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瑞典光譜 sWeden’s pholc

KandinsKy, by broberg & ridderstråle 靈感來自包豪斯風格的畫,手吹玻璃波波令室內氣氛更加溫潤。 inspired by bauhaus style, the hand-blown glass globe softens the mood in a space.

瑞典光譜 IllumInatIng desIgn


sweden’s Pholc blends art into stylish lighting—and living

Story | Zu Hui Photography | Courtesy of Pholc

瑞典設計品牌Pholc成立於2015年,但超過半世紀以來,它體內 流着會發光的血——前生是瑞典南部傳統照明品牌,自1962年開始生 產燈具,不過今日有全新理念及品牌形象。

Pholc來自瑞典南部一個叫Småland的地區,由一對夫妻Maja及 Samuel Norburg主理。Småland字面意思是small land。原來設計不 一定來自大城市,這個寧靜地區多年來都是瑞典品味搖籃。這裡玻璃 製品廠多的是,手指隨意指一指,就是一所可以追溯到十八世紀的玻 璃工房。這裡也是眾多瑞典家具設計師的故鄉,包括他們的國民設計 師Bruno Mathsson,你不熟悉Mathsson都一定見過他筆下的家俬,甚 至買過抄他款的家俬。很多瑞典古老家具廠仍在用櫸木和白蠟木造可 以坐一世的椅子。順便提一提,Ikea也是在Småland成立的。

Småland有另一優良傳統,就是他們瑞典南部人以勤勞著稱,經 驗豐富之餘要求又嚴格。有這種品牌文化,Pholc跟全部來自瑞典的 設計師合作,成品便都非常北歐非常瑞典。自Monika Mulder以她的 Mobil燈贏了瑞典Elle Deco設計獎,Mobil就成為Pholc的招牌作,一燈 風行。

Swedish designer brand Pholc has been illuminating the world for nearly 60 years, even though it was only incorporated in 2015. Evolving from its previous incarnation as a traditional lighting brand in southern Sweden dating back to 1962, it continues to shine with new ideas under a different brand image. Founded by couple Maja and Samuel Norburg, Pholc hails from the southern Swedish province of Småland (small land), proof that high design doesn’t always come from big cities. This tranquil area has been a cradle of Swedish style for years. Glass manufacturers are aplenty here, with some workshops dating back to the 18th century. The region is also home to many Swedish furniture designers, including national icon Bruno Mathsson, whose works are well known and have inspired other furniture designers. Beech and ash are still used widely in many classic Swedish furniture plants here, including iconic Ikea. Småland is synonymous with hardworking, experienced and meticulous artisans, including those at Pholc. A case in point is Pholc’s signature product Mobil, which earned its designer, Monika Mulder, the Elle Decoration Swedish Design Award.

Strangely, though, this “designed in Sweden, made in Sweden and awarded in Sweden” creation was actually inspired by New York. Mulder had in mind a simple and functional lamp for a New York loft. She blended the black finish on many of New York’s balconies with the lights on the Brooklyn Bridge to deliver a unique Swedish design.

apollo, by broberg & ridderstråle 系列有多種顏色,可以單獨使用,亦可以配搭不同顏色,掛高掛低起落有致。 Available in a range of colours, it can be used stand-alone, or in a mix of colours and composition.

Romb, by broberg & ridderstråle 肉桂色系加上瓦通條紋,令Romb座檯燈俊朗剛健。 the cinnamon tone and rippled effect give it a masculine appeal.

