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美麗婚紗盡顯新娘風華 an experience to cherish

expert tips on how to select a perfect wedding dress

Story | Kenson Ho Photography | Mia Boutique Bridal & Occasions


精品店內陳列着超過100款的婚紗,都在其網頁上列出。 More than 100 wedding dresses are listed on the shop’s website.

婚禮對於新娘的意義不言自明,那一刻所有人的目光都會聚焦一 身,展現出最好的自己對新娘來說是必須的。為了這重要的日子,選 擇合適的婚紗是準新娘面對的很大挑戰,聽取專業人士的建議絕對有 益無害。

Mia Boutique Bridal & Occasions「美人婚紗」店已連續五年 (2017-2021)榮獲溫哥華地區婚紗店類別的消費者首選獎項Consumer

Choice Award,亦是2019年和2020年卑詩省Wedding Award婚禮獎 的年度新娘配飾供應商獎項得主。

eliteGen最近參觀了位於列治文漁人碼頭的「美人婚紗」,該店的 主人Ella Lau劉少玄來自香港,在高級時裝行業擁有20年從商品、製 造到零售的知識和經驗。劉少玄在2005年開設自己的婚紗店,開業至 今,她精選的婚紗、伴娘禮服、晚禮服、舞會禮服、新娘配飾和時尚 首飾品位高雅而獨特。

劉少玄介紹說,開店之初她只是專注於晚禮服,但發現供應商其 實也有提供婚紗。最初她選擇了大約10件可作簡便婚紗之用的白色晚 禮服,但多次挑選貨品之後,對婚紗的設計越來越印象深刻,遂決定 在店內加入更多的婚紗選擇。隨着業務的發展,逐漸將主要重點轉移 到婚紗和配飾上,同時仍保留了一系列的晚禮服。

開始時,劉少玄主要是從美國供應商那裡購買(來自紐約和洛杉磯 的展覽會),在服裝行業多年的經驗令她能立即從細節中分辨貨品質量 的高下,她發現美國的設計量產較多,因此素質較遜。因此她現在只 去西班牙巴塞隆拿的年度婚紗展選貨,店裡的婚紗系列百份百來自歐 洲設計師。劉少玄相信簡潔而曼妙的設計加上一絲女性嫵媚的細節, 是優雅的關鍵。超卓的剪裁和稱身,是出色設計的真正品質。歐洲的 設計更精緻,更貼合身體,做工更上乘。 Choosing the right dress is one of the biggest challenges facing prospective brides, for all eyes will be focused on her on that very special day. Consider consulting a bridal professional before making that important decision.

Mia Boutique Bridal & Occasions has won the Consumer Choice Award as top bridal store in the Vancouver region the past five years. It was also the recipient of Bridal Accessories Provider of the Year honours at the British Columbia Wedding Awards in 2019 and 2020. eliteGen recently visited Mia Boutique Bridal & Occasions, located at Richmond’s popular Steveston Fisherman’s Wharf, and spoke to its owner, Ella Lau.

From manufacturing to merchandising, this Hong Kong native has more than 20 years of experience in the high fashion industry. She opened Mia Boutique Bridal & Occasions in 2005. Since then, the store has offered a tasteful and unique selection of exquisite wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses, evening dresses, prom dresses, bridal accessories and fashion jewelry.

Lau told eliteGen she focused strictly on evening dresses when she started her business, but then realized that the suppliers also carried bridal dresses. Initially she stocked about 10 white evening dresses that could also work as simple wedding dresses.

However, with each buying experience, she became more and more intrigued with the designs of bridal dresses and decided to carry more. As the business evolved, she shifted her main focus to bridal dresses and accessories, while still maintaining a selection of evening wear.

Initially, Lau bought the majority of bridal dresses from U.S. suppliers, but soon found the American designs were more massproduced, hence inferior in quality.

晚禮服系列(可用作伴娘、新娘之母、畢業晚 會着裝),同樣絕美。 The evening wear collection (can be for bridesmaid, mother of the bride or prom night) is just as spectacular.

西班牙Rosa Clara的Aire系列。 From the Aire Collection of Rosa Clara. 西班牙Rosa Clara的Aire系列。 From the Aire Collection of Rosa Clara.

