april /may 2013
carpet for healthcare
DESIGN IS HEALING At Shaw Contract Group we use evidence based design to create carpet solutions that transform healing spaces and support the best possible outcomes for patients, staff and organisations. Free : Design is Healing brochure PAGe 7
Main image: Olivia Newton-John Cancer and Wellness Centre.
april/may 2013 | vol 31 no 02 www.flooringmagazine.com.au
Industry News
Special features
Regular Reports
05 One of Adelaide’s best joins Carpet One
26 Aged & Healthcare Surfaces
01 Shaw Contract Group
06 Carpet Court to launch 3D Design Studio
30 Bamboo
24 Airstep Retailer of the Month: Better Floors, Wollongong, NSW
08 New executive appointments for Newfurn Floorcoverings 10 Carpet industry E-Learning project 11 FAV race night a success
32 Eco & Environmentally Friendly Flooring 36 Software
40 Surfaces Today 46 Business 48 PIC: Protection, Installation & Care 54 Exhibition Calendar Advertisers Index
12 Godfrey Hirst – Redbook carpets SPF promo winners congratulated 16 MJS hosts certified moisture testing courses 18 Intafloor members visit Domotex in China 20 Domotex consolidates reputation 22 Rediscover designEX
Flooring April/May 2013 3
Retail buying groups in the flooring industry have been around for a long time. They are a major part of the retail scene and their names are well known by the vast majority of consumers. When I first started editing Flooring magazine around 18 years ago, the groups were all busy establishing themselves and building up their numbers. Then followed some years of consolidation and quiet growth as the groups settled into their identities and became a force to be reckoned with in the retail scene. In the last 12 to 24 months there has been some major changes – newer groups have made an impression while the more established groups have seen some radical changes. Following the retirement of flooring industry stalwarts Bill Tovey (Carpet Court) and Paul Amos (Choices), there are some new names in the top jobs (eg Andrew Lewis and Jason Verstak at Choices) as well as the amalgamation of the Wool Set into the Newfurn Floorcoverings family. In this issue of Flooring we see more news from a number of groups as they continue their growth and acquisitions around Australia. We also have plenty of other news from companies large and small – new appointments, new premises, awards, promotions and training news as well as social events such as the FAV race night. There are also plenty of new products and equipment to read about. Happy reading.
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Jennifer Curtis editor Ph: 03 9890 0815; Fax: 03 9890 0087 or Email: jennifer.curtis@elitepublishing.com.au
"Your Industry - Your Magazine" 4 Flooring April/May 2013
News One of Adelaide’s best joins Carpet One The owner of one of Adelaide’s largest independent flooring stores, Frank Pinneri, would probably have been welcomed by any company. However, he chose to join Carpet One for “its financial strength and stability”, opening two new Carpet One stores on 1 February 2013. "Carpet One offers the global presence, buying power and head office support I want for my business," he said. "They ensure my costs are down, my profits are up and my market position is secure."
Carpet One said it welcomes members like Frank, with his established business and industry experience, as well as members who are new to the business but willing to learn from the best. Frank said that anyone seeking a change should "Get in touch with Carpet One. They will take you through the whole experience, and their support doesn't end when you open your store. They are involved, every step of the way. “I know, with their help, my business can grow even more."
Carpetdealers moves premises After 25 years, Carpetdealers is moving premises – but not far. The new building is just a short way down the road in Roberts St West, Osborne Park, WA. Carpetdealers of Osbourne Park is a factory outlet, which also deals in carpet seconds, stock specials, vinyl planking and much more. It is Perth's only wool carpet factory outlet. This family owned and run company has over 20
years’ experience in the bulk purchase, sales and installation of carpet and floorcoverings. It is run by son and father team, Zak and Gerry Nelson. “We carry huge amounts of stock and specialise in both domestic and commercial carpets, mainly good wools ,” said Gerry. “All our stock sells for between 30-60% below normal retail cost and we offer old fashioned ‘service’.”
invested in concrete grinding equipment to achieve better quality floor preparation and has advanced into providing a concrete polishing and finishing service to offer another flooring option.
