Jul / Aug 2021 EliteGen Toronto

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Jul/Aug 2021 Vol. 58 Toronto

ToronTo JUL/AUG 2021

LUxUry LivinG for cAnAdA's chinese eLiTe

舞吧!舞吧!舞吧! A sing tao publicAtion

‘70s glam by chanel


in retro specs


on the beach with louis Vuitton



fashion by Jaguar


Selena lee in a happy place Display until Aug 31, 2021




時尚潮流 就在指尖

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A sing tao publicAtion

luxury living for cAnAdA's chinese elite

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 黃敬強 Calvin Wong 副社長及總編輯 Associate Publisher & Editor-in-Chief 葉子青 Leslie Yip

編輯部 editorial 編輯及美術總監 Editorial/Design Director 華艾朗 Alan A. Vernon 編輯 Editor 李彩 Connie Li 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 卓穗良 Kannis Cheuk 編審 Copy Editor Ross Hopkins 編輯部 Editorial enquiries elitegen@singtao.ca / 416-861-8168

參與 Contributors Iris Chui, Michelle Demaree, Norris McDonald, Michael Muraz, Crystal Ng, Truc Nguyen, Renée Suen, Shuk Wa Tsang, Miranda Tsui, Emilia Ku Yazar

互聯網及社交媒體 Online & social media 統籌 Coordinator 陳麗華 Tiffany Tan 編輯 Editor 徐少玲 Iris Chui

美術部 production & design 美術及製作經理 Production Manager/Art Direction 邱卓庭 Cliff Yau 美術助理 Graphic Art Assistant 陸凱茵 Gloria Luk

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營業代表 Sales Representatives Patrick Leung, Kenneth Wong, Fanny Yeung, Harold Yu 營業部 Advertising enquiries elitegen@singtao.ca 905-754-1534

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出版 Publishing Published by Sing Tao Media Group Canada, affiliated with Torstar 加拿大星島傳媒集團出版,附屬多倫多星報

《星尚》歡迎來稿,但不對投稿負上任何責任。 《星尚》每年出版六期 。所有內容均為本刊資產。 eliteGen welcomes submissions but is not responsible for unsolicited materials. eliteGen is printed 6 times a year. Entire contents are property of eliteGen . 221 Whitehall Drive, Markham, Ontario L3R 9T1

publisher’s letter

我愛加拿大 Let’s CeLebrate! 我們這期刊物出街的日子,加拿大人正在歡度國慶 節,雖然持續一年多的疫情讓很多人生活比以往艱難, 但大家都感恩我們生活在一個平和安寧、充滿寬容和友 愛的國度。 在本期的美妝版面中有一個專門介紹加拿大美容護 膚品牌的內容,特別讓我聯想到了加拿大人的包容仁慈 之心。因為這些品牌力求產品從研發到製造到施用於 人,都符合保護自然和生命、與自然和生命和平共處的 最高原則,造就了真正加拿大製造純綠色環保的聲譽, 品牌也因此走向世界,受到廣汎的認同和喜愛。 生活在加拿大這個多元文化的國度,也注定我們可 用豐富多彩的方式慶祝節日,在多倫多,可以到我們這 期介紹的多家餐館去享受各國風味美食;在溫哥華,可 以隨我們的指引,去Parker藝術沙龍欣賞本土畫家們的 精彩作品,去達文西沉浸式展覽與藝術大師互動。 而我的慶祝方式是穿上一條特別的裙子,在我的新 居舉辦第一個家庭狂歡派對。知道我挑選的是一條什麽 樣的裙子嗎?——它一直挂在我的衣櫥多年未穿,我總 也捨不得丟掉。國慶節這天我要穿上它,一是因為它和 我生活中某個重要時刻密切相關,它的樣式花色令我想 起多年前的自己;二是因為2021年時尚界懷舊風格大行 其道,我要做個「弄潮兒」。 在今期雜志中有香奈兒、古馳、蒂芙尼、卡地亞等 多個品牌,它們都不約而同在最新系列中添加了諸多懷 舊元素向經典致敬,今夏流行的太陽鏡各大品牌更是直 接以上世紀七十年代造型為模板。從舊時的「我」中看到 現在的「我」,從現在的「我」中看到更新的「我」,時尚如 此,個人如此,國家也是如此。 祝加拿大繁榮昌盛,愿我們和加拿大一起成長!

Summer is finally here and so is Canada Day! At the time of writing this letter, our country is making progress in leaps and bounds with vaccinations, and l truly believe that we are on the way to better times ahead. There is so much to celebrate about being Canadian—our love for peace, our devotion to diversity, our respect for nature and our quest for excellence. For this reason, eliteGen has a tradition of paying tribute to our great country every summer. This year, we showcase some of our favourite Canadian beauty brands, as well as the stories behind them. Their products range from skincare to hair care and bath bombs disguised as greeting cards. Some are indie cult favourites, while others have made it to the international stage. No matter their scale, we want to celebrate the vision and innovation they bring to us. Furthermore, most of them bring us clean skincare products that are crueltyfree and eco-friendly. Plus, we shine a spotlight on the diverse gourmet scene in Toronto and the local art scene in Vancouver, I encourage you to support them as well. Canada Day is also a great excuse for a nice backyard barbecue. This will probably be the first party since moving into the new house, and I have already planned my outfit: a summer dress that I have cherished for years. Not only does it conjure up many fond memories, it is also very on trend: the retro rage is back with Chanel, Gucci, Tiffany & Co. and Cartier, among others, all injecting vintage elements into their latest collections. I love this mixing of the old and the new, and I look forward to mastering this art. So before you turn the page, let me wish you a happy summer, and happy Canada Day! Stay well and stay safe!

Leslie Yip Associate Publisher & Editor-in-Chief facebook.com/LeslieYip Twitter & Instagram: leslieyip0911


E L I T E G E N. C A

M Ay / j u N E


SubScription offer LUxUry LivinG for cAnAdA's chinese eLiTe

May/June 2021 Vol. 57 Toronto

ToronTo JUL/AUG 2021

ToronTo MAY/JUne 2021


ToronTo MAr/APr 2021

lUxUrY living for cAnAdA's chinese eliTe

luxury living for cAnAdA's chinese eliTe


Tiffany by naTure


biking WiTh louis VuiTTon



in retro specs

A sing tao publicAtion

‘70s glam by chanel

on the beach with louis Vuitton


230 years of GirardPerreGaux



Porsche Panamera 4s e-hybrid

paris & milan Fall/WinTEr 2021

fashion by Jaguar

Workin' mom


Display until Aug 31, 2021


Dancing DiamonDs by choparD



Selena lee in a happy place


chEF-DriVEn mEal kiTs




sPrinG fashion Trends

Display until June 30, 2021

Jessalyn Wanlim

撕掉標籤 顛覆過往‧ 鹿晗

走過 高山低谷


Display until April 30, 2021


Lu Han

no Looking back

luxury living for cAnAdA'S chineSe elite



the Bag BiBle:


sPring PreView: exclusive fashion shoot at hotel X toronto

accessories for men


Lots to smILe about at the

神級高球場 飛繩釣勝地

Iron Chef Rob Feenie on the thrill of the competition

aBaco cluB,

Fiona Sit


tiffany in shanghai



a-list influenCer


Celebrity +

chinese cinema’s

talks Fashion, Family, Friends and the Future. is she ready For total stardom ?

Chanel, Dior, hermès




gifts guiDes:

chinese new Year & valentine’s Day a sing Tao publication



so many sunglasses, military chic & drama dressing inspired by the Dutch Masters

the legendary journey of the famed jeweller




MAY/JUNE 2019 Vol. 44 Toronto

Jan/Feb 2020 Vol. 50 Toronto

luxury living for canada's chinese elite



ToronTo Jan/feb 2020

Display until Oct 30, 2020

A sing tao publicAtion

THE 巴黎/米蘭秋冬時裝周 coLLEcTIons: Paris & Milan


SiSley is one Choi ‘tough cookie’ Display until Oct 31, 2019

tr avel: loire valley châteaux 吃得出的「質」感

new & notable japanese restaur ants


• $20*/ 6期 • 比零售價 (價值$30) 節省33% 並免費送到府上 *另13% HST,受若干條件限制

can your own private plane really be cheaper?

反差魅力 張曦雯

Special limited-time offer

KELLy cHEung

• $20*/6 issues • Save 33% off the newsstand

Beauty Queen to TV star

THE BRIDAL IssuE 全方位 婚禮特刊






限時訂閱優惠 toronto MAY/June 2019

executive class

周筆暢 隨心而行

Display until FEB 29, 2020


蔡思貝 新•烈女正傳

Also inside

sihh watches jaguar F-Pace Van cleeF & arPels norwegian cognac

do-notdisturb beauty +r &r in new york city

fabulous fall outfits




luxury living for canada's chinese elite

has good timing

簡約優雅‧ 章子怡

a sing Tao puBlication

Anti-pollution remedies for your skin

A sing tao publicAtion


Chase tang

ViCki Zhao has the power

ToronTo octoBer 2019

走在更成熟的路上 ‧ 迪麗熱巴


the hottest leather

一將功成 ‧ 唐嘉壕

Zhang Ziyi for Chopard

picks to clutch on to


sixTh anniversary issue

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A sing tao publicAtion

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Display until June 30, 2019


50+ inspiring ideas From carats to cakes and everything in between...

price (a $30 value) plus FREE delivery

*Plus 13% HST, some conditions apply





up front 6 團隊 Masthead

8 出版人的話 publisher's letter

12 鎂光燈下 on the red carpet

fashion 14-33 潮流特區 Gucci, chanel, dior & vintaGe shades jewellery 34- 43 金獎加持 tiffany & co., lladró & cartier celebrity 44 封面故事 李施嬅疫境自強 cover Girl: selena lee



fashion: men 58 輝映榮耀歲月 the 60th anniversary of the JaGuar e-type timepieces 62-65 探索水底世界 louis vuitton, Mb & f interior design 66 踢走繁複纍贅 desiGn unfiltered


lifestyle 72 旅遊 travel: the GorGeous caribbean islands

80 露天餐廳新貴 dininG to tell: hot patio dininG 88 一酒耀雙星 winenot: the perfect tequila tech 90 專業機旗艦精準捕捉 sony full-fraMe Mirrorless alpha 1 caMera automobiles 92 型格跑旅 2022 infiniti qX55


beauty & scents 52-57 加國創意護膚品牌 proudly canadian, louis vuitton

Dress coDe: oN the ‘reD’ carpet

恬靜知性 slickster

喜氣洋洋 belle of the ball

霸氣衝天 celestial chic

Margot Robbie

Amanda Seyfried

Regina King

「小丑女」 Margot Robbie,身着Chanel閃亮鱗紋吊帶 長裙,配簡潔黑色手包,打扮充滿知性美。


E L I T E G E N. C A



荷里活影星Amanda Seyfried這身Giorgio Armani Deep-V加開花裙擺晚裝,喜慶又貴氣。

Regina King身穿Louis Vuitton銀藍色低V晚裝,綴以 銀色珠片和水晶,更有誇張的銀翼袖設計,真真是 氣場滿滿。

賞心悅目 princess pink

青春無敵 ray of sunshine

紫氣東來 bowed beauty

Vanessa Kirby

Zendaya Coleman

Halle Berry

Vanessa Kirby今年有份角逐奧斯卡獎影后,她一身 Gucci粉紅色晚裝現身頒獎禮,盡顯高挑身形。

Zendaya Coleman穿搭風格大膽,穿鮮黃色Valentino 低胸拖地晚裝,戴Bulgari高級珠寶,充滿朝氣。

曾經的奧斯卡影后Halle Berry以Bob頭配Dolce & Gabbana紫色晚裝,風格獨特,更有回春效果。





fashion: gucci at 100


music to my ears

Gucci aria an ode to the past Story | Connie Li Photography | Gucci Gucci百年華誕!其創意總監Alessandro Michele以一場聲色大秀「Gucci詠嘆調」打開世紀 封印。Balenciaga的叛逆嚴謹及Tom Ford的性 感張力與Gucci的馬術經典元素交相輝映。

Gucci is marking its centennial this year so creative director Alessandro Michele is unlocking the archives of the brand’s 100-year history for the Aria collection. Infused with the nonconformist rigour of Balenciaga and the sexual tension of Tom Ford, it’s all about patterns & texture.


E L I T E G E N. C A







fashion: gucci at 100


E L I T E G E N. C A







fashion: gucci at 100


E L I T E G E N. C A







fashion: chanel


Girls’ NiGht Out Chanel’s Fall/Winter 2021 ready-to-Wear collection a throwback to ‘70s glam Story | Leslie Yip Photography | Inez & Vinoodh, Leila Smara

音樂響起,隨Diana Ross《Do You Know Where You're Going To》的悠揚歌聲,Chanel 2021/22秋冬時裝系列以黑白電影的氛圍 登場︰一眾模特兒魚貫穿過巴黎左岸街道,到達時裝秀的主場地— Castel俱樂部,撥開閃閃發亮的珠簾,徐徐入內……。 Castel是巴黎最具傳奇性的私人俱樂部,自1961年開業以來,便 是上流社會和名人明星最愛流連的場所;這裏部分是高級餐廳,部分 是夜總會,即使沒有標明店號,但只要看到那道紅色漆面門,便知道 來對了地方。


E L I T E G E N. C A



The show begins with a black and white movie, with Diana Ross crooning “Do you know where you’re going to”. The models make their way through the streets of Paris’s Left Bank, arriving at their destination and entering through a glittering beaded curtain. They are at the Castel, Paris’s legendary private club, where high society and celebrities have mingled since it opened in 1961. Part restaurant part nightclub, there is no signage at the door—you know you have arrived when you reach the red lacquered doors.

模特兒們都在忙着︰有的在查看口紅,有的在整理衣領;忽地聽 到背後有人喊︰「準備開始,三、二、一。」Diana Ross的歌聲告一段 落,隨之響起的是新的廸士高強勁節拍,畫面也轉為全彩色—時裝秀 正式開始。 Chanel的創意總監Virginie Viard談到營造今次2021/22秋冬時裝 秀的氛圍︰「我喜歡對比,因此特意選擇在Castel的小空間裡舉辦份量 感較重的秋冬時裝秀。 「不知道是否因為我們所置身的時代,我喜歡多些暖意和生活動 感。想象着模特兒們行天橋秀,從這個房間走到另一個房間,在樓梯 間交錯擦身而過,她們的衣服都堆放在衣帽間,然後到另一處更換下 一套衣服…… 我想起Karl曾經跟我說,好久以前的時裝秀,模特兒們 都是自己穿戴衣服和化妝的。」

The models are now in a flurry of activity. One is checking her lipstick, while another is adjusting her neckline. Someone in the background says, “camera rolling: three, two, one.” Diana Ross is then silenced with a scrub, the scene turns full colour with a new disco beat pumping and the catwalk show begins. “I love contrasts, so for the more voluminous winter pieces, I wanted a small space,” says Virginie Viard, creative director of Chanel, in describing the atmosphere of the Fall-Winter 2021/22 Ready-toWear show. “I don’t know if this is because of the times we live in, but I wanted something warm, lively. “I imagined the models doing a show for themselves, going from room to room, crossing each other in staircases, piling their coats up in the cloakroom and going up to the next floor to get changed. And I thought of the shows that Karl [Lagerfeld] would tell me about, back in the day, a long time ago, when the models would dress themselves and do their own makeup.”





fashion: chanel

Chanel’s effortlessly cool girl is always eccentric and glamorous. … The girls dressed up for themselves, had a show for themselves and felt strong and beautiful together


E L I T E G E N. C A



正如Viard所說,今次的2021/22秋冬時裝系列,無論是層 次、面料材質和感覺都呈現「對比」效果。 斜紋軟呢大衣顯露穿着毛茸黑色短靴的雙腳線條;黑色斜 紋軟呢褲裝,褲子連着珍珠吊帶並配戴多層次長項鍊;白色羊皮 外套有着人造皮草滾邊,搭配如羽絨外套般的雙色長靴;穿上滑 雪連身裝,腳上卻搭配金屬鏈與黑色小蝴蝶結的綁帶涼鞋,或是 點綴山茶花的高跟鞋。 Viard這樣說︰「今個系列融合了我所喜愛的滑雪假期氛 圍,以及由70年代至今巴黎特有的型格時髦兩個主要元素。」 由著名二人組攝影師Inez&Vinoodh拍攝的時裝秀,畫面 在幕後花絮時的黑白景象切換至正式走秀時的彩色繽紛;彷彿在 訴說序幕後的種種跟實際走上天橋同樣重要,又或者是志在挑起 我們的興致,娛人自娛地好好打扮,跟好友外出玩樂,來一個 「Girl’ s Night Out」? 啊,我們還要等多久才可以一身魅力逼人的打扮在舞池盡 情地舞呢?

