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人生哪得幾回嘗 Winenot: tiMe in a bottle

人生哪得幾回嘗 time in a bottle

the release of the Dalmore Decades collections is a once in a lifetime opportunity


Story | Connie Li Photography | Dalmore

1867年,Mackenzie家族開啟The Dalmore酒廠的經營歷史,以 極致複雜的轉桶工藝創造無法言喻的奧秘層次,以老酒銀行的長時間 熟成堅持,成就恆久璀璨的品牌傳奇。而Dalmore Decades這樣獨一 無二的珍藏系列,正是見證了酒廠多年來不懈追求卓越的故事——它 跨越了六個十年,包含了從The Dalmore發佈其中一款最古老的威士 忌,至新世紀釀製的首款蘇格蘭威士忌。

位列蘇格蘭威士忌名人堂的The Dalmore首席釀酒師Richard Paterson,釀製威士忌超過50年,結合品牌珍稀老酒窖藏與奧祕複雜 的轉桶熟成工藝,持續開拓珍稀威士忌的視野。Dalmore Decades便 是其心血結晶。

「在過往的50年裡,我一直密切留意我們最珍稀的威士忌庫存, 並以搜尋來自世界各地最好的木桶來配合蘊釀熟成,打造威士忌藏家 眼中極致的夢幻逸品。今次推出的Dalmore Decades珍藏系列,每瓶 均為品牌歷史里程碑,各自講述了一個獨特故事,我希望幸運的收藏 家能和最親近的人一起分享。」 The Dalmore Decades, a one-of-a-kind selection of exceptional whiskies, tells the story of The Dalmore’s relentless pursuit of excellence over the years. It spans six decades, from one of the oldest liquors released by The Dalmore to the first Scotch created in the new millennium.

A pioneer in the art of cask curation, master distiller Richard Paterson has been on a mission over the last 50 years to push the boundaries of whisky production. The Dalmore Decades is Paterson’s personal selection and a culmination of his custody of the rare casks the distillery enjoys.

“Over the past 50 years, I have kept a watchful eye over our superlative inventory of rare whiskies, giving them the guidance to mature and reach their full potential in the finest casks sourced from around the world,” says proud distiller Paterson. “Each bottle marks a very special milestone in the brand’s history and has a unique story to tell, which I hope the lucky collector will enjoy with those closest to them.”

作為品牌秋季拍賣系列的一部分,擁有6瓶不同年份威士忌的 Dalmore Decades珍藏系列中的No.6系列將於10月在香港舉行的 蘇富比拍賣會拍賣。拍賣所得的相當部分將捐贈給V&A Dundee、 蘇格蘭設計博物館及在倫敦以外的首家Victoria and Albert博物館。

The Dalmore亦會發佈15套No.5系列,當中5瓶分別來自 1967年、1979年、1980年、1995年和2000年的威士忌,是過去 50年深具代表性的佳釀。

每個系列套裝均反映了品牌的核心酒款系列「The Principal Collection」的品位。酒瓶刻有專屬的套裝編號,並配有獨特的顏 色瓶塞。每套更附上陳列展示基座,方便買家展示他們的收藏。 如此矜貴的威士忌珍藏系列,將會在世界有數的高級商店如︰英 國的Harrods、美國的Wally's、法國的Le Bon Marché和海南的 CDFG發售,每套的建議售價是200,000英鎊。

此外,還有25套令人垂涎的No.4系列,每套都包含4瓶分別 來自1979年、1980年、1995年和2000年份的威士忌。跟No.5系 列一樣,每個酒瓶均刻有專屬的套裝編號,並配有黑色項圈和瓶 塞。同時,每套No.4系列將陳列在特製的展示台上,每個酒瓶各 有單獨間隔盛放,並將其獨特故事刻在其上。

No.4套裝系列只會於全球指定商店獨家發售,包括英國 的Selfridges和Annabel's、上海的Harrods、法國的Galleries Lafayett和荷蘭阿姆斯特丹的Waldorf Astoria;建議零售價為 100,000英鎊。而在加拿大,則只會於BC Liquor Stores以20萬加 元的價格獨家銷售。

The unique set of six whiskies, the No. 6 Collection, will be offered at auction by Sotheby’s in Hong Kong in October, as part of the company’s autumn sales series. A significant percentage of the monies received will be donated to V&A Dundee, Scotland’s design museum and the first Victoria and Albert museum outside of London.

The Dalmore will also release 15 sets of the No. 5 Collection, containing five masterpiece whiskies representing each of the past five decades (1967, 1979, 1980, 1995, 2000).

Each set mirrors the colours of the brand’s Principal Collection. Decanters will be engraved with an exclusive set number and also feature a unique coloured stopper. Each set is presented on a pedestal that owners can take home to display their collection. They will be sold exclusively through the finest retailers in the world, including Harrods (UK), Wally’s (US), Le Bon Marché (FR) and CDFG Hainan, with a suggested retail price of £200,000.

As well, there’s 25 covetable sets of the No. 4 Collection, each containing four decades of whiskies (1979, 1980, 1995, 2000). Mirroring the No. 5 Collection, each decanter will be engraved with an exclusive set number and come with a black collar and stopper. Each set will be displayed within one bespoke display pedestal, with individual compartments to house each decanter, and with each whisky’s unique story engraved upon the door.

