May / June 2021 EliteGen Vancouver

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May/June 2021 Vol. 57 Vancouver

VancouVer MaY/June 2021

luxurY liVing for canada's chinese elite


biking WiTh louis VuiTTon

A sing tao publicAtion


Dancing DiamonDs by choparD


bEauTy sos


paris & milan Fall/WinTEr 2021

Workin' mom

Display until June 30, 2021


Jessalyn Wanlim

走過 高山低谷

A sing tao publicAtion

luxury living for cAnAdA's chinese elite

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 黃敬強 Calvin Wong 副社長 Associate Publisher 葉子青 Leslie Yip

編輯部 editorial 編輯及美術總監 Editorial/Design Director 華艾朗 Alan A. Vernon 編輯 Editor 李彩 Connie Li 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 卓穗良 Kannis Cheuk 編審 Copy Editor Ross Hopkins 編輯部 Editorial enquiries / 604-321-1111

參與 Contributors Simon J Boucher-Harris, Iris Chui, Michelle Demaree, Kenson Ho, Norris McDonald, Michael Muraz, Crystal Ng, Isabelle Ngai, Truc Nguyen, Shuk Wa Tsang, Miranda Tsui, Emilia Ku Yazar, Iris Yim

互聯網及社交媒體 Online & social media 統籌 Coordinator 陳麗華 Tiffany Tan / 王碧琪 Becky Wong

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出版 Publishing Published by Sing Tao Media Group Canada, affiliated with Torstar 加拿大星島傳媒集團出版,附屬多倫多星報

星尚歡迎來稿,但不對投稿負上任何責任。 星尚每年出版六期 。所有內容均為本刊資產。 eliteGen welcomes submissions but is not responsible for unsolicited materials. eliteGen is printed 6 times a year. Entire contents are property of eliteGen . 8508 Ash Street, Vancouver, BC Canada V6P 3M2

置 身 於 SUB-ZERO 及 WOLF的 陳 列 室 , 就 仿 如 佳 餚 美 食 當 前 , 牽 動 你的感官味蕾!

歡迎親臨切身感受,揀選合適你廚房的品味之列,無論是初試設施 以至大廚級的要求,定能令你的感官得到全新體驗!


publisher’s letter

讓我們一起分享 Tales To Tell 北京出生的華裔電影導演趙婷憑藉《浪跡天地》在各 大電影頒獎禮上風光無限。她在接受媒體採訪時說,作 為電影人,可以用電影講故事,並且與人們一起分享, 是一件非常幸運的事情。是啊,分享,是人類的共情, 在經歷了漫長的疫情之後,相信每一個人對這兩個字都 有了更深的理解和體會。 我很幸運,作為一個雜誌製作人,有機會和我的同 事們一起和讀者們分享—一起追逐一年又一年,一季又 一季不斷變幻的時尚潮流;用一件件華服、一款款首 飾、一道道美食、一處處風景,給讀者講述一個又一個 動人的故事。

By the time you hold this magazine in your hand, the Oscar winners would have been revealed. This year I was rooting for Nomadland, directed by the Beijing-born American filmmaker Chloé Zhao. In a recent interview, she remarked that what she loves most about movie-making is the opportunity to tell stories through her work. Yes, story-telling is a fundamental part of human nature. Anthropologists would even say story-telling is central to human existence. And our cover girl Jessalyn Wanlim also has an inspiring story to tell. The Chinese-Canadian actress is best known for playing Evie Cho on the hit TV show Orphan Black. In our exclusive interview, she shares with us her 20-year journey from budding ballerina at the National Ballet School of Canada to leading lady in the CBC original series Workin' Moms. Her success was not without struggle, but in the end, persistence and hardwork paid off.

又到五月花季,時尚大舞台一如繁花般五彩繽紛, 我們迫不及待要與讀者們分享。在這個舞台上各大品牌 上演着2021-22秋冬時裝大秀;蕭邦用時針撥動鑽石, 跳起歡快的舞蹈;香奈兒以令人歎為觀止的珠寶首飾唱 出了一首獻給水都威尼斯的讚歌;路易士威登把原本再 普通不過的腳踏車騎入了奢華的殿堂。

We also go face to face with up and coming singer SSUN. Born in Shanghai and now a full-time Toronto resident, this young talent recently released her first-ever English EP. Integrating her many years of classical training in both music theory and composition, her music spans multiple genres and is both fresh and familiar at the same time. She is equally at ease modelling the latest in our spring fashion feature, a collaboration with Bayview Village Shopping Centre.

女人如花,由繁花我自然想到了女性,其實在當今 世界,女性全然不像花兒那樣嬌柔脆弱,在我們這期所 分享的許多故事裡,都有一個努力奮鬥自強不息的女性 靈魂——卡加利華裔女演員溫林堅持二十年,終於在 CBC原創劇集《 Workin’ s Moms》中擔綱;多倫多的歌手 SSUN,接受嚴格的音樂訓練多年,如今攜發行單曲之 勢闖入時尚圈。

While most of us embrace the warmer weather, changing seasons can wreak havoc on our skin and hair. But fret not: we’ve tried and reviewed the latest products to address your hair and skin concerns.

別忘了,五月還有一個特別獻給母親的日子,我要 在此向所有母親,所有女性道一聲珍重,希望你們多多 愛護、保養自己。雖說對你們的生活我提不出多少建 議,但起碼,我能在這個容易引起皮膚不適的季節,與 你們分享一些護膚養髮的應急方法。 無 論 喜 怒哀樂,有分享,我們的生活才會變得更 好。在未來的日子裡,eliteGen會把更多更好的內容分 享給你們,我親愛的讀者。

And just as spring flowers are now bursting in a riotous display of colour, this issue, too, is blooming with brilliant ideas like Chopard’s dancing diamonds, Chanel’s sparkling ode to the City of Water, Louis Vuitton’s bespoke bicycles and, of course, a first look at what to expect on the fashion front for fall/winter. So turn the page, and enjoy.

Leslie Yip Associate Publisher Twitter & Instagram: leslieyip0911


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up front 8 團隊 Masthead

10 出版人的話 publisher's letter

14 鎂光燈下 on the red carpet

fashion 16-41 潮流特區 paris & Milan fashion week 2021, louis Vuitton, arMani beauty & scents 42-49 美容急救有道 beauty sos, dior celebrity 50 封面故事 走過高山低谷 coVer girl: Jessalyn wanliM





66 jewellery 58 威尼斯印象 chanel, celestial chic fashion: men 66 傳遞正能量 the 2021 fall/winter Menswear collection


timepieces 72-77 時間之舞 chopard, oMega

interior design 78 人造野生 design by nature lifestyle 84 ask for luigi「麵麵俱到」 fresh handMade pasta 88 全加蒸餾烈酒賽卑詩摘金 b.c. distilleries doMinate at casc


92 打造夢想之家 create your dreaM hoMe automobiles 96 越野歷險之選 ford bronco sport


Dress coDe: oN the ‘reD’ carpet

風情萬種 maRvelous meRmaid

潤白如月 sassy shoulderless

氣場全開 all tied up




Tong Liya 佟麗婭一襲Rasario 2020秋冬復古束腰絲絨抹胸 裙,微卷短髮加上緊束上身盡顯窈窕身段,魚尾裙 擺又讓人產生搖曳生姿的聯想。


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Kitty Zhang 一直給人「戰力」十足的張雨綺,以純白落肩曳地長 裙出戰頒獎禮,將「戰力」收斂得恰到好處,溫潤形 象更顯可愛。

Li Yuchun 李宇春身着alexander mcQueen 2021早春系列西 裝,厚重黑色與蝴蝶結美麗相撞,剛柔並濟,氣場 全開。

special supplement


SSUNS H 新晉加藉華裔歌手SSUN聯同 《eliteGen》前往Bayview Village親試今季最潮新品。

Rising Chinese-Canadian star SSUN and eliteGen head to Bayview Village to test drive some of this season’s hottest trends Story | Leslie Yip Photography | Simon J Boucher-Harris

半透明多層次穿搭 誇張肩線 大件配飾 金色粗鏈項鏈 黃色包包 過去一年,相信大家穿得最多的便是 運動服,現在都急不及待迎接時裝潮流的 回歸。因此,我們相約剛推出首張EP的歌 手SSUN前往Bayview Village購物中心, 親身試穿清單上的最潮單品。

Sheer layerS, check. Bold ShoulderS, check. overSized acceSSorieS, check. Gold chain necklace, check. yellow BaG, check. after a year of lazy lockdown loungewear, we are more than ready to welcome some fashion panache back into our lives. and so, armed with a style checklist, we took singer SSun, who has just released her debut eP, to try out some haute new looks at Bayview village Shopping centre.


Left: Top, Riani C’est Moi bustier, Honey Pants, Judith & Charles Chrome Hearts sunglasses, Squint Eyewear Gianfranco Ferré pin, Second Nature Boutique Gucci earrings, Pomellato bracelet & Crivelli ring, all Berani Jewellery Design Right: Greta Constantine top, Andrews Envl pants, Lemor Rebecca Minkoff purse, Browns Pomellato earrings, Fope bracelet & Crivelli ring, all Berani Jewellery Design

special supplement

今季時裝潮流充滿希望與趣味。高腰、闊腳、燈籠 袖及誇張的肩線象徵強勢,而利用半透明上衣的多層次 穿搭加上蓬鬆的細節位可令造型剛中帶柔。誇張的配飾 散發自信,閃爍的物料及質感令視覺效果更突出。基本 色調以單色為主,但整體造型卻絕不單調。

The fashion mood this season is definitely filled with hope and playfulness. high waistlines, wide legs, balloon sleeves and dramatic shoulders create strong definition, softened by sheer layers and flouncy details. Statement accessories exude confidence, while sparkling materials and shiny textures add visual interest. The base palette may be monochromatic, but the look is anything but monotonous.

Top: Laltramoda blazer & pants, Sandro Stuart Weitzman sandals, Browns Roberto Coin necklace, Gucci bracelet, both Berani Jewellery Design

Right: Beulah dress, Lemor Chanel chain belt, Second Nature Boutique Stuart Weitzman sandals, Browns Earrings, Swarovski Bracelet, Banana Republic

Left: Top, Judith & Charles Venti6 skirt, Honey Chris tian Dior boots, Second Nature Boutique Jacques Marie Mage sunglasses, Squint Eyewear Rodo purse, Second Nature Boutique Jenny Bird necklace, Andrews Gucci bracelet, Berani Jewellery Design

special supplement

Shirt, Riani Rings (left hand) Crivelli rings (right hand) Roberto Coin ring and Chopard ring Gucci necklace, bracelet & earrings, all Berani Jewellery Design

關於SSUN 在上海土生土長,及後移居多倫多的SSUN,說得上是現世代的音樂奇才。父親為鋼琴老師而母親則是歌手,她自三歲 起已經跟音樂結下不解之緣。雖然自小接受古典音樂的樂理及作曲培訓,但她的唱功及音樂路線非常廣泛,能輕鬆駕馭不同 類型的作品,如騷靈的 「Dear Lover」 、 「Let Me Go」 ,簡單的曲調讓她盡情展現其嗓音,又或者節奏明快的流行歌 「Motive」。 除了音樂之外,SSUN的藝術品味亦見於她的街頭時尚風格。想欣賞她的最新MV及下載其EP「Eclipse」,可參閱。

aBouT SSun Born and raised in Shanghai before relocating to Toronto, SSun is somewhat of a modern-day musical prodigy. with a piano teacher father and singer mother, she began her own musical journey at the tender age of three. while she is classically trained in music theory and composition, her vocals and melodies are far-ranging and span multiple genres, seamlessly shifting from soulful songs such as “dear lover” and “let Me Go”, which showcases her effortless vocals over stripped-down keys, to more upbeat, quintessential pop songs like “Motive”. SSun’s artistry extends beyond her music. her high-fashion street style is a juxtaposition to her refined vocals. To download her eP Eclipse to view her latest music videos, visit

Naeem Khan dress Miu Miu boots both Second Nature Boutique Earrings, Swarovski Crivelli ring, Berani Jewellery Design Chrome Hearts sunglasses, Squint Eyewear

Art director / photographer: Simon Boucher-Harris Photographer assist / BTS videographers: Ray Baldeo & Tishan Baldeo Hair & MUA: Jennifer Poh Stylists: Rita Liefhebber & Colette Ascenuik

runway: women

秋冬奏鳴曲 Paris & Milan: GlaMour's back for fall/winter 2021 sparkly accents, luxurious textures and dramatic shapes take us forward to a new era of opulence










runway: women









louis vuitton

runway: women









Max Mara

runway: women





GiorGio arMani ELITEGEN




fashion: it bags

Coussin PM, $4,450


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Coussin MM, $4,950

Coussin PM, $4,450


Love it

Coussin MM $4,950

it’s all about function

Story | Connie Li Photography | Louis Vuitton Coussin MM手袋是路易士威登2021年春夏系列中最搶眼的包 包,以Coussin命名,模糊男女之別,凸顯「去性別化」概念。 這款手袋由Monogram壓花鬆軟小羊皮製成,手感細膩柔軟。包 身採用三層式結構,搭配粗鏈條肩帶,通過鉗形鉤扣聯結于包身,可 肩背亦可斜挎。又或將它夾在腋下,讓人感覺既颯又帶有幾分慵懶, 選擇從金屬色到正紅色的不同色調,以最簡單的方式引領中性時尚風。

Louis Vuitton’s Coussin MM lambskin handbag for Spring/ Summer is full of function. An adjustable leather strap allows for shoulder or cross-body carry, while the new edge chain enables underarm and baguette carry. Effortlessly combining classic elegance with personality, the Coussin MM style is the go-to for effortless fashionforward allure.

Coussin PM, $4,450

Coussin PM, $4,450


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fashion: biking in style

全車處處可見Louis Vuitton的經典元素。 The LV Bike is a reinterpretation of the classic Parisian model.