As Viard says, the collection is all about contrasts between volumes, materials and spirit. A long tweed coat reveals bare legs in furry black boots; a trouser suit is adorned with thin braces in pearls and layers of sautoir necklaces. A white patent sheepskin coat is lined with faux fur and coupled with “down jacket” style two-tone boots, while salopettes ski suits are worn with strappy sandals embellished with chains and little black bows or pumps adorned with a camellia. “This collection is a mix of two influences: the ambiance of ski holidays, which I adore, and a certain idea of cool Parisian chic, from the 1970s to now,” says Viard. Meanwhile, the show, which is filmed by the duo Inez & Vinoodh, continues to cut back and forth between behind-the-scene footage in black and white, and the catwalk in full colour. Is it suggesting that what happens behind the curtains is just as important as what occurs on the runway? Or is it just teasing us with the fun of dressing up and going out with friends? Ah, how we long to dance the night away in style and glamour again.





fashion: chanel 模特兒妝容 GeT The LOOK

希望出落如Chanel 2021秋冬時裝秀中模特兒般 妝容,先以Hydra Beauty Micro-Serum和Hydra Beauty Camellia Water Cream塗到面上。 To get the look of the models at Chanel’s Fall/ Winter Ready-To-Wear 2021 show, prepare the skin with Hydra Beauty Micro-Serum and Hydra Beauty Camellia Water Cream.

透過使用Les 4 Ombres 334 Modern Glamour 四色眼 影、Le Crayon Khol 61 Noir黑色眼線筆和Le Volume Revolution de Chanel 10 Noir黑色極致濃密睫毛液,營 造70年代風格的眼妝。 Sultry ‘70s-style eyes are achieved with Les 4 Ombres in 334 Modern Glamour, lined with Le Crayon Khol in 61 Noir, and lashes thickened with Le Volume Revolution de Chanel in 10 Noir.

雙頰和嘴唇採自然風,只需薄薄塗上Les Beiges Healthy Glow Sheer Powder自然亮肌蜜粉和Rouge Coco Bloom 116 Dream保濕豐盈唇膏已可。 Cheeks and lips are kept neutral with just a dusting of Les Beiges Healthy Glow Sheer Powder and Rouge Coco Bloom in 116 Dream. All products from Chanel


E L I T E G E N. C A




iNdustrial ChiC 為了慶祝N° 5香水誕生100周年,Chanel特別推出Factory 5, 把經典香氛加入17種限量版產品之中,設計靈感來自種種日常生活 用品。

To celebrate N°5 and its 100 years of celebrity, Chanel has developed Factory 5, transforming the iconic scent into 17 limited-edition products inspired by everyday objects.

無論是油畫顏料狀的N° 5潤膚乳霜、罐裝的沐浴啫哩,還是機 油造型的潤膚油、用鞋油罐盛着的肥皂,甚至茶葉罐中的沐浴梘, 有了這個系列,洗澡從此變得不再一樣。

Whether it is the N°5 body cream in a paint tube, the shower gel in a can, body oil that looks like engine oil, soap in a shoe polish tin or bath tablets in a tea canister, the collection promises to transform your ordinary bath ritual.





fashion: dior

下 之 陽 秋 在 躍動

s t o p s g seein ays homage to llection p o c 1 2 0 2 ll a F ’s Dior elegance d n a e c a r g e n feli Photography |

Dior Diorcamp bag, $4,700


E L I T E G E N. C A



Saddle bag, $5,600

Mizza baseball cap, $1,100

D-Charms pop ring, $990





fashion: dior

t, $7,600

Mizza bar jacke

Book tote, $ 4,700 Mizza slingb ack ba llerin

a flat,

Mizza scarf, $650 28

E L I T E G E N. C A





ers, $


Earring, $660





accessories: women


retro specs 今季各大品牌的太陽眼鏡新作,以懷舊復古為重點。 鏡框外形線條潮古交融,為夏季出街look錦上添花。 Vintage sunglasses are back in fashion. Blending modern technology with decades-old simplicity and style, these shades will add a nostalgic touch to your outfit. Story | Connie Li

Linda Farrow x Paco Rabanne Donyale, $645


E L I T E G E N. C A



Alexander McQueen, $415

Linda Farrow Bianca, $682

Gentle M Linda, $ onster 280

Dior, $730





accessories: women

Fendi, $630

Alexander McQueen, $440


E L I T E G E N. C A



Gentle Monster Linda, $320

Valentino, US$450

Berluti Cosmic, $990

Giorgio Armani, $TBD





jewellery: tiffany

Triple drop earrings, $4,600 Wrap bracelet, $12,000

結緣在 Tiffany

Bold But Beautiful tiffany global ambassador Roseanne Park adores the iconic jewellery brand Story | Connie Li Photography | Tiffany & Co. 34

E L I T E G E N. C A



Wrap necklace, $24,100

如果你看過Netflix頻道中有關韓國當紅女子組合BLACKPINK的記錄 片,便知道這四名女孩子是如何炙手可熱,受歡迎程度且是世界級的。 BLACKPINK中的朴彩英(大家愛稱她Rosé)更成為Tiffany&Co.的全球形象 大使。Rosé最近與eliteGen分享了她跟這家經典珠寶品牌的淵源和感受。 eG:成為Tiffany & Co.如此具標誌性品牌的形象大使,拍攝HardWear 系列廣告,是怎麼樣的感覺? R:我感到很榮幸和興奮成為HardWear系列的一份子。Tiffany & Co.一向是我心愛的品牌,讀高中時已經開始佩戴,伴着我成長,早已成為 我生命中的一部分,能夠在人生軌道中跟她接上 ,對我來說有着特別意義。 eG:你為什麼喜歡HardWear系列?你會怎樣穿戴或是喜歡什麼風 格? R:我最是喜歡HardWear系列的時尚型格感覺,那種大膽、明快和別 緻的設計。我對以豐富層次感來穿戴項鍊最是感興趣。 eG:玫瑰金、黃金和白金三種材質,你喜歡哪一種? R:我一般會選玫瑰金;但自從接觸過HardWear系列,卻為黃金著 迷。我曾經以為黃金似乎太花哨了,然而當我見到這系列的黃金飾品,發覺 原來黃金也可以這樣時髦和漂亮,便不自禁愛上了。

South Korean Blackpink star Roseanne Park, aka Rosé, is Tiffany & Co.’s global ambassador. EliteGen recently caught up with her and got to know more about her beyond her relationship with the iconic jewellery house. eG: What was it like shooting the latest Tiffany HardWear campaign? How does it feel being the face of such an iconic brand? R: I am very honoured and excited to be a part of the HardWear campaign that I absolutely adore. I’ve worn Tiffany jewellery since I was in high school. To be a part of this brand that has been a part of my life for a long time makes it that much more special to me. eG: What do you like most about the HardWear collection and how would you wear or style the pieces? R: I love it because it is very stylish. I love how bold and chic you can look. I’m very interested in layering my necklaces these days. eG: Are you more of a rose, yellow or white gold person? R: I usually go for rose gold, but ever since I started wearing the HardWear collection, I’ve been into yellow gold. Originally,





jewellery: tiffany

Graduated link necklace $17,200 Embrace band ring $13,900


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eG:都說珠寶首飾是有個人感受,你對Tiffany & Co.的第一個 印象又是怎樣? R:我和姐姐過往總是努力儲錢,然後互相送贈小巧別緻的 Tiffany項鍊,而每當收到Tiffany經典的藍色袋子,都讓我特別興奮 雀躍。我相信每個年齡層的人都能夠在自己生活中享受到Tiffany飾 物,是一件很美好的事。 eG:戴上漂亮的首飾時,感覺怎麼樣? Link earrings, $17,000

R:就是心花怒放的美妙感受!飾物總是很有趣,無論是用來 配搭日常衣着,或是出席特別場合,飾物往往起到畫龍點睛的作 用。很多時要到添加飾物的那刻,你才會清楚知道自己打扮的整體 印象和氛圍。 eG:有什麽人或事能為你添加力量? R:即使是最微小的事情,也要堅持和相信自己的觀點。 eG:誰是你最欣賞的女性? R:我媽媽。我仍然清楚記得我媽媽以前在紐西蘭全職工作 時,總是穿着最時髦的黑色外套和半截裙,塗上深紅色的唇膏,完 美的髮型……看上去就像一個老闆般。她是我的偶像,實在有很多 地方值得我效法,我希望自己長大後跟她一樣——負責任,待人友 善及尊重身邊人。最重要的是,我很感激她對我和姐姐無條件的 愛;她就是這樣一個無私、堅強和獨立的人。

I used to think that yellow gold seemed a bit too fancy, but I’m definitely enjoying how fancy and fashionable the collection in yellow gold looks on me these days. eG: Jewellery is always said to be a very personal thing. What is your first memory of Tiffany & Co.? R: We used to collect money to gift each other cute little Tiffany necklaces and there was always that special excitement of receiving the classic Tiffany Blue shopping bag. I love how anyone at any age can enjoy a bit of Tiffany jewellery in their life. eG: How do you feel when you put on a beautiful piece of jewellery? R: All sorts of butterflies. Jewellery is always a lot of fun. When we put together an outfit for the day, whether that be for an everyday look or a whole extra look for a day at work, jewellery is always the cherry on top. You’ll never know how the outfit will look until you add the jewellery. eG: Who or what empowers you? R: Standing up for my own opinions and trusting in them, even if it’s for the smallest things. eG: Who are some of the women you admire? R: My mum. I still remember my mum when she used to work full-time back in New Zealand—how she would dress up in the most chic, boss-black fitted blazer and pencil skirt. Her dark red lipstick and perfectly styled hair. She always looked like a boss and she was always my idol. I always wanted to look like her when I grew up. I admire her in so many ways. How responsible, respectful and kind she is to the people around her. And mostly, I admire her for her unconditional love towards me and my sister. She is one selfless, yet strong and independent, human being. Link bracelet, $23,600






Earrings, $230

Necklace, $1,955


in perfect tandem Lladró’s eye-catching actinia collection awarded Gold medal at the international design awards Story | Connie Li Photography | Lladró Brooch, $570


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Necklace, $4,755

Earrings, $210

Pendant, $795

無論是吊墜、耳環還是胸針,瓷器品牌 Lladró的Actinia系列中每一件作品都充滿動 感。吸引眼球的設計剛奪得國際設計大獎的金 獎,該比賽旨在表彰在設計範疇具創見的人 士,以及在建築、室內設計、產品設計、平面 設計及時裝設計各領域發掘富有才華的新一代。 羅馬尼亞設計師Raluca Buzura的創意及 Lladró精湛的瓷器工藝相結合,成就了如藝術 品般炫目耀眼的Actinia珠寶系列。 Actinia的珠寶飾以3微米鍍金925純銀。除 耳環外,全部飾品的背面均以人手縫上黑色皮 革。一如其它Lladró的精品,Actinia每一件作 品都在華倫西亞的工作室以純手工打造,貫徹 品牌逾60年的超卓工藝,在用色的精準方面也 與品牌一脈相承。

Pendants. Earrings. Brooches. In Lladró’s Actinia collection, they all appear to be in motion. The eye-catching pieces were recently awarded the Gold Medal at the International Design Awards, which recognizes, celebrates and promotes design visionaries, as well as discovering new talent in architecture, interiors, product, graphic and fashion design. The challenge of turning a piece of jewellery into a work of art united the creative talent of Romanian designer Raluca Buzura with Lladró’s consummate technical control of porcelain. The result is Actinia: a collection of dazzlingly beautiful pieces. Actinia jewellery is adorned with 3-micron gold-plated 925 sterling silver. They are sewn by hand (except for the earrings) with a leather backing. Like all Lladró creations, the Actinia pieces have been made entirely by hand at workshops in Valencia, where the brand has deployed its unparalleled know-how and unmistakable palette of colours for more than 60 years.





jewellery: cartier


au naturel From reinvented classics to novel creations, Cartier takes its creativity to the next level Story | Eve Lam

Photography | Cartier

卡地亞的高級珠寶世界,充斥着工藝精湛與創意無限的 精彩創作,最新的[Sur]Naturel系列,就以抽象手法演繹大自 然意境,由天空雲朵、湖光山色、花草樹木、動物昆蟲觸發 靈感。新作更是在經典中加注嶄新元素,把創意與美藝昇華 到更高層次。


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The world of Cartier’s high jewellery is all about exquisite craftsmanship and boundless creativity. The [Sur]Naturel series takes a unique path, combining figuration with abstraction, influenced by the elements of nature.

Gharial項鏈 以一種大型食魚鱷魚的名字命名,模仿了鱷魚皮的鱗狀。 鉑金、八邊形切割尚比亞祖母綠、鑽石。 Gharial necklace Named after a species of large fish-eating crocodiles, it resembles the skin of a crocodile in platinum, emeralds from Zambia and diamonds.

Hemis項鏈 作品的名字取自印度赫米斯國家公園有 「雪山之王」 之稱的珍稀雪豹。用藍紫色蛋 白石、紫鋰輝石、粉紅鑽和白鑽,鋪砌出 雪豹毛皮的斑點紋理。 Hemis necklace Re-interpret the Indian wild leopard's pelt using a 71.08-carat cushion-shaped kunzite surrounded by opals, pink and white diamonds.

Tillandsia項鏈 白金、綠柱石、彩色鑽石、 磨砂石英。 Tillandsia necklace White gold, green beryls, coloured diamonds, rutilated quartz.





jewellery: cartier Sinopé 項鏈 以蜿蜒曲線捕捉冰面、水波與漣漪的動感姿態。 白金、藍寶石、青金石、鑽石。 Sinopé necklace Capture the dynamic posture of ice, water waves and ripples with winding curves. White gold, sapphires, lapis lazuli and diamonds.

Sinopé耳環 白金、馬達加斯加藍寶石、青金石、鑽石。 Sinopé earrings White gold, oval Madagascar sapphires, lapis lazuli and diamonds.

Tillandsia耳環 白金、橢圓形綠柱石、黃梨鑽石。 Tillandsia earrings White gold, oval green beryls, yellow pear diamonds.

[Sur] Naturel花卉吊墜耳環 鉑金、尖晶石、鑽石。 [sur]naturel flora earrings Platinum, spinels and diamonds. [Sur] Naturel戒指 克什米爾藍寶石、祖母綠、盾形鑽石。 [sur]naturel ring Sapphire from Kashmir, emeralds, shield-shaped diamonds.


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Félin吊墜耳環、手環、項鏈、耳環 白金、祖母綠、縞瑪瑙、鑽石。 Félin Pendant earrings, bracelet, necklace & earrings all made in white gold, emeralds, onyx and diamonds.

Ophesis項鏈 這條以蛇形設計的項鏈捕捉了蛇的鱗片紋理。用白金、 祖母綠、鑽石和縞瑪瑙製成。 Ophesis necklace Represent a dorsal ridge of snake with white gold, zambian emerald, onyx and diamonds. ELITEGEN




cover girl


Prime time Actress Selena Lee is in a happy place Story | Iris Chiu Photography | Karl Lam

在這樣一個充滿未知數的世代,實在需要正能 量來鼓舞人心。今年剛步進40歲的李施嬅自覺當下無 論身體,還是精神狀態都處於最佳狀態和最是強壯。 路途縱是多變,她依然信心滿滿地迎接新的轉變和挑 戰。 李施嬅年初宣布答允了男朋友車崇健的求婚,但 她說目前還未訂下正式婚期,因為彼此都很希望至親 的家人和朋友見證人生大事,但她的父母皆在外國, 歸途多有不便,所以是萬事俱備,暫欠東風,未能訂 下確實婚期。「其實我們彼此已認定了對方,也不急 正式註冊。可能之前拍戲已穿過婚紗好幾次,所以我 不想真正結婚時,打扮到好像彩雀般,亦不期待大事 舖張;簡簡單單地和最親密的家人和朋友聚在一起便 足夠了。」 未婚夫車崇健是香港的頂級健身教練,之前有 周刊說陳可辛和吳君如夫婦是他倆的媒人,但李施嬅 說其實是經圈外朋友介紹認識的。 「朋友那時見我單 身,便很積極地介紹男朋友給我。是大夥兒的聚會, 很自然地相識、相知、相愛。他是一個好特別的人, 很單純,很簡單,完全正氣,不煙不酒,不用工作便 愛留在家。可能我本身的工作性質已經很緊張,競爭 很大,整個人繃得佷緊;因此當身邊人是踏實down to earth時,大家簡簡單單吃東西,看齣戲,感覺已 很溫馨和窩心。」 她就是喜歡這種平淡是福的感覺。「有時不是說 要送上一百朵玫瑰花才稱得上是浪漫。大家一起這四 年多,生活中的點點滴滴,那種凡事以我為先的細微 關心,就好像知道你拍戲捱更抵夜,便買好湯水,放 在家讓你回來喝……。」 不過求婚過程還是花上好些心思,知道李施嬅 喜歡海洋,所以車崇健也特意選了當兩人在美國潛水 時,於水底求婚。「戴上戒指時,還有鯊魚在身邊游 呢!」 訂婚後,李施嬅說感覺很實在,那種愛情路上的 的忐忐忑忑不再。「我又可以集中精神努力工作去。」


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Navigating a world full of unknowns this past year has been tough. But with just a little positive energy Selena Lee is confident she can face the changes and challenges the pandemic has thrust upon us. Lee, recently engaged to Anson Cha, four days shy of her 40th birthday, had to postpone the wedding for obvious reasons. But she’s taking it all in stride with plans to celebrate the big day with family and friends—and when her parents can safely travel travel from overseas. “We are committed to each other, so there’s no rush to make it official,” says Lee. “I don’t need to dress up or make a big deal for my own wedding. A simple and intimate gathering with our loved ones will do.” There were rumours that director Peter Chan and actress/ wife Sandra Ng played Cupid for the couple, but Lee insists she met her fiancé, a celebrity fitness coach in Hong Kong, through friends outside of showbiz. “We met in a big group and got to know each other, then fell in love. He is a very special person—very straightforward, easygoing, uncomplicated and positive. He doesn’t drink or smoke and is a homebody when he’s not working. Since my work can be stressful and competitive, I can be quite tense. It’s good to have someone down to earth to enjoy warm and tender moments over a meal or a movie.” That sums up the kind of blissful simplicity Lee likes: “Romance is not about getting 100 roses. In the four years we’ve been together, he has expressed his thoughts and showed how he cares with even the smallest things, such as getting a soup ready for me at home for when I finish work late.”