“Trade education is highly valued at WAM Floors,” said Gayle. “We believe that education combined with on the job experience is the key to developing skilled quality tradespeople.”
Award winner two years in a row Wayne and Gayle Mundy from WAM Floors in Sale, Victoria, were extremely proud to attend the Holmesglen Flooring Technology Awards night in March to see Jonathan Davidson awarded the 2012 Best Third Year Apprentice General Award. Last year Jonathan received the 2011 Best Second Year Apprentice General Award. “Jonathan commenced work with W.A.M. Floors in April 2010 and is excelling in all aspects of the trade and has become a valued asset to our business,” said Gayle. WAM Floors is family owned and operated by
Brent Cartwright, RLA Polymers, Jonathan Davidson and Wayne Mundy WAM Floors.
Wayne and Gayle Mundy and has been operating since 1991. The business supplies and installs carpet, vinyl and floating floors to the residential and commercial sectors. In 2005 the business
Flooring April/May 2013 5
New MJS territory sales manager for ACT region MJS has welcomed William Kelman to the MJS team as Territory Sales Manager responsible for the territory south-west Sydney, Riverina, south coast and Canberra. Having over 17 years experience within the flooring industry across a broad range of modes including contracting, retailing and wholesale/ import distribution, William brings a wealth of knowledge to the NSW team.
Carpet Court to launch 3D Design Studio Carpet Court will launch its 3D Design Studio iPad app in July* this year. This revolutionary design tool will help renovators create virtual 3D rooms to see which Carpet Court flooring options best suit their space. The new app allows users to upload pictures of their own home or office, or choose from a selection of room designs, and experiment with Carpet Court’s extensive product range. Users can position virtual flooring under existing furniture in the uploaded image to see how it will look with their current décor. A range of furniture items have been pre-loaded into the app so users can add accessories to an unfurnished room too. Carpet Court’s National Marketing Manager, Natasha Gallardo, said the 3D Design Studio offers renovators, interior designers and people building a home, a unique way to try out different
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6 Flooring April/May 2013
looks and styles before committing to a flooring choice. “The 3D Design Studio app makes choosing your floors so much easier as you can use it at home or head to the Design Hubs at selected Carpet Court stores to use with the help of our flooring experts,” she added. Carpet Court Ambassador, interior designer and judge of The Block All Stars, Darren Palmer, said the Design Studio is easy to use and a great
way to try bold designs and see what products suit your style. “The 3D Design Studio offers the freedom to experiment with colours, styles and products. It’s a great resource for anyone looking to update their home,” Darren said. *The iPad version will be available for download from July but you can currently try the online version at http://www. carpetcourt.com.au/3d-design-studio
carpet for healthcare
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News New executive appointments for Newfurn Floorcoverings In December 2012, two new executive appointments were made at Newfurn Floorcoverings encompassing the Choices Flooring and WoolSet Brands. Andrew Lewis was appointed as the new CEO/General Manager and Jason Verstak as the Group Manager – Marketing. For the past 10 years, Andrew Lewis was the Managing Director of Polyflor Australasia. Commenting on his new role since his commencement, Mr Lewis stated: “I am enjoying working with the board, staff and membership on growing this business and am extremely buoyed by the opportunities for both brands within the Australian marketplace. “Although today’s current business environment is patchy, I believe that the strategy that the board and Newfurn team have in place for both brands places the group in a strong position moving forward in an ever changing environment.” Jason Verstak agrees with the sentiments. With over 22 years marketing experience and a Certified Practising Marketer (CPM), Jason said that the Newfurn Group is in a prime position to forge ahead and offer some exciting new technological marketing initiatives for both the Newfurn network and the Australian consumer.
