Oct 2019 EliteGen Vancouver

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OCTOBER 2019 Vol. 47 Vancouver

vancouver octoBer 2019

luxury living for canada's chinese elite


tiffany in shanghai


a sing tao puBlication

do-notdisturb beauty +r &r in new york city




fabulous fall outfits

SiSley is one Choi ‘tough cookie’ 蔡思貝 新•烈女正傳


Display until Oct 31, 2019


tr avel: loire valley châteaux

A sing tao publicAtion

luxury living for cAnAdA's chinese elite

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 黃敬強 Calvin Wong 副社長 Associate Publisher 葉子青 Leslie Yip

編輯部 editorial 編輯及美術總監 Editorial/Design Director 華艾朗 Alan A. Vernon 副總編輯 Deputy Editor-in-chief 胡君偉 Kelvin Wu 編輯 Editor 徐少玲 Iris Chui 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 卓穗良 Kannis Cheuk 編審 Copy Editor Ross Hopkins 編輯部 Editorial enquiries editorial@singtao.ca / 604-321-1111

參與 Contributors Grace Chan, Lorne Drury, Kenson Ho, Leila Kwok, Crystal Ng, Shuk Wa Tsang, Miranda Tsui, Emilia Ku Yazar, Iris Yim

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publisher’s letter

始於足下 Travel, Trends and Tiffany     秋高氣爽,不要辜負了紅葉。很多海外朋友都愛 在秋天造訪加國,為的就是感受漫山遍野、紅葉滿天 的詩意景象。近水樓台的我們又怎可錯過呢!     這樣的好天氣,除了想往郊外走,還希望將腳步 延伸至國外。因此,今期的旅遊推介格外豐富—只 能抽得幾日閒的話,可以考慮到紐約或是墨西哥古 城Cholula;但時間容許的話,我的首選絕對是拜訪 法國古堡。不要以為古堡都是千篇一律,月前我一口 氣造訪了法國六個古堡,置身其中,方知原來古堡也 是各有特色和氣質,經過歷史洗禮,歲月的痕跡反而 增添獨特吸引力。若是剛好在上海的話,便不要錯過 Tiffany  &  Co.現正於上海復星藝術中心舉辦的「匠心妙 藝—蒂芙尼180年創新藝術與鑽石珍品展」,欣賞品牌 逾300件傳奇珠寶和珍品傑作。     秋天已經來了,冬天還會遠嗎?面對日漸短夜漸 長的日子,更是要抖擻精神,以最佳狀態示人。在這 乍暖還寒的日子,最適宜富層次感的衣著,當然還有 時興的復古風衣飾,今期的時尚潮流專欄定可送上不 少靈感。     在此氣候交替時節,得好好保養我們的一張臉。 要事半功倍,便不能忽視睡前這重要時刻,選擇適合 的護膚品,配以相應產品,睡一覺好的,翌早起來自 會有煥發亮麗感覺。     今期的封面人物蔡思貝是2013年香港小姐亞軍, 外型亮麗自不待言,令人最深印象的反而是戲裏戲外 同樣「我自行我路」的鮮明性格。雖然出道以來機會不 斷,早期卻因高八度的聲線和稚嫩的演技而飽受劣 評,到近年才藉多個烈女角色得到觀眾認同,難得的 是她的努力為其他人帶來鼓勵,發覺以生命影響生命 原來是那樣快樂。閱讀她的故事,彷彿也感到那種不 懈的活力。

"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns." So wrote George Eliot (aka Mary Ann Evans) about her affection for fall. Though a favourite season for many to enjoy throughout Canada it’s also a great time to travel minus the madding crowds. So this issue we’ve beefed up our travel coverage: from R&R in the Big Apple and an Indiana Jones-style adventure to Cholula, Mexico to six handpicked châteaux in France’s Loire Valley by yours truly. And if you happen to be in Shanghai, Tiffany & Co.'s Vision & Virtuosity archival exhibition is a rare glimpse into the company's legendary 182 years. When you return from your adventure you will no doubt need to catch up on your beauty sleep. So we are happy to share with you our secret ammunition so you can reap maximum benefits: the most nutritious night creams, skintransforming overnight treatments, as well as accessories and gadgets for the snazziest snoozes. Though we could probably just ask our cover girl about her beauty secrets. The former Miss Hong Kong, Sisley Choi, it might be said, is a modern day Mary Ann Evans, an independent soul who refuses to be bound by social conventions. From her solo stint in New Zealand at a tender age to learning a new language and getting accepted by a university in Germany while an au pair, this “tough cookie” is certainly not your typical pageant queen. From Chambord and Chopard to Tiffany and top trends, your luxury lifestyle is in our hands. Thanks for picking up this issue. We hope you enjoy the read. Sincerely,

Leslie Yip Associate Publisher

facebook.com/LeslieYip Twitter & Instagram: leslieyip0911 8

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40 up front 6 團隊 Masthead


8 出版人的話 publisher's letter

14 dress code: on the red carpet

fashion 18-39 潮流特區 hiking up heMlines, layering trends and the return of retro celebrity 40 封面故事 蔡思貝 新 • 烈女正傳 cover girl: sisley choi

beauty & scents 46 睡個美容覺 do not disturb, gucci’s MéMoire d'une odeur jewellery 54 匠心妙藝 the tiffany archive timepieces 64 追求突破 bauMe & Mercier, chopard


26 26



fashion: men 68 tb王國 burberry, the slogan t lifestyle 76 奧委會新總部 architecture: olyMpic house

80 一喝鍾情 wine not: pinot noir 82 新派割烹料理 dining to tell: kappo cooking with a twist 86 旅遊 travel: french castles, rest & relaxation in new york city, cholula, Mexico automobiles 102 盛載賽車靈魂 alfa roMeo stelvio Quadrifoglio tech 106 意外驚喜 caMbridge audio MeloMania


108 been there: hobnobbing and schMoozing




Dress coDe

by Lily Lee


閃爍耀眼 regaL ruLes

街頭時尚 Leather LoVe

優雅氣質 ready to wear




Cherie Chung

Karena Lam

Fala Chen

鍾楚紅的露肩晚裝裙,剪裁凸顯到腰部線條,充滿 女人味,也令誇張的藍寶石鑽飾頸錬更搶眼,不覺 俗氣,反覺雍容華貴。

林嘉欣這身LV裝扮走街頭時尚風,oversized風褸配 長靴,一改平日略覺豐滿的感覺,很有潮人味道。

腹有詩書氣自華,陳法拉不但愈來愈有知性美,衣 著品味亦愈來愈高。簡約的白色通花連身裙,襯以 清爽馬尾,優雅且有氣質。

A strapless off-the-shoulder is always the right choice.

Punking it out on the red carpet.

The bias cut always shows off the right curves.

E L I T E G E N. C A



Dress coDe


黑絲美腿 boudoir beauty

腰位亮點 sporty spice

以上補下 it's a wrap




Karena Ng

Stephanie Au

Kay Tse

若沒有吳千語般的纖瘦身型,相信也很難駕馭此斜 膊開叉晚裝裙,特別是易顯胖的腰位皺摺設計,幸 好她襯以幼腰帶和黑絲襪,突出線條美。

歐鎧淳的紅白色chanel開襟上衣,配高腰牛仔褲和 白色球鞋,簡單搶眼;加上腰鏈和腰包,集型格時 尚於一身,充滿活力感。

謝安琪的西裝形連身裙,設計特別,剪裁有很多細 節,雖然下身看上去有點累贅,幸好有上身的V領作 平衡,依然討好。

Sleek and sexy in lingerie satin.

Dressed-down Chanel works for any occasion.

An obi sash gives this coat dress runway appeal.

E L I T E G E N. C A



fashion: women


short and sassy time to hike up those hemlines Story & Styling | Lucas Tang Photography | Sing Ho Model | Vladlena V.@Sun Esee Makeup | Christy Lam Hair | Roy Yan

Shirt dress, $3,100 Girdle, $960 Both Miu Miu Stockings, Gucci, $TBD


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Short dress, $11,700 Boots, $TBD Both Givenchy





fashion: women

Shirt, $375 Mini skirt, $1,495 Both Versace Boots, Miu Miu, $1,750 Coat, Kenzo, $TBD


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fashion: women

Dress, $2,740 Peacoat, $6,350 Boots, $2,350 Scarf, $680 All Louis Vuitton


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fashion: women

Dress, Ganni, $570 Boots, Prada, $1,035


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Dress, $2,775 Shoes, $TBD Both Versace Stockings, Miu Miu, $TBD





fashion: women


E L I T E G E N. C A




Flashback 懷舊復古風崔護重來,多款復 古元素,混合全新細節,重塑 出摩登型格呈現人前。

Retro chic with vintage details combine for a refreshed contemporary style Story | See So





fashion: women


Plaid & TarTan 要數復古風的頭號 代表,格紋圖案可謂當之 無愧,以不同形式的設計 出現於各大品牌。除了基 本的套裝穿搭,也有大 膽的格拼格、撞色、tone on tone等組合。

Plaids and tartans may go back centuries but they never cease to be classic or iconic.

aalto 28

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置 身 於 SUB-ZERO 及 WOLF的 陳 列 室 , 就 仿 如 佳 餚 美 食 當 前 , 牽 動 你的感官味蕾!

歡迎親臨切身感受,揀選合適你廚房的品味之列,無論是初試設施 以至大廚級的要求,定能令你的感官得到全新體驗!


BourgeoiS BaBe 來自七十年代的中產階級 典雅穿搭,成為了今個秋冬的 黑馬大熱風格,配搭簡潔大方 的印花連身裙、絲質襯衫、及 膝裙與西裝褸。著力於剛柔並 重的組合,如雪紡裙配硬朗長 靴,或是以蝴蝶結恤衫、甚至 bra top配筆挺西裝或大衣,營 造優雅復古風。

The middle-classes of the 1970s never had style so good. Sassy print dresses, silk blouses, knee-length skirts and tailored jackets paired with sturdy boots are all the rage.




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fashion: women Floral romance 設計師們今季為花卉換上暗黑的感 覺,運用較深沉的色調及抽象的形態,加 添了一種型格的時尚感。大量採用女性化 剪裁,連身裙更加是重點項目。既可加入 層次感的穿搭,也可配上同色調的單色或 不同大小的花卉圖案加強效果。

Flowery prints take on darker hues this season with dresses ruling the category.




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sies marjan


FluoreScenT Fun 挑戰感官與膽量的螢光色調,看似難以駕馭,但經設計師們稍 作調配,配搭上有更大彈性。除了是由頭到腳的穿搭,點綴式配襯 也是一大焦點,像Jacuqemus般較平和的tone on tone,或是以螢 光色配件作打扮亮點,加添活力風格。

colours that glow in the dark dare you and your sense of style. ELITEGEN




fashion: women



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& 層層疊


The layered look adds sophisticated structure and sumptuous style Story | E


Layered sLeeves 若嫌層次造型予人過熱的感覺,可改 以薄身質料作配搭,如以雪紡上衣加上薄 身短袖外套或衞衣,簡單又富層次感, 有豐富視覺的效果。

There are umpteen different types of sleeve silhouettes, but layering one over another will compound your street cred.






fashion: women skirTs over panTs 今季大熱的裙加褲穿法始於19世 紀的美國,1990年代流行起來,擁有 男性與女性共同的特質及街頭風格, 演繹層次穿搭,隨意又型格。

The hottest trend these days is donning a skirt over pants. although it started in the U.s. in the 19th century, its popularity has recently been reignited.




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The vesT jackeT 乍暖還寒的入秋時節,不妨考慮以背 心外套營造富變化的層次造型。Over-sized 背心外套改變造型輪廓,並加添型格個性。



stepping into the cooler fall season, the sleeveless jacket is the perfect item of clothing to wear over almost anything— whether a sweater, a T-shirt or even a coat.






fashion: women The TUrTLeneck 樽領上衣能加強溫暖感,露出的小領 也為造型加上層次感。除了經典的樽領針織 上衣,今季亦出現了喱士、加入閃線和圖案 的款式,如dior和chloé般加上雪紡、柯根 紗等裙子,優雅性感,充滿女性魅力。

a turtleneck not only adds warmth, but with its all-covering (and forgiving) collar, it provides the perfect undergarment for some stylish layering—in knit or in lace.





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doUbLe kniTs 不同粗幼、織法令針織衣服擁有多樣化 的質感,又能營造立體效果,雙重針織衣服的 配搭令造型更細膩和富質感。不妨加上腰帶顯 出腰線,流露自然不造作的時尚風格。

Layering myriad sweater weights and different types of knits are not only practical during the colder months but also fashion forward this season.






cover girl

Dress, Dolce & Gabbana, $3,850 40

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One tOugh cOOkie Bold and confident Sisley choi looks to transform her bad-girl persona with softer more feminine roles Story | Mike Lai Styling | Lucas Tang Photography | Kenji Leung Makeup | Henry Li Hair | Sue Cheung@Hair Corner K11

蔡思貝早已是娛樂版常客,緋聞上頭條也好, 參加馬拉松也好,good news or bad news,當藝 人曝光率最重要,她無疑絕對達標。拍劇短短5年時 間,已默默累積15部作品,密集式拍劇造就高人氣 之餘,硬淨、烈女角色亦早已與蔡思貝合而為一。 即將開拍的《使徒行者3》,佘詩曼因事未能回歸,觀 眾眼光自是落在同樣扮演臥底角色,演藝路途又與 佘詩曼有幾分相似的蔡思貝身上,看她如何演繹這 套屬於她的「新‧烈女正傳」。

Sisley Choi is on a path to superstardom. In just five years she’s appeared in 15 well-received TV dramas, her “tough cookie” roles generating plenty of exposure in entertainment and social media. In the upcoming Line Walker Series 3, actress Charmaine Sheh is gone so all eyes will be on Choi’s undercover character and the savage plotline.

Dress, COS, $220





cover girl

蔡思貝的大長腿加上深刻輪廓的五官,雖然並非 傳統大美女型,但在眾多倒模式人工美女堆中的確很顯 眼。這份獨特性讓她早早跑出,當選香港小姐後兩個月 即接拍《八卦神探》,由單元劇角色開始,首次拍劇角色 已經直接跳過跑龍套、路人甲階段。「我真的很幸運, 當時正值TVB缺人,所以機會比別人來得早。我覺得自 己不是傳統電視上出現的女演員模樣,並非小家碧玉 型,沒有嬌滴滴感覺,感覺高頭大馬,亦正因如此,可 塑性與新鮮感相對較大,沒有框框掣肘下,適合的角色 也比較多。」蔡思貝自言沒有包袱,加上不是學院派出 身,半途出家更要博到盡,證明其女演員實力。「監製 找我演《踩過界》的趙正妹『癲姐』一角,明知道造型大哨 牙,名副其實的「醜」角,我也沒所謂。又例如接拍《機場 特警》,劇組要求剪超短髮,我二話不說把留了三年的 長髮直接剷青。」 雖然短髮、爽朗形象深入人心,她偏偏喜歡嘗試 新造型,在拍攝空檔期駁了一把長長的頭髮。「我覺得 當演員是一個不斷自我發掘的過程,不停留、一直進步 很重要。短髮維持了一段時間,加上一連幾套劇集《鐵 探》、《機場特警》、《PTU》也是演警察,所以想突破一 下,嘗試超長髮造型,看看能否激發起自己其他特別氣 質,演出新角色會不會有新火花。」新造型亮相後,毁譽 參半,既有網民大讚有女人味,亦有粉絲鍾情個性型清 爽短髮。「好與壞都不打緊,最重要是作出嘗試。」

烈女不怕死 蔡思貝這種豁出去的個性並非形象工程,而是自小 養成的硬淨不怕死底氣。她13歲獨個兒離家到新西蘭讀 書,孤身一人在距離市中心4小時的小鎮生活,沒有哭 到肝腸寸斷,反而感到無比自由,光速投入學校生活— 打netball、參加越野長跑、舞台劇、合唱團……。18歲 中學畢業,沒有跟大隊申請入大學,卻毅然決定到德國 參加文化交流計劃,寄住德國家庭當保母,一做就是兩 年;從一句德文也不懂至後來考入德國海德堡大學,是 非一般的生涯規劃。 大學第一年,為滿足表演慾,打算趁暑假回香港報 讀演藝學院短期課程,只因貪圖免費機票,於是「順道」 報名參加香港小姐選舉,結果是另一「無心插柳柳成蔭」 的故事,蔡思貝順利當選亞軍,入行後一直留港發展, 所有家當還留在德國。 然而,她嚮往當個柔弱的女人。「雖然我外形很硬 朗、性格也很大開大合,但自覺心深處還是藏著一份女 性的柔情、很感性的一面,所以很想有機會演柔弱一點 的角色。最近很想演老師,在德國時做了兩年保母,我 覺得自己跟小朋友、年輕人建立了某種連結,春風化雨 的工作也很感性,希望藉著角色表現我女性化的一面。」


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“I was really lucky,” says Choi. “During that time,TVB needed fresh blood in their drama series, so the opportunity came a lot sooner than I expected. My frame is relatively large compared to other actresses, so it was easier to cast me into tougher character roles.” Although she didn’t have much formal training as an actress, she took it as an advantage and felt free to experiment. “The producer of Legal Mavericks asked me to pursue the character Chiu Ching-Mui with a pair of tooth whistles (pronouncing C’s and S’s with a highpitched tooth-whistling noise), and I was completely fine with it. Another character in Airport Security Unit required me to cut off my pony tail of three years to become a skinhead. “I was a police officer in The Defected, Airport Strikers and PTU with a similar appearance,” she says. “As an actor, I believe in constant improvement and evolution, so I decided to try a different [more feminine] style to explore other casting possibilities.” There have been mixed reviews for that gutsy decision. Some praise her for being more feminine, but her diehard fans remain loyal to her bad-girl image. “Regardless,” Choi insists, “the experience has been worth it.”

FeARleSS ADoleSCenT Choi was independent from a very young age. At 13, she flew from Hong Kong to new Zealand by herself to go to high school. She embraced her love of freedom and very quickly adapted to her new environment, participating in netball, cross-country running, theatre and the school choir. After graduating at 18, she opted not to go straight to university. Instead, she joined a cultural exchange program, moved to Germany and became an au pair. She didn’t know a word of German at the time, yet she was admitted to the University of Heidelberg in BadenWürttemberg two years later. During her freshman year, in order to satisfy her craving for acting, Choi decided to register in a summer acting course at The Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts. And only because of a free airline ticket, she decided to enter the Miss Hong Kong pageant as well, which provided the perks she needed. And, of course, as they say, the rest is history. That being said, Choi says she now wants a role where she gets to explore her more feminine side. “Recently, I decided I want a role as a teacher,” she says. “I was a nanny in Germany for two years, so I have a special connection with children and teenagers. I want to express my tenderness and sensual side through the camera lens.”