TooK THe PLuNge Cha put a lot of thought into the proposal, too. Knowing that Lee loves the ocean, he proposed while they were diving in the u.S. Says Lee: “When he put the ring on, there were sharks circling around us.” She does not plan to put her career on the backburner despite the engagement. “I have a lot of work booked at the moment, but they are all pending. Some of them are overseas shoots and should have been completed already, but they were delayed due to the pandemic.”

Necklace and earrings, Fred Paris; Bow Top and leggings, Selvaggia Lorefice; Gloves, Identical Twinz





cover girl

Tweed jacket, St. John; Black sports top, Calvin Klein


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不識廬山 李施嬅愛工作,享受演戲帶來的滿足感,特別是這幾年漸見成 績,也就愈做愈起勁。 「其實手頭上有很多工作,卻全都在等候中, 沒有一樣是真正落實進行。有一些在外地拍攝的,若按計劃本來到 這時期是已經完成了的,卻就因疫情反覆而告吹或押後;所以真的 要等到經理人說『要起程到拍攝場地了』才可作實。」 疫情下的拍攝工作真是要到身歷其中才感受到那種混亂。就如 她剛於年初到多倫多拍的《Blood and Water》第三季,實際拍攝時 間約兩個多星期,但抵達多倫多時要隔離兩星期,返到香港後又得 隔離三星期,花在隔離的時間比拍攝還要多。 「我人剛到埗,安省便宣布要封城,心頭真的冷了一截——不 是這樣倒霉拍不成吧!要是拍不成,製作公司會不會出現財務困難 呢?因為已經有很多額外支出,特別是有許多從溫哥華、愛德華王 子島等地來的工作人員,大家又要先隔離才可入組。幸好可以繼續 拍攝,但過程中出現很多困難和混亂︰先是有些原定了的演員和工 作人員回來不了;自己的頭髮顏色淺了不連戲,可是髮型屋都停止 營業染不了;很多外景和場地也關了……要不停更改劇本來遷就。 那情形其實有點像以前在TVB拍電視劇,臨場才收到新指示般,好 多方面都需要自己跟進,可能是訓練有素,我尚應付得來,不過其 他本地演員便感到莫大壓力。」 拍攝期間,整個團隊成員都要住進酒店,隔日做一次測試, 得自己回房間進食,除了正式拍攝,所有人任何時間都要戴口罩。 由有專人負責管理,相距幾小時便要更換。演員要除下口罩拍攝的 話,口罩便需放到特定的袋子,平均每兩小時便換一個。 李施嬅笑說自己拍完這劇集也認不出大部分的工作夥伴。「就 如劇組的化妝師,不但戴了口罩,還有護目鏡、膠面罩和全身保護 衣,摘走口罩可能真的認不出來。我們都說︰戴上口罩可能還容易 認到。」

Shooting during the pandemic can be quite complicated. For instance, Lee was in Toronto earlier this year to shoot Season 3 of Blood and Water. It was a two-week shoot, but she had to be in quarantine for two weeks upon arrival in Toronto and then another three weeks upon returning to Hong Kong. She ended up spending more time in quarantine than on the actual shoot. “ontario went into lockdown when I first arrived,” she says. “My heart sank and I wondered if the shoot would be cancelled and whether the production company would have financial trouble, as there were already a lot of other costs for crews from Vancouver and Prince edward Island—and they all had to go into quarantine. “Fortunately, the shoot went on, despite difficulties and confusion. Some actors and crew couldn’t come back; the colour of my hair got lighter and wouldn’t look the same with already-shot scenes, And since all hair salons were closed, I couldn’t fix it. Lots of locations and venues were closed, so there were considerations as to whether the script had to be changed to get it done. It was very much like when we shot TVB dramas in the past, when we received last-minute new directions on site, and we had to follow up on a lot of things ourselves. Perhaps that training made me handle changes well, whereas other local actors felt overwhelmed.” During the shoot, the whole crew was sequestered in a hotel and had to be tested every other day. They had to eat in their own rooms and wore face masks except in front of the camera. A specific person was assigned to manage masks and make sure they were swapped for a fresh one after two hours. Because of this, Lee said she couldn’t recognize most of the crew, despite spending so much time together on the shoot. “The makeup artist, for example, wore a face mask, protective eyewear, face shield and full-body protective clothing. I would not recognize her when she had her mask off."





cover girl

意外收穫 李施嬅對《Blood and Water》別有一份情意結。「那是我第一套擔 正、在加拿大拍的外國電視劇,亦讓我獲得第七屆加拿大銀幕獎女配 角提名,雖然未獲獎,卻已是很大認同。儘管這不是一齣成本很大的 電視劇集,卻是我經過試鏡爭取得來的角色,給予我很大信心—有人 賞識我的演技,給我那麼重的戲份。我睇到自己的潛能,原來我不但 是一個演員,還可以有很大作為,鼓勵到自己踏出舒適圈往外闖。所 以這套劇對我有很大意義。」其實那段時間李施嬅有Marvel電影《尚氣》 的試鏡機會,但撞了拍攝期,她還是心無旁騖地準備拍第三季。 而在劇集拍攝期間,李施嬅不單演好自己的戲份,也毫不計較地 積極幫助劇組其它拍攝工序,例如會提醒劇情發展是否銜接、其他演 員的服裝打扮是否連戲……那份投入和助力令拍攝單位主動加了她人 工。「拍完回港在酒店隔離期間遇上我的生日,收到一份意想不到的 生日禮物。原來拍攝單位覺得我貢獻良多,主動提出把我列為『聯合 監製』。以前拍劇覺得做監製很厲害,估不到自己也可以。」 因此她更深信一個人的努力是可以打動到別人,亦更有信心走 往後的演藝路。「你一定要好愛好愛這個行業方能堅持,因為這是一 道好長好長的路,總得保持正面態度,因為你永不知前面有什麽會發 生,就像剛獲得奧斯卡最佳女配角的73歲南韓女演員尹汝貞般。」

INITIATIVe ReWARDeD Lee says Blood and Water is special to her, for “it’s the first drama in which I’m the lead, and it’s an overseas drama shot in Canada. It also got me a nomination for Best Supporting Actress at the 7th Canadian Screen Awards. “Although I didn’t win, it was still major recognition. It might not be a big-budget production, but I had to audition for it, and it was reassuring that someone liked my acting and gave me a big part. It got me to step out of my comfort zone. This drama series means a lot to me.” At that time, Lee had a chance to audition for the Marvel movie Shang-Chi, but the schedules clashed, and she was happy to focus on getting ready for Season 3 of Blood and Water. During the shoot, Lee did more than simply play her part. She also helped the crew with a number of tasks, such as ensuring continuity of costumes with other scenes. “When I returned to Hong Kong after the shoot and celebrated my birthday in the quarantine hotel, I received a surprise birthday present. The production company felt I had contributed a lot, so they offered to list me as a co-producer. To me as an actor, producer is a big deal. Now I am one, too.” That’s why Lee believes working hard has its rewards, and she is now much more confident.“You have to really love this business to keep going, because it’s a very long road. You also have to stay positive because you never know what’ll come next. Just look at Korean actress Youn Yuh-jung, who won the Best Supporting Actress oscar (for Minari) at age 73.”

Tulle skirt, Giorgio Armani; Boots, Emporio Armani; Pendant necklace and earrings, Fred Paris


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事事兼顧 李施嬅的好姊妹胡杏兒早前參加中國的真人show節目《演員請就 位》第二季贏得冠軍,她說自己有機會的話也很想嘗試。「但我的普通話 沒她那樣靈光,可以說,但要背長長的台詞就有一定難度。」 在疫情期間,她也有低落的時間。「有些製作公司關了門、試鏡失 敗、工作押後……但TVB電視劇《金宵》播出後為我帶來很多工作機會, 拍廣告、到內地和馬來西亞工作等;比上不足,比下卻綽綽有餘。」 她的IG約有80萬追隨者,微博亦有約400萬,很多品牌都愛找她 推廣,而她亦趁這段時間學習作曲,年底便會有新歌推出。「這些都 是由自己一手處理,還真是要感謝TVB,這些年來把我們訓練到multitask,事事都兼顧和做到。」 雖然對事業仍是滿懷熱忱,但李施嬅說如能懷孕,亦是人生的一 大祝福。「都說女人有生理時鐘限制,但我覺得自己目前無論是生理和 心理都是處於人生最佳狀態,有BB會是很開心的事。」

Lee may not have won an oscar—yet—but she does have some 800,000 Instagram followers and four million WeChat followers—and has appeared in commercials for many brands. She also took time to learn how to write songs and even gained recognition for portraying Alex and Coco in the 2019 TVB supernatural romance drama Barrack O’Karma. Says Lee: “I have to thank TVB for preparing me to multi-task and take care of many things in one go.” Although she remains full of enthusiasm for her work, Lee thinks it would be a blessing to have a baby: “There is this theory about biological clocks for women, but I feel that I’m in my prime physiologically and psychologically. It will be such a joy to have a baby.”

Dress, Moschino; Bracelets, Fred Paris Boots, Stylist's

Art director : Sarona Lo / Karl Lam Styling: Sarona Lo Wardrobe assistant: Meko Lin Makeup artist: Stephen Lau Hair stylist: Nicki Ting Nail: The Nails





the Beauty pages


Proudly Canadian This Canada Day, we want to show some love to the dreamers and go-getters who created some of our favourite Canadian skincare brands Story | Leslie Yip 加國有一群創意非凡的朋友,創辦了一些深受大家愛戴的本土護膚品 牌。趁着國慶日,就讓我們一同支持這些本土創作。

EvErist 你可能有所不知,洗髮水和護髮素的成份超過70%是水,並加入大量人 造化學物質,包裝是不可循環再造的塑膠。有見及此,兩位創意非凡的多倫 多女性Jayme Jenkins和Jessica Stevenson想到了一個前所未有、正等待獲 批專利的嶄新護髮概念—不含水的濃縮洗髮水/護髮素。 這種濃縮護髮乳霜以百份百植物為原材料,接觸到水份才發揮作用。 由於配方中完全不含水,不會引致細菌滋生,因此無需要加入化學防腐劑。 包裝是可無限循環再造的鋁製軟管,這款嶄新而且環保的配方不單只效用顯 著,零廢棄的設計極有心思。 推介:Waterless Haircare Concentrates Starter Kit, $54

這套入門組合包括洗髮水,溫和清潔頭髮又不會引致脫髮;護髮素則蘊 含多種維他命、礦物質及脂肪酸,令秀髮輕盈柔軟且帶有健康亮澤。由於產 品為三倍濃縮配方,100ml的軟管已經等同一支普通裝的洗髮水 (或護髮素) 。 配方加入五種對頭髮和頭皮有益的精油,包括佛手柑、香橙、迷迭香、 快樂鼠尾草及薄荷。同時不含對羥基苯甲酸酯、硫酸鹽、矽硐,無染色,亦 不含人造香薰及防腐劑。適合經漂染頭髮使用,純素而且不經殘忍動物測 試。 套裝包括:普通裝無水濃縮洗髮 + 護髮乳霜 + 兩支零廢棄軟管鑰匙 + 迷你瓶蓋袋子。

Did you know that mass-produced shampoos and conditioners are more than 70 per cent water, loaded with synthetic chemicals and packaged in singleuse plastic? Armed with this insight, two incredibly talented women from toronto launched a novel, patent-pending concept in haircare—waterless shampoo/conditioner concentrates. setting out to do it differently, Jayme Jenkins and Jessica stevenson created 100 per cent plant-based, cream-textured concentrates that are activated by the water in your shower. By completely removing water from their formulas, they have also removed the need for chemical preservatives (water attracts bacteria). Packaged in infinitely recyclable aluminum tubes, these novel, ultra-clean formulas have exceptional performance and are also thoughtfully designed to be zero-waste. To try: Waterless Haircare Concentrates Starter Kit, $54

this starter kit includes a shampoo that gently cleanses without stripping hair, and a conditioner that enriches hair with vitamins, minerals and fatty acids, leaving hair feeling light, soft and healthy. At three-times concentrated, a whole regular-sized bottle of shampoo (or conditioner) fits in a 100ml travelfriendly aluminum tube. Made with a refreshing blend of five essential oils—bergamot, orange, rosemary, clary sage and peppermint—the formula is free of parabens, sulfates, silicones, dyes, synthetic fragrances and preservatives. it’s coloursafe, vegan and cruelty-free. Kit includes: Full-size Waterless shampoo Concentrate + Waterless Conditioner Concentrate + 2 zero-waste tube keys + mini cotton cap bag. helloeverist.com


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BitE BEAuty

創立這個品牌的家族一向敢於創新。Robert Lavoie於1990年推出的 Ombrelle防曬霜,是首個可抵禦UVA和UVB紫外線的防曬產品,成為當時 美容界的革命性新品。產品系列獲空前成功,更於1997年獲L’ Oréal收購。

先是以食品級原料打造的高顯色唇膏。接着登場的是lip lab唇彩實驗 室,讓女士們即場製作專屬的訂製色唇膏。面世短短三年之後,這個由多 倫多人Susanne Langmuir創辦的品牌已經獲LVMH公司旗下的Kendo看 中,收歸旗下。

Ombrelle系列為肌膚築起防護網,下一步當然是修復被太陽光侵害 的肌膚。這個意念成就了品牌Reversa的誕生,它亦是首個以乙醇酸為主 要活性成份的品牌,每一個配方都是設於魁北克Pointe-Claire的實驗室的 研究成果。品牌由Robert Lavoie的下一代Michel及Marie-Claude接手經 營,他們延續家族的理念,繼續研發純素及PETA認證不經殘忍動物測試 的非處方護膚產品。 推介:Radiance-GLOW Cream, 50 ml | $60

產品於本國製造,蘊含92%天然成份,全天候修復壓力及疲勞肌 膚,讓你一年365天肌膚都有如夏季般無瑕亮澤。配方的主要成份是4%乙 醇酸,刺激細胞生長,從而改善膚質及膚色,呈現透亮美肌。產品亦加入 Nonapeptide-1,能有效增強肌膚屏障和補充水分。其它成份還包括被喻 為超級水果、具抗氧化功效的卡卡杜果萃取;以及能改善皮膚彈性的西瓜 萃取。產品中的淡香來自植物萃取,更加入提亮色粉營造反光效果,遮蓋 幼紋和細微瑕疵。

the founding family of this brand has always been innovative. in 1990, robert Lavoie launched Ombrelle sunscreen, the first product to protect against uvA and uvB rays, which was a feat in and of itself in dermatological care at the time. the product line was so successful that L’Oréal bought it in 1997. After Ombrelle’s skin protection products, the next logical step was to correct skin damage caused by sun exposure. it is with this in mind that the reversa brand was created, and it was one of the first brands to use glycolic acid as its main active ingredient, and every formula comes directly from its laboratory in Pointe-Claire, Que.

