Nov 2019 EliteGen Calgary

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NOVEMBER 2019 Vol. 48 Calgary

Calgary noveMBer 2019

luxury living for canada's chinese elite



Checking in with coats; heartthrob haberdashery & saint laurent for men a sing tao puBlication



le Paris russe collection 尊貴護膚產品


bling? It’s in the stars 狂飈時速


the Porsche experience


Display until NOV 30, 2019


Samantha by her own rules Ko

A sing tao publicAtion

luxury living for cAnAdA's chinese elite

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 黃敬強 Calvin Wong 副社長 Associate Publisher 葉子青 Leslie Yip

編輯部 editorial 編輯及美術總監 Editorial/Design Director 華艾朗 Alan A. Vernon 副總編輯 Deputy Editor-in-chief 胡君偉 Kelvin Wu 編輯 Editor 徐少玲 Iris Chui 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 卓穗良 Kannis Cheuk 編審 Copy Editor Ross Hopkins 編輯部 Editorial enquiries / 604-321-1111

參與 Contributors Simon Boucher-Harris, Grace Chan, Sidney Chao, Kenson Ho, Crystal Ng, Shuk Wa Tsang, Emilia Ku Yazar, Iris Yim

互聯網及社交媒體 Online & social media 統籌 Coordinator 陳麗華 Tiffany Tan 數碼市場推廣 Digital Marketing Executive 黎敏然 Eunis Lai

美術部 production & design 美術及製作經理 Production Manager/Art Direction 邱卓庭 Cliff Yau 美術助理 Graphic Art Assistant 陸凱茵 Gloria Luk

廣告及市場部 Advertising sales & marketing 總經理 General Manager 鄺翠嬋 Sandy Kwong 營業代表 Sales Representative 趙華筠 Pierra Chiu 營業部 Advertising enquiries / 403-213-6882

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出版 Publishing Published by Sing Tao Media Group Canada, affiliated with Torstar 加拿大星島傳媒集團出版,附屬多倫多星報

星尚歡迎來稿,但不對投稿負上任何責任。 星尚每年出版九期 。所有內容均為本刊資產。 eliteGen welcomes submissions but is not responsible for unsolicited materials. eliteGen is printed 9 times a year. Entire contents are property of eliteGen . 部份內容由新傳媒集團有限公司提供 930-55 Avenue NE, Calgary, Alberta T2E 6Y4

publisher’s letter

我思故我在 Living by our own ruLes 愈來愈愛我的工作,是真的「談笑有鴻儒,往來無白 丁」。拓闊了社交圈子,認識到出類拔萃的人物,接觸 到平時甚少可以親身體會的事和物……長了知識,更能 激發自己要做得更好的動力。

It always seems a bit weird that as soon as the weather begins to cool down, and we’ve barely even put on our winter parkas for the season, we go ahead and publish a spread on the spring summer 2020 collections. But hey, this is eliteGen, and we know our fashionista readers demand being ahead of the curve when it comes to next season’s clothing options. Staying on top of fashion trends is all about planning well in advance.

從來不是一個追求刺激的駕駛者,車輛對我來說只 是代步工具。受邀參加保時捷專為女駕駛者而設的課程 班時,雖然踏上跑車前,已有專人講授箇中駕駛竅門, 但還是患得患失,怕自己駕馭不了。然而於賽道馳騁了 幾個圈之後,才發現駕駛跑車原來是這樣有趣,結束 時,真的捨不得離開駕駛座呢!

And that is something that this month’s cover girl, Samantha Ko, knows all too well. When it came to her career she fully understood the importance of planning. In order for Ko to be taken seriously as an actor, the former beauty pageant contestant had to shed her typecast brown-haired bombshell image; she’d do anything to distract from her sex appeal. It paid off. She finally got meatier roles that didn’t require her to reveal so much skin. Only then did producers notice that Ko demanded respect as an actor.

從古巴夏灣拿旅行回來,又有另一番感受。有別於 讓人鬆弛的陽光與海灘,快到五百周年紀念的夏灣拿很 有昔日風情,那種老好日子,舊時代的建築物、車輛、 環境……就是這份情懷更教人眷戀。 古巴炎熱的天氣和緊密的旅程,發覺皮膚也發出抗 議聲,加上還有個多月便是派對頻頻的聖誕節,自然不 可掉以輕心。今期的尊貴護膚產品專輯,便特別介紹針 對28日肌膚細胞更生周期而設的美容療程,不遲不早, 正好以最佳狀態示人。 2020春夏時裝出籠,今期特別精選了四大品牌,一 睹潮流趨勢。加上適合十一月這時涼時寒穿著的外套專 輯,讓您任何時候都運疇維握。 不經不覺,原來高海寧已經出道十年,她亦由大眾 心目中曲線玲瓏的花瓶,進化為演技出色的女主角。過 程雖然艱辛,壓力大得令她不住掉頭髮,卻都一一挺過 來;當中的心路歷程,實在很有啟發性。

Says Ko, “I decided that I wouldn’t live for other people, because there is no way to please everyone. I decided what the hell, I’d be myself. I’d wear what I like, say what I like and do what I like.” We hear you, Ko. We love and respect a woman who lives by her own rules. The same women who might also be interested in Canada’s first women-only Porsche Track Experience, a performance driving course helping drivers improve their skills while behind the wheel of some of the world’s most coveted luxury sports cars. Upon completion, you receive an internationally-recognized certificate of the Track Experience, which means you can go to any of the 20 Porsche Experience Centres in the world to get to the next level. How exciting is that? But, don’t worry, even if this issue, and every issue for that matter, celebrates women who live by their own rules, we would never forget about you men. So make sure to check out our feature on The Globetrotter watch, a meticulously rendered interpretation of a three-dimensional map with northern hemisphere lights that twinkle with silver sparkles and Omega’s just released Seamaster Diver 300M in celebration of the 50th anniversary of On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969) replete with 007-details and more than a few surprises. We hope you enjoy this issue. And don’t forget to visit us on Instagram and Facebook. We’d love to hear from you. Sincerely,

Leslie Yip Associate Publisher Twitter & Instagram: leslieyip0911 8

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up front 6 團隊 Masthead

8 出版人的話 publisher's letter

14 鎂光燈下 dress code: on the red carpet

fashion 16-33 潮流特區 coats galore & designer runway celebrity 34 封面故事 十年 • 高海寧 cover girl: saMantha Ko

beauty & scents 42-51 瞧你的 star MaKeup, ultra luxe & tiffany jewellery 52 俄羅斯淵源 chanel: to russia with love timepieces 56 遨遊四海 globetrotter night




B e e M y L ove C o l l e c t i o n �z������ Rings and bracelets �����

G R AC E A N D C H A R AC T E R ���������

Calgary - Montréal - Toronto - Vancouver



fashion: men 58 男神時裝秀 heartthrob haberdashery lifestyle 64 歸樹上居 architecture: tree house 68 真我與個性 portrait painting

72 與世界接軌 wine not: guo Jiao 1573, Mission hill 78 美食盛宴 taste bud pleasure 82 旅遊 travel: cuba automobiles 90 狂飈時速 the porsche experience

tech 94 競速而生 garMin watch society 96 been there:

hobnobbing and schMoozing

90 64



Dress coDe

by Lily Lee


巨星氣派 belle of the ball

色彩繽紛 Colour bloCking

破格組合 WoW in White




Janet Man

Charmaine Sheh

Annie Liu

JM擁有白晢肌膚,穿上款式簡約的檸檬黃晚裝裙, 襯以bulgari鑽飾,很有巨星氣派。

佘詩曼以天藍上衣配翠綠半截裙色,已很是繽紛, 加上彩色高跟鞋,搶眼度更高。

劉心悠的白色晚裝裙,無論布料或圖案,都充滿仙 氣,配上硬朗的短髮,反而另有一番味道。

Bombshell in ball gown—with Bulgari diamonds.

Eye-catching in sky blue and emerald green.

Elegant in glitter galore.

E L I T E G E N. C A



火紅格調 sCarlet fever

高手出招 gorgeous in gold

一改形象 tWinkle tWinkle

Jamie Lee Curtis

Jennifer Lopez

Constance Wu

快將六十一歲的Jamie一身火紅長袖晚裝,隱藏歲月 痕跡,還充滿霸氣。

不是超低胸便能搶鏡,有時也得看能否駕馭得來。 無論是身形、氣派、還是款式,Jennifer lopez都是 獨步江湖。

Body hugging beauty.

Ravishing on the red carpet.

Stunning in sparkling pink.

Designer:Victoria Beckham

Designer:Maison Yeya

Designer:Georges Hobeika

《我的超豪男友》 女主角吳恬敏穿上閃閃桃紅低v晚裝 上陣,一改日常平實作風,叫人耳目一新。





fashion: women


Jacket theory coats of all kinds from puffy to posh Story | Mary Jane Photography | Sing Ho Model | Simona at Model Genesis Makeup | Jasmine @Hongkongmakeupartist Hair | Ziv Lau Coat, Bottega Veneta, $4,710 Boots, Prada, $2,500


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Shirt, $2,900 Pants, $1,950 Shoes, $1,280 All Givenchy Cape, Miu Miu, $TBD





fashion: women

Shirt, $1,380 Jacket, $6,600 Both Fendi Jeans, $1,160 Boots, $2,610 Both Celine


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Top, $1,050 Dress, $TBD Boots, $2,660 All Fendi Jacket, $3,000 Shirt, $3,930 Both Bottega Veneta Belt, Givenchy, $710





fashion: runway

look the



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spring/summer 2020





fashion: runway


dior E L I T E G E N. C A







fashion: runway


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fashion: runway


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ael kors ELITEGEN




fashion: women


In transItIOn Outerwear options for those days when it’s just not cold enough for a full-on winter coat

Story | Lucas Tang

EllEry 28

E L I T E G E N. C A

ChanEl •









fashion: women

The blazer is back big Time 西裝褸熱潮方興未艾,上季傳統格紋款式 當道,這個冬季強調獨特剪裁,如oversized加 大版、雙層外套、修腰細節……知性形象不失 玩味。

This winter the focus is on large oversized blazers with a large front panel, double-layers and even a gathered waist.


FEndi aCnE StudioS


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Do Denim 延續西部熱潮,牛仔褸勢頭依然強 勁,不論是Chanel的華麗裝飾風格,又或 是Y/Project、Ottolinger的前衞剪裁,配搭 上都是如斯毫不費力。

The Wild West craze has kept denim jackets in the spotlight for another season. From the glam look of chanel to the avant-garde of Y/Project and ottolinger, the denim jacket is a versatile piece that works with almost everything.

y/ProjECt oFF-WhitE






fashion: women

in The Trenches 乾 濕 褸 絕 對是最 為亮眼的單品 ,從 Celine的中產經典款,Lemaire的拼接新層 次,以至Burberry的反叛金屬裝飾,無論 款式怎樣新奇古怪,那份都會時尚感依舊 揮之不去。

This classic coat never gets tired. From celine to burberry, the trench coat always connotes contemporary urban chic.




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luxurious leaTher BottEGa vEnEta

不少品牌如Bottega Veneta、Gabriela Hearst等都將皮褸特別處理,質感輕薄,保暖 未必,型格絕對。


From bottega Veneta to hermès and givenchy, leather coats and blazers are getting special attention on the runway.





cover girl


Living by her own ruLes in 10 years samantha Ko went from being typecast in bikini roles to being taken seriously as an A-list actor Story | Mike Lai Photography | Karl Lam Styling | Mildred Lo Makeup | Little White Hairstyling | Zap Tang

十年人事幾番新,對高海寧來說更是如此。08年參 選港姐晉身最後五強入行,當年三甲的張舒雅、陳倩揚和 馬賽都已嫁作人婦。偏偏高海寧日拍夜拍,電視、電影作 品已累積38部。由無差別被冠上「壞女人」到演技受肯定 的女一,回顧這十年之路,高海寧還是笑多於淚。 關於高海寧,大家既定印象必與其身材掛鈎。從參 選香港小姐開始,其34D姣好身段便成焦點,更被追捧成 大熱,可惜最後名落孫山。「水能載舟,亦能覆舟」,這個 優勢幾乎成了她的詛咒,「性感」兩個字幾乎與她的幕前發 展分不開,拍劇必有比堅尼場面,到出席活動時總是被安 排穿上性感服飾,甚至將她定性為「貪錢、爛蒲、爛玩」一 族。有那麼一段時間,高海寧完全被這些言論擊倒。 「我是長女,在家是乖乖女,在學校也是老師疼愛的 模範生。完全沒有想到,我只不過是參選港姐,因為好 身材、工作的造型,就會被根本不認識我的人覺得我不檢 點、是個壞女人,感覺是有口難言。很長的一段時間,我 公餘時間都會躲起來,不太外出見朋友,免得別人標籤我 『愛蒲』。每次出街我都把自己包得緊緊的,帽子、口罩、 眼鏡……總之就是希望在人群中隱形,別人看不到我,也 就不會再批評我甚麼。最難過是—我想透過工作表現去證 明自己,但即使再努力去演,別人還是忽略我的演出,只 會對某些性感場口大做文章,真的令我很氣餒。」在早些 日子她壓力大得出現「鬼剃頭」,那一刻她知道不得不作出 改變 。


E L I T E G E N. C A



Samantha Ko made her showbiz debut as one of the five finalists at the 2008 Miss Hong Kong pageant. The top three finishers—Edelweiss Cheung, Skye Chan and Sire Ma—all went on to get married and settled down. Not Ko, who threw herself into her work and now has 38 TV series and movies under her belt. From being labelled a “bad girl” because of her many sexy on-screen alter egos to real critical acclaim for her acting, Ko has experienced many highs and lows during her decade-long career. But sadly for Ko it was her curvaceous figure that actually held her back. Her sexy shape was the talk of the town ever since her beauty pageant debut. Yes, it put her in the spotlight, but it also became a very heavy cross to bear. She was forced to wear bikinis in TV dramas, and expected to show up in revealing outfits for events. She was labelled a gold-digger and a party girl. That kind of media attention took its toll on Ko; it beat her down for a long time. “I’m the eldest daughter and was a good girl at home,” says Ko. “I was a model student at school and my teacher’s favourite. I was floored that my body shape and my screen roles caused total strangers to think I am a [slut]. “For a long time, I hid away when I wasn’t working. I didn’t want to go out with friends in case I was viewed as a party girl. I wrapped myself in hats, masks and sunglasses to disappear into crowds, just so I wouldn’t be maligned. The saddest part was, no matter how hard I worked to prove myself, my work would be in the shadows, and only sexy scenes would draw attention.” The pressure got to be so great that chunks of Ko’s hair fell out. She knew then that things had to change.

Dress, The Kooples, $TBD Earrings, APM Monaco, $240





cover girl

Jacket, $310 Shorts, $155 Both Miss Sixty Corset, MO&Co., $90 Earrings, $930 Bracelet, $850 Necklace (used as belt), $650 All Atelier Swarovski by Themis


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為了擺脫外界標籤,高海寧刻意掩飾好身材, 又把一頭長髮剪短,新形象果然帶來新機遇,監製 們也好像突然發現這個女孩子原來會認真演戲,接 到的角色開始脫離「性感」,變得有血有肉。

To shake off the typecasting, Ko hid her shape and cut her hair short to embrace new opportunities. Producers began to notice that this woman could act. She was given meatier roles that didn’t require her to reveal so much of her body.

鏡頭背後,她待人接物絕對「男女平等」,既沒 有對男性工作人員特別嗲聲嗲氣,對女性工作人員 更展現無比貼心。為了是次拍攝,一向不太運動的 她專誠操練,務求以鋼條身形示 人。拍攝當天,她又帶備了一大 包不同款式的彩色隱形眼鏡,與 造型師商量哪一款更能呈現出更 好的拍攝效果……凡此種種,足 以證明好身材以外,更多的是認 真、細心的個性。

“Thirty is supposed to be a milestone age,” she says. “There might be some truth in that. At 29, I decided that I wouldn’t live for other people, because there is no way to please everyone. I decided what the hell, I’d be myself. I’d wear what I like, say what I like and do what I like.