Dress, Dolce & Gabbana, $4,000 ELITEGEN




cover girl

所有機會都是好機會 被定型是演員的死胡同,自言尚在新人 階段的蔡思貝卻處之泰然。「我很明白這是一 個無可避免的過程,既然先天條件與過往的 角色令觀眾對我建立了一個深刻的印象,應 該很感恩和珍惜。我愛新鮮,但又覺得演員 建立形象很重要,作為新人,所有機會都是 好機會。現階段我能做的是,利用時間與作 品感動觀眾,到終有一天得到肯定時,就能 超脫外形的枷鎖。」 曾幾何時因演戲高八度的聲線而被嘲 「高分貝」的蔡思貝,演技飽受劣評,直至「癲 姐」及《鐵探》中的阿Jill一角才翻盤成功,一吐 烏氣。回首前事,她也一樣感恩,還曉得自 嘲:「如果一出道就懂得演戲,也未免太沒有 進步空間了吧!我還是很珍惜當初的青澀、 純粹,覺得是演員生涯中很重要的歷程。因 為當初的差異,造就了現在的眼前一亮,感 覺更有驚喜。最近有人跟我說,『蔡思貝給了 我很大鼓勵,當初她被人批評得一無是處, 現在憑努力證明了自己。』我覺得很感動,能 做到以生命影響生命,帶給別人力量,其實 是一件很快樂的事。」

neVeR MISS An oPPoRTUnITy Choi chose to “keep calm and carry on” when it was suggested that perhaps she had become typecast. “I understand that this is an inevitable process,” she admits. “I should be grateful and cherish the image that I have established with my fans and the audience. However, I will embrace every single opportunity I come across in order not to be stereotyped. I will not only dress to impress, but indeed act to impress my audience and show my versatility.” At one time, Choi’s high-pitched voice and acting skills came under criticism, but her turnaround came with her role as Jill in The Defected. Reflecting on earlier roles, Choi has taken things in stride. “There are no naturalborn actors, and there is always room for improvement,” she says. “I was green and naïve. now I hope I will rise and shine. Someone said to me lately, ‘you gave me a lot of motivation and encouragement. you showed me that with a hard-working attitude you can disprove all negative criticism.’ I was touched. “It is a pleasure to feel the empowerment of others through your own efforts.”

Vest, $9,500 Pants, $4,100 Both Giorgio Armani Bracelet, John Hardy, $3,650 44

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the Beauty pages


Beauty Sleep Story | Leslie Yip 隨著晝漸短夜變長,聖誕鐘聲彷彿穩約可聞,十月正是檢視睡前肌膚保 養的好時機。 With shorter days, longer nights and the holiday season just around the corner, October is a good time to revisit some evening beauty rituals.

夜間治療 原來有些產品會在你憩睡的時 候釋放魔力—

OVERNIGHT TREATMENTS Let these leave-on treatments work their magic while you drift into dreamland.


111SKIn 從臨床胚層療法獲取靈感的凝膠面膜, 配方與皮膚細胞更新周期有協同作用,夜間 使用過後,翌早即發覺皮膚回復豐滿水潤, 煥發活力膚色。

ySL 此抗老化面膜能加強皮膚自然的夜間修 復程序,所含的獨有GFC複合成分,在妳憩 睡期間,能迅速紓緩皮膚,輕柔地去除角質 死皮,可每周用附帶的花瓣掃按摩臉部多達3 次。

enhancing skin’s natural nighttime recovery process, this anti-aging mask is infused with the exclusive GFc complex™, offering instant comfort and gentle exfoliation to the skin while you sleep. Massage the skin with the petal brush up to three times a week. Yves Saint Laurent Or Rouge Mask-in-Crème, 50 ml | $300


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this gel treatment mask takes inspiration from in-clinic mesotherapy to provide a moisture-boosting, complexion-plumping treatment. the formula works in synergy with the skin cell renewal cycle to efficiently restore skin overnight. Wake up to plump, hydrated skin and a revitalized complexion. 111SKIN Meso Infusion Overnight Clinical Mask, 75ml | $275

一夜之間暗啞變光亮,蘊含15種植物提 煉酸的AHA/BHA去皮乳液,改善皮膚組織, 收縮毛孔、抑制幼紋和黑斑,不刺激也不會 過於乾燥。乙二醇、乳液及蘋果酸能去掉導 致暗啞的表皮細胞,透明酸及脂肪酸則紓緩 及滋養肌膚,令其亮白年青。

Goodnight, dullness. Hello, morning glow. Formulated with 15 botanically-derived acids, this leave-on aHa/BHa peel improves skin texture and minimizes the appearance of pores, fine lines and dark spots without irritation or over-drying. Glycolic, lactic and malic acids clear away dull surface skin cells, while hyaluronic acid and essential fatty acids soothe and nourish to reveal a brighter, more youthful-looking complexion. Beautycounter Overnight Resurfacing Peel, 30ml | $79

erno LaSzLo

neoStrata 適合每周使用的夜間深層去角質棉片, 含高達0.3%穩定純維他命A,能有效消褪深 刻皺紋,令肌膚回復平滑緊緻,一個療程為3 個月,獨立包裝,便於使用及攜帶。

SISLey 具有紓緩及恢復功能的面膜,用藏紅花 精華萃取,富含各種有利於皮膚的維他命, 對抗炎症、抗氧化並殺菌,每周一或兩次代 替正常護膚品使用,能幫助乾燥皮膚在一夜 間補足滋潤。

this soothing and restorative sleeping mask features saffron flowers, which contain many vitamins beneficial to the skin. It is antiinflammatory, antioxidant and antifungal. When used in lieu of regular skincare once or twice a week, it helps replenish dry skin overnight.

this intensive weekly, leave-on overnight peel delivers stabilizing retinol to help reduce the look of deep wrinkles, while smoothing and visibly firming the skin. one course of treatment is three months, and each peel pad comes individually wrapped to make application easy and perfect for travel.

面膜採用根據美國太空總署科技研發的 無重記憶凝膠質地,恢復皮膚彈性並提供承 托,令皮膚一夜重獲彈性,巨藻精華含有豐 富奧米加3、6和9,加上脂肪酸,提升皮膚 彈性和膠原,回復青春緊緻,仙人掌果精華 能保護滋養皮膚,令肌膚柔軟。

this multi-sensorial mask has a naSainspired weightless memory gel texture that bounces back and cushions the skin to restore elasticity overnight. Winged kelp extract, rich in omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids, boosts elastin and collagen for youthful firmness, while an extract of prickly pear preserves vital moisture and softens the skin. Erno Laszlo Hydra-Therapy Memory Sleep Mask, 40ml | $124

Neostrata Retinol 0.3% Overnight Peel, 12 pads | $80

Sisley Paris Velvet Sleeping Mask With Saffron Flowers, 60ml | $175





the Beauty pages

晚霜 入夜了,終於可以遠離環境污染物和 各樣身心壓力,是好好呵護肌膚的重 要時刻。

NIGHT CREAMS Finally free from environmental pollutants and physiological stressors, nighttime is prime time for pampering your skin.

LancôMe 質感介乎凝膠和油之間的晚間潤膚霜, 有效滋養肌膚,改善肌膚組織及收細毛孔, 令皮膚變得幼滑、柔軟、有彈性。不油不黏 的配方,包含高濃度的甘油、神經酰胺及包 括犬薔薇果油等4種草本精油,最是適合於夜 間修復肌膚。

eLIzaBetH arDen 這種乾油精華素將兩種超強成分合進一 個小囊,動力特強又超級穩定的維他命C, 美白能力比傳統的維他命C強178倍,神經酰 胺有助皮膚防止水分流失,延續年青光采。 二者相輔相成,令肌膚明顯變得亮麗,對抗 色素沉澱,減少光線對皮膚造成的傷害。

DIor 科學研究顯示睡眠質量欠佳會導致輕微 炎症,影響肌膚夜間重生,從而加速老化。 這種花蜜在夜間緩慢釋放de Granville玫瑰初 蕾的活力能量,抑制炎症,促進膠原產生, 加強皮膚抵抗力。

Scientific research has shown that poor sleep quality can trigger micro-inflammations, which will disturb nocturnal regeneration of delicate skin and speed up the ageing process. this nectar slowly releases the vital energy of the first buds of the rose de Granville over the course of the night, suppressing micro-inflammation and boosting collagen production for more resistant skin. Dior Prestige Le Nectar de Nuit, 30ml | $550, available this Fall/Winter


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this dry oil serum combines two powerhouse ingredients in one capsule: a supercharged ultra-stable Vitamin c that is 178 times more potent than traditional vitamin c for brightening, and ceramides to protect the skin from moisture loss and to prolong a youthful glow. together, they visibly help brighten, fight hyper-pigmentation and protect skin from free-radical damage. Elizabeth Arden Vitamin C Ceramide Capsules Radiance Renewal Serum, 60 capsules | $106

a gel-to-oil nighttime moisturizer visibly nourishes skin while refining texture and pores for skin that is smoother, softer and bouncy. this non-greasy, non-sticky formula includes a high concentration of glycerin, ceramides and four plant-based oils (including rosa canina fruit oil) to work at an optimal level during skin’s nightly repair cycle. Lancôme's Visionnaire Nuit Beauty Sleep Perfector, 50ml | $115


VIcHy Minéral 89既不是精華素也不是爽膚 水,而是用於兩者之間,能強化肌膚能力。 當中89%為Vichy礦物熱化水,蘊含15種重要 礦物質及透明質酸,為肌膚提供水分。此特 別配方能加強皮膚防禦功能,應付日常環境 中包括因天氣、壓力、倦怠及污染等帶來的 影響,確保自然健康光澤。

neither serum nor moisturizer, Minéral 89 is a booster to be used after toner and before serum in order to give your skin a daily dose of strength. Minéral 89 is a powerful concentration of 89 per cent Vichy Mineralizing thermal Water, which contains 15 essential minerals, and hyaluronic acid, which hydrates the skin. the formula is perfect for protecting against daily aggressors, such as weather, stress, fatigue and pollution. It fortifies the skin barrier to protect a natural, healthy glow.

由8種透明質酸合成的晚霜,憩睡中為 肌膚提供深層持久的補水滋潤,減少面部皺 紋及防止彈性流失。4種級別適合不同層次 需要:第1級對付皮膚早期幼紋,恢復肌膚豐 潤,第4級適用於明顯鬆弛肌膚及較深的皺 紋。

Formulated with a blend of eight potent hyaluronic acids, this night cream provides intense and lasting hydration while simultaneously reducing the appearance of facial creases and loss of volume while you sleep. It is available in four different grades for different level of needs: Grade 1 combats early onset of fine lines and recovers the skin’s former plumpness, while Grade 4 is recommended for evident signs of relaxed and sagging skin, as well as deep wrinkles. Fillerina Night Cream Grade 1 to 4, 50ml | $150 - $200

Vichy Minéral 89, 50ml | $39.95

eStée LauDer 舟車勞頓、季節轉換和生活壓力等均 會刺激皮膚,導致紅斑和缺水。全新救護肌 膚的治療方法,是利用獨家專利的夜間肌膚 修護科技Chronolux,短短1小時即可紓緩皮 膚所受的刺激,提供24小時滋潤及抗氧化保 護。感覺肌膚不在狀態的話,在晚上護膚程 序中添加此醇和的凝膠狀乳液,只需於修護 精華後塗抹,可以連續數天使用,每月一周 或季節更替時連用數周,又或是按需要使用。

oMoroVIcza 這來自布達佩斯的晚霜,能滋養加強肌 膚。榛果肽成分可減少幼紋和皺紋的出現, 甘笋油富含維他命A,可促進膠原產生,獨 特的治療精華將礦物質帶到皮膚深層,使之 更緊緻、柔滑、年青。產品適用於所有膚質。

this cult buttery night cream from Budapest plumps and firms the skin to minimize the appearance of fine lines and winkles with hazelnut peptide. carrot oil (rich in pro-vitamin a), boosts the production of collagen, while a proprietary healing concentrate delivers minerals deep into the skin for a firmer, more supple and younger look. Suitable for all skin types.

Frequent travel, seasonal changes and major life events can cause irritation, redness and dehydration. this new rescue-andreset treatment features chronolux S.o.S. technology that reduces the look of skin irritation in just one hour and immerses skin in 24-hour hydration and advanced antioxidants. this velvety gel emulsion can be added to your nighttime regimen any time the skin is acting up, whether for a few days in a row, one week a month, for a few weeks when seasons change, or more frequently as needed. Estée Lauder Advanced Night Repair Reset Concentrate, 20ml | $100

Omorovicza Rejuvenating Night Cream, 50 ml | $325 ELITEGEN




the Beauty pages

請勿打擾 以香氛、絲滑軟枕、高科技應用程式 和耳機,隔絕世界紛擾。

DO NOT DISTuRb Shut off the world with the dreamiest of scents, the silkiest of pillows and some high-tech apps and headphones.

Deep SLeep 這款全球暢銷的噴霧,是最佳的安眠良 方,混合薰衣草、甘菊及香根草,徹底紓緩 身心,減低影響睡眠的精神緊張,改善睡眠 質量。

this international best-seller is a super blend of fast-acting natural sleep remedies, including lavender, chamomile and vetiver. It calms both mind and body to reduce sleepassociated anxiety and improve sleep quality. This Works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray, 75ml | $34

ByreDo 法國人手製造的蠟燭,帶出潔淨床單的 香氣,頂調是藍菊,中底調有阿麻、白雪松 和甜麝香。

the scent of crisp, clean cotton sheets in a candle. Handmade in France, it has top notes of blue chamomile built upon layers of linen, white cedarwood and sweet musk. Byredo Cotton Poplin Candle, 240g | $120

tHunDerSpace 利用智能手機,製造真實的雷暴聲音, 讓人徐徐安睡,應用程式採用3D音響效果, 也可以與手機等設備的電筒同步,製造閃電 效果。

Drift off to a most realistic thunderstorm experience with your smartphone. this app comes with 3D audio and can synchronize your device’s flash to simulate lightning for the full effect. Thunderspace by Franz Bruckhoff app, $3.99


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BaStIDe 香氣源自普羅旺斯薰衣草,這種香薰蠟 燭由薰衣草、小蒼蘭的花香,帶出杏花、紫 丁香的淡香,伴隨著蜂蜜和樹木的清新。

Inspired by provence lavender honey, this candle’s floral notes of lavender and freesia dreamily transition to almond flower, lilac and a dry down of honey and blond woods. Bastide Miel de Lavande Candle 190g | $85

nurSe JaMIe 這種創新抗皺枕頭的特點是U型設計、絲 緞面料,承托臉和頸部,改善睡眠質量,減少 臉部因為側睡形成的睡眠紋,既適合家居使 用,亦方便出遊攜帶。

SLIp 這款非一般的睡眠眼罩,採用最高品 質的長條桑蠶絲製成,內、外層均以純絲製 造,包括夾層、襯裡和包絲的橡筋帶,過去 十年不斷改良設計,達至光滑、厚實和耐用。

this specially-commissioned sleep mask is crafted from the highest grade (6a) longfibre mulberry silk and is pure silk inside and out, including its filler, liner and silkcovered elastic band. the design has been developed and refined over 10 years to provide the ultimate combination of shine, thickness and durability. 'Slipsilk' Pure Silk Sleep Mask, $69.61

an innovative anti-wrinkle pillow that has a unique u-shape design to cradle the face and neck with a silky, satin finish. It improves the quality of your rest and helps minimize sleep lines that can be etched into the skin from side-sleeping. perfect for at-home use, yet small enough for travel. Nurse Jamie Beauty Bear Age Delay Pillow, $89

BoSe 特別為睡眠設計的耳機,沒有導入音樂 或者靜音功能,而是用預先載入的柔和聲音 掩蓋雜音,令人保持憩睡,3種尺寸的耳塞, 確保佩戴舒適。

uniquely designed for sleep, these earbuds neither stream music nor have acoustic noise cancellation. Instead, they use pre-loaded, soothing sounds to cover up unwanted noises, allowing you to get to sleep and stay asleep. three eartip-size options for an ultracomfortable fit. Bose Noise-Making Sleepbuds, $329.99

KoKoon 這款耳機無論從設計至技術均與眾不 同,電子零件放置在頭帶位置,令耳機部分 變得特別輕薄,即使側睡也完全不受影響, 特別設計的空氣循環系統可減少熱力和潮 濕,但不影響音質。配合專門的應用程式, 可播放柔和聲音、音樂及冥想指導,連接內 置的EGG系統,經智能調校入睡過程的音量 及聲音均衡。

these cult headphones set themselves apart by design and technology. the electronics have been relocated to the headband, so the actual headphones have a very thin profile—great for side-sleepers. a special air circulation system reduces heat and moisture while maintaining the acoustic seal. a dedicated app lets you play soothing sounds, music and guided meditation, and it links with the built-in eeG system to intelligently adjust your audio volume and equalization as you fall asleep. Kokoon Light EEG Headphones, $429.99






品牌邀請Harry Styles帶領了包括設計師、音樂家 及模特兒等,在羅馬附近的Canale Monterano廢 墟及中世紀古堡Montecalvello拍攝宣傳片。 Harry Styles leads a cast of designers, musicians and models to film the campaign video in the outskirts of Rome, the sun-kissed ruins of Canale Monterano and at the medieval Montecalvello Castle. Gucci Mémoire d’Une Odeur, 100ml | $138 52

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Mineral aroMatic

transcending gender and time, Gucci’s Mémoire d'Une odeur blends roman chamomile with indian coral jasmine to establish a new category of fragrance Story | Leslie Yip

眾所周知,嗅覺跟大腦中的記憶及情感有著十分密切的聯繫。香味能喚醒記憶及 情緒,同一種香氣在不同人身上會誘發截然不同的情感。 當Gucci研製出香水Mémoire d’une Odeur時,我感到十分好奇。香水的法文名字 意思為「嗅覺的記憶」。但回憶本就是屬於個人的,單一種香氣怎麼可能喚醒所有人的回 憶? 答案就是羅馬西洋甘菊。生機旺盛的羅馬西洋甘菊散發出翠綠的幽香,自16世紀 已栽種於羅馬各處。調香師Alberto Morillas原本對設計師Alessandro Michele的選擇感 到疑惑,直至他接觸到羅馬西洋甘菊後才驚為天人。他說︰「洋甘菊無人不識。每個人 在不同的場合都曾嗅過其香氣,或在夢中,或是童年回憶,是一種永恆的香氣,但從 來沒有人把它加入香水之中。」結果,這種平凡但舒心的香氣便成為我們所有人回憶的 根基。 印弟安夜花為香水帶來蜜甜及橙香的芬芳,而麝香、雪松及檀香的木香則組建成 基調。這款輕盈的香水男女適用,並打破時間及地域限制,品牌把這全新的香水名為 「礦物芳香」。 復古的瓶身設計令人聯想起古代建築物的柱石。同色的盒子飾以星星圖案,靈感 來自中世紀及文藝復興時期羅馬及哥德教堂的油畫,象徵滿天星光把大地照耀起來。

It is a well-known fact that the sense of smell is closely linked to the memory and emotion centre of our brain. That is why certain scents can conjure up vivid memories and sentiments of the past. It is a very personal experience, and the same scent could trigger very different emotions in different people. Which is why it is intriguing that Gucci created Mémoire d’une Odeur. The name translates to “memory of a scent”—but how can one scent evoke a memory or emotional response from everyone? How do you give a private experience universal appeal? The answer lies in Roman chamomile. This hearty plant with a green aromatic scent has been grown around Rome in terraced gardens since the 16th century. Perfumer Alberto Morillas was initially puzzled by Alessandro Michele’s choice of the flower, until he started to work with the scent of chamomile itself. “No one had done it before,” he says. “Chamomile is known all over the world. Everyone has smelled it at some point, but as a dream, a memory of childhood, something timeless, and never in a fragrance.” Thus, this seemingly common yet comforting scent becomes the basis of memory for all of us. Indian coral jasmine adds a honeyed and orangey heart, while a rhythm of musks and iconic woods like cedar and sandalwood provide structure. The result is a new category of fragrance—the airy scent is neither feminine nor masculine, and seems to transcend time and place—coined as “mineral aromatic”. It is packaged in a vintage-looking bottle that resembles the columns of ancient architecture. The same-coloured box is adorned with celestial firmaments inspired by the paintings of Roman and Gothic churches of the Middle Ages and the European Renaissance, symbolizing a starry night sky and the earthly world that gazes up at it.