Pedal Pedigree louis Vuitton introduces the lV Bike in collaboration with Maison Tambotte Story | Leslie Yip Photography | Louis Vuitton





無論是在城市縱橫,抑或是鄉郊馳騁,只要踏着的是Louis Vuitton 這輛跟Maison Tambotte聯乘的LV Bike單車,總會惹來艷羨目光。 Maison Tambotte是成立於1912年的巴黎製造單車品牌,Louis Vuitton與之合作的首輛LV Bike單車,便是以其經典的Parisian型號作藍 本,於巴黎手工精製,結合了Louis Vuitton和Maison Tambotte在皮革和 木工方面的精湛工藝。 全車處處可見Louis Vuitton的經典元素,像是Monogram花朵圖案 的齒輪盤牙盤、「LV」造型的車架,就連坐墊、把手、剎車線、後行李架 和前籃等,同樣包裹以品牌的經典皮革。 金屬車架由Maison Tambotte在巴黎以手工打造,採用琺瑯與鍍鉻 鋼材質,透過拉伸與輕化處理,增強車體的強度,達至平穩舒適的騎乘 體驗。輪圈及泥擋以紅色染色木材製作,並帶有Louis Vuitton的圖形標 誌,精製皮革製成的座墊加入了避震彈簧,增加舒適度。 為了避免失竊及確保車主安全,單車還加入了整合式追蹤器,可以 透過手機應用程式進行定位追蹤。若要在晚間出行,可以輕觸坐墊下方 和車籃的LED燈來啟動夜間模式,即使身處黑暗也可安全騎車。 LV Bike現有五款型號供選擇,每款均提供步進式或封閉式車架, 並配備二速驅動系統,有三種不同呎碼以適應不同身高人士。紅或黑 色的Monogram單車,紅色皮革坐墊綴有Monogram打孔圖案;Damier Graphite車款則以黑灰色調、亮黃色皮革細節裝飾;「Since 1854」 Monogram款更採用了女裝藝術總監Nicolas Ghesquière全新設計的 Monogram皮革。所有車款包括亮眼的Lime Yellow自行車,都可在車架 或坐墊下方,以熱壓印工法印上個人的姓名縮寫。 此外還有限量版的Urs Fisher紅色和白色兩個版本。顧客可於全球 任何一家Louis Vuitton專門店訂購,在巴黎完成製造和組裝後,將會以 木箱包裝運送,無需組裝。

前籃和齒輪盤牙盤也都顯現Monogram花朵圖案。 The LV classic monogrammed flower can be seen on the basket, chainset and interlocking.

Whether you’re on a city adventure or exploring the countryside, you’ll be turning heads with these two-wheeled steeds. Born from a fruitful collaboration between Louis Vuitton and Maison Tambotte Paris, an artisanal Paris-based bike manufacturer established in 1912, the first-ever LV Bike is a reinterpretation of the classic Parisian model. Handcrafted in Paris, it fuses the savoir-faire of Vuitton’s leather craftmanship with Tambotte’s woodwork. Key signatures include a monogrammed flower chainset and an interlocking LV-shaped frame, nods to Louis Vuitton’s heritage. Carefully selected leather envelopes each seat and the handlebars. The bike is available with a leather basket in front or a leather luggage rack above the rear wheel that can be adjusted with an elastic strap. The metal frame is made of enamelled and chromed steel, stretched and lightened, strengthening the bike and allowing for a smoother ride. The seat, covered in refined leather, boasts shock-absorbent springs for added comfort. Wood has been incorporated for the mudguards and the multi-spoke rims are lined with wooden red-and-white branded wheel trim. To ensure both the bike’s and rider’s safety, an integrated tracker allows for same-time location via a dedicated smartphone app. For evening rides, discrete LED lights have been fitted under the seat and on the luggage rack, easily activated with a simple touch. There are currently five models of the LV Bike available, with either a step-through or closed frame, all equipped with a two-speed drivetrain. Three sizes are available to suit different heights. The Monogram bicycle, with red or black leather detailing, features a red seat fitted with iconic Louis Vuitton perforated Mahina leather. The Damier Graphite bicycle mixes shades of black and grey with bright yellow leather details. The eye-catching Lime Yellow bicycle, as well as the Damier Graphite and Monogram models, can all be personalized with one’s initials hot-stamped on the frame below the seat. The LV Bike also comes in the new “Since 1854” Monogram, created by Nicolas Ghesquière, artistic director of women’s collections. There is also the limited-edition Urs Fisher Red and White version. Each bike is crafted in Paris upon order at any Louis Vuitton store worldwide. The bike is delivered in a wooden crate with no assembly required. Prices start at approximately $16,000.

金屬車架由Maison Tambotte在巴黎以手工打造。 The metal frame is handcrafted by Maison Tambotte in Paris.





fashion: fendi



Fendi’s spring summer collection all about being bold but feminine Story | Connie Li Photography | Fendi

Silk and wool dress, $3,490 Fendi Reflections pumps, $1,350


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如白衣仙子,寧靜而雅緻;如火焰女 神,果敢而率性,標誌性Peekaboo IseeU 手袋傍身的趙薇,優雅自信的微笑與手袋 由標誌性開口弧度營造出的迷人「笑容」交 相輝映,將Fendi女性真實、精緻的魅力精 髓盡情展現。

Fendi’s iconic Peekaboo I See U bag steals the spotlight this season. In its newest handbag campaign, Fendi’s Chinese ambassador Zhao Wei reveals the emotional relationship with the Peekaboo, it’s very essence about being bold, feminine and sophisticated.

趙薇身着Fendi 2021春夏系列白色棉 質針織套裝,點綴以trompe l'oeil錯視藝術 細節,繁複的針織技巧令嚴謹正裝變得親 切隨和,隱秘低調且乾淨利落;正紅色修 身連衣裙盡顯優雅姿態,鬱金香型衣袖與 紅色氤氳出嫵媚女人味,展示Fendi女性玲 瓏有致的線條與不露聲色的高級。

The Spring/Summer collection, designed by Silvia Venturini Fendi, features signature looks worn by Zhao Wei, including a cardinal red dress with tulip sleeves and a white knitted cotton suit that evoke the elegant and natural style of the collection.

骰子造型耳飾與編織白色高跟鞋率真 又自然純粹,春夏活力撲面而來,成就點 睛之筆。

The collection also includes accessories like dice-shaped earrings and elastic lace pumps, which add a playful twist. A breath of fresh spring air.

Sweater, $1,250 Jacket, $2,750 Pants, $1,550 Peekaboo IseeU Medium bag, $5,700 Mother of pearl signature earrings, $640


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runway: GiorGio armani

超越時空 GiorGio ArmAni Privé fAll/winter 2021 transcending Seasons and Boundaries Story | Leslie Yip

Photography | Giorgio Armani

時裝世界一向均是以「季節」作分界和主導,但時裝大師 Giorgio Armani於去年5月宣布,他的高訂服系列將超脫這個 界線,是一個「沒有季節之分」的系列。 就如大師所說,時裝只有美而不應設定界線,因此華美 豐盈的天鵝絨可以配搭如蟬翼般通透的透明硬紗和薄紗,精緻 的吊帶裙襯可配襯線條明朗的細條紋面料外套;色調也是自由 跳脫猶如四季—春天的水綠、夏日的鈷藍、秋季的紫紅和冬天 的普魯士藍。不依常規的組合,卻併發出誘人魅力,特別是華 衣上的水晶和亮片,閃爍出非一般的色彩和光芒。 而在比例運用方面,更是巧妙運用對立統一的細節,緊 身上衣和飄逸長裙同場,幾何線條的領口,重新定義輪廓線條 和裁剪比例。 今次Giorgio Armani高訂時裝秀不但擺脫了季節之限,亦 打破了舉行地點的地理界限,雖然今次的高訂時裝秀是巴黎高 訂時裝周的一部分,實際上是在意大利舉行的。

In a fashion world governed by the seasons, Giorgio Armani announced last May that his latest haute couture collection would be “seasonless”. True to his word, lush velvet appeared alongside ephemeral organza and tulle; delicate slip dresses followed by structured pinstripe. The palette ranged from spring aqua to summer cobalt, autumnal magenta to winter Prussian blue. Tying together this seeming discord is a glow—micro-crystals and sequins seem to glaze every garment, adding a new dimension of light and colour. There is also ample play on proportions. Body-skimming jackets and voluminous dresses shared the runway, while geometric necklines provided excitement and definition. Merging different seasons is not the only thing that sets this collection apart. It has also dismantled traditional, physical boundaries. Although the show was streamed as part of Paris' haute couture week, it actually took place in Italy.


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「盡是光芒、滿是色彩,一份新的愉悅感覺。」 “Everything is lightness. Everything is colour, and a new joyfulness.” Giorgio Armani ELITEGEN

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runway: GiorGio armani


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破天荒的時裝秀在米蘭的Palazzo Orsini舉 行,這座華麗的巴洛克式建築距離市內備受推崇 的時裝區Quadrilatero della Moda僅數步之遙; 亦是自1996年以來Armani王國的總部和工作 室,無數作品從構思到實物的誕生之地。 由於疫情持續,Giorgio Armani這場高訂時 裝秀也是在沒有現場觀眾下閉門進行,之後透 過品牌的社交媒體發放,也讓更多人可以近距離 欣賞到如此精彩的高訂時裝秀。Giorgio Armani 稱︰「 高訂服紮根於時尚歷史,反映了超凡的創 造力和剪裁技巧,卻只是極少數人可以接觸到。 而今,通過互聯網的普及化,我們能夠讓每個人 仿若坐在秀場第一排座位般參與其中。」

For the first time, it was staged at Palazzo Orsini in Milan, an ornate baroque mansion a few steps from Quadrilatero della Moda, the city’s revered fashion district. It has been serving as the headquarters and atelier for the Armani kingdom since 1996, and this is where Armani clothes are conceived and take shape. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the show took place behind closed doors and without an audience, but the entire spectacle was broadcast through the brand’s social media channels, thus bringing the magic of haute couture to everyone around the world. Says Armani: “couture is rooted in fashion history. It represents the pinnacle of creativity and sartorial skill, but in a world available only to very few. Today, through the democracy of the internet, we are able to offer a front-row seat to everyone.” ELITEGEN

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runway: GiorGio armani

天橋上的妝容 被認為是現代煙熏眼妝的始創者的Giorgio Armani國際化 妝師Linda Cantello以她高超的化妝技巧,詮釋了品牌Privé春 夏高訂服系列的神韻︰「妝容靈感來自Palazzo Orsini的悠久歷 史和美態,結合了Armani的DNA和柔和色彩,提升系列的女人 味。」

BAckSTAGe BeAuTy—hOw TO GeT The lOOk “The makeup was a combination of the Armani DNA in soft hues to enhance the femininity of the collection and was inspired by the beauty and history of Palazzo Orsini,” says linda cantello, widely known as the inventor of the modern smoky eye, and international makeup artist for Giorgio Armani Beauty.

面部 以Armani Prima Glow-On保濕霜按摩皮膚,確保被皮膚都 吸收好後,才添加粉底霜。 先在有需要的部位使用符合本身膚色的Luminous Silk Concealer遮瑕膏,然後塗上Luminous Silk Foundation打造自 然無瑕膚色。

FAce Prepare and massage the skin with Armani Prima Glow-On Moisturizing cream, ensuring the cream is absorbed before adding the base. use luminous Silk concealer, where needed, in the appropriate shade to match the skin tone, then apply luminous Silk Foundation to create a natural, seamless complexion.


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雙眼 在眼瞼至眼眉部位塗以#43,「ICE」眼影液,力道需輕柔 但要確保效果明顯。 然後用黑色的Smooth Silk Eye Pencil眼線筆在睫毛根部以 向下和向外方向塗抹來營造陰影。

eyeS Apply eye Tint #43 “Ice” to the eyelids, up to the eyebrows (apply softly for a visible result). Then use Smooth Silk eye Pencil in black on the base of the lashes and smudge it down and out to create a shadow.

咀唇 在唇上塗以Rouge d’Armani Matte #101,“Scene”色澤 唇膏,跟着再在其上塗以Neo Nude Ecstasy Balm,為咀唇增 添健康光澤 最後塗上配合色調的Luminous Silk Glow Fusion Powder SILK雙面絲緞光感粉底。

lIPS Apply Rouge d’Armani Matte #101 “Scene” to the lips and dab some Neo Nude ecstasy Balm on top, using shade #1, to give the lips a healthy sheen finish. Powder at the end with luminous Silk Glow Fusion Powder SIlk in the appropriate shade.


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the Beauty pages


Beauty SOS Warmer Weather Brings Skincare Complications Story | Leslie Yip 天氣轉暖雖然感覺舒暢,卻原來也會為我 們的頭髮和皮膚帶來相當影響,可能是臉上出 現瘡痘,又或是髮絲折斷……幸好以下一眾產 品便如及時雨,成為最佳的急救美容好幫手。


Who doesn’t yearn for the return of spring & summer? However, it’s likely to mean an adjustment to your skincare regimen..



Spring Cleaning

Break THe CyCle

季節變更,溫度和濕度的增加亦意味着轉換潔面產品來配合需 要。Caudalie最新的Vinoclean系列包含品牌最受歡迎的潔面產品元 素,採用100%可回收/可再循環材料包裝,以達成到2022年實現零 廢物的目標。同時,大多數配方均採用更多的天然成份,並去除合 成配方和聚乙二醇成份。系列有五種質地供選擇:潔面泡沫、潔面 油、潔面奶、潔面水和潔面乳液,以適應不同皮膚類型和需要。

皮脂是人體產生的重要物質以保護皮膚,但當產生過量時, 皮膚便會變得油膩,毛孔被堵塞。Avène最新的啞光控油抗痘妝前 乳液,不僅可以立時控油,所含有的Comedoclastin更是來自菊科 草本植物乳薊種子的植物活性成份,可去除老化角質,預防毛孔阻 塞,防此黑頭和粉刺形成,令阻塞了的毛孔回復暢通。有別於其它 同類產品,它還能提供24小時的保濕效果,可作化妝底霜使用。

increased heat and humidity may require a different facial cleanser. Caudalie’s Vinoclean line encompasses all of its well-loved cleansers repackaged in 100 percent recyclable materials to help achieve its zero-waste goal by 2022. Furthermore, most of the formulas have been updated with more natural ingredients and the removal of synthetic formulas and pegs. There are five textures to choose from: foam, oil, milk, water and lotion to suit different skin types and needs.

Sebum is a vital substance produced by our bodies to help protect our skin. However, when overproduced, skin can become oily and pores clogged. Cleanance Mattifying Emulsion from eau Thermale avène contains Comedoclastin, an active ingredient derived from milk thistle seeds that acts as a comedolytic, inhibiting the formation of comedones—blemishes like blackheads and whiteheads. Unlike many similar products, it also provides 24-hour hydration and works great as a makeup base.

