9 minute read


Knit pullover, $4,950 Boots, $3,150 Earrings, $16,300 Necklace, $12,000 Pink gold and diamond ring, $5,350 Pink gold, malachite and diamond ring, $4,100 President briefcase, $9,350 Bags (from left to right) Fornasetti Cannes, $4,800 Fornasetti Pochette Tête, $3,400 Fornasetti Petite Malle, $7,200 Fornasetti Pochette Tête, $3,400

仙樂飄飄愿君聞 Flying HigH


SSUn may be a new to the music scene but her drive and talent is already getting her noticed by heavyweights

Story | Iris Chui Photography | Simon Boucher-Harris Wardrobe and accessories | Louis Vuitton

音樂是國際語言—動人的旋 律,撩發共鳴的歌詞,均足以觸動 人心。然而,以音樂為職業的路卻 不易走,特別是由華裔女歌手演繹 騷靈、R&B和 Pop英文歌。新晉加 藉華裔唱作歌手SSUN孫仙易今年2 月推出了第一張個人唱碟,雖然暫 時仍未至一鳴天下響,卻已贏得樂 壇舉足輕重的Nineteen 85和Niko (OVO)的支持,踏出亮麗一步。 Music is an international language. Melodies can stir emotions and lyrics that resonate can touch every heart. That said, pursuing a career in music isn’t always an easy path, especially for an Asian musician who dabbles in soul, R&B and pop.

Fresh to the music scene, Chinese-Canadian singer SSUN released her first single in February. While it wasn’t an overnight hit, it has won applause from heavyweights like Nineteen85 and OVO Niko.

EliteGen recently caught up with the budding star to chat about her exhilarating step forward.

Dress, $3,850 Skirt, $7,900 Boots, $3,150 Necklace, $9,700 Earrings, $16,300

eG ︰可以介紹一下自己嗎?

SSUN︰我在上海出生和成長,中文名字是「孫仙易」,「仙」 是父母希望我有一顆善良的心,「易」則是希望所有難題都可以容 易解決。2015年夏天以國際學生身份來到多倫多,修讀新媒體。

eG ︰是什麼驅使你踏上音樂路?

SSUN︰我父母都從事音樂工作,在家裡總是樂聲不絕,所 以由小時候開始,音樂已是我生命中不可或缺的重要一環,我的 古典鋼琴技巧亦是由父親教授。他們沒有強迫我學音樂,卻培養 出我這方面的興趣;他們會引導我自發地練習唱歌,幫助我建立 自己的風格。對我們一家來說,音樂更是很好的溝通途徑,不過 直到近幾年我才真正有信心和其他人分享自己的音樂。


SSUN︰很難一概而論,我會說那是Soul、R&B和Pop的混合 體,因為我喜歡不斷作嘗試和挑戰,希望可以融合不同元素,又 或是從不同風格中找出最適合自己的一套來。我創作時很視乎自 己的心情,讓情緒帶動,過程中可能摻雜了不同事物,雖然成果 可能有點雜,但這正代表了真正的我。


SSUN︰是筆墨難於形容的感覺。那是我踏出的重要第一 步,心情很忐忑,但樂迷和業界的反應卻超乎想象。特別是見到 自己的作品在電台節目和Billboards出現,仿如發夢般很不真實。 我現在正着手明年初推出的大碟,不住提醒自己要走出舒適圈, 要推動自己做得更好,希望讓大家知道之前的大碟只是開始,他 們將見到表現愈來愈好的SSUN。

Q: Who is SSUN? Tell us about yourself.

A: I was born and raised in Shanghai, but I moved to Toronto in the summer of 2015. I came here as an international student to study New Media… and it just kind of happened. I mean, I was raised with music as a huge part of my life, but it wasn’t until recently that I truly felt confident enough to share my music with the world.

Q: What got you into music?

A: My parents are definitely the key driver that helped me first get into music. Much of my musical style has been adopted from what I have learned from them. Both of my parents work in the music industry. My father taught me how to play the piano, through classical training, so it’s always been a huge part of my upbringing. For me and my parents, music is an incredibly important form of communication.