Jewellery: Tiffany


VISION & VIRTUOSITY An exhibition celebrating 182 years of artistry and exceptional diamonds at Tiffany Story | Alan A. Vernon 世界著名珠寶與腕錶品牌Tiffany & Co.在上海復星藝術中 心舉辦的「匠心妙藝—蒂芙尼182年創新藝術與鑽石珍品展」, 逾300件凝聚匠心、彰顯妙藝的傳奇珠寶和珍品傑作悉數亮 相。 蒂芙尼以傳奇的設計風格和鑽石權威的聲譽而享譽國 際,這一切均始於1837年蒂芙尼創始人Charles Lewis Tiffany 在紐約開設文具及精品商店時的遠見卓識。 「匠心妙藝—蒂 芙尼180年創新藝術與鑽石珍品展」,回溯蒂芙尼非比尋常的 傳奇篇章,探尋蒂芙尼深厚的藝術底蘊及經典佳作,一探品 牌對未來的願景,致敬過去,期冀未來。正如蒂芙尼首席執 行官Alessandro Bogliolo所說︰「自1837年,蒂芙尼創始人 Charles Lewis Tiffany於紐約創辦蒂芙尼以來,即以巧奪天 工的技藝和銳意創新的設計享負盛名。今次的展覽旨在致敬 蒂芙尼悠久的品牌傳承。匠心和妙藝是蒂芙尼的核心品牌價 值,展覽將生動呈現品牌的至臻魅力。」 品牌的首席藝術官Reed Krakoff也表示︰「蒂芙尼的檔 案猶如一個寶藏,為我們提供無盡的靈感,啟發不少創作意 念,成就今天許多傑出作品。透過今次展覽,我們既向過往 歷史致敬,同時也展示工藝高超的珍品不但美麗,更擁有永 恆的光輝。」 「匠心妙藝」展覽以六大篇章展示品牌至臻魅力,呈現蒂 芙尼非凡設計和卓絕工藝的悠久傳承,綻放蒂芙尼超越182年 的璀璨風華。


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An exhibition in Shanghai, China is celebrating the legendary jeweller Tiffany’s greatest creative masterpieces. The first of its kind for Tiffany, Vision & Virtuosity was conceived as a journey through history, an exploration of Tiffany’s brand codes and a glimpse of what’s to come. It’s an immersive view into the acclaimed house that honours its past while revealing the importance of this unique history to the present. Shanghai, a global capital with a rich cultural heritage and international influence, is a fitting destination for an exhibition of this calibre. “Vision & Virtuosity is a tribute to Tiffany & Co., which has stood for masterful craftsmanship and innovative design since Charles Lewis Tiffany founded his company in New York City in 1837,” says Alessandro Bogliolo, chief executive officer, Tiffany & Co. “These two values—vision and virtuosity—lie at the heart of Tiffany & Co. and this exhibition represents the best of our brand.” “Vision & Virtuosity” transports visitors to an imaginative world that showcases the most important objects from the Tiffany archives. The exhibition’s installations contextualize the brand’s trailblazing moments, documenting the numerous “Tiffany firsts” such as the introduction of the modern engagement ring, the Tiffany Setting. “There are many incredible objects in the Tiffany archives that we draw inspiration from and we are constantly finding ways to reinvent and reinterpret them for our designs today,” says Reed Krakoff, chief artistic officer, Tiffany & Co. “With this exhibition, we honour the past and show how beauty and masterful craftsmanship are timeless and always relevant.” The thematic journey takes visitors through six chapters devoted to Tiffany & Co.’s longstanding history of excellence in design and craftsmanship.

蒂芙尼鑽石 蒂芙尼與鑽石的不解之緣始於1848年,創始人Charles Lewis Tiffany將至臻瑰麗寶石引入美國,瞬即風靡美國,他亦 因而贏得「鑽石之王」的美譽。觀眾可在展區領略蒂芙尼史上 珍貴而具代表性鑽石的閃耀魅力。享譽盛名的蒂芙尼傳奇黃 鑽「The Tiffany Diamond」,堪稱是此次展覽的點睛之筆。這 顆珍罕黃鑽重達128.54克拉 (下圖),成為蒂芙尼珠寶系列的 開山之作,亦是是世界上最重要的寶石之一。

DIAmoNDS: mIRACLeS of NATuRe Visitors at the exhibit are invited to discover Tiffany’s most treasured and important diamonds. Diamonds: miracles of Nature pays tribute to Tiffany’s diamond authority through the ages, from the Gilded Age and Art Deco periods to contemporary designs. The exhibition culminates with the crowning jewel of Tiffany—the Tiffany Diamond. This 128.54-carat fancy yellow diamond (pictured below), which has long been a source of inspiration and a starting point for jewellery collections at Tiffany, is unequivocally one of the most important gemstones in the world.





Jewellery: Tiffany

伊莉莎白泰萊配戴的是蒂芙尼Schlumberger Fleur de Mer 藍寶石和鑽石襟針(見下圖)。 Hollywood icon Elizabeth Taylor wears the Tiffany & Co. Schlumberger Fleur de Mer brooch (enlarged below) in platinum and 18k gold with diamonds and sapphires.

夢想之藍 蒂芙尼藍(Tiffany Blue,也被稱作知更鳥蛋藍色),是夢想 的代表色。展區別具匠心地甄選蒙大拿藍寶石、坦桑石等珍貴 的藍色寶石典藏作品,以致敬蒂芙尼在發掘與運用彩色寶石方 面的悠久傳承。值得一提的是,呈現深邃湛藍又帶有高貴紫色 色澤的坦桑石,是由蒂芙尼在1968年推出於世。

BLue IS The CoLouR of DReAmS The robin’s-egg Tiffany Blue takes center stage in this part of the exhibit, which highlights the iconic colour used in Tiffany jewellery, branding and its important presence as a cultural icon.


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創想世界 在超越180年的傳奇歷程中,蒂芙 尼在諸多世界經典影視、音樂、文學作 品中,亦留下曼妙身影。展區呈現蒂芙 尼在影視、音樂、文學界的經典魅力形 象,及在流行文化領域的廣泛影響力。 透過品牌藍色禮盒的演變歷程、紐約第 五大道旗艦店的傳奇故事、曾佩戴過其 珠寶的名流雅士軼事,感受蒂芙尼珠寶 所傳遞的歡愉,重歷一幕幕經典的動人 場景。

The WoRLD of TIffANY A visual testament to the breadth of Tiffany’s representation in popular culture, The World of Tiffany installation showcases Tiffany’s iconic influence in film, television, music and literature. This exhibition space highlights the evolution of the Tiffany Blue Box, the construction of the Fifth Avenue flagship store in New York City, influential figures who have donned Tiffany jewels and other definitive moments that have positioned Tiffany as a destination that creates joy through its inspiring designs.

柯德莉夏萍在電影 《珠光寶氣》 中著名一幕,便是拍於蒂芙 尼紐約第五大道旗鑑店門外。 Audrey Hepburn in the classic film Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Blue Book高級珠寶 蒂芙尼Blue Book高級珠寶目錄冊,收錄了世間瑰麗非 凡、獨具匠心的珠寶與珍品傑作。展區展品包羅萬象,包 括︰1845年推出的首本Blue Book高級珠寶目錄(圖左,美 國歷史上第一本郵購目錄)中的各種絕美珠寶,以及設計師 Jean Schlumberger和Elsa Peretti為蒂芙尼設計的傑作;還 收錄了由現任首席藝術官Reed Krakoff打造的珠寶臻品。

The TIffANY BLue BooK Visitors to the exhibition will discover the innovation and artistry behind the high jewellery pieces that define the Blue Book collections. This room presents everything from the original 1845 Blue Book (pictured left), the united States’ first mail-order catalogue, to the transcendent works of Jean Schlumberger and elsa Peretti. This room tells the story of the design evolution and the craftsmanship that have informed Tiffany’s inventiveness for nearly two centuries.





Jewellery: Tiffany

蒂芙尼的早餐 電影《蒂芙尼的早餐》(又名《珠光寶 氣》)中,柯德莉夏萍(Audrey Hepburn) 飾演的女主角駐足於蒂芙尼紐約第五大 道旗艦店的櫥窗前,久久徘徊,這一幕 亦成為20世紀美國電影史上最具標誌性 的畫面之一。展區甄選一系列與這部影 片有關的珍貴展品,其中包括她親筆書 寫注釋的劇本(上圖)、以及電影於紐約 第五大道旗艦店拍攝時的幕後花絮等。

Breakfast at tiffany’s No other film has had such a profound role in cementing Tiffany’s allure in popular culture than Breakfast at tiffany’s. This chapter takes visitors behind the scenes of the film with its curation of exclusive objects such as the original script (pictured top) with Audrey hepburn’s personal annotations and behind-the-scenes photos at the fifth Avenue flagship store.


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蒂芙尼‧愛 1886年,蒂芙尼第一款The Tiffany Setting六爪鑲嵌鑽戒問世,成為無數愛侶眼 中精致的愛情宣言。展區中,蒂芙尼生動刻劃其專注於打造愛情信物的形象,呈現滿 載濃情蜜意的珠寶珍品,其中包括第一款現代訂婚鑽戒The Tiffany Setting六爪鑲嵌訂 婚鑽戒(上圖)及全新推出的Tiffany True系列訂婚鑽戒。

TIffANY LoVe Tiffany has always crafted designs that celebrate connections and the way people express their feelings through tokens of love. The object in this part of the exhibit is to offer a glimpse into the important role that Tiffany has played in the world’s greatest love stories, including the design of the first modern engagement ring, the Tiffany Setting (pictured above) and the newly introduced Tiffany True engagement ring.

Fosun Foundation Shanghai, Shanghai China

展覽售票所得款項將捐贈予復星基金會及其發起的慈善項目。 地址:上海復星藝術中心 展覽日期:至2019年11月10日

Vision & Virtuosity To November 10, 2019 fosun foundation Shanghai, Shanghai, China Tickets benefit the fosun foundation and its charitable programs. for more info, visit tiffany.com





special supplement

一眾嘉賓在協平嘉德鑽石盛會合照,左起:Concord Adex Inc.發展部副總裁Gabriel Leung、Concord Pacific Group財務總監 Dennis Au-Yeung、Concord Adex Inc. 銷售部副總裁 Isaac Chan、De Beers Diamond Jewellers (Canada) 副總裁 Aya Primbetova、De Beers Diamond Jewellers (Canada) 行政總監Oleg Minchenko、 De Beers Diamond Jewellers商務總監 David Rees。 From left: Gabriel Leung, Vice President, Development, Concord Adex Inc.; Dennis Au-Yeung, Chief Financial Officer of Concord Pacific Group; Isaac Chan, Vice President, Sales, Concord Adex Inc.; Aya Primbetova, Vice President De Beers Diamond Jewellers (Canada); Oleg Minchenko, Chief Executive Officer De Beers Diamond Jewellers (Canada); David Rees, Commercial Director at De Beers Diamond Jewellers

今宵星閃閃 The ConCord diamond Gala

ShininG STarS Story | Andrew Lai 鑽石象徵愛是永恆,求婚時送上的鑽戒就是愛情信物;套上鑽 戒,不單是浪漫的一刻,也是彼此給予對方的一種承諾,願意相愛一 生一世。 而建立一個溫馨的安樂窩,給予對方幸福的家,又是另一份愛的 承諾;享負盛名的社區發展商協平嘉德Concord Adex,就一直致力為 大家打造五星級的理想家居。 當明星級的社區發展商、閃閃的鑽飾和巨星雲集的國際電影節同 時遇上,會擦出什麼樣的火花? 當然是光芒四射!

Downtown Toronto’s skyline shone a little bit brighter one September night at the Concord Diamond Gala. The reception at Luma in the TIFF Bell Lightbox before the film premiere of François Girard’s The Song of Names at the Roy Thomson Hall was nothing short of dazzling. The Concord Group of Companies has transformed the skyline of Toronto in the last two decades with the Concord CityPlace and Concord Park Place developments. And this year it is a proud screening sponsor at the 44th Toronto International Film Festival, one of the most important festivals in Toronto, its People’s Choice Award is a bellwether for Academy Award honours.

協平嘉德鑽石盛會當晚,社區名人丶明星藝人和地產精英雲集,星 光熠熠,衣香鬢影。出席嘉賓們甫到達TIFF Bell Lightbox,即在紅地毯 接受此起彼落的媄光燈歡迎。

Toronto A-listers get a taste of the paparazzi treatment on the red carpet as they arrive at TIFF headquarters for the gala event. Mr. Dennis Au-Yeung, Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, together with Mr. Isaac Chan, VP, Sales and Mr. Gabriel Leung, VP, Developments, were seen mingling among the glitterati. One wonders whether they were sharing the latest real estate news or discussing their favourite movies. Well, they could very well be talking diamonds: the gala featured a special showcase of rare De Beers diamond jewellery on loan from its London headquarters. Models donned an array of jewellery from the London High Jewellery Collection, which encapsulates the iconic landmarks of London, and the Lotus High Jewellery Collection, which is inspired by the serene beauty of the lotus flower.

協平嘉德副總裁兼首席財務總監歐陽健昌先生,與銷售部副總裁 Isaac Chan及發展部副總裁Gabriel Leung等高層,跟賓客們談笑風生, 未知話題是圍繞著地產市況,抑或是交流所喜歡的電影和明星演員?不 過,相信談得最多的可能還是有關鑽石首飾。因為協平嘉德邀請了著名 珠寶品牌De Beers Jewellers展出兩套由英國倫敦總部外借到多倫多的高 級珠寶系列。De Beers Jewellers的高層也出席是次盛會,和大家分享品 牌的理念。

Attending guests were invited to partake in portrait photo studio sessions wearing select diamond pieces, including the Battersea Light necklace, inspired by the Battersea Power Station. The art deco design, encrusted with 63 grams of diamonds and a detachable 10.92 carat emerald-cut centre diamond drop, is valued at a whopping $4.5 million. And judging from the never ending flash from selfies, this was definitely one of the night’s highlights.

其中一套「倫敦高級珠寶系列」,利用倫敦的著名地標景點做題材; 另一套「蓮花高級珠寶系列」,則以蓮花為創作靈感。但見一眾模特兒配 戴著製作經年的瑰麗首飾系列,穿梭於嘉賓群中,教人目眩神迷。

The diamond theme and its connection to Concord goes deeper than one dazzling gala. “A diamond is forever”— De Beers’ iconic tagline from the 1940s—changed the diamond industry.

協平嘉德領導多倫多地產市場二十多年,而多倫多國際電影節 (Toronto International Film Festival,簡稱TIFF)自1976年創辦以來,就一 直成為城中年度盛事,近年獲「觀眾最愛大獎」的作品,更是來屆奧斯卡 的得獎指標。 今年,協平嘉德成為多倫多國際電影節的榮譽贊助,於電影節大本 營「光盒」TIFF Bell Lightbox的高級餐廳LUMA舉辦「協平嘉德鑽石盛會」 (The Concord Diamond Gala),盛會過後再移師Roy Thomson Hall舉行 電影首映特別場,為電影節增添姿彩。

special supplement

兩個系列的珠寶設計皆是精巧優雅,配以各式各樣色彩絢爛的名貴 寶石,出落得天衣無縫。每套組合均有項鍊丶手鈪丶耳環和介指等,配搭 千變萬化。 名人明星的璀燦神采,映照鑽石珍寶的閃爍光芒,絕對是相得益彰。 除了耀目鑽飾和美酒佳餚,會場內特別設立的攝影棚,也極受嘉賓們歡 迎。嘉賓戴著四百多萬元的鑽石項鍊和介指拍照,貴氣盡顯;攝影師為 嘉賓拍照的一剎那,又被另一位攝影師的鏡頭捕捉下來,這樣子的「拍上 拍」,玩味十足。 歡樂的時光過得特別快,鑽石盛會在小提琴樂手的悠揚琴聲中告一 段落,但精采節目仍未結束,嘉賓們只是離開LUMA餐廳,沿著已經變成 電影節行人專區的皇帝街,往Roy Thomson Hall參加電影首映特別場,率 先觀看電影由Tim Roth和Olive Owen等主演的《The Song of the Names》 (名字之歌)。協平嘉德的鑽石盛會加上電影節首映,為嘉賓帶來愉快難忘 的晚上。 「鑽石恆久遠,一顆永流傳」,De Beers鑽石是極受歡迎的奢華消費 品,也是最好的「定情物」 ;「磚頭可以增值」這個概念,亦是大家根深蒂固 的概念,協平嘉德的地產發展項目,有口皆碑,同樣深入人心。 協平世博集團(Concord Pacific)是加拿大最大的社區發展商,而協平 嘉德(Concord Adex)於多倫多扎根,領導本地地產市場二十多年。協平 嘉德在多倫多市中心打造的雍景豪城Concord CityPlace,改變了整個多 倫多市中心的天際線,成績有目共睹。2006年協平嘉德再接再勵,購入北 約克佔地45畝的住宅用地,發展成為帝景豪城Concord Park Place。 協平嘉德和De Beers,是互相輝映,而這份情緣,正等待跟您一 起延續下去—因為在十月底前,購買多倫多市中心雍景豪城Concord CityPlace或北約克帝景豪城Concord Park Place三睡房單位的新業主, 將獲贈價值$30,000的精緻De Beers鑽飾,讓品味之選更是圓滿。 以協平嘉德的豪邸,建立美滿家居生活,更有De Beers鑽石為愛的 信物,實在不作他選!