入行10年紀念前夕,高海寧 終於嘗到女一滋味,在《婚姻合伙 人》的演技令人眼前一亮,備受讚 賞,她亦自言這個角色令她感觸 良多:「首次與監製潘嘉德合作, 某程度上他覺得我很適合這個角色,外人看來很貪 錢,但實在是個凡事靠自己、對愛情很執著的人。 首次演性格這麼複雜的角色,合作的夥伴又不稔 熟,起初演出很迷惘、不安,多得楊明帶我入戲, 隨著劇本、角色人物推動,我們兩人的互動變得很 有火花,而且劇本中其他角色也很生動、有趣,組 合起來就更有亮點。」談到劇中角色,高Ling的投入 並非三言兩語就能解釋,上映之時她更專誠以真名 「Sammkoling 」申請連登帳戶,暗地觀察網民評價, 好等自己更進一步。中途她試圖搭訕,卻被一眾網 民以為有人冒認「高海寧」而置諸不理,後來經媒體 求證,網民才知網友真身。「他們很可愛,看到報道 後,紛紛在網上留言給我,感覺一下子跟觀眾親近 了很多。也許,這就是現今社交平台發達的好處, 觀眾終於能接觸真實的我。」

When there was online chatter that she looked like the puppet in the movie Saw, she countered unapologetically: “I like the way I look. If you don’t like it, it’s your problem.” She also posted messages such as “Maybe I am not beautiful enough, but never mind, I’m strong inside.” She even took a role as the puppet for a theme park’s Halloween ad, which goes to show Ko’s renewed confidence in herself.


「別人都說30歲是個關卡, 也許是真的。29歲那一年,我 覺得我再也不要為別人而活,反 正沒法討好所有人。我決定豁出 去,做最真實的自己,想穿甚 麼、說甚麼、做喜歡的事,約朋 友吃飯,重過正常人生活,別人 說甚麼我也不再介意,懂我的人 懂 我 就 好 。」聽 到 網 民 指 她 貌 似 《恐懼鬥室》的木偶,她不但在社 交平台霸氣回應:「看不順眼是你 的事兒,長成這樣我高興!」,又 標籤「怪只怪自己不夠美麗」及「沒 關係我內心強大」,更接拍主題公 園Halloween 廣告cosplay 木偶一 角。在在證明她放開了。

I like the way I look. If you don’t like it, it’s your problem.

”I’d go out for meals with friends and live my life. I couldn’t care less what people said anymore. It’s good enough that people who know me understand me.”

Just before her tenth anniversary in showbiz, Ko finally got a taste of being on the A-list. Despite having mixed feelings about the role initially, her performance in My Commissioned Lover won her wide acclaim.

“It was a collaboration with producer Poon Ka Tak,” she says. “He thought I was right for the role. I played a woman who appeared to be a money-grabber, but was in fact very self-reliant and stayed true to her love. It was my first time playing such a complex personality. “I didn’t know my fellow actors that well at first, so I initially felt quite lost and anxious. Thankfully, Mat Yeung was very good at getting me into the right mindset. As the story developed, there was more chemistry in our interaction. The characters were vivid and interesting. There were sparks flying in the cast.” Ko’s commitment to the role was self-evident. Before the drama was screened, she signed up using her real name, Sammkoling, on in order to quietly observe online feedback. When she chimed in on certain threads, the other netizens thought she was an imposter and ignored her, until her online identity was confirmed in the media. “The netizens were very cute,” she says. “After they read the media coverage, they left posts for me and I felt so much closer to them. That’s the good thing about social media. The viewers are finally in touch with the real me.”





cover girl

Shirt, $270 Skirt, $385 Both Alice McCall Earrings, APM Monaco, $290


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Shirt, $290 Shorts, $310 Both Alice McCall Earrings, Atelier Swarovski by Themis, $600



被冠上「壞女人」之名的高海寧,緋聞卻少之又少, 大概這就是日久見人心的最真實證明。關於戀情,一直只 有前無綫音樂總監鄧智偉的名字出現,緋聞傳了5年多, 從沒承認,也沒否認,但每次都甜到漏,與半公開無疑。 有報道指她與鄧智偉計劃明年結婚,早前與李佳芯到巴塞 隆拿旅行正是物色行禮場地。問到婚訊,她只是甜甜的表 示︰「感情事,我們想低調處理。」以「我們」而非「我」申報 利益,感情狀況明顯非常穩定。

Despite her early “bad girl” image, Ko was now attracting very little gossip, perhaps a sign that it really does take time to truly know a person. When it comes to romance, the only person linked to her for the past five years has been TVB music director Tang Shi Wai. It has never been confirmed or denied, but she looked so sweet when asked about it—perhaps it was a passive admission.

今年32歲的高海寧自言是個傳統女人,家庭觀念很 重,自小夢想組織幸福家庭。 「我們一家四口感情很親厚, 所以從小到大都希望自己建立的家庭同樣親密。小時候, 夢想廿多歲結婚、30歲前有小朋友,但入行後時間表一 直更改。長大了覺得時間表沒什麼意義,反而找到對的人 更重要。」那鄧智偉是Mr. Right 嗎?「我每次拍拖都以結婚 為前提,而我性格又是那種很死心眼的人,所以每段戀愛 前我跟男方都會相處很久,對大家很了解才會開始一段關 係。現階段我只能說,他(鄧智偉)是一個令我覺得相處得 很坦然,無論何時何地雙方都不需要假裝甚麼也能相處得 很快樂的人。重點是,他是我人生以來唯一一個給我這種 感覺的人。」

There were reports that a wedding was planned for next year, and that she was scouting venues on her recent trip to Barcelona with Ali Lee. When asked directly, she said, “We want to stay low key about our romance.” The “we” was a dead giveaway that the two are indeed an item. Now 32, Ko describes herself as a traditional woman, who has been dreaming of having a beautiful family since she was a young girl. “I’m in a tightly knit family of four,” says Ko. “I have wanted to have my own close family since I was small; I dreamed about getting married in my 20s and having children before 30. After entering showbiz, the timeline has changed. In fact, I realize that it is pointless to have a timeline. “The more important thing is to find the right person. When I start a relationship, I always hope it will end in marriage. I’m so set in my ways that it usually takes me a long time to understand a guy before starting a relationship. “At this stage, I can only say that [Tang] makes me feel I can totally be myself. Neither of us needs to pretend in any way for us to be happy together. The important thing is that he is the only person who has ever made me feel this way.”





Beauty supplement


Duo from Neostrata Story | Alan A. Vernon 儘管我們不能向時間大神說不,但透過Neostrata兩款新產品,卻可延緩歲 月流逝的步伐。

FIRMING COLLAGEN BOOSTER 隨著膠原蛋白流失,臉部肌膚的彈性也逐漸消減,產生細紋甚至皺紋。Firming Collagen Booster的1% Low Molecular Weight Collagen Solution可補充膠原蛋白,有效 應對皮膚鬆弛問題。主要成分還包括6%的Neoglucosamine,改善膚色啞沉現象;而氨基 酸前體和植物細胞萃取物,則有助緊緻肌膚及去除角質。

使用一個月後 •92%的用者發現肌膚回復青春,變得緊緻。 •89%的用者發現肌膚變得更緊緻,皺紋也有所消褪。

This replenishing collagen serum is the solution to target lost facial volume that leads to diminished elasticity and bounce. The 1% Low Molecular Weight Collagen Solution is the perfect answer for sagging skin. Key ingredients also include 6% NeoGlucosamine, proamino acid and plant cell extract for firming and exfoliation.

Results after one month of use: • 92% noticed skin is rejuvenated and appears firmer. • 89% noticed skin appears tighter and wrinkles are less apparent.

30mL | $75

RETINOL OVERNIGHT PEEL 適合每周使用一次的夜間深層去角質棉片,含高達0.3%純視黄 醇,能有效消褪深刻皺紋,令肌膚回復平滑緊緻;主要成分還包括 有抗衰老和緊緻作用的10% NeoCitriate。一盒12片獨立包裝的去角 質棉片,便於使用及攜帶,可供3個月使用。

使用一次 •97%的用者感覺肌膚更有彈性和平滑。

每周使用一次,一個月後 •100%的用者發現臉龐整體的緊緻度和彈性均有提升。

This intensive weekly, leave-on overnight peel delivers maximum strength. With 0.3% Pure Stabilized Retinol, it reduces the look of deep wrinkles and smooths for visibly firm skin. Individually wrapped pads make application easy and perfect for travel, while preserving maximum efficacy in every peel. Key ingredients include 10% NeoCitriate, an antiaging firming booster that targets skin’s natural matrix.

Results after one use: • 97% noticed skin is plumper and skin has a more even appearance.

Results after one month of use: • 100% noticed increased overall look of firmness/elasticity.

12 peel pads | $80

the Beauty pages


Meow for bling feline and face sparkles shine this season Story | 鄭若琳

廸麗熱巴利用亮片延長尾部眼線, 刷上濃密捲翹的睫毛變身小野貓。 Dilraba Dilmurat gives the seductive look a twist with a sparkling tip.


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與熱巴精致細膩的魅惑貓眼妝不同, 古力娜扎的眼線更為粗獷,配搭誇張 的大耳環更有視覺衝擊力。 Coulee Nazha’s exaggerated feline eye liner makes a bold statement.





the Beauty pages


戚薇的埃及法老淚痣妝,用大地色眼影打底, 眼線畫得較為粗黑,強調出眼部結構,點睛位 在眼線結尾處延伸出去的兩 「點」 ,裸色口紅, 整個妝容看起來乾淨利落。 Qi Wei’s opts for symmetrical beauty marks that are simple yet striking. E L I T E G E N. C A



楊超越在基礎眼妝上疊加bling bling亮片,妝容上更注重清透 粉嫩,突顯她自身的少女優勢。 Yang Chaoyue’s sticks on bling for some added sparkle.

彭小苒的星星妝走可愛風,用粉紅 色眼影突出眼角,著重萍果肌和下 巴的腮紅,用大片的星星裝飾亮片 點綴臉頰,非常少女。 Pang Xiaoran compounds her star power with stick-on stars.





the Beauty pages


Ultra lUxe Story | Leslie Yip 如果鑽石是女人的最好朋友,那尊貴護膚產 品則肯定是對抗皮膚問題的最好幫手。 Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend, but we also need these top-of-the-line beauty cures to be our personal guards against skin’s foes.

Dior 研究人員把Château d’Yquem酒莊用來釀製2018年份酒的葡萄渣,利 用高科技進行萃取及淨化,過程中沒有加入任何化學溶劑,生產出含高量 多酚抗氧化劑及活性分子的超濃縮精華。它能刺激細胞製造更多膠原,以 及加速真皮及表皮的再生。產品可代替一般精華。使用3個月,配合冷、 熱按摩技巧,6個月後仍可看到美肌效果。

The grape marc from the 2018 vintage of the legendary Château d’Yquem winery is extracted and distilled using high-tech processes, without the addition of any chemical solvents, to produce a super-concentrated blend that is high in antioxidant polyphenols and active molecules. it stimulates cells to produce more collagen, and increases dermal and epidermal regeneration. it is designed to be used for three months in lieu of regular serums using a hot and cold massage technique. The beauty effect can be seen six months later. Dior Prestige L’Or de Vie La Cure, 3x30ml | $2,900

CLé De Peau BeauTé 肌膚與生俱來分辨好或壞刺激的能力,這款精華能幫助肌膚達致及維 持最佳狀態。配方蘊含紅海藻、褐海藻及綠海藻,加強吸收營養成分,有 助解決常見的肌膚問題,激活肌膚自我修復及防禦能力。

This serum promises to awake “skin intelligence”— skin’s innate ability to distinguish between good and bad stimuli, to achieve and maintain its ideal condition. Created with a potent blend of red, yellow and green kelp —renowned for their light-absorbing properties—it helps relieve daily skin concerns and enhances the skin’s ability to repair and defend itself. Clé de Peau Beauté Le Sérum, 50ml | $390

LanCôme 這款面霜完美展現玫瑰的美肌功效—以全新的萃取程序從 Lancôme自家培植的玫瑰花抽取玫瑰母細胞。研究發現,把這微小 的細胞浸於草本精華6天後,能有效把受損的肌膚組織修復至接近原 來狀態。每瓶蘊合二百萬顆Lancôme玫瑰幹細胞精華,趕走暗啞、 脆弱肌膚、皺紋及膚色不勻,讓肌膚回復光澤緊緻。

The beautifying powers of the rose is at the heart of this luxurious cream. a new extraction process is used to harvest the “native” stem cells of the Lancôme rose. a study showed that these minuscule stem cells can restore damaged skin tissue to a nearpristine state after six days of being bathed in the botanical broth. Containing up to two million Lancôme rose native cells per jar, dull, fragile skin with deep lines and discolouration will be nurtured back to a radiant complexion. Lancôme Absolue L’Extrait Ultimate Elixir, 50ml | $415


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ChaneL 產品凝聚了香莢蘭的高效修護力量:香莢蘭葉能啟動肌膚的自 然再生機制、從花卉萃取出油分、萃取自綠色果實的高濃度香草油 及果實中的活性因子。60,000個綠色果實與14,000朵新鮮花卉才能 製成1公斤珍貴的高濃度香莢蘭。它能使肌膚修復及再生,同時防禦 環境帶來的壓力。

The star ingredient is the vanilla planifolia, and all aspects of the plant are harnessed: the leaves yield stem cells, the buds and flowers are extracted for their oils, the green fruit for intense vanilla oil, and the fruit itself produces active ingredients. Some 60,000 fruits and 14,000 fresh flowers are required to make one kilogram of the enriched active ingredient base. it revitalizes, regenerates and protects the skin to make it more resistant to environmental stress. Chanel Sublimage L’Extrait de Crème, 50ml | $735

La Prairie 全新的眼部精華蘊含魚子精純精華,能重塑雙眉輪廓,並讓上 眼瞼及眼底肌膚重獲緊緻和提升。塗抹後即時見到效果,其活性防 浮腫及防皺成分則可改善眼袋問題及減少魚尾紋。

This newly launched eye serum contains Caviar Premier, offering exceptional lifting and firming benefits to the eyebrow area, the upper eyelid and the skin beneath the eye. upon application, an invisible tensing film gives an immediate sensation and appearance of lift, while active anti-puffiness and anti-wrinkle ingredients reduce the feeling and look of under-eye puffiness and minimize the appearance of crow’s feet. La Prairie Skin Caviar Eye Lift, 20ml | $625

armani 極致再生輕盈乳霜富含最高濃度的密羅木非洲再生復活精華, 密羅木是其中一種最具神奇再生力的植物,即使經歷多年乾旱,只 需澆數滴水,即讓植物瞬間再生。配上新加入的地中海刺山柑精 華,達致卓越抗老和修護功效,細紋得以減淡,為肌膚打造水漾滋 潤的透薄感受。

inspired by the powerful nature of Pantelleria island in italy, this is an exceptional fusion of four vital minerals with reviscentalis, one of the most powerful resurrection plants, able to revive with just a few drops of water after years of desiccation. enriched with mediterranean caper extract, it instantly nourishes and moisturizes skin for a more luminous and incredibly softer feel. Armani Beauty Crema Nera Supreme Reviving & Antiaging Cream, 50ml | $465