Caudalie Vinoclean Instant Foaming Cleanser, 150 ml | $35

Eau Thermale Avène Cleanance Mattifying Emulsion, 40 ml | $29

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三重抗氧 STriking Oil 暗瘡爆發有許多不同原因,但研究顯示,皮膚油脂氧化會損害 皮膚,而且會成為暗瘡產生的溫床。事實上,當皮膚變得油膩,抗 氧化物的含量將較低,更易形成引致暗瘡爆發的油脂氧化,成為惡 性循環。經過六年努力而成的Skinceuticals Silymarin CF高效淨化 抗氧精華,蘊含強效的三重抗氧化精華,水飛薊、左旋維他命C及 Ferulic Acid,保護肌膚免受自由基侵害,避免過早出現老化跡象及 引致暗瘡爆發的油脂氧化。適合油性肌及瑕疵暗瘡肌膚。

Breakouts have many underlying causes, but research indicates the oxidation of skin oils can damage skin and create a favourable environment for blemishes to form. in fact, blemish-prone skin has been shown to have a lower level of antioxidants, leaving it more vulnerable to oxidative damage. Six years in the making, SkinCeuticals’ Silymarin CF is an oil-free antioxidant serum specifically formulated for oily and blemish-prone skin. it contains a precise combination of silymarin, pure vitamin C and ferulic acid to improve skin appearance and reduce visible signs of aging. Skinceuticals Silymarin CF, 30 ml | $190

蜂膠撲瘡 a prOpOliS prOpOSiTiOn 暗瘡跟年齡無關,成年人一樣會爆瘡。Institut Esthederm的 Intensive Propolis+ Purifying Mask面膜,當中的高嶺土成份富含 吸收特性,卻又不會有用後乾燥的感覺。其蜂膠成份具有舒緩和淨 化作用,能潔淨、疏通和緊緻毛孔,減少泛油,膚質看上去大為改 善。如果想快速見效,可連續使用七天,之後每星期使用2至3次; 亦可局部使用於暗瘡爆發位置。

Boosted with kaolin and its absorbing properties, institut esthederm’s Intensive Propolis+ Purifying Mask is a god-send for those suffering from adult acne. Formulated with propolis for its soothing and purifying properties, it cleanses, unclogs and visibly tightens pores, while reducing shine and refining the skin’s surface. For intensive action, use every day for seven days, then two or three times a week afterward. it can also be applied locally on irregularities. Institut Esthederm Intensive Propolis+ Purifying Mask, 75 ml | $65

補給礦物質 remineralize FOr glOW 猶如把智能電話設定於節電模式,光暗度會隨着電池耗盡而 暗淡消退;當皮膚缺乏礦物質時,也會變灰。有些必須的礦物質是 我們身體無法製造,卻會因出汗、壓力或污染等不同因素而每天流 失。Valmont的l'Elixir des Glaciers Crème Merveilleuse有助於補充 能對抗壓力和疲勞的鎂,可促進新陳代謝的錳和抗氧化的。同時蘊 含高濃度三離子複合DNA、微脂囊RNA及精萃高山有機植物精華, 發揮顯著的緊緻及拉提作用,為肌膚帶來神奇的修護再生效果,強 健肌膚皮脂屏障,提升免疫防禦力。

like a smartphone in power-save mode, skin lacking in minerals can appear grey, as if powering down. Our body can lose essential minerals every day, whether through perspiration, stress or from pollution. Valmont’s l’Elixir des Glaciers Crème Merveilleuse is a regenerating cream that helps replenish magnesium, a heavy-hitter in combatting stress and fatigue, metabolic-boosting manganese and anti-oxidating selenium. at the same time, it inhibits the breakdown of the skin’s elasticity and stimulates the production of proteoglycan, one of the key factors in achieving supple skin, with the incorporation of high and low molecular weight Dna from three types of ethically-raised sturgeon. l'Elixir des Glaciers Crème Merveilleuse, 50 ml | $1,300


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the Beauty pages




Daily DeFenCe

BrigHTen Up

age SHielD

Ultimune是資生堂的皇牌免疫力精華, 使用獨有專利ImuGeneration Technology™ 免疫再生科技,蘊含珍貴靈芝精華和鳶尾根 萃取物,激活肌底免疫力,提升肌膚日間防 禦力,夜間則促進免疫力,更有效改善因天 氣轉變引致的肌膚泛紅粗糙,使用一周后會 發覺皮膚質素提升28%,回復緊緻。它還具 有銀杏葉萃取物、紫蘇和百里香,令皮膚看 起來更加光滑、緊緻、保濕和富有彈性,讓 妝容更均勻,可於使用潤膚霜或精華素前使 用,提升效果。

不要以為可用強力化學物質來隱藏甚 至是除掉色斑。Dermalogica Powerbright Dark Spot Serum能妥善對付面上色斑,其柔 光技術於每次使用過後,能平衡本來色素沉 著不均勻的外觀。當中的煙酰胺和己基間苯 二酚更能隨着使用時間漸多而令色素褪減。 富含β-葡聚醣的香菇素可提亮皮膚,南非醉 茄則可舒緩並提供抗氧化功效,黑加侖子油 和牡丹萃取有助增強皮膚自然光澤,至於屏 蔽皮膚的活性物質能防止因污染而引起的黑 斑。

我們都知道每天塗上含SPF防曬成份的 護膚品有助於保護皮膚免受紫外線,尤其是 UVA的傷害。不加理會的話,結果便是長時 間的日光傷害導致黑斑、膚色不勻、皮膚 下垂、細紋和皺紋的出現。希望得到高效 UVA保護,方便而又輕柔的面霜,Vichy的 Liftactiv Specialist SPF 30面霜應該會是你的 選擇—不但質感輕柔,而且含有維他命Cg、 肽、透明質酸、乙醇酸和提供SPF 30防曬保 護。

Shiseido’s Ultimune skin-care collection just got stronger with imugeneration Technology. This best-selling skin booster, powered with anti-oxidant-rich reishi mushroom and iris root extracts, strengthens skin, restores firmness and defends against daily damage by 28 per cent in just one week. it also features a powerful botanical blend of gingko biloba leaf extract, shiso and thyme, resulting in skin that looks smoother and firmer, and is more hydrated and resilient. Use as a pre-treatment to enhance the efficacy of your moisturizer or serum.

Don’t hide dark spots or blast them with harsh chemicals. Tackle them with Dermalogica’s Powerbright Dark Spot Serum. light-diffusing technology begins to balance the appearance of uneven pigmentation after one use, while potent niacinamide and hexylresorcinol help fade them over time. Skin-care powerhouse shiitake mushrooms— rich in beta glucans—brightens skin, while adaptogenic ashwagandha smoothes and delivers antioxidant benefits, and black currant oil and peony flower help boost luminosity. Skin-shielding actives also help protect against pollution-induced dark spots.

Shiseido Ultimune 50 ml | $130

Dermalogica Powerbright Dark Spot Serum, 30 ml | $136


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We all know that wearing sunscreen daily helps protect your skin from harmful, damage-causing UV rays, especially UVa, which results in long-lasting sun damage like sunspots and discoloration, skin sagging, fine lines and wrinkles. For those looking for a daily moisturizer with high UVa protection in a feather-light, comfortable texture, consider Vichy’s Liftactiv Specialist SPF. This new sunscreen contains vitamin Cg (ascorbyl glucoside), peptides, hyaluronic acid, glycolic acid and broad-spectrum SpF 30 protection. Vichy Liftactiv Specialist SPF 30, 50 ml | $61.95





THiCker TreSSeS

STOp Hair lOSS

天氣轉變往往導至敏感狀況,特別是 痕癢問題。Bioderma的Atoderm SOS 噴霧 含全新速效止痕配方Skin Relief Technology 及抗炎成份,60秒舒緩痕癢,長效6小時。 專利配方Skin Barrier Therapy™含有細菌抗 黏附活性成份,減少金黃葡萄球菌繁殖及擴 散,減低皮膚持續發炎及防止病情惡化。配 合維他命PP及角鯊烯增強並修護皮膚屏障, 防止水分流失。360度噴嘴方便使用到身體 或面上。此產品被加拿大濕疹協會和國家牛 皮癬基金會認可,指對濕疹和過敏性皮膚患 者有幫助。

由三部分組成的Nioxin Scalp Relief Kit 護髮組合,不但可舒緩頭皮問題,更有立時 即增稠頭髮的效果。先用第一部分的洗髮水 輕柔去除頭上的皮脂和脂肪酸;跟着使用令 頭皮舒緩的護髮素,保護密度並可平衡頭 皮;最後是頭皮和頭髮護理部分,可增加髮 絲直徑,據報導,長時間使用的話,頭髮能 夠變得飽滿兩倍。配方不含對羥基苯甲酸 酯,硫酸鹽、著色劑和煙酰胺;經皮膚科測 試,適合敏感、乾燥和頭皮易癢者使用。

環境、健康和情緒變化均可能對身體 構成強烈壓力,嚴重的話,甚至會導致突 然大量脫髮。Kerastase的Genesis AntiBreakage Fortifying Treatment Ampoules 雙重防脫髮護理系列,配方蘊含多種活性成 份:Aminexil能抑制膠原蛋白結構硬化,有 助減少脫髮;雪絨花幹細胞可抵抗紫外線等 物質;生薑萃取物含薑醇及薑酮等物質,能 抵禦外來侵害物造成的損害。在脫髮高峰期 使用,像啫喱般的配方將毛囊重新固定到頭 皮中,為將來的生長提供最佳環境。該配方 可通過增強頭皮的天然防護屏障來舒緩和減 少痕癢。每天使用一個安瓿瓶作療程,連續 使用6周;最好配合同系列的理髮用品以收最 佳效果。

Changing seasons can often bring irritation to your skin, resulting in itchiness. Bioderma’s Atoderm SOS Spray soothes itching within 60 seconds and provides six hours of efficacy. The Skin Barrier Therapy patent protects even the driest skin from the bacteria that cause irritation, and the ultra-light texture provides an immediate sensation of coolness and comfort. The 360-degree applicator makes it easy to administer, and it can be used at any time. it is part of a product range that was awarded seals of recognition by both the eczema Society of Canada and the national psoriasis Foundation as a helpful treatment for those living with atopic and irritated skin. Bioderma Atoderm SOS Spray, 200 ml | $19.90

Nioxin Scalp Relief is a three-part regimen that soothes the scalp and thickens hair instantly. The first part is the cleansing shampoo, which gently removes sebum and fatty acids, followed by the conditioner, which balances the scalp and protects density. The third treatment increases hair strand diameter, resulting in hair that can be two times fuller. Dermatologically tested for sensitive, dry and itchy scalp, it is formulated without parabens, sulfates or colourants. Nioxin Scalp Relief Kit, $59

environmental, health and emotional changes can cause intense stress to the body. in some cases, that can result in sudden and devastating hair loss. kérastase’s Genesis Anti-Breakage Fortifying Treatment Ampoules contain a precision blend of ingredients to be used during peaks of hair loss. The jelly-like formula re-anchors the hair follicle to the root, while providing an optimal environment for future growth. The formula soothes and decreases itchiness by reinforcing the natural protective barrier of the scalp. apply one ampoule daily for six weeks. Kerastase Genesis Anti-Breakage Fortifying Treatment Ampoules, 10 x 6 ml | $95 ELITEGEN

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Making ScentS Nose documentary uncovers the secrets of Dior’s perfume creator Story | Leslie Yip Photography | Dior

Dior形容揭開香水世界迷人神秘面紗的紀錄片《Nose》為非 一般的「香氣襲人」電影。這部電影追隨旗下首席調香師François Demachy兩年,足跡遍及歐亞以訪尋製作原材料,而對我這樣一 個熱愛香水和美食的人來說,更會即時聯想起有異曲同工之妙的美 食紀錄片《Chef’ s Table》和《Michael Pollan's Cooked》—主人翁們 都同樣充滿熱情、投入和永不言倦。 為了烹製一道美味佳餚,廚師會上下尋索,追求完美食材, 費盡心思設計最有趣的組合,配合最佳烹飪方法來感動客人。看 《Nose》,只覺那份打造教人一嗅鍾情香味的堅持和過程中的難度 不相伯仲。 François Demachy家鄉Grasse的玫瑰、意大利Calabrian的佛 手柑、馬達加斯加Nosy Be的依蘭、印尼Sulawesi島的廣藿香、愛


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The House of Dior calls it an atypical smell-good movie. To me, Nose is akin to a scent-lover’s version of a great food documentary, like Netflix’s Chef’s Table or Cooked. I’m one who is passionate about fine perfumes, as well as superb food. To create a great-tasting dish, an inspired chef will search high and low for the perfect ingredients and combine them in interesting ways, using the best cooking methods. Dior’s Nose shows us that the process of creating a great scent is no lesser a feat. The documentary team spent two years following François Demachy, one of the greatest noses in global perfumery, as he explored the origin of the precious ingredients used in his creations. From the May roses of Grasse to Calabrian bergamot, Indonesian patchouli and Sri Lankan sandalwood, we meet the passionate men and women who painstakingly cultivate the exceptional raw materials to be distilled into beautiful scents.

Dior Homme Eau de Parfum is a polyphonic symphony of woods, including patchouli heart, which comes from Indonesia. 100 ml | $124

In Nose, we see the harvest of May roses in Carole Biancalana’s flower fields. They form the heart of Miss Dior Rose N’Roses. 100 ml | $146

J’adore Infinissime contains jasmines and tuberoses from Grasse, where Dior head perfumer François Demachy grew up. 100 ml | $185

爾蘭海岸的龍涎香……,到世界各地遊歷尋覓、鑑香,選擇原材料、造訪 合作農場花田、採摘、提煉、創作……,《NOSE》鉅細無遺地捕捉了香水 創作的每一步。跟有機花卉種植場建立緊密的夥伴關係,幫助珍貴的手工 藝和傳統專業知識得以延續,確保原材料的可持續性,不同範疇工作人員 的投入……,從方方面面帶領觀眾步入一個充滿美和香氣的世界。 情景交融的《NOSE》,是一部賞心悅目的電影—各種天然材料的來源 教人動容,充滿詩意的旁白和配樂引領觀眾情緒,猶如親臨其境。然而最 大的得著應該是︰從此會以不一樣的角度看香水。 往身上輕噴Miss Dior Rose N’Roses,仿如看見Carole Biancalana在 法國Grasse的Domaine de Manon花圃內的粉紅玫瑰;靠近聞一下J’ adore Infinissimie,便會想起原來要700公斤的茉莉花才能提煉到1公升的精華; 至於François Demachy在片末調製的Dior Homme eau de toilette,我終於 知道了當中成份廣藿香的出處。 跟許多介紹美食的紀錄片一樣,觀眾會為廚師們而喝采,《NOSE》 亦讓觀眾對香水的前世今生有了更深體會和欣賞。推薦大家於Apple TV、 Amazon Prime Video、Google Play和Canal VOD收看片長126分鐘的 《NOSE》。

The movie is a joy to watch: the scenery of where these natural ingredients come from is awe-inspiring. The narration is poetic and the diverse soundtrack transports you to the time and place of the story. But the greatest takeaway is that you will never look at perfumes the same way. Spritz on Miss Dior Rose N’Roses and you are smelling the pink roses you saw from Carole Biancalana’s Domaine de Manon in Grasse, France. Take a sniff of J’adore Infinissimi, and you are reminded that it takes seven hundred kilograms of jasmine flowers to make one kilo of absolute. And that bottle of Dior Homme eau de toilette? Demachy was working on its final blend in the movie, and now you know where patchouli comes from. Much like how food documentaries let you appreciate how great chefs come to be, Nose instills a deeper appreciation of what goes on inside and behind a perfume bottle. Nose is available on Apple TV, Amazon Prime Video, Google Play and Canal VOD.

