to adjust the animation that is displayed on the back of the phone.

三鏡頭由64MP主鏡、13MP超廣角鏡及5MP微距鏡所組成,與ROG Phone 5 一樣。 The lens trio consists of a 64MP primary lens, a 13MP super wide-angle lens and a 5MP macro lens, which is identical to the ROG Phone 5.

可顯示圖像、字句及簽名。 Images, messages and signatures display.

第五代Air Trigger支援多種感應模式如體感感測,令打機體驗更佳。 The fifth-generation Air Trigger supports a variety of sensing modes, which contributes to an enhanced gaming experience.

自行加入圖像的話,要留意圖像是否太大引致 「出界」 而未能完全顯示。 If you add an image by yourself, pay attention to the size of your image to avoid misalignment.

身為ROG Phone系列最強版本,Ultimate雖同樣使用Snapdragon 888處理器,但記憶體方面達到18GB RAM(ROM容量為512GB),至 於主攝上同ROG Phone 5一樣,3鏡頭由6400萬像素主鏡、1300萬像 素超廣角鏡及500萬像素微距鏡所組成,而前鏡頭為2400萬像素,亦 內置6,000mAh電池。由於主要是RAM增至18GB,AnTuTu效能增幅 不算太高。屏幕部分,Ultimate的6.78吋AMOLED屏幕具備144Hz更新 率,擁有300Hz觸控取樣率與超低的24.3毫秒觸控反應,顏色表現方 面也同ROG Phone 5無差別,畫面對比較高及顏色比較鮮艷。

The new Ultimate screen can display customized messages based on user preferences. It can have three default visualizations based on seven different scenarios, which the phone will automatically detect and adjust. Users can also personalize their messages and display their preferred photos on the LED screen. The ROG Phone 5 Ultimate is the latest and most powerful incarnation of the world’s most advanced gaming smartphone. Unleashing the power of the latest Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 888 5G Mobile Platform with advanced 5G communications, ROG Phone 5 series offers a 144 Hz/1 ms AMOLED HDR10+ certified display, an upgraded GameCool 5 cooling system and a monster 6000 mAh battery.

ASUS ROG PHOnE 5 ULTIMATE 制式:5G、LTE、TD-LTE 處理器:Snapdragon S888 Octa Core 作業系統Android 11 w/ROG UI 屏幕:6.78吋 2,448×1,080 AMOLED w/144Hz 相機:64MP+13MP (超廣角) +5MP (微距) 、24MP (前置) 記憶體:18GB RAM+512GB ROM 儲存:N/A 體積 173×77×9.9mm 重量:239g 其它:BT 5.1、Wi-Fi 6、USB-C、雙卡雙待、屏幕指紋辨識、NFC Standard: 5G, LtE, td-LtE ProcESSor: Snapdragon S888 octa core operating system android 11 w/ roG UI ScrEEn: 6.78 inches 2,448×1,080 aMoLEd w/144Hz caMEra: 64MP+13MP (ultra-wide angle) + 5MP (macro), 24MP (front) MEMory: 18GB raM+512GB roM StoraGE: n/a Volume 173×77×9.9mm WEIGHt: 239g otHErS: Bt 5.1, Wi-Fi 6, USB-c, dual card dual standby, screen fingerprint recognition, nFc aSUS roG Phone 5 Ultimate 18GB raM+512GB roM, US$1,554







AccelerAte It champion race car driver shares his thoughts about the 2021 Mid-engine chevrolet corvette Stingray Story | Norris McDonald Photography | Norris McDonald, General Motors of Canada 多年前我與太太和兒子駕車旅遊時,途中打算到Starbucks小休。正 當我們把車泊在街邊的時候,一輛2010年款奧迪R8 Spyder V10跑車在店 鋪前停下,吸引了我們的目光。是什麽樣的人駕駛這款到現在仍然非常 時髦的跑車?我們都十分好奇。 一位應該已有90歲,需要用兩根手杖來保持平衡的老伯勉強地從車 裡鑽了出來,然後站直身子。我兒子輕聲說:「這樣的車該是給年輕人 的。」而我太太則說:「只有老人家才買得起!」


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Years ago, I was out with my wife and son and we decided to stop in at a Starbucks. As we parked up the street, a 2010 Audi R8 Spyder V10 pulled up in front of the store. Since the R8 is a snazzy car, even now, we were curious to see who was behind the wheel. We watched as a guy, who had to be 90 and needed two canes to maintain his balance, managed to get out of the car and stand up straight.