New membership appointments Choices Flooring has welcomed two new store owners into the group – David and Elisia Gairen at Esperance (WA) and Bevan and Veronica Surtees at Rockingham (WA). David and Elisia are very excited about the opportunity to open their very own Choices Flooring store in Esperance (WA). David completed a mature aged apprenticeship with Choices Flooring and has been working as a qualified
8 Flooring April/May 2013
flooring installer for the past six and a half years. David said:“We are very excited about opening a new Choices Flooring store in Esperance and we are impressed by the support and professionalism of the team. We believe that the help and support offered by Choices Flooring is going to be an invaluable tool to ensure that our business is a success.” Bevan and Veronica are just as excited about the opening of their store in Rockingham, WA. Bevan has been in the mining supply business for the last 15 years, yet also has a strong background in industrial flooring and epoxies. Bevan got word of a WA Choices Flooring store becoming available and decided to make contact with previous owners John and Marion Burt. Bevan said: “John and Marion have run a very successful business over the last 11 years that has both a commercial and retail client base. They gave a full run down on their business, its success and the positives they saw for new blood coming into the business. “Fortunately a regional meeting of the group was planned and we got to meet Andrew Lewis, Tim Drew and the management team. This provided us with a great insight into the Choices Flooring Group and the opportunity available for us. “We were impressed with the direction, innovation and support that they provide to their members through their buying, marketing and the diversity of flooring products. We were also pleased to see the commitment from the management team in making the Choices Flooring stores a success for both the owners and the group. “We look forward to the challenge ahead and are confident that the decision we have made today will benefit us greatly in the future.”
From top: Andrew Lewis; Jason Verstak; David and Elisia Gairen, Esperance (WA); Bevan and Veronica Surtees, Rockingham (WA).
BE PART OF THE BIGGER PICTURE 134 members and growing
For a strictly confidential discussion about the future direction of your business, please contact: Andrew Lewis General Manager Mobile: 0400 400 036 Email: alewis@choicesflooring.com.au
Tim Drew Group Manager - Retail Development Mobile: 0425 751 756 Email: tdrew@choicesflooring.com.au
News SkillsTech Australia teacher promoting floor laying career pathways Shane Eales, Floor Laying teacher at SkillsTech Australia, has been busy promoting floor laying career pathways to school students throughout Queensland via the WorldSkills Try’a Trade program at a number of career expos. Try'a Trade is a WorldSkills Australia initiative that encourages students to consider trade and vocational education as a first-choice career option. These events provide students with an opportunity to 'have a go' at various skill and trade occupations. The activities are entertaining, informative and offer interested individuals access to some of the basic skills involved in a range of trades.
The Try'a Trade events seek to: • motivate students and others through a hands-on experience; • share information about future career choices; • encourage participants to appreciate what skill education and training can offer. Try'a Trade allows students to meet and talk with trade professionals, apprentices, VET teachers, trainers and local industry representatives. WorldSkills Queensland manages an extensive, statewide Try’a Trade program. The majority of Try’a Trade events are integrated with existing career and employment
expos. In 2012, WorldSkills Queensland facilitated 32 Try’a Trade events which attracted over 65,000 attendees. Shane’s involvement in 2013 is strongly supported by
the Australian Timber Flooring Association (ATFA) and local industry suppliers. The work done by Shane and ATFA enables students to make informed career decisions for the future.
The next priority was to develop online materials. These are: • C-Matrix video on career pathways in the carpet industry (http:// www.youtube.com/ watch?v=aNI2osGlEIo) • C-Profiling video – This HR tool tracks apprentice’s work experience against the requirements of the carpet laying units of competency. ( http:// www.youtube.com/ watch?v=MJNtmRp7xj4) • Video promoting the use of online learning and shows the possibilities of access via laptop, tablets (such as Ipads), smartphones and PCs. (http://www.youtube. com/watch?v=RNf_xRraTA&feature=youtu.be) • Point of view glasses video – POV glasses will be used as part of an E-learning trial involving a group of apprentice carpet layers. (http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=TX-P8qBb7GA)
The project also includes four workshops in major areas where training centres that deliver the Certificate III in Flooring Technology. These workshops have been held in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne with one in Adelaide still to be held. Finally, the project is recruiting students to participate in trials of the materials and applications developed. “While the project is challenging, it is clear that blended learning that combines traditional face to face classroom methods with computer based E-learning content, delivery and assessment is essential to achieve better training outcomes for students, teachers and our industry as a whole,” said Allan. “The Carpet Institute very much appreciates the support given to the project by the National Flooring Trainers Network and many companies that have contributed in different ways.”