導演Arthur de Kersauson和Clément Beauvais追隨品牌首席調香 大師François Demachy兩年,足跡遍布歐亞14個國家,揭開香水 世界迷人神秘的面紗。 Filmmakers Clément Beauvais and Arthur de Kersauson followed Dior’s head perfumer, François Demachy, for two years as he travelled the world, stopping in 14 countries in search of the most exquisite ingredients, shedding light of the little-known world of perfume creation


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Jug gling act Workin’ Mom Jessalyn Wanlim a real working mom Story | EliteGen team Photo | Courtesy of Jessalyn Wanlim 溫林最廣為人知的角色是CBC原創劇集《Workin’ s Moms》中所飾演的Jenny Matthews;她的星途卻經歷 了典型的荷里活式跌宕起伏。本身是中國和菲律賓混血 兒的她,是移民第二代,於卡加利成長。許多亞裔加拿 大共通的特質—勤奮和投入,讓她在演藝界堅持了將近 二十年後,得以聲名大噪。

Jessalyn Wanlim, the actor best known for her role as Jenny Matthews on the hit original CBC show Workin’ Moms, has gone through the typical Hollywood ups and downs. From her second-generation Canadian upbringing in Calgary that many born-and-raised Asian-Canadians are intimately familiar with to the hard work and dedication she’s put into her acting career for close to two decades, Wanlim has made a name for herself.





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「你何曾見過有色人種擔 任主角?每一次得到的試 鏡,都是扮演主角身邊古 靈精怪的好朋友之類…… 令我不禁想︰我未來的演 藝事業是不是就這樣?」 所以,當溫林知道她將成 為《Workin’Moms》主角 之一時,心內是何等激動 欣喜。

“You never saw any people of colour who were just in the leading role. Every audition I got was for the quirky best friend, and that’s all I thought my career was going to be.” — Jessalyn Wanlim on how thrilled she is now to be part of a diverse cast of Workin’ Moms





溫林於2014年出演美劇 《足壇密探》 。 Wanlim in the TV series Matador (2014).

在一個亞洲演員、角色和故事等代表性仍然不足的行業, 溫林走過的路成為其他同途有心人的鼓舞和典範。她曾在許 多北美主流電視劇集中扮演角色,如《Gossip Girl》、《All My Children》、《Scoundrels》、《Orphan Black》,當然還有不可不 提的《Workin' Moms》。

In an industry still reckoning with an underrepresentation of Asian actors, characters and stories, Wanlim has blazed a trail for others to follow, having landed roles in many major North American TV shows such as Gossip Girl, All My Children, Scoundrels, Orphan Black, and of course, Workin’ Moms.

我們早前跟溫林視像遙距訪談,她與我們分享了作為亞裔 的演藝之路、在疫情期間的特別攝製經歷,及第一次當媽媽, 如何平衡家庭和工作的親身感受。

We sat down with Wanlim earlier this year—virtually of course—to chat about her journey as an actor of Chinese Indonesian and Filipino descent, and to talk about filming during the pandemic while balancing the realities of being a first-time working mom.

原來,溫林的演藝歷程並不是由演戲開始。「我是姐姐的 跟屁蟲,她所做的一切,我也想做。父母很開明,讓我發掘自 己喜歡做的事。姐姐愛舞蹈音樂,我也要跳舞學音樂。」

But first, Wanlim wanted us to know that her journey didn’t start with acting: “I started off in everything arts and dance related,” says Wanlim, “following in my sister’s footsteps. Everything she did, I wanted to do and my parents were so open to just finding out what I loved to do.”

才剛三歲,溫林便參加了舞蹈班,跟着是學拉小提琴、彈 鋼琴、歌唱班……然而這些只是淺嘗即止,演戲才是主角。

At just three years old, Wanlin was enrolled in dance, followed by lessons learning the violin, the piano and how to sing. But none of those were in the cards. Acting was.



溫林的演員之路開始得有點突然。當她還是紐約Juilliard School的學生時,好朋友說服她參加非工會的廣告片和音樂錄 像試鏡。其中有一次,溫林在熱門流行曲《It Wasn’t Me》演唱 者Shaggy的音樂錄像中扮作和唱歌手。首次表演的「感覺太棒 了。」沒多久她又得到在長篇電視肥皂劇《All My Children》的角 色,讓她可以支付演戲課程的費用。到2009年,她的代理人告 訴她是時候搬到洛杉磯去。「這是要邁出的一大步。作為一個 在紐約的演員,演出機會始終有限,而他們覺得我已經準備好 了。」於是她即時收拾,片刻也不耽擱地踏上征途。 溫林形容第一年在洛杉磯是「出乎意料地成功」。然而, 即使演藝之門是打開了,但她同時也有了許多被拒於門外的遭 遇。「記得我到達洛杉磯三星期後,那時一個著名美國處境劇 說會請我做一個客串角色,經過數不盡的來回通話,終於來到 首次綵排圍讀劇本,可是跟着便被通知返回自己的更衣室。我 也不知發生什麼問題,心裏很不安,之後便被告知我被解僱 了,那角色落到一個5呎9吋的金髮女郎身上。」這麽沮喪痛苦 的打擊,令她懷疑自己能否面對將來可能會陸續有來的類似事 件。「我會想︰是否被荷里活裁掉了?」

Her career as an actor started unexpectedly while attending New York’s Juilliard School. It was a close friend who convinced her to crash auditions for non-union commercials and music videos. In fact, one of Wanlim’s first acting appearances was pretending to be a back-up singer for Shaggy (the singer best known for the hit song “It Wasn’t Me”) in one of his music videos. “It was awesome,” she says. That experience was quickly followed by her role on the long-running soap opera, All My Children, which allowed her to pay for acting classes. In 2009, her agents told her it was time to make the move—to Los Angeles, that is. “That was a big step for me, As a New York actor I think you were limited to how much work you could actually do, and they said I was ready.” So, she packed her bags and “hauled-ass” to L.A. Wanlim describes her first year as surprisingly successful. But for all the doors that opened, plenty of doors closed, too. Wanlim shares a painful anecdotal moment. After being booked as a guest star on a well-known American sitcom three weeks after arriving in L.A.—after an “insane amount of callbacks”—she landed the role. After attending the first table-read, she says, “I got sent back to my dressing room and I was like, ‘something’s weird here’. Sure enough, they fired me and ended up going with a five foot nine blonde.” She described it as a heart-wrenching moment: “It just made me question how I had to build up the strength to stomach this on a weekly basis.” Feeling somewhat disheartened, Wanlim questioned if she was cut out for Hollywood.





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《黑色孤兒院》 是一部科幻驚悚电视劇,溫林在劇中飾演大反派Evie Cho。 Evie Cho, played by Wanlim, is the main villain in Orphan Black season 4.

經過了這些年的歷練,角色的得失已不再讓溫林感到困 擾。反之,這讓有着父系華裔和印尼血統的她更勇敢面對自 己的背景在演藝路上的影響。 「我不能改變自己的亞裔背景, 那為什麼要浪費時間在這些事上呢?」被類型化雖然是個障 礙,但同樣也可以是機會。「試過因為我是當中唯一的有色 人種,會令整個組合顯得更多元化而被選上。在演藝界生存 就如進行一場艱辛的拔河比賽,是在測試考驗你的意志。」 事實上,就在她快要放棄,打算轉行當地產經紀時,收到了 《Workin’Moms》的試鏡電話。 「你知道嗎?我那刻在想︰我還 是應該去試,當演戲工作靜下來時才做房地產的工作好了。」 她付諸行動,演戲之餘,當下也在為下一個地產經紀牌照努 力中。

此一時彼一時 亞裔演員Sandra Oh吳珊卓憑《Killing Eve》成為去年的 金球獎視后;CBC另一大熱處境劇《Kim’ s Convenience》中 的加拿大華裔演員Simu Liu劉思慕更成為Marvel電影中第一 位華裔超級英雄;Paul Sun-Hyung最近在《Mandalorian》擔 任要角……亞裔演員在北美以至歐洲的演出機會和重要性均 有所增加。溫林接受卡加利660 News訪問時曾分享過自己的 感受︰「你何曾見過有色人種擔任主角?每一次得到的試鏡 都是扮演主角身邊古靈精怪的好朋友之類……令我不禁想︰ 我未來的演藝事業是不是就這樣?」能夠看到行業中出現的 積極正面改變,主要角色和故事情節的多元化,對她來說都 是激動人心的。「就如《Workin’Moms》,我和飾演我男朋友 的菲律賓裔男演員Alex Mallari Jr.是一對很有趣的亞裔情侶。 但角色沒有其實設定族裔背景,他們本可以讓任何人扮演。」 2017年開播的《Workin’Moms》,今年已來到第五季, 故事主題聚焦於返回職場的媽媽們,是備受熱捧的喜劇。溫 林說雖然這齣劇重點並不是有關於文化差異,也不是要宣揚 文化共融,但她所飾演的媽媽Jenny卻也一定程度反映了亞 洲社區的觀念。「我喜歡扮演Jenny這角色有很多原因,其中 一樣是引起觀眾共鳴,欣賞Jenny性格是如此堅強,總是要 過自己想過的生活和找出解決方法來。觀眾注意的並不是她 的文化背景,而是故事和角色無分地域,可引起全世界觀眾 共鳴;即使你不是一個母親,也一樣會被感動,因為我們身 邊到處都是在職媽媽。」

Today, however, being passed over for roles is something Wanlim doesn’t bother getting upset over. Instead it has emboldened the actor whose father is of Chinese and Indonesian descent. When asked about how her background has played a part in her journey, she says, “I can’t help that I’m Asian and I can’t help that sometimes I’m not a specific type of Asian. I’m like, what am I doing wasting my time?” But just as typecasting can be a hindrance, it can also be a benefit. “I’ve had opportunities where I’m literally the only person of colour in the mix, and they end up going with me because I’m ‘diverse’. So, it’s this really awful tug of war. L.A. has definitely tested my will.” And the call to audition for Workin’ Moms came as Wanlim was on the verge of quitting acting altogether. In fact, she was already thinking about her second career in real estate. “It was just one of those things where I was like, ‘You know what, maybe I should just stick it out and see, and do real estate when [acting] is slow’.’’ And that’s where she is now, acting while working on her next real estate license.

ON-SCREEN REPRESENTATION From Sandra Oh as the lead on Killing Eve to the cast of another CBC hit Kim’s Convenience—including the show’s Chinese-Canadian actor Simu Liu set to become Marvel’s first Chinese superhero and Paul Sun-Hyung’s recent role in The Mandalorian—Asian actors are becoming increasingly represented on North American and European screens. During an interview with 660 News in Calgary, Wanlim recalls a recurring feeling throughout her acting career: “You never saw any people of colour who were just in the leading role. Every audition I got was for the quirky best friend, and that’s all I thought my career was going to be.” For Wanlim, it’s inspirational to see such positive changes in the industry and for diversity to be reflected in the main roles and storylines like those recently on Workin’ Moms. “The representation of Asian couples is pretty fantastic. They could have gone with anyone to play this role. I’m excited to work with Alex Mallari Jr., a Filipino-Canadian, who plays my boyfriend.” Her own excitement about the show going forward is one of the reasons why Workin’ Moms continues to be a hit. Wanlim explains that her character Jenny is a mom first and foremost, and it is fantastic that she also represents the Asian community. But the show is not about cultural differences, and the goal of Workin’ Moms is not to unpeel those types of storylines. Wanlim says she loves playing the role of Jenny for many reason. One of which she says that has also resonated with the audience is that Jenny is such a strong character, a woman who is trying to, says Wanlim, “live her life and figure it out. I don’t think her [culture] is the one thing people are paying attention to.” The show has certainly resonated with a worldwide audience, whether you’re a mom or not. “I feel like the show itself is about working moms everywhere—all working moms.”





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2011年,溫林進軍大銀幕,參演音樂喜劇電影 《 灰姑娘的美聲奇跡》 。 Wanlim appeared in a teen musical comedy A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song in 2011.

溫林在熱播劇 《職場媽媽》 中飾演主角之一Jenny Matthews,形象鮮明。 Wanlim plays Jenny Matthews, one of the two tritagonists in Workin' Moms.





溫林2014年參演愛情片 《在我的夢裏》 。 Wanlim in the romance film In My Dream (2014).

溫林在2015-16年播出的科幻情境喜劇《超能高校生》中表演。 Wanlim in the sci-fi comedy Lab Rats (2015).


2008年,溫林在網絡微型劇Fresh Takes中飾演一個在生活中苦苦掙扎,努力尋找人生 位置的年輕女孩Lizzie。 Wanlim played Lizzie in the Micro-web series Fresh Takes (2008) , a “lost” friend still struggling to find out what she wants to do with her life.

儘管溫林承認在成長過程中會刻意無視自己的文化背景,以 便更易融入身邊周圍的圈子;但初為人母的她卻希望一歲的兒子 認識到她的中國和菲律賓背景。「我以前忽略了的,希望可以補回 給兒子,讓他能同時在中國和菲律賓的價值觀念下成長。」其中一 個方法便是「吃」。「我的家庭是圍着桌子長大的,大家聚集在廚房 裡邊吃邊談。要讓他熟悉所有這些不同口味的食物,對我來說真 的很重要。」 在疫情大流行期間第一次成為真正的在職媽媽,溫林直言有 「不勝負荷」的感覺。幸好她的工作容許她可以留在家中,很感恩 能夠照看兒子,不會錯過他成長中的每一秒。儘管當中也不無遺 憾—在遠方的父母不可以親自探訪,只能每天早上以視頻聊天, 這樣他們就不會錯過孫子的重要里程碑。 每個人都在期待疫情消退,不再有那麼多的限制,溫林說她 到時最希望的不是旅行,不是上餐館。「聽起來好像有點怪,但我 最希望可以帶兒子到雪糕店,一起試吃不同口味的雪糕。」

觀眾可用免費的CBC Gem應用程式,一口氣觀賞五季的 《Workin’Moms》。

A REAL WORKIN’ MOM Although Wanlim admits to disregarding her own culture while growing up so that she would “fit in”, she’s hoping to expose her one-year-old son to both sides of her heritage. “I want my son to be raised with both the Chinese and Filipino values because I was never surrounded by them,” she says. And one of the ways she plans to do that is through food. “My family was raised around the table; all we do is congregate in the kitchen and eat,” says Wanlim. “Getting him familiarized with all of these different flavours is really important to me.” And what was it like being a real, first-time workin’ mom during the pandemic? Overwhelming says Wanlim, but she says she is grateful that her work has allowed her to stay home. She relishes in the fact that she has been able to watch her boy grow up every second of the day. And although being so far away from her family during this time has been tough, they video chat with her parents every morning so they aren’t missing out on any of their grandson’s big milestones. To wrap it up, we asked Wanlim what she’s looking forward to most when the pandemic wanes and restrictions are lifted. “Forget travel, forget going to restaurants,” she says, “I know this sounds so pathetic but it’s being able to go to an ice cream shop and sample the flavours with my son.” 與 《婚外情事》 男主角Dominic West在該劇的拍攝現場。 Wanlim and Dominic West in the TV drama The Affair.

