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探索恆動星球 rolex, panerai

探索恆動星球 ExploRERs unitE

Rolex documentary chronicles work being done to protect ecosystems of the world’s oceans


Story | Connie Li Photography | Rolex

勞力士最近在rolex.org發佈了一部名為《恆動星球:海洋英 雄》的紀錄片,該片匯集了傳奇海洋攝影師暨勞力士腕錶測試者 Sylvia Earle,及一群前衛海洋科學家,講述全球共同協作,一 起保護脆弱海洋生態系統的故事。

在將近一個世紀的漫長歲月裏,勞力士一直給予開拓性探 險家積極支持。這些探險家去到世界最極端的地方深入探索, 突破極限,揭示大自然的奧秘。從上世紀八十年代到本世紀 初,包括登山者、深潛者在內的無數探險家和科學家,與勞力 士結下不解之緣,成為勞力士腕錶的測試者,這些時計與他們 一道經歷令人震撼的奇妙旅程,一次次打破極限,將各自的能 力推向更高的邊界。 For nearly a century, Rolex has been an active supporter of pioneering explorers, individuals who have pushed back the boundaries of human endeavour by venturing to the most extreme places on Earth to shed light on the natural world.

So it’s fitting that Rolex recently released Perpetual Planet: Heroes of the Oceans on its website, a documentary film that brings together legendary oceanographer and Rolex Testimonee Sylvia Earle with a cast of pioneering marine scientists. Here, they chronicle the work being undertaken to protect the fragile ecosystems of the world’s oceans.

Since the 1980s, many explorers—including mountaineers, divers and scientists—have associated themselves with Rolex, testing their abilities and endurance while equipped with Oyster Perpetual watches.

Each of us can make a difference in inspiring others. With passion, “ curiosity and hope, anyone can change. –Sylvia Earle

2021年最新款蠔式恒動探險家型及探險家II型,伴隨探險 家經歷各種境遇——攀登險峰,深入岩洞,體驗北極地區的 刺骨嚴寒,感受火山地帶的熾熱高溫,同時將勞力士堅韌與優 雅並濟的獨特風格盡情彰顯。令探險家系列超凡脫俗的一個元 素是其蠔式鋼材料。蠔式鋼是一種獨特的合金,具有出眾的韌 性與光澤,是製作探險家錶殼及錶帶的關鍵材質,它強力抗腐 蝕,並能應對極其嚴苛環境,因此成為探險家出征必不可少的 裝備。

The latest editions of Explorer and Explorer II take us from the deepest caves to the highest mountain peaks, and from ultra-precise technology to exacting artisanal craftsmanship. One of the key elements that makes the Explorer series outstanding is Oystersteel, a superalloy unique to Rolex, with incomparable strength and clarity. It is a key element of the cases and bracelets. Corrosion-resistant and designed for the most challenging conditions, it is part of what makes this series essential instruments for every explorer.

Oyster PerPetual exPlOrer 2021 & exPlOrer II 2021 錶殼、錶盤和指針

Explorer:蠔式,36毫米 黑色錶面; 3、6、9數字,鐘點標記和指針均覆有散發長效藍光的夜光 物料。

Explorer II:蠔式,42毫米 白色錶面;啞光黑漆時針、分針和秒針;黑色塗層採用 PVD(物理氣相 沉積)。 夜光顯示 夜光物料在黑暗中散發持久藍色光芒;在日光下,這些鐘點標記則呈現 白色光澤。

機芯 勞力士3230型機芯(藉恒動擺陀雙向自動上鏈)。 頂級天文台精密時計認證。

Case, DIal & HOur markers ExplorEr: oyStEr, 36 mm Black lacquer dial. Bears the index hour markers and emblematic 3, 6 and 9 numerals. ExplorEr II: oyStEr, 42 mm White lacquer dial. Black lacquer hour, minute and seconds hands with matt finish. Black coating is applied using pVD (physical Vapour Deposition). CHrOmalIgHt DIsPlay In dark conditions, an intensive blue glow is emitted by the hour markers and hands. In daylight, they display a bright white hue. mOvement perpetual calibre 3230 (self-winding module via a perpetual rotor). Carries the Superlative Chronometer certification. oyster perpetual Explorer Gold & oystersteel (36mm), $12,750 oyster perpetual Explorer II oystersteel (42mm), $10,050 Explorer

Explorer II

超越極限 Transcending LimiTaTions

new Panerai collection pays homage to Jimmy chin, renowned photographer, mountain climber, filmmaker and environmentalist

Story | Connie Li Photography | Chris Figenshau

意大利奢華腕錶品牌沛納海,以品牌大使美國華裔職業登山家 金國威非凡的人生歷程為靈感,呈獻全新腕錶系列。

金國威是一位舉世知名的攝影師兼高山運動員,亦是電影製 作人及環保主義者。品牌特別推出Panerai Submersible Chrono Flyback J. Chin Edition及Panerai Submersible Chrono Flyback J. Chin Xperience Edition向他致敬。他的睿智、決心及創意令他締造 非凡成就,包括成為極少數由珠穆朗瑪峰速降滑雪的完成者之一。 他有份導演的紀錄片《赤手登峰》更贏得奧斯卡最佳紀錄片獎。

「我的工作很大部分都在說故事,藉此增加我們對世界的認 識,」金國威說:「沛納海的品牌故事及多年來致力製作性能卓越的設 備以應付歷險探索,這個信念正正吸引了我。」 Italian luxury watchmaker Panerai has released a new collection that takes its inspiration from the life journey of brand ambassador Jimmy Chin.