Q: For those who have not heard of you, describe your music?

A: I would describe it as a mix of soul, R&B and pop. It’s hard to describe it concisely because I always try to challenge myself by experimenting, combining various elements and taking inspiration from different styles to try to find the style that suits me best. My writing often depends on my mood. I really let emotion drive the creative process so, in the end, what you hear is really me—a little bit of everything.

Q: You released your first EP in February this year. What was that like?

A: I don’t think words can do it justice. I mean, it was my first big project, but while it was nerve-wracking, the response from fans and the industry was overwhelming. It was such a surreal experience to have my work showcased on billboards and on the radio.

Boots, $2,610 Bag, $7,200 Pendant, $5,600 Medallion, $9,700 Ear studs, $4,500 Earrings, $16,300 Pur pullover, Price upon request

Skirt, $5,650 Boots, $3,150 Pink gold and diamond ring, $5,350 Pink gold, malachite and diamond ring, $4,100 Ear studs, $5,900 Bag, $7,000 Pur body, Price upon request

eG︰樂壇很有影響力的Niko (OVO)和 Nineteen 85都 支持你,你是怎樣認識他們的?

SSUN︰幾年前我在一個派對表演,Niko (OVO)也是座 上客,朋友介紹我們認識,我們談音樂,談時裝,說個不 亦樂乎,之後也保持聯絡。他還把我介紹給Nineteen 85認 識。在我發展音樂事業的路途上,他們毫不吝嗇地提供意 見,給了我很大的支持。


SSUN︰直至目前為止,我還是挺幸運的。小時候由父 母啟發我對音樂的興趣,他倆亦一直是我的最強後盾。我讀 高中時,每逢有大型活動,校長都會讓我表演,在我十一年 級時,更幫助我舉辦個人音樂會,對當時小小年紀的我來說 是很大的鼓勵。而現在的合作團隊不但是行內精英,更認同 我對音樂的熱誠和創作,他們的支持驅動我做得更好。

同時,我認為無論目標和所熱衷是什麽,最重要是堅 持,不放棄,特別是遇上阻滯,感覺沮喪的時候。我的經驗 告訴我︰只要定立目標便鼓起幹勁往前走,雖然永不知道前 面將會發生的事,但無論結果為何,過程中見到進展,那份 快樂和滿足感已是一份收穫。


SSUN︰第一張唱片中的主打歌曲《Dear Lover》是第一 首全由我寫的歌曲。記得去年3月,全世界都因新冠疫情而 備受影響,看見很多人被迫跟自己的親人摯友分離,有些更 是永別,我將這種悲傷的心情投放到這首歌曲中。我希望大 家在聽這首歌曲時,感受到那份深情,同時謹記要珍惜眼前 人。


SSUN︰說起來也覺有趣。我的唱片監製Niko向來很嚴 謹,當我跟他提起製作音樂時的意念時,他總是很認真和 一矢中的指出有待改進的地方。第一次在錄音室聽到《Dear Lover》的Demo時,他卻是一言不發,沉默了整整兩秒鐘, 然後爆發出掌聲。對我來說,這是迄今為止我收到的最好反 饋,那一刻我知道我們創作了一首非常特別的歌曲。

eG︰ 有計劃發展亞洲或中國市場嗎?

SSUN︰因為我與上海的密切聯繫,在那裡出生長大, 唱中文歌曲的機會跟英文歌曲一樣多。我發現兩者之間有很 多不同的音樂製作和演唱方法—中國歌曲傾向於注重旋律和 使用演唱技巧來表達情感,而西方音樂則較少結構化的方 法。我希望將我的東方背景和經歷的西方文化結合起來,創 造出自己獨特的音樂風格。所以如能有機會回到中國發展和 分享自己的音樂風格,我將會很高興和自豪。


SSUN︰過去兩年實在發生了太多事,我迫不及待想跟 朋友相聚、吃飯或看電影,以及回中國看望父母。 同時很渴 望可以參與大型的現場表演,回到錄音室正常工作……看似 都是簡單的事﹐但實在渴望能跟我愛的人做所愛的事。

eG︰有些人會將某些年輕華人定型為「富二代」而忽略 他們的才華,你有何感想?