Catch up on all five seasons of Workin’ Moms on GEM, the free CBC app.





jewellery: chanel Camelia Byzantin項鏈–黃金,鑲嵌鑽石、黃色藍寶 石、紅玉、蛋白石、沙弗萊石榴石,和田玉及縞瑪瑙。 Camelia Byzantin necklace in yellow gold, yellow diamond, diamonds, yellow sapphires, carnelian, opals, tsavorite garnets, nephrite jade and onyx.


A TribuTe To The FloATing CiTy Venice is the inspiration for Chanel jewellery collection Story & Photography | Chanel Chanel Escale à Venise頂級珠寶系列,洋洋灑灑70件精工 製作,出自品牌高級珠寶創意工作室總監Patrice Leguéreau之 手,以洋溢當代氣息的設計演繹對「水都」威尼斯的無限憧憬。 威尼斯於海權時代極為繁榮興盛,「最尊貴的威尼斯共和國」 盛名流傳於世。Escale à Venise開宗明義向威尼斯致敬,結合品 牌華麗經典元素,用珍貴寶石嶄新詮釋這座城市的絢麗魅力。

Chanel’s Escale à Venise collection, comprising 70 exceptional high jewellery treasures, offers a contemporary interpretation of Gabrielle Chanel’s affinity with the Floating City. The sculptural aspect of these extraordinary stones imbues this ensemble—translated Stopover in Venice—with an aesthetic that is as precious as it is powerful.


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Lion Secret 戒指–白金與鉑 金,鑲嵌1顆重約30.92克拉枕 形切割藍色藍寶石、鑽石,及 藍色藍寶石。 Lion Secret ring in white gold, platinum, diamonds and blue sapphire.

Eblouissante可轉換式項鍊-粉紅金、鉑 金,鑲嵌鑽石。 Eblouissante transformable necklace and earrings in pink gold, platinum and diamonds.

Volute Croisiere耳環–黃金與白金,鑲嵌鑽 石、縞瑪瑙及紅色尖晶石。 Volute Croisiere earrings in yellow gold, white gold, diamonds, onyx and red spinels.

Volute Marine手環–白金及黃金,鑲嵌鑽石及 青金石。 Volute Marine bracelet in white gold, yellow gold,diamonds and lapis lazuli.

Volute Croisiere手環–黃金與白金,鑲嵌鑽 石、縞瑪瑙及紅色尖晶石。 Volute Croisiere bracelet in yellow gold, white gold, diamonds, onyx and red spinels.


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jewellery: chanel

Constellation Astrale項鏈–白金及黃金,鑲嵌 鑽石、黃色藍寶石及青金石。 Constellation Astrale necklace in white gold, yellow gold, diamonds, yellow sapphires and lapis lazuli.

Lion Emblematique耳環– 黃金與鉑金,鑲嵌鑽石及 黃色藍寶石。 Lion Emblematique earrings in yellow gold, platinum, diamonds and yellow sapphires. Volute Venitienne戒指–白金與黃金,鑲嵌鑽 石、青金石及養珠。 Volute Venitienne ring in white gold, yellow gold, diamonds, lapis lazuli, cultured pearl.


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Camelia Venitien不對稱耳環–黃 金,鑲嵌鑽石和無色水晶。 Camelia Venitien asymmetrical earrings in yellow gold, diamonds and rock crystal.

Ruban Canotier手鍊–白金及粉紅 金,鑲嵌鑽石、紅漆及黑漆。 Ruban Canotier bracelet in white gold, pink gold, diamonds, red and black lacquer.

Camelia Byzantin戒指–黃金,鑲嵌黃鑽、黃 色藍寶石、瑪瑙、蛋白石、沙弗萊石榴石、和 田玉及縞瑪瑙。 Camelia Byzantin ring in yellow gold, yellow diamond, diamonds, yellow sapphires, carnelian, opals, tsavorite garnets, nephrite jade and onyx.

Lion Secret手鍊–白金,鑲嵌鑽石。 Lion Secret bracelet in white gold and diamonds.


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Earrings by Tabbah in 18k white gold with round diamonds, $43,900


galaxy gorgeous

stars and moons the inspiration for these cosmic creations Story | Connie Li Photography | The House of Luxury 仰望星空,那片浩瀚璀璨之中隱藏了多少神秘? 在時尚領域,人類對於 宇宙星系的嚮往和對時空的幻想早已被具象化。看吧,閃爍銀星化作了晶瑩 的耳飾,彎彎月牙變幻成絢麗的吊墜,都在詮釋太空這個經久不衰的主題。 在5月7日美國太空日到來之際,我們一起走入這日月星辰。

The sky above is vast and mysterious, and our fascination with things celestial continues. Stars for earrings, crescent moons for pendants … these iconic shapes will always be hip. Let’s emhale this cosmuc chic jewellery in time for Space Day on May 7.


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Lighthouse and Boat by Dreamboule in 18k rose gold with champagne diamonds, black diamonds, 24K rose gold flakes, $47,900

Equilibrium earring by Alessa Jewellery in 18k white gold with black diamonds and colourless diamonds, $4,495

Ronde Half Moon Pendant by Terzihan in 18k rose and white gold with VS clarity diamonds, $2,450

Gold-Cabochon bracelet by Dreamboule in 18k rose gold with white diamonds and white mother of pearl, $10,800

Star Studs by Alessa Jewellery in 18k white gold with colourless diamonds, $995


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Kinetic earring by Alessa Jewellery in 18k white gold with colourless diamonds, $9,995

Ronde black branches ring by Terzihan in 18k rose gold with black diamonds, $1,800


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Big bang stars by Dreamboule in 18k white gold with white diamonds,$35,800

Cairo earring with white agate by Terzihan in 18k rose gold with natural white agate and diamonds, $4,700

B-Glam single SM by Tabbah in 18k black plates gold with round brilliant diamonds and 1 cacholong, $910

Biker cuff bracelet by Tabbah in 18k white gold and round brilliant diamonds, $155,240


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runway: men


RICH & Relaxed Fall for men about comfort and colour


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runway: men


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Louis Vuitton ELITEGEN

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ermenegiLdo Zegna

runway: men


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卡羅琳•舍費爾的母親上世紀七十年代在蕭邦工作坊中。 Karin Scheufele in Chopard's workshop in the 1970's.


Dancing DiamonDs chopard reintroduces the Happy sport Story | Connie Li Photography | Chopard 「我希望創作一款全天候皆可佩戴的腕錶:無論在健身房、在辦公 室或在市區享用晚餐。」27年前,蕭邦聯合總裁兼藝術總監卡羅琳•舍 費爾基於精鋼和鑽石這種新穎奇特的材質組合,設計出Happy Sport腕 錶,她希望女性不僅通過腕錶讀取時間,更藉此機會欣賞在腕錶上不 斷變幻、靈動旋舞的璀璨鑽石。 活動鑽石之名,源於自舍費爾的母親於1976年說的一句話:「自 由無羈的鑽石是最幸福快樂的」。活動鑽石跳脫束縛,在錶盤兩層藍寶 石玻璃間自由旋舞,而正是女性的一舉一動,為活動鑽石提供動力, 讓靈動畫面分秒不同。





“I wanted a watch that I could wear all day long—at the gym, in the office or for a dinner in town.” With that expression 27 years ago, Chopard artistic director and co-president Caroline Scheufele captured the spirit of the era by devising a sports watch based on, at the time, the unprecedented mingling of steel and diamonds. Happy Sport was born out of this bold vision almost three decades ago and Scheufele’s hope was that women would no longer simply look at their watch to read the time, but also revel in the choreography of the dancing diamonds.

Happy Sport ‘tHe FIrSt’ Happy Sport the First第一款腕錶發行1993枚,旨在向經典之作的誕生年 份致敬;第二款腕錶發行788枚,象徵舍費爾的幸運數字。全新Happy Sport the First腕錶搭載由148個零件組成的Chopard 09.01-C型自動上鏈機芯,機芯 的直徑為20.4毫米,具備42小時動力儲備,在各方面都與1993年推出的原作 有異曲同工之妙。它圓潤的錶殼配以沉穩的銀色錶盤,七顆活動鑽石在錶盤上 方的兩層藍寶石水晶玻璃之間自由舞動,幽深的藍色光澤與錶耳和錶冠上鑲嵌 的五顆凸圓形藍寶石遙相呼應。

Chopard recently revealed Happy Sport ‘the First’, in every way, similar to the original model introduced in 1993. the Happy Sport collection is 20.4mm in diameter with a 148-part Chopard 09.01-C movement—with automatic winding and a 42-hour power reserve. With seven dancing diamonds and five cabochon-cut sapphires set on the lugs and crown of the watch.

Happy Sport ‘tHe FirSt’ 限量發行788枚,精鋼款,搭配鑲鑽錶圈 限量發行1993枚,精鋼款 •鑲鑽精鋼錶圈 •防眩光藍寶石水晶錶鏡 •透明錶底蓋以螺絲固定,帶有Happy Sport the First標 誌和防眩光藍寶石水晶玻璃錶鏡 機芯 自動上鏈機械機芯:Chopard 09.01-C 動力儲存:約42小時 1,993-piece limited edition in stainless steel 788-piece limited edition in stainless steel with diamond-set bezel • Bezel in stainless steel • Glare-proofed sapphire crystal • Screw-down exhibition back with Happy Sport logo and glare-proofed sapphire crystal pane MoveMent Mechanical movement with automatic winding: Chopard 09.01-C Power reserve: 42 hours

70年代的The Happy Diamonds腕錶系列。 The Happy Diamonds watch collection from the 1970's.





timeworthy Happy Sport-33 Happy Sport腕錶再煥新顏,首次推出尤為適於女性纖細手 腕的33毫米直徑錶款,設計比例從體現和諧均衡的「黃金比例」 獲得啟發。這一系列新增八個全新型號:四款雙材質錶款的錶 殼以Lucent Steel A223精鋼和18K玫瑰金製成,另外還有三款 18K玫瑰金打造,搭配皮革錶帶或金屬錶鏈。最後一款為18K白 金全鑲鑽款。所有腕錶新品皆搭載蕭邦錶廠自製09.01-C機芯, 與在錶盤上靈動起舞的五顆活動鑽石相得益彰。

For the first time, the Happy Sport watch is also appearing in an optimally comfortable 33mm case inspired by the “golden ratio” principles of aesthetic harmony. the collection comes in a variety of models: four two-tone featuring a Lucent Steel a223 case embellished with ethical 18-carat rose gold, and three entirely crafted from ethical 18-carat rose gold, available on a leather strap or metal bracelet. an eighth version in ethical 18-carat white gold is entirely set with diamonds.

Happy Sport-33 精鋼和18K玫瑰金款 •符合倫理道德標準的18K玫瑰金 刻面錶冠 •符合倫理道德標準的18K玫瑰金 拋光錶圈或鑲鑽錶圈 •開放式錶底蓋通過螺絲固定, 帶有Happy Sport標誌 機芯 自動上鏈機械機芯:Chopard 09.01-C 動力儲存:42小時

Happy Sport-33 18K白金全鑲鑽石款 •符合倫理道德標準的18K白金刻面錶冠 •符合倫理道德標準的18K白金刻面錶冠 鑲嵌1顆鑽石 •符合倫理道德標準的18K白金鑲鑽錶圈 •防眩光藍寶石水晶錶鏡 •開放式錶底蓋通過螺絲固定,帶有 Happy Sport標誌和防眩光藍寶石水晶 鏡面 機芯 自動上鏈機械機芯:Chopard 09.01-C 動力儲存:42小時

In steel and 18-carat ethical rose gold • Steel cabochons set with a cabochon-cut sapphire • Bezel in polished or diamond-set ethical 18-carat rose gold • Glare-proofed sapphire crystal • Screw-down exhibition back with Happy Sport logo MoveMent Mechanical movement with automatic winding: Chopard 09.01-C Power reserve: 42 hours

In ethical 18-carat white gold entirely set with diamonds • Bezel in-set ethical 18-carat white gold set with diamonds • Glare-proofed sapphire crystal • Screw-down exhibition back with Happy Sport logo and glare-proofed sapphire crystal pane MoveMent Mechanical movement with automatic winding: Chopard 09.01-C Power reserve: 42 hours

Happy Sport-33 18K玫瑰金款 •符合倫理道德標準的18K玫瑰金刻面錶冠 •符合倫理道德標準的18K玫瑰金拋光錶圈或鑲鑽錶圈 •防眩光藍寶石水晶錶鏡 •開放式錶底蓋通過螺絲固定,帶有Happy Sport標誌 機芯 自動上鏈機械機芯:Chopard 09.01-C 動力儲存:42小時 In ethical 18-carat rose gold • Steel cabochons set with a cabochon-cut sapphire • Bezel in polished or diamond-set ethical 18-carat rose gold • Glare-proofed sapphire crystal • Screw-down exhibition back with Happy Sport logo MoveMent Mechanical movement with automatic winding: Chopard 09.01-C Power reserve: 42 hours





兩款Happy Sport the First及Happy Sport-33 其中一款的錶殼,均採用新型精鋼材質Lucent Steel A223。這種精鋼耗時4年研發而成,是一種 具有高耐磨度的合金,比普通精鋼更亮澤,更堅 固,且具有抗過敏特性。它的成份中有70%來自 回收再利用金屬,在位於奧地利的尖端工作坊中 製作而成,有效減少了與將材料運輸至蕭邦瑞士 工作坊而產生的碳足跡。

Chopard uses a particularly innovative steel for the cases of the two new Happy Sport ‘the First’ series and the Happy Sport-33 model. Lucent Steel a223 is a steel alloy that combines anti-allergenic virtues with the brightness and sturdiness of ordinary steel. It resulted from four years of research and development that now enables it to join the ranks of precious metals. Lucent Steel a223 is 70 per cent recycled metals manufactured in a state-of-the-art plant located in austria, thereby limiting the carbon footprint related to shipping materials to Chopard’s Swiss workshops.