Carpet industry E-learning project The Carpet industry E-learning project is progressing well and will be completed by the end of May 2013. The project is being funded by the National VET (Vocational Education and Training) E-learning Strategy through the Industry System Change program and managed by the Improve Group, a Registered Training Organisation based in Brisbane. “As we know, carpet laying is a listed skill shortage occupation,” said CIAL CEO, Allan Firth. “The ‘skills gap’ will only increase over time because the installer workforce is ageing rapidly and, on the supply side, not enough young people are signing up for apprentice training (Certificate 111 in Flooring Technology). Of those who do, more than 50% drop out. “Post-Global Financial Crisis, apprenticeship enrolments fell sharply and are yet to recover. While all
10 Flooring April/May 2013
trades have been affected, the decline in the number of flooring apprentices occurred from a low base. The E-learning project recognises that new approaches are needed to make installer training more appealing to young people and more flexible in terms of how, when and where trade training is delivered. “The starting point for the project was the recognition that the training materials for the carpet laying stream of the Flooring Technology course badly needed updating and improving. With the assistance of the National Flooring Trainers Network, we will shortly complete a thorough revision of the training materials for 11 carpet laying units of competency. The materials have been updated and improved by adding more visual content and voice overs to assist students with reading difficulties.”
FAV race night a success The FAV executive once again organised the FAV Annual Race Night at Moonee Valley Racecourse in March. “The night was a balmy evening, the food and wine terrific, plenty of winners and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the evening,” said FAV’s Warren West. “There was widespread representation from the floorcovering ndustry including Alan Firth from CIAL; Michael Landers FFTS Union; Don Douglas, FAV’s auditor; Gary Bennet from Fenton Green and FAV member companies and their guests. “The night was further enhanced by Tim Wilson and Sam ‘Killer’ Killkenny
from First Light Racing and Joel Marshall from Winning Post, who provided a running commentary on the form of each race and also ran a very successful punters club. Their input into the night was greatly appreciated and enjoyed by all. We welcome them again next year. “It is envisaged that due to the support shown for the evening, FAV Executive will organise another Race Night in 2014. Hope to see you all there,” said Warren. Clockwise from top: Ben Vander Veen, Warren West, Gary Bennet, Don Douglas and Michael Landers; Ben Vander Veen, President FAV; First Light Boys Tim Wilson, Sam “Killer” Killkenny and Joel Marshall.
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Godfrey Hirst-Redbook carpets SPF promo winners congratulated Godfrey Hirst and Redbook carpets congratulate Deborah Digger from John Digger Furniture, Picton, NSW and Richard Beaumont from Devonport Floorworld, Devonport, Tasmania on winning the Godfrey Hirst and Redbook carpets SPF (Sun Protected Fibre) sales promotion. All sales staff recipients of the SPF sales incentive received $2.50 for every qualifying metre of Godfrey Hirst or Redbook Total SPF carpet sold during December 2012 and January 2013. The recipients were then entered into the draw to win one of two $20,000 holiday vouchers. The two lucky winners Debbie and Richard each won a $20,000 holiday voucher. ”My husband plays tricks on me, so I didn’t believe it,” said Debbie. After finally being convinced that they had, in fact, won the $20,000 prize, Deborah was thrilled: “I never win anything… I didn’t actually believe it until Trent (our rep) came in”. Deborah and John Digger are considering an Alaskan cruise or even a trip to Africa while winners Richard and Martel Beaumont plan to take their children, Jack and Holly, to France, Italy, Portugal and Greece later in the year. Richard, who was ecstatic with the win, said the SPF program has been well received by consumers in Tasmania as it is the hardest hit state for ozone and fading due to the lack of ozone layer. He said: “Most customers are instantly attracted to the bold colours when they come into the showrooms. Consumers are looking for more bells and whistles with every purchase and, as well as the large range of bright colours, SPF carpets offer stain resistance, durability and are backed by leading warranties”. Deborah agrees and said she believes that the biggest drawcard for consumers to SPF carpets is the great range of colours and the sun protection. 14 Left: Devonport Floorworld winners Richard and Martel Beaumont.
