AccelerAte It champion race car driver shares his thoughts about the 2021 Mid-engine chevrolet corvette Stingray Story | Norris McDonald Photography | Norris McDonald, General Motors of Canada 多年前我與太太和兒子駕車旅遊時,途中打算到Starbucks小休。正 當我們把車泊在街邊的時候,一輛2010年款奧迪R8 Spyder V10跑車在店 鋪前停下,吸引了我們的目光。是什麽樣的人駕駛這款到現在仍然非常 時髦的跑車?我們都十分好奇。 一位應該已有90歲,需要用兩根手杖來保持平衡的老伯勉強地從車 裡鑽了出來,然後站直身子。我兒子輕聲說:「這樣的車該是給年輕人 的。」而我太太則說:「只有老人家才買得起!」
E L I T E G E N. C A
Years ago, I was out with my wife and son and we decided to stop in at a Starbucks. As we parked up the street, a 2010 Audi R8 Spyder V10 pulled up in front of the store. Since the R8 is a snazzy car, even now, we were curious to see who was behind the wheel. We watched as a guy, who had to be 90 and needed two canes to maintain his balance, managed to get out of the car and stand up straight.