不過世事奇妙,這個出自瑞典設計師瑞典品牌瑞典製造瑞典得獎的 燈,靈感卻來自紐約。Mulder開始幫Pholc設計Mobil時,只想要一盞可以 在紐約閣樓上使用、好看簡潔又好用的燈。設計師想到紐約那些黑鐵騎樓風 光,以及布魯克林大橋上圓形路燈散發出來的夜色。Mobil就是結合這兩種 紐約重要元素,成就一盞瑞典/北歐設計。Mobil最正之處是那些發光波波可 以擰來擰去,因應需要調校位置。不過看上去又一體成形,乾淨簡潔優雅。


北歐人比較內斂,不過瑞典人在北歐多國中又比較開心鬼馬。Mulder 跟Pholc的另一個合作,同樣展示了她的瑞典式鬼馬。Bounce表面是低調金 屬物料加一個個圓渾發光波波,這些表面上嚴肅簡潔的元素好鬼馬地連接一 起,一個又一個半圓變成一個又一個波浪層層疊,搶眼跳躍。設計師建議所 有能容得下長檯的家,上面吊一盞Bounce就堪稱完美。

Kandinsky吊燈的靈感則來自同名俄羅斯畫家Wassily Kandinsky上世 紀二十年代的抽象圓圈畫,渾圓波波與穿插其中的發光長矛飾演燈的主角。 設計師Mats Broberg及Johan Ridderstråle將Småland特有的吹玻璃技藝盡 情發揮,把度身訂造的光源融入玻璃波波之中,無縫接合。燈光從手工吹 製的煙燻玻璃中散射出來,未開燈時它已經是一幅畫,開燈後就是一種獨特 氛圍。

Romb是Kandinsky,Broberg&Ridderstråle這對瑞典組合剛剛為 Pholc設計的座檯燈。平日他們用好多瓦通紙來砌建築模型,便忽發奇想不 如用瓦通紙來砌一盞燈。Romb結構非常簡單,用瓦通紙摺成一大一細菱 形,上大下小。上面的大菱形當燈罩,下面的細菱形當燈座。無論是燈頂還 是燈座,Romb都可以透射出別緻光線。當然,推出市面的Romb不是瓦通 紙造,換上堅固耐用又易清潔的金屬物料。Broberg&Ridderstråle希望這盞 燈未開時都像一件雕塑。這就是Pholc的理念:透過燈光將藝術融入生活。

Mobil’s pendants can be turned every which way to form a variety of desired compositions, yet remain one cohesive, elegant form with clean lines.


Scandinavians have a reputation for being relatively reserved, but the Swedes may be the playful lot among them. This is apparent in Bounce, another Mulder creation. opal glass globes hanging off the tips of understated metal arches look straight-laced and minimalistic on their own, but when many pendants are added, they provide a bouncy and whimsical spin—perfect hanging above an oblong table.

The Kandinsky, on the other hand, was inspired by the abstract circular paintings of 20th-century Russian artist wassily Kandinsky. Its form consists of a long spear piercing a sphere. Designers Mats Broberg and Johan Ridderstråle celebrate Småland’s tradition of hand-blown glass with this piece, seamlessly shaped custom-made smoked glass spheres that glow. It’s an art piece in its own right, and its soft diffused light defines the mood of a space.

Romb is a table lamp designed by Broberg & Ridderstråle. The duo experimented by utilizing rippled cardboard, a material used mostly for making architectural models. The Romb design is simple, with two rhombus forms of different sizes stacked together to cast light upward and downward. The final product is not made with cardboard, but with durable and easy-to-clean custom-pressed steel. Broberg & Ridderstråle intended it as a sculpture, in tune with Pholc’s ethos of blending art into stylish living through illumination.

EdgE, by MoNikA Mulder 未開燈時見到Edge的圓潤線條已經心情舒暢。 the smooth silhouette of the light is soothing, off or on.

bouncE, by MoNikA Mulder 燈如其名,結構簡潔但線條跳脫。可因應家居環境選擇波波數量。 Choose the number of pendants to create a bouncy light for your home.

Hans, by MoNikA Mulder 用波浪線條,令金屬燈罩更見柔和。 wavy lines help soften the metal shade.