La mer 獲普羅大眾認識的尊貴護膚品牌,自推出經典的Crème de la mer後,多年來一直推陳出新,研製出效果更佳的成分及產品。 Genaissance系列的誕生,全因科學家意外發現燒杯內由純淨 miracle broth濃縮精華形成的結晶。經過多年研究,全新配方由 珍貴的紅藻結合精煉24k純金及自然光的波長。有助肌膚製造骨膠 原,促進肌膚更生。

This could be one of the first ultra-luxe skincare brands to gain mass recognition. While Crème de la mer is the go-to classic, breakthroughs have been made over the years, with ingredients and products that are touted to deliver even better results. The Genaissance line was born when one of their scientists discovered shard-like crystals forming in a beaker of their miracle broth. after years of research, they created a new base broth with rare red algae, refined 24-karat gold and infused light waves. it helps skin boost natural collagen production and accelerates visible skin renewal. Genaissance de la Mer The Serum Essence 30ml | $790





the Beauty pages

肌膚優化療程 以下介紹的4星期美容療程是針對28日肌膚細胞更生周期而 設。產品蘊含高濃度活性成分,迅速及顯著地優化肌膚。最 適合節日前或參加重要宴會前急救之用,亦可在辛勞後,讓 肌膚重新注入活力。

Get on with the proGram these intensive four-week treatments are designed to work with the 28-day cell renewal cycle of your skin. they promise higher concentrations of more active ingredients for a dramatic transformation of your skin. they are perfect for a boost before the holidays or a big event, or use as a remedy after any period of stress.

amorePaCiFiC 這個維期30天、分三個階段進行的美肌療程,讓妳體驗 綠茶中兒茶素的抗氧化威力。最初十天以取自綠茶葉的綠茶 乳酸替肌膚淨化重整及去角質。之後的十天以綠茶根部精華 為肌膚注入能量。最後一個階段以綠茶花萃取物及高效抗氧 成分EGCG,提升肌膚彈性與質感。

a three-step, 30-day skincare program harnessing the antioxidant power of catechins from green tea. The first 10 days purify and exfoliate with green tea lactic acid derived from green tea leaves. The next 10 days nourish with green tea root extracts. The last 10 days complete the program by strengthening and improving skin elasticity with antioxidants, green tea flower extract and eGCG. AMOREPACIFIC Prime Reserve Epidynamic Activating Program, 3x15ml | $1,200

La CoLLine 四星期的療程共有4支筆管型真空瓶,盛 載新鮮的護膚精華。注入CMAGE細胞新生複 合物,增強細胞的氧化作用,從而促進細胞 新陳代謝。而Cell Life Extender細胞還原肌本 素,能將有害的游離基轉化成肌膚細胞所需的 水分和氧氣。Endo-Skin Technology肌層深化 激活因子可激發膠原、彈性蛋白及透明質酸的 自生。產品更可減慢彈性蛋白及膠原的流失, 讓肌膚時刻保持年輕及光澤。

This four-week treatment comes in four airless pen dispensers in a jewel box. CmaGe Complex stimulates cellular metabolism by promoting increased cell oxygenation, while Cell Life extender transforms free radicals into oxygen and water for the skin cells. endo-Skin Technology stimulates the synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid by supplying its constitutive elements. it also prevents the degradation of elastin and collagen to maintain a strong framework for youthful and radiant skin. La Colline La Cure, 4x10 ml | $1,580


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111Skin 一套四支的精華,在四星期見證美肌效果。由酵素煥膚精華打頭 陣;第二個星期的初段美白精華集中提亮肌膚,去除毛孔、幼紋及皺紋等 瑕疵;接著透過重點美白精華對抗膚色不均同時鎖緊水分;最後一周利用 活肌修復精華紓緩皮膚並保護免受損害。

Four different sets of serums used consecutively over four weeks make up this ultra-luxe treatment: enzymatic resurfacing serum for the first week, a moderate brightening serum targeting age spots that also minimizes the appearance of pores, fine lines and wrinkles for the second week, intensive brightening serum to eliminate pigmentation issues while retaining moisture for the third week, and finally, restorative and protective serum to soothe the skin and protect it against future damage. 111 Skin LUNAR, 4 x 15ml | $2,160

VaLmonT 這套抗衰老療程產品含有高濃度的活性成分,包括DNA及 RNA、脂質體、彈性蛋白、透明質酸及縮氨酸,促進細胞新陳代謝 及更生。當中的骨膠原綜合體可減褪皺紋及令皮膚更飽滿,同時改 善膚質及均勻膚色。嶄新的納米乳液輸送技術,更能將珍貴的抗衰 老成分快速而穩定地輸送至肌膚深層。一套含14小瓶,每兩日使用 一瓶。

With highly concentrated active ingredients, including Dna & rna liposome, elastin reviver, hyaluronic acid and peptides, this program stimulates cell metabolism and renewal. it induces collagen synthesis to reduce wrinkles and plump the skin, as well as improving skin texture and evenness. The extremely fine-textured nano-emulsion acts as a powerful delivery system to transport ingredients to the skin. one treatment contains 14 vials, one vial every two days. Valmont Time Master Anti-aging Intensive Program, 14x3 ml | $1,800

GuerLain 同樣是四瓶裝組合,每星期使用一瓶。第一個星期主要是去死 皮及減淡皺紋及細紋,柔滑肌膚;第二個星期重現肌膚光澤;第三 個星期是重塑輪廓及緊緻肌膚;肌膚來到程最後一星期,明顯變得 健康、柔軟及飽滿。利用Blackimmune technology黑蘭免疫科技, 強化肌膚自我防衛機制細胞,全面保護肌膚。

again, four formulas, one for each week. in the first week, dead cells are eliminated, wrinkles and fine lines are minimized and the skin is left smooth and refined. Week 2 illuminates skin for a radiant glow, while Week 3 redefines facial contours, for visibly firmer skin. in the final week, you will see healthy, nourished skin that is more supple and plump. enriched with black orchid and Blackimmune technology, the skin is continuously protected and its self-defence system reinforced. Guerlain Orchidée Impériale Black: The Treatment, 4x15ml | $1,760

SiSLeY PariS 天然植物萃取精華是這套煥膚重整療程的關鍵成分。麥芽精 華能滋養表皮肌膚,白柳葉精華可為肌膚抗壓,海扇藻精華緊緻肌 膚,白英強化保護屏障,銀杏及維他命E幫助對抗自由基。薰衣草 及墨角蘭精油能紓緩及平衡肌膚。乳液質地清爽幼滑,締造柔滑膚 質。只需四星期,便可重新啟動肌膚的自然功能,以及對抗衰老和 壓力。

natural plant extracts star in this intensive skin renewal and restructuring program. malt extract nourishes the epidermis, white willow leaf extract helps the skin fight stress, padina pavonica plumps the skin, solanum strengthens the barrier, and gingko biloba and Vitamin e fight free radicals. Lavender and marjoram provide essential oils to soothe and balance. The fresh fluid gel-emulsion texture gives the skin a peachy-soft feel. in four weeks, it helps restart the skin’s natural functions, as well as fighting visible signs of aging and stress. Sisley Sisleÿa-Elixir Intensive Regimen, 4x5ml | $705







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Tiffany & Love for Her, 50 ml | $115, 90 ml | $160

Tiffany & Love for Him, 50 ml | $115, 90 ml | $120


So happy together tiffany launches its first male fragrance Story | Leslie Yip 以Tiffany & Co.示愛,除了套在手指上的指環, 還可以是噴灑在她/他手腕上的香氣。品牌嶄新推出 的兩款香水──Tiffany & Love for Him/Her本月世界 性登場。男/女士香水同時面世難得一見,而這次更是 Tiffany & Co.首次推出男士香水。 Tiffany & Co.首席藝術主管Reed Krakoff指兩種香 水都代表著品牌對「愛和承諾」的固有聯結,以及在現 今世代傳情達意的多種方式。「作為一個品牌,我們一 直用各種形式頌讚愛的恆久力量。新推出的Tiffany & Love完美反映現代愛情、有情人相互之間感受到的力 量、愉悅和承諾的實在關聯。」 兩種Tiffany & Love各由兩位香水調配師精心配 製,每種香水都有獨特的香氣結構,二者皆以藍杉為主 打成分。Tiffany & Love for Him偏重柑橘的清新,頂調 是薑、柑子,底調以樹木香氣為主,兩位香水調配師是 來自IFF香水公司的Sophie Labbé和Nicolas Beaulieu; Tiffany & Love for Her的香氣以樹木花卉為主,頂調是 藍留蘭香及柚子,由來自香水公司Firmenich的香水調 配師Honorine Blanc和Marie Salamagne配製。 盛載兩種香水的器皿貫徹Tiffany & Co.卓越的手工 藝和設計品質,既交相輝映又獨具個性。兩個玻璃瓶的 顏色都採用品牌獨有的藍色,閃耀的&符號象徵Tiffany & Co.,亦代表著維繫。瓶身上的銀牌列明香水的成 分。女士香水配上Tiffany藍色瓶蓋,男士用黑色,兩種 都以T字圖案裝飾。

There is a new way to proclaim love with Tiffany & Co—not with a ring on the finger, but with a scent on the wrist. The brand is launching a duo of fragrances worldwide this month: Tiffany & Love for Him and Tiffany & Love for Her. It is quite rare for a his-and-her version to be introduced at the same time, especially when this is the inaugural male scent for the company. According to Reed Krakoff, Tiffany & Co’s chief artistic officer, both scents represent the brand’s intrinsic connection with “love and commitment” and the many ways it is expressed in this modern age. “As a brand, we’ve always celebrated the enduring power of love in all its forms,” says Krakoff. “Our new Tiffany & Love fragrances are a reflection of modern love and the authentic connections that reflect the strength, joy and promise we find in one another.” Both Tiffany & Love fragrances are crafted by a duo of perfumers. While each scent has its own unique structure, they share a common hero ingredient: the blue sequoia. Tiffany & Love for Him is a citrusy fragrance with aromatic ginger and mandarin as top notes, balanced with wood-infused base notes created by perfumers Sophie Labbé and Nicolas Beaulieu of IFF. Tiffany & Love for Her is a modern woody floral scent with top notes of blue basil and grapefruit, created by perfumers Honorine Blanc and Marie Salamagne of Firmenich. Building on the brand’s legacy of extraordinary craftsmanship and design, the flacons are complementary but distinct. The glass bottles are each tinted a different shade reminiscent of the iconic Tiffany blue. A gleaming ampersand that echoes the Tiffany & Co. logo acts as a symbol of connection. A silver plaque sits on the shoulders, bearing the signature ingredients of each. The women’s fragrance features a Tiffany Blue cap, while the men’s fragrance features a black cap, both embellished with a graphic T pattern. ELITEGEN





Aigle Cambon黃金手鐲(左)及白金手鐲(右),鑲嵌石英及鑽石。 Aigle Cambon cuff in yellow gold, quartz and diamonds (above), and in white gold (right).


To Russia wiTh love

le Paris Russe de Chanel collection a tribute to a royal past Story | Chappie 終Gabrielle Chanel一生,從未踏足俄羅斯,但俄羅斯卻是她創作 與想像的重要靈感泉源之一。今年,Chanel高級珠寶設計工作室總監 Patrice Leguereau,以63件瑰寶傑作組成 Le Paris Russe de Chanel高 級珠寶系列,向多元的俄羅斯致敬。


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Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel never set foot in Russia, but Russia was a deep source of inspiration for her. This year, Patrice Leguereau, Chanel’s high-jewellery design workshop director, introduced a 63-piece Le Paris Russe de Chanel luxury collection as a tribute to a regal Russia from another era.

Sarafane白金頸鏈,可轉換為頭飾,鑲嵌養珠及鑽石。 Sarafane necklace in white gold, set with cultured pearls and diamonds. It can be transformed into a headpiece.

工匠為這枚頸鏈度身打造鑲鑽山茶花。 Artisans handcraft lacey diamond camellias for this necklace.


AbouT ChAneL And RussiA

Chanel最新高級珠寶系列Le Paris Russe de Chanel,背後關係 到兩大主題─「俄羅斯式巴黎」與「夢中的俄羅斯」。1920年代期間,俄 羅斯的風潮對巴黎有著深刻影響;然而Chanel女士那極致簡約、充滿 圖騰的時尚理念,主要因她曾經和Dimitri Pavlovitch大公爵熱戀,同時 遇到不少因俄國革命而流亡至法國的藝術家有關,如她促成女大公爵 Marie Pavlovna(Dimitri的姊姊)開設名為Kitmir的刺繡工坊、將俄羅斯 刺繡圖騰注入Chanel的設計、聘請俄羅斯Almanach de Gotha名冊中 的貴族,擔任Chanel的模特兒及女銷售員等等……

The Le Paris Russe de Chanel high-jewellery collection carries two themes: A Russian Paris and the dream of Russia. The Russian style swept Paris in the 1920s, when Russian artists fled to France during the Russian Revolution. Coco’s romance with the Grand duke also led to the birth of the Kitmir embroidery workshop, set up with dimitri’s sister, the Grand duchess Maria Pavlovna. Russian motifs began to appear in Chanel’s minimalist design concepts, rich with iconography. she also invited Russian nobility listed in the Almanach de Gotha, a directory of europe’s royalty and high nobility, as models and saleswomen.






Blé Maria黃金及白金可轉換式頸 鏈,鑲嵌黃色藍寶石、粉紅尖晶石、 橙黃色石榴石、多彩碧璽及鑽石。 Blé Maria yellow and white gold interchangeable necklaces, set with yellow sapphires, pink spinel, mandarin garnets, coloured tourmalines and diamonds.

Folklore白金及黃金耳環,鑲嵌琺瑯、藍色藍寶石、粉紅藍寶石、 橙黃色石榴石、沙弗萊石、石榴石、養珠及鑽石。 Folklore earrings in white and yellow gold feature pink and blue sapphires, mandarin garnets, tsavorite, cultured pearls and diamonds on enamel.

俄羅斯裝飾藝術 Le Paris Russe de Chanel高級珠寶系列呈現出Chanel女士 對俄羅斯的情懷,當中可以見到設計工整對稱的圖案,結合八角 形,山茶花及印花圖案,透過高貴金屬與珍稀寶石或珍珠營造鮮 明對比,代表了Chanel女士的果敢風格、對人的熱情,還有念 舊的個性。

RussiAn ART Le Paris Russe de Chanel high-jewellery collection celebrates the designer’s love for Russia. symmetrical motifs are combined with octagons, camellias and flowers in the designs. Precious metals and gems or pearls form a stark contrast, symbolic of Coco’s boldness and passion for the past.

促使Chanel女士將俄羅斯風格融入時尚,不得不提優雅的Dimitri Pavlovitch大公爵。這位目光清澈、充滿魅力的青年,是沙皇尼古拉二世 的堂弟,Chanel女士與他相識於1911年,1920年在法國Biarritz重逢,成 就一段難忘的愛情故事。 The person who inspired Mademoiselle Chanel to incorporate Russian styles into fashion was the Grand Duke Dimitri Pavlovich. He was an elegant and charming young man, and cousin to the Tsar Nicholas II. The two met in 1911 and reconnected in the French seaside town of Biarritz in 1920, beginning a beautiful love story.