今年是BITE創立十周年,除了唇部產品外,產品系列加入打底霜、 粉底、睫毛液以至眼線筆等,全部均以純素、食品級原料製造,配方更加 入白藜蘆醇。 推介:Upswing Extreme Longwear Liquid Eyeliner, $33

這支眼線液以超級食物為原材料,包括具滋潤作用的西番蓮萃取, 最重要是不含炭黑和甲醛釋放物質。顯色度高而且易於勾勒出幼細的眼 線,長效持久達12小時,而且不暈染、不走色、不脫落。

First came high-pigment lip colours made of food-grade ingredients. Next came the “lip labs”, where artisans custom blend lipstick for you on the spot. then, within three years of launching, the company started by toronto-based susanne Langmuir was swept up by Kendo, an LvMH company. Celebrating its first decade this year, Bite’s lineup is no longer limited to lip service. the products range from primers to foundations to mascaras and eye-liners—all made with food-grade, vegan ingredients and infused with resveratrol. To try: Upswing Extreme Longwear Liquid Eyeliner, $33

say goodbye to carbon black and formaldehyde-releasing agents. this liquid eyeliner contains superfood ingredients, including nourishing passionflower extract. ultra-pigmented and super-precise, this highperformance, 12-hour liquid eyeliner is smudge-resistant, transfer-resistant and fade-resistant. bitebeauty.com

Lavoie’s children, Michel and Marie-Claude, have since taken over operations and continue the family legacy in formulating effective overthe-counter products that are vegan and PEtA-certified cruelty-free. To try: Radiance-GLOW Cream, 50 ml | $60

Made here in Canada from 92 per cent natural ingredients, it is designed to revive stressed and tired skin throughout the seasons, giving you that flawless summer glow all year round. At the heart of the formula is four per cent glycolic acid that stimulates new cell generation, resulting in improved skin texture, tone and a brighter complexion. it also contains Nonapeptide-1, which strengthens the skin barrier and improves hydration. Extracts of murunga plum—a superfruit with antioxidant power—and watermelon improve skin elasticity. in addition to a light fragrance based on plant extracts, it also has illuminating pigments to reflect and diffuse light to mask fine lines and slight imperfections. reversa.ca





the Beauty pages



咖啡、糖、橙皮和亞馬遜果仁,以上通通都是Céla產品中的部 分成份。創辦人Celine Tadrissi是三子之母,本身是第十二代加拿大 人的她,在美容業界經營多年,她位於King街及Bayview Village的 Hammam Spa是多倫多數一數二的水療中心。

這個來自魁北克省東部小鎮的品牌,以加拿大栽種的高質薰衣草 為原材料,打造一系列面部及身體護理用品、家居用品、食品及香薰 療法產品。所有產品標榜純天然、不以殘忍動物測試、不含對羥基苯 甲酸酯/硫酸鹽/人造香料,而且全部以獲認證的薰衣草製作而成。

要求嚴謹的她,為spa到處訪尋加國製造的高質產品,卻一直苦 尋不果,沒想到這就成為創辦Céla的契機。Céla的產品本來只於店內 使用,但想到客人在家中的日常護理亦十分重要,因此提供零售讓客 人在家中都可進行深度護膚療程。

20多年前,Patricia Fartaish和Pierre Pellerin決定在當時大家都 認為不適宜種植薰衣草的田裡栽種100,000株薰衣草苗。到了2004 年,Bleu lavande首次對外開放,農場中的精品店吸引了超過30,000 名遊客到訪。其後,薰衣草田遷到Magog。全年開放的Espaces Bleu Lavande提供室外及室內的活動,參觀者可學習如何製作薰衣草肥 皂、購買種子並認識如何在家中栽種薰衣草,更可品嚐當地美食及購 買他們的產品。

推介:Essential Face Mist, 50 ml | $28

藉着極地雪藻萃取的強效抗老及活化細胞功能,這支面部噴霧能 增強肌膚屏障,促進自身的防禦及能量系統。配方結合療癒成份、含 豐富抗氧化物的維他命E和補濕的甘油,以及高效改善膚質的椰子水和 蘆薈。還加入Céla獨有的複合物,糅合多種加國植物包括藍莓、接骨 木花、月見草、杜松子、迷迭香及薰衣草,能紓緩壓力肌膚,令你精 神一振。

Coffee, sugar, orange peel and Amazonian nuts—these are some of the ingredients you will find in Céla. its founder, Celine tadrissi, is a busy mother of three, a beauty industry veteran and a 12th-generation Canadian. Her Hammam spa on King street West and in Bayview village are considered among toronto’s most luxurious spa and wellness experiences. the line was created when she was searching for high-quality, clean products to use at the spa and was frustrated by the lack of thoughtful, Canadian-made options up to Hammam spa’s standards. recognizing that the home was also an important place to build ritual and supplement wellness in between treatments, Céla is now available outside of the spa to elevate simple home routines into a restorative self-care ritual. To try: Essential Face Mist, 50 ml | $28


推介:Intense Gel, 250 ml | $28

配方蘊含真正薰衣草、樟木、柏木、杜松精油和天然薄荷萃取, 這款身體潤膚啫哩能紓緩因腿部疲勞及乾燥肌膚引致的不適。啫哩會 令肌膚同時產生冷暖感覺,即時喚醒及紓緩乾燥皮膚,花香亦能令人 感到放鬆。產品中有96%為天然原材料、純素而且無麩質。

From the Eastern townships of Quebec comes a line of beautiful face, body, household, food and aromatherapy products—all made of the highest quality, Canada-grown lavender. All their products are natural, cruelty-free, paraben/sulfate/artificial fragrance-free and made of certified true lavender. it began some 20 years ago when Patricia Fartaish and Pierre Pellerin decided to defy growing zones and planted 100,000 lavender seedlings. in 2004, when Bleu Lavande opened to the public for the first time, more than 30,000 visitors entered the farm’s small boutique. the farm has since moved to Magog. Open year-round, Espaces Bleu Lavande offers indoor and outdoor “discovery” spaces where you can learn how to make lavender soap, buy seedlings and grow lavender at home, taste locally-made products and shop their products. To try: Intense Gel, 250 ml | $28

Harnessing the anti-aging, cellular-energizing superpower of snow algae extract, this facial spray reinforces the skin barrier and stimulates its defence and energy system. Healing, antioxidant-rich vitamin E and moisturizing glycerin are blended into a complexion-boosting base of coconut water and soothing aloe. signature Céla Complex, a protective blend of Canadian botanicals (blueberry, elderberry, evening primrose, juniper berry, rosemary and lavender), calms stressed skin and refreshes your senses.

Formulated from true lavender, camphor, cypress, juniper essential oils and natural mint extracts, this body gel can help relieve the discomfort associated with tired legs and dry skin. When applied to the skin, the gel will create a simultaneous sensation of warmth and cold that will energize and soothe dry skin, while the aroma will help you feel relaxed. it’s 96 per cent natural origin ingredients, vegan and gluten-free.



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2016年的夏天,卑詩省維多利亞的Tim Upton坐在床邊望着一疊 即將被丟棄的舊賀卡,心裡感到莫名的傷感。他突發忽發奇想,如果 可以把賀卡變成一種體驗,那有多好?何不把賀卡造成沐浴球,收到 的人可以物有所用?之後他與好友Patrick Paquette攜手把想法實踐出 來。

品牌名字在法文為「看見」的意思,當Andy Hoang跟Nia Shindle 在2017年創立品牌時,腦海出現了跟顧客談論藝術、大自然及美容的 畫面。

賀卡以不含毒素的環保原材料在加國以全人手製造。每張卡都 是百份百可溶於水中,香味來自天然精油。當他們參加節目Dragon’s Den賣橋時,三位評判一致表示願意投資。如今,他們的賀卡行銷全 國,由卑詩的Campbell River以至安省的Sudbury。

加拿大變幻莫測的四季賦予他們靈感,這家多倫多初創公司每一 件產品的包裝上都印有一幅畫,以表達四季的特色:和暖的陽光、清 新的雨點、輕拂的微風、冰涼的初雪、令人興奮的日出又或者寧靜的 日落。每個配方都不含矽硐、對羥基苯甲酸酯、鄰苯二甲酸鹽、硫酸 鹽、人造色素或礦物油,而且獲Leaping Bunny認證不經殘忍動物測 試。

推介:Bee Positive BathBomb Card, $11.99

推介:A Walk in the Sun, 60 ml | $32

他們特別為每一個值得慶祝的時刻設計賀卡,實在很難揀一款來 介紹。不過最近大家都需要多一點正能量,因此特別揀選了這款杏子 及蜂蜜味的Bee-Positive。賀卡亦提供其它香味,包括甜橘、按樹油、 薰衣草及薄荷等。望着賀卡在浴缸中慢慢溶於水中,從此收賀卡多了 一重樂趣。

這款髮油蘊含三種有加固作用的天然精油—荷荷巴油、葵花油和 玫瑰果油,能迅速被皮膚吸收,達至深層補濕,令秀髮色澤亮麗。可 在早上使用令髮質變得柔順,散發健康光澤;亦可在晚上使用,只需 數滴便可達至深層滋潤。適合任何髮質使用,包括經漂染的頭髮,橘 子香草清香亦令人無法抗拒。

it was the summer of 2016, and tim upton of victoria, B.C. was sitting on the edge of his bed, looking at a pile of old greeting cards. He felt sad that all these cards were going to be thrown out. “What if there was a way you could experience your greeting card?” he thought. “What if i can make bath bombs in the shape of greeting cards, so people can literally enjoy the card?”

the name means “to see” in French, and when Andy Hoang and Nia shindle launched the brand in 2017, they envisioned a conversation with consumers about the power of art, nature and beauty.

Armed with this idea, upton and friend Patrick Paquette started a new venture. they have the cards hand-made in Canada, using nontoxic and eco-friendly material. Each card is 100 per cent dissolvable, and is scented with natural essential oils. the idea took off and when they went on Dragon’s Den to pitch their idea, three dragons offered to invest. Now, their cards are sold all over the country—from Campbell river, B.C. to sudbury, Ont. To try: Bee Positive BathBomb Card, $11.99

the company makes cards for every occasion, and it is difficult to pick just one to feature. since everyone can use some more positivity these days, we have chosen this apricot- and honey-scented “Bee-Positive” card. Other scents are available, with sweet citrus, eucalyptus, lavender and peppermint being the core scents. it is so much fun to watch the card fizz and disappear in your bath!

inspired by our country’s ever-changing seasons, each product of the toronto-based company is adorned with original art that is inspired by the weather: the warm glow of the sun, a cleansing rain, the caress of the wind, the cool touch of first snow, an uplifting sunrise, or a serene sunset. Moreover, every formulation is free of silicones, parabens, phthalates, sulfates, artificial colours and mineral oil, and are Leaping Bunny certified for being cruelty-free. To try: A Walk in the Sun, 60 ml | $32

Made with three fortifying natural oils—jojoba, sunflower and rosehip—this is instantly absorbed into your hair, providing deep hydration and glossy colour. use it in the morning to smooth flyaways and impart a healthy, radiant glow, or a few drops at night for deep conditioning. it is suitable for all hair types, including coloured hair, and the citrus-vanilla scent is simply irresistible. voirhaircare.com

bathbombcards.com and shopkalosophie.com






由Alex Israel設計的限量版衝浪板設 計,藝術家以西岸的明亮色彩,帶領 我們投入海浪的懷抱。 A limited-edition surfboard designed by Alex Israel is adorned by the artist’s signature iridescent colours, drawn from the LA landscape and shared through On the Beach.


Sun, Sea and Sand in a Bottle louis Vuitton’s latest addition to its Cologne Perfumes collection takes you on an olfactory journey to the West Coast Story | Leslie Yip Photography | Louis Vuitton


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既然思想無界限,便讓我們好好享受夏日︰來到延綿不斷的海灘, 捲起褲管,赤足踏在幼滑細沙上,還有柔和拍岸的濤聲和照在背上的溫 暖陽光陪伴……。 不要忘記氣味可以跟回憶共鳴,要讓想象變得具體,未必真的需 要入住臨海的陽台套房。在Louis Vuitton首席調香師Jacques Cavallier Belletrud精心調製的最新香水On The Beach香氣繚繞下,你會仿如身 歷其境。 正如Jacques Cavallier Belletrud所言︰「香水首先展現明亮的氣 息,再化作溫柔輕撫,那是一種明快舒暢、讓人豁然開朗的感覺。這都 多得成份中的日本Yuzu柚子,我為這罕有的柑橘類生果著迷了近三十 年,它有複雜的香氣,揉合西柚、橙和橘子的精華;彷彿是一個基調、 活潑的音符,洋溢清新的氣息。」 寧神的橙花精油也是不可或缺的功臣。「橙花的香氣叫人想起沐浴 陽光的感覺,加上百里香、迷迭香、粉紅胡椒和丁香呈現的天然香草原 始香味,合奏出令人愉悅的夏日氛圍交響樂。最後加上一抹柏樹的香 調,更是如在萬里無雲的驕陽日子,為你送上置身樹蔭下般的涼爽。」 錦上添花的更有多媒體藝術家Alex Israel透過On The Beach向美 國西岸致敬。這位多媒體藝術家主要從家鄉洛杉磯取材,探索這座城 市的豐富對比及各式各樣的建築,並以自己的經典作品襯托Cologne Perfume系列的香水,捕捉每種香氣的精髓。 他以紅色及橙色點綴On The Beach的瓶身,並抹上一絲藍色, 捕捉臨海建築外牆的絢麗色彩及隨時間推移的光線變化;並以四種不 同筆觸反映西岸海灘的無限驚喜︰Sun Song以溫暖的陽光輕撫肌膚; Cactus Garden讓人彷如漫步於異國的露台;Afternoon Swim刻劃縱身 躍進汪洋的愉悅;而California Dream則捕捉夕陽的夢幻魔力。

Imagine walking barefoot on a blissful long stretch of beach, the peaceful rush of the ocean as your soundtrack, the warmth of the sun on your back. If this is your dream escape of the moment, but you are unsure when you can check into that ocean-view balcony suite, don’t worry. Thanks to Louis Vuitton master perfumer Jacques Cavallier Belletrud, you just need to close your eyes, take a deep breath and let the new On The Beach cologne perfume take you where you want to be. “It opens with brightness and becomes a caress,” explains Belletrud. “Yuzu creates that brilliance. It’s a rare citrus from Japan that I’ve been passionate about for 30 years. It has a complex scent, like a cross between grapefruit, mandarin and orange. It’s a cardinal, lively note that sweeps into an explosion of freshness. “Then comes calming neroli, the sun-drenched essence of orange blossom,” Belletrud continues. “It’s a delicate and joyful punctuation, mixed with a sandy note made of faceted aromatics. Thyme, rosemary, pink pepper and cloves are discreet, but essential to the landscape because they help create a summer ambiance. A veil of cypress signs the scene, like benevolent, woody shade on a cloudless day.” The release of this new scent is complemented by a dreamlike visual interpretation by multi-media artist Alex Israel, who previously dressed the four other escape-themed perfumes in the Cologne Perfume collection. Sun Song is inspired by the caress of sunshine; Cactus Garden takes you on a promenade across an exotic patio; Afternoon Swim depicts a dive into an ocean of pleasure and California Dream captures the enchantment of a sunset. The muse for On The Beach is actually the artist’s hometown of Los Angeles, where the colours of kaleidoscopic oceanfront façades, and the light from the sun and sea shift and shimmer throughout the day. These oscillations of light and dreamlike colour are reflected in the red, orange and hint of blue packaging and bottle. To remain as close as possible to the illusory changes in colour that the artist loves, an unprecedented process gives each bottle a unique colour gradient. Louis Vuitton On The Beach Cologne Perfume, 100 ml | $310, 200 ml | $480

還有專為盛載香水而設,充滿夏日色彩的旅行裝香水盒和香水箱。 A travel case and fragrance trunk featuring this subtle, summery palette is also available. Price upon request.





fashion: men


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In CelebratIon of a legend a handmade collection of luxury driving accessories marks the 60th anniversary of the Jaguar e-type Story | Connie Li Photography | Outlierman 於1961年在日內瓦車展推出,Jaguar的 E-type曾被譽為「史上最優美的車款」,是當年 汽車設計的破格轉捩點—標誌性的長引擎蓋、 充滿流線美感的外型和強勁的馬力,完美呈現 英國汽車設計的光輝歲月,也是世界上最廣為 人知的汽車款式之一。 Jaguar的E-type在北美又被稱為Jaguar XKE,今年更是這款傳奇汽車的60周年紀念, 專門製造與汽車品牌相關物品的Outlierman便 製作了一系列包括T恤、圍巾、領帶和西裝袋 巾的時尚配飾,向此車壇經典致敬。

Launched in 1961 at the Geneva Motor Show, the Jaguar E-Type marked a turning point in automotive design, with its signature long hood, gorgeous silhouette and powerful engine. It is a symbol of iconic British automotive design and is one of the world’s most recognizable automotive icons. Inspired by the car commonly known in North America as the XKE, the Outlierman pays tribute with a collection of fashion accessories that include T-shirts, scarves, ties and pocket squares.





fashion: men

限量版E-Type圖案T恤 限量只有50件的E-Type圖案T恤,以生動的筆 觸將此標誌性汽車圖案印在100%的絲綢緞面 布料上,同時附有標題和簽名。優雅的剪裁 和百搭多變的組合,既可單獨穿着,亦可配 襯外套。

E-TypE’S pOrTrAIT T-ShIrT wITh SILK AppLIcATION—LIMITEd EdITION Limited to 50, each T-shirt features an authentic titled portrait and signature. $213


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E-Type圖案真絲圍巾 在意大利製造,仿如油畫般風格的圖像為這真絲 圍巾帶來非一般的經典奢華氣派;人手精工處理 的圍邊也反映了其對細節的一絲不苟。

E-TypE’S pOrTrAIT SILK ScArf The oil-on-canvas-style portrait gives this silk scarf a timeless beauty. Made in Italy, the handrolled edges make it all about the details. $309

真絲領帶 手工精製的意大利領帶,別具氣派。

wOrLd BEATEr—SILK TIE–BOrdEAuX This handmade Italian tie reverses the tide. $191

黃色袋巾 在意大利製的黃色袋巾,同樣以人手精工處理圍邊。

wOrLd BEATEr—SILK pOcKET SquArE Italian-made pocket square with hand-rolled edges. $95 ELITEGEN






Diving in Louis vuitton journeys below the surface with the Tambour Story | Connie Li Photography | Louis Vuitton

Pacific White, $6,900 Skyline Blue, $9,250 62

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Black Blaze, $20,725

Neon Black, $9,250 系列中每一款型號都配備動感十足的橡膠皮帶。 Each model in the series is finished with signed rubber strap.