12 Flooring April/May 2013
*Conditions apply
$20,000 GETAWAY
SPF - fade resistant carpet with stain resistance Authorised under NSW Permit No LTPS/12/10845, ACT Permit No TP 12/04979, SA Permit No T12/2537, VIC Permit No 12/3349
The new Godfrey Hirst website is here
Top: The winning team at Diggers Carpets, Picton, NSW. Above: Western Australia’s top SPF sales team during the $2.50 per m promotion, Central Carpet Court, Balcatta, (L-R) Vipul Mistry, Leonie Guley (Godfrey Hirst) and Terry Pullen.
12 According to Godfrey Hirst, SPF’s ground-breaking technology, which helps protect carpet against fading from sunlight and atmospheric contaminants including ozone, means that you can sell SPF carpets in sun prone areas with confidence. SPF is a culmination of years of research and investment, where long lasting colour is infused into the fibre. A greater number of vibrant carpet dyes are used in the manufacturing of SPF carpets to provide a wider range of bright, fashionable colours from which customers can choose. What’s more, all SPF carpets are treated with Stainblock or Stain Guard – innovative treatments added during the manufacturing process to help protect carpet fibres from common household food and beverage stains, soiling and static build‐up. All SPF carpets come with 15 Year Wear, Stain, Soil and Colourfast Guarantee and have been independently tested for wear and fade resistance. The Carpet Institute of Australia has awarded all SPF carpets with a Residential Extra Heavy Duty five or six star ACCS rating.
14 Flooring April/May 2013
Godfrey Hirst Carpets has announced the launch of its new residential website. The latest in website design, the site has a fresh new look and user-friendly navigation. With an increasing number of Australian consumers turning to the web prior to visiting a retail outlet, the site allows consumers to easily select carpet and then find a store from which to purchase. Simple to use, the site includes a new product library for customers to browse carpets and information about Godfrey Hirst brands, products, styles, colours and fibre types to help them make an informed decision on their important purchase. The Godfrey Hirst design team has also created pages of inspiration to assist consumers with their interior styling and provide them with the latest trends. Using the ‘My Carpet’ feature, consumers can collate helpful information to bring instore with them, such as their favourite carpet colours, styles and an estimate of the amount of carpet they require. Each store’s address and details are promoted on the Store Locator so local consumers can easily find the nearest store. The new Godfrey Hirst website is accessible anytime, anywhere from smart phones, tablets and in store through QR codes on point of sale. All of these features make it easy for consumers to select the perfect Godfrey Hirst carpet for their home. www.godfreyhirst.com
Collectively Carpet One members’ rebates were up 54% in the last 6 month period, with some stores receiving between $40,000 – $50,000 in rebates over the same period. 54%
Carpet One enjoys continued success. Carpet One is the world’s largest flooring retail group, with
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over 1000 stores worldwide. In a period when business has
our members enjoy access to a trusted brand combined with
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News ACCC targets small business The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has released a free online education program for small businesses to help them learn about their rights and obligations under Australian competition and consumer laws. “Small businesses have a range of legal protections when dealing with their suppliers and other businesses. They also have a number of obligations when dealing with their customers,” ACCC deputy chair Dr Michael Schaper said. “The ACCC is committed to helping businesses understand their rights and responsibilities. We recognise that small business operators are busy running their businesses and need simple, clear information which can be accessed at their own pace.”