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法國女星Alma Jodorowsky配戴的是 Aigle Protecteur鉑金鑽石頸鍊。 French actress Alma Jodorowsky in an Aigle Protecteur necklace in platinum and diamonds. ELITEGEN







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Graphic, cartoGraphic and hemispheric the Globetrotter night plays on a nocturnal theme with real sparkling city lights Story | Alan A. Vernon

早在18、19世紀,Arnold & Son已經在製造精密航 海時計方面享負盛名,他們的出品不光用來顯示時間, 還是辨認經度、協助船隻安全航行的導航工具。 Arnold & Son的精密時計在多項重大的航海創舉中 發揮巨大作用,包括James Cook航行太平洋、Sir John Franklin於1845年作第三、也是不幸的最後一次探索加 拿大北部冰涷水域。 以精密時計判斷經度的日子已遠去,時移世易,現 代旅行者的需求亦大有變化。Arnold & Son特別為需要 遊走於不同時區的現代航海家和旅遊人士打造一款特別 時計。Globetrotter真實精密地將一幅立體地圖,反映在 直徑45mm的鋼錶殼內,裡面銀色的閃爍光點,便是北 半球城市的夜景。 Globetrotter錶面橫跨著一條拱型橋,立體顯示的 世界時間佔據錶的中央位置,錶面直徑45mm,錶身最 厚處17.23mm,Globetrotter擁有的轉動立體世界時間 顯示,是全球腕錶中最大之一。 Arnold & Son以Globetrotter出色地展示其獨一無 二的美學觀及製造力,配合精巧的高級製錶手工藝,打 造出與眾不同、能顯示世界時間的手錶。同時亦可按用 家要求,以同樣價錢,推出Globetrotter Night版的南半 球版。

Between the 18th and 19th century, Arnold & Son made a name for itself by creating some of the most precise marine chronometers of the time, which were used not just to tell the time, but as navigational instruments to determine longitude and sail safely from one location to another. Arnold & Son chronometers have taken part in extraordinary voyages, including James Cook voyages to the Pacific Ocean, as well as Sir John Franklin’s ill-fated third and final expedition to the icy waters north of Canada in 1845. Times have certainly changed since the days of using chronometers to determine longitude, as have the needs of the modern traveler. So Arnold & Son created a timepiece for the modern-day navigator, always on the move from one time zone to the next: The Globetrotter, a realistic and meticulously rendered interpretation of a three-dimensional map in a 45mm steel case with northern hemisphere city lights that twinkle with silver sparkles. Held by a large central arched bridge spanning the entire diameter of the dial, the Globetrotter’s three-dimensional world-time display takes centre stage. At 45mm wide and 17.23mm at its highest point, the Globetrotter features one of the world’s largest rotating 3D world-time displays on a wristwatch. With the Globetrotter, Arnold & Son masterfully demonstrates its unique aesthetic sense and manufacturing prowess, combining ingenious haute horlogerie with artisanal crafts to produce a world-time watch that is truly unlike any other. Upon request Arnold & Son will also make a Southern Hemisphere version of its Globetrotter Night at the same price.





fashion: men


Clothes make the man off-screen, these heartthrobs sure know how to strut their stuff Story | 鄭若琳

李敏鎬 Lee Min-ho (left) and 彭于晏 eddie Peng, both in BerLuti


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吳亦凡 Kris Wu in Louis Vuitton





fashion: men

林彥俊eVan Lin (from left), 胡兵Bing hu, 王大陸darren Wang, all in BaLMain


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胡春揚 Chun Yang hu in Juun. J

許魏洲 Weizhou Xu in Fendi ELITEGEN




fashion: men

黃景瑜 JohnnY huang in dior 阿云嘎 aYanga in raLPh Lauren 62

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陳立農Leo Chen (left) and 朱亞文 YaWen zhu, both in dunhiLL 李汶翰 Wenhan Li in oFF-White Kenzo







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Branching out ‘tree’ condo, L'Arbre Blanc, gives Montpellier, France an architectural landmark Story | Ernus Photography | Cyrille Weiner、SFA+NLA+OXO+DR







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露台面積特大,可隨時化身為 客廳,所有屏障也盡量通風。 Large terraces maximize living space.

部分露台之間有樓梯連接,在家也可實行戶外生活。 Multi-level terraces come with outdoor staircases.

由日本及法國建築師聯手設計的法國住宅大廈L'Arbre Blanc, 將都市生活搬到「樹」上。 L'Arbre Blanc坐落於法國蒙彼利埃(Montpellier),是法國第八 大城市,人口約28萬,位於南部地中海沿岸,擁有地中海氣候,天 氣溫暖,一年之中有80%的時間都是陽光普照。2013年當地希望在 河邊興建一幢住宅大廈,期望這大廈可以配合周邊環境,同時為城市 的建築群加添本錢,當地年輕建築師Manal Rachdi、Nicolas Laisne 及Dimitri Roussel專程飛往東京,找到大名鼎鼎的Sou Fujimoto(藤本 壯介)為他們舉行為期五日的工作坊,這個法日聯手的項目,就是如 此誕生。 位於Lez River河邊的L'Arbre Blanc,英文意思就是「WhiteTree」 (白樹),採用全白色設計,很有Sou Fujimoto的簡約風格,整幢大 廈很直接地呼應著名字,一眼就看得出是一棵白色的大樹,佇立在 河邊,在都市之中模擬大自然的畫面。既然處於陽光充沛的城市, L'Arbre Blanc其中一個目標,乃是大幅提高居民的戶外生活,方 法很簡單,就是設計最多的露台給他們享用。L'Arbre Blanc露台之 多,就像樹幹一樣不斷往外生長,緊貼White Tree的主題。 大廈的露台面積由75至375平方呎,113個單位住戶可以選擇不 同私隱度及外形,部分複式單位的露台更由樓梯相連,既方便又具型 格。露台同時也是客廳,住戶真的可以把生活搬到戶外,被一望無際 的風景包圍,不但心情更加舒暢,還可減少使用室內電力,一舉兩 得。 樓高十七層的L'Arbre Blanc,天台是一個給人180度欣賞風景的 花園,地面一層是歡迎其他市民及遊客光臨的畫廊,確是破格。

全白色設計,為大廈注入日式現代建築味道。 The all-white design immerses you into modern Japanese architecture.

In 2013, the city of Montpellier, located along the south Mediterranean coast of France, where the sun shines brightly 300 days of the year, decided it wanted a residential landmark that would reflect the surrounding area along the River Lez. It’s not that Montpellier didn’t already have its share of architecturally-worthy white buildings: the Place de la Méditerranée; the Arènes de Palavas-les-Flots stadium; and the curved Esplanade d’Europe. Yet city council wanted another and agreed to let local architects Manal Rachdi, Nicolas Laisné and Dimitri Roussel make this architectural marvel a reality. Along with Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto, the team set out to design a building that would allow for vertical outdoor living yet fit in with the surrounding landscape. L’Arbre Blanc, a 17-storey “tree” with 113 apartments in France’s eighth-largest city is completely white, which works with Fujimoto’s architectural style. The white sculptural building is instantly recognizable as a tree, injecting nature-like imagery into an urban setting. Though the tree metaphor, says architect Fujimoto, was not the original plan; it only came to fruition while trying to cater to users’ needs. Because of the abundance of sunlight, each terrace, ranging in size from 75 sq. ft. to 375 sq. ft., has a pergola; there are so many of them they resemble tree branches poking out from a tree trunk. L’Arbre Blanc also has a rooftop bar with a 180-degree unobstructed panoramic view of the city, as well as a groundfloor art gallery for locals and tourists to enjoy. Indeed Montpellier now has a recognizable landmark to call it’s own.






David Goatley在Shawnigan Lake的繪畫工作室。 David Goatley at his Shawnigan Lake studio.

真我與個性 Portrait Painting Celebrating PeoPle for who they are Story | Kenson Ho Photography | Provided by David Goatley

在攝影技術突飛猛進的時代,肖像畫雖然罕 見,但仍然有其市場。《星尚》最近訪問了居 於溫哥華島Shawnigan Lake、擅長肖像畫的 國際知名畫家David Goatley。 68

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In an era when the technology of photography is ultra advanced, portrait painting though a rarity, is still very much alive and well. eliteGen recently visited Vancouver Island Shawnigan Lake-based internationally renowned artist David Goatley.

溫哥華商人及慈善家黃光遠伉儷的肖像畫 Portrait of Vancouver businessman and philanthropist Milton Wong and his wife Fei

eG:你的客戶是誰?為甚麼他們想要自己的肖像畫? Goatley︰在我畫過的400多張委託肖像畫中,只有兩 三張是由畫中人物主動委託的,其餘的都是由喜愛或欽佩他 們的人委託。家庭肖像畫中,畫的可能是孩子們,又或是伴 侶或父母的肖像,表示他們之間的密切關係。而在政府、企 業或大機構裏,肖像通常是為了紀念一項做得出色的工作, 以紀錄某人對其公司或機構所作出的貢獻。 肖像畫並不是為了虛榮或自我主義,而是為了稱頌他 們的真我。我在整個北美洲及其他地方畫過不少王子、公眾 人物、商界、法律界、宗教界和藝術界的領袖,以及數百名 家庭客戶。有些畫中人物是知名人士,但更多的是普通人, 他們希望能夠保存一個永恆的形象,並傳承下來。我認為每 個人都非常重要,都值得成為畫中人,都有一個值得講述的 故事。

eG: Who are your clients? Why do they want to have a portrait of themselves? Goatley: Of the more than 400 commissioned portraits I have painted only two or three were commissioned by the subject themselves - all the rest were commissioned by someone who either loved or admired them. In a family, it could be a portrait of the children or a portrait of a partner, or parent, made to celebrate the bonds between them. In government, businesses or institutions portraits usually commemorate a job well done, they record the contribution someone has made to the history of their firm or institution. Portraits are not about vanity or ego, they are about celebrating the people in them for who they are. I’ve painted princes, people in public life, leaders in business, law, the church, the arts and hundreds of family members, all over the continent and beyond. Some of my subjects have been famous, many more were just ordinary people whose families wanted a timeless image of them to keep and pass on forever. I think everyone is important enough to paint, everyone has a story worth telling.






亞省大學前校長Samarasekera博士的肖像畫 Portrait of Dr Samarasekera, former President of the University of Alberta


eG: What is your usual process of a portrait painting project?

Goatley︰我一直喜歡、並盡可能用實體模特兒,但很多 人的日程安排不出所需時間來作模特兒,所以我經常根據自己 拍攝的照片來繪畫。重要的是,即使我已拍攝他們作為繪畫時 的參考,仍會與畫中人物盡量多花時間溝通。這讓我有機會認 識他們多一點,注意特別的手勢和表情,嘗試使用不同的姿勢 和燈光,尋找最能表達他們的形象。我們也會談論該幅畫的用 途,目的是甚麼或將它懸掛在哪裏。全家肖像畫是關於愛和情 感,企業和機構的肖像畫往往更注重畫中人物所扮演的角色。

Goatley: I’ve always loved working from life and do so whenever I can, but many people’s schedules do not allow the time that sittings demand, so I often work from photographs that I shoot myself. It’s important to spend as much time as I can with a subject, even when I’m photographing them as reference for a painting. It gives me a chance to learn a little about them, watch for characteristic gestures and expressions and to play with different poses and lighting to find the images that express them best. We also usually talk about what the picture is for - what it is intended to say - and where it will hang. A family portrait is about love and affection, whereas corporate and institutional portraits tend to be more about the role the subject has played.

我通常會從我拍的照片中繪作多幅草圖,然後向客人展示 不同的構圖,讓他們選出最喜歡的一幅。草圖通常在我開始工 作數星期前完成,確保大家都有共識。如果我是根據照片來繪 畫,通常我會單獨在我的畫室工作,直到快接近完成,才與客 人分享,讓他們提出意見,在這階段,我可以按他們要求在表 情等上作出一些輕微改動,當每個人都感到滿意時,這幅肖像 畫便完成了。我的肖像畫全部在亞麻布上以油彩繪作,更加持 久。

I’ll usually make sketches from a number of my pictures to show the client different compositions so that they can choose the one they like most. It also lets us all agree what the painting will look like before I begin the weeks of work to make the finished picture. If I’m working from photographs I’ll usually work alone in my studio until I feel the portrait is close to complete and then share images of it with my client for their input, any little changes to expression and so on that they would like can be done at this point and the picture is complete when everyone is happy with it in every way. My portraits are all painted in oils on linen that will last for generations.

eG:你如何突顯畫中人物的真我個性? Goatley︰捕捉一個人的個性需要細心聆聽和觀察。我喜 歡聽人們談及自己,告知他們對自己的觀感,以及他們對肖像 畫和生活中的期望。傾談時,我會留意他們獨特的頭部姿勢、 手部動作、坐姿或站姿,任何最能捕捉到他們真我的樣子和動 靜。總而言之,分享得愈多,我就愈能把神韻繪進畫中。 70

齋浦爾土邦王公陛下的肖像畫 Portrait of His Highness The Maharaja of Jaipur

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eG: How do you bring out the true personality of your subject? Goatley: Capturing a personality is a question of listening and looking. I love to hear people talk about themselves, telling me how they see themselves and what they hope for in the picture and in their lives. While we talk I’m watching for the way they hold their head, what they do with their hands, any way of sitting or standing that seems particularly special to them, any look that seems to capture who they are best. The more we share, the more of them I can put into the picture.

前加拿大總理甘寶的肖像畫 Portrait of former Prime Minister Kim Campbell

eG:可以分享為齋浦爾王公繪畫的經歷嗎? Goatley︰有機會為新加冕的印度齋浦爾王公繪畫,肯定是我職 業生涯的一個亮點和榮耀。在富麗輝煌的齋浦爾宮殿,使用色彩、 宮帷和家具來為王公陛下作畫,的確是很好的機會,可以說是所有 畫家的夢想。在City Palace城市宮殿的拍攝期間,殿下都是一位親 切的模特兒和主人家。我在加拿大的畫室花了兩個多月才完成這幅 畫(過程可以在David的網站上看到)。完成並獲得嘉許之後,便運到 印度,掛在宮殿博物館內。 eG:肖像畫未來的趨勢和變化會是怎樣?

Yumi的肖像畫 Portrait of Yumi

eG: What was the experience like painting Maharaja of Jaipur? Goatley: The opportunity to paint the newly crowned Maharaja of Jaipur was a real career highlight and a great honour. Painting His Highness the Maharaja in the splendor of his palace in Jaipur was a wonderful chance to work with colours, fabrics and furnishings that are a dream for any painter. During the photoshoot at the City Palace His Highness proved a gracious model and host. The painting, which took over two months to complete, was made back in the studio in Canada (a film of this process can be seen at David’s website) Once complete and approved, it was shipped to India to take its place in the palace museum collection. eG: Is there a change in the trend of portrait painting?

Goatley︰今天的肖像畫不像以往那樣拘謹,而是變得繽紛多 彩,因為我們生活在光線充足的環境和明亮通風的空間中,陰暗的 背景並未能真正反映真我。雖然深色背景對於合適的肖像來說,仍 然非常引人注目!

Goatley: Portraits today tend to be less formal and more colourful than they used to be years ago—we live in an environment surrounded by light, in bright airy spaces, so the gloomy backdrops of old don’t really reflect who we are as much. Mind you, a dark background can still be very dramatic for the right portrait.

有些機構會社將肖像畫視作一種傳統,而當體會到它能如何美 麗和永久地捕捉他們所關心的人時,人們都會相當喜愛。在西岸, 我察覺顧客在委託前,有時需要我向他們解釋肖像畫所能表達的東 西,明白後會很快愛上,而肖像畫在東部的需求一直存在。儘管有 些機構逐漸捨棄這傳統,但也有其他機構慢慢接受肖像畫。我非常 幸運,因為我的工作仍然很忙!

Some societies treasure portraiture as a tradition, other people come to it when they realize how beautiful and permanent a way it can be to capture someone they care about. On the west coast I find people sometimes need to be shown the opportunity a portrait represents before they commission one, but once they see it, they love it. Further east the demand has always been there. Some institutions are moving away from it as a tradition, others are taking it up. I am lucky, I stay pretty busy.

肖像畫會面過程大約需要3個小時,畫作平均需要約1個月才能完成。 價格從$6,000到$45,000不等。

A normal session is about 3 hours, and a portrait takes an average of about 1 month to finish. The prices range from $6,000 to $45,000. ELITEGEN




Wine not?