Similarly, Concord’s developments have changed the skyline of two of Canada’s largest cities. Concord Pacific is the largest master-planned community builder in Canada, while Concord Adex, established in Toronto more than 20 years ago, has been leading the real estate market in the city. Concord CityPlace has irrefutably transformed downtown Toronto, and in 2006, the 45acre Concord Park Place in North York brought about the largest master-planned community north of the city core. While the diamond is regarded as a promise of love, a Concord home is a promise of a wonderful life together. In celebration of this international partnership, Concord announced at the gala its own Diamond Collection of well-appointed homes. Before the end of October, all purchasers of this three-bedroom series will receive an exquisite necklace from De Beers Jewellers, selected from the world’s finest diamonds, valued at $30,000.


CLIFTON BAUMATIC COSC OR ROUGE (PINK GOLD) 奶白色陶瓷錶盤上配置金色時標,跟18K玫瑰金色錶殼可謂絕配。錶 盤上不起眼的十字線條是瑞士官方天文台COSC認證的優質保證。三 針日期指針跟金色時針及分針形成對比。39mm玫瑰金錶殼,最適合 追求卓越表現及風格典雅的男士。 The dial, adorned with riveted gold hour markers, has a “warm white” hue with a porcelain-effect finish in perfect harmony with the 18-carat pink gold case. A discreet anthracite crosshair on the dial symbolizes the Official Swiss Chronometer Testing Institute (COSC) certification. The second hand, also anthracite, contrasts with the gold hour and minute hands. With its 39mm satin-finished pink gold case, this is the ideal watch for men seeking performance and classical elegance. $9,300


In perpetual pursuIt of performance Baume & mercier clifton Baumatic a technical achievement with refined design Story | Alan A. Vernon

作為瑞士腕錶業界的先驅,1830年在瑞士侏羅地區創 立的Baume & Mercier,不斷追求技術上的突破,出品的腕 錶不但擁有卓越性能,更兼備悅目美感。品牌於1840年製 造全球第一枚Lépine機芯,為腕錶的穩定性及堅固程度帶 來革命性突破。19世紀後期,Baume & Mercier生產的計時 機芯、大型複雜功能腕錶、三問報時功能、萬年曆功能及陀 飛輪,均蜚聲國際,獲得多個獎項及殊榮。 貫徹創新的技藝及製錶的悠久歷史,Baume & Mercier 於2018年發表Clifton Baumatic系列,配備自家生產的三針 日曆自動上條機芯Baumatic BM12-1975A,是美學與卓越 技術的完美結晶。今年,品牌推出全新版本的Baumatic機 芯BM13-1975A,高質設計帶來意外驚喜。全新的Clifton Baumatic系列更推出玫瑰金色錶殼及漸變藍色錶盤,專為 追求高品味的人士而設。

設計及細節 Clifton Baumatic系列的腕錶在3點鐘位置配置日期顯 示,防反光藍寶石指針令看日期時更覺容易。藍寶石水晶錶 底可透視機芯的圓形飾紋夾板,及以噴砂及蝸形飾紋處理的 底板。透空式的精鋼或玫瑰金錶底更有日內瓦波紋裝飾的鏤 空擺陀,擺動時更能看到代表品牌的符號Phi,標誌著追求 完美的宗旨。

機芯 自動上條的Baumatic機芯精準度高。除了120小時動 力儲存外,Clifton Baumatic腕錶每天走時誤差達到–4/+6 秒並獲瑞士官方天文台COSC認證。它的抗磁力高,可抵禦 日常生活中常見的磁場。這型號的腕錶更申明至少7年無需 保修,而非一般建議的3至5年。


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Baume & Mercier has always been on the forefront of watchmaking expertise and timekeeping style. Since its founding in 1830 in the Swiss Jura, Baume & Mercier has been focused on technical and aesthetic innovation. A Swiss watchmaking pioneer, Baume, in its perpetual pursuit of technical innovation, became the first watchmaker to introduce the Lépine calibre to the Jura in 1840, revolutionizing watch reliability and sturdiness. During the second half of the 19th century, Baume & Mercier acquired solid international renown for its chronographs and grand complications, and in particular its minute repeaters, perpetual calendars and tourbillons. Its time-measuring instruments have earned it a number of awards and medals. In 2018, in a combination of mechanical innovation and watchmaking heritage, Baume & Mercier presented the Clifton Baumatic collection which includes the selfwinding in-house calibre Baumatic BM12-1975A, once again asserting the brand’s expertise in combining style with cutting-edge technology. And this year, the maison revealed a new version of its in-house Baumatic calibre, the BM13-1975A, which expresses a commitment to client expectations without ever compromising on quality. The brand’s Clifton Baumatic also expanded the collection to include a pink gold case and a gradated blue dial, the essential companion for those with assertive tastes.

DESIGN AND DETAILS The dial of each Clifton Baumatic model is enhanced by an oversized date aperture at 3 o’clock and topped with a domed anti-glare sapphire crystal to ensure better readability. The sapphire crystal case back reveals the calibre’s refined finishes: circular-grained bridges and a sand-blasted, snailed baseplate. The open worked, steelor gold-toned tungsten oscillating weight is adorned with a decoration combining Côtes de Genève with snailing. Within the movement, the lyre is shaped like the Phi character, the Baume & Mercier symbol representing the maison’s quest for perfection.

THE CALIBRE The self-winding Baumatic movement ensures optimal reliability. In addition to 120 hours of autonomy, Clifton Baumatic watches offer great chronometric precision (–4/+6 seconds per day for the COSC-certified models). They resist to the main magnetic fields of daily life. These models only require maintenance service once every seven years rather than three to five years recommended for a traditional watch.

CLIFTON BAUMATIC CADRAN BLEU 由藍漸變至黑色的錶盤配備白色分鐘標示及銠金屬指針。40mm錶 面分佈平均。COSC型號的錶盤上有不起眼的十字線條,標示獲瑞 士官方天文台認證。Clifton Baumatic cadran bleu有兩個版本:一 款配備可更換鱷魚皮錶帶;另一款是5排式不鏽鋼錶帶,採用三褶 錶扣更安全。 A blue-to-black gradated sunburst dial features a white minute track and rhodium-plated hands. The 40mm steel case has harmonious proportions. On the Official Swiss Chronometer Testing Institute certified models, a discreet white crosshair appears on the dial. The Clifton Baumatic cadran bleu is available in two versions: one is mounted on an interchangeable black alligator leather strap with a pin buckle while another features a five-row steel bracelet with a triple folding clasp and security push-pieces. $3,990







RebiRth of an icon chopard’s alpine eagle reveals its new commitment to protecting the alps environment Story | Alan A. Vernon 蕭邦錶全新登場的Alpine Eagle運動時計系列,集現代、 精細、自信於一身,重新詮釋品牌1980年推出、由當時的設計 師、即現在的聯合總裁Karl-Friedrich Scheufele打造的St. Moritz 系列。 Scheufele將自己對阿爾卑斯山的情感注入此全新系列設計 之中,展現雄鷹翱翔天際的崇高形象,設計富有想像力及個性, 採用獨一無二、超耐用、名為Lucent Steel A223的反光金屬製 造,完美配合蕭邦錶精密機芯律動節奏。 蕭邦錶更藉此宣示對保護阿爾卑斯山自然環境的承諾,創 立Eagle Wings基金會,Karl-Friedrich Scheufele正是創會成員。

他的故事 作為一個家族企業的經營者,視野固然重要,毅力和決斷 力更是成功要素,Karl-Friedrich Scheufele秉持這些特質,在 1980年推出個人首個手錶項目,當年只有22歲的他,還是家族 生意中的一名僱員,他向父親提出製作一款名為St. Mority的手 錶,盛載著年青人的理想展翅翱翔。

大自然匠心獨運 Karl-Friedrich Scheufele在設計Alpine Eagle過程中,發揮 自己的創意,將對阿爾卑斯山的熱愛傾注其中,並遵從美國建築 大師路易斯.沙利文「形式追隨功能」的和諧原則,設計出圓型腕 錶系列,配上錶殼錶帶。這款時計造工精緻、品味時尚,讓人聯 想到盤旋阿爾卑斯山間的雄鷹以及周圍環境。岩石質感的錶面彷 如雄鷹雙眼的虹膜,錶針有若羽毛,寒光金屬閃耀著冰山光芒。 Alpine Eagle系列有鋼、金、半金屬及鑲鑽等質材,男女款 俱備,有直徑41毫米及36毫米兩種尺寸選擇。

Lucent Steel A223:極至煉金術 蕭邦錶特別為Alpine Eagle打造全新的質材,豐厚、名貴、 固若黃金,實現文藝復興時期煉金術士的夢想。Lucent Steel A223是反複熔煉的結果,形成獨一無二的特點:低致敏度可媲 美手術用鋼材,較一般鋼材抗磨損程度高50%,雜質更低,比黃 金更光亮閃耀。

手製機芯 Alpine Eagle系列秉承Karl-Friedrich Scheufele打造優質鐘 錶的宗旨,採用的兩款自動上鏈機芯由蕭邦錶鐘錶工作坊研發打 造,經由瑞士官方精密時計控制局評鑒確認,在同類錶中罕有。

Price upon request


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Alpine Eagle系列41毫米為01.01-C口徑、60小時動力儲 備;36毫米有09.01-C口徑,動力儲備42小時,後者的8菜尼機 芯,為獲得瑞士官方精密時計控制局認證者中最小,通過透 明的寶石水晶錶背可以清晰見到兩個機芯的精密運作。

Contemporary, refined and assertive, the new Alpine Eagle sports chic timepiece collection is a state-of-the-art reinterpretation of the St. Moritz, the first watch created in 1980 by Karl-Friedrich Scheufele, now co-president of Chopard. Imagined and personally designed by Scheufele, the Alpine Eagle is driven by his passion for the Alps and by the lofty power of the eagle. Crafted from an exclusive, ultra-resistant and lightreflecting metal named Lucent Steel A223, it beats to the rhythm of a Chopard chronometer-certified movement. Bearing testament to Chopard’s ethical approach, the Alpine Eagle gives the maison an opportunity to reveal its new commitment to protecting the Alpine environment through the launch of the Eagle Wings Foundation of which Karl-Friedrich Scheufele is a founding member.

A gEntLEMAn'S Story While vision is essential to running a family maison, it is perseverance and determination that lead to success. Such was the path taken by Karl-Friedrich Scheufele in 1980 when he presented his very first watchmaking project. As a youthful 22-year-old employee in the family business, he submitted an idea to his father for a watch to be named St. Moritz. A project with a resolutely coming of age dimension, within which a young man asserts himself, spreads his wings and takes flight.

nAturE, thE prEMIEr ArtISAn Drawing on his creative strength and his passion for the Alps, but also on Louis Sullivan’s principles of harmony which dictate that “form follows function”, Karl-Friedrich Scheufele created the Alpine Eagle, belonging to a select circle of watches with an integrated case and bracelet. this timepiece is both refined and contemporary, featuring a wealth of references to the Alpine eagle and its biotope. Its rock-like textured dial evoke an eagle’s iris; its hands call to mind the raptor’s feathers and the cold glinting steel is reminiscent of glaciers. Issued from the time of its launch in 10 styles in steel, gold, bi-material or diamond-set gold, Alpine Eagle is a particularly rich collection, available in unisex models in 41mm and 36mm diameters.

LuCEnt StEEL A223: An ALChEMISt’S quESt to bring the Alpine Eagle purpose to life, Chopard has created a new material that is as rich, precious and complex as gold, transforming the dream of renaissance alchemists into glowing reality. Lucent Steel A223 is a steel resulting from a re-smelting process featuring unique characteristics: it has hypoallergenic properties comparable to surgical steel and is 50 per cent more resistant to abrasion than conventional steel. Finally, this innovative steel has far less impurities than conventional steel, guaranteeing it brilliance and brightness comparable to that of gold.

ChronoMEtEr-CErtIFIED true to Karl-Friedrich Scheufele’s deep commitment to fine watchmaking, the two movements with automatic winding embedded in the heart of Alpine Eagle watches have been developed in Chopard’s watchmaking workshops and chronometer-certified by the Swiss official Chronometer Control, a rare event for watches in this category. Alpine Eagle 41mm thus welcomes the 01.01-C calibre with a 60-hour power reserve, while the 36mm models host the 09.01-C calibre with a 42-hour power reserve—the latter 8-ligne movement being one of the smallest to receive CoSC certification. Both are visible through a transparent sapphire crystal back.





Runway: BuRBeRRy T-shirt, $760 Parka, $2,550

Jacket, $2,550 Pants, $1,050 Coat, $3,050 68

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Shirt and tie twinset, $1,050 Suit, $3,390 Leather umbrella, $630

TB 王國

English ElEgancE rEvisitEd

看見Riccardo Tisci主導的Burberry,邀請 英倫平面設計之神Peter Saville炮製的TB logo,官方說法是向品牌創辦人Thomas Burberry致敬。可是,很難相信他沒有玩 Tisci Burberry的「食」字之心,難得是如此 的天衣無縫。

Burberry, under the leadership of riccardo tisci, invited English graphic designer Peter saville to create a tB logo. the official line is that it’s a tribute to the brand’s founder, thomas Burberry, but who is to say tB doesn’t refer to tisci’s Burberry? Story | 冰汪

由Givenchy來到Burberry,無疑是Riccardo Tisci一大挑 戰,初來報到,他以「Kingdom」為題,擺明車馬,希望重拾 大英帝國的優雅,尤其是貴族中產的紳士淑女。眾所周知,十 年前,他是街頭勢力的首領,然而,物極,遲早必返。Street fashion強力入侵high fashion,說到從前的優雅:「我們彷彿忘 掉了sophisticated cut及Savile Row tailoring。」 Tisci的第一場Burberry時裝騷,首要目標是活化英式貴 氣,率先出場的確正裝tailoring,為百年西裝改頭換面。其中 一款,表面是在黑條子西裝外穿上V領毛衣,如此配搭已夠顛 覆,看仔細些更發現他把trompe-l’ oeil概念放入剪裁,衣服主 體是V領毛衣,露出來的黑條子西裝,原來是錯視駁腳,成為 Riccardo Tisci與Savile Row的幽默合體。

Moving from Givenchy to Burberry was a big challenge for Riccardo Tisci. He used the term “kingdom” as a theme for his debut collection to blatantly bare the ambition of reinventing the elegance of Great Britain, epitomized by the upper class. Ten years ago, Tisci was well known as a leader of streetstyle fashion, which has invaded high fashion of late. But what goes around comes around. He is reverting to the elegance of days gone by, saying: “We seem to have forgotten the sophisticated cut and Savile Row tailoring.”

Shirt, $1,020 Tie, $240 Pants, $1,150





Runway: BuRBeRRy

T-shirt, $470 Pants, $810 Trench coat, $3,690

Shirt/Tie Twinset, $1,050 Trousers, $1,050 Jacket, $2,550 70

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Sweater, $1,780 Pants, $970

他設計西裝素來絕對簡約,至愛 tone-on-tone。今次更將monotone美學 推到極致,有恤衫連領帶的twin-set, 甚至條子西裝西褲配條子紳士鞋。而他 對西裝的styling,明顯更加落力,揹起 放有雨傘的金屬鏈傘套,如寶劍掛在背 後,便極具摩登俠士風範。 至於他拿手好戲的streetwear,減 少昔日的黑暗,感覺輕鬆開朗。正如 他所言,設計是sophisticated了,所 以這部分會出現印上logo圖案的招牌乾 濕褸;即連他擅長的硬朗workwear, 用色也入鄉隨俗,加入不少Burberry的 house colour。我喜歡他把招牌格仔解 體,刪除直線,變成一條橫間圖案短 褲,慣常的Burberry DNA,卻重新排列 出新意。Riccardo Tisci的到來,確實令 Burberry變得豐盛又多花款。

Tisci’s objective with his first show for Burberry was to revive English elegance. The opening designs were tailored suits, reinterpretations of century-old styles. Yet one outfit might be deemed a bit brazen, given the designer’s intention. It featured a V-neck pullover underneath a striped suit jacket. A closer look reveals that Tisci has applied trompe-l’oeil tailoring. It‘s actually a pullover with striped trimming. It was Riccardo Tisci and Savile Row in an amusing juxtaposition. Streetwear, for which Tisci is well known, is lighter and brighter than his past works. As he said, the design approach is more sophisticated. There are trench coats with logos. Even the masculine workwear has taken on more down-to-earth palettes, with a heavy dose of Burberry’s house colours. Even a deconstruction of iconic tweeds is giving Burberry’s DNA a new twist.