The program provides small businesses with a simple, interactive learning resource which provides a broad overview of the Australian Consumer Law and Competition and Consumer Act (2010). It covers common questions such as what businesses can say in their advertising, what to do if they realise they are selling an unsafe product and when they must provide a customer with a repair, replacement or refund. The online program consists of 10 modules on specific topics, each of which should take about 15 to 20 minutes to complete. Users can work through the entire set of modules or select only those topics most relevant to their business operations. At the end of most modules, users can do a short selfassessment quiz to test their understanding of the topic.
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16 Flooring April/May 2013
MJS hosts certified moisture testing courses MJS Floorcoverings hosted two certified moisture testing courses in Brisbane in March. The courses were well met by the flooring industry, with customers enjoying the course and finding it enlightening and informative. Two staff from MJS Queensland attended the course as well, and are now certified in moisture testing. MJS aims to have personnel in each state certified, raising the level of professional development within its teams. Typically these courses are only offered in Sydney: however MJS saw the need for the course to be offered in other locations throughout Australia. Through its liaising with the Floor Coverings Association of NSW and South Western Sydney Institute, Lidcombe TAFE Floor Covering Section, MJS has been able to organise for
the moisture testing course to be held in Brisbane, Melbourne and Hobart. The course consists of a one day workshop providing participants with the latest available information on all moisture testing procedures for concrete and timber floors, along with the knowledge required for inspecting and reporting on the suitability of subfloors to receive floorcoverings. It is being run by William Tree, a committee member for the Australian Flooring Standards since 2003, who has 42 years of experience in the Australian flooring industry as an installer, supervisor and business owner. Currently MJS Floorcoverings is hosting an upcoming moisture testing course in Melbourne on 6 May, 2013 and an upcoming course in Hobart to be announced shortly.
Wheel turns full circle for sampling company Sharon Thresher, who started Textile Promotions in Carrum Downs, Victoria in 2012, has now purchased Voltri Carpet Services. Sharon’s parents, Jenny and David Dickson, started Voltri back in 1981 and, on their retirement in December 2011, sold the business to another party. Sharon, who is thrilled to have bought Voltri back, said that with the additional plant
and equipment as well as selected staff to add to her already skilled team, Textile Promotions will increase its ability to offer service and quality. Textile Promotions provides swatches, architectural cards and folders, sample books, drapes, labelling and other merchandising aids for the floorcovering industry throughout Australasia.
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News WoodCrete achieves one year milestone “We have achieved so much in our first year,” said WoodCrete’s Grant McConaghy. “Introducing the FG machine brand to the market has been the biggest challenge for us as we know that, in these tough economic times, contractors and businesses are reluctant to outlay money on equipment. “However, we continue to see much interest in our machines due to their performance and user friendly design attributes. “The biggest interest has been around the Terrassen– Blitz as the machine not only offers a very efficient manner in which to sand a deck but also produces the distressed look on internal
floors. Its unique nylon and carborundum grit strands remove the softer grain and give the floor an antique or textured look. “It really is the answer as far as decks are concerned and this is well supported by the number of sales. “We have also seen continued growth in regards to general product sales. We would like to think it’s because we offer very good support and are just good blokes, but I think it has more to do with the fact that we open at 6am, as well as Saturday mornings and offer competitive pricing to the market. “We are very much looking forward to the year ahead with more exciting things to come,” said Grant.
Intafloor members visit Domotex Asia/ChinaFloor in Shanghai
Members of the Intafloor buying group visited the Asian flooring expo Domotex Asia/ChinaFloor held in Shanghai in March this year. The visit to Shanghai is a regular event for Intafloor members as it is an opportunity to visit the exhibition as well as their suppliers in China and check on specifications and quality of product ranges. “An enormous amount of hard work is spent to ensure that new products are made to exacting tolerances, the challenge is to then receive these high quality products consistently on an ongoing basis,” explained a sp;okesperson for the group. “At the factories we insist that quality control staff check each batch and production before
shipment to the Australian and New Zealand markets. As Domotex Asia/AsiaFloor is now a global expo, suppliers from around the world display their products so it is an ideal opportunity to keep up with new products and ideas.” Members of Intafloors from all Australian States as well as New Zealand meet every three months to ensure that their product range of accessories and tools for the installation market is up to date and correct supply chain arrangements are in place. Another focus is to source, where possible, environmentally friendly products. Pictured above: Campbell Dunn, Mark Sutton, Brent McDonald, Vincent Mort, Angus Dunn and Gavin Smith.