Louis Vuitton首個腕錶系列於2002年面世。 今年推出的全新Tambour Street Diver系列,帶 領品牌進軍高檔運動腕錶市埸,從健身房到俱樂 部,從沙灘到辦公室,皆可輕鬆駕馭。

In 2002, Louis Vuitton launched its first timepiece. This year, the new Tambour Street Diver series takes Louis Vuitton into the realm of high-end sports watches designed to go from the gym to the club, from the beach to the office.

Tambour的設計靈感源自鼓的形狀,錶殼 由一整塊金屬製成,造型上窄下寬。而錶環的時 標位置鏤刻上代表品牌名稱的12個字母L-O-U-IS-V-U-I-T-T-O-N。

Inspired by a drum, the unique shape of the Tambour is crafted from a single block of metal, which is larger at the base than at the top. With applied horns, the position of the hours are indicated on the case-band by the 12 letters “L-O-U-I-SV-U-I-T-T-O-N”.

潛水計時指示盤位於藍寶石水晶的旋轉輪 緣上,即錶盤外側邊緣傾斜的圓環。這單向旋轉 內錶圈的設計有雙重好處:一是令錶殼頂部簡潔 利落,貫徹Tambour腕錶系列的風格;二是輪緣 向內微微傾斜的坡度令視線聚焦錶盤中心,突顯 層次感。

The diving scale itself has been placed below the sapphire crystal on the turning flange—the angled ring at the outer edge of the dial. The benefits of this internal rotating bezel are twofold: Firstly, the top of the case is kept clean and minimal, in keeping with all of the watches in the Tambour collection. Secondly, the gentle inwards slope of the flange draws the eye to the centre of the dial, creating a sense of depth.

潛水錶圈以撞色的錶冠調校,錶冠位於1:30 位置,刻有潛水員的模樣用以區別位於3點鐘位 置的旋轉錶冠。採用Align the V設計概念,當潛 水錶圈上的V跟分針前端的V對齊時,二者形成X 字樣,表示潛水活動的計時正式開始。

The dive bezel is set via a colour-contrasting crown at 1:30 bearing a diver’s silhouette to distinguish it from the winding crown at 3 o’clock. Using the “Align the V” concept, the letter V on the diving scale is rotated to align with the colour-matched V at the tip of the minute hand, the two forming an X that marks the beginning of a dive—the start of a new adventure.

而在水底時可透過內銀圈確認潛水時長, 首15分鐘以鮮艷的色塊突顯。 旋入式錶冠、100米防水等級、SuperLumiNova夜光塗層錶面元素、旋轉內錶圈及 智慧快速更換錶帶系統,以上種種元素印證了 Tambour Street Diver這枚瑞士製造之作的精湛 工藝與實用性能。

The time spent under water is then read on the internal bezel, the first 15 minutes highlighted by a vivid, colour-blocked scale. From the screw-down crowns and 100 metres of water resistance to the coatings of Super-LumiNova on dial elements, the inner rotating bezel and the clever quick-change strap system, the Tambour Street Diver bears the functional practicality of a finely-crafted, Swiss-made watch.







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BuiLt For adventure MB&F unveils an updated version of the LM Perpetual

以層層疊的圓盤取代槓桿處理日曆轉換,比較節省空間。 Superimposed disks are used instead of levers for the date-change mechanism, taking up much less space within the calibre.

Story | 金成 Photography | Shekpoint Charlie MB&F的創作,從來都以外表奇特為標榜,而新近的LM Perpetual Evo更在「內心」上做文章,從以往日常防水的規格,提升至 防水80米,跨越一條更深的水準線,名正言順配得上運動錶的冠冕。 運動錶常規配搭,不是鈦金屬就是不鏽鋼,MB&F歷來最有運動 氣息的設計,卻另有心上人—鋯金屬。鋯金屬優點鮮明,比不鏽鋼輕 盈,又比鈦金屬耐用,和運動錶門當戶對。 腕錶採用與2015年LM Perpetual誕生時相同的44毫米直徑,但換 上一身「運動」裝備。首先除掉錶圈,將藍寶石水晶直接熔接於錶殼, 令錶面視野變得寬闊;然後把調校萬年曆的按鈕由圓形變成長方形; 再在錶殼與機芯之間,加裝名為FlexRing、由單一塊不鏽鋼製成的環 形防震器;最後是改用旋入式錶冠,還設有一個上鏈離合裝置,當按 壓錶冠旋緊時,自動與上鏈系統分離,避免不自覺過度上鏈。經過一 連串改裝工程,腕錶防水性能提升至80米,遠勝同門大部分防水30米 的款式。 LM Perpetual以層層疊的圓盤,取代槓桿處理日曆轉換,同時改 變萬年曆預設31天為每月循環的傳統,預設每月為28日,按需要增加 日數,減低跳轉日子的誤差,還附設日期轉換安全機制,機芯再無後 顧之憂。

Swiss watchmaker MB&F is known for its head-turning design, and its latest LM Perpetual Evo timepiece is no exception. Titanium and stainless steel are often the metal of choice for sports watches, but as MB&F’s most sporty style to date, the brand went with zirconium, which is lighter than stainless steel and harder than titanium—perfect for a sports watch. It’s similar to the 2015 original LM Perpetual in size only (44mm diameter) and has been updated with various sporty elements. The sapphire crystal is directly fused to the case with a bevel, giving it greater dial exposure. The pusher is now rectangular rather than circular, and a single stainless steel FlexRing has been added between the case and the calibre for shock absorption. The crown is screwed in, with a clutch to disengage it from the winding mechanism to avoid manual over-winding. The waterresistance level of 80 metres is a big step up from the 30 metres of its predecessors, and the watch uses a series of superimposed disks in lieu of levers for the date-change mechanism. Another revolutionary feature is setting the default number of days in a month at 28, instead of 31 ubiquitously used for perpetual calendars. Extra days are added to individual months as necessary. This helps to minimize the possibility of incorrect date jumping. A built-in safety mechanism is added for date changeover to prevent damage to the movement if the quick-set pushers are accidently pushed during date change.

腕表不設表圈,表殼由藍寶石水晶製成。 The case is formed of sapphire crystal in the bevel-free design. Legacy Machine PerPeTuaL eVO 直徑:44毫米x17.5毫米 錶殼材質:鋯 機芯:MB&F萬年曆 功能:小時,分鐘,日期,日期,月份,閏年逆跳和動力儲備顯示 動力儲備:72小時 上弦:手動上鍊 頻率:18,000vph 寶石:41顆 (581個組件) 夜光:有 防水深度:80米 錶盤顏色:橙色、藍色或黑色 錶帶:橡膠錶帶,配鈦扣 其它資訊:FlexRing抗衝擊系統 Dimensions: 44mm x 17.5mm Case material: Zirconium Calibre: mb&F legacy machine Perpetual Calendar FunCtions: minutes, hours, day, date, month, retrograde leap year, and power-reserve indicators Power reserve: 72 hours winDing: Hand-wound FrequenCy: 18,000 vph Jewels: 41 (581 components) lume: yes water resistanCe: 80m Dial Colour: orange, blue, or black straP/braCelet: rubber strap with titanium buckle aDDitional Details: Flexring shock protection system us$167,000 ELITEGEN




interior design



Swedish furniture company Massproductions keeps it all in-house Story | Zu Hui Photography | Courtesy of Massproductions

Roadie Bench 戶外梳化Roadie輕巧簡單兼且可疊起存放,用的鋁經過加熱 處理無比堅固。高靠背角度舒適,可外加墊子。一張戶外梳 化的功能已經齊全,但Massproductions更請人做品牌包裝造 型,以一隻雀仔扮靚,令產品更賞心悅目。 The outdoor sofa is foldable, lightweight and minimalistic. The heat-treated aluminum is very sturdy and the high back can be adjusted, with room to add a cushion for extra comfort.


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JuMp easy chaiR Jump的座椅輕巧漂浮在細長的框架中。由於簡單的結構,座椅靠背的墊子都可拆可洗可換,令這張安樂椅可以坐 一世。上油橡木扶手成功軟化鋼鐵框架。 The seat of the chair appears to “float” on the long and slim frame. The simple construction makes it easy to remove the cushion for laundering. The oiled oak handles add a dab of charm.

(左) 及chris Martin的心血。Magnus elebäck制定了Massproductions獨步江 Massproductions是Magnus elebäck 湖的 「無濾鏡」 生意方式,全權控制整個生產鏈,令設計師與生產商無縫交接。兩人確定設計後,直接找工廠開 工,不用浪費時間聽不事生產的中間人廢話。 Massproductions is the brainchild of Magnus elebäck (left) and chris Martin (right). elebäck sets the unique “no filters” ethos for the company, taking control of the entire production chain for a seamless connection between design and production. after the duo concurs on a design, they find a factory and don’t waste time with go-betweens.

今日你用Instagram習以為常,回看Instagram 最早期的帖子,發現當初用Instagram,全因那些 懷舊相片濾鏡。張張相都是鬼五馬六,人人臉色如 浮屍,食物都像發霉。其實日常工作上更多人充當 「濾鏡」的角色,很多大公司也都是架床疊屋,充當 一重又一重不事生產又沒有實務的中間人。 瑞典品牌Massproductions當初之所以成立, 就是希望踢走設計上生產上行銷上的多重繁複纍 贅。由設計生產至行銷品牌形象都全部不用聽外 人意見,不用再理會中間人的加鹽加醋,令每件推 出市面的產品,更加原汁原味——貼近設計師的原 意,貼近你我日常生活。

A Stockholm-based company has made a point of doing away with filters in design. The whole process, from design to production and marketing, is handled in-house, so that every item is true to the designer’s vision. Last year, English designer Chris Martin, founder of Massproductions, was awarded the Bruno Mathsson Prize, considered the Nobel Prize for Scandinavian design, described as “super normal” by the adjudicators—sustainable and highly applicable to normal lifestyles—not just eyecatching. Exactly what Martin aims to achieve with Massproductions.





interior design

Massproductions的創始人之一乃英國設 計師Chris Martin,被譽為北歐設計諾貝爾獎的 Bruno Mathsson獎年前被他收入囊中。負責頒 獎的組織用「超級平常」來形容Martin的設計, 「超級」就是勁抽靚正,「平常」就是持久實用融 入生活,具可持續性長用長有合乎成本效益。 他們讚賞Martin的設計又靚又實用,不會故意 想贏取目光而無的放矢。這亦是Martin自己品牌 Massproductions的主張。 Martin在七十年代北倫敦市郊小村落長 大,在英國皇家藝術學院畢業展時,設計了一 張超級輕巧纖細、線條極簡的木椅,得到產品 及家俬設計師Jasper Morrison賞識而正式成為 工業設計師。往後,Martin去了瑞典工作,其中 一個大客就是Ikea。他設計的家俬經常登上Ikea 度商品目錄的封面。到今日你仍然可買到他設 計的MÄSTERBY,它半梯半櫈一體成形,沒有 任何過度修飾的誇張線條,但會叫人聯想到一 隻向前衝好活潑可愛的小狗。因為用了一種塑 膠與木材混合的複合物料,所以這張半梯半櫈 可以造得纖巧之餘一樣受到力。

量產好物 好物量產 現在個個強調限量生產,Martin的品牌卻 叫Massproductions。設計師覺得,能夠有條件 投入大量生產的設計,一定是市場有需求,或 者它設計夠精良,易於生產又合乎成本效應。


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Born in the 1970s in a north London suburb, Martin graduated from the Royal College of Art, revealing his super-slim, light and minimalistic wooden chair. He was spotted by furniture designer Jasper Morrison and went to work in Sweden, where Ikea was a major client. His works were often featured on the cover of the company’s catalogues and the Mästerby step-stool he designed can still be found in its stores. Made with a mix of plastic and wood, it is light yet sturdy.

MASS PRoduCTIoN of good dESIgNS At a time when limited production is in vogue, Martin makes mass production a brand priority. The designer thinks that any design worthy of mass production has to be in demand and cost-effective enough to produce in bulk. Having immersed himself in industrial design, Martin felt that, instead of coming up with dazzling design plans, he’d rather know more about production, and the pros and cons of different raw materials. He was invited to collaborate in the design of a metal outdoor bench. However, when the client decided he didn’t think the design was feasible, Martin and partner Magnus Elebäck decided to establish their own brand, Massproductions. In the end, they proved that the metallic bench could be made and be appealing.

Mega dayBed 由出爐麵包引發出這個梳化設 計,看在眼裡已經夠溫馨舒服。 a spin-off from the Mega sofa, it lures you to relax.





interior design


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spaRk Lounge chaiR Spark Lounge Chair成功將輕勁纖薄與舒服結合,用布 料木材皮革這些溫暖元素去軟化整張休閑椅。 The spark Lounge chair combines a slim profile with comfort. The integration of fabric, wood and leather add warmth and a soft touch.

BaM! 這是一張流行藝術梳化,但有哥德式支撐結構。靠墊來自舊羽絨產品的回收鵝 和鴨毛。梳化的BAM!刺繡字樣,是向美國藝術家Roy Lichtenstein致敬。梳 化更可扁平包裝,易於運輸和組裝,機關算盡。 This pop art sofa has a gothic support structure. The cushions are made of recycled duck and goose feathers from down jackets. The embroidered BaM! logo is a tribute to american artist Roy Lichtenstein. The sofa can even be flat-packed for easy transportation and reassembly.

dRafT TaBLe 為瑞典國家藝術博物館設計,Chris Martin將所有無用的細節清除,將遊人注意 力集中在展品及風景上。 chris Martin designed these no-frills tables for the swedish national Museum of fine arts to focus all eyes on the design and setting.

Martin從事多年工業設計後,發覺設計師與其天馬行空畫 些亮麗設計圖,不如深入瞭解生產方法,以及不同原料有什麼 優點缺點。Martin之所以成立Massproductions,來自一個失 敗的合作。有人邀請Martin與拍檔設計一張金屬戶外椅。不過 有關單位覺得他們的設計不可行,應該造不出來。Martin與拍 檔卻覺得這個上佳設計胎死腹中太可惜,不如自己成立品牌。 卒之那張被人睇死會難產的鐵線椅在同一屋簷下,半年就搞掂 拿去參加家俬展。那張叫Tio的鐵線椅成為他們創業作,拿了瑞 典的「金椅獎」,更是瑞典國家博物館的永久收藏,多年來都大 賣,好多餐廳食店戶外場所都用真金白銀投Tio一票。 成立Massproductions的時候,市場上沒有多少設計品牌 可模仿,設計生產行銷都是自己跟進。這種直接的創作模式就 如:Martin在辦公室附近的麵包店見到新鮮出爐麵包,麵包線 條飽滿圓潤,而麵包模卻方方正正。他覺這種反差線條好靚, 就將它化成梳化,外面是方正金屬腳,坐椅位置則好像出爐麵 包一樣鼓爆那個金屬架。麵包總令人聯想到舒適飽足生活安 穩……這種特質同時適用於梳化。這個叫Mega的「麵包」今日已 經變成梳化、梳化床。就算未坐,望到都舒服。

That bench, titled Tio, became their showpiece and won Sweden’s golden Chair Award. It become a best seller, seen at numerous restaurants and outdoor venues, and was later added to the permanent collection of the Swedish National Museum of fine Arts. When Massproductions was set up, the pair was hands-on with design, production and sales. Martin even found inspiration from a bread tin at a neighbourhood bakery. That’s how the popular Mega sofa came about, its puffy cushions now available as a sofa bed.

dandy sofa 這個有30年代風韻的Dandy系列,柔順曲線會令任何場合變得溫馨暖和。 The soft curves on the sofa envelop you like a warm hug.







Working from Paradise

imagine setting up office on one of these gorgeous Caribbean islands Story | Renée S. Suen 在疫情大流行期間,許多公司都採取員工在家工作模式,對於 嚮往加勒比島國度假風情的加拿大人來說,何不考慮索性把辦公室 搬到這些熱帶天堂? 旅遊業向來是加勒比海國家的經濟命脈,而為了彌補因 COVID-19而大幅減少的相關收入,許多加勒比海國家和地區均放棄 往常的工作簽證限制,希望吸引一批可遙距工作的人前往居住,寓 工作於度假來刺激當地經濟。 然而還請謹記,根據現行聯邦法例,任何人從外地返回加拿 大,都必須在政府批准的酒店住上三天檢疫,之後再居家隔離14天。


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With many companies adopting work-from-home policies during these pandemic times, what could be more palatable for quarantine-weary Canadians than working remotely from a tropical paradise? Tailored specifically to attract digital nomads, a number of Caribbean countries are waiving regular work visa restrictions that would normally bar extended residencies to help stimulate local economies traditionally reliant on tourism that has been lost to COVID-19. Keep in mind, however, that under current federal regulations, anyone returning to Canada from such a hiatus is required to stay in a government-approved hotel for three days, and then quarantine at home for 14 days.