Trench coat, $2,500 Hooded jacket, $2,550 Pants, $970 Shoes, $1,090





fashion: men

Ports V T-shirt, $170 72

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Ambush T, $330

99%IS long sleeve T, $490

Yang Li T-shirt, $165


Word play Slogan Ts have been around since the 1960s; they are as political today as they were back then Story | Simon Au & Timothy Lo Photography | Bowy Chan Model | Ethan Yue at Elite Makeup & hair | Cheuk Ng 穿衣也能穿出所想;Slogan Tee更加成為宣示立場的工具之 一。 回溯標語服裝的起源,六十年代出現的英倫商店Mr Freedom 功不可沒,當時它售賣印有slogan的迪士尼T恤,成功掀起話題。 到了八十年代,Vivienne Westwood與Malcolm McLaren的「Too Young To Live, Too Young To Die」口號tee,見證年輕人對當年 社會浩蕩的哀怨。Katharine Hamnett在一九八四年於英國首相府 跟戴卓爾夫人會面時穿上印有「58% Don't Want Pershing」的自家 製tee,同樣將敏感政治議題掛上身。除了社會政治之外,Maison Martin Margiela的AIDS tee以口號來幫助病人、Moschino和 House of Holland等品牌過去亦以幽默方式表達聲音。 口號的真正意義,莫過於用最短的字句表達強烈而鮮明的 信息,今季很多品牌如Ambush、Yang Li、99%IS,都以這個 最直接的方法傳達不同信念。自從Ports 1961男裝革新成Ports V之後,多次推出「Love Only」系列單品,男裝創意總監Milan Vukmirovic直言︰「這個系列的誕生絕不單純局限於一件單品或一 個系列,只有透過『愛』的包容及多元性,才能打破膚色、國界、 性別的分歧。」正是如此,Ports V的T恤與袋款均印有「LOVE」的大 愛宣言,散播正面能量。Sacai的早秋系列,向倫敦傳奇酒吧Bar Italia致敬,以「Melting Pot」 (文化大熔爐)為概念,表達自由的珍 貴,沒有種族的交流界限。

The point of using slogans in fashion is to express the strongest and most distinctive messages using the fewest number of words as possible. Mr Freedom in London was instrumental in making the slogan T popular in the 1960s with its Disney Ts. In the 1980s, the “Too Young To Live, Too Young To Die” slogan created by Vivienne Westwood and Malcolm McLaren marked the disquieting sentiment of young people towards society back then. Katharine Hamnett wore a self-designed T bearing the slogan “58% Don’t Want Pershing” to make a political statement when she met with then British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Politics aside, Maison Margiela’s AIDS T used slogans to help in the cause; Moschino and House of Holland used humour to make themselves heard. Since Ports 1961 was renamed Ports V, it has introduced a range of “Love Only” items. Its menswear creative director, Milan Vukmirovic, says: “The creation of Ports V is not about a product or a collection per se. It is about the meaning behind the innovative creations. Love unites through inclusivity and diversity, seeing past the differences of skin colour, ethnicity and gender.” That’s why Ports V T-shirts and bags are all branded with the slogan “LOVE”. Other brands using slogans this season are Ambush, Yang Li and 99%IS.





fashion: men


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貪 字型, 無襯線 Should 的 」 字 e 「無腳 推出的「W ion 用俗稱 ior Fash 使 D 「 多 年 的 型 e d e 近 n T 字 a 如 n ll 不像無 然, loga f Ho 經典S 重點一目了 強,但 use o o 較 H 性 及 和裝飾 易讀, s」T恤,以 藝術感 其簡約 ist in 則 m 體 e 字 eF 。手寫 All B 」系列 ie p u o Gr 。 asy t for e 型易讀 rif fon ” T. e 襯線字 s s n s inist HY e a sa grAPan Ts usually uosuld All Be Fem O P Y T slog We Sh Classic in Dior’s “ s a , g readin

,更 要 易 讀 on 上 字 文 戰ic ,除了 著名反 道 。 王 感 Love 是 口號 、 精 準 、 易 明巧雜亂,失去美歌詞的「Make 自 簡短 過分花 了演變 而精。 計不會 此 道 , 除 也是簡 設 」 e 是 e 明 T 深 n 重要 on ga Lenn 的「Slo int John 他常穿 , he po 」 r a d to t ohn n a Not W t r J sho er eep it d erform n A is to k anti-war p T that rea g b m O u ic s h r t u SL ly f o / o le Fam a slogan The ru y to read. h as en wit e e s e n b e t f o and s ar”. n wa Lenno Love not W e k a “M

, 爆大」 字 句「 ds 點 r o 重 keyw 然將 , 當 道 計 n像 明此 的設 sloga tt便深 排版 g a n T e e 最 正 路 ,遠看 giela的 amne 行 H 而 e r 道 a rin Slo Katha 義,M 師反其 e e 始 祖 然也有設計 裡 行 間 的 意 T n a 道字 Slog 。當 看才知 看即懂 永遠一 的 圖 案 , 細 。 麻 是一例 nt. 密密麻 DS」T恤便 I rge fo A ht very la w it was a 「Fig in lly ho typica owed . But T u an T is amnett sh t attention tly g O lo Y s LA text on a atharine H red instan e with tigh on The neer K that captu her extrem in the Mais s ot ds n T pio Sloga ith keywor ns on the attention, a ig w s e r e e o n d o m o d are als equire there text that r S” T. ID d e A pack la “Fight ie g r a M

將不同 創作, 樂 隊 次 二 於 搖滾 靈魂在 見 的 會 是 的 Tee的 常 年流行 n 較 創 a 今 g , 二 lo 。 中 S 道 個 不同 味 計之 其中一 素 融 入 設 細節中 自我的 活 、 生 逆 用 文化元 追求叛 擅於利 的流行 歌詞等, 高手, 的 、 中 的 名 稱 ts算是此道 en us Vetem 味」。 f vario 造「潮 營 tion o ‘n’ roll a t p a 素材 rock e ad TIOnf a slogan T isdtehsign, such aesllious streak. A T P b ADA ey element omes into the display a re o Ak ral the eant t r cultu nd lyrics m la u p o p sa name band ELITEGEN






The gold sTandard The new olympic house in lausanne switzerland is a balance of architectural beauty and sustainable development Story | Ernus Photography | International Olympic Committee (IOC)/ Adam Mork


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還有不足一年,四年一度的奧運會將在東京舉行。主辦國屆屆不同,奧委會的新 總部Olympic House則選址風景優美,地靈人傑的瑞士洛桑(Lausanne)。 有關奧運會的最早文字記錄可追溯至公元前776年,不過國際奧運委員會 (International Olympic Committee,簡稱IOC)卻要到1894年才成立,現在的成員國 家及地區共有206個,並以人類福祉作為共同目標,促進國家之間的和平及友誼。奧 委會總部Olympic House選址瑞士,皆因過往百多年全球戰事連連,瑞士一直保持中 立,奧委會作為一個國際組織,落戶在和平的國家自是順理成章。位於瑞士西部的洛 桑,是瑞士第四大城市,風景優美,也是很多國際組織的據點。 新總部落成之前,奧委會成員的辦公室散落在洛桑四個地點,今年六月Olympic House建成,終於讓五百名工作人員在同一屋簷下工作。Olympic House由丹麥建築 事務所3XN設計,這個設計融會了體育精神、美感以及可持續發展幾個元素。首先, 3XN認為奧委會最重要的理念,應該是「透明度」,眾所周知奧委會過去傳出過不少醜

In less than a year, the much-anticipated XXXII Olympiad will be underway in Tokyo. And though the host country changes every time, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) chose the scenic Lausanne, Switzerland to be the home of its new headquarters. Why Switzerland? In the past century it has remained neutral during global conflicts. Documentation of the Olympic Games can be traced back to 776 BC, although the IOC was not established until 1894. Currently, there are 206 member countries and regions, all aiming to celebrate humanity and to promote peace and goodwill among nations. The new headquarters is a balance of architectural beauty and sustainable development. Having had its share of scandals over the years, it was decided that transparency






螺旋形樓梯暗藏奧運五環元素。 Hidden elements of the Olympic rings are integrated into the spiral staircase.

正門有最正路的五環標誌。 The hallmark five-ring logo at the main entrance.


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屋頂鋪滿太陽能電池板。 Roof covered with solar panels.

聞,所以現階段透明度是首要考慮,3XN以玻璃作為整幢建築外殼的主要材料,時刻 提醒在內工作的每一個人,要公平公正處事。當然,也得顧及實際用途,簡單而言, 就是讓最多日光進入室內,讓員工在工作時感覺更溫暖,尤其在冬天也有節能效果。 Olympic House特意設計成流線型,用意是向運動員多姿的動態致敬,為整幢建 築物帶來動感,呼應奧運主題。有趣的是,在Olympic House旁邊就有一座建於18世 紀的城堡Château de Vidy,兩者風格迥異,但看起來又不太有違和感。奧運五環是 奧運會的特色標誌,除了在正門放置logo外,建築師也別具心思地在室內混入奧運五 環元素。建築物正中心有一道螺旋形樓梯,刻意設計成不規則的形狀,只要站在最高 處,便會看到五個隨意交疊的環狀,別具心思。 為配合永續性sustainability的建築大趨勢,建築物外圍盡量綠化,即連簷篷位置 也物盡其用,甚至加入檯凳成為讓員工休憩的角落。屋頂幾乎全部鋪滿太陽能電池 板,提供可再生的電力,也令Olympic House成為可持續性評價甚高的建築,與奧運 會為人類福祉服務的目標配合得天衣無縫。

should be the core concept in its design. With that in mind, glass walls have been utilized throughout. From a practical point of view, they simply allow more natural light to filter through the building, especially during winter. Designed with energetic curves, the building is a tribute to the excitement that the athletes from around the globe generate. Interestingly, Château de Vidy, built in the 18th century, sits right next to the new Olympic House, a stark but stunning contrast in style and design. To cope with architectural sustainability, solar panels cover the entire rooftop, generating reusable energy. Hence, this building has already won kudos from environmentalists.





wine not

Pinot Noir喜愛較涼快的地區氣候,Kevin Harvey在 Santa Cruz Mountains這山頭為它們找到很大片樂土。 Pinot Noir likes cooler mountain climates. Kevin Harvey has found just the place, in the Santa Cruz Mountains.


Pinot Possibilities single Vineyard vintages of 2013 and 2014 have shown promise in emulating the burgundy Grand Cru Story | Ivan Wong


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彰顯每個葡萄莊園的地區風土性格,是Kevin Harvey 為Rhys Vineyards所定下的其中一個釀酒理念,所以 旗下盡是不同莊園的single vineyard作品。 In line with Kevin Harvey’s philosophy, the terroir of each vineyard of Rhys Vineyards is underscored, each producing a range of single vineyard vintages.

最新近推出2016年份Alesia Anderson Valley Pinot Noir,現時飲用還屬年輕,但已見單寧趨向柔和的 端倪。 The latest 2016 Alesia Anderson Valley Pinot Noir is still young, but there is a hint that the tannin is softening.

偏愛Pinot Noir紅酒的人,不少是一「喝」鍾情。被它那獨特的perfumery幽香、絲絨般幼滑 口感、優雅高尚的格調……等吸引。當然,要擁有這些誘人特質的,都應是Burgundy的Grand Cru,又或是名師Premier Cru。假若你首次「邂逅」的只是一般加州Napa Valley的Pinot Noir,這個 戀上Pinot Noir 的故事很可能就譜不成了。 美國Oregon地區釀造的Pinot Noir雖也備受讚賞,但若跟Burgundy直接較量的話,始終還欠 讓人「一喝傾情」的獨特魅力。不過,總有人愛向難度挑戰。還要是資金雄厚又鍾情Pinot Noir的美 國人,例如Rhys Vineyards的創辦人Kevin Harvey。 乍聽Kevin Harvey這名字或許感到陌生,卻原來是當初獨具慧眼、青睞Uber概念而向其注資 的矽谷風險投資基金公司Benchmark Capital的聯合創辦人。有分析說,Benchmark Capital投資 Uber保守估計勁賺近600倍。 酒莊莊主Kevin Harvey肯定別具投資遠見及眼光,投放在造酒的資金肯定充裕,他因為愛酒 才造酒,因為愛Burgundy才走到加州Santa Cruz Mountains產區尋找最佳Pinot Noir種植地,也因 為愛挑戰才想要在加州釀造出具備「一喝傾情」魅力的Santa Cruz Pinot Noir。 他會成功嗎?一切言之尚早,畢竟酒莊只創立了十多年,以酒莊來說還只是個未滿月的初生 嬰兒,但試過他們兩個不錯的年份(2013及2014)的Single Vineyard出品後,便可以肯定的說—他 們已很明確的朝著Burgundy Grand Cru方向出發。不妨買一兩瓶他們2013年份的作品放它個十年 八載,到時看看自己的投資眼光,能否跟Kevin Harvey同步。

It’s often a case of love at first sip for Pinot Noir drinkers. They are fascinated by its unique nose and silky palate. The typical Pinot Noir with these classic qualities is usually the Grand Cru of Burgundy or the Premier Cru. And the Pinot of Napa Valley has produced a similar sensation. The Pinot from Oregon is also a highly rated wine, but it’s still not the same as the vintages from France. Yet Pinot Noir connoisseurs like Rhys Vineyards founder Kevin Harvey are open to other Pinot possibilities.

為求好酒,Rhys Vineyards採用的是最好的法國橡木桶,還必 先要在Burgundy天然風乾四個年頭後才派上用場。 Rhys Vineyards uses top-grade French oak barrels in the pursuit of excellence. The barrels have to be air-dried in Burgundy for four years before they are used.

Harvey is the co-founder of Silicon Valley venture cap firm Benchmark Capital that bet on Uber and netted more than 600 times the investment. With his knack for spotting a winner and his love for wine, Harvey wanted to invest in winemaking. Partial to Burgundy, and relishing a challenge, he went to the Santa Cruz Mountains in California to find the best vineyards for growing Pinot Noir. Has he done it? It’s too soon to tell for the decade-old vineyards, which are still considered in their infant stage for a winery. But Single Vineyard vintages of 2013 and 2014, however, have shown promise in emulating the Burgundy Grand Cru. One might consider betting on a couple of bottles of the 2013 vintages to see whether this investment might pay off as much as Harvey’s. ELITEGEN




dining to tell STEM裝潢走輕鬆可親路線。 The relaxed décor at STEM is very welcoming.

合時令的話,松茸菇清湯是必試的美食。 If in season, the pine mushroom broth is a must-have.


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採天婦羅製法的蝦膠釀意大利青瓜花。 Zucchini blossom stuffed with ebi shinjo (prawn pate) tempura.

講求時節的鮑魚刺身。 If you’re lucky, you might find fresh abalone sashimi—a true delicacy.

e y.


新 派 割 烹 料 理

Kappo cooKing with a twist Story | Kenson Ho Photography | Leila Kwok 割烹料理(Kappo Ryori)是傳統日本烹 飪方法,基本上是切、煮、炆和炸。聽似簡 單,實際上難度超高。割烹廚師需經長期培 訓,掌握無數食物製作方法,了解食材的季 節性及鑒別質量,再以最好的方式把菜餚呈 獻給客人。要成為割烹大廚,通常需要超過 10至15年的持續培訓。北美近年湧現日式壽 司餐館,正宗割烹料理卻甚罕見。 割烹料理被視為高檔日本料理,但在本 拿比、曾被《Vancouver Sun》和《The Globe and Mail》選為2017年度溫哥華十大餐廳 的STEM Japanese Eatery( 5205 Rumble Street)卻增添了現代風格,使其價格較平易 近人,味道亦更有趣。

靈魂人物 STEM Japanese Eatery的大廚片桐龍 也於東京一家傳統割烹餐廳工作時,獲取了 專業烹飪證書。好奇心驅使他在2000年初遠 赴阿省的卡加里,在當地幾家著名的日本和 意大利美食餐廳工作。受到新環境的啟發, 龍也開始研究葡萄酒,後來獲得了WSET(葡 萄酒與烈酒教育信託)第三級高級認證,讓 他掌握將日本料理與卑斯省奧肯納根的葡萄 酒搭配之道。2008年時他搬到溫哥華,並加 入Zest日本料理工作,很快成為行政總廚和 餐酒總監,他的團隊贏取了幾個烹飪界的獎 項,更在溫哥華帶領日本美食潮流。

In Japanese cuisine, Kappo Ryori represents traditional cooking methods—namely to cut, boil, stew and fry. It certainly sounds a lot simpler than what’s really entailed in this highly skilled culinary craft. While sushi chefs are mainly confined to cutting and slicing fish, a Kappo chef is trained to master endless ways of food preparation, to have the knowledge of the seasonality of food ingredients and their quality, and finally, the best way to present the finished dishes to the diner. Becoming a master Kappo chef can take up to 15 years of persistent training. In North America, authentic Kappo chefs are rarities, compared with the growing number of sushi chefs in the field. Kappo is often thought of as an upscale style of Japanese cuisine. However, Burnaby’s award-winning STEM Japanese Eatery (Top 10 New Restaurants in Vancouver for 2017, by both the Vancouver Sun and The Globe and Mail) has added a modern twist, making it accessible, approachable and much more interesting.

THE MASTERMINdS BEHINd KAppo Chef Tatsuya Katagiri’s culinary journey has come full circle with the opening of STEM Japanese Eatery. Starting his career in Japan, he obtained his professional culinary certificate while working at a traditional kappo restaurant in Tokyo. In the early 2000s, his curiosity led him to Calgary, where he worked at several renowned restaurants in Japanese and Italian cuisines. Sparked by his new surroundings, Katagiri began to study wine, later receiving his WSET (Wine & Spirit Education Trust) Level 3 Advanced certification and further growing his appreciation for pairing Japanese cuisine with okanagan Valley wines. In 2008, the lure of Vancouver brought him to Zest Japanese Cuisine, where he very quickly established his role as executive chef and wine director, where his team won numerous awards.

至於另一大廚馬庭義明的烹飪歷程, 更是早早開始,自出娘胎即深受京都家族餐 館薰陶的馬庭義明熱愛旅行,足跡遍及世界 各地,最終選擇定居溫哥華。過去二十多年 來,他在城中多家頂級日本餐廳工作,磨練 其壽司製作和日本料理方面的技巧。從Shijo 餐廳開始,跟著是Yoshi餐廳,至2006年時成 為獲獎的Zest的合伙東主。

It is impossible to chronicle chef Yoshiaki Maniwa’s culinary story without starting at the very beginning. You could say he was literally born into cooking, at his family’s restaurant in Kyoto, Japan.

龍也和義明兩位志同道合的大廚,2017 年合作營造一個溫馨的空間,希望讓更多客 人享用傳統割烹料理美食,延續創造時令菜 餚的熱情,給區內人士享用。他們的經驗,

In december 2017, chefs Katagiri and Maniwa set out to create an inviting space, where traditional kappo cuisine could be enjoyed by everyone. This most exciting adventure provided a platform where their passion for creatively-crafted seasonal dishes could be enjoyed by the community in which they live.

Though his roots are in Japan, Maniwa’s passion for travel took him around the world to several countries before eventually settling in Vancouver. For almost 20 years, he has honed his skills in sushi-making and Japanese cuisine, working at some of the city’s top Japanese restaurants – starting at Shijo, then Yoshi and finally becoming partowner at the award-winning Zest in 2006.





dining to tell

STEM也有供應日本知名魚市場的刺身。 At STEM, sample sashimi supplied by a renowned Japanese fish market.

好奇心和對日本料理的熱情,正好各司其職︰義明大廚具 有新派風味的傳統日本料理,融匯廚藝經驗精華;龍也大 廚則準備精緻的割烹美食,將美食和餐酒完美配搭。


背後含義 STEM的名字源於他們的座右銘,「我們是樹幹,客人 是花朵。」這個構思正表達他們把食材製作為美食送上餐桌 的曼妙旅程。以可信賴的供應商和工匠為根,廚師培育樹 幹,然後美食如種子開花結果、繽紛盛放的給客人欣賞品 嘗。 龍也和義明曾在Zest(現在的Yuwa)共事,同樣對細 節一絲不苟。STEM的各種餐具都是他們到日本旅行時的 收藏,令人印象深刻。豐富的餐酒和日本清酒系列,更是 他們特別精選來配合菜單的。 他們亦共同擁有kodawari(絕不妥協)的理念︰精選 食材—來自本地農場和日本最負盛名的魚市場;餐酒和清 酒—精心策劃搭配不斷變化的季節性創作;時令季節性— 使用市場上最新鮮食材;關係—培育和珍惜,正如他們的 美食。

推介菜式 品嘗STEM美食的最佳方式是Chef's Omakase廚師 發辦套餐(需提前24小時預定)。約有9道菜的美食,每天 均可能有所變化。如若要自行挑選,大可考慮:羽衣甘 藍Gomaae (胡麻汁青菜通常用菠菜,這裡則採用羽衣甘 藍。)、龍蝦Sunomono醋拌涼菜、蕎麥蟹麵卷和Mizore Chicken(酥炸本地走地雞,配美味的蘿蔔高湯油醋汁。) 還可以詢問當天最新鮮的魚生?運氣好的話,可能遇 上新鮮的鮑魚。如果你厭倦了過分熟悉的食譜,想探尋帶 來驚喜的高質美味菜式,於STEM Japanese Eatery晚膳 (只於星期三至星期一晚供應),肯定不會感到失望。


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Their shared experience, curiosity and passion have resulted in traditional Japanese cuisine with a modern twist—a culmination of their collective experiences.