Chinese spirit Baijiu boasts hundreds of years of Asian heritage. Yet the lack of awareness internationally of this fine liquor is about to change Story | Ivan Wong

建造於明朝萬曆年間(1573年)的窖池群, 釀造出別具風味的濃香型大麴白酒。 The fragrant sorghum baijiu is brewed in fermenting pools that date back to 1573 during the Ming dynasty. 72

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威士忌和干邑講的是窖藏,而瀘州老窖則強調 「洞藏」 ,說的 「洞」 便是這個 「純陽洞」 ,對外國人來說,自然充滿神秘感。 Whiskey and Cognac are aged in cellars, while Luzhou Laojiao ages its vintage in caves like Chunyang, an enigma to foreigners.

網上搜尋「中國酒」三字,成千上萬、引經據典的顯 赫歷史洋洋灑灑羅列出來,但若以英文Chinese Wine搜 尋,卻就凋零得多。 中國白酒在釀製技術或是味道取向,跟威士忌及干 邑這兩種最當紅的brown liquor是兩碼子事,市場已習 慣了橡木桶陳釀後所帶來的那些略帶質感的香甜苦辣, 就如既定俗成的慣性收視。喝慣威士忌、干邑及紅白酒 的人,初嘗濃香型大麴白酒時均感到有些不知如何形容 的特殊味道(所謂的窖底風味),甲之熊掌,乙之砒霜, 就如老外初嘗腐乳或皮蛋般。 有位香港烈酒市場策劃的資深老行尊,最近獲中 國最古老、四大名酒之一的瀘州老窖委以重任,寄望他 為老窖拓展海外市場。他受過往經驗及現今Gin酒潮流 所啟發,放下「好的白酒定要一口而盡」的強硬規條,以 瀘州老窖旗下走高檔次路線的「國窖1573」,創作了一 系列甜美清爽易入口的雞尾酒,作為推廣老窖的「親善 大使」。比方要用鮮果、香草及其他有味酒作雞尾酒材 料,帶出「國窖1573」的梨子、蘋果及菠蘿等熱帶水果香 味,減輕那「怪味」的突兀感,甚至有所提升。 「國窖1573」的來頭不小︰公元1573年,明朝第13 位皇帝朱翊均(神宗)登基,即明朝萬曆元年,瀘州老窖 開始形成有規模釀酒窖池群,這些窖池年復一年的發 酵,距今已經持續使用超過440年,屬國家重點保護文 物之一,亦因此而得名「國窖」。「國窖1573」源自瀘州老 窖1619口百年以上明清窖池群釀造,採用蒸鎦酒釀造工 藝,酒質無色透明,被譽為「窖香優雅、綿甜爽淨、柔 和協調」。2001年時獲釣魚台國賓館指定為國宴用酒。 但中國白酒在國際市場中始終有著極大的文化差 異,要將數百年的中國鄉土味與世界接軌,相信仍有好 一段路要走。

The making of Chinese baijiu and the taste profile are worlds apart from brown liquors like whiskey and Cognac. The spirits market has gotten used to the complex flavours from oak barrels, so much so that when drinkers of whiskey, Cognac and wine try baijiu, they detect a certain je ne sais quoi. Much like when a foreigner tries preserved bean curd and thousandyear eggs for the first time. A Hong Kong veteran in the liquor industry was given an important task by a heritage sorghum spirit maker in Luzhou to open up an overseas market for its spirits. The assignment came from Luzhou Laojiao, revered as one of the big four in China. Much like a bartender would use gin, he used the Luzhou Laojiao’s high-end Guo Jiao 1573 to create easy-to-drink cocktails as a hook to promote the revered liquor house. Fruity and herb wines were infused into the concoctions to bring out the tastes of pear, apple and pineapple in Guo Jiao 1573. The “strange” taste of baijiu is no more. Guo Jiao 1573 has a celebrated origin. Luzhou Liaojiao created an immense mass of fermenting pools in 1573, during the reign of the 13th emperor of the Ming dynasty. These fermenting pools have been in use for 440 years and are designated as a national heritage site. So it’s no surprise that the name, Guo Jiao, means national brewer. Guo Jiao 1573 was brewed in 1,619 fermenting pools dating back to the Ming and Qing dynasties. The artistry at work here turns the distilled spirit colourless, fragrant and smooth. It was designated as the spirit for national banquets by the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in 2001. Nevertheless, there is still a long way to go to close the cultural gap for the international market to come to appreciate Chinese baijiu that boasts hundreds of years of Asian heritage.

走高檔路線的 「國窖1573」 ,選用僅 產於中國四川南部的有機糯紅高粱 為釀酒原材料,洞藏五年以上,窖 底味與酒香中滲著梨子、蘋果及菠 蘿等熱帶水果香味,很適合襯以較 濃味的肉類菜式。 High-end Guo Jiao 1573 uses only organic sorghum from the southern part of Sichuan province. They are aged for more than five years to bring out the fruity aromas of pears, apples and pineapples mixed with the essence of the fermenting pools. Perfect for pairing with strong meat dishes. ELITEGEN





可容納約800酒桶的地下酒窖,位於火山岩內。 The underground cellars, with a capacity of about 800 barrels, have been blasted into volcanic rock.

華人熱捧 得獎酒莊

SuStainable viticulture With Mission Hill the Okanagan valley is leading the way in forward wine thinking Story | Kenson Ho Photography | Mission Hill & Kenson Ho 作為卑詩省五大葡萄種植區之一,奧肯納根山谷的產量佔 卑詩省的八成以上,更是加拿大第二多產的葡萄酒產區,僅次 於安省的尼亞加拉半島。在奧肯納根山谷地區的200多家葡萄 酒莊中,其中一家名莊就是大家熟悉的名字——Mission Hill。 園主Anothony von Mandl於上世紀70年代是溫哥華的葡萄 酒銷售商,曾協助位於Mosel產區的Josef Milz酒莊進行一項關 於在奧肯納根山谷種植葡萄的可行性研究。雖然該德國葡萄酒 莊沒有購買土地,von Mandl卻認為該地區值得投資,於是在 1981年購買了廢棄的Mission Hill莊園。 1992年釀造的第一批霞多麗(Chardonnay)在1994年國際 葡萄酒和烈酒大賽中獲得了「最佳霞多麗」大獎,讓Mission Hill 成為第一家獲得海外認可的奧肯納根酒莊。 建築師Olson Kundig於1996年受委託重建酒莊及相關建 築物。這是該設計公司承接的第一個酒莊項目。工程於2002年 完成,秏資約3,500萬元。 74

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As one of five viticultural areas in British Columbia, the Okanagan Valley produces more than 80 per cent of the province’s output and is the second-most prolific wine region in Canada, behind Ontario’s Niagara Peninsula. Out of the more than 200 wineries in the region, there are names that have stepped onto the international stage, including Mission Hill Family Estate Winery. Proprietor Anthony von Mandl was a wine seller in Vancouver during the 1970s and assisted in preparing a feasibility study on growing grapes in the area for Josef Milz, a Mosel-based winery. While the German vintner did not go ahead with a purchase, von Mandl decided that the area was worth investing in and, in 1981, purchased the abandoned Mission Hill estate. The winery’s 1992 vintage Chardonnay was named Best Chardonnay at the 1994 International Wine and Spirit Competition, becoming the first Okanagan winery to receive significant overseas recognition. In 1996, Olson Kundig Architects were commissioned to rebuild the winery and associated buildings. This was the first winery project undertaken by the design firm. The work was completed in 2002 at an estimated cost of $35 million.

Terrace Restaurant是夏季進膳好地方,在旁的綠色 山坡是戶外劇場的座席。 The Terrace Restaurant is the place to dine during the summer. The green slope on the side serves as seating for an outdoor amphitheatre.

莊主Anthony熱愛藝術品,莊園內盡是他的珍藏。 Anthony loves art, and you can find his treasures throughout the winery.



Mission Hill Family Estate的目標,就是要確保農民能夠繼續生產奧 肯納根山谷最優質的葡萄,以及遊客能夠享受該地區壯麗的美景。

The goal at Mission Hill Family Estate is to ensure that future generations of farmers will continue to produce the Okanagan Valley’s finest grapes and visitors will be able to enjoy the area’s majestic beauty.

可持續性對於長遠成功至關重要。作為一個家族擁有的酒莊,他們 嚴格控制其運作,葡萄園和品質,將可持續發展融入葡萄園和釀酒廠的 各個生產階段。 奧肯納根的葡萄園將在2021年春季通過完全有機認證,屆時加上其 他酒莊,奧肯納根有機葡萄酒佔總產量兩成,與法國的8巴仙相比,更具 前瞻性思維。他們已經採用多種方法來實現這一目標,例如在其土地上 養蜂、在葡萄樹排之間種植三葉草和養雞,以幫助保持葡萄藤健康和減 低蟲害。

體驗熱情的禮待 Mission Hill客戶服務總監Craig Pingle表示︰「在Mission Hill,我們 自豪能為來自世界各地的客人提供體貼殷勤禮待。我們非常重視客人們 回家後會與親友說的『故事』。這正是服務和禮待之間的區別—服務是照 顧客人的實際工作,禮待則是如何為客人帶來良好感受。這是我們DNA 的一部分,會堅持一個十分高的標準。」

尊貴級會席 超過3,000名會員可享私人參觀,品酒和美食會,並可參加備受期待 的酒莊活動,包括現場娛樂表演、與釀酒師會面、輔導品酒會和招待會等。 尊貴級會員主任Lily Jin(金夢)說︰「會員中約有二至三成是華人,超 過一半的最高消費買家也是華人。他們當中七成人居於溫哥華,或是經 常往返加拿大和中國兩地。一些華人買家對葡萄酒非常感興趣,當中有 些是商界人士,更很自豪地向他們的國際客戶展示我們的葡萄酒。相對 於白酒,他們似乎對紅酒更感興趣,很多都是我們的旗艦葡萄酒Oculus 的忠實粉絲,Oculus是我們最貴的一款紅酒,零售價每瓶$150。」

Sustainability is critical to that long-term success. As a family-owned winery with strict control over their operations, vineyards and quality, they are able to infuse sustainability into a variety of stages—both in the vineyards and at the winery. Their vineyards are going to be fully organic certified by the spring of 2021. Together with other wineries, 20 per cent of total Okanagan wine produced will be organic by then. Compared with just eight per cent in France, the Okanagan is leading the way in forward thinking. Mission Hill has incorporated various methods to achieve this goal, such as having beehives on their property, planting clover in between the rows and having chickens to help keep the vines healthy and pest free.

ExPErIENCE THE HOSPITAlITy “At Mission Hill, we are extremely proud of the hospitality we provide to our guests from all over the world,” says Craig Pingle, director of guest experience. ”For us, it is all about the story that they will tell their friends and family when they return home. “That’s the difference between service and hospitality. Service is the actual task of looking after a guest, whereas hospitality is how you make a person feel. This is part of our DNA and we hold ourselves to a very high standard.”

PrIVIlEGE MEMBErSHIP: A uNIquE WAy TO ExPErIENCE MISSION HIll The 3,000-plus subscribers to the Privilege Membership program are entitled to private tours, tastings and dining. They also take part in highly anticipated winery events, including live entertainment, meetings with the winemakers, tutored tastings and more. lily Jin, Privilege Membership co-ordinator, says that “20 to 30 per cent (of members) are Chinese—70 per cent of whom are based in Vancouver, or travel between Canada and China.” ELITEGEN





試酒房有專家提供意見,品嘗各款新舊名酒。 In the tasting room, samples of all kinds of renowned wines are poured.

酒莊以確保農民能夠繼續生產奧肯納根山谷最優質的葡 萄,及讓遊客享受該區壯麗的美景為目標。 The winery’s goal is to ensure that future generations of farmers will continue to produce the Okanagan Valley's finest grapes and that visitors will be able to enjoy the area's majestic beauty.


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葡萄酒系列 Mission Hill獨特的葡萄酒系列展示了奧肯納根山谷的 多樣化。每種葡萄酒都代表莊園自家葡萄園和釀酒廠精準的 葡萄栽培、可持續農業和釀酒成績,包括: Legacy系列—Mission Hill Family Estate的卓越頂峰之 作。這個奢華系列包括波爾多風格的葡萄酒Oculus, Compendium,Quatrain,Prospectus和Perpetua。 Terroir系列—非常限量的出品,也盡現酒莊製酒的激情:每 種葡萄酒都展現莊園栽培葡萄的獨特處,由土壤、複製繁 殖,氣候和精準農業驅動,展示奧肯納根山谷獨特的微氣 候。 Reserve系列—嚴選的葡萄串簇,極致的葡萄栽培管理,更 長的存桶時間,更多的酒糟攪動。 Estate系列—展示Mission Hill Family Estates對自家莊園擁 有和種殖的葡萄園之技藝和可持續性的承諾。

美食佳餚 夏季期間,Terrace Restaurant餐廳會是在酒莊進膳 的好去處。行政大廚Patrick Gayler最喜歡與當地農民和生 產商合作,以豐富的新鮮農產品作食材,確保Mission Hill Family Estate卓越的美食烹飪水準。 秋冬季節期間,大廚Patrick Gayler主理的美食烹飪計 劃,包括在酒莊的示範廚房提供極受歡迎的烹飪課程。推出 以來反應相當熱烈,吸引了許多當地人士和遊客前來體驗4 道菜、以葡萄酒配對的晚餐,同時觀看廚師準備和談論每道 美味菜式。 園主Anothony von Mandl說:「製作優質葡萄酒,並提 供一個讓客人可以享受的特殊場所,是我的夢想和畢生的工 作。來到今天,這一切已經實踐。」

香煎帶子 Pan-seared scallops

“Some of the Chinese buyers are very interested in wine knowledge. Some of them are business people who are proud to showcase our wines to their international clients. Also, a lot of them are our loyal Oculus wine fans. Oculus is our flagship wine and the most expensive, retailing at $150 per bottle.”

THE POrTFOlIO Mission Hill’s distinctive wines showcase the diverse Okanagan Valley. Each wine is an expression of precision viticulture, sustainable farming and winemaking. legacy Collection—The pinnacle of excellence at Mission Hill Family Estate. This luxury collection includes Oculus, their Bordeaux-style wine, Compendium, quatrain, Prospectus and Perpetua. Terroir Collection—This is extremely limited and is at the heart of their passion. Each wine expresses the distinct viticultural aspects of the estate, driven by soil, climate and precision farming that showcases the Okanagan Valley’s unique microclimate. reserve—This is the result of hand-selected grapes, extreme viticulture management and longer barrel time. Estate Series—This demonstrates Mission Hill’s commitment to craftsmanship and vineyard sustainability in the estate-owned and farmed vineyards.

DINING AT MISSION HIll During the summer months, the Terrace restaurant is the place to dine. Working in the Okanagan, with its abundance of fresh produce, is a chef’s dream, and executive chef Patrick Gayler enjoys working with local farmers and producers to ensure Mission Hill’s culinary program continues to showcase the best of the region. Throughout the fall and winter months, Gaylor offers several programs, including the highly popular culinary classes that are held in the winery’s Demonstration Kitchen. This has been a huge success, with locals and visitors alike experiencing a four-course, wine-paired dinner while watching the chefs prepare and talk about each dish. Von Mandl sums up the winery’s mission statement: “Making great wines and providing a special place where people can enjoy them has been my dream and my life’s work. Now, it’s a reality.”