要了解Antigua的歷史,Nelson’ s Dockyard造船廠 是必遊之處。 Learn about Antigua’s history and visit Nelson’s Dockyard when not enjoying one of Antigua’s 365 beaches during your potential year-long stay.





Travel 安圭拉 安圭拉是英國海外領土,以擁有該地區最佳海灘之一 和最豪華的酒店而聞名,是一線名人明星的度假勝地。而 現在透過「Working From Home in Anguilla」計劃,遊客可 以獲准逗留在指定的酒店、度假村工作並使用物業內的設 施、服務和參加活動,最長可達12個月。 申請費用方面,逗留三個月至一年的是2,000美元(一 家四口的話則為3000美元),當中已包括每人兩次的檢 查、監控、額外公共衛生設施相關的費用、延長居留時間 /入境費用和數碼工作許可證。如若居留少於三個月,申請 費用由400美元起。 申請詳情,可瀏覽: escape.ivisitanguilla.com

安地卡島和巴布達島 只要你年收入在50,000 美元以上,便可以透過安地 卡島和巴布達島兩個島國的「Nomad Digital Residence (NDR)」計劃,申請逗留長達兩年,在這既可生活和工作的 期間,暢遊國內365個海灘。若能證明有足夠支持自己或 和其他同行家人的生活費用,以及雇主和所服務的企業位 處海外,更可獲特別居民身份。 除了在居留期間要自付醫療保險,申請人還需負責支 付1,500美元的申請費(一對夫婦2,000美元,或一個家庭 3,000美元)。NDR簽證容許遊客可以在整個領土上「自由生 活和流動」 ,並享有安提瓜和巴布達的個人入息免稅身份。 申請詳情,可瀏覽: antigua-barbuda.com/nomad digitalresidence 在Four Seasons Anguilla感受豪華版居家工作體驗。 The Four Seasons Anguilla transforms the work-from-home experience to entirely new levels of luxury.

AnguIllA Known for having some of the finest beaches and most luxurious hotels in the region, this British Overseas Territory is a favourite A-lister’s playground. now visitors can work from approved hotels, resorts and villas with access to approved property amenities, services and activities for up to 12 months through their Working From Home in Anguilla program. The uS$2,000 application fee for those staying three months to a year (or uS$3000 per family of four) covers two tests per person, surveillance and costs associated with the additional public health presence, plus the cost of extended immigration time/entry and a digital work permit. For stays that are less than three months, charges start at uS$400 for accepted candidates. To apply, visit: escape.ivisitanguilla.com

AnTIguA & BArBuDA Access the country’s 365 beaches during your liveand-work stay of up to two years, provided you earn at least uS$50,000 annually, through the twin-island nation’s Nomad Digital Residence (NDR) program. Those who can demonstrate their means of supporting themselves and any accompanying family members, and whose employers or businesses are based outside of the destination, are given a special resident status. Besides being required to maintain your own health insurance plan during the stay, applicants are also responsible for the uS$1,500 application fee (uS$2,000 for a couple, or uS$3,000 for a family). The nDr visas allow visitors to “live and move freely” across the territory and benefit from Antigua and Barbuda’s personal income taxfree status.

安地卡著名景點魔鬼橋。 Devil’s Bridge, Antigua 74

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For the application, head to antigua-barbuda.com/ nomaddigitalresidence

阿巴科群島位處巴哈馬北部,當中在Winding Bay的Abaco Club是很有規模的私人俱樂部,擁有私人海灘、高爾夫球場等。而鄰近 Little Harbour (圖中)的Pete’ s Pub & Gallery亦是當地受歡迎景點。 Located in the northern Bahamas, the Abaco Islands is host to The Abaco Club on Winding Bay, a sprawling private members club with its own stretch of beach and incredible facilities, including a golf course. And if you want to head out to a popular local spot during your stay, Pete’s Pub & Gallery in Little Harbour (pictured) is only a hop and skip away.



無論是白色沙灘,還是充滿大都市氛圍的拿騷和天堂島, 都盡在巴哈馬。要是你希望享受更靜寂的環境,巴哈馬的16個 島嶼將是好選擇。該國現正提供為期一年、專為遠程工作或學 習而設的居留許可。

From secluded white-sand beaches to the metropolitan vibe of nassau and Paradise Island, or more secluded spots if that’s your preference, The Bahamas’ 16 islands have something for everyone. The country is now offering a one-year residency permit designed for remote work or study.

巴哈馬是加勒比基建發展最成熟的地方,有可靠的WiFi和 其它服務,讓來訪的專業人士和學生能無中斷地完成作業。當 然,最大的挑戰可能是如何扺禦藍天碧海的呼喚。

With one of the Caribbean’s most developed infrastructures, including dependable WiFi and other services, visiting professionals and students can get their work done without interruption—provided they can resist the lure of the warm ocean waters surrounding their waterfront suite or villa.

參加了計劃的學生可以在一個學年內使用巴哈馬大學的多 項服務,包括諮詢、技術支援、圖書館數碼資料和指導。

Students in the program get access to the university of The Bahamas’ counsellors, tech support, library databases and mentoring opportunities for one academic year..

巴哈馬的「Extended Access Travel Stay (BEATS)」計劃 申請費用為25美元,越洋工作簽證的單人或主要申請人需付 1,000美元,每名家人則需500美元。而越洋大學生簽證 為每人 500美元。

The Bahamas Extended Access Travel Stay program costs uS$25 to apply, with remote work permits being uS$1,000 for an individual applicant or head of household and uS$500 per dependent. remote study permits for college students are uS$500 each.

有關BEATS詳情,可瀏覽: bahamasbeats.com

For more information on BeATS, visit: bahamasbeats.com

其它申請詳情,可瀏覽: portal.immigration.gov.bs

To apply, visit portal.immigration.gov.bs






在Saint Joseph Parish的Bathsheba又名Soup Bowl湯碗,是巴巴多斯熱門的衝浪好地方。 The village of Bathsheba in Saint Joseph Parish, also known as the Soup Bowl, is a major surfing locale.



巴巴多斯在應對疫情方面屬同區的前列位置,設有兩個專 門照顧COVID-19患者的醫療設施,學校和日托中心現時仍然 開放。加上這裡的良好互聯網服務和天氣,讓在這個加勒比海 最東端島嶼遙距工作變成易事。

With a health-care system that includes two facilities dedicated to COVID-19 patients, this country has been able to stay ahead of the crisis thus far, with schools and daycares remaining open. Barbados also has some of the best internet access and weather, making it easy to work remotely from the most easterly of the Caribbean islands.

為期12個月的「Welcome Stamp」遙距工作簽證可以延 長。要符合資格,申請人必須擁有獨立業務或在巴巴多斯以外 的公司遙距工作,年收入至少50,000美元。申請此工作簽證, 個人費用為2,000美元,家庭簽證為3,000美元,申請款項不設 退還。 雖然不用付入息稅,但居留在巴巴多斯需要格外留神這裡 的法例,包括對持有毒品的嚴厲處罰和禁止穿迷彩服的禁令。 同時巴巴多斯也有反LGBTQ的聲譽。 申請詳情,可瀏覽: barbadoswelcomestamp.bb


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It offers a special 12-month Welcome Stamp remote work visa that can be renewed for even longer. To be eligible, applicants must own an independent business, or work remotely for a company based outside of Barbados, and must earn at least uS$50,000 annually. These visas cost a non-refundable uS$2,000 for an individual visa (uS$3,000 for the family) upon application. Although digital workers are exempt from paying Barbadian income tax, they are expected to respect Barbadian laws, which include harsh penalties for drug possession and a ban on wearing camouflage clothing. Barbados also has an anti-lgBTQ reputation. To learn more, visit barbadoswelcomestamp.bb

百慕達烟草灣有最受歡迎的海灘。 Tobacco Bay, Bermuda



百慕達是英國海外領土,以其粉紅沙灘馳名。其「Work From Bermuda」不設最低入息要求,容許外地人搬遷至這50 平方公里的島嶼上工作、研究或學習。

enjoy pink-sand beaches while working or studying from this charming British Overseas Territory. With no minimum income requirement, the Work From Bermuda certificate program allows non-Bermudians to relocate to the 50-square-kilometre island for work, research or study.

這項為期一年的居留證費用為263美元,申請人需是 18歲以上,並得有「良好品格,兼且沒有因公訴罪行而被定 罪」 ;亦需自備旅行保險,在百慕達以外的公司就業證明或是 參加認可的教育計劃,同時還必須證明有足夠能力和/或每年 收入來源,而無需在當地工作。居留證書可以根據具體情況 而續簽。 百慕達旅遊局網站亦有提供配合遙距工作的相關資訊, 包括寬頻上網指南、禮賓服務,酒店選項和其它長期居住的 指南。 申請詳情,可瀏覽: forms.gov.bm/work-from-bermuda

開曼群島 開曼群島是自治的英國海外領土,以無瑕的白色沙灘 和七英里海灘的湛藍海水而聞名,是一個受歡迎的遊輪停靠 站,這裡的公司數量更是居民的兩倍。透過其「Global Citizen Certificate」計劃,合資格的專業人士及家人可以在當地免稅 生活和工作長達兩年。 要符合資格,申請人需要提交經公證的銀行信件、已購 買醫療保險證明和無犯罪記錄文件。而工作證明文件需列明 職位、年薪 (獨立申請人年收入不少於100,000美元、兩人家 庭為150,000美元,有子女家庭為180,000美元 )。每年年費 為主申請人1,469美元,每名附屬家人500美元。 申請詳情,可瀏覽: worc.ky

The year-long residency certificate costs uS$263 and targets anyone over the age of 18 who “demonstrates good character and [does] not have a conviction for an indictable offence.” Besides having travel insurance and proof of employment from a company outside Bermuda, or enrolment in a recognized educational program, applicants must show sufficient means and/or have a source of annual income without the need to work in Bermuda. The certificate is renewable on a case-by-case basis. The Bermuda Tourism Authority website has guides to broadbandequipped remote workspaces, concierge services, extended-stay hotel options and other long-term residency options. To apply, visit forms.gov.bm/work-from-bermuda

THe CAymAn ISlAnDS Famous for the flawless white sands and crystalline blue waters of Seven mile Beach, this self-governing British Overseas Territory is a popular cruise-ship stop and home to twice as many companies as inhabitants. For digital nomads, the Global Citizen Certificate gives eligible professionals and their families the option of living and working in the tax-free territory for up to two years. To qualify, applicants must provide a notarized bank reference letter, proof of health insurance coverage and a clean criminal record. Besides proof of employment that states the position and an annual salary with an entity outside of the Cayman Islands, applicants must have a minimum annual salary of uS$100,000 for single households (uS$150,000 for two-person households; uS$180,000 for a family with children). The annual fees are uS$1,469 for an individual and uS$500 per dependent. To apply, visit worc.ky






多明尼加的Trafalgar瀑布有好玩的水上冒險項目。 Trafalgar Falls, Dominica



古拉索位於加勒比海南部,靠近委內瑞拉海岸,是荷 蘭王國的構成國;是浮潛和水肺潛水的勝地,亦以其鮮艷色 彩、多元文化社區和及暖和天氣而聞名。當地擁有38個被蔚 藍海水包圍的小型月牙形海灘,以及西印度群島最佳天然港 口。所提供的「@HOME in Curaçao」容許外來人居留六個月並 遙距工作,並可以續期六個月。

Known for snorkeling and scuba diving, this constituent country of the Kingdom of the netherlands is also prized for its vibrant colours, multicultural community and warmth. With 38 small crescent beaches that are framed by azure waters and the finest natural harbours in the West Indies, the country’s @HOME in Curaçao program offers remote workers the chance to stay for six months and the possibility of an extension for another six.

此外古拉索也接受投資者以「Residence by Investment Program」投資居留計劃 (最低投資額838,000美元)換取三年至 無限期居留。有興趣的話,只需填寫好申請表格,提交償付 能力證明、包括COVID-19的國際醫療保險及繳交294美元, 申請過程約需時兩星期,家庭成員也可一併申請。 申請詳情,可瀏覽: athomeincuracao.com

Further details can be found at athomeincuracao.com

多明尼加 多明尼加是熱帶天堂,擁有熱帶雨林、廣闊山脈以及 因火山加熱至猶如被蒸汽覆蓋的湖泊。當地的「the Work In Nature (WIN)」簽證,為加拿大人提供長達18個月遙距工作的 機會。 除了現代化的醫療保健設施和教育選擇,WIN簽證持有 人還可以參加一系列如可持續發展環保、服務當地社區的義 工活動。 申請人必須年滿18歲,沒有犯罪記錄,年收入65,000美 元,或有能力在多明尼加逗留期間維持生計。手續費為125美 元,個人簽證費用為1,000美元(家庭簽證費用為1,500美元)。 提交後,將會在一周內收到回覆,獲批准的申請人可於三個 月內搬遷。 申請詳情,可瀏覽: windominica.gov.dm


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In addition to digital nomads and hibernators, the island also welcomes investors through its Residence by Investment Program (Investors Permit) for stays of three years to an indefinite period (the latter for investments of a minimum of uS$838,000). Interested candidates just need to complete an application and submit proof of solvency, have international insurance, including COVID-19 coverage, and pay the uS$294 fee to stay in the Dutch Caribbean country. Application processing takes about two weeks, and family members can apply under the main applicant.


DOmInICA A tropical paradise that features steam-covered lakes heated by volcanos, tropical rainforests and vast mountain ranges, Dominica now offers Canadians the opportunity to work remotely for up to 18 months through the Work In Nature (WIN) visa program. In addition to modern health-care facilities and educational options, WIn visa holders can participate in a range of volunteer opportunities—from sustainable projects to activities in the community—to make a lasting impact on the destination. Applicants must be over 18 with no criminal record, have an annual income of uS$65,000, or have the means to support themselves during their stay in Dominica. There is a processing fee of $125, while the visa costs $1,000 for the individual ($1,500 for families). Once submitted, response is provided within a week and approved applicants have three months to relocate. For more information, visit windominica.gov.dm

小古拉索島上生鏽的廢船遺跡。 Klein Curaçao, Curaçao

古拉索的Willemstad享有彩虹小鎮的美譽。 Willemstad, Curaçao



蒙特塞拉特曾因其火山活動歷史而被認為是加勒比海地 區最具戲劇性的島嶼之一,高聳的山峰,被熱帶雨林覆蓋的山 坡和黑沙海灘……令這個英屬加勒比海島成為享受慢活的好地 方。

With its soaring peaks, rainforest-covered hillsides and black-sand beaches, montserrat is considered one of the Caribbean’s most dramatic islands due to its volcanic past. A snapshot of how tranquil the Caribbean used to be, the British Overseas Territory is a great way to escape to a slower rhythm of life.

儘管該島目前不允許短期旅遊,但專業人士和企業家卻可 透過其「Montserrat Remote Workers Stamp」計劃申請逗留12 個月並遙距工作。 除了提供在蒙特塞拉特以外的受僱證明,年收入不少於 70,000美元以及保障範圍包括COVID-19的最新醫療保險外, 申請人還必須支付500美元的申請費(三人以下的家庭為750美 元,每名額外家庭成員為250美元)。透過網上遞交申請和付款 後,一般會在七個工作日內獲得當地移民局的批准。 申請詳情,可瀏覽: montserratremoteworker.com

While the island isn’t currently permitting short-term tourism, it has introduced the Montserrat Remote Workers Stamp, which gives professionals and entrepreneurs a 12-month visa to work remotely. Besides providing proof of employment outside montserrat, an annual income of at least uS$70,000 and up-to-date health insurance that includes COVID-19 coverage, candidates have to pay a uS$500 application fee (uS$750 for families up to three, plus uS$250 for additional family members). After applying online, approval from montserrat Immigration is given within seven working days after the payment is processed. more details, visit montserratremoteworker.com





dining to tell

餐廳在二樓設有露天用餐區,可望到 Bloor街的城市景致。貼心地設有舒適的 椅子及保暖燈,他們更計劃築起帳篷延長 露天用餐的時間。 Overlooking Bloor Street, the secondfloor terrace is outfitted with cushioned seating and heat lamps, with plans to prolong the seating option with tents.


Hot SeatS toronto's latest in patio dining Story & Photography | Renée S. Suen 對於餐飲業界來說,去年是相當困難的一年。餐廳不 准開放堂食,只能提供外賣及送餐服務。不過夏天來臨, 多間露天餐廳準備就緒,讓大家在戶外並在保持社交距離 下享用美食。 好幾間於去年開業的餐廳因疫情關係只能短暫營業。 今年他們捲土重來,誓要滿足一眾食家對美食的渴求。以 下介紹的四間餐廳各具特色,值得一試。但要提醒大家必 須遵守政府的規定及指引,也別忘了預約,相信餐廳重開 之時肯定十分搶手,一枱難求。


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The past year has been a challenging one for the culinary community. Restaurants were forced to close to indoor dining, with takeout and delivery services their only options. However, with the arrival of warmer weather, those with outdoor patios look to offer patrons a socially distanced, open-air option to enjoy their meals. A number of establishments opened last year during a very brief window of restaurant service, only to be shuttered. They return this season with another chance to impress Toronto’s hungry palates. With something for every occasion and interest, here are five coveted new patios that should be added to your dining list. Please follow government recommended protocols and procedures, and do make reservations, since these hot seats are likely to be in big demand.