因此,當可以試駕2021年款的中置引擎雪佛蘭Corvette Stingray 時,我馬上抓緊這個機會。我要告訴兒子和太太,他們的想法都錯了, 因為我不是年輕人,而擁有這款起價為67,898元的轎跑車,或是76,898 元起的開篷跑車的人士,也不一定要上年紀和有錢。 取得這跑車後,我有一個絕妙的想法:做一個馬路和賽道的試駕車 評。我會做馬路的部分,而我的朋友—加拿大著名車手Ron Fellows則會 在賽道上測試。 我開着這車在所住的密西沙加市行駛,然後上401公路。我不得不 說,從各個方面來看,這車都是瑰寶,讓人喜愛。它的外觀帥氣有型, 內裡同樣誘人。駕駛艙的設計緊湊和高效,你會感覺到就像坐在戰鬥 機內。 中置的6.2公升自然進氣小型V8引擎,可迸發出495匹馬力和輸出 470磅/呎扭力,而八速自動變速箱從0加速至時速97公里不用3秒,極速 則可超過時速300公里。 Ron Fellows曾經駕駛Corvettes贏過法國勒芒24小時耐力賽、佛羅 裡達州戴通納24小時耐力賽和錫布靈12小時耐力賽等多項賽事。若說瞭 解Corvettes,無人能及他了。

“Only young guys should own a car like that,” said my son. “Only old guys can afford them,” said my wife. So, you can understand why I jumped at the chance to test out the 2021 Mid-Engine Chevrolet Corvette Stingray. Both my son and wife were wrong. I’m not a young guy and I don’t have to be old and rich to own this ‘Vette, which starts at $67,898 (the coupe) or $76,898 (the convertible). When I got the car, I had the brilliant idea: why not do a “road” and “track” review? I would do the road part and my friend Ron Fellows would test it on the track. I drove the car around Mississauga, where I live, and out on the 401. I have to say right off that it is a gem in every sense. The exterior is gorgeous and the interior is equally attractive. The driver’s cockpit is close-knit and efficient and you feel like you’re sitting in a fighter jet. The 6.2-litre, normally aspirated, small-block V8, which is mounted mid-ships, churns out 495 horsepower and 470 lb.-ft. of torque. An eight-speed automatic transmission can take it from zero to 97 km/h in three seconds, and top out at more than 300 km/h.






我們於7月初到安省Bowmanville以北的Canadian Tire Motorsport Park賽車場試車。Ron Fellows在賽道上駕駛了45分鐘,對這輛跑車愛 不釋手。 Q:與其它跑車比較如何? A:一般來說,所有跑車都非常好,不過很多人會以價值作比 較,而論性價比,就要選Corvette了,因為這款車的表現遠高於價格。 Q:這是最好的Corvette嗎?如果是的話,是什麽令它最好? A:Corvette把採用了60多年的前置引擎改為中置引擎,並於兩 年前面世。通用汽車的前置引擎設計已經盡可能做到最好了。把引擎 置中,讓跑車的平衡整體上更好,能讓重心盡可能地居中,使車輛更 加穩定,可以用較高的速度入彎。 Q:基本上這是一輛可以在馬路上行駛的賽車,對嗎? A:Corvettes在賽道上的表現一直非常好,同時也迎合了想一起 旅行的情侶的需要。這款中置引擎跑車盛載行李的空間之大,超出了 你的想象,這也是它與別不同之處。

But enough from me. Ron Fellows has driven Corvettes to victory in the 24 Hours of Daytona, class victories at the 24 Hours of Le Mans and 12 Hours of Sebring, and so many other victories in so many other series. If anyone knows Corvettes, it’s Ron Fellows. We made it onto the track at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park north of Bowmanville, Ont., in early July and lapped the course for 45 minutes. He loves the new car. Q: How does this car really stack up? A: Generally speaking, all sports cars are very good. But for many people, it comes down to the value proposition, which has always been the case with the Corvette. They’ve all performed way above their price range. Q: Is this the best Corvette and, if so, what makes it the best? A: It’s a departure from over 60 years of front engines. But it’s been in the works for a while. GM had maxed out just about everything it could with the front engine. One of the things I’ve noticed about the mid-engine configuration is, because the balance of the car with the mid-engine is better overall, you can carry more entry speed into a corner. The platform is just that much more stable with the midengine. Q: This is essentially a race car we can drive on the street, right? A: Well, the Corvettes have always performed really well on the track, but they have also catered to couples who want to go on road trips together. For a mid-engine car, there’s lots more luggage space than you might expect. That was part of the criteria.


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規格 車身款式:跑車 傳動:中置引擎,後輪驅動,八速自動變速箱 引擎:中置6.2公升自然進氣小型V8引擎,可輸出495匹馬力和470磅/呎扭力 耗油量:市內/高速公路/綜合:15.4升/8.7升/12.4升/100公里 行李箱容量:車尾箱(在引擎後)可放入兩個隨身攜帶的手提行李箱,車頭也可放一個, 又或是在車尾放置兩套疊在一起的高爾夫球桿 拖曳重量:不建議 FACT BOX BODY STYLE: Sports car. DRIVE METHOD: mid-engine, rear-wheel drive, eight-speed automatic transmission. ENGINE: 6.2-litre, normally aspirated small-block V8, 495 hp, 470 lb.-ft. torque. FUEL ECONOMY: 12.4L/100 kms combined; 15.4 city; 8.7 highway. CARGO: Two carry-on size suitcases can fit into the rear trunk (behind the engine) and one can fit in the front of the car. Or, two sets of golf clubs on top of one another can fit in the rear. TOW RATING: Not advised. $67,898 (coupe), $76,898 (convertible); excluding options, freight, taxes and licensing.

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