經典巧克力小蛋糕 Milk-chocolate brownie






EAT! VAncouVEr 美食盛宴

TasTe Bud Pleasure Story | Iris Yim Photography | EAT! Vancouver 希望可以一次過吃到15位來自加國東西岸及美國名廚炮製的美食? 還要把溫哥華甜品界高手的精製美點吃個夠?看客席主廚和本地大廚如 何高手過招,擦出火花? 以上種種,都可在今年11月的EAT! Vancouver美食盛宴做到。 今年已是第十八屆的EAT! Vancouver是溫哥華最大型美食節之一。 美食活動共分為4個環節並於11月4至9日舉行︰11月4和5日的6場美食製 作講座EAT! Expert Classes;11月6和7日的5場酒肴配晚餐EAT! Dinner Series;11月8日的試食大會EAT! Harvest及11月9日的甜品試食大會 EAT! Pastry Day。


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EAT! Vancouver Food + Cooking Festival is one of the most anticipated premium world-class culinary festivals on the West Coast. Attracting people from across North America, the 2019 event features culinary collaborations among 15 award-winning local and guest chefs from across Canada and the United States. The 18th-annual culinary experience, which takes place Nov. 4-9, is like no other. This year’s events include: the wine pairing EAT! Dinner Series on Nov. 6-7; the ultimate tasting fiesta EAT! Harvest on Nov. 8; EAT! Pastry Day on Nov. 9, and the masterclass cooking workshops EAT! Expert Classes on Nov. 4-5.

大廚教路 EAT! Vancouver比其他美食節更加吸引,除了是因為規 模較大及有來自各地及本地名廚獻藝,還包括了「喻教於學」這 個元素,讓廚藝愛好者也能參與其中。11月4日當天共有4場 「EAT! Expert Classes」美食工作坊︰ •先由知名薄餅店Nicli Antica Pizzeria主廚Nick Doyle示範如何 炮製意大利那不勒斯薄餅,完成後更可一同品嘗。 •Campagnolo Restaurant以自行分宰整頭牲畜,斬件起肉, 以灌腸或風乾等方法製作傳統肉製品而知名,主廚Robert Belcham和Dave Mottershall按步驟指導如何炮製凍食肉製品。 •Chichi Restaurant來自秘魯的女主廚Shelome Bourette,由 她教導烹調秘魯街頭小吃。 •溫哥華廚藝學院PICA和刀店Ai & Om Knives負責人Doug Chang合作,傳授剖魚起骨及保養刀鋒之道。須知道,學懂刀 法是下廚必勝技。 •11月5日在Clough Club舉行的Soda Shoppe Diner,教人 回味上世紀五十年代的流行飲食文化。Trevor Kallies和Sarah Stewart將提供三十年代、四十年代和五十年代的流行美食。每 道菜還伴隨一款Soda Shoppe Diner飲品。 •11月5日還有知名肉店Sebastian & Co.負責人Sebastian Cortez教授如何灌製肉腸,除了大廚秘方,你更可以創作自家 食譜,即場試味,下課後還可帶五磅肉腸回家享用。

EAT! ExPErT ClASSES lEArN From THE mASTErS on Nov. 4, there will be four hands-on cooking workshops led by both local and guest chefs that allow culinary enthusiasts to participate and learn from the experts. This feature and its scale makes EAT! Vancouver much more attractive, compared to any other food festivals. • First up is Nick Doyle, chief chef at Nicli Antica Pizzeria. He will walk participants through the process of making Neapolitan pizza. The entire class will then share their creations. • Campagnolo Restuarant is famous for it’s charcuterie process through enema or air-dry. Chef robert Belcham and Dave mottershall will showcase how to prepare cold cut products such as sausages, ham and bacon step by step. • Peruvian chef Shelome Bourette from Chichi Restaurant will teach participants how to make Peruvian street food. • Vancouver culinary institute PICA will collaborate with Doug Chang, head of Ai & om Knives, to demonstrate proper fish deboning techniques, plus how to maintain a laser-sharp blade. Cutting is simply an essential skill in the kitchen. • On Nov. 5 at the Clough Club, you can step back in time, to the food culture of the’ 50s with a Soda Shop experience. Trevor Kallies and Sarah Stewart will offer popular cuisine from the ’30s, ’40s and ’50s. Each dish will accompanied by a drink from the respective era, making for an unforgettable experience. • Another event not to be missed is the Nov. 5 sausage-making workshop, led by Sebastian Cortez, owner of Sebastian & Co. Fine Meats. Not only will Cortez share his top secret recipe, but you will be able to be creative and make sausages yourself. As well, you will be able to bring five pounds of sausages home.






Ned Bell

Pino Posteraro



EAT! Dinner Series除有本地廚壇泰斗坐鎮,更有遠來高手及得獎 名廚助陣,不必遠赴外地即可品嘗到名廚獻藝,機會難得。

with the EAT! Dinner Series, you can enjoy amazing dishes from award- winning chefs, both local and from across North America.

•The Acorn有世界「50間最佳素食餐廳(50 Best Vegan Friendly Restaurants)」之譽,主廚Brian Luptak夥同愛民頓Biera Restaurant 主廚Christine Sandford在11月6日聯手炮製滋味素食。

• Acorn Restaurant has the distinction of being on the list of “50 Best Vegan Friendly Restaurants” in the world. Chef Brian luptak will team up on Nov. 6 with Christine Sandford, chef of the Biera restaurant in Edmonton, to create a vegetarian feast.

•The Vancouver Club主廚Ned Bell與紐芬蘭Fogo Island Inn 主廚Jonathan Gushue亦於11月6日合作,Fogo Island Inn曾列 enRoutes雜誌「最佳新餐廳」榜單及福布斯「最佳一百家餐廳(Top 100 Restaurants)」之列,加上Ned Bell對海洋智慧(OceanWise Seafood Program)的鼎力支持,該晚餐自然成為美食節備受追捧的焦點。

• Another highlight on Nov. 6 will be an exclusive collaboration between Vancouver Club chef Ned Bell and Jonathan Bushue, chef at Newfoundland’s Fogo Island Inn, named one of Forbes magazine’s Top 100 Restaurants, as well as on enRoutes Magazine’s Best New Restaurant list. Along with ocean Wise Seafood Program, this event easily steals the spotlight of the entire series.

•11月7日是Wildebeest Restaurant主廚Ian McHale和多倫多 Richmond Station的Carl Heinrich合作,到底這位曾獲《Top Chef Canada》桂冠的Chef Carl功力如何?現場自有分曉。 •11月7日在Cioppino’ s Restaurant舉行的晚餐,主廚Pino Posteraro 去年被任命為意大利廚藝及技術大使;合作的美國波特蘭Nostrand Restaurant主廚Cathy Whims則曾獲James Beard《Best Chef Northwest》六項提名,並被希拉里推許為外交烹飪大使。 •Campagnolo Restaurant主廚Robert Belcham和多倫多La Palma主 廚Craig Harding亦於11月7日聯手,送上意大利新派美食。


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• On Nov. 7, willebeest Restaurant chef Ian McHale will team up with Carl Heinrich of Toronto’s richmond Station for a diner carnival. • Check out some star power on Nov. 7. Chef Pino Posteraro from Cioppino’s Restaurant was appointed as Italian Culinary and Technology Ambassador last year. Chef Cathy Whims of Portland, oregon’s Nostrand restaurant received six nominations from James Beard “Best Chef Northwest” and was tabbed by former U.S. first lady Hilary Clinton to be a diplomatic culinary ambassador. • For fans of Italian cuisine, Campagnolo Restaurant chef Robert Belcham and Toronto la Palma’s chef Craig Harding will co-host a night of new-age Italian cuisine on Nov. 7.

Thomas Haas



EAT! Harvest被視為活動的重點項目,在The Vancouver Club會 場內,共有15位名廚落力大匯演,齊齊展示各人的最佳出品,並讓入 場觀眾試食,除了以上提及的EAT! Dinner Series十位名廚外,還有本 地大廚如Lucais Syme、Kevin Young及Elena Krasnova等同場較勁。

on Nov. 8, 15 famed master chefs will stage a cooking show at Vancouver Club. They will showcase their best dishes to the audience – not just to watch but also to taste. In addition to the 10 champion chefs from the EAT! Dinner Series, local masters lucais Syme, Kevin Young and Elena Krasnova will also participate.



甜點試食活動亦是大會重頭戲之一。11月9日的EAT! Pastry Day 共分三節:Exclusive Demo with Thomas Haas、Expert Tasting Panel及Grand Tasting Event。

The festival’s pastry- and dessert-tasting program takes place on Nov. 9 and is divided into three sessions: Exclusive Demo with Thomas Haas, the Expert Tasting Panel and the Grand Tasting.

本地甜品大師Thomas Haas Chocolates的Thomas Haas先作 個人秀,向參加者介紹三款易懂易學的獨門秘製食譜及讓現場觀 眾試食。Expert Tasting Panel內有Thomas Haas、Beta5的Adam Chandler、Christophe Burnaby的Christophe Bonzon、Chocolate Art的Greg Hook等的甜品試食。最後的Grand Tasting Event則共有 15位甜品廚師和烘焙主廚出席,除上述數位外,還有Temper的Steve Hodge、Ganache的Peter Fung、Beaucoup Bakery的Betty Hung等 甜品界高手列陣,現身演出真功夫。 詳情可瀏覽網址。

local dessert master Thomas Haas will open the show by making chocolate, using three unique and easy-to-learn recipes for the audience to taste and enjoy. The Expert Tasting Panel will provide exclusive dessert tasting by Haas, Adam Chandler from Beta5, Christophe Bonzon from Christophe Burnaby and Greg Hook from Chocolate Art. The Grand Tasting finale will feature 15 baking and dessert masters, including Steve Hodge from Temper, Peter Fung from Ganache and Betty Hung from Beaucoup Bakery. For further event details, visit







Havana OOH La La Rediscover the capital of Cuba as it celebrates its 500th anniversary Story | Leslie Yip Photography | Simon Boucher-Harris

對許多加拿人來說,暢遊古巴享受全包式陽光海灘假期 時,花一、兩天參觀首都夏灣拿是必然的事。或許你也試過— 在老城旋風式逛一圈、到大教堂廣場夏灣拿(Cathedral Square) 打卡、逛Obispo街、參觀rum酒廠或雪茄廠;前往知名餐廳 La Bodeguita del Medio來一杯mojito,再到酒吧El Floridita喝 daiquiri雞尾酒。重遊古巴,很多人都覺得「反正已經去過了」而 不再選擇到夏灣拿,假若如此,可就錯過了全新的夏灣拿。 夏灣拿的古舊魅力依然,但它是一個比悠久歷史更引人入 勝的旅遊目的地。夏灣拿將於11月16日迎來五百周年慶典,就 讓我們一同揭開這City of Columns的全新面貌。


For many Canadians, Havana, Cuba is an obligatory weekend excursion the first time they head to the country for an all-inclusive beach holiday. Perhaps you have done it too—a whirlwind walking tour in the old town, posing at the Cathedral Square, strolling Obispo Street, visiting a rum or cigar factory, perhaps both. Then, you stop at La Bodeguita del Medio for a mojito, followed by a daiquiri at El Floridita. Many who return to the country don’t include a junket to the capital city, the thinking being, been there, done that. If that describes you, you are missing out on the new Havana. While the old Havana charm is still as captivating as ever, it has morphed into much more than a historic destination. As the city celebrates its quincentenary birthday on Nov. 16, let’s take a fresh look at the City of Columns.



20年前,古巴在加國大力推動旅遊業,其時當地豪華度假 酒店的選擇少之又少,現已不可同日而語。

When Cuba began heavily promoting tourism to Canadians 20 years ago, luxury accommodation was quite limited. Not anymore.

於2017年開幕的The Gran Hotel Manzana Kempinsky La Habana,建築物下方是已有350年歷史、標誌著殖民地時期的 圍牆遺址。酒店跟酒吧El Floridita只一街之隔,大文豪海明威最 愛在此喝daiquiris。樓頂的無邊際泳池可眺望議會大樓、大劇院 及入選世界遺址的老城中心,經過一天忙碌的觀光行程,酒店 成為最舒適的歇息之所。

The Gran Hotel Manzana Kempinsky La Habana, which sits atop one of the remaining sections of the city’s nearly 350-year-old colonial-era wall, has been open since June 2017. It is located across the road from El Floridita, where Ernest Hemingway used to sip daiquiris. The rooftop infinity pool overlooks the capitol, the Great Theatre and the uNESCO World Heritage old town centre and is the perfect place for a respite after exploring the bustling city.

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去 年 開 業的I be ro st a r Ho t e l Pa c ka rd不但跟古董 車Packard同名,原來建築物的地下全層曾經是底特律 Packard汽車公司的陳列室。建築物後來改建為酒店,寬敞 的客房型格之餘又帶點懷舊風。L形的室外平台及泳池是我 的最愛,因為部分位置有蓋篷,我可以盡情暢泳又無懼曬 傷。平台更可盡覽Morro城堡及海灣美景。 位於Paseo de Marti跟Malecón交界中心地段的Sofitel SO/Paseo del Prado La Habana是剛剛於本月開業的全新 酒店。這是SO/在美洲的首家酒店,焦點落在設計之上:酒 店內不乏新派型格的陳設及頂尖科技,客房設施全是名家設 計,貼心周到。即連酒店的圖案以及員工的制服,亦出自西 班牙時裝設計師Agatha Ruiz de la Prada手筆。 如果想體驗本土風情,在當地享負盛名的Hotel Nacional de Cuba會是不二之選。這家已有89年歷史的酒店 充滿裝飾派藝術風格,標誌著古巴的歷史、文化及身份。酒 店曾接待過不少名人,包括Jean-Paul Sartre、法蘭仙納杜 拉、海明威、邱吉爾及馬龍白蘭度等等。美麗的大堂散發舊 世界的魅力,酒店本身亦充滿歷史,1946年的黑手黨會議 便在此舉行,而建築物內的沙坑及隧道曾在古巴導彈危機時 使用。

Last year saw the grand opening of the Iberostar Hotel Packard. It is not by chance that it has the same name as the iconic car—the ground floor of the original building used to be a showroom for detroit’s Packard Motor Car Company. The building has since been completely reconstructed, and the spacious guest rooms are chic with cool retro touches. The L-shaped outdoor sun terrace and swimming pool is my favourite, as certain areas are always in the shade during the day, so I can enjoy the pool but stay out of the sun. Bonus: the terrace offers a spectacular view of the Morro Castle and the Bay. Opening this month is the new Sofitel SO/ Paseo del Prado La Habana. Located at the intersection of Paseo de Marti and Malecón, it is right in the heart of the city. design is a big focus for this inaugural SO/ property in the Americas. you will find stylish contemporary furnishings, innovative technology and thoughtful designer amenities in the guest rooms, while the hotel emblem and the staff’s uniforms have been conceived by Spanish fashion designer Agatha ruiz de la Prada. For those who prefer more local ambience, there is always the grande dame: Hotel Nacional de Cuba. The 89-year old Art deco-style hotel is considered a symbol of the history, culture and identity of the country. It has hosted such illustrious guests as Hemingway, Jean-Paul Sartre, Frank Sinatra, Winston Churchill, and Marlon Brando, just to name a few. The beautiful lobby exudes old-world charm, and there is much history associated with the property—from the historic mafia meeting in 1946, to the bunker and tunnels used during the Cuban Missile Crisis.






古巴的飲食近年已愈來 愈接近國際水平。 The culinary scene in Cuba has evolved to include local and international flavours.

Rita y Champagne的廚師,今年四月曾為 我有份泡製的芝士釀香蕉。 Mojito是最具標誌性的古巴雞尾酒。 查理斯王子烹調傳統古巴菜。 I tried my hand at making cheese-stuffed plaintain. The mojito is the national cocktail of Cuba. Chef Sahily Romero at Rita y Champagne served Prince Charles last April.