到 的 長

烤鱸魚加上新鮮香草、青檸、醃紅洋蔥,最後淋上中東 青醬。 The grilled branzino is topped with fresh herbs, lime, pickled red onions and served with green shug.

所有串燒烤肉,包括圖中所見的開心果烤牛肉,均附有歐芹沙律biwaz pita、烤蕃茄、serrano辣椒、烤洋 蔥及炸薯條。 All skewer mains—including the pistachio beef kabab that’s seasoned with a house spice blend (shown here)—are served with biwaz (parsley salad topped) pita, grilled tomatoes, serrano peppers, grilled onions and home fries.

集錦併盤包括自選3款點醬及新鮮pita。Hummus (鷹咀豆泥、 tahini芝麻醬、檸檬) 、茄子泥baba ghanoush (烤茄子泥、tahini 芝麻醬、檸檬) 及紅辣椒泥 (烤紅椒、自家香料、核桃) 。 The sampler platter features a choice of three dips with fresh pitas. Shown here: hummus (chickpea puree, tahini, lemon), baba ghanoush (roasted eggplant puree, tahini, lemon) and muhammara (fire-roasted red pepper, house spices, walnuts).

AmAL INK Entertainment的Charles Khabouth及Danny Soberano最擅長打造叫人驚艷的餐廳。他們的最新傑作 是把位於Yorkville的前熱門蒲點La Société改造成格調優 雅的黎巴嫩餐廳。 Amal在阿拉伯文的意思為希望,餐廳內部由頭到腳 徹底改造,靈感來自黎巴嫩傳統建築和設計。用料全部 經人手挑選入口,如馬賽克水磨石地磚及GZ Art Co的手 繪天花掛毯等。 這家令人期待的餐廳由行政總廚Roy Ghaleb掌廚, 他帶來Khabouth家鄉貝魯特的傳統風味並加入新派元 素,打造高檔黎巴嫩菜色。他的餐牌可找到傳統前菜, 如hummus及新鮮烘焙的pita餅,以及適合多人共享的開 心果烤肉串併盤,採用了傳統香料及新鮮香草調味,就 連刻有餐廳圖案的器皿也是特別訂製。 餐廳的早午餐則提供傳統早餐如百里香肉批、蠶豆 和暖鷹咀豆及孜然沙律,亦有新派風味如熏鮭魚及中東 乳酪pita、雞蛋及黎巴嫩肉腸。 雖然各款美食都適合外賣,但在休閒寫意的二樓露 天雅座用餐,一邊欣賞城市景致,一邊享用由獲獎酒保 Nishantha Nepulongoda炮製的高純度雞尾酒,他更用上 黎巴嫩傳統材料如茶、鹽膚木及Arak酒等,實在是賞心 樂事。

When it comes to creating dazzling spaces, INK Entertainment’s Charles Khabouth and Danny Soberano are always front and centre. Their latest triumph is the transformation of Yorkville’s former seen-and-be-seen hotspot, La Société, into a lofty and elegant Lebanese restaurant. Arabic for hope, Amal’s stunning interiors are the result of a complete floor-toceiling makeover that’s inspired by traditional Lebanese architecture and design. It’s peppered with hand-picked imported décor, like mosaic terrazzo flooring and hand-painted ceiling tapestries by GZ Art Co. The long-awaited project brings flavours from Beirut-born Khabouth’s heritage via executive chef Roy Ghaleb’s contemporary spins on familiar dishes. Known on Lebanon’s fine-dining scene, Ghaleb’s menu features traditional meze, like hummus and freshly baked pita bread, plus shareable pistachio-dusted grill platters flavoured with traditional spices and fresh herbs that are served on custom-made dishware in the restaurant’s motif. At brunch, there are traditional breakfasts like manouche (thyme and meat pie), foul (fava beans) and balila (warm chickpea and cumin salad), and modern interpretations, including pita with lox and labneh, eggs and makanek (Lebanese sausage). While the food is takeaway friendly, the main draw will be people-watching from a cushioned perch on the gorgeous second-floor patio while tipping back deceptive high-octane cocktails by award-winning Nishantha Nepulongoda that are infused with flavours from the Lebanese pantry, including teas, sumac and Arak. 131 Bloor St. W., 2nd floor, 416-551-9929 amaltoronto.com





dining to tell


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這道蜆肉意粉是副廚師長Daniel Shin的精心傑作。材料包括B.C.蜆、意 粉、黑蒜及清酒。創作靈感來自他的韓裔背景及曾在意大利Alba當廚師時 的經歷。 Sous chef Daniel Shin is behind the clams and pasta that features B.C. clams, spaghetti, black garlic and sake. The dish was influenced by his Korean heritage and his time cooking in Alba, Italy.

另一人氣之選是這道Shrimp Cocktail,主角是來自加拿大北部的冷水鮮蝦並連殼上 碟,伴以雞尾酒醬及蛋黃醬。 The show-stopping shrimp cocktail features wild cold-water shrimp from northern Canada served whole with shell-on, cocktail sauce and mayonnaise.

BAR mIGNoNETTE 餐廳名字有雙重意思,除了是一種傳統生蠔醋汁的名稱外,在法 語亦解作「可愛」的意思。這家小店正正位於其姐妹店Patois Toronto 之上,可俯瞰Dundas街的patio可容納14人,擁有尖頂天花的室內餐 房亦可坐14人。店內有不少熱帶植物,層架利用從教堂回收的木材製 成,並放滿古董擺設及家傳寶物。餐廳是店主Ivy Lam及Craig Wong 的最新合作項目,後者學習法國菜出身,加上其牙買加華僑的背景, 為餐牌添上特色。 店內提供的餐酒大部分為低干預、有機及/或生物動力餐酒,提 供瓶裝或杯裝,無論是飲酒初哥或深諳酒道的朋友都會找到合適的餐 酒。除了酒外,這間紅酒吧亦提供由Craig及行政總廚合力炮製的美 食。當中少不了適合共享的小吃如螃蟹蘸醬、蒜蓉蝦,及像gribiche韭 菜醬汁蘆筍這樣的時菜。海鮮吧供應東岸鮮蠔、野生鮮蝦及龍蝦。

即叩即開的新鮮東岸生蠔(6、12 或 24隻) 配上西瓜紅辣椒醋、辣根醬及招 牌芒果habanero辣椒醬 (Patois的人氣辣醬) 。 Fresh shucked East Coast oysters (6, 12 or 24) are served with watermelon red chilli mignonette, fresh horseradish and signature mango-habanero hot sauce (a fan favourite at Patois).

Named after the classic oyster accoutrement, but also French for “cute,” this intimate space atop sister restaurant Patois Toronto seats only 14 on its patio overlooking Dundas, plus another 14 inside its quaint cathedral-ceiling room. Filled with tropical greenery and shelves made from reclaimed church woodwork that is crammed with vintage knick-knacks and family heirlooms, co-owners Ivy Lam and Craig Wong’s latest project leans on Wong’s French culinary training, while taking influence from his Chinese-Jamaican background. Focused predominantly on low intervention, organic and/or biodynamic consignment wines that range from crushable to eclectic, by bottle or glass, this wine bar does have a seriously delicious menu by Wong and executive chef Alex Nacinovich. Expect simple sharefriendly bites, like warm crab dip and garlic shrimp mingling with seasonal vegetable such as asparagus with sauce gribiche. There’s also a raw bar specializing in fresh-shucked East Coast oysters, wild coldwater shrimp and lobster. 794 Dundas St. W., 2nd floor 647-350-8999 barmignonette.com





dining to tell

Dova長長的主用餐區由Hilditch Architect打造,利用天然木材、皮革、黃銅及水磨石營造寧靜及簡約氛圍。 Hilditch Architect is behind Dova’s long dining room, creating a calm and minimal space through the use of natural wood, leather, polished brass accents and terrazzo-look porcelain tiles.


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主菜方面提供魚類及肉類,當中乳豬菜色名為Maialino,乳豬由安省一家小農場提供,先浸鹽 水24小時,然後再慢煮24小時。9安士的乳豬配上杜松濃汁和紅酒燴乾蔥。 Mains include fish and meat dishes like the Maialino, which features suckling pig from a small Ontario farm that’s been brined for 24 hours before being slow roasted for another 24 hours. The 9-oz portion is served with a juniper reduction and red wine-poached shallots.

生牛肉薄片、芝麻菜、皇子菇及saffron pecorino Ennese芝士,成 就了這道carpaccio。 The carpaccio blankets shaved beef, arugula, raw king oyster mushrooms and saffron pecorino Ennese cheese.

這道Polpo的食材包括鮮嫩的八爪魚、歐芹、西芹葉及烤檸檬。 地中海美食又怎少得生魚料理crudo,菜式名為Capesante,材料有斯高沙省帶子,伴以 Polpo features tender octopus, parsley, celery leaf and grilled lemon. 野生茴香、辣椒、香橙和Leonardo Marino橄欖油。 For crudo, there’s the Capesante, which finishes Nova Scotian scallops with wild fennel, chili, orange wedges and Leonardo Marino extra virgin olive oil.

DoVA 店主兼大廚Roberto Marotta跟太太Jacqueline Nicosia的最新餐廳為大家帶來精彩的地中海美 食。店名以Cabbagetown前身的村落Don Vale命 名,Dova屬多層式設計,室內環境寬敞開揚,用 餐區的兩旁為舒適的長沙發,地上鋪上來自西西里 的瓷磚及石磚,一直伸延至酒吧位置。 廚房櫃檯的座位一直十分搶手,現時安裝上透 明隔板做間隔。位於下層的酒窖專為團體客人聚餐 之用。餐廳後方則設有可容納39人的有蓋patio, 設計充滿地中海式庭院風格。 餐廳非常注重食材的選擇,由新鮮捕獲的海鮮 以至手工意粉、合乎人道標準的肉類及木烤薄餅, 滿滿的西西里風味,很適合眾人共享。 假日早午餐提供餐點如有機煎蛋配西西畦焗 豆、自製酸麵糰熱香餅,可選榛子楓糖醬或西西里 巧克力醬,以及ricotta芝士菠菜烘蛋,還可選配黑 松露增添風味。餐酒方面,可選擇來自歐洲釀酒商 的寄賣酒或手工雞尾酒,雞尾酒經自家浸泡,備有 無酒精或純素供選擇。

Let chef-owner Roberto marotta and his wife, Jacqueline Nicosia, take you and your taste buds to the mediterranean Islands through their spacious multi-level new venture. Named after Don Vale, the village that became Cabbagetown, Dova offers guests various experiences from their bright and airy main dining room that’s flanked with banquettes and lined with tiles and stoneware brought in from Sicily to counter seats bellied up to the bar. There are also coveted seats at the plexiglass-barriered kitchen counter and an intimate private cellar downstairs for larger dining groups. Then there’s their 39-seat covered patio tucked behind the restaurant with features influenced by mediterranean courtyards. Filling tables with vibrant, ingredient-focused dishes prepared with restraint, the sharefriendly dinner menu features everything from fresh-caught seafood to handmade artisanal pastas, ethically sourced meats and wood-fired pizzas that are accented with imported Sicilian flavours. Weekend brunch offers items like a fried organic egg on braised Sicilian lentils, homemade sourdough pancakes with either a hazelnut maple praline or Sicilian chocolate sauce, and a spinach, ricotta and potato frittata that can all be embellished with black truffle. make it a perfect pairing with unique consignment wines from European producers, or well-balanced craft cocktails using homemade infusions that can be made without alcohol or vegan. Dova 229 Carlton St. 416-901-3501 dovarestaurant.com ELITEGEN




dining to tell

面向Clinton街的patio地方寬敞,外圍是木製長椅,可容納45人。後方的有蓋走廊令露天雅座於較冷的月份仍可繼續開放。 The expansive patio along Clinton Street is lined with wooden benches that can seat 45, half of which are sheltered by a covered veranda in the back for continued outdoor seating during colder months.

Pompette採取開放式設計,入口位置設有巨型酒櫃,好讓Bauer在將來舉行非正式的試酒活動。 Pompette’s open dining room houses a wine island at the entrance that may eventually host informal wine tastings by Bauer.


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PomPETTE 多得來自巴黎的三人組,為多倫多的美食愛好者帶來Pompette。主 廚Martine Bauer學習傳統法式料理出身,在籌備Pompette期間,亦於 Brothers及Pearl Morisette兼職,更藉此認識了不少本地食材供應商。 這家區內小店主打法式美食,但食材本地生產為主。開業即遇上新冠 疫情,一開始業務以提供煮食包為主,堂食餐牌每日不同,並以簡餐及適 合佐酒的美食為主。 Pompette在法語中指微醺,說法帶點可愛,可以想象餐廳絕對是愛 酒之人的天堂。Martine的丈夫兼生意拍擋Jonathan Bauer掌管餐廳的酒 窖,酒藏包括3,000多瓶有機、動力生物及低干預餐酒。 Bauer夫婦其後邀得Maxime Hoerth加盟,為餐廳創作特色雞尾酒。 他自2012年起於巴黎5星級酒店Bristol hotel的Bar du Bristol出任主管,更 於2011年成為法國首位榮獲最佳酒保榮譽的酒吧工作者。 Pompette提供多款特色雞尾酒,不過在相隔數間鋪位,全新開業的 姐妹店Bar Pompette中,雞尾酒的選就更多。這間小店日間是咖啡室,提 供各款小食,晚上則變身為酒吧,主打手工雞尾酒及餐酒。 酒單分為三個系列:新派經典是以自家發酵及浸泡的酒調製,並加入 手鑿冰塊如Hoerth的招牌作Nordic Negroni;另提供無加入烈酒的系列; 以及「Pompette之友」系列,為大家帶來Hoerth世界各地酒保好友創作的雞 尾酒。

香煎安省本地產小牛胸腺,醬汁是以龍蝦及牛仔肉濃汁肴饌的香檸馬 鞭草汁,配菜經常變更,採訪當日品嚐到的是烤焗椰菜花。 Generous lobes of pan-fried Ontario sweetbreads finished with a lemon verbena bisque (lobster and veal jus) are served with changing garnish. On our visit, it was roasted cauliflower.

室內用餐區分為廂座及一般座位,長長的酒吧安裝了透明隔板。寬敞 的露天用餐區提供45個座位,後方的有蓋走廊令露天雅座於較冷的月份仍 可繼續開放。

Proving that Toronto can have nice things, Pompette is the brainchild of an accomplished trio from Paris. Trained in classic French cuisine, chef martine Bauer worked at Prince maurice in mauritius before leading the kitchen at Hôtel de matignon, the official residence of the Prime minister of France. While waiting to open Pompette, she did stints at Brothers and Pearl morisette through which she was connected to local producers. The neighbourhood restaurant is a breath of fresh air with food that’s French in nature, but showcases local ingredients. Due to the fact it was launched during the pandemic, it offers heat-to-finish takeaway meals, while dine-in service is focused on a daily changing roster of simply prepared food that’s wonderful to tipple with. A cute way to say tipsy in French, Pompette is like heaven for serious imbibers. martine’s partner in business and life, Jonathan Bauer, helms the restaurant’s producer-focused organic, biodynamic and often lowintervention 3,000-bottle deep cellar. Known for leading the wine program at acclaimed chef Daniel Rose’s now-shuttered Spring in Paris, Bauer was named France’s best sommelier in 2014.

法式肉凍酥皮Pâté en croute全年供應,Pompette以雞肉代替傳統的豬 肉,而且份量十足,伴以酸瓜及本地製芥辣。 Always available, the pâté en croute at Pompette is made with chicken rather than traditional pork. A generous slice is served with pickles and local grainy mustard.

The Bauers are joined by maxime Hoerth, who is responsible for the spirit-forward cocktail menu. Besides having headed the Bar du Bristol in Paris’s five-star Bristol hotel since 2012, he was the first Barman meilleur ouvrier de France in 2011. A selection of signature cocktails are served at Pompette, but they shine most at just-opened little sister, Bar Pompette, a few doors down on College Street—a specialty coffee shop with fresh daily snacks and treats during the day, and a bar with curated cocktails and rotating wines at night. The list is divided into three sections that can be enjoyed on their beautiful hidden patio: modernized classics using homemade fermentations and infusion, and hand-cut ice cubes like his signature Nordic Negroni; spirit-free drinks; and a “friends of Pompette” feature – cocktails based on recipes provided by Hoerth’s international network of barkeeps. Inside, seats are divided among booths and tables, with custom plexiglass barriers set up along the long wraparound bar. outside, the expansive patio caters to 45, with a covered veranda in the back for continued outdoor seating during colder months. 597 College St. 416-516-1111 pompette.ca

當日的甜品是鬆化的脆餅,上面方上水煮安省蜜桃及香草鮮奶油。 The dessert of the day might feature a crumbly sable biscuit topped with airy vanilla mascarpone-whipped cream and a fresh poached Ontario peach.





wine not?