邊走邊飲 “Hopping” along tHe BC ale trail

explore everything British Columbia has to offer—great cities, incredible nature and diverse craft breweries

Story | Iris Yim Photography | BC Ale Trail

卑詩省正從疫情中復蘇,放寬限制鼓勵民眾在省內度假遊玩, 是時候走出家門親近大自然,去發現卑詩省的美好所在了。若能跟 從一個主題去到旅行中不斷探索和體驗,這行程必然更為引人入勝 及別有意義。

BC Ale Trail是Destination British Columbia和BC Craft Brewers Guild合作推出的計劃,五年以來為民眾提供自助式行程, 重點介紹當地精釀啤酒廠到訪路線及其當季最新出品,以及周邊的 超級自然景觀,讓你邊走邊喝。BC Ale Trail把全省5個地區分成20 條遊覽品酒路綫,民眾可一一探索卑詩省共約二百多家啤酒廠。且 讓BC Ale Trail成為民眾開啓驚喜之旅的嚮導。

卑詩省各地的啤酒坊已再次開放室內品酒室,且大多數啤酒廠 還設有戶外空間和露天座位,可以安全地歡迎到訪賓客。還有什麼 比在陽光明媚的露台上品嘗冰鎮啤酒,欣賞怡人風光更為賞心樂事 的呢?

卑詩省精釀啤酒廠於今夏發佈了五十多種新款啤酒,無論是 在露台啜飲還是於公園野餐時品嘗,卑詩省各地的啤酒廠都有充足 及嶄新的存貨。請查看BC Ale Trail網站bcaletrail.ca以獲取完整列 表,又或許下面的推介正合你意。

As British Columbia continues its pandemic recovery, travel restrictions have been eased and out-of-province visitors are being welcomed. What could be more enjoyable than savouring a cold craft beer on a sunny terrace?

The BC Ale Trail was launched five years ago, a joint project of Destination British Columbia and the BC Craft Brewers Guild. The self-guided itineraries feature ale trails spanning five regions of the province, highlighting more than 200 breweries and the super, natural landscapes that surround them and feature a wide range of outdoor activities.

Breweries across British Columbia have reopened indoor tasting rooms, and most of them also have outdoor spaces to welcome visitors. More than 50 new beers were released this summer, and the supplies are plentiful.

Visit bcaletrail.ca for all the details.

Faux Paw Cherry Saison (6.5% ABV | 25 IBU) Mt. Begbie Brewing (on the Kootenay Rockies East Ale Trail) 數年前,當Mt. Begbie Brewing Co.正在建造新的釀酒坊時,一隻熊偶然走過 剛澆完的混凝土泥板上,留下一串腳印。這款限量發行的啤酒採用令人愉悅 的甜櫻桃醬釀製,以好奇熊的足印為標志,以示紀念。 When Mt. Begbie was building its new brewery last year, a bear walked across a freshly poured concrete slab, leaving its paw prints forever preserved in the brewery’s floor. This limited-release beer, brewed with cherry purée, celebrates that curious bear’s faux paw. Nautical Nonsense Pineapple Sour with Pink Sea Salt (4% ABV | 8 IBU) Slackwater Brewing (on the Penticton Ale Trail) 瀰漫菠蘿香,是酸味和鹹味的有趣踫撞。 It is light and refreshing with sweet pineapple, balanced by a light, tart body and a gentle salty finish.

More Often Than Not Apricot Blonde Ale (4.7% ABV | 18 IBU) Twin City Brewing & Dog Mountain Brewing (on the Vancouver Island Part 2 Ale Trail) 由Port Alberni兩家釀酒廠合作的這款色澤金黃的啤酒,摻入了淡淡的柑橘類 simcoe和果香的amarillo,然後以香杏為調料,帶青檸的清新感覺。 A collaboration between two Port Alberni breweries, this fruit-forward blonde ale is lightly hopped with citrusy Simcoe and fruity Amarillo, then conditioned on apricot.

Mandarina Bavaria Sour Ale (6% ABV | N/A IBU) Apricot Wild Ale (5.8% ABV | N/A IBU) Persephone Brewing (on the Sunshine Coast Ale Trail) Mandarin Bavaria Sour Ale採用Mandarina Bavaria啤酒 花釀製,富濃郁的柑橘果酸;Apricot Wild Ale則帶時髦 的香杏氣息。 Made exclusively with Mandarina Bavaria hops, this sour ale packs a seriously citrusy punch. Loads of apricots and Brettanomyces make for a funky fruit-forward brew.