The Panerai Submersible Chrono Flyback J. Chin Edition and the Panerai Submersible Chrono Flyback J. Chin Xperience Edition pay homage to the renowned photographer, mountain climber, filmmaker and environmentalist. His intelligence, determination and creativity have guided him to historic accomplishments, including becoming one of the only people to ski off the summit of Mount Everest. He also won an Academy Award for co-directing the documentary Free Solo.

“So much of my work has to do with storytelling that will broaden the understanding of the world around us,” says Chin. “I was attracted to collaborating with Panerai because of the brand’s unique story and long heritage of creating tools that enable exploration.”

Panerai Submersible Chrono Flyback J. Chin Xperience Edition配置輕巧但無比堅固的47mm啞黑色DLC塗層鈦金屬錶殼, 而錶冠、擒縱零件和錶圈則為磨砂鈦金屬。圓點、時標及指針覆 蓋Super-Luminova夜光物料,灰色錶盤綴以藍色中央計時秒針, 營造如雪山景象般對比分明的設計。這個限量版腕錶全球發行僅 14枚。

Xperience限量版的名字還有另一個意思,就是買家可以前往 金國威位於懷俄明州Jackson Hole的住所,跟他進行探索之旅。 為期數天的旅程,參加者會全程融入金國威的日常生活,一同進 行各種戶外活動如攀山及滑浪,了解他的消遣活動及最喜歡的餐 廳等。

兩款腕錶均搭配P.9100自動上鏈機械式機芯,為優秀探險家 提供精準的計時功能。飛返功能藉由8點鐘位置的一個按鈕控制, 可以將計時針撥回至零的位置,同時立刻開始重新運轉,且配備3 日動力儲存。

錶背刻有群山、交叉擺放的滑雪橇以及美國國旗的圖案,代 表金國威在多個方面的成就,另刻有「Jimmy Chin Edition」字樣。 每枚腕錶配備梯型針式錶扣及兩條錶帶:一條以合成橡膠和灰色 技術布料製成;而另一條則主要由循環再造塑膠製成,顏色為灰 色配淺藍縫線。

隨錶附有更換錶帶的工具,讓你輕鬆更換錶帶。用來盛裝腕 錶及配件的盒子亦由循環再造塑膠製成。

The Panerai Submersible Chrono Flyback J. Chin Xperience Edition features a lightweight and remarkably strong 47mm titanium case with matte black DLC coating, while the crown, the lever and the bezel are in brushed titanium. Dots, indicies and hands filled with white Super-LumiNova™, a shaded grey dial and blue accents, like the central chronograph seconds hand, compose a high-contrast palette drawn from icy mountain landscapes. The watch will be available in a limited edition of only 14 pieces.

Aptly named, the Xperience Edition includes an opportunity to join an excursion to Jackson Hole, Wyoming, where Chin resides for much of the year. There, participants will be his guests for several days, getting an intimate view of his life through outdoor adventures, including climbing and wakeboarding, his leisure pastimes and favourite dining destinations.

Engineered with the precision required by elite adventurers, these watches are powered by the P.9100 movement. It features the flyback function, which allows the chronograph to reset and restart with one press of the pusher at eight o’clock, and a power reserve of three days.

The caseback is engraved with imagery that evokes Chin’s diverse and celebrated achievements: a dramatic mountain range, intersecting skis and a United States flag, along with a “Jimmy Chin Edition” inscription. Each watch features a trapezoidal pin buckle and two straps: a dual-material strap composed of rubber and grey technical fabric and another one made mainly of recycled plastic, in grey with light blue stitching.

Also included is a tool to allow interchangeability of the straps and a screwdriver for removing the buckle. The watches and their accessories are housed in boxes made from recycled plastic.

PANERAI SUBMERSIBLE CHRONO FLYBACK JIMMY CHIN EDITION (PAM01208) 機芯:P.9100自動上鏈機械式機芯,完全由沛納海研製,13¾法分,厚 8.15毫米,31石,Glucydur®平衡擺輪,每小時振動28,800次。Incabloc® 防震裝置。兩個發條盒。302個零件。 功能:時、分、小秒盤、飛返計時、秒針歸零 動力儲存:3日 防水性能:300米 錶框:直徑47mm。磨砂鈦金屬Sapphire DLC。鈦金屬陶瓷逆時針旋轉錶 圈帶刻度標。磨砂鈦金屬錶冠安全鎖裝置。藍水晶石。 錶盤:灰色,附夜光小時標示及圓點。3點鐘位置設日期顯示,9點鐘位置 設小秒盤,中央計時秒針和分針。磨砂鈦金屬錶背為旋入式及帶有鐫刻。

MOVEMENT: Automatic mechanical, P.9100 calibre, executed entirely by Panerai, 13¾ lignes, 8.15mm thick, 37 jewels, Glucydur™ balance, 28,800 alternations/hour. Incabloc™ anti-shock device. Two barrels. 302 components. FUNCTIONS: Hours, minutes, small seconds, chronograph flyback, seconds reset. POWER RESERVE: Three days. WATER RESISTENCE: 300 metres. CASE: Diameter 47mm. Brushed titanium DLC. Titanium ceramic anticlockwise rotating bezel with graduated scale. Safety Lock crown protection device in brushed titanium. Screw and engraved caseback in brushed titanium. Sapphire crystal formed of corondum. DIAL: Shaded grey with luminous hour markers and dots. Chronograph hour counter at 3 o’clock, small seconds at 9 o’clock and central chronograph seconds and minute hands. US$43,200

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