The name STEM represents their motto: “We are the stem. You are the flower.” It’s a concept that mirrors the journey their food takes to reach the table. With their trusted suppliers and artisans forming the roots, the chefs cultivate the stem and the patrons generate the bloom. Having worked together at Zest (now Yuwa), chefs Katagiri and Maniwa share a collective passion for detail. Their impressive assortment of dinnerware at STEM is a collection from their personal travels through Japan. Their extensive wine and sake list has been specifically selected to complement the menu. Together, they share the philosophy of “kodawari” (uncompromising). That applies to the selection of ingredients, from local growers and the most prestigious fish market in Japan, to the wine and sake curated to pair with their ever-changing seasonal creations. These two chefs emphasize seasonality, dishes influenced by what is freshest in the market, and relationships—nurtured and cherished like their cuisine.

WHAT To oRdER? The best way to experience STEM is the Chef’s omakase Course (requires 24 hours advanced reservation). It is a culinary delight built around nine courses that change daily. If you decide to make your pick from the menu, here are some interesting choices: Kale gomaae (instead of spinach, kale is used for this popular dish.) Lobster Sunomono, Soba Crab Roll and Mizore Chicken (the deep-fried local free-range chicken is served with a delicious grated daikon dashi vinaigrette.) or, you might inquire about their freshest sashimi of the day. If you are lucky, you might find fresh abalone, which is such a delicacy. If you are tired of overly familiar, boring menus, and are looking for good quality food with pleasant surprises, STEM Japanese Eatery will certainly not disappoint. (open Wednesday to Monday evening) STEM Japanese Eatery 5205 Rumble St., Burnaby 604-434-0250 stemjapanese.ca

大廚馬庭義明 Chef Yoshiaki Maniwa

大廚片桐龍也 Chef Tatsuya Katagiri

色香味俱全的刺身沙律。 The sashimi salad is colourful, aromatic and delicious. ELITEGEN






ChâteAux: let's go six loire Valley castles you don't want to miss Story | Leslie Yip

堪稱堡皇之皇的香波堡。 The king of Loire Valley Château: Château de Chambord Photo credit: D.Darrault


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法國人熱愛慶典,適逢今年是盧瓦爾河谷(Loire Valley)兩大500 周年誌慶:2019年是達文西在昂布瓦斯(Amboise)逝世500周年忌 辰,而法國文藝復興時期的代表建築香波堡(Château of Chambord) 亦於同年開始動工興建。如果你未有到訪過該區,現在是上佳時機。

The French love a good fête, and the Loire Valley is celebrating its big 5-0-0 this year: the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci in Amboise and the start of the construction of the Château of Chambord, a symbol of French Renaissance. If you have yet to visit the region, now is a good time.

盧瓦爾河谷最吸引人的地方是河谷兩岸的城堡群,由中世紀開始 已經是法國皇室的度假勝地,因而有「帝王河谷」及「古堡河谷」之稱。

The main lure of the Loire Valley is definitely the majestic châteaux along the river. It has been the favourite region of French kings and the royal court since Medieval times, hence the nicknames “Valley of the Kings” and “Valley of a Thousand Châteaux”.

城堡群經歷百年戰爭、法國大革命、兩次世界大戰及數不盡的人 為及天然災難,至今仍屹立不倒,絕對是奇蹟。為了保護當地的歷史 建築及文化景觀,位於Sully-sur-Loire及Chalonnes之間的地區於2000 年被列入為聯合國世界遺產。區內的景點多得令人眼花繚亂,因此我 們特別挑選了6座必訪的城堡,由豪華宏偉的宮殿以至私人家族城堡, 讓你輕鬆計劃行程。

It is a miracle that the castles are still standing today, surviving the Hundred Years’ War, the French Revolution, two world wars and many more manmade and natural disasters. In an effort to protect this architectural heritage and cultural landscape, the region between Sully-sur-Loire and Chalonnes was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000. The number of attractions in the area can be overwhelming. To make your trip-planning easier, we have handpicked six châteaux for your bucket list—from the grandest palaces to private family castles that put out the welcome mat for you.






雪濃梭古堡 Château de Chenonceau

堡王及堡后:香波堡及雪濃梭古堡 要數當地必訪古堡非香波堡莫屬。除了因為是它是區內 最大的城堡,其建築特色包括精緻的幾何設計、紀念大樓、 由塔樓及煙囪勾劃出的城堡頂部線條等,令它成為世界上最 容易辨認的城堡之一。 城堡在文藝復興時期之前都是軍事要塞,用以抵抗外敵 入侵。一直至啟蒙運動之後,用來消閒的城堡才漸漸成為風 尚。香波堡亦非為了戰爭而興建,它是皇帝的狩獵行宮,擁 有440個房間、365個壁爐(全年每日用一個?)及84道樓梯, 絕對是財力及權力的象徵。

If there is one castle everyone should see, it would be Château de Chambord. not only is it the largest in the region, but the exquisite geometric harmony, the monumental towers and the fantastic roofline of turrets and chimneys makes it one of the most recognizable in the world. Prior to the Renaissance, castles were fortresses—built to protect against invaders. It was not until the Age of enlightenment that “pleasure castles” became en vogue. Chambord was definitely not built for war. It was meant to be the king’s hunting lodge, but with 440 rooms, 365 fireplaces (one for each day of the year?) and 84 staircases, it was a symbol of wealth and power.

城堡迄今雖已有500年歷史,卻一點也不過時。城堡不 斷進行翻新,保留舊有元素的同時走向現代化。比方︰城堡 的古老葡萄園於近年重新栽種時,正興建一個高科技的釀酒 廠,符合現代社會對可持續生產及環境保護的嚴格規定。

Although the castle is now 500 years old, it is anything but archaic. Constant restoration efforts are being made, always with a nod to the past and a face towards modern ideals. For example, efforts were made to replant the historic castle vineyard, but the winery being built is a cutting-edge design that meets the most stringent sustainability and eco standards.

跟香波堡的剛陽氣恰恰相反,橫跨希爾河(River Cher) 而建的雪濃梭古堡則是女性美的化身。

Just as Chambord is irrefutably a monument to masculine glory, Château de Chenonceau, arching gracefully across the peaceful River Cher, is the embodiment of femininity.

雪濃梭古堡有「愛情城堡」(Chateau des Dames)之 稱,是女人城堡。它為女性而建造,歷代堡主均為女性,包 括亨利二世的情婦Diane de Poitiers及其皇后Catherine de Medici。亨利二世逝世後,兩位女士爭奪城堡的擁有權,結 果情婦不敵正室。城堡至今仍留有兩位女主人的痕跡,城堡 兩側的花園繁花盛放,一個由情婦設計,另一個則屬於皇后。 雪濃梭古堡與香波堡最大的分別是堡內濃厚的文藝復興 風格。房間的設計均向女主人致敬,例如「五皇后房間」,是 以Catherine de Medici的兩位女兒及三位兒媳而命名。


THe KIng And Queen oF THe CASTLeS: CHâTeAu de CHAMboRd & CHâTeAu de CHenonCeAu

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often called the “Château des dames” (the ladies’ castle), it was designed, loved and managed by a succession of women, including diane de Poitiers, mistress to King Henri II, and Catherine de Medici, the same king’s wife. When he died, the two women fought over ownership of the castle, with the widow prevailing. However, both ladies left their mark on the château, and today, their lovingly tended gardens still bloom on opposite sides of the castle. The visiting experience at Chenonceau differs from Chambord, in that the interior is richly furnished in Renaissance style. Many of the rooms are decorated in tribute to the ladies who called this place home. For example, there is the “Five Queens’ Room”, named for Catherine de Medici’s two daughters and three daughters-in-law.

雙螺旋樓梯是香波堡的一大特色。特別之處在於兩個人同一時間從樓梯分別上及落,卻不會 在階梯上相遇。 The famous double-helix staircase of Chambord. The two spirals twist around themselves in such a way that the person descending will not meet anyone ascending. Photo credit: Sophie Lloyd

Nicolas de Barry

文藝復興的香氣 啟蒙運動期間,人們祟尚奢侈的生活態度,香水在當時的 社會有著重要的地位。人們不單把香水塗抹於身上,貴族們更會 把香水用於特別的徽章文具。調香師Nicolas de Barry費了不少 心思研究歷史資料,把古時皇帝及皇后使用的香水重新研製。 例如Catherine de Medici的女兒Margot皇后最愛的香水, 加入了灰色琥珀、麝香及珍貴的茉莉。Nicolas把這配方研製成 香水及香蠟,金屬瓶身仿照當時的設計。 他的復古系香水的創作靈感並非只來自歐洲皇室。今年較 早前,他推出了名為武則天(Wu Zetian)的香水,糅合了越南沉 香、雲南玫瑰、桂花、喜馬拉雅山麝香以及充滿月下香氣的鳶尾 花花粉,女后武則天愛把這種花粉塗抹於面部及身體作美白之 用。 對於復古系香水有興趣的朋友不但可以參觀,更可參加大 師課堂學習調香。

THe SCenT oF RenAISSAnCe The Age of enlightenment was a period of refined living, and scents played an important role. not only were they used to perfume the body, but the nobility was known to perfume stationary bearing their distinctive coat of arms. Perfumer nicolas de barry painstakingly researched historical records to re-create the fragrances of past kings and queens. For Queen Margot, daughter of Catherine de Medici, it was a blend of grey amber, musk and precious jasmine. It is available as an eau de parfum, as well as a more concentrated beeswaxbased solid perfume housed in a precious metal case—a presentation that is true to the period. His historical re-creations are not limited to the european court. earlier this year, he launched Wu Zetian, a sensuous blend of Vietnamese oud, Yunan rose, guilan osmanthus and Himalayan musk with iris powder infused with tuberose in homage to the special powder the Chinese empress used to whiten her face and body. 新鮮的花束是雪濃梭古堡的一大特色。城堡內每日都擺放超過200束鮮花作裝飾。 One of the signature touches of Chenonceau is the fresh flower bouquets. More than 200 flower arrangements are on display inside the castle on any given day.

Visits and master classes are available for historic perfume enthusiasts. nicolasdebarry.com






達文西位於克洛呂斯城堡的工作室。 Genius at work: Da Vinci’s workshop at Le Clos Lucé. 90

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達文西的最後居所:克洛呂斯。 Le Clos Lucé Photo credit: L. de Serres

達文西傳奇: 克洛呂斯城堡及昂布瓦斯皇家城堡

THe dA VInCI LegACY: Le CLoS LuCé & CHâTeAu RoYAL d’AMboISe

城堡吸引之處除了建築物本身,當然少不了城堡主人的故事。我 們未必會為參觀各城堡而細讀法國數百年的歷史,但相信你一定會認 識這位歷史人物—他就是達文西。就在盧瓦爾河谷旁的昂布瓦斯城, 你可以參觀他的故居、工作室以及他的墓穴。

While the architecture of grand castles is awe-inspiring in and of itself, a deeper appreciation comes by knowing the story of the people who inhabited them. It is impossible to cram a few hundred years of French history just to view the castles. However, there is one historical figure many will be familiar with and, in the town of Amboise along the Loire River, you can visit his abode, his workshop and even his tomb. His name is Leonardo da Vinci.

達文西於64歲時應當時法國國王法蘭瓦索一世(François I)之邀來 到昂布瓦斯城。皇帝十分重用他,把夏宮克洛呂斯城堡賜給他居住, 更以700枚黃金的年薪聘請他為宮廷首席畫師、建築師及工程師,他可 以自由工作,自由追夢。達文西在這裡盡情地畫畫及工作,度過了生 命中最後的三年。據說,他呼出最後一口氣前,仍在修飾他的三幅名 作,就是他從意大利坐騾子帶往法國的《蒙羅麗莎的微笑》、《聖母子和 聖安妮》及《施洗者聖約翰》。他更有份參與香波堡雙螺旋樓梯的設計。 參觀克洛呂斯城堡由達文西的睡房開始,他於1519年5月2日在房 間內與世長辭。接著參觀他的工作室及書房,一睹他的手稿。地庫的 四個房間展示了他的40件發明品,全部由IBM按照他的原稿利用當時 的物料製成。他的發明涉獵甚廣,有用於土木及軍事工程、水力學甚 至航空科技–你會看到一台飛行器,其實就是飛機及直升機的前身。 離開克洛呂斯城堡向左走大約15分鐘,便可見到昂布瓦斯皇家城 堡。它是法國皇帝兒時的宮殿,亦是達文西長眠的地方。城堡在文藝 復興時期是皇室的權力核心,亦是很多政治活動的舉行場地,包括皇 裔的誕生、洗禮儀式、貴族婚禮、策劃謀反及訂立和平條約等。由於 多名皇帝及皇后在城堡出生及成長,因而有「皇室幼兒園」之暱稱。 入場費包括了最先進的手提式電子導覽設施HistoPad,讓參觀者 更容易投入城堡的故事。相比舊式的語音導覽,手提式電子導覽可謂 跨進一大步,它利用3D還原技術把當年城堡內的情況透過電子屏幕展 現參觀者眼前。另外,城堡更可俯瞰盧瓦爾河谷的無敵美景,重新翻 新的花園放置了不少球狀的林木設計,是必到打卡位。

da Vinci was 64 when he came to Amboise at the invitation of François I. The king held him in high esteem, granting him residence at Le Clos Lucé, the summer house of his own château. He also appointed him as “first painter, architect and engineer,” paying him 700 gold écus a year and giving him freedom to dream and to work. The grand master spent the last three years of his life there, painting and working on his myriad passions. It is said that he toiled until his final breath to perfect the three masterpieces he brought back with him on donkey from Italy: Mona Lisa, The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne and St. John the Baptist. He was also credited with the design of the double helix staircase in Château Chambord. Visits to Le Clos Lucé begin in da Vinci’s bedroom, where he passed away on May 2, 1519. The tour continues to his workshop and study, where one can see his numerous notebooks, and then down to the basement, where four rooms are devoted to 40 models of his inventions—all produced by IbM from his original drawings, using materials of the period. The models cover the master’s inventions in the field of civil and military engineering, hydraulics and even aeronautics. You can see the flying machine that was the forerunner of modern airplanes and helicopters. As you head out from Le Clos Lucé, turn left and Château Royal d’Amboise is just a 15-minute walk away. It was the king’s childhood château, and also da Vinci’s final resting place, in the Chapel of SaintHubert. This château was the heart of royal power in the Renaissance, the stage for numerous events in the kingdom: births, christenings, aristocratic marriages, conspiracies and peace treaties. because so many kings and queens were born and raised here, it was nicknamed the Royal Kindergarten. With the latest-generation HistoPad, included with the entrance ticket price, it is easy to immerse yourself in the story of the castle. A giant leap from the old audiophones, the tablet uses 3d re-creations and augmented-reality visuals to guide visitors through longdisappeared buildings. The castle is also a good vantage point for a panoramic view of the Loire Valley, while the newly restored garden with the whimsical topiary “balls” provides another remarkable photo backdrop. 花園亦充滿達文西的氣息。這裡展示了20台由他發明的機器模型,每個均按 照作品的真實比例製成,而3、4米高的半透明帆布則展示他的畫作。 The tribute to da Vinci extends to the outdoor gardens. Twenty life-size working mobile models allow visitors to see his inventions at work, while giant translucent canvases of his paintings and drawings, three or four metres high, adorn the winding paths. ELITEGEN




Travel 麗芙城堡的孔雀優雅迷人。 The castle peacocks at Château du Rivau are as charming as they are elegant.

體驗古堡生活: 阿澤勒麗多城堡及麗芙城堡


盧瓦爾河谷城堡群絕對是歷史的寶庫,不過如果你以為宏偉 的城堡僅僅是博物館,便大錯特錯。事實上很多城堡由家族私人擁 有,並於城堡內居住,部分則對外開放,參觀這些城堡是很不一樣 的體驗。

The Loire castles are no doubt treasures from the past, but one would be amiss to think these majestic mansions are mere museums. In fact, many castles are privately-owned family homes, and some welcome visitors with open arms. I highly recommend you seek them out for a personal and intimate experience.

以阿澤勒麗多城堡為例,它是Michaud家族在60年代購入並開 始進行翻新,他們一家人也在城堡內生活。每年5月至9月,全家人 會前往附近的農舍居住,這段時間城堡會對外開放。可以親身體驗 一座16世紀城堡如何配合21世紀的生活要求,是一次難得的機會。 當中我最喜愛的地方就是廚房,它在文藝復興時期原本是堡主太太 的衣帽間,屋主聰明地把雪櫃放在閣樓之中。

Take Château de l’Islette, for example. It is home to the Michaud family, which acquired the property and began its restoration in the 1960s. every year from May to September, the entire family relocates to a neighbouring farmhouse so the castle can be opened to the public. It is a rare chance to see how a 16th-century castle can be adapted for 21stcentury living. My favourite room is definitely the kitchen, which was the wardrobe room of the lord’s wife in Renaissance time. It is ingenious how they fitted a refrigerator inside the corner turret.