MMFA association keeps growing The MMFA (Multilayer Modular Flooring Association), founded in October 2012, organised its first full working session in Munich from 28 February to 1 March. Seven new members were welcomed to the association and the two working committees Technics and Market development gathered for their first meeting. Matthias Windmöller, MMFA Chairman of the Board states: “The gratifyingly high number of new members achieved in such a short
18 Flooring April/May 2013
period confirms the demand within the sector for a diversified representation of interests. “In the light of the progress in product development and the signs of a positive trend of the market for multilayer modular floorings we will further boost our acquisition. We want to bring all relevant European players on board as soon as possible, and thus establish a strong network within the sector and actively shape the successful development of our products.”
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AUSTRALIAN / NZ DISTRIBUTORS QLD Gibbon Group Brisbane: 07 3881 1777 McDonals Flooring Accessories Gold Coast: 07 5564 9999
Gibbon Group Newcastle: 02 4951 1002 Intafloors Trade Depot Sydney: 02 8678 5479
Nuplex Construction Products
Seal and Sons
NZ Free Phone: 0508 882 288
Adelaide: 08 8346 9833
TAS Total Flooring North Hobart: 03 6234 9855
FIS Distributors Knoxfield: 03 9764 2400 Dandenong: 03 9702 7822 Geelong: 03 5521 6670 Preston: 03 9416 7878
Kevmor Wholesale Trade Supplies Perth: 08 9277 7177
Domotex consolidates reputation By establishing offshoots of Domotex in various promising foreign markets, the show’s organisers at Deutsche Messe have not only been steadily gathering international flooring market expertise, but also adding to the global renown of the Domotex brand as a whole. Besides the world’s leading trade fair for floorcoverings in Hannover, Germany, major Domotex events are now also being staged in Asia and Russia as well as in the Middle East and Turkey. “We are now represented on the world’s strongest and fastest-growing markets. This means that we are able to help companies tap into new business opportunities on various continents,” said Dr. Andreas Gruchow, member of the Managing Board at Deutsche Messe.
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20 Flooring April/May 2013
“The products exhibited at these major continental trade shows are geared to the particular requirements and trends in each of the respective countries and regions and exhibitors will be able to reach buyers concentrating on these particular regional markets “With the new business year having gotten off to a successful start with Domotex in Hannover, we are confident that the upcoming events in Shanghai, Moscow and Istanbul will also produce all the right results.” Domotex asia/ChinaFloor in March remains the most vibrant floorcoverings show on the growth markets of the AsiaPacific region. The event is the largest trade show for floor coverings on the Asian market, and the second largest worldwide, surpassed only by the flagship fair in Hannover. Parquet and laminates are the biggest display category, but resilient floorcoverings are also enjoying increasing popularity. “Demand for good design and sophisticated materials has clearly risen compared with previous years. We have responded to this trend by initiating a new premium zone for innovations (in Hall 1), where exhibitors can place the spotlight on their new products and fresh ideas,” explained Gruchow. Domotex Russia, which runs from 25 to 27 September 2013, will provide
a unique opportunity for exhibitors to gain a foothold on the Russian market or to expand existing activities on this market. The trade show made its debut in Moscow in 2012. “As the only specialist event for floorcoverings in Russia, Domotex opens up huge potential for exhibitors and visitors to make new contacts and gain business leads in Russia and the CIS states,” emphasised Gruchow. Domotex Russia, which takes place in conjunction with Heimtextil Russia, has textile floor coverings and carpets as the core focus of the show. Based in Istanbul since 2012, Domotex Middle East has focused on attracting visitors from growth markets such as Turkey and the Middle East. It will again take place in the Istanbul Expo Center from 7 to 10 November 2013, serving as Turkey’s foremost showcase for carpets and floorcoverings. Although Turkey ranks among the top five suppliers of hand-made and machine-made carpets, this does not mean that there is a lack of opportunities for foreign suppliers of floorcoverings and carpets. On the contrary, there are good export opportunities for manufacturers of textile and resilient floorcoverings, as well as parquet floors. The dates for the next Domotex in Hannover have already been announced: 11 to 14 January 2014.