SSUN︰我認為每個人都有自己的個性和生活方式,沒 有人應該以先入為主的錯誤觀念來判斷他人。我鼓勵大家要 深入了解,不要流於表面。中國人聰明、謙遜、勤奮,紀律 性強,不要被錯誤說法而誤判。其實這同樣適用於所有種 族、國家和背景的人。

Q: We noticed you got support from some very influential people like OVO Niko and Nineteen85. How did that come about?

A: Well, Niko and I met at a party a few years back. I was performing and Niko was one of the guests. A mutual friend introduced us later that night and it was a really cool experience to connect with him. We talked about fashion and music, and we ended up keeping in touch. He then introduced me to 85 and they have both been a great support to me, continuing to give me advice on my development and growth as an artist.

Q: The music business can be very challenging. Can you share some unforgettable incidents.

A: I’m so lucky that I have had support every step of the way on my music path. My parents led me into music from the start at a very young age, and they have also been my biggest support. Then, my high-school principal gave me huge encouragement by inviting me to perform at every big event that happened at our school, and even helped me hold my own concert in Grade 11, which truly meant a lot to me. Now, I have a huge support system with the best team, who share my passion in music and creation. The support they provide drives me to be the best version of myself.

I think no matter what your goal or passion is, the most important thing is to not give up, especially when you are feeling like you will never be on the right track. My experience has shown me that once you’re on the path towards a career or passion that is meant for you and aligns with your goals, you never know what can happen. At the same time, you’ll find the progress you make allows you to feel fulfilled and be happy, regardless of the outcome.

Q: When did you write your first song? Where did you find your inspiration?

A: Actually, “Dear Lover” is the first complete song I’ve written. I wrote this song last March when the pandemic started. It’s so sad to see people being separated from their dearest family and friends, in some cases forever. Therefore, I tried to take my feelings and channel them into this song. Along with telling this story, I wanted everyone who listens to this song to feel that emotion and remember to cherish what they have right now.

Q: What are some of the harshest/best comments you have come across thus far.

A: It’s funny, but it’s actually a wordless comment from my producer, Niko. He’s always very serious and precise about the music ideas l share with him and he can always point out where there is room to improve. However, when he heard the “Dear Lover” demo for the first time in-studio, he didn’t say anything. Instead, he stayed silent for a full two seconds, then he burst into applause and, for me, it was the best feedback I’ve received so far. I knew we had created something really special in that moment.

Q: Any plans for the Asia/Chinese market? If so, will the music created be much different from now?

A: Yes, because of my close connection to Shanghai, being born and raised there, I would welcome any opportunity and would be proud to perform in the country where I first immersed myself in the music styles I’m always creating and pursuing. I am always looking for a new approach to my music. For me, it’s always evolving during the creation process.

Q: What are you looking forward to most as pandemic restrictions begin to be lifted?

A: I can’t wait to hang out with my friends, start travelling again and to visit my parents. For me, I’m most excited for the simple things, like catching up with friends, going for dinner or going to a movie. And, of course, I can’t wait for the performance opportunities. I haven’t really had the chance to perform live for a big crowd, as it’s always been smaller performances here and there. Getting back into the studio goes hand in hand with this. It’s all about getting back to the things I love, with the people I love.

Q: Some people stereotype young Chinese as “young and rich” and overlook their talents. How do you feel about that?

A: I think everyone has their own personality and lifestyle, and no one should be stereotyped. Instead of judgment, I always encourage that we look to find what’s under the surface. The Chinese are smart, humble, hard workers who are well disciplined, and should not be misjudged due to stereotypes. This is true for all people, of all races, nations and backgrounds.