不過這座城堡最吸引的是其迷人優美景色。安德爾河抱城流 過,城堡儼如一座小島(因而起名l’Islette)。一座古老的磨坊座落於 斜坡的最高點,堡主把它改建成一間野餐小店。店內提供藤籃,讓 你按喜好選購新鮮麵包、本土製肉醬及美酒等。然後在河畔的野餐 桌或在草地上野餐,欣賞童話般的美景。 堡主更貼心地為小朋友提供小武士及小公主服裝。城堡還提 供各式設施租賃服務,包括小艇及觀鳥用的望遠鏡,以及各式各 樣的小動物,如騾仔Eliot、小馬Eclipse、小羊Solognot及小灰兔 Touraine。這種溫馨的氛圍在大城堡並不常見。 如果上述種種仍未能滿足你,在城堡宿一宵又如何?鄰近著名 釀酒村莊Chinon的麗芙城堡,共有7間客房供遊客租住。麗芙城堡 是盧瓦爾河谷最古老的城堡之一,由Laigneau家族於1992年購入。 女兒兼營運總監Caroline說︰「當時的售價相等於巴黎一個栢文單 位,購買的價錢不難負擔;只是城堡日久失修,把它復修成為我們 家族的一個大工程。」 復修工程十分巨大:包括重鋪超過5,000平方米的屋頂、更換了 73立方米的橡木框邊、翻新了148扇窗等等,而最令人讚嘆的是花 園的大變身。堡主太太Patricia Laigneau畢業於凡爾賽國家園林大 學(National Landscaping School of Versailles),她為城堡設計了


1429年,聖女貞德曾於麗芙城堡作客,當時百年戰爭正在 進行,她為給奧爾良解圍而前往盧瓦爾河谷。城堡的聖女 貞德禮堂就是為了紀念她的到訪。 Joan of Arc was a guest of the Rivau in 1429, prior to the Orleans siege in which she rallied the French army and chased the English from the Loire Valley in the Hundred Years’ War. A Joan of Arc Hall is being dedicated to her at the château.

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but the real reason you should visit this castle is to enjoy its idyllic grounds. The small river Indre runs through the estate, creating a little islet (hence the name d’Islette). An ancient mill stands at the tip, and the owner converted the building into a little picnic store. There, you are provided with a basket, with which to collect fresh baguettes, local pâté and wines. Tables and chairs are available by the river, or bring your own blanket to sit in the garden. no matter which spot you choose, you will be treated to the most fairytale-like setting for a picnic. It is also very kid-friendly. There is a collection of little knight and princess outfits for children to dress up in for the duration of their stay. There are also rowboats for hire, bird-watching binoculars to borrow and plenty of castle animals to meet: elliot the donkey, eclipse the pony, Solognot the sheep and the fluffy grey Touraine rabbits. There is an intimacy that’s hard to find in bigger castles. For an even more remarkable castle experience, stay at one of the seven guest rooms at Château du Rivau. Located just a stone’s throw away from the famous wine village of Chinon, it is one of the oldest castles in the Loire. It is owned by the Laigneau family, which purchased it in 1992 “for the price of a Paris apartment,” according to the daughter and managing director, Caroline. “It did not cost a lot to buy the castle, but it was in ruins, and it became a big family project for us to restore it,” she says.

著名雕刻家Auguste Rodin與另一位雕 刻家Camille Claudel發生婚外情,而 阿澤勒麗多城堡就是二人的愛巢。 Château de l’Islette was once a haven for the illicit love affair between two great sculptors, Camille Claudel and Auguste Rodin.

14個花園,每個有不同的主題,如魔法森林及愛情花園。當中芳香玫 瑰園於每年4月至10月有超過460個品種盛開,包括以城堡命名的白玫 瑰La Rose du Rivau。 傍晚過後及清晨時分城堡仍未開放予公眾,住客可趁這些時間 悠閒地參觀各個花園。城堡中的孔雀會在夕陽時分鳴叫,幸運的話可 跟牠們來個自拍。對我來說,最特別的是接過房間鎖匙後,親自打開 城門入內那一刻。雖然只是住了短短一晚,但感覺猶如當上城堡的主 人!

實用資料 由巴黎乘坐高速列車(TGV)至盧瓦爾河谷只需一小時,開車 則約兩小時。最近的車站是位於圖爾(Tours)外的Saint-Pierre-desCorps。車站內設有租車服務。sncf.com 查詢當地旅遊資訊,可瀏覽網址loirevalley-france.co.uk。

The restoration work was monumental: more than 5,000 square metres of new roofing was installed, 73 cubic metres of oak framing was replaced and 148 windows were restored, among other things. but the most spectacular transformation was the garden. Patricia Laigneau, the mother, who studied at the national Landscaping School of Versailles, created 14 distinct gardens with distinct themes. There is an enchanted Forest, a Love Potion garden and a fragrant rose conservatory—more than 460 varieties blooming from the end of April to october, including one white rose named after the castle, “La Rose du Rivau”. guests staying at the castle can enjoy the gardens in late-evening and early-morning hours, when the grounds are not open to the public. The sunset hours are also when the castle’s peacocks start to roam—good luck trying to get them to pose for you. For me, the most memorable moment was being given the key to the keep. Albeit for just one night, I felt like I was the owner of an enchanted French castle.

ReSouRCeS The Loire Valley is just an hour away from Paris by TgV or two hours by car. The nearest train station is Saint-Pierre-des-Corps just outside Tours. Car rental is available at the station. sncf.com

古堡索引 For general information about travel in the region, visit loirevalley-france.co.uk Château de Chambord (香波堡): chambord.org Château de Chenonceau (雪濃梭古堡): chenonceau.com Château du Clos Lucé (克洛呂斯城堡): vinci-closluce.com Château Royal d’Amboise (昂布瓦斯皇家城堡): chateau-amboise.com Château de l’Islette (阿澤勒麗多城堡): chateaudelislette.fr Château du Rivau (麗芙城堡): chateaudurivau.com

城堡中寧謐的花園是河畔野餐的最佳地點。 The peaceful garden of this private castle is the perfect setting for a riverside picnic. ELITEGEN




healthy living


Get well

New York City a haven for healthy happenings Story | Kenson Ho

好吃、好看、好玩……都是慣常描繪紐約市的形容詞。 《星尚》最近到訪這Big Apple,才發現健康也如此有創意。

World class, exciting, dynamic, magnificent… the list of adjectives describing New York City is endless, but the words “healthy” or “fit” are not usually part of the vocabulary. eliteGen recently made a trip to the Big Apple, revealing the often-overlooked aspects of this fascinating city.


Tie up Your shoelACes

紐約是美國擁有最高Walk Score步行指數的城市之一。紐 約人對自己的「步行社區」引以為豪—便捷的公共交通,富效率 通勤,拉近跟喜歡的人和地距離,建立更快樂、更健康的生活 方式。還有,在紐約,走路往往比坐車快得多。

New York is one of the u.s. cities with the highest Walk score. New Yorkers pride themselves on their walkable neighbourhoods, with ready access to public transit and proximity to the people and places they love, leading to a happier, healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. or simply, it’s often much faster to walk.


leT’s sTArT WiTh exerCise for The fACe

FaceGym(Beauty on 2 位於611 Fifth Avenue的Saks Fifth Avenue內。)是唯一鍛煉面部的健身中心。培訓師為你進 行各種鍛煉,並採用最新的尖端技術和高性能護膚產品,提 升、塑造和收緊面部肌肉。之後,可以到8樓的L'Avenue品嘗 傳統巴黎美食。分為兩層的餐廳由著名建築師Philippe Starck 設計,設有法式art deco風格的餐房,以及溫馨舒適度假村風 格的酒廊。

faceGym is the only gym studio for your face, where trainers perform a range of workouts and employ the latest cutting-edge technology and high-performance skincare products to lift, sculpt, tone and tighten facial muscles. After this exercise experience, discover traditional parisian cuisine at l’Avenue (8th floor, saks fifth Avenue). Designed by renowned architect philippe starck, the restaurant spans two floors with a french art decoinspired dining room, and a bar and lounge offering cozy, après-ski style interiors. FaceGym, Saks Fifth Avenue – Beauty on 2, 611 Fifth Ave.


E L I T E G E N. C A



Fit Tours NYC專為活躍的遊客或公幹旅客而設,展開布魯克林大橋歷史之旅的同時,配合步行及瑜伽。 Specifically created for the active tourist or business traveller, Fit Tours NYC offers a historical tour of Brooklyn Bridge, combined with a walk and yoga.

在1 Hotel Brooklyn Bridge的The Osprey餐廳,提供熱門美式家常風味菜。 Enjoy American comfort food at 1 Hotel Brooklyn Bridge’s restaurant, The Osprey.

▲在Saks Fifth的Facegym,專門給面部做運動。 Let’s start some face exercise at Facegym, Saks Fifth Avenue. 在Yacht Manhattan邊呷香檳,邊欣賞紐約秀麗夜色。 Take the memorable Champagne Sunset Cruise on Yacht Manhattan and experience the beauty of New York’s skyline by night. ELITEGEN




healthy living

New York Botanical Garden

Met Cloisters


sTop AND smell The floWers

在一個以石屎森林而聞名的城市,紐約植物公園 實在令人耳目一新。這裡其實是一個植物博物館,位於 Bronx River Parkway(7W出口)夾Fordham Road。乘坐 Metro-North Railroad火車,公共汽車或地鐵均可輕易到 達。享受花園的最佳方式是購買全園通行證,包括入場 以及季節性花園、展覽、景點和電車之旅。亦可在首家 於公園提供全方位服務的Hudson's Garden Grill餐廳享 用午餐;這家餐廳採用Hudson山谷農場和其他區域生產 商供應當地選購的良知生產食材為靈感,突顯了美式菜 餚的創新風味。

in a city known for its concrete jungle, this is a refreshing respite—a museum of plants located at Bronx river parkway (exit 7W) and fordham road. The New York Botanical Garden is easy to reach by metro-North railroad, bus or subway. The best way to enjoy the garden is with the All-Garden pass, which includes admission to the grounds, as well as to seasonal gardens, exhibitions, attractions and the Tram Tour. You can enjoy your lunch with a view at hudson’s Garden Grill, the first fullservice dining destination to open at the garden. This farm-to-table restaurant spotlights the innovative flavours of New American cuisine, inspired by locally sourced, ethically produced ingredients from hudson Valley farms and other regional producers. New York Botanical Garden, 2900 Southern Blvd., The Bronx


A peACeful esCApe

這是Metropolitan藝術博物館於1938年開放的一個 分館,佔地四英畝,位於曼哈頓北部的Fort Tryon公園, 俯瞰著Hudson河,外觀是中世紀歐洲的大修道院風格。 建築的部分材料是從法國運來。館內收藏展示有關中世 紀歐洲美術和建築的展覽品,是紐約市地標和國家史跡 名勝之一。

opened to the public in 1938, this branch of The metropolitan museum of Art is devoted to the art and architecture of medieval europe. located in fort Tryon park in northern manhattan, on a spectacular 1½-hectare lot overlooking the hudson river, the modern museum building is not a copy of any specific medieval structure. rather, it’s an ensemble informed by a selection of historical precedents with a deliberate combination of ecclesiastical and secular spaces arranged in chronological order. Met Cloisters, 99 Margaret Corbin Dr., Manhattan



prACTise miNDfulNess

Rubin藝術博物館展出了北美最大的喜馬拉雅地區 藝術收藏品。它也是一個充滿動力的環境,可以啟發學 習,激發人們與喜馬拉雅地區的思想,文化和藝術的聯 繫。可以參加每周舉辦的「正念冥想」和定期的「認知你 夢」課程,藉此安靜心靈、打開心扉、紓緩神經,增加集 中力。

The rubin museum of Art houses the largest himalayan art collection in North America. its dynamic environment stimulates learning, promotes understanding and inspires personal connections to the ideas, cultures and art of himalayan regions. You can participate in their weekly mindfulness meditation and regular Dream over programs to quiet the mind, open the heart, calm the nerves and increase focus.


suN sAluTATioN

Fit Tours NYC專為活躍的遊客或公幹旅客而設, 提供在中央公園或布魯克林大橋的歷史之旅,同時配合 不同類型的運動。一至兩個小時的運動團,根據不同的 健身水平制定,範圍從步行兼瑜伽,導航跑步和單車之 旅。所有運動團均由經過認證的健身專家帶領,在公園 或大橋最具代表性的地點作短暫停留,認識其充滿色彩 的歷史。

specifically created for the active tourist or business traveller, fit Tours NYC offers historical tours of Central park or Brooklyn Bridge, combined with different forms of exercise. The one- to two-hour tours are customized for different fitness levels and range from power walking with yoga to guided runs and bike tours. All tours are led by certified fitness pros, with brief stops at the park’s most iconic locations where they discuss their fascinating history.

E L I T E G E N. C A



Rubin Museum of Art, 150 West 17th St., Manhattan

Sunrise Yoga Walk Fit Tour, fittoursnyc.com

1 Hotel Brooklyn Bridge



Tony熱愛布魯克林,特別安排單車之旅,希望客人 不僅騎單車穿越社區來體驗,還可以透過食物和布魯克 林獨特的特殊活動,感受當地的真正風味。

Tony’s passion for Brooklyn is so strong that he wants his guests to experience not just a neighbourhood bike ride, but also the local colour through food and the special events that make Brooklyn unique. Brooklyn Bike Tours, brooklynbiketours.com


emBrACe The NeW

別忘了探索Hudson Yards、Vessel和High Line等新 區域。還有在提供農場收成直到餐桌的Blenheim餐廳享 受美食,還有在曼哈頓遊艇上享受令難忘的香檳日落遊 輪,還有……在紐約,實在有太多太多的還有。

Don’t forget to explore new areas, such as the hudson Yards, the Vessel and the high line. Also, for a memorable dining experience, consider farm-to-table Blenheim restaurant or the memorable Champagne sunset Cruise on Yacht manhattan.


GeTTiNG There fAsT AND ComfY

國泰航空公司從溫哥華國際機場直航紐約甘迺迪國 際機場的航線,航程僅需5小時5分鐘。它的商務客位座

To fly from Vancouver to JfK non-stop, Cathay pacific Airways’ awardwinning Business Class seats adapt to your preferences in flight, with individual settings for both sitting and sleeping. You can retreat for more privacy and enjoy the comfort of a fully flat bed. The only “complaint” might be that the five-hour flight seems a bit too short.



Where To sTAY

•Hotel Central Park距離中央公園僅數步之遙,這是一 個受大自然啟發的城市休閒勝地。採用回收材料設計, 崇尚自然,獨一無二。周圍環繞著中央公園內部自然 美景和平靜能量的元素。在1 Hotel Central Park的餐廳 Jams,新鮮的時令食材,成就令人難以置信的美食。

steps from the iconic park is hotel Central park, an urban retreat inspired by nature. Designed using reclaimed materials, it is, by nature, one of a kind. step into your room for a quiet respite from the city, surrounded by materials that bring out the natural beauty and calming energy of Central park. Try out their restaurant, Jams at 1 hotel Central park. incredibly delicious dishes, incorporating fresh and seasonal ingredients are handcrafted for farm-to-fork delights. Hotel Central Park, 1414 Avenue of the Americas, Manhattan

•入住位於布魯克林大橋公園(Brooklyn Bridge Park) 海濱的自然保護區,在East River東河旁邊的1 Hotel Brooklyn Bridge,探索這個紐約鎮區。室內的建築裝潢 設計,採用了各種來自附近的再生材料,讓酒店完全融 入當地環境中。酒店內的The Osprey餐廳供應熱門美國 菜式。

stay in Brooklyn while exploring this New York borough. A natural sanctuary located on the waterfront in Brooklyn Bridge park, 1 hotel Brooklyn Bridge stands right beside the east river. You can find all sorts of recycled materials from the neighbourhood used in the interior. And enjoy market-driven American comfort food at its restaurant, The osprey. 1 Hotel Brooklyn Bridge, 60 Furman St., Brooklyn





travel: Cholula, MexiCo


The rise and fall of Cholula

a city full of colour, history and pyramids Story & photography | Iris Yim


E L I T E G E N. C A



到訪墨西哥Puebla-Tlaxcala山谷小鎮 Cholula是個艷陽天。 據知Cholula曾被稱為教堂之城,區內眾多 教堂中又以聖母修道院( Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios)最為矚目,除了是因為建 於十六世紀具歷史價值,也因為它聳立於高崗之 上,還未入城已可遙遙看到。 在墨西哥中部高地的稀薄空氣中爬上小山 崗,對我而言是個考驗,然而揮汗和氣喘喘都是 值得的。教堂為石構建築,披上了明亮的黃色外 牆,正面牌樓和雙鐘樓均飾有白色和棕色的立體 花紋,圓拱頂上嵌貼的彩色陶瓷片帶出了所在地 Puebla作為墨西哥陶瓷重鎮的身份。教堂祭壇是 新古典主義風格,內飾24克拉金箔薄片,還有畫 家Alfonso de Villasana所繪的牆畫。 在山崗上極目四眺,Cholula鎮上果然有很 多教堂拱頂和鐘樓如Convento de San Gabriel、 Capilla Real de Naturales此起彼伏地散落在市 廛中,街巷弄里的屋牆各髹上了不同色彩,繽紛 悅目。 小鎮西面被Popocatépetl和相連的 Iztaccihuatl以及北面的Malinche等火山包圍著。 教堂中庭朝向這墨西哥第二高峰,我們於台階上 噓著氣休息時,Popocatépetl忽然悠悠然地噴了 一口氣,依依升起,在火山口上形成了一球蘑菇 雲,然後慢慢地和穹空上的雲朵融成一體。海拔 5,636米的Popocatépetl由於火山活動頻繁和氣 候變暖,原來覆蓋在山峰上的皚皚雪峰和冰川在 夏天時會消溶。

Historically, Cholula Mexico is known as “The City of Churches”. The 16th-century Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios (Shrine of Our Lady of Remedies) Catholic church, which sits atop the Tlachihualtepetl pyramid, is the most spectacular of all—visible from well outside the city. The stone-built church features a yellow façade, with white- and brown-coloured pillars at the front and twin bell towers. The dome is embedded with local and colourful Puebla ceramic tiles. Inside, the altar is neoclassical in style, decorated with 24-carat gold foil and paintings by modern-era painter Alfonso de Villasana. All these wonderful features make the sweaty climb to the top well worthwhile. Looking down from the hill, you can see many other churches and bell towers, including Convento de San Gabriel and Capilla Real de Naturales. The walls along laneways and passages are painted in a variety of beautiful colours. The west side of Cholula is surrounded by connected stratovolcano Popocatépetl and Iztaccihuatl, as well as Malinche to the north.

金字塔丘上的聖母修道院及Popocatépetl火山。 Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios, situated atop the Tlachihualtepetl pyramid.

The atrium at Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios faces the second highest peak in Mexico. While resting going up the steps, Popocatépetl volcano erupted, sending gas and smoke into the air and forming a greyish mushroom cloud above the crater. Then it slowly dissipated high up in the air and disappeared. Due to frequent volcanic activity and global warming, at 5,636 metres above sea level, Popocatépetl’s glaciers and snow-covered peaks have gradually disappeared in recent years.





travel: Cholula, MexiCo

金字塔丘下設有考古區(Zona Arqueológica), 此主廣場有環形平台和獨特的對角樓梯環繞。 The archaeological zone (Zona Arqueológica) under the pyramidal mound, which is surrounded by a circular platform and a unique diagonal staircase. 100 E L I T E G E N. C A



放置在平台上的早古石刻。 An ancient stone carving on a platform.

金字塔丘剖面模型。 A model of the Tlachihualtepetl pyramid.

Porsche’s new electric car makes its debut on the roads of Europe next year.