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Olympic gOld Omega reveals its ‘Beijing 2022’ Seamaster

Story | Connie Li Photography | Omega 加拿大這個以冰雪著稱的國度,對冬奧會有一份特別的感情,國人 都期待各國運動員,特別是加拿大奧運健兒在2022北京冬奧會上再創佳 績。歐米茄早早將這份期待注入了它的海馬系列300米潛水表北京2022 特別版。 歐米茄與奧運會有着不解之緣,從1932年起成為奧會官方贊助商, 每一屆夏季、冬季奧運會,歐米茄都會選擇推出特別限量腕錶,記錄賽 場的每一個精彩時刻。此次北京2022年冬奧會特別版,將奧運會五環標 誌的5種色彩巧妙融入時標刻度,彰顯團結、友誼、公平的奧林匹克精 神。藍色氧化鋯陶瓷錶盤,也只為契合冬奧會「冰雪」主題。 特別版搭載歐米茄8800至臻天文台機芯,鍍銠小時刻度,指針覆以 Super-LumiNova夜光塗層,錶盤飾以鐳射雕刻波紋圖案,呈現出太陽 射線的打磨效果。潛水錶盤採用5級鈦金屬打造,耐腐蝕性強,60分鐘 潛水刻度以浮雕技術呈現。 翻轉至錶背,可以看到2022北京冬奧會標誌浮雕。歐米茄獨有的 Maiad Lock技術確保錶背鐫刻的數位時鐘保持在正確的位置。錶鏈則經 拋光和拉絲處理,配以歐米茄獨有的可推拉式折疊表扣。購買特別版還 將獲贈寓意冰雪的白色特製禮盒。

With Omega as the official timekeeper for the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, it’s no surprise that Omega unveiled the Seamaster Diver 300M “Beijing 2022” Special Edition timepiece. There are special markers at the 2, 4, 8, 10 and 12 o’clock dial positions, in the five colours of the iconic Olympic Rings. The polished, brushed caseback is stamped “Beijing 2022” with the Olympic Rings. This special edition timepiece, the official Olympic timekeeper since 1932, features a 42mm case crafted from stainless steel, and includes a unique Grade 5 titanium bezel ring with a 60-minute diving scale in positive relief. On the sun-brushed blue ceramic [ZrO2] dial are laser-engraved waves, along with rhodium-plated indexes and hands filled with Super-LumiNova. Inside the special presentation box, the timepiece is mounted on a polished and brushed stainless steel bracelet, including Omega’s patented extendable foldover rack-andpusher with an extra diver extension.

SeamaSter Diver 300m "Beijing 2022" FeatUreS 基本資料 RefeRence: 522. 系列:海馬系列 WateR Resistance: 30 bar (300 metres) 型號:522. DiameteR: 42 mm 防水:300米 case: stainless steel 錶徑:42mm cRYstaL: Domed scratch-resistant 錶殼材質:精鋼 sapphire crystal with anti-reflective 錶鏡材質:藍寶石水晶玻璃 treatment on both sides 夜光:有 Date, anti-magnetic, chronometer, master chronometer certified, Helium escape 風格:潛水 valve, screw-in crown, Unidirectional 功能:日期顯示、防磁 rotating bezel, automatic watch 機芯參數 mOvement 機芯類型:自動機械 caLibRe: Omega 8800 動力儲備:55小時 POWeR ReseRve: 55 hours 錶帶信息 WatCH CaSe & DiaL 錶帶材質:鱷魚皮 DiaL cOLOUR: blue 錶扣類型:折疊扣 Us$6,150 錶扣材質:精鋼


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interior design


Noah’s ark Furniture design company brings nature and animals indoors Story | Zu Hui Photography | Front Design





將Design by Nature放回大自然,物我兩亡。 Front and Moroso's Design by Nature sofa imitates mossy rock formation.





interior design

看看Front Design的森林仙子造型,就明白 他們為何會成為媒體寵兒。 The chairs that look like algae-covered rocks are among other naturescapes.

Design by Nature的造型完全跟足大自然, 你的坐姿就跟人在野外無異。 Utilizing silhouettes found in nature, Design by Nature’s sofas are like sitting out in the wild.





人們此際不斷狂玩Cyberpunk 2077的meme。其實不用到2077,我們 的社會如今已經夠Cyberpunk了。瑞典設計團隊Front Design好像預視人類 未來一樣,用設計創造出一個人造野生環境。他們與意大利品牌Moroso發表 一個名為Design by Nature傢俬系列,索性用科技來生產大自然出現的石頭 青苔……。將來地球生態毀滅之後,這些「人造野生」設計應該會大行其道。

Swedish design team Front Design has applied its futuristic vision, in conjunction with Italian brand Moroso, to a furniture collection. Design by Nature uses technology to recreate natural elements, from rocks to mosses.

Front Design的設計的確討喜,他們跟Moroso合作,利用現在最高科技 3D掃描技術,將海邊沖洗到光禿禿的地貌、森林裡的樹枝和長滿青苔、地衣 或者藻類的大石頭這些大自然裡面最平凡不過的元素轉化為傢俬。

And the pieces are full of fun. The design team worked with Moroso and used cutting-edge 3D scanning technology to make furniture pieces that look like weathered seaside landscapes, tree moss and even algae-covered rocks among other naturescapes.

Front與Moroso不是要造一張梳化,在上面印上幾可亂真的圖案來製造 幻覺,反而是希望完完整整將一舊野外石頭擺入客廳,想達到的效果,就是 用剷泥機到森林剷起一片風景,再將它原汁原味連帶青苔野藻掉入屋中。所 以Design by Nature的「梳化」是連形態都跟足大自然,你要坐要躺,就有如 你爬山時找一處舊石頭席地而坐一樣。

Their designs aren’t about making a sofa upholstered in realistic printed patterns. Instead, the design team wants to bring the look of a rock in the wild into the living room—“to create the feeling that someone had lifted a whole glade from a forest with a gigantic shovel and moved it in a home,” says Front Design co-founder Sofia Lagerkvist.

Design by Nature整個項目足足用了四年去研究,並非單單為了造出 一張似石頭的梳化,而是研究大自然對於身心健康的影響。Front Design覺 得,自己身為瑞典人北歐人,跟自然環境關係密切,親近自然當然可以緩解 壓力,有益健康。研究甚至包括動物建造的房屋和結構,究竟野生動物如何 選址起屋?在野生動物的設計中可以找到什麼智慧?這些研究成果,都會用 在日後的傢俬設計上。

The collection has been four years in the making. It’s not about producing a rock-like sofa, but how to use nature to enhance well-being. Perhaps it’s the Scandinavian heritage, but Front Design believes the natural environment is part of its core, that being closer to nature is soothing, and good for the mind and soul. Designers even study how animals pick and build their habitats, and then apply their findings to furniture design.

近看那隻高科技3D編織趴地熊,除了線條,不同色彩紗線交疊出來的效果好靚。 The high-tech 3D bear reflects the vivid effects achieved by colourful weaving, Vitra Resting Bear mauve, approximately €900. ELITEGEN




interior design

為Vitra設計的Resting Animals系列,跟 Vitra以往的經典動物朋友做朋友。 The Resting Animals collection designed for Vitra is in harmony with the brand’s previous animal pieces.





用動物造型改變氣氛,Front Design最會玩。 Front Design is known for using animals to create fun.

Design by Nature每張 「梳化」 的質感都無比豐富,透過不同色調混合出來的布料 具有層次。 Each sofa in the Design by Nature collection is rich in texture, with layers of fabrics in different tones.

布料用最新的印刷及紡織方法,模仿地衣青苔的綠調,及其覆蓋的岩石。 The fabrics are made by using the latest printing and weaving methods to emulate moss green and algae on rocks.

在製作上,Front Design除了瘋狂拍攝參考圖片,同時用了傳統的畫 圖掃描。梳化的骨架是木製,利用機器加工雕刻出波浪狀的岩石輪廓。至 於包裹的布料,就用上荷蘭紡織公司Febrik生產的布料。這些布料都是用最 新的印刷及紡織方法,模仿青苔的綠調,模仿地衣覆蓋的岩石。另外一些 布料,則由多種藍色混合而成的紗線編織出來,描繪出海邊的岩石質感。 Design by Nature每張 「梳化」 的質感都無比豐富,透過不同色調混合出來的 布料具有層次。 Vitra,一間致力於可持續發展理念和製作的德國家俬公司,年前找 Front Design設計一些家居裝飾,Front Design決定創造一系列「裝飾動 物」,將大自然生氣帶入家居。該系列由羊毛和陶瓷製成,包括一隻趴地 熊,一隻打貓餅的貓和一對正在睡覺的雀仔。那隻趴地熊用最新的3D編織 法織成。過程中經歷無數次反複試驗,最後用了四種不同顏色的線來達到 想要的紋理及色彩變化。 這隻趴地熊,你可以將它當櫈坐,或者挨着它坐在地下打機。Front Design試驗過,Vitra再多靚櫃靚梳化靚櫈,將這組最後稱之為Resting Animals的裝飾搭配這批傢俬,家居氣氛立即大變,變得更人性化。 Front Design擁有以動物形式製造傢俬的悠久歷史。早在2006年, 他們為荷蘭設計品牌Moooi創建了著名的1:1動物產品系列Animal Thing。 作品包括一張豬茶几,將馬頭兔子頭變燈。在自己家鄉瑞典一個叫 Åbyparken的項目中,Front Design用動物雕塑佈置一個建於50年代的公 園。設計師故意將那些被認定是俗氣的、大多在後花園中作為裝飾的青銅 雕塑,重新帶入日常生活。一群動物在公園的長椅上陪伴隨遊客,造就一 個又一個美妙風景。

For production, Front Design uses traditional drawing methods, as well as photography. The wooden frame of the sofa is sculpted by machines into silhouettes of undulating rocks. The fabrics are made by Dutch textile firm Febrik, using the latest printing and weaving methods to emulate moss green and algae on rocks. Other fabrics are woven with threads in different shades of blue to reproduce the texture of seaside rocks. Each sofa in the Design by Nature collection is rich in texture, with layers of fabrics in different tones. When Vitra, a German design company with a spotlight on sustainable thinking and action, engaged Front Design to produce home furnishings, the latter decided to create a series of decorative animals to inject nature into homes. There are pieces made in wool or ceramics, in the form of a lazy bear, a curledup cat and a pair of dozing birds. The bear, a chair as well as a recliner, is made with the latest 3D weaving technique that’s gone through numerous tests to determine the most realistic texture and colour changes. Front Design has a long history of making animal-shaped furniture. In 2006, it created the 1.1 Animal Thing collection for Dutch brand Moooi: that included a piglet coffee table as well as horse-head and rabbit-head lamps. In another project for Swedish brand Åbyparken, Front Design used animal sculptures to create a 1950s garden. The designers dotted the property with what were regarded by some as “tacky” bronze animal garden sculptures to keep people company and create a peaceful landscape.






這裡提供多款式的新 鮮手工意大利麵。 A variety of fresh handmade pastas for your selection.

Ask for Luigi「麵麵俱到」

Fresh handmade pasta: the cornerstone at ask For Luigi Story | Kenson Ho Photography | Mark Yammine


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Ask for Luigi外觀樸素,一不留神,你很容易錯過。 Because of its unassuming exterior, the restaurant can be easily missed.

Ask for Luigi餐廳位於Gastown煤氣鎮近末端(305 Alexander Street)一個寧靜角落,外觀樸素,一不留神,你很容易就錯過 了。然而,自2013年11月開業以來,這家餐廳已獲多項榮譽,包 括《溫哥華雜誌》年度餐廳、最佳新餐廳、最佳休閒餐廳,及最佳休 閒意大利餐廳;它還獲得Georgia Straight的最佳新餐廳獎,更被 評為加拿大百個最佳餐廳之一。 餐廳名曰「找Luigi」,還真是確有其人。久居溫哥華和奧肯納 根的意大利移民 Luigi Zuliani,採用卑詩省本地食材,堅持以年輕 時在意大利體驗的當地方式烹飪,達成完美的結合。 餐廳以Ask for Luigi命名,原意是,當我們去某處有認識或經 朋友介紹的人照應,總會比較安心,而餐廳團隊就是要創造這種氛 圍,讓每位客人都感到他們是由共同的朋友介紹而來。客人既是由 介紹而來的,當可信任這家餐廳——我在餐廳能得到熟人或朋友般 的款待。 這家餐廳的設計靈感,則來自於舉行過許多意大利家庭晚宴 的老房子,房間裡的木牆有反射聲音的作用,歡聲笑語與觥籌交錯 的混響,產生熱鬧的環境氛圍,勾起客人關於家庭的美好回憶。 要讓客人體驗樸實無華、真正的意大利家庭式款待,Ask For Luigi以其新鮮手工意大利麵為最大特色,餐廳背後團隊Kitchen Table Restaurants公司的烹飪總監Alex Tung說起這點便滔滔不絕。 eG:新鮮的手工義大利麵與乾麵相比,主要區別是什麼? Alex Tung:我非常喜愛新鮮的手工意大利麵pasta Fresca, 與乾麵pasta secca,這其實取決於醬汁和調味料。歷史悠久的 意大利麵名牌Rustichella d’Abruzzo,其專有的Spaghettone del Leone硬質小麥麵,造就更厚的意大利麵,有完美的「彈牙」質感。 Carbonara(雞蛋、芝士及煙肉)或Cacio e Pepe Spaghettone(芝 士、蒜頭)是我最喜歡的深夜小吃。意大利麵就是一切。

Located at a quiet corner on the edge of Gastown, Ask for Luigi might easily be missed and passed by because of its unassuming exterior. Yet since its opening in November 2013, this Italian restaurant has gone on to be named one of Canada’s 100 Best Restaurants. As well, it has won numerous local accolades, including: Vancouver Magazine’s Restaurant of the Year, Best New Restaurant, Best Casual and Best Casual Italian; and Georgia Straight’s Best New Restaurant. Ask for Luigi is inspired by the life of Luigi Zuliani, an Italian immigrant who lived in Vancouver and the Okanagan. Utilizing the province’s readily accessible produce, he stayed true to the Italian regional cooking he grew up with. The name Ask for Luigi is indicative of the concept that people are more inclined to have a better experience when they go where they will know somebody – a restaurant that creates an atmosphere where guests feel like they’ve been sent over by a mutual friend who believes they will be in good hands. The restaurant’s design was inspired by the wood-walled rooms in many old houses where Italian family dinners take place, where the wood’s acoustic quality creates an ambient sound of voices and cutlery clicking on plates that will take any guest back to the old, happy days. Ask for Luigi introduces guests to unpretentious, true Italian familystyle hospitality and specializes in fresh handmade pasta. eliteGen recently had a pleasant chat with Alex Tung, culinary director of Kitchen Table Restaurants, which is the team behind Ask For Luigi. Q: What are the major differences between using fresh and dried, pasta? A: I have love in my heart for both pasta Fresca and pasta secca, and it truly depends on the sauce and condiment. Nothing beats the perfect al dente texture of a thick-gauge spaghetti, like Spaghettone del Leone by Rustichella d’Abruzzo. Carbonara or Cacio e Pepe Spaghettone is my favorite late-night snack. Pasta is everything.


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餐廳要帶為客人提供樸實無華、真正的意大利家庭式款待。 The team introduces guests to the unpretentious, true Italian family-style hospitality.

各款特式雞尾酒,材料都來自意大利。 The cocktails are made with ingredients from Italy.


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廚房團隊從本地和時令食材汲取靈感,並提供多款當日特色。 The kitchen team takes inspiration from local, seasonal produce to create multiple daily specials.

極具意大利風味的肉醬通粉。 Rigatoni alla Bolognese, so full of Italian personality.