在很多人眼中,夏灣拿稱不上是美食之都,但自Raul Castro 於2010年展開經濟改革後已改觀。想尋覓美食,先要學識這個字— paladar。這種類似私房菜的餐廳在家中營運,雖然改革前已存在, 但當時座位非常不足;現時無論在菜式選擇及人手方面都有所改善, 餐廳加入新元素及主攻某一種菜系,由傳統的古巴菜以至世界各地的 菜式亦可找到,這股飲食新勢力為當地的餐飲業帶來新氣象。

Few would see Havana as a foodie destination. However, when raul Castro began economic reform in 2010, the tide started to change. If you are in search of good food, there is a new term to learn: paladar (restaurants operating out of private homes). While they existed pre-reform, the limitations on seating, the types of offerings and workforce are now lifted, allowing for more innovation and specialization. From authentic Cuban cuisine to internationally-influenced fare, they are the driving force in the transformation of the city’s food scene.

位於夏灣拿中部的San Cristóbal稱得上當地最著名的paladar之 一。老闆Carlos Cristóbal Márquez Valdés以自己的名字為餐廳命名, 牆上各式各樣的裝飾是甚有特色,不過餐廳之所以人氣爆燈,全因為 全球20個國家的元首都曾是這裡的客人,包括前美國總統奧巴馬,他 曾於2016年3月跟家人於店內用膳。其他明星貴客還包括Beyoncé、 Jay-Z及Khardasians等。古巴風味美食包括牛扒、即日捕獲的魚產及 新鮮龍蝦。遇上Carlos在餐廳坐鎮的話,他會毫不吝嗇向你展示自己 跟名人的合照。 84

San Cristóbal 的廚師兼老闆Carlos,以 曾招待奧巴馬和許多國際名人為榮。 Chef-owner Carlos at San Cristóbal has served Obama and many international celebrities.

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San Cristóbal in central Havana is definitely one of the most famous paladares in Havana. Named after its owner, Carlos Cristóbal Márquez Valdés, its eclectic wall decor is instantly recognizable. Its claim to international fame, however, comes from serving some 20 foreign leaders, including former u.S. President Obama, who took his family there for dinner in March 2016. Other celebrities who have dined here include Beyoncé, Jay-Z and the Khardasians. The Cuban-Creole fare features steak, diver-caught cod and live lobsters. If Carlos is there, he will proudly show you photos with his famous guests. Calle San Rafael No 469.

另一人氣之選是Lorenzo Enrique Nieto’s Café Laurent。這間型格小店位於一幢柏文大廈的頂樓,鄰 近Hotel Nacional。餐廳於2011年2月13日開業,開 張日在老闆家中的客廳及飯廳做生意。翌日正值情人 節,大家都想試新餐廳,因此開業第二天已經滿座。 生意愈來愈好,一家人決定擴充,從原來的單位搬到 頂樓的penthouse單位。餐廳裝潢走型格路線,食客 都穿著正裝,服務一絲不苟,加上陽台的無敵美景, 氣氛一流。 想一嚐正宗古巴美食的話,位於Playa quarter 的Rita y Champagne值得推介。我有幸走入廚房跟 老闆兼大廚Sahily Romero學煮芝士香蕉及手撕牛肉 飯。千萬別小看此鄉郊小店,米芝蓮星級名廚Martin Berasategui及查里斯王子都曾經是座上客。

Another stellar example is Lorenzo Enrique Nieto’s Café Laurent, a chic restaurant perched on an apartment building rooftop, steps from Hotel Nacional. This was the owner’s family home when they began operation in the living and dining room on Feb. 13, 2011. It was literally an overnight success, for there was a full house on their second day of business—it was Valentine’s day and Habaneros were looking for a new dining spot. Business continued to flourish, so to increase capacity, the family moved out and the restaurant now encompasses the entire penthouse apartment. Chef Ernesto Montells brings a Peruvian-Asian touch to locally-caught seafood. The atmosphere is stylish, the diners are dressy, the service is sleek and the panoramic view from the terrace makes for a memorable setting. paladarcafelaurent. For authentic Cuban fare, check out rita y Champagne in the Playa quarter. I was lucky enough to be invited into chef/owner Sahily romero’s kitchen to learn how to make cheese-stuffed plantains and pulled beef and rice. don’t underestimate this suburban restaurant—multiple Michelin-starred chef Martin Berasategui and Princes Charles have both dined here.

要欣賞古巴傳統音樂和晚餐,可以到Hotel Nacional內的Bueno Vista Club。 For a taste of traditional Cuban music, there is a Bueno Vista Club-themed dinner and show at Hotel Nacional.

遊客於晚餐時可同時欣 賞已有80年歷史的傳統 Tropicana表演,是另一極 受遊客歡迎的項目。 The 80-year old Tropicana show is another popular dinner and show experience. ELITEGEN





大學歌劇學生Elizabeth 聞歌起舞,她亦是 Muraleando的義工和老師。 University opera student Elizabeth Carmona Mena is a volunteer teacher and guide at the Muraleando project. She is an incredible singer and dancer.

Muraleando和Fustelandia均引證藝術可以改變社區。 Muraleando and Fustelandia are excellent examples of how art can transform a neighbourhood. 86

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在古巴,街頭音樂處處聞。 Street music is a part of Cuban life.

音樂藝術之旅 藝術及音樂在古巴人的生活中有著舉足輕重的位置。以亞熱帶森 林為背景的音樂劇El Tropicana,相信很多人都聽過。適逢今年是該 劇80周年慶典,更不容錯過欣賞這齣拉斯維加斯式的精彩音樂劇。 喜歡bolero、son及danzón的話,絕不可以錯過Hotel Nacional逢 星期二及星期六舉辦的古巴傳統音樂會,酒吧邀請嘉賓演繹電影「樂 士浮生錄」(Bueno Vista Social Club)中耳熟能詳的歌曲。客人可選 擇晚餐及音樂會套票,又或者飲品加門票。 於Lawton社區舉行的藝術展Muraleando,讓你體驗草根階層的 藝術活動。舉行場地El Tanque是一個棄置的巨型蓄水池,展覽了83 米長的壁畫及以舊車零件和塑膠家品製成的雕塑。 項目由藝術家Manuel Baldrich於2010年發起,他與義工把該處 清理過後用作舉辦免費課程及周末藝術工作坊。現時,超過300所學 校的學生定期前來參加藝術班,包括繪畫、陶藝、民族舞及樂器等。 現場不時有即興表演,遊客都非常投入。項目沒有任何資助,只靠店 舖及咖啡店的收入來維持。收入一半歸藝術家,其餘則用作維持項目 的營運開支。反正來到,不妨買一些藝術品及唱碟,既可支持當地藝 術家又可留為紀念。 距離市中心以西約20分鐘的Fustelandia,是另一個廣為人知的社 區藝術項目。這個童話世界中的房屋、巴士站、噴泉以至長椅都鋪上 色彩繽紛的馬賽克瓷磚,就好像把高第的設計搬到熱帶地區。這一切 都多得民間藝術家José Fuster,他於1975年開始把自己的房子及花園 鋪上瓷磚。之後,他的鄰舍相繼找他粉飾,經過超過十年時間來粉飾 區內80間房屋,將這個曾被荒廢的社區化身成為藝術國度。

AN ArT ANd MuSIC HAVEN Art and music have always been an integral part of Cuban life. Most tourists will have heard of El Tropicana, the fantastic cabaret in a lush tropical setting. Celebrating its 80th birthday this year, the Vegas-style show is as spectacular as ever. If you like bolero, son and danzón, Hotel Nacional hosts a traditional Cuban music night every Tuesday and Saturday, with excellent guest covers of the internationally famous Bueno Vista Social Club. Guests can choose between a dinner and show package, or just a welcome cocktail and admission to the show. For a more grassroots experience, visit the Muraleando, a social arts project in the Lawton neighbourhood of the city. An 83-metrelong mural and numerous whimsical sculptures made out of old car parts and plastic household items greet you as you enter El Tanque, the headquarters of the arts community nestled inside an abandoned water tank.

在資源匱乏的情況下,本土藝術家更要發揮創意—聖母瑪利亞像的光圈其實是舊的輪轂。 Local artists get creative when resources are scarce. Here, the Virgin Mary is surrounded by old wheel hubs.

It began in 2010, when artist Manuel Baldrich cleared the site with the help of volunteers and began to host free after-school and Saturday art/music workshops. Now, more than 300 school children come here regularly for classes, which include painting, ceramics, folk dancing and instrumental music. Impromptu jamming sessions happen frequently, much to the delight of visitors. While there, try to buy some music or artwork. The project receives no funding, so it depends on income from the gift shop and the little café/bar. Half of sales go to the artist, the rest to the project. It is a great way to support local artists and score some unique souvenirs. Another notable community art project is Fustelandia. just 20 minutes west of the city centre. It is a fantasy world, where every house wall, bus stop, fountain and bench in the neighbourhood is covered in a kaleidoscopic mosaic—think Gaudí in a tropical setting. It began in 1975, when folk artist José Fuster began decorating his own home and garden in tiles. After he finished his own property, his neighbours began to ask him to do theirs. It took him more than a decade to add his creative touch to all 80 houses in the area and, in doing so, transform a once-derelict part of town into an artsy wonderland.

被丟棄的物件也可成為藝術品。 Found objects can become objets d’art.

史努比作者Charles Schulz的遺孀捐贈這幅 壁畫給Muraleando。 The widow of Snoopy’s creator, Charles Schulz, donated this mural to Muraleando.

連接夏灣拿和巴拉德羅的Bacunayagua橋,是 全古巴最高的橋樑。 The Bacunayagua Bridge is the highest bridge in Cuba, connecting Havana to Varadero.



從夏灣拿可以出發到郊區作一日遊,Viñales是其中 一個深受遊客歡迎的地區。該處的巨型山坡壁面Mural de la Prehistoria及雪茄煙葉種植區均很值得參觀,既可欣賞 風景,又能買雪茄及騎馬。

Havana is an excellent base for excursions into the countryside. you may have heard of Viñales, home of the giant hillside Mural de la Prehistoria and the tobacco-growing region. It is definitely one of the most popular day-trip itineraries for visitors to Havana, and well worth a visit for the scenery, the cigars, as well as the horseback riding.

外國遊客對Las Terrazas會較陌生,從夏灣拿駕車3 小時前往Viñales途中便會經過這個人間仙境。該區環繞 湖泊而建,於1984年被世界自然遺產列為生物自然保護 區,不過這裡並非一開始就是伊甸園。18世紀時,當地 有超過50個咖啡豆種植園,後來變成蔗田。經歷兩個世 紀恣意的砍伐,加上海嘯及洪水氾濫,土地備受蹂躪。 到了1968年,當時的總理卡斯特羅為了幫助鄉郊民 眾,派遣建築師及革命英雄Camilo Cienfugeos的弟弟 Osmany Cienfuegos在該處興建了全長1,360公里的梯 田,以及種植了7百萬棵樹以防泥土侵蝕及修復環境。他 們一步一步興建道路、房屋及學校,慢慢建成一個自給 自足的社區。Hotel Moka於1994年落成,讓外來人也可 享受這裡的大自然美景。酒店貫徹尊重環境的宗旨,保 留了周圍的樹木,包括大堂中央的百年雨豆樹,以及穿 進客房的柚樹等。 區內還有無數的健行徑、天然水池、藝廊及多間 paladar,絕對可以來個兩日一夜遊。即使行程緊湊,也 一定要到訪Cafe de María。這家露天咖啡室的咖啡被喻 為全古巴第一,他們的咖啡豆就在店外種植。推介Cafe Las Terazzas,是加入朱古力及忌廉的凍咖啡。


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Lesser known to foreign visitors is a hidden paradise called Las Terrazas, halfway through the three-hour drive from Havana to Viñales. Built around a creek, this region was designated a Biosphere reserve by uNESCO in 1984, but it hasn’t always been a tropical Garden of Eden. In the 18th century, the area featured more than 50 coffee plantations that were later transformed into sugar cane fields. Two centuries of indiscriminate deforestation, compounded with hurricanes and flooding, ravaged the land. In 1968, in an effort to help rural Cubans, Fidel Castro enlisted Osmany Cienfuegos, architect and brother of revolutionary hero Camilo Cienfugeos, to build a 1,360-kilometre-long series of terraces and to plant seven million trees to combat soil erosion and restore the environment. Slowly, a self-sustaining community with roads, homes and schools evolved. In 1994, Hotel Moka was built to allow people outside the community to enjoy nature. True to its goal of respecting nature, the property was built around the trees, including a 100-year-old rain tree growing through the centre foyer of the lobby—and many teak trees poking through guest rooms. With numerous hiking trails, natural river pools, artist studios and paladares, the area warrants at least a night’s stay. However, if you are just stopping for a visit, be sure to stop by Cafe de María. This open-air coffee shop is reputed to serve the best brew in Cuba, using beans that are literally grown on its doorstep. Try Cafe Las Terazzas, an iced coffee with chocolate and cream. For general information about travel in Cuba, please visit

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Fast, but not Furious What it was like at Canada’s first women-only Porsche track Experience Story | Leslie Yip Photography | Simon Boucher-Harris


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我一直在讓其他人先走,到最後只剩下我一個,不得 不鼓起勇氣、小心翼翼鑽進紅色保時捷718 Cayman S的駕 駛座。 我正處身於安省Bowmanville的Canadian Tire賽車公 園內,是9名參加全國首個保時捷女性精確跑道駕駛體驗課 程的成員之一。這裡本來是保時捷運動駕駛學校,今次為 期一天的駕駛課程,旨在幫助駕駛者提升技巧,駕駛的, 是令人羡慕嚮往的豪華跑車。

I’m not afraid to admit that I’ve got the jitters. I have tried to delay the inevitable by asking everyone else to go first, but there is no one left now but me. So I muster up my courage and gingerly climb into the driver’s seat of the Guards Red Porsche 718 Cayman S. I am at the Canadian Tire Motorsport Park in Bowmanville, Ont., one of nine participants in Canada’s first-ever Porsche Women’s Precision Track Experience. This performance driving course is designed to help improve your skills while behind the wheel of some of the world’s most coveted luxury sports cars.

我們先要參加一個精簡的理論課,了解速度如何改 變車內的負荷,導致過度轉向還是轉向不足。講解中提到 的拋射線令我閃回28年前一宗交通意外,那次我跌進了 溝渠。直至聽到「汽車越野賽」、「障礙賽」和「掣動」這些字 眼,我才從回憶中驚醒。

The day starts with a short theory class, where we are shown how a difference in speed can affect load changes in the car, causing over- or understeering. The projectile lines are giving me a flashback of an accident that happened 28 years ago; I ended up in a ditch. It is only after hearing the words “autocross”, “slalom” and “skidpad” that I am jolted back into reality. Oh dear, what have I gotten myself into?

主教練Jonathan Urlin和他的3個夥伴︰Keith McIntosh、Andrei Mortila和Kees Nierop都很專業,擁 有國際認可資格,每年平均有150-180日在跑道上。Urlin 曾經是NASCAR賽車手,當了保時捷教練10年;Keith McIntosh曾效力於Williams 1級方程式車隊,參加過北美洲 F1比賽;Andrei Mortila加入保時捷之前曾當過溫哥華島賽 車場的教練。Kees Nierop於80年代曾經在12小時西布林 比賽中獲勝,是唯一在保時捷賽車上留名的加拿大人,那 輛賽車是德國斯圖加特保時捷博物館的展品。

Lead instructor Jonathan Urlin begins by introducing himself and his three teammates and their impressive curricula vitae: Urlin, a former NASCAR driver, has instructed for Porsche for a decade; Keith McIntosh worked as a gopher for the Williams Formula One team at North American F1 races; Andrei Mortila instructed for the Vancouver Island Motorsports Circuit and BMW prior to joining Porsche; Kees Nierop won the 12 Hours of Sebring in the’80s—the only Canadian to have his name on a Porsche factory race car, which is displayed in the Porsche Museum in Stuttgart, Germany.

