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賽車代步兩皆宜 2021 chevrolet corvette stingray
賽車代步兩皆宜 AccelerAte It
champion race car driver shares his thoughts about the 2021 Mid-engine chevrolet corvette Stingray
Story | Norris McDonald Photography | Norris McDonald, General Motors of Canada
多年前我與太太和兒子駕車旅遊時,途中打算到Starbucks小休。正 當我們把車泊在街邊的時候,一輛2010年款奧迪R8 Spyder V10跑車在店 鋪前停下,吸引了我們的目光。是什麽樣的人駕駛這款到現在仍然非常 時髦的跑車?我們都十分好奇。
一位應該已有90歲,需要用兩根手杖來保持平衡的老伯勉強地從車 裡鑽了出來,然後站直身子。我兒子輕聲說:「這樣的車該是給年輕人 的。」而我太太則說:「只有老人家才買得起!」 Years ago, I was out with my wife and son and we decided to stop in at a Starbucks. As we parked up the street, a 2010 Audi R8 Spyder V10 pulled up in front of the store. Since the R8 is a snazzy car, even now, we were curious to see who was behind the wheel.
We watched as a guy, who had to be 90 and needed two canes to maintain his balance, managed to get out of the car and stand up straight.
因此,當可以試駕2021年款的中置引擎雪佛蘭Corvette Stingray 時,我馬上抓緊這個機會。我要告訴兒子和太太,他們的想法都錯了, 因為我不是年輕人,而擁有這款起價為67,898元的轎跑車,或是76,898 元起的開篷跑車的人士,也不一定要上年紀和有錢。
取得這跑車後,我有一個絕妙的想法:做一個馬路和賽道的試駕車 評。我會做馬路的部分,而我的朋友—加拿大著名車手Ron Fellows則會 在賽道上測試。
我開着這車在所住的密西沙加市行駛,然後上401公路。我不得不 說,從各個方面來看,這車都是瑰寶,讓人喜愛。它的外觀帥氣有型, 內裡同樣誘人。駕駛艙的設計緊湊和高效,你會感覺到就像坐在戰鬥 機內。
中置的6.2公升自然進氣小型V8引擎,可迸發出495匹馬力和輸出 470磅/呎扭力,而八速自動變速箱從0加速至時速97公里不用3秒,極速 則可超過時速300公里。
Ron Fellows曾經駕駛Corvettes贏過法國勒芒24小時耐力賽、佛羅 裡達州戴通納24小時耐力賽和錫布靈12小時耐力賽等多項賽事。若說瞭 解Corvettes,無人能及他了。
“Only young guys should own a car like that,” said my son. “Only old guys can afford them,” said my wife.
So, you can understand why I jumped at the chance to test out the 2021 Mid-Engine Chevrolet Corvette Stingray. Both my son and wife were wrong. I’m not a young guy and I don’t have to be old and rich to own this ‘Vette, which starts at $67,898 (the coupe) or $76,898 (the convertible).
When I got the car, I had the brilliant idea: why not do a “road” and “track” review? I would do the road part and my friend Ron Fellows would test it on the track.
I drove the car around Mississauga, where I live, and out on the 401. I have to say right off that it is a gem in every sense. The exterior is gorgeous and the interior is equally attractive. The driver’s cockpit is close-knit and efficient and you feel like you’re sitting in a fighter jet.
The 6.2-litre, normally aspirated, small-block V8, which is mounted mid-ships, churns out 495 horsepower and 470 lb.-ft. of torque. An eight-speed automatic transmission can take it from zero to 97 km/h in three seconds, and top out at more than 300 km/h.
我們於7月初到安省Bowmanville以北的Canadian Tire Motorsport Park賽車場試車。Ron Fellows在賽道上駕駛了45分鐘,對這輛跑車愛 不釋手。
A:一般來說,所有跑車都非常好,不過很多人會以價值作比 較,而論性價比,就要選Corvette了,因為這款車的表現遠高於價格。
A:Corvette把採用了60多年的前置引擎改為中置引擎,並於兩 年前面世。通用汽車的前置引擎設計已經盡可能做到最好了。把引擎 置中,讓跑車的平衡整體上更好,能讓重心盡可能地居中,使車輛更 加穩定,可以用較高的速度入彎。
A:Corvettes在賽道上的表現一直非常好,同時也迎合了想一起 旅行的情侶的需要。這款中置引擎跑車盛載行李的空間之大,超出了 你的想象,這也是它與別不同之處。
But enough from me. Ron Fellows has driven Corvettes to victory in the 24 Hours of Daytona, class victories at the 24 Hours of Le Mans and 12 Hours of Sebring, and so many other victories in so many other series. If anyone knows Corvettes, it’s Ron Fellows.
We made it onto the track at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park north of Bowmanville, Ont., in early July and lapped the course for 45 minutes. He loves the new car.
Q: How does this car really stack up?
A: Generally speaking, all sports cars are very good. But for many people, it comes down to the value proposition, which has always been the case with the Corvette. They’ve all performed way above their price range.
Q: Is this the best Corvette and, if so, what makes it the best?
A: It’s a departure from over 60 years of front engines. But it’s been in the works for a while. GM had maxed out just about everything it could with the front engine. One of the things I’ve noticed about the mid-engine configuration is, because the balance of the car with the mid-engine is better overall, you can carry more entry speed into a corner. The platform is just that much more stable with the midengine.
Q: This is essentially a race car we can drive on the street, right?
A: Well, the Corvettes have always performed really well on the track, but they have also catered to couples who want to go on road trips together. For a mid-engine car, there’s lots more luggage space than you might expect. That was part of the criteria.
規格 車身款式:跑車 傳動:中置引擎,後輪驅動,八速自動變速箱 引擎:中置6.2公升自然進氣小型V8引擎, 可輸出495匹馬力和470磅/呎扭力 耗油量:市內/高速公路/綜合:15.4升/8.7升/12.4升/100公里 行李箱容量:車尾箱(在引擎後)可放入兩個隨身攜帶的手提行李箱,車頭也可放一個, 又或是在車尾放置兩套疊在一起的高爾夫球桿 拖曳重量:不建議
FACT BOX BODY STYLE: Sports car. DRIVE METHOD: mid-engine, rear-wheel drive, eight-speed automatic transmission. ENGINE: 6.2-litre, normally aspirated small-block V8, 495 hp, 470 lb.-ft. torque. FUEL ECONOMY: 12.4L/100 kms combined; 15.4 city; 8.7 highway. CARGO: Two carry-on size suitcases can fit into the rear trunk (behind the engine) and one can fit in the front of the car. Or, two sets of golf clubs on top of one another can fit in the rear. TOW RATING: Not advised. $67,898 (coupe), $76,898 (convertible); excluding options, freight, taxes and licensing.