Ella每年都到西班牙巴塞隆拿的年度婚紗展親自選貨。 Every year, Lau hand-picks her collection at the Barcelona bridal show.

榮獲溫哥華地區婚紗店類別的消費者首選獎項Consumer Choice Award。 Winning the Consumer Choice Award in the category of top Bridal Store in the Vancouver region).

目前「美人婚紗」提供來自挪威Sadoni的婚紗系 列,在溫哥華只此一家。該品牌設計概念非常獨特, 也是劉少玄個人最喜歡的。該店經營的另一個品牌 Rosa Clara的Aire系列來自巴塞隆拿,設計非常精練。

談到婚紗潮流, 劉少玄說,20年前,大多數婚紗 都是無肩帶的,而且使用的材料往往比較重,如緞子 和塔夫綢。在設計方面有很多褶皺,人們也傾向於選 擇走路時要提起的大裙。現今的設計和材料往往更柔 軟、更輕巧,使用了大量的薄紗和蕾絲。設計方面出 現了波希米亞風格,俗稱boho,看起來更輕鬆,但 絕無向優雅妥協。從當今流行的婚紗上可以看到微妙 含蓄添加的顏色,衝開白色的框框;通常在分層材料 中,注入了極淺的玫瑰粉紅色或淺米色,為整體外觀 增添更多細微的深度。總之,現在的婚紗更時尚、更 舒適,新娘子也絕對穿得更輕鬆自如。

「美人婚紗」在其網站上展示有超過一百款婚紗, 準新娘及其家人光臨實體店時,更會得到體貼周到的 個性化服務。劉少玄建議,準新娘在親臨實體店前, 先在其網站上預選自己喜好的款式,這樣會事半功 倍。因為往往很多人,包括家人及閨蜜好友隨同準新 娘去到店內,或許七嘴八舌意見建議多多,但卻缺乏 建設性。準新娘如果有自己的主見,便會令挑選婚紗 的過程變得簡單流暢,愉悅的體驗將成為伴隨終身的 美好記憶。

劉少玄說,她每天都在店裡,瞭解顧客所想所 需,而且相信自己的專業眼光,挑選出的婚紗一定可 以讓新娘在婚禮上盡顯她們最好的一面。她說每個新 娘都應該擁有漂亮的婚紗,將她們最美好的婚禮夢想 變為現實,能為她們提供幫助及服務是她最大的喜悅 和滿足。

She believes a simple yet classy design, with a touch of feminine detail, is the key to elegance. Exceptional cut and fit is the true quality of a great design and she soon found that European designs were much finer, more body fitting and more superior in workmanship.

Now, Lau selects bridal dresses from the annual Barcelona bridal show in Barcelona and 100 per cent are from European designers. Lau’s personal favourite is Sadoni from Norway, a brand that has unique concepts and designs. Lau believes Mia Boutique Bridal & Occasions is the only store in Vancouver carrying it. Another favourite is the Aire Collection from Rosa Clara of Barcelona.

Lau is very keen on the trends in bridal dress design industry over the years.

“20 years ago, most dresses were strapless, and the materials, such as satin and taffeta, were heavy,” she says. “A lot of ruching was a typical style. These days, the designs and materials tend to be soft and light, with a lot of tulle and lace being used.

“Design-wise, there has been the emergence of the Bohemia style, commonly called Boho, which is more relaxed, but with no less elegance. We’ve also seen a subtle addition of colours, often infusing light rose or light beige in the layered material, adding more nuances to the overall look. Bridal dresses are now more fashionable, less traditional and definitely more comfortable to wear.”

Mia Boutique Bridal & Occasions features more than 100 dresses on its website. Lau advises that it’s more efficient for the brides-to-be to pre-select their preferences online before coming to the store. She says they often bring family and friends along and that this can be counter-productive, with too many opinions being voiced.

If the would-be bride has some favourites in mind, Lau says to pick them out beforehand, so that the ultimate choice can be simple, smooth and a pleasant experience to cherish for a lifetime.

Lau believes every bride deserves a beautiful wedding dress that will be transformative. She takes pride in offering personalized service and the best value possible. Mia Boutique Bridal & Occasions #120-3531 Bayview St. Richmond, BC V7E 5W3 604-279-8936 miaboutique.ca

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