換句話說,導師的專業毋庸置疑。 我們首先要體驗的,是開著Cayman S做封閉越野繞 行,10組閘橋擺出迂迴曲折的道路,我們必須在不踩煞 車掣的情況下盡快通過,之後有障礙物需要轉向、短暫衝 刺,再用力將車煞停在一個有一輛半車長度的 「煞車箱」 內。

In other words, I am in safe hands. Our first hands-on experience is a closed autocross circuit with the Cayman S. Ten sets of cones form the gates of a zig-zag course and we are to manoeuvre through them as fast as possible without touching the brakes. Then, there is an obstacle to swerve around, a short dash and then we must brake hard and come to a stop within a “brake box”, which is about 1½ car lengths long.






Urlin指示:「如果10是你認定煞車最大力度,那就用11,用力 踩,感受自動煞車系統,平時我們都避免用力煞車,在這裡,你可以 充分體驗汽車在極端情況下的表現。」 教練只在首兩圈陪著我們,接下來都是透過對講機指導。我以為 會害怕,但腎上腺素飆升,令我集中精神、信心大增,加速穿過每道 閘,用力在煞車箱煞停。 嗨,真好玩! 下一項挑戰是跑道上的障礙賽,Nierop是我的教練,戰車換成一 輛黃色的911 Carrera Ts,也需戴上安全頭盔。Nierop提醒我:「既要 開得快,又要精準。」以為快要碰到雪糕筒路障的時候,他說其實還 有3呎遠,於是再加油,直到車胎尖叫,這時他在廣播中喊道:「做得 好!」 嘩,我成功了! 跟著要升級到整個跑道了。Nierop提醒我們要看遠點,每次轉彎 之前都要先想好,留意最高點──即是將油門踩到最低的位置。進入 每個彎位之前都有顯示煞車標誌,有小型雪糕筒標示進和出點,那是 很好的視覺提示,我的自信心大大增強,開始應付每個彎位,只想去 得更快。 午飯時我和其他8名學員閑談,原來她們都來自大多倫多地區,當 中只有一位是保時捷車主,為了解愛車性能而來。其餘有些人是以禮 物形式接受這次課程,有些則當課程是終極試駕,也有人說想開快車 但不想收違規告票…… 問教練們對這個全女班有何看法時,Urlin說氛圍與男女混合班很 不同,女士們在課堂更能集中精神。Mortila接著說在全女班他要不停 鼓勵大家開快些,混合班則要提醒開慢些。McIntosh說女士更注重精 準,男士只想把油門踩到盡。


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“If 10 is the hardest you think you can brake, make it an 11,” says Urlin. “Stamp on it. Feel the ABS. In normal day driving, we try to avoid hard braking, but here you can experience what a car does in extreme circumstances. Drive like you stole the car.” The instructor only rides with you for the first two laps, and then you are coached through a walkie-talkie. I thought I would be scared to do it on my own, but adrenaline kicked in and with it came focus and confidence. I snake around each gate faster and faster, and nailed the brake box stop. Hey, this is getting fun. Our next challenge is a slalom course on the track, and Nierop is my instructor. My steed has been changed to a yellow 911 Carrera T and I am wearing a safety helmet. “You want to go fast, but you also want to be precise,” Nierop reminds me. He keeps telling me I am three feet away from the cone when I swear I almost grazed it, so I steer harder and harder, until my tires screech. That is when he congratulates me on the radio. “Well done,” he says. Now, I feel like I’ve got this. Next we graduate to the full track. Nierop reminds us to look far ahead, think ahead of each turn and take note of the apex—that’s when you floor the gas pedal. Brake signs are put up just ahead of each curve, and little cones mark your in and out point. They are great visual cues; in no time I start negotiating each turn with increasing confidence, wishing we could go just a little bit faster. We break for lunch. I learn that all the participants are from the greater Toronto area and only one actually owns a Porsche. Nearly half of the ladies received this experience as a gift. Three are coming as a group, and they call it the ultimate test drive: “Hey, no one is trying to sell you a car.” One lady says she wants to drive real fast without getting a ticket, and the only Porsche 911 owner says she wants to learn what her car is capable of.

午餐過後還有幾圈要拼,計時越野環節,還有掣動練習─Carrera T的輪胎都以低磨擦的外層包住,我們要在封閉的道路上滑行。經過這 一天,我的反射力不斷提高,對車輛的信任程度增強,對自己的駕駛 技術也更有信心,愈發喜愛速度和急轉彎。我覺得每個擁有全新保時 捷或者同類跑車的人都應該報名參加這種訓練,確保完全掌控愛車。 活動結束,我獲得國際認可的完成跑道體驗證書,代表我可以 到全世界20個保時捷體驗中心的任何一個,參加另一個兩天的操作訓 練,一旦通過,便有資格參加大師及大師RS課程了。 除了跑道訓練,還可以到處遊歷,比方遊走於加利福利亞州著名 的66號公路、穿越中國的西雙版納、到卑詩省的威土拿走走看看,又 或者開著Cayenne馳騁於育空地區。我的目標則是雪地體驗課程,提 高雪地駕駛技術,我們有半年時間被埋在冰天雪地裡,學習在這種環 境下開好車,最是合理不過。 想了解更多有關課程的資料,可瀏覽網站。

At this point, I become curious as to what the instructors think of this ladies-only group. Urlin says that the atmosphere is quite different from the co-ed sessions. Apparently, the gentler sex seems to pay more attention in class. Mortila chimes in that he has been encouraging us to go faster and faster, while in the mix-gender events, he often has to tell people to slow down. McIntosh suggests that we ladies seem more focused on the precision part, while men just want to floor it. All in all, it would seem that the gentler sex is, well, more genteel. After lunch, there are a few more rounds on the track, a timed autocross circuit and some skid-pad exercise—where the tires of a Carrera T are wrapped with low-traction coating so you slide around the closed circuit. Throughout the day, my reflexes got quicker, my trust of the vehicle grew stronger and I became more confident in my own driving. Not to mention that my love for speed and sharp corners exploded. I think everyone getting a new Porsche, or any sports car for that matter, should enroll in training like this to ensure one gets the most out of the car. At the end of the event, I was awarded an internationally-recognized certificate of completion of the Track Experience, which means that I will be able to go to any of the 20 Porsche Experience Centres in the world to attempt the next level: a two-day Performance Training. Once I get that under my belt, I will be qualified for the Master and Master RS Program. In addition to track training, there are also travel experiences. How about exploring Xishuangbanna in China in style, experiencing off-road driving in Whistler, B.C., or an adventure that takes you to Yukon in a Cayenne. As for me, I am eyeing the next Ice Experience, which is all about winter driving. After all, we are buried in ice and snow for pretty much half of the year, so it makes sense to learn to drive well in the white stuff. For more information, visit







Need for speed Garmin MArQ driver the perfect watch for race car enthusiasts Story | PC Market

預載全球250條知名賽道,可設定專 屬賽道錶面。 Pre-loaded with more than 250 famous race tracks.

可隨時顯示總圈數及加總圈速等數據。 Anytime display adjustments for number of laps and total lap time.

同時具備電郵、信息等事項通知功能。 Notification function for email and text messages is included.


MARQ Driver內設多樣運動模式。 MARQ Driver includes other sport function measurements. 94

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Garmin高階手錶自然少不了光學式心率感應器。 Garmin premium watches include an optical heart rate sensor.

使用夾式充電器。 The clip-on charger.

Garmin今年為迎接三十周年,推出超高階智能手錶MARQ系列, 以高質用料及科學製錶等作賣點,為五項專業運動而設,今次測試的 是賽車手專屬版本MARQ Driver。

In celebration of its 30th anniversary, Garmin has unveiled the MARQ series, designed and engineered for auto-racing enthusiasts. The collection of tool watches was borne out of Garmin’s long-standing heritage in the aviation, automotive, marine, outdoor and sport markets.

MARQ系列以給專業級用戶使用為主,因此手錶用上高階物料及 製作方式。錶殼使用鈦金屬材質,錶圈則以石墨灰陶瓷類鑽碳處理, 46毫米錶面用上圓頂型藍寶石玻璃,非常耐磨耐刮,240×240解像度 的屏幕 使用穿透反射式(MIP)設計,猛烈陽光下亦可清晰觀看。MARQ Driver的錶帶非常特別,使用了混合材質設計,結合鈦金屬與賽車用紅 色矽膠,令車手在佩戴手錶落場競速時,感覺舒適。MARQ Driver包 裝盒同時內附多一條黑色矽膠錶帶供隨時更換。即使用上鈦金屬材質, 卻只重128克,十分輕巧。

專屬賽道錶面 既然是為車手而生,MARQ Driver當然有極之獨特的賣點,此 錶是唯一一款預載全球二百五十條知名賽道的賽車手錶,更可設定專 屬賽道錶面,絕對可幫助用戶落場實戰。內置自動計圈和即時速差功 能,也可顯示前次比賽資訊,以及檢視上一次比賽的最快圈速、總圈 數及加總圈速等數據。MARQ Driver同時內建多樣運動模式,預載包 括高爾夫球、游泳、跑步、騎自行車、登山健行、划船、滑雪等,可 記錄全程運動的多樣化數據。亦具備電郵、訊息等事項通知,內設音 樂儲存功能,還可與音樂串流服務同步,隨時收聽。 MARQ系列用料高質,MARQ Driver更是專為落場賽車的朋友而 設,功能豐富,只是價格高昂,值得與否便見仁見智了。

The MARQ Driver features a hybrid strap made with titanium and red rubber, which provides the right vibe and comfort for racing professionals. A black silicone version also comes as a replacement. The 46mm surface is made with sapphire glass for strength and resistance. To provide a clear 240x240 resolution screen, a transflective (MIP) design is used. And it weighs only 128 grams.

An AbunDAnce of TRAcks To enjoy Pre-loaded with more than 250 famous race tracks from around the world, the MARQ Driver is built for the car enthusiast with auto lap splits, live delta time and a track timer, which allows users to time cars and calculate their average speed. Whether hiking, hunting, trail running, mountain biking, golfing, diving or using satellite communication, Garmin outdoor devices are essential tools for outdoor enthusiasts of all levels. The watches feature an always-on, sunlight-readable display with GPs and premium smartwatch functionality. The latter includes built-in music storage, Garmin Pay, smart notifications and daily activity tracking, as well as a wrist-based heart rate and pulse oxygen sensor. The battery life of the MARQ series ranges from 12 days in smartwatch mode to 28 hours in GPs mode and up to 48 hours in ultraTrac mode. Premium features come with a premium price. It’s up to you, the race enthusiast, to decide.

連接 / Connection: Bluetooth BLE/ANT+ 支援系統 / Platform support: iOS/Android 屏幕 / Screen size, Resolution: 1.2 inch, 240×240 穿透反射式LCD / Screen type: LCD 記憶體 / Memory size: 32GB 體積 / Size: 46×46×14.7mm 重量 / Weight: 128g 其他功能 / Other features: GPS, Glonass, 10 ATM waterproof, Gyroscope, Barometric altimeter, Thermometer, Optical heart rate sensor, Map





Been There 關注星尚,緊貼潮流。潮人潮服,名貴新品,華麗派對,搶先預賞新刊以及讀者回饋活動, 盡在Instagram: @EliteGenMag。Hashtag #EliteGen,你的圖片更有機會登上《星尚》。 Discover inspiring images, new luxury products, the latest fashion and the swankiest parties. Readers are invited to hashtag us for a chance to get featured: #EliteGen. Watch out for sneak previews of future issues and giveaways, too.

What are you doing tonight? Staying in or going out? @esteelauder launches “The Night is Yours”, letting us customize our night time regimen to our own habits. Whether you want to perfect your look for a night out, or want to pamper yourself with a luxurious spa treatment for a cozy evening in, you will find inspiration to discover your most beautiful self. There is also a fun quiz to see if your lifestyle could be affecting the look of your skin. #做個睡寶寶

Canadian fashion designers recently showcased their vision of a future without breast cancer with original couture gowns crafted in Cashmere bathroom tissue. The 16th annual event, which has raised millions of dollars for the breast cancer cause, starred 16 Canadian fashion designers, each influenced by a different fashion legend, including @valentino, @givenchy, @dior and @balmain. Pictured are designs by (from left) Joan Kelley Walker, Chavah Lindsay and Sarah Runnalls. #btcouture #慈善時裝秀 96

E L I T E G E N. C A



Chanel’s “L’Esprit du Lion” High Jewellery collection made a short appearance in Toronto. The collection is inspired by a bronze lion sculpture sitting on the mantelpiece of Mademoiselle’s apartment on Rue Cambon in Paris. It’s not the first time the house has used the big cat as inspiration, but this time, it is drawing on its protective power, as seen with the majestic paw resting on a precious stone. We like its funky vibes: the chunky chains and sculptural designs have a decidedly modern twist. #獅子座的女孩

Are you getting your daily dose of Vitamin C? Celebrity dermatologist Dr. Dendy Engelman held a special session to present the new vitamin C ceramide capsules @elizabetharden. We are amazed at how these capsules are 178 times more potent than traditional vitamin C. We are so adding this to our skincare regime for brighter skin and to combat against the oxidising effect of pollution and stress. #VitCCaps #維他命C 抗氧膠囊

Dior’s massive two-level flagship store is finally open in Toronto, with 3,365 sq. ft. on its ground floor and an additional 10,029 sq. ft. upstairs. There are huge sections dedicated to men’s and women’s fashion, perfumes, footwear, jewellery and accessories. Of special note is that it is the first in the western hemisphere to feature the @dior home furnishings collection. #迪奧登陸多倫多

Our former cover girl @selenaleelalee #李施嬅sent us a photo postcard from #newyorkfashionweek! In addition to walking the runway for @luyangbyyanglu, she attended a few other shows and told us she had a great time in The Big Apple. #紐約時裝周

Winter is coming, but thanks to Robin Yates, cofounder @nobis, we see how we can keep toasty and look stylish at the same time. Key takeaway: add a touch of this season's densely pigmented colours by accessorizing with a cozy scarf. #這個冬天不怕冷

The new @marimekko #kioski street wear collection was launched @gravitypope in Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton and Calgary. The unisex ‘athleisure” line includes T-shirts, hoodies and sneakers. The signature Marimekko #unikko poppy print, around since 1964, has been a fashion symbol of strength, courage and faith in oneself, for more than five decades. #芬蘭國寶

Pretty in pink and for a good cause. I’m wearing a special pink sapphire #DYPinky ring from David Yurman in support of the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Since 2008, @davidyurman has partnered with @bcrfcure, dedicating a pink piece of jewellery each year. For 2019, there are six new styles, including the mini pave pinky ring with pink sapphires in 18k rose gold. There is also a bracelet, a necklace and more. Partial proceeds go to BCRF. #乳癌關注

Who's cuisine reigns supreme between Iron Chef Rob Feenie and challenger chef Ivana Raca (and her hungry to win young team)? Our food writer #reneesuen is a guest judge for #ironchefcanada @foodnetworkca, and we are so psyched to see her presiding with @dinnerwithjulie and chef Jonathan Cheung over #battlecheddar. #鐵人料理

HSBC held An Evening of the Unexpected at the Great Hall on Queen West to celebrate the new #HSBCPlusRewards. True to its name, the evening was full of surprises. The décor theme was, at first, Moroccan; then with the flick of the lights, we were suddenly transported to Paris, with a Moulin Rouge-style announcer. Not only did the backdrops change, the food, cocktails and entertainment did as well with every new theme. Particularly impressive was the last transport to Tokyo—the sudden appearance of Japanese food stalls behind what we thought were solid walls; so unexpected, you can hear the collective gasps. #一夜之間環遊世界 ELITEGEN




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