Ponkan Pale Ale (5% ABV | 30 IBU) Twa Dogs Brewery (on the Victoria Ale Trail) 這款新發布的Pale Ale以橘子茸釀造,形成清脆多汁的柑橘味淡啤酒,具有橙皮 和啤酒花的明亮風格。 Brewed with tangerine puree, this crisp and juicy, citrus-infused pale ale has bright flavours of orange rind and hops.

Bayard Farmhouse Saison (5.5% ABV | 25 IBU) Mistral Riesling Saison (6% ABV | 18 IBU) Strange Fellows Brewing (on the Yeast Vancouver Ale Trail) Saison原是專為比利時和法國北部工人釀製的啤酒,口味清爽。精選酵母、小 麥及緩慢的釀造過程帶來不一樣的口感,帶有白胡椒的野味辛辣及梨果的微酸 滋味;Mistral Riesling Saison則是曾於釀製過雷思令的酒桶中陳釀,雖不是雷 思令卻有近似這葡萄酒乾身明亮的精妙口感。 Originally brewed for farm workers in Belgium and northern France, it is a refreshing and versatile style of beer with notes of white pepper, pome fruits and a delicate acidity. This dry bright saison was aged in Riesling barrels with a unique yeast culture. It is not unlike a classic Riesling wine, featuring flavours reminiscent of lime, petrol and dry earth. Super Neat Saison (6.4% ABV | 12 IBU) Mighty Peace Brewing (on the Northern BC Ale Trail) 用當地莓果haskap和黑加侖釀造。 This saison is brewed with local Peace region haskaps and black currants.

Raspberry Lemon Sourweisse (5.2% ABV | 16 IBU) Mango Party Cream Ale (5.2% ABV | 22 IBU) Faculty Brewing (on the Vancouver - Brewery Creek Ale Trail) 兩款新口味啤酒:Mango Party Cream Ale是與Wize Coffee Leaf合作,將口感細 滑的啤酒注入Wize的Mango Party茶,並融合Mandarina Bavaria啤酒花的柑橘 味;粉紅色的Raspberry Lemon Sourweisse帶酸味,添加了紅莓和檸檬,果味濃 郁。 A kettle sour wheat ale with added raspberry and lemon. It’s millennial pink, fruity and refreshing. A collaboration with Wize Coffee Leaf. This smooth and crushable cream ale is infused with Wize’s Mango Party tea and enhanced by citrus notes from Mandarina Bavaria hops

All Inclusive Pineapple Coconut Sour (5.5% ABV | N/A IBU) Wheelhouse Brewing (on the Northern BC Ale Trail) 以菠蘿釀製,帶酸味,並加入烤椰子陳釀。 This kettle sour was brewed with pineapple and aged on a heap of housetoasted coconut.

Hula Hula Shake (5.4% | 12 IBU)) Main Street Brewing (on the Vancouver - Brewery Creek Ale Trail) Berliner Weisse風格,帶果子露式的酸味,融合了新鮮的百香果、 鮮橙和番石榴茸以及淡淡的香草味。 This Berliner Weisse-style beer is a sherbet-y sour slammer that combines fresh passionfruit, orange and guava purée with subtle hints of vanilla.

Sunkissed Grapefruit Radler (5.2% ABV | 15 IBU) The Noble Pig Brewhouse (on the Kamloops, Shuswap and Vernon Ale Trail) 注入了西柚,是理想的庭院小酌酒品。 This grapefruit-infused beer is an ideal patio sipper. Zest in Show IPA (5.8% ABV | 22 IBU) Luppolo Brewing (on the Yeast Vancouver Ale Trail) 含鮮橙、西柚及西海岸啤酒花的風味,富有熱帶果香如菠蘿和柑橘類水果的香氣。 Luppolo’s twist on an East Coast IPA has loads of fresh zested orange and grapefruit, yet plenty of West Coast hops. Aromas of tropical citrus fruit lead to flavours of pineapple and tangerine with a zesty finish.

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