No. 4 Collection sets will be sold exclusively through retailers, including Selfridges (UK), Annabel’s (UK), Harrods Shanghai, Galleries Lafayette (FR) and Waldorf Astoria (NL), with a suggested retail price of £100,000. They will be sold exclusively in Canada through BC Liquor Stores for $200,000.

No. 6 套裝系列珍品

The Dalmore Decades 1951 Royal Heritage Dalmore 60年的單一麥芽威士忌使用了於1951年 蒸餾的兩桶孿生威士忌,是麥肯錫年代留下來的最 後原酒。琥珀色澤的酒液散發雪莉桶的香氣,及黑 糖漿、薑和可可粉的味道。

With this 60-year-old single malt, matured in twin sherry casks, one can expect to find whispers of black treacle, ginger and cocoa powder. It is one of the oldest whiskies ever released by The Dalmore and is the last one distilled during the Mackenzie era, founders of the distillery. The Dalmore Decades 1967 Expertly Composed Spirit 這款53年的單一麥芽威士忌誕生於1967年,亦即 是如今蒸餾室誕生的一年,具有里程碑意義。它有 紅橘、濃郁磨碎咖啡和麝香葡萄般複雜和有層次感 的香氣和口感。

This is a 53-year-old single malt laid down in 1967—a landmark year in which the stillhouse as it stands today was created. It provides complex but intriguing layers of clementine, tangy ground coffee and muscovado. The Dalmore Decades 1979 Curating Exquisite Casks Dalmore 40年單一麥芽威士忌源自美國白橡木波本 桶,2008年將珍貴原酒轉置至有30年歷史、來自 GonzalesByass的Matusalem Oloroso頂級雪莉酒 桶,在此珍稀的雪莉酒桶內熟成7年後,再將原酒 轉換至初次波本桶中醞釀,直至2017年裝瓶面世。 擁有濃郁的香甜葡萄乾、烤開心果、楓樹糖漿、菠 蘿和椰棗的香氣和餘韻。

This 40-year-old single malt is a tribute to the longstanding relationship between Spanish sherry bodega González Byass and The Dalmore. It has enjoyed maturation in a particularly fine Matusalem Oloroso sherry butt before a final maturation in a Graham’s Port Vintage 1952—one of port’s rarest vintages. The resulting whisky is exuberant sultanas and toasted pistachios, finishing in notes of maple syrup, pineapple and succulent dates.

The Dalmore Decades 1980 Unbroken Chain of Visionaries 殿堂級調酒大師Richard Paterson於1980年加盟 The Dalmore,而這瓶40年的單一麥芽威士忌採用 了品牌傳統熟成方式並將其逆轉—原酒從波旁酒桶 轉移到Matusalem雪利酒桶,然後在裝瓶前再將原 酒置入最初的波旁酒桶等待超過5年。它擁有淡淡 的,包括苦巧克力、杏仁糖和可可粉的層次韻味。

The 1980s marked the arrival of master blender Richard Paterson at The Dalmore. This 40-yearold single malt takes the traditional maturation of The Dalmore and reverses it: the whisky moves from bourbon casks into Matusalem sherry butts, then spends more than five years back in first-fill ex-bourbon casks before bottling. Its single malt layers include a gentle whisper of bitter chocolate, marzipan and cocoa powder. The Dalmore Decades 1995 The Creation of an Icon 上世紀90年代迎來了The Dalmore標誌性的簡約鐘 形酒瓶的誕生,蜿蜒的曲線呼應了蒸餾器的外型。 The Dalmore Decades1995的原酒在之前釀製波本 酒桶中熟成,並在Tintilla de Rota葡萄的波特酒桶 完成;交織出紅色漿果、桃駁梨、杏仁餡餅和胡桃 派的獨特韻味。

The ’90s welcomed the creation of The Dalmore’s iconic minimalist bell-shaped bottle, its sinuous curves echoing the voluptuous shape of the stills. It is matured in ex-bourbon casks and finished in spectacular Tintilla de Rota port pipes, offering a burst of red berries, glazed nectarines, frangipane and moist pecan pie on the palate, building to a triumphal finish. The Dalmore Decades 2000 Into the New Millennium 它誕生於2000年1月1日凌晨12點02分,當時世 界正在慶祝新千禧時代的到來。這款威士忌在 Matusalem Oloroso雪利酒桶中度過了20年歲月, 跟品牌的釀酒做法有異,卻另有一番味道—罕見的 酒漬櫻桃和苦巧克力味道充滿味蕾,然後是仿若洋 甘草和蘋果批的餘韻。

It was born at 12:02 a.m. on Jan. 1, 2000, as the world celebrated the dawn of a new age. The final whisky of The Dalmore Decades has spent all 20 years of its life in a Matusalem Oloroso sherry butt, a radical departure from the distillery’s practice. Rare black maraschino cherry and bitter chocolate drench the palate, and a final kiss of licorice and tarte tatin ebbs slowly in the background.

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