Bags (from left to right) Fornasetti Pochette Tête, $3,400 Fornasetti Petite Malle, $7,200 Fornasetti Pochette Tête, $3,400

Jacket, $6,000 Shirt, Price upon request Pants, $2,110 Boots, $3,150 Earrings, $5,900 President briefcase (top), $9,350 Alzer 80 suitcase (bottom), $11,500

Dress, $8,450 Boots, $3,150 Sunglasses, $595 Pink gold and diamond ring, $5,350 Pink gold, malachite and diamond ring, $4,100 Medallion, $9,700 Ear studs, $5,900

Photographer/Art Director: Simon Boucher-Harris Model: Ssun ssunmusic.com Hair & MUA: Jennifer Poh Stylist: Colette Ascenuik BTS & Videography: Edison Sigua Production Assistant: Wendy Chan

Coat, $8,450 Skirt, $2,290 Boots, $3,150 Pendant, $5,600 Pink gold and diamond ring, $5,350 Pink gold, malachite and diamond ring, $4,100

Coat, $6,350 Boots, $1,480 Pink gold and diamond ring, $5,350 Pink gold, malachite and diamond ring, $4,100 Earrings, $16,300


SSUN︰我喜歡經典、高檔中見低調,以及一些復古和街頭 元素的服飾。 我很想在永恆經典和年輕風格之間找到平衡。Louis Vuitton 向來是我衣櫥裡的必備品,現在能穿上由這品牌贊助的服 飾拍今期的封面,真是一種令人難以置信且非常酷的體驗。


SSUN︰我愛秋天時裝。秋天擁有最完美的天氣,不會太熱 或太冷。我喜歡穿上超大號服裝,例如是連帽衛衣,又或是牛仔 褲配輕身外套。此外,以厚實的針織衫襯珠寶首飾營造時尚感, 也是另一種我喜歡的造型。


SSUN︰我總是讓心情主導,但我會盡力跟從程序安排,不 會影響大局。就等於我愛各式美食—中國菜、日本料理、意大利 菜……但我會留心份量,那就可以樣樣都吃。我盡量每天都做運 動,但密度還得看我的工作表了。


SSUN︰太多了。但最近我聽得最多的是Kiana Lede、 SZA和Jorja Smith。我亦喜歡Snoh Aalegra、H.E.R和Ariana Grande,當然還有The Weekend。


SSUN︰我的頭號偶像毫無疑問是我媽媽。她對身邊每個人 都那麽關懷、友善和愛護。但我最欣賞她強大的內在力量,她對 所做的一切都充滿熱情,亦鼓勵我追求理想。我真的很感恩一直 有她的智慧和支持伴我前行。 Q: Describe SSUN’s fashion. What are some of your favourite brands?

A: I like to have a mix of classic, luxury low-key pieces, and some vintage and streetwear elements. I try to find that balance between timeless and young styles. Louis Vuitton has been a staple in my closet for a very long time, and it’s been a mind-boggling—and very cool—experience to now be sponsored by the brand for the cover of the EliteGen Fall issue.

Q: What is your top fashion must-have this fall?

A: I love fall fashion. It’s the perfect weather to layer up without getting too hot or cold. Personally, I love to throw on oversized pieces, like a hoodie or pairing denim with a lighter coat. Pairing chunky knits with some jewellery to make it pop is another fall look I adore.

Q: Are you the follow-a-strict-schedule or go-with-your-mood type of person?

A: I always let my mood inform my approach to anything. However, I do my best to keep on track with my schedule and follow a big-picture structure. For instance, I eat everything that’s yummy, including Chinese, Japanese, Italian, and more. However, I’m mindful of my portion sizing, so I can try a little bit of everything. And I do try to exercise every day, but the intensity depends on my working schedule.

Q: Who are your favourite singers?

A: There are so many to choose from. Recently, I’ve been listening to tons of Kiana Ledé, SZA and Jorja Smith. I also love Snoh Aalegra, H.E.R and Ariana Grande—and, of course, The Weeknd.

Q: Who are your role models?

A: My mom is definitely my No. 1 role model. She’s caring, loving and kind to those around her, and she has an inner strength I’ve always admired. She’s passionate about everything she does and has encouraged me to follow my passion, too. I’m so grateful to have her wisdom and support in my life.

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