芝士鮮果多士。 Stracciatella on toast.

eG:哪些義大利麵和開胃菜不容錯過? AT:麵食是Ask for Luigi的基石,團隊每天都製作新鮮的麵 食,西西里風格的肉丸、鳳尾魚和雞蛋是主食。我是這裡的野豬 肉醬寬條麵的忠實粉絲。對我來說,沒有什麼比pappardelle all’ Uovo寬條意大利麵那新鮮濃鬱蛋黃柔滑活潑的質感更勝一籌了。 前幾天,我在Ask for Luigi吃了新鮮的寬條麵配野豬肉醬,真是完 美! eG:新鮮製作的意大利麵,是否需要花更長的時間準備? AT:麵食的製作其實相對簡單,但亦很難掌握,需要優質 的麵粉、雞蛋、水,再加上高超的技術。新鮮意大利麵煮食速度 比乾麵快,我最喜歡的一些意大利麵,很快就可準備好。cacio e Pepe(牛油、黑椒、芝士)只需幾分鐘就可以上碟。一些ragu肉醬 是需要幾天耐心烹調,但那種鮮味和濃鬱風味,使這一切等待都 很值得。 eG:你多久更改一次菜單?你從哪裡攝取靈感? Ask for Luigi菜單的核心始終保持不變,但大廚Michael Maclean和他的團隊從本地和時令食材汲取靈感,提供多款當日特 色。 Ask for Luigi背後的靈感,並非遙不可及的經典意大利風格, 關鍵在於吸收意大利人的情懷、展示卑詩省的絕美食材,再添加 一些高級技術和一些創意。 溫馨提示:疫情期間,請及時查詢餐廳營業時間,以免向隅。

炸耶菜花、鷹嘴豆、香草和蒜泥蛋黃醬。 Fried cauliflower, chickpeas, herbs and aioli.

Q: What are the must-haves for antipasti and pasta? A: Pasta is the cornerstone of Ask for Luigi and the team makes fresh pasta daily. The Sicilian-style meatballs and the anchovies and eggs are a staple. I’m also a big fan of the pappardelle with boar ragu. To me, nothing compares to the silky, snappy texture of the fresh egg yolk-heavy pappardelle all’Uovo. The other day, I had fresh pappardelle with a boar ragu here at Ask for Luigi and it was the perfect lunch. Q: Does it take longer to prepare a pasta dish because it’s freshly made? A: Pasta is relatively simple, but extremely hard to master. It starts with great ingredients – great flour, the best eggs, good water and good technique. Fresh pasta cooks faster than dried pasta. Some of my favourite pasta dishes, like spaghetti pomodoro or cacio e Pepe, come together in a matter of a few minutes. Some of the ragus are a multi-day labour of love, but the umami and depth of flavour totally make it worth the wait. Q: How often do you change the menu and where do you get your inspiration from? A: The core of the Ask For Luigi menu remains fairly constant. However, chef Michael Maclean and his team take inspiration from local products and seasonality and produce multiple daily features. The inspiration behind Ask for Luigi is really about taking Italian sensibilities and showcasing the beautiful ingredients of British Columbia, as well as adding in some elevated technique and creativity. Ask for Luigi 305 Alexander St., Vancouver, BC, V6A 1C4 604-428-2544


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卑詩省釀酒坊在2021年全加手工蒸餾烈 酒大賽中成績亮麗。 British Columbia distillers have reaped a bumper harvest of awards at the 2021 Canadian Artisan Spirit Competition.


B.C. distilleries dominate at CasC Story | Iris Yim Photography | Iris Yim, distillers (部分圖片由各酒坊提供) 由Artisan Distillers Canada(ADC)主辦的全加手工蒸餾烈酒大賽 (Canadian Artisan Spirit Competition,簡稱CASC),2021年比賽結 果已經名花有主。第四年舉行的CASC比賽再次吸引創紀錄的酒坊參 賽,反映了全國手工蒸餾烈酒坊的生產規模和多樣性不斷增加。除了 不同類別的酒品比賽之外,評選還包括風土特色,表彰使用當地食材 釀製、口味獨特的烈酒。ADC創始人Alex Hamer表示,即使疫情流行 而使業界部分業務中斷,加國釀酒商仍努力不懈,生產各種高質量烈 酒。有關本年度得獎名單,可於一覽。 在眾多得獎者中,卑詩省釀酒坊獲獎甚多,在19個類別中有10家 本地出品奪得金獎,其它如銀獎及銅獎亦如囊中取物,成績亮麗。


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British Columbia distillers have reaped a bumper harvest of awards at the 2021 Canadian Artisan Spirit Competition (CASC), winning gold in 10 of 19 categories, as well as a clutch of silver and bronze medals. The competition, organized by Artisan Distillers Canada (ADC), featured a record number of entries in its fourth year, reflecting the swelling ranks and diversity of artisan distillers across the country. As well as having different spirit categories, the competition also designated a class for terroir to celebrate territorial aroma profile and “sense of place” of finished spirits. ADC founder Alex Hamer said that though business in the sector has been affected by the pandemic, Canadian distillers are still working hard to produce high-quality spirits.

The Woods Spirit Co.的Pacific North-West Amaro獲Amaro/Vermouth 類別榮譽。 Pacific Northwest Amaro by The Woods Spirit Co. received Best in Class distinction in the Amaro/Vermouth category. 得到2021年Canadian Artisan Spirit of The Year殊榮的Ampersand Distilling Co.限量出品Nocino! Limited-edition Nocino by Ampersand Distilling Co. claimed the top honour as 2021 Canadian Artisan Spirit of the Year.

每年,CASC都會向所有類別中得分最高的酒品授予「年度手工蒸 餾烈酒」(Canadian Artisan Spirit of The Year)榮譽,今年Liqueur類 別得獎酒品Nocino!成為了全加烈酒年度得分之冠。

The top honour of the competition, Canadian Artisan Spirit of the Year, went to Nocino, which was also judged Best in Class in the Liqueur category.

限量版Nocino!由位於溫哥華島的Ampersand Distilling Co.生產, 是意大利風格的青核桃利口酒。青核桃是在Cowichan山谷中人手挑 選,再和有機小麥一齊釀製,甜味是因為加了本土蜂蜜。這支酒蘊含 了核桃及少許檸檬皮、肉桂、巧克力、咖啡和焦糖的風味組合,非常 複雜卻又異常平衡,具有濃濃的烘烤堅果香和令人愉悅的苦味。聞香 帶有戶外大自然和草本氣息,口感豐富飽滿,可以像苦艾酒或雪利酒 一樣飲用。

Limited-edition Nocino is a spicy sweet Italian walnut liqueur produced by Ampersand Distilling Company on Vancouver Island. Green walnuts are harvested by hand from the Cowichan Valley to make this spirit. It is distilled with wheat spirit and sweetened with local honey. Cinnamon, lemon peel and allspice give it spicy notes, which are enriched and balanced with hints of chocolate, coffee and caramel.

今年獲獎的溫哥華酒坊眾多,北溫The Woods Spirit Co.因 其Pacific North-West Amaro而獲得Amaro/Vermouth類別榮譽; Granville Island的The Liberty Distillery,憑藉Endeavour Old Tom Gin 贏得Aged Gin桂冠;溫東的Odd Society Spirits,則以其Commodore Single Malt Whisky獲得Single Malt Whisky金獎。

Judges were impressed by its deeply roasted nutty nose, with elements of botanicals that make it lively and fresh. They remarked that it “finishes incredibly smoothly, with a pleasing note of bitterness” and could be “used like vermouth, or drink like sherry.” Several Vancouver distillers also made it to the honours list. The Woods Spirit Co. from North Vancouver won Best in Class in the Amaro/Vermouth category with its Pacific North-West Amaro. The


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Odd Society Spirits的Commodore Single Malt Whisky獲單一麥芽威士卡金獎,這款精製烈酒繼承蘇格蘭風格傳統而具有太平洋西海岸特色,以百份百卑詩省生長的 發芽大麥一起蒸餾,具獨特的胡椒甜味、深色水果和煙草香氣。(攝影:Cause & Affect) Commodore Single Malt Whisky by Odd Society Spirits took gold in the Whiskey-Single Malt category. The refined spirit, honouring its Scottish heritage, is distilled with 100% B.C.-grown malted barley, giving it a distinctive peppery sweetness to complement its dark fruit and tobacco notes. (Photo: Cause & Affect).

Merridale Cidery&Distillery的Cowichan Spiced Rhumb為何贏得另類朗姆酒類別 金獎?因為傳統上朗姆酒是由甘蔗副產品製成,然而Cowichan Spiced Rhumb 是百份百由卑詩蜂蜜釀製。釀酒師Laurent Lafuente先把蜂蜜焦糖化處理然後發 酵,完成後將發酵液在銅製蒸餾器中緩慢蒸餾,並在橡木桶中陳釀,故酒色呈深 琥珀色。該酒品帶有加勒比香料和香草的香味,飲用時加少許薑啤和菠蘿汁,更 讓人一試難忘。 Cowichan Spiced Rhumb by Merridale Cidery & Distillery was named Best in Class in the Rum-Alternative category. Unlike traditional rum made Arbutus Distillery釀製的Espresso Vodka是以Regard Coffee烘焙意式濃縮咖啡注 from cane sugar, this rum uses 100% B.C. honey. Master Distiller Laurent 入特級伏特加中,並與百份百卑詩穀物一起發酵和蒸餾,稍加有機蔗糖以增加甜 Lafuente had the honey caramelized, then fermented. After fermentation, it 度。 is distilled slowly in a copper still and barrel-aged in oak, giving it its deep Espresso Vodka by Arbutus Distillery is infused with premium espresso from amber colour. The unique blend of Caribbean-influenced spices are cultured and extracted, then added to the aged Rhumb. It’s best enjoyed with a Regard Coffee Roasters. It is distilled with 100% B.C. wheat and slightly splash of ginger beer and pineapple juice. sweetened with organic cane sugar. 90

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DEVINE Distillery的Ancient Grains以傳統穀麥在新的美國橡木桶中陳釀,具蜜 餞和macadamia nut的堅果香氣,與丁香、allspice及煙熏的辛辣氣息完美融合。 (攝影:Jeremy Pue) DEVINE Distillery’s Ancient Grains is aged in new American oak casks and infused with notes of candied fruit and macadamia nuts, with spicy hints of clove, allspice and smoke. (Photo: Jeremy Pue)

溫哥華島Nanaimo的Arbutus Distillery,以其 Espresso Vodka成為Flavoured/Infused Vodka類別獎項贏 家;Merridale Cidery & Distillery憑藉Cowichan Spiced Rhumb,贏得了Alternative Rum類別之冠;維多利亞 DEVINE Distillery的Ancient Grains更連續三年得到Young Whisky類別三連冠。 卑詩內陸得獎酒坊有Kootenay的Wynndel Craft Distilleries,其Apple Brandy贏得了Brandy/Eau de Vie金 獎;Campbell River的Shelter Point Distillery出品的Double Barrel Batch 5,在Single Grain Whisky類別中排名第一; Oliver的The Dubh Glas Distillery釀製的Noteworthy GinNavy Strength取得Contemporary Gin冠軍。 卑詩省蒸餾烈酒業界的努力獲得肯定,在全國蒸餾酒 壇上發光發熱,大放異彩。

The Liberty Distillery的Endeavour Old Tom Gin是以百份百卑詩有機小麥釀製, 此杜松子酒於法國橡木桶中陳釀,酒香濃郁。有明顯的辛辣及水果蛋糕特色,帶 有杜松香氣及薄荷、橙花和桑椹的特質。評審譽之為聖誕節烘烤香氣和波斯香料 等香調組合,並帶有橡木香,杜松和其它植物元素亦發揮作用,口感融合而複 雜。 Endeavour Old Tom Gin from Liberty Distillery is made with 100% organic B.C. wheat, aged in French oak barrels. It imparts a pronounced spicy fruitcake character with notes of juniper, mint, orange blossom and mulberry. Judges described it as delivering the warming aromas of Christmas roasts. Persian spices, intertwined with oak, juniper and botanicals, makes for its complexity.

Liberty Distillery from Granville Island took gold in the Aged Gin category with its Old Tom Gin, and Odd Society Spirits from east Vancouver took the top accolade in the Single Malt Whisky category with its Commodore Single Malt Whisky. The Espresso Vodka made by Nanaimo’s Arbutus Distillery was judged Best in Class in the Infused or Flavoured Vodka category and Merridale Cidery & Distillery’s Cowichan Spiced Rhumb took gold in the Alternative Rum group. DEVINE Distillery’s Ancient Grains came first in the Young Whisky category for the third year in a row. Among other B.C. contestants, Wynndel Craft Distilleries from Kootenay claimed the top prize in the Brandy/Eau de Vie category with its Apple Brandy. Double Barrel Batch 5, made by Shelter Point Distillery from Campbell River, won in the Contemporary Gin class with its Noteworthy Gin-Navy Strength. These accolades are proof that B.C. distillers are indeed a “spiriting” force to be reckoned with on the Canadian scene. The full results list can be found at: ELITEGEN

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位於本拿比的Station Square示範家園。 Station Square Presentation Centre, Burnaby.

打造夢想之家 Create your dream home and tell a story in the proCess Story | Kenson Ho Photography | The office of mcfarlane biggar architects + designer Inc. 一處家園往往能反映出擁有者的個性和生活方式,當終於動 手實施一個大型家居翻新項目時,縱使業主會極大程度地參與其 中,但聘請擁有清晰及共同願景的專業室內設計師是常見的選擇。 最近,eliteGen與The office of mcfarlane biggar architects + designer inc的室內設計師和負責人Michelle Biggar進行了一 番對話。這家總部位於溫哥華的公司,為客戶提供綜合建築和室 內設計的全方位服務,並屢獲殊榮。


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Your home should reflect your personality and lifestyle, so when you decide to embark on a major renovation project, it’s essential to include a professional interior designer from the outset—one with a clear vision you both share. Interior designer Michelle Biggar is principal of award-winning office of mcfarlane biggar architects + designers, a full-service integrated architecture and interior design firm based in Vancouver.

創造强烈的室內-室外空間連貫性的一例子。 An example of creating a strong indoor-outdoor connection.

The office of mcfarlane biggar architects + designer inc的室內設計師和負責人Michelle Biggar。 Michelle Biggar, an interior designer and principal of office of mcfarlane biggar architects + designers.

Michelle擁有超過25年的專業經驗,她在加拿大、澳洲和英 國的項目涵蓋類型廣泛,有手製的小項目,也有大型複雜多戶發 展項目的管理和設計指導。Michelle擅長對項目的所有要素進行 周密考慮和周到整合,包羅建築、景觀園藝設計、室內設計、家 具、藝術品和配件方方面面。

With more than 25 years of experience and projects across Canada, Australia and the UK, Biggar’s work has embraced a wide range of projects ranging from hands-on crafting of small designs, to project management and design leadership on large-scale, complex, multi-user facilities that thoughtfully integrate architecture, landscape design, interior design, furniture, art and accessories.

eG:買家在置業前,從室內設計的角度來看,首先應該考 慮的是什麼?

Recently, eliteGen caught up with Biggar for a question-and-answer session.