Into the spIrIt

nick Jonas and John Varvatos join hands to create the perfect tequila Story | Connie Li Photography | Villa One Tequila 「實在難以置信,十分易入口,無論純飲、加冰或調製雞尾 酒都一流。」

“It’s incredible. It’s drinkable. It’s perfectly fine neat, or on the rocks, and it makes a perfect cocktail.”

以上是紐約飲食網站The Daily Meal對Villa One Tequila的 評價。這款來頭不小的龍舌蘭酒是著名音樂人Nick Jonas及時裝 設計師John Varvatos的結晶品,並由世界首屈一指的高級烈酒 分銷商Stoli Group擔任顧問。

That’s the assessment of The Daily Meal, a New York-based food and drink website, after sampling Villa One Tequila—the brainchild of well-known musician Nick Jonas and fashion designer John Varvatos, in consultation with one of the world’s leading premium spirits organizations, Stoli Group.

Jonas(著名樂隊Jonas Brothers band成員之一)與Varvatos (三屆美國時裝設計師協會大獎得主)這對忘年之交雖然來自不同 背景,但不約而同對手工龍舌蘭酒情有獨鍾。 二人聯同親友於2018年前往墨西哥旅遊期間,靈機一動決 定推出自家龍舌蘭酒品牌,更迅速地在他們下榻的酒店敲定合作 計劃,並就地取材把新酒命名為Villa One。 Villa One於墨西哥哈利斯科州的Fabrica de Tequilas Finos 酒廠以純手工釀製,100%由龍舌蘭發酵蒸餾而成,原料來自哈 利斯科州低地及高地栽種5至7年的龍舌蘭。 用於釀酒的水,來自酒廠的自流井,並以雙壺式蒸餾,使 Villa One擁有獨特個性及柔和口感。 88

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Although from different creative worlds and different generations, Jonas (a member of the successful Jonas Brothers band) and Varvatos (a three-time Council of Fashion Designers of America award winner), share a love for hand-crafted tequila. During a trip to Mexico in 2018 with family and friends, the pair was inspired to embark on a new adventure and launch their own tequila brand. In the spirit (pardon the pun) of the property where they were staying, the idea quickly turned into a tangible venture with a name: Villa One. Villa One is hand-crafted at Fabrica de Tequilas Finos in Jalisco, Mexico, distilled from 100 per cent agave azul tequilana harvested after five to seven years from both the lowland and highland regions of Jalisco. Water drawn from the artesian well on the property, and a double-pot distillation process, gives Villa One a unique character and a distinctively smooth finish.




• 色:清澈偏銀色 • 香:帶果香及煮熟龍舌蘭的甜香 • 味:味道帶有乾果及木烤果仁並演變成焦糖味 • 餘味:悠長、順滑 • 沒有經過熟成 • 建議飲用方式:Margarita 或純飲

• 色:暗琥珀色 • 香:濃郁焦糖及木香,並帶有香草威化、 香蕉及果仁香氣 • 味:醇厚並帶有濃郁木香 • 餘味:濃郁長久,帶有煙燻、黑巧克力及 蜜糖餘韻 • 以美國橡木木桶熟成12個月 • 建議飲用方式:純飲加冰及香橙皮

• 色:淡金黃色 • 香:銅香並帶有焦糖及糖果香氣 • 味:豐盛且平均,帶有奶油糖果、巧克力、 梅子及煙燻氣息 • 餘味:輕盈並透着咖啡、焦糖及香料味 • 以美國橡木木桶熟成6個月 • 建議飲用方式:JV X NJ Signature Villa One Repo加冰伴以一片香橙

• AppeArAnce: Dark amber • nose: rich caramel and wood, with notes of vanilla wafer, banana and nuts • FlAvour: Full bodied with noticeable wood notes • Finish: rich and lasting finish with notes of smoke, dark chocolate and honey • Aged 12 months in American oak barrels • suggesteD serve: neat or on the rocks with an orange twist

• AppeArAnce: light gold • nose: Bronze aromas with caramel and candy • FlAvour: Full and balanced with butterscotch, chocolate, prune and smoke essences • Finish: light finish with notes of coffee, caramel and mellowed spice • Aged 6 months in American oak barrels • suggesteD serve: Jv X nJ signature villa one repo on the rocks with an orange wedge

• AppeArAnce: clear with silver shades • nose: Fruit aromas with sweet cooked agave on the nose • FlAvour: Dried fruit and wood-toasted nuts that meanders into a caramelized agave • Finish: long and smooth • no aging • suggesteD serve: Margarita or neat

Villa One共有Silver、Reposado及Anejo三種口味,以酒色、細節及陳年時間區分。 Villa One comes in three varieties—Silver, Reposado and Anejo—with differing colours, nuances and lengths of aging.

由研磨、壓榨、發酵、蒸餾以至熟成,Villa One整個釀製 過程由被喻為「龍舌蘭酒教父」的釀酒大師Arturo Fuentes親自主 理。Fuentes有30年釀造手工龍舌蘭酒的經驗。

Villa One is milled, mashed, fermented, distilled and aged by master distiller Arturo Fuentes, affectionately referred to as “the godfather of tequila.” Fuentes has been hand-crafting traditional tequilas for more than three decades.

第一個步驟是把龍舌蘭芯切成兩等份或四等份並磨成絲。 接着以壓力鍋把龍舌蘭烹10小時直至轉化為糖汁。然後以壓榨方 式把汁液跟纖維分開,加入酵母進行為時72小時的發酵,最後 加以蒸餾。

In the process of making Villa One, the pina, or core of the agave plant, is cut into two or four equal parts and then shredded by a roller mill. The agave is dispatched to the autoclave to cook for 10 hours, causing a transformation of sugars. The juice is separated from the agave fibres by presses, and the proprietary yeast is added. The fermentation lasts up to 72 hours before the liquid is distilled.

有別於其它星級烈酒品牌,Jonas及Varvatos事事親力親 為,參與到製作Villa One的每一個決定當中,就連瓶身設計亦是 二人親自操刀。Villa One瓶頸處富於高級首飾質感的金屬裝飾設 計,就充分展現了Varvatos品牌的風格。

Moreover, unlike other celebrity liquors, Jonas and Varvatos are involved in every aspect of the brand and take part in the decision-making process every step of the way. The bottle itself was designed by them with each expression featuring fine jewellery-inspired metalwork around the neck that represents the signature style of the Varvatos brand. ELITEGEN





$8,500 (body only)

Sony 專業機旗艦精準捕捉

Believe it: You cAn hAve it All Sony’s new full-frame mirrorless Alpha 1 camera captures moments that would otherwise be lost Story & Photography | B1807 魚與熊掌真的可以兼得?有了Sony全片幅無反旗艦Alpha 1,拍 友不用再於畫質及連拍之間作兩難取捨,只要按下快門,即可以每秒 30張的速度連拍5,010萬像素相片。即使面對動態拍攝場景,如運動、 野生動物,仍然可以將每個動作以高畫質清晰捕捉,又或以8K解像度 攝錄保存,將歷來A9、A7系列優點集於一身,正正是青於出藍。

1/400秒閃燈同步 A1定位是Alpha系列全片幅相機中最頂級,對象是專業攝影師、 攝影記者等用家,對成像畫質及連拍速度均有極高要求。A1採用全新


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Now any photographer can capture fast-moving objects. Each shutter click comes with a newly developed image sensor. Its integral memory, paired with an upgraded BIONZ XR imaging processing engine, makes it capable of shooting 50.1 megapixel images continuously at an astounding 30fps, with up to 120 AF/AE calculations per second. Great for professional photographers, photojournalists and beginners alike. It captures clear and high-resolution images, especially during dynamic situations, such as sports and wildlife. Alpha 1 inherits the best from series A9 and A7 with its phenomenal 8K resolution recording.

A1首次支援電子快門可與閃光燈同步,速度可達1/200秒,機械快門更達1/400秒。 除了WiFi,亦可經LAN高速有線上網。 For the first time, A1 supports simultaneous synchronization between electronic In addition to WiFi, high-speed Internet access via LAN is also available. shutter and flash. Speed reaches up to 1/200 second, and the mechanical shutter can go up to 1/400 second.

除4K/120p外,A1為同廠首款可攝錄8K片的型號。 Except for 4K/120p, A1 is the first model that can record 8K videos.

5,010萬像素全片幅層疊式Exmor RS CMOS,除了內置記憶體作緩 衝,還首次用上兩枚BIONZ XR影像處理器同時進行運算,令影像處 理效能大幅飆升。以電子快門拍攝時可以30fps高速連拍多達155張 5,010萬像素無壓縮的RAW影像,又或165張JPEG影像,過程中仍 能以每秒120次進行對焦及測光計算,甚至持續對眼睛追蹤對焦,確 保高速連拍時對焦及曝光準確。 A1另一突破是一併解決傳統Blackout黑屏的問題,熒幕上不會 再看到影像間隔之間出現黑畫面。要是從EVF取景,還能感受944萬 像素、240Hz更新率的OLED電子觀景器帶來的細緻流暢顯示效果。

機身散熱改良 靜態拍攝以外,A1拍片質素也是同廠最強一員,除了延續A7S III的4K/120p,還首次支援8K/30p錄影,且以8.6K進行超取樣及 10bit 4:2:0格式儲存。若經HDMI輸出更可以16bit RAW格式儲存至 外置記錄器,拍片時亦可開啟EyeAF追蹤對焦。由於改良了內部散 熱結構,拍8K片時機身溫度保持在正常範圍,連續拍30分鐘也不成 問題。

採用全新開發的5,010萬像素全片幅層疊式CMOS。 The newly developed full-frame stacked CMOS with 50.1 megapixels.

Alpha 1’s processing power delivers shooting with an electronic shutter up to 155 uncompressed RAW images, with 50.1 megapixel or 165 JPEG images that can be shot repeatedly at 30fps high speed. Focus and meter calculations can still be performed 120 times per second during the process, with seamless eye-tracking and focusing in order to secure focal and exposure precision in high-speed situations. A1’s shooting capabilities are further enhanced by a 9.44-million dot OLED Quad-XGA electronic viewfinder, with a refresh rate of up to 240 fps(xiv), ensuring no blackout. You will still have a detailed and refined display experience at 9.44 million pixels, 240Hz refresh rate OLED electronic view via EVF. A1 is also capable of 4K 120p/60p 10-bit 4:2:2 recording and includes S-Cinetone colour. It is packed with features that support field professionals with faster workflow, including 3.5 times faster wireless FTP transfer speed and more. Other features include 16-bit RAW output to an external recorder via HDMI for maximum post-production flexibility. Due to improvement in heat dissipation, even when shooting 8K videos, the temperature of the module remains at a normal temperature range. As a result, 30-minute unstoppable recording is possible.







2022 InfInItI QX55 A crossover coupe with class Story | Norris McDonald

我少年時曾在尼亞加拉瀑布區居住,最近有機會駕試2022年 款的Infiniti QX55,於是就去這個「世界蜜月之都」走了一趟。 QX55是一款時尚的跨界轎跑車,具有極富動感的超大水箱 罩,流線傾斜的車頂輪廓線,銳利的LED大燈、尾燈和圓型霧 燈,再加上20吋鋁合金輪圈,彰顯了它的豪華氣派。 我坐上駕駛座位後,馬上就感到很舒適。前排座椅有電熱和 通風功能,長途及短程駕駛皆適宜。後排座位有寬敞的腿部和頭 頂空間,可惜沒有電熱功能,或會被視為一個遺憾。 調校好所有裝置後,我瞥了一眼後視鏡,發現後窗太小了, 未能滿足我。幸好兩個邊鏡一流,補償了後窗視野不佳的問題。


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I lived in Niagara Falls when I was a teen, and when Infiniti recently made a 2022 QX55 available for a test drive, I decided to head down to the “honeymoon capital of the world.” The QX55 is a stylish crossover coupe, with a very athletic-looking oversized grille, sloping roofline, LED headlights, taillights and fog lights. Those assets, plus the 20-inch wheels, emphasize the QX55’s classiness. When I settled into the driver’s seat, I immediately felt comfortable. The front seats are heated/ventilated and built for long drives or short runs. Legroom and headroom in the back seats are generous, but they aren’t heated and that could be seen by some as a negative.

QX55有3個螢幕。方向盤後面的儀表板螢幕提供常規信息,即車 速表、轉速表、燃油表、機油溫度等,而大部分控制儀表的裝置都裝 在方向盤上。另外兩個資訊娛樂螢幕分上下擺放,提供大量資訊,包 括導航地圖、方向、時間、Sirius衛星電台等等。 我開着QX55取道QEW去咸美頓和尼亞加拉的時候,深深感受到 2.0公升四缸渦輪增壓引擎的威力。當我駛近福特位於奧克維爾的車廠 時,其它車輛從403公路匯入QEW,為了閃避突然要切入的車輛,我 踩一下油門加速,感受到由無段自動變速箱操控的268匹馬力和280磅 /呎扭力的威力。數碼車速顯示在擋風玻璃上,我只需掃視一下即看到 車速。

As I adjusted everything before venturing out, I glanced into the rear-view mirror and found the back window to be too small for my liking. However, I can report that the side mirrors are excellent and compensate for the poor rear-window view. The QX55 features three screens. The cluster screen behind the steering wheel has the usual information (speedometer, tachometer, fuel gauge, oil temperature) and much of the instrumentation is on the steering wheel. The two infotainment screens, one on top of the other, deliver tons of information—map (navigation), direction, time, Sirius satellite radio and so on.







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由於配備了ProPilot Assist半自動駕駛系統,在往返的一路上,我都覺得十 分安全。日產Infiniti的安全科技可幫助你兼顧一些駕駛事宜,例如保持在自己的 行車線上,利用智能定速控制系統保持車速等。此外,它還有其它功能,例如 塞車時可使用自動啟停系統節省能源。 今次試駕只是一日的旅程。如果要度周末,你會很欣賞它的載貨量。它有 762公升的載貨空間,如把後排椅子翻摺,空間會倍增。尾門以電動開關,方便 使用。 在加拿大推出的QX55有三個裝備精良的等級,所有款式都有四個駕駛 模式,全部採用同一款引擎和變速箱。基本裝飾的Luxe售價由51,995元起, Essential級別的裝飾有皮革座椅、自動感應定速控制系統和一套有16個喇叭的 Bose音響系統,售價為56,998元。最高級別的Sensory採用優質皮革配襯真木 裝飾,並有高級的自動感應定速控制系統等等,零售價為60,998元。

While on the QEW, heading for Hamilton and Niagara, I felt the power of the 2.0L turbocharged four-cylinder engine. As I approached the Ford plant in Oakville, where traffic from Hwy 403 blends into the QEW, a merging transport started moving left before I expected. It was then that the 268 horsepower and 280 lb.-ft. of torque, managed by the continuously variable transmission (CVT), kicked in as I floored the accelerator. And with the digital speed indicator reflecting on the windshield, I didn’t have to drop my eyes more than a smidgen to check on my speed. I felt completely safe during the return trip to the Falls because of the ProPilot Assist on board. Nissan-Infiniti’s safety technology helps you take care of the little things, like staying in your lane and, once set, maintain your speed with Intelligent Cruise Control. It has other functions, like stop and start in a traffic jam. It was just a day trip for me, but if you’re going for a weekend, you’ll appreciate the cargo capacity. There is 762 litres of space that can basically be doubled with the rear seat down. There’s also a power liftgate for easy access. The QX55 is being offered in Canada with four driver modes and in three trims, all with the same engine and transmission and all-wheel-drive. The basic Luxe trim starts at $51,995, while the Essential trim, with leather seats, adaptive cruise control and a 16-speaker Bose sound system, comes in at $56,998. Then there is the Sensory trim, with premium leather, genuine wood trim, an advanced adaptive cruise system and some other goodies that retails for $60,998.

規格 車身款式:4門5座位跨界轎跑車 傳動:前置引擎,全輪驅動,無段自動變速箱 引擎:可變壓縮比2.0公升四缸渦輪增壓引擎(268匹馬力和280磅/呎扭力) 耗油量:(標準型號) 市內/高速公路/綜合:12.8升/10.1升/11.3升/100公里 行李箱容量:762公升,後排座椅摺疊後增加至1,532公升 拖曳重量:可達4,000磅 FACT BOX BODY STYLE: Four-door, five-passenger, crossover SUV coupe. DRIVE METHOD: Front engine, all-wheel drive, CVT transmission. ENGINE: 2.0L turbocharged four-cylinder engine with variable compression (268 hp, 280 lb.-ft.) FUEL ECONOMY (Standard): 12.8L/100km city/10.1 hwy/11.3 combined. CARGO VOLUME: 762 L (1,532 L folded rear seat). TOW RATING: Up to 4,000 lbs. infiniti.com





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