路邊小吃也是色彩繽紛。 Yummy street snacks.

為什麼火山活動如斯活躍,居然還有不少人願意在這險境下生活? 原來早古以前這裡原是一片大湖,乾涸後湖底的沉積物和附近的火 山灰形成了肥沃的土壤,有利耕作。Puebla-Tlaxcala河谷在夏天雨季、 冬季融雪以至流經的Atoyac河,為農業灌溉提供了良好的環境,也開始 了Cholula的建城歷史。 那時候,腳底下這「小山崗」還未曾出現,因為這原來是由重重疊疊 的廟宇和大金字塔(Great Pyramid)堆成基座高約54米,覆蓋約54英畝的 金字塔丘。 二十世紀初,考古學家對金字塔丘的所知依然很少。直到1931年 才開始勘探挖掘工作。25年後,考古學家挖了超過8公里隧道以穿透每 層,發現了七座疊加的金字塔。從發掘的文物和內裡的壁畫,知道其中 某些儀式是為了紀念水神而舉行。在公元200年至800年間,至少有四層 金字塔於此疊建,由一個統治皇權的滅亡到另一個朝代的更替,統治者 選擇了用新和擴大的外殼層來覆蓋舊有的金字塔,以彰顯他們的皇權象 徵。 十六世紀時,西班牙人取代Aztecs人的統治,認識到金字塔丘的重 要性和權力象徵,也選擇在大金字塔的頂部建造了聖母修道院。 多少年過去了,Popocatépetl火山見證了這裡朝朝代代的征服、殺 戮和變迭,十字架下的金字塔丘,也儼然象徵了Cholula的朝代興亡史。

Cholula街巷屋宇繽紛悅目。 The colourful streets of Cholula.

There are many reasons why so many people stay in the region, even with such active and frequent volcanic eruptions. In ancient times, Cholula was a huge lake. The saturated sediments at the bottom of the lake after it dried up, plus loads of volcanic ash, have produced highly fertile soil—ideal for farming. At the beginning of the 20th century, little was known to archaeologists about the pyramids. It was not until 1931 that exploration and excavation began. Over the next 25 years, archaeologists unearthed more than eight kilometres of tunnels and found seven superimposed pyramids. From the excavated artifacts and murals, archaeologists determined that a number of rituals were held to commemorate Atlahua, the Aztec god of water. At least four layers of pyramids are believed to have been built between 200 and 800 AD—from the rise and fall of one imperial power to another. The monarch chose to cover and replace the old pyramid with a new and larger outer layer in order to highlight his domineering power. During the 16th century, Spaniards conquered the Aztecs and recognized the importance of pyramids as a symbol of their power. They chose to build the Virgin shrine on top of the grand pyramid. As time went by, Popocatépetl volcano witnessed annihilating conquests and a transformation from one dynasty to another. The pyramids underneath the holy crosses came to represent the rise and fall of Cholula. ELITEGEN


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automobiles: alfa Romeo


an impressive package The 2019 alfa romeo stelvio Quadrifoglio sUv has the soul of a race car Story | Lorne Drury | Metroland Media

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看到掛上Quadrifoglio名稱的愛快羅密歐,已可以肯定它是輛高 性能車。Quadrifoglio首先出現在愛快的Giulia車系,現在Stelvio也有 Quadrifoglio的版本了。 Stelvio是愛快陣容中首款跨界SUV,名字源自意大利阿爾卑斯 山一條著名山路。Stelvio Pass被譽為是當今世上最棒的車路之一, 而Stelvio Quadrifoglio則是目前性能最強悍的Stelvio。經過一個星期 的試駕,我幻想自己如能駕駛Quadrifoglio版本的Stelvio,在這條又 長又多彎的山路上奔馳,將會是何等的刺激! Quadrifoglio版的Stelvio配備由法拉利開發的2.0公升全鋁雙渦 輪增壓V6引擎,迸發出505匹馬力和443磅/呎扭力,而Stelvio的入門 版則有280匹馬力和306磅/呎扭力,來自2公升全鋁的渦輪增壓4缸引 擎。 重1,978公斤(4,360磅)的Stelvio Quadrifoglio當年推出之時,曾 在德國紐柏林賽道創下SUV最快的7分51.7秒單圈紀錄。雖然其後被 平治超越了,但無損它在量產車的位置。 Stelvio有經典的意式風格。我們測試的車輛噴上吸睛的天藍金 屬色,前擋泥板上鑲有獨特的四葉草標誌,而輪圈內有Brembo巨型 黃色煞車卡鉗,在在顯示它與別不同之處。 潮流興SUV,Stelvio可說是遲來者。由於它在加拿大的代理不 多,所以路上很少會看到愛快。如果你想要一款既獨特又刺激的高檔 跨界SUV,愛快的Stelvio Quadrifoglio就最合心意。 愛快獲得買家垂青,皆因此品牌有超過100年專門製造高性能車 和賽車的歷史。這款意式SUV由愛快的工匠在Termoli的車廠製造, 提供廠方標榜的「工程設計與激情的完美平衡,是專為熱愛駕駛者打 造的頂級中型SUV」。

When you see the name Quadrifoglio attached to an Alfa Romeo, you know you’re getting the high-performance version of that particular model. First it was the Alfa Romeo Giulia and now the 2019 Stelvio has a Quadrifoglio edition. The Stelvio is the first crossover SUV in the Alfa lineup and is named after the famous mountain pass in the Italian Alps. The Stelvio Pass is reputed to be one of the world’s greatest driving roads. After a week with its namesake, one can’t help but imagine how exciting it would be to pilot a Stelvio along that long and winding mountain road, particularly the Quadrifoglio version. From a power standpoint, the Quadrifoglio edition ups the ante considerably over the base Stelvio. It has a Ferrari-derived 2.9-litre all-aluminum twin-turbo V6 engine that pumps out 505 horsepower and 443 lb./ft or torque, compared with 280 horsepower and 306 lb/ft of torque from the all-aluminum turbocharged 2.0-litre four-cylinder in the base model. At the time it was launched, the 1,978-kilogram (4,360-pound) Stelvio Quadrifoglio gained instant fame as the fastest production SUV ever driven around the 25-kilometre Nürburgring road course in Germany, with a lap time of 7:51.7. That mark has since been bested by a Mercedes-Benz model, but it still leaves the Stelvio Quadrifoglio in some pretty rarified territory among production vehicles. When you add in the Stelvio’s classic Italian styling, it all adds up to one pretty impressive package. Our test vehicle was painted an eye-catching Misano Blue Metallic. With its distinctive four-leaf clover emblem on the front fenders and giant yellow Brembo brake calipers behind the wheels, you can’t help but feel you’re looking at something special. The Stelvio is a latecomer to the red-hot premium crossover market and, with a limited dealer network across the country, you don’t see a lot of Alfa Romeos on Canadian roads. So for someone who wants a high-end crossover SUV that is both exclusive and exciting, the Alfa Romeo Stelvio Quadrifoglio is just the thing. What makes the Alfa Romeo appealing to many buyers is the brand’s 100-plus year track record of automotive manufacturing, specializing in high-performance and racing automobiles.



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automobiles: alfa Romeo 打入加拿大市場的Stelvio 2019年款共有6個級別,從入 門的Stelvio AWD(售51,845元),至最高級的Quadrifoglio(售 95,000元)。我們測試的SUV則價值114,906元,當中包括到 岸費2,595元。 Stelvio系列的所有款式都擁有前後50:50車身配重和八 前速自動波箱,Quadrifoglio則在方向盤上增添了直立的鋁質 撥片,換檔時間不用100毫秒。

Built by Alfa Romeo artisans at the Termoli assembly plant, this Italian take on the SUV provides what the manufacturer calls “a perfect balance of engineering and emotion, creating a premium midsize SUV for driving enthusiasts.” The Stelvio comes to Canada with six trim levels for 2019, starting with the base Stelvio AWD, at $51,845, all the way up to the Quadrifoglio, at $95,000. With a variety of options, our tester priced out at $114,906, including a $2,595 destination charge. For 2019, all Stelvio trims feature Apple CarPlay and Google Android Auto, a must in today’s upscale car market.

Stelvio陣型的標準裝置包括有DNA駕駛模式、真皮內 飾、雙氙氣大燈、遙控啟動、兩對排氣口,和一級方程式的 平底方向盤。頂級的Quadrifoglio由靜止加速至時速100公里 只稍微超過3.6秒。它採用最先進的技術,包括扭矩矢量差速 器、配備賽車選擇的愛快DNA Pro駕駛模式,最直接的轉向 系統,以及Q4全輪驅動。

Each model boasts a near-perfect 50/50 weight distribution and an eight-speed automatic transmission. The Quadrifoglio adds aluminum steering column-mounted paddles that shift in less than 100 milliseconds.

Stelvio Quadrifoglio的造型極之迷人,特別是我們試駕 的車輛噴上了奪目的天藍金屬色(價值700元) ,配襯20吋鍛 造鋁輪圈,和可選置的Brembo碳陶瓷煞車器配以鮮黃色的煞 車卡鉗(價值8,250元)。車頂裝有可選置的雙格天窗和亮黑色 鯊魚鰭天線(1,595元)。

The Quadrifoglio takes performance to a higher level with a 0-100 km/h time of just over 3.6 seconds and state-of-the-art technologies that include a torque-vectoring differential, the Alfa DNA Pro drive mode selector with Race, the most direct steering available and Q4 all-wheel drive.

車廂選置了名牌Sparco真皮和Alcantara以碳纖維作框 架的賽車座椅(4,100元) ,可牢牢地裹著駕駛者和前座乘客; 座位是否舒適不是首要考慮,除非你經常賽車,否則需慎重 考慮是否要添置這選項。身型屬加大碼的話,可能會覺得這 款座椅不夠舒適。 車尾箱的空間可容納525公升的物品,要是把後排椅子 向前翻下,載貨空間達1,600公升。車輛的拖行重量達1,361 公升,不過,這功能只有Stelvio和Stelvio Ti的車款才有。 大多數SUV都把重點放在實用性上,Stelvio Quadrifoglio則把動力和性能放在首位,坐在車上的感覺更似 跑車。它的轉向和操控性幾乎比市場上其他對手都要好。 這車強調的是運動性、性能和與眾不同。如果你也追求 這些特點,那麼愛快的Stelvio Quadrifoglio就是你的選擇。

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Standard features across the Stelvio lineup include a DNA drive mode selector, leather interior, bi-xenon headlights, remote start, dual exhaust ports and a Formula One-inspired flatbottom steering wheel.

From a styling standpoint, the Stelvio Quadrifoglio is simply stunning, particularly in the optional ($700) Misano Blue Metallic paint on our test vehicle, with its 20-inch forged aluminum wheels and optional ($8,250) Brembo carbon ceramic brakes with brilliant yellow brake calipers. A $1,595 option was the dual-pane sunroof with a gloss-black, shark-fin antenna. Inside, the optional ($4,100) Sparco leather/Alcantara race seats, framed with carbon fibre, keep the driver and front-seat passenger firmly planted. That they do well, but comfort is secondary. So unless you do a lot of hot laps at your local racetrack, think twice about them. These seats are not the most comfortable for anyone with a plus-size body. There are 525 litres of cargo space behind the second-row seats and 1,600 litres with the second row folded. Towing capacity is 1,361 kilograms (3,000 pounds), but for that you must go to the Stelvio and Stelvio Ti models. Most SUVs put the emphasis on utility, but with the Stelvio Quadrifoglio, it’s the power and performance that come to the forefront. That said, the ride is more sports-car like and less forgiving than with many crossovers, but the steering and handling is a cut above almost anything else on the market. The emphasis here is on sportiness, performance and exclusivity, and if those features are high on your wish list, the Alfa Romeo Stelvio Quadrifoglio might be just the vehicle for you.

ALfA RoMeo STeLVio QUADRifoGLio AWD 2019 一覽


車身款式:5座位中型頂級高性能跨界SUV 驅動方式:前置引擎,全輪驅動。 引擎:2.9公升全鋁雙渦輪V6引擎(505匹馬力,443磅/呎扭力),搭配 八前速自動波箱。 行李箱容量:525公升,後排座椅摺疊後有1,600公升。 耗油量:14.1/10.4/12.4公升/100公里 市內/高速公路/綜合。 售價:95,000元,測試車售114,906元,包括2,565元到岸費。 優點:這款高性能跨界SUV的馬力和駕駛動力非常出色。 缺點:對於那些喜歡在賽道上馳騁的駕駛者來說,支撐力強的Sparco 賽車椅非常合用,但對於體型龐大的人就可能不那麼舒服了。 誘人之處:Stelvio Quadrifoglio曾是德國著名的紐柏林賽道上速度最快 的跨界SUV。

BODY STYlE: premium, high-performance five-passenger mid-size crossover SUV. DRIVE METHOD: front-engine, all-wheel drive. ENGINE: 2.9-litre all-aluminum twin-turbo V6 (505 hp, 443 lb/ft of torque) with an eight-speed automatic transmission. CARGO CAPACITY: 525 litres behind second row, 1,600 litres with rear seats folded. FUEl ECONOMY: 14.1/10.4/12.4 l/100 km city/highway/combined. WHAT’S BEST: The power and driving dynamics of this highperformance crossover are superb. WHAT’S WORST: The highly-bolstered Sparco race seats may be great for those who do track-day hot laps, but they may not be comfortable for the bigger bodies amongst us. WHAT’S INTERESTING: The Stelvio Quadrifoglio at one time was the fastest-ever production crossover SUV around the famed Nürburgring road course in Germany. PRICE: $95,000, as tested $114,906 (including $2,565 destination charge). alfaromeo.ca ELITEGEN


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Now hear this Cambridge audio Melomania 1 delivers quite a surprise—and can play for hours and hours and hours and hours Story | PC Market

測試Cambridge Audio Melomania 1之前,未抱太大期望,沒料到有意外驚喜。 細看規格,就會發現Cambridge Audio Melomania 1使用了Qualcomm QCC3026晶片,此晶片本就省電,又能偵測左右聲道的電量分布來連線,平衡使用 兩邊電量,大幅提升使用時間,單次使用時間可多達九小時,若配合極為小巧的充 電盒使用,總續航力更可達四十五小時,在同類產品中,已在三甲之列。 叫人精神一振的還是音色。作為傳統音響品牌,推出真無線耳機,自然叫人對 音色有所期望,Cambridge Audio在這方面已在標準之上。用上5.8mm的石墨稀強 化振膜動圈單元,頻率響應只是標準的20Hz–20kHz,但在Qualcomm QCC3026 晶片充足的電量加持下,全面發揮到單元輕身但剛性高的特點,在量感和分析力上 都有良好表現。不過,耳機單元採子彈式的設計,佩戴感只算不過不失,但再考慮 到其小巧長氣,似乎又不應該介意太多的。

The Cambridge Audio Melomania 1 Qualcomm QCC3026 chipset is known for its low power requirement. It can detect the power distribution of the left and right tracks to balance between earbuds. As a result, a charge can last more than nine hours. Together with its handy charging case, the total play time can go up to 45 hours, which puts it in the top three among its peers. And the tone is way above expectation, too. The 5.8mm Graphene-enhanced diaphragm achieves a frequency response of 20Hz-20kHz. With the Qualcomm QCC3026 chipset, it stands out for being light yet powerful, with superior sound quality and analytical power. The only drawback is its bullet shape, which is not all that comfortable. But they ace it in terms of size and power.

電池盒非常小巧,跟AirPods的相去不遠,卻能提供 額外36小時的電量。 The dainty size of the charging case is comparable to AirPods, but it offers 36 more hours of play time.

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導管出奇地大,幾乎有5.8mm單元般的大小。 The tube is surprising large, almost as big as the 5.8mm driver.

ConClusIon Melomania 1不是延伸範圍很深很遠的產品,但在高中低三頻 上,都有良好分析力,空間感合適,弱音聽得出也未算強調。低頻 量感是有的,聲音實在,最叫人驚喜的是低頻的細節清晰。整體而 言,筆者認為5.8mm單元雖有其限制,但Cambridge Audio成功 以調音把Melomania 1的音色最優化了。

The Melomania 1 sound may not be as deep as other headphones, but these earbuds have good analytical power in the high, middle and low frequencies. There’s depth and solidity to the soft and low frequencies, with surprising clarity. Despite certain limitations with the 5.8mm driver, Cambridge Audio has successfully optimized the sound quality of Melomania 1.

耳機類型 入耳式 單元 5.8mm動圈 頻率響應 20Hz-20kHz 使用時間 約9小時 電池盒電量 約36小時 重量 4.6g (每邊耳機)


Type: earbuds. Driver: 5.8mm Grapheneenhanced diaphragm Frequency response: 20Hz-20kHz BaTTery play Time (earBuDs): about nine hours BaTTery play Time (cHarGinG case): about 36hours WeiGHT: 4.6g (each earbud)



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Knock knock. Who’s there? It’s @sergeibaka making a special appearance in the opening party of the newly refurbished BOSS store at Yorkdale. With more than 5,000 sq.ft. of retail space, you can find the latest Fall/Winter 2019 BOSS Men’s and Womenswear collections, including the Runway Capsule. #ThisisBoss @boss #猛龍藍球隊 #伊巴卡

Are you concerned about fine lines, dull skin texture, loss of firmness and wrinkles? Neostrata’s new overnight retinol peel and collagen booster serum may be your solution. Be sure to stay tuned to @elitegenmag, @bathrobebeauty and @neostratacanada for our master class workshop and review video. #ThisIsMyNewLayer #蛻舊煥新 #密切留意

Holt Renfrew just unveiled this year’s holiday collection, which features a new toile pattern custom-designed for the campaign. You will find it decorating paper goods like notebooks and calendars, shopping bag tissue, an @annickgoutal special edition scented candle and, of course, everyone’s favourite, the holiday bear. #giftscometrue #又到聖誕 108 E L I T E G E N. C A



What an elegant affair, the Inner Circle Donor Appreciation Tea @thePMCF. Sing Tao Media Group has helped raise more than $600k in the past few years, and we pledge to continue to support cancer research. We believe that we can #conquercancer in our lifetime. #戰勝癌病指日可期

Happy 140th birthday @maisonbirks! To celebrate, they have launched the Iconic collection, with motifs inspired by Canadian nature and history. Stackable rings, layering necklaces and mix & match earrings make the collection fun. It is also the first time they do sterling silver. Prices start at just $125 for a necklace. #birks140 #伯尔克斯

Dior is launching a new line of lipstick called Rouge Dior Ultra Care. The ontrend “#mewy” finsh (a cross between matte and dewy) is soft and sensual, but what sets it apart is the 12-hour wear and the nourishing heart—the white “CD” in the core delivers nourishing ingredients like cameline oil, jojoba extract and flower water. @diormakeup #玫瑰口紅


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