MG:在裝修方面,從室內設計的角度來看,要考慮的關鍵 因素之一,就是創造强烈的室內-室外空間連貫性。房屋需要有良 好的骨骼,以清晰的空間感、周到的流通量,以及與自然和光線 的緊密聯繫,來適應主人的所有生活方式。

Q: Before a person buys a home, what things should be considered first, from an interior design perspective?

eG:設計公司會為客戶做些什麽? MG:設計家園是一個非常個人化的經歷,對許多客戶來 說,選定建築師或室內設計師是一種新的體驗。信任是設計師與 客戶關係的基礎,而良好的溝通是建立信任的基石。設計公司會 傾聽客戶的願望,為客戶提供清晰反映其價值觀,且具獨特連貫 性的設計解決方案,幫助客戶作出決策。

A: If you feel it will require renovations, one of the key things to consider from an interior design perspective is the ability to create strong indoor-outdoor connections. The house needs to have good bones to accommodate all the lifestyle desires of the owners, with spatial clarity, thoughtful circulation flow and strong connections to nature and light. Q: How can an architect or interior designer help clients? A: Designing a home is a very personal process. For many clients, appointing an architect or interior designer will be a new experience. Trust is the foundation of any relationship between designer and client, and good communication is the cornerstone of building trust. An architect or interior


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Biggar的雄心是創造連貫相關、永恆、優雅的空間,這些空 間對於住戶來說是極具功能和極有意義的。 Michelle Biggar’s ambition is to create contextual, timeless and elegant spaces that are functional and meaningful.

位於Alderside的獨立屋。 House located in Alderside.


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香格里拉酒店大堂及Rosk餐廳。 Bosk Restaurant and Shangri-la Hotel lobby.

位於北溫Edgemont Boulevard的住宅。 Townhome in Edgemont Boulevard, North Vancouver.

工程項目通常分為四個階段:1. 設計前+計劃; 2.原理圖設計; 3.施工文件; 4.家具選擇+採購(如果 需要的話),及施工管理。每個階段的時間長短,取 決於項目的規模和復雜程度。一般來說,設計公司在 與新客戶早期會面時,會盡可能多瞭解客戶目前的生 活方式,他們喜愛現在家園的哪些元素,同時幫助客 戶明白哪些因素是不太重要的。討論客戶的價值觀、 工程項目的計劃,以及對項目的總體期望當然是會面 的主要目的。另外,設計公司還將審查境況限制(現 有的房屋,場地等等) 以及相關的時間表和預算目標。 eG:什麽是好的室內設計? 你通常從哪裡找到 靈感? MG:一間優秀的設計公司會以創造連貫相關、 永恆、優雅的空間為目標,這些空間對於住戶來說不 僅極具功能性,而且也在講述業主自己的故事。 OMB在其多戶住宅項目中使用鮮明的線條和天 然、永恆的材料,創建一個可加添層次的背景,使家 園真正體現客戶自身的個性。對至關重要的區域理念 進行開發,充分利用現場獨特之處,並在形式和物料 上有意地作出呼應,是我們在做所有工程項目時的追 求。我們一方面從世界各地的建築、設計和藝術中尋 求創作靈感,另一方面考慮到住宅項目的親密性,也 從客戶的故事中發掘素材,從我們個人的經歷中獲得 啟發。

位於溫哥華市中心的Telus。 Telus Garden, downtown Vancouver.

designer prioritizes listening to clients’ aspirations and help them make decisions by presenting unique and contextual design solutions that clearly reflect their values. Projects will typically be separated into four phases: 1. Pre-design + planning phase; 2. Schematic design phase; 3. Construction documents phase; 4. Furniture selection + procurement (if required) and construction administration phase. The length of each phase depends on the size and complexity of the project. Typically, initial meetings with new clients are about learning as much as possible about their current lifestyle: what they love about their current home and, often more importantly, what doesn’t work. Clients’ values, the project program and overall aspirations for the project would be discussed. The architect or interior designer also reviews the constraints (the existing house, site, etc.) and goals regarding the client’s schedule and budget. Q: What constitutes a good interior design? Where do you normally get your inspiration? A: The ambition of a good interior designer is to create contextual, timeless and elegant spaces that are functional and meaningful for the people occupying them. Each home tells a story about the client. For our multi-family residential projects, we take the same approach of using clean lines and natural, timeless materials to create a backdrop for future owners to add layers that make the home authentically theirs. “All our work strives to explore critical regionalism: projects that meaningfully respond to their place, both in form and materiality, while leveraging the unique aspects of a site. We look globally for creative inspiration across multiple disciplines, such as architecture, design and art while staying contextually grounded. Given the intimate nature of residential projects, we get inspired by exploring our client’s stories with them, while also drawing from our own personal influences.


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not horsin' around the Ford Bronco sport is just the vehicle for outdoor adventures Story & Photography | Norris McDonald

記得曾經是美式足球明星而後來當上演員的O.J. Simpson於1994年在洛杉磯的高速公路上逃亡時,是坐 在福特Bronco的後座。當時所有電視網絡都中斷了正常 的節目,直播這個追蹤場面,成千上萬的人更下車為他 鼓掌,沒理會這個人很可能已殺了兩個人。 我可以想象得到有些人為此事很是不爽。兩年後, 不知是有意還是無意,福特停產了這個車系,官方發表 的原因是兩門的SUV銷量欠佳,而公眾想買的是四門車。 不管怎樣,福特於1996年,在製造Bronco 30年 後,正式宣布停產這系列車。不過,車廠內部Bronco 的粉絲繼續抱有復活這個車系的夢想。結果,這願望 在2021年成真了!經改進和重新設計的Bronco車系捲 土重來,款式有兩門、四門和名為Bronco Sport的小型 SUV,全部都有四輪驅動功能,適合在野外任何地形上 駕駛。 這款Sport讓你進出自如。當你坐上駕駛座,會發 覺所有的操控裝置都在方向盤上,而座位和方向盤的


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When O.J. Simpson went for his infamous last drive on the freeways of Los Angeles in 1994, he was riding in the back seat of a white Ford Bronco, with former football teammate Al Cowlings behind the wheel. TV networks cut into regularly scheduled programming to cover the police chase live, while thousands in L.A. stopped their cars and got out to applaud, seemingly indifferent to the fact that the man they were cheering was facing two murder charges. Two years later, either by design or pure coincidence, Ford stopped building the vehicle. The official reason was that they weren’t selling enough of the two-door SUVs, claiming the buying public wanted four-doors. Whatever the reason, Ford officially deep-sixed the Bronco in 1996 after building it for 30 years. Internally, however, a small group of Bronco enthusiasts kept the dream alive and here we are today, 25 years later, with a revamped and redesigned Bronco family of vehicles. The brand features a two-door, a four-door and a smaller SUV called the Bronco Sport—all with 4X4 capabilities that will go over any type of terrain, just the thing for outdoor adventures. The Sport is easy to enter and exit. Once inside, every control you can think of is on the steering wheel, with creature comforts like seat and steering-wheel heating

加熱按鈕,以及其它空調控制都設在那8吋的觸控螢幕之 下。觸控螢幕內有AM、FM和Sirius衛星電台,以及導航 等等資訊娛樂設施。簡單來說,所有需要用的裝置都在 你手可觸及的範圍之內。還有,它的多媒體系統與Apple Carplay及Android Auto兼容。 有一樣功能很重要而福特做到了,非常值得恭喜,這 就是:當你停車關掉引擎後,整個觸控螢幕會亮起「檢查 後座乘座者」這幾個字,並會響起鐘聲,提醒你的注意, 目的是要防止把嬰兒和小童遺留在後座。這種情況的確時 有發生。 車廂的座位非常吸引,舒適和容易調較。兩個附 有USB接口的杯架觸手可及。雖然座椅下沒有空位,但 Bronco Sport在後座位內掏出空間供收藏品物。另外,只 需把後座椅翻前摺合,就會騰出大量空間,足夠擺放兩輛 越野單車。而車頂的行李架可放置帳篷、滑雪板、獨木舟 及露營用具等。

buttons and other climate controls directly under the eight-inch touchscreen that has AM, FM and Sirius satellite radio, navigation and so-on. In short, everything you have to touch is within easy reach. Oh, and it’s compatible with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto too. Now this is important. When you stop and turn off the engine, the whole touchscreen lights up with these words, “Check Rear Seats For Occupants”, and a bell rings to draw your attention to the warning. This, of course, is to guard against anybody leaving a baby or small child in the back seat, which has happened far too often. I’m sure other OEMs have done this, but I haven’t come across another example like this one, so congratulations to Ford. The seats are attractive, comfortable and easy to adjust, and there are two good cupholders with USB ports within easy reach. Given there is no room underneath the seats, the Sport has solved that problem by creating storage space within the rear seats. Those rear seats, in turn, fold down to increase the amount of cargo space and Ford says there’s enough room back there to fit a pair of trail bikes. The roof rack can accommodate tents, skis, kayaks and camping equipment. One more thing about the back seats: seating space is extremely limited. My wife and I are both tall, so we both slide our front seats right back, making it virtually impossible for adults to sit back there. Children? Maybe.


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不過,這款車也有一個小問題:後座位的空間不足。我和太太都 是高個子,坐上車後便會把前座椅推後,可是後排座椅只可以向前摺 合,不能往後推,因此我們無法坐在後面,相信其他和我們般身材的 人坐上去也會很不舒服。 按上啟動鈕後,汽車會很平穩地在路上行駛,若經過隆起的地 面,你會感覺到,雖然不是劇烈搖晃,不過也很明顯。它有自動啟停 系統,在紅燈及停車標誌前會關掉引擎,節省燃油。此外,它有很好 的無鎖匙系統,剎車器的反應也很靈敏,是一輛在市內行駛相當不錯 的車。 然而,它其實是一輛越野車,非常適合那些有鄉村小屋、狩獵營 和喜歡去露營的人士。你甚至可以在車內後方打開桌子擺放小吃。 Bronco Sport有多達7種駕駛模式供選置,讓你在任何路面行駛。 標準的模式包括日常、節能、跑車、濕滑和沙地等五個模式。你可以 支付額外費用添置爛泥地及攀爬模式。鄉間小道操控技術類似定速控 制,由於是在田野行駛,速度不能如公路般快,你可以設定時速30公 里前行或是10公里倒車。這項功能真的很棒。 福特讓我試駕的是Badlands車型,配備2.0公升EcoBoost先進引 擎,迸發出245匹馬力和275磅/呎扭力。另外三個型號,包括Base、 Big Bend和Outer Banks,均搭載1.5公升EcoBoost引擎,產生181匹 馬力和190磅/呎扭力。兩款引擎皆配搭8前速自動波箱,而Badlands 車型的方向盤配備換檔撥片。 入夜後,如你仍想燒烤或下棋等,可以打開車尾箱門,左右兩邊 各鑲了一盞可以調較角度的LED射燈,為你照明。 此外,福特Co-Pilot360駕駛輔助技術是所有型號的標準裝置,幫 助駕駛者在高速公路上保持直線,同時避免在曠野撞到樹木。

規格 售價:由32,199元至40,199元(1,900元到岸費,不包括稅項、牌費和選置項目) 如欲訂購,可到福特網址登記,訂金為100元。車輛將於今年稍 後運抵代理商。 車身款式:4門5座位小型SUV 傳動:前置引擎,四輪驅動。標準裝備是8前速自動波箱,可選置8前速 SelectShift配搭方向盤換檔撥片。 引擎:1.5公升直噴燃油式EcoBoost 3缸渦輪增壓引擎 (181匹馬力和190磅/呎 扭力) ;2.0公升直噴燃油式EcoBoost 4缸渦輪增壓引擎 (245匹馬力和275磅/呎 扭力) 耗油量: (標準型號) 1.5 公升EcoBoost渦輪增壓引擎—市內/高速公路/綜合: 9.3升/8.3升/8.9升/100公里;2.0公升EcoBoost 渦輪增壓引擎—市內/高速公路/ 綜合:11.1升/8.9升/ 10.1升/100公里 行李箱容量:900公升,後排座椅摺疊後可將容量增加至1,840公升 拖曳重量:可達1,000公斤

Up to seven G.O.A.T. modes are available that will help the driver take the Sport just about anywhere. Standard modes include Normal, Eco, Sport, Slippery and Sand, and you can pay extra for modes like Mud/Ruts and Rock Crawl. Trail Control technology is like cruise control, but for off-road driving. It manages throttle and braking, allowing drivers to focus on steering in challenging conditions. It can be set at 30 km/h going forward and 10 km/h in reverse. This is really great stuff. Once in motion, the ride is smooth on fresh pavement. However, if you hit a bump, you’ll feel it. It’s not jarring, but it’s noticeable. There’s automatic stop-start at red lights and stop signs, which saves fuel. The compact SUV has good pep and the brakes are sharp. It’s a good car for around town. But this is an off-road vehicle, its “raison d’être.” It’s perfect for people with cottages, hunt camps and those who like to go camping. There’s even a table that can be set up inside the back of the Bronco, where you can set up the barbeque condiments. I’ve saved the best for last. Ford gave me a Badlands model for this test and it’s powered by a 2.0-litre EcoBoost engine that puts out 245 horsepower and 275 lb.-ft. of torque. The other three models—Base, Big Bend and Outer Banks—have the tried-but-true 1.5-litre EcoBoost engine that produces 181 horsepower and 190 lb-ft. of torque. Both engines are mated to an eightspeed automatic transmission. The Badlands model has steering-wheelmounted paddle shifters. There are a couple of other things worth mentioning. If it’s after dark and you want to throw a little light on whatever you’re up to, be it a late barbecue or a summertime game of chess, there are two LED spotlights—one on each corner of the rear lift—that can be adjusted to help you see what you’re doing. As well, Ford Co-Pilot360 driver assist technologies are standard on all models, which help keep you on the straight and narrow on the highway and from running into a tree in the wilderness.

FACT BOX PRICE: $32,199-$40,199, plus $1,900 destination and delivery charges (options, taxes and licensing not included). Note: Reservations, requiring a $100 deposit, are open at Vehicles will arrive at dealerships later this year. BODY STYLE: Compact four-door, five-passenger SUV. DRIVE METHOD: Front engine, four-wheel drive. Standard, eight-speed automatic transmission; optional (with 2.0-litre engine) eight-speed SelectShift with steeringwheel-mounted paddle shifters. ENGINES: 1.5-litre EcoBoost turbocharged three-cylinder with direct fuel injection (181 hp, 190 lb-ft.); 2.0-litre EcoBoost turbocharged four-cylinder with direct fuel injection (245 hp, 275 lb.-ft.) FUEL ECONOMY (Regular unleaded): 1.5-litre EcoBoost turbo–9.3L/100km city/8.3 hwy/8.9 combined; 2.0-litre EcoBoost turbo–11.1L/100km city/8.9 hwy/10.1 combined. CARGO VOLUME: 900 litres, rear seats upright; 1,840 litres, rear seats folded. TOW RATING: Up to 1,000 kilograms.


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