Left: Floorshop Carpet Court store managers, James Hinde and Lee Rayner.
Carpet Court expands in Victoria and NSW With the paint dry and the shelves stocked with the latest flooring samples, the doors are now open to Carpet Court’s newest stores, Mildura Carpet Court in Victoria and Floorshop Carpet Court in Manly, NSW.
The locally owned businesses have become members of Australia’s largest flooring retailer, joining a 200 strong network of Carpet Court stores nationwide. Mildura Carpet Court opened its doors in
September while Floorshop Carpet Court opened in March. Floorshop Carpet Court owner, Niels Walter, said it was an easy decision to join the Carpet Court network as it allows the store to offer a large range of flooring options at very competitive pricing. “We are dedicated to our customers and believe they deserve to have an extensive range of flooring options on their doorstep. Being part of the Carpet Court group enables us to bring competitive value and choice to our customers, while remaining proudly independently owned,” said Niels. Mildura Carpet Court owner Greg Stanbrook is optimistic
that the strength of a recognised company combined with local ownership will help the store to become a valued part of the community. “We believe joining the nationally recognised Carpet Court group has made us a great asset to our local community. We look forward to a long future providing the very best in flooring for our customers,” said Greg. Floorshop Carpet Court is also home to an interactive design hub where customers can use Carpet Court’s revolutionary 3D Design Studio to create 3D rooms by experimenting with flooring options on uploaded pictures of their own home or office.
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22 Flooring April/May 2013
Rediscover designEX, Australia's longest-running design and architecture event in Melbourne from 30 May to 1 June 2013. On show will be industryleading brands in flooring, furniture, textiles, lighting, architecture, bathrooms, surfaces and finishes, as well as seminars and workshops, independently curated features and a host of new brand alliances. For 25 years, designEX has been Australia’s premier interiors, design ideas and
architecture event – a design experience where you can immerse yourself in three days of inspiration and innovation. designEX is an industry platform to share inspiration and innovation – a platform where design is celebrated, design leaders are honoured and the young and new can learn, flourish and grow. Architects, specifiers, interior designers, manufacturers and everyone that creates and supports the creative heartbeat of Australia is welcome.
2013 Australian Timber Design Awards open for entries Entries for the 14th annual Australian Timber Design Awards are now open. This year entries may be considered for seven Application Awards and various Recognition Awards (previously the "Best Use Of" Awards). Additional awards include the Sustainability
Award, the Rising Star Award, the Small Budget Projects Award and the very popular People's Choice Award. Entries close 28 June 2013 and the winners will be announced in midSeptember at the Awards Presentation Night in Melbourne.
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Retailer of the month
Three generations and still going strong Better Floors, Wollongong, NSW
rom the humble beginnings of a small shop on Kenny Street Wollongong, Clive and Pamela Whittaker began their journey in the floorcovering industry. Now, almost 60 years later, Better Floors has come a long way with 23 employees, eight teams of sub contracted installers, a combined warehouse/ commercial showroom facility on Auburn St, Wollongong and a domestic showroom on Crown St, Wollongong. At 82 years of age Clive Whittaker still maintains an active interest in the company and has experienced many changes in the floorcovering industry and the business as a whole. He was a proud member of the
Australian Floor Style group for many years including being on the board and a stint as chairman during this time. Despite losing practically everything in a fire in 1983 in which their warehouse burnt to the ground, the company, with the support of staff, manufacturers and retailers alike, rebuilt and has gone from strength to strength. Better Floors prides itself on being a family business: Clive and Pamela’s daughter Merrilyn Long joined the company in 1973 and, for the last 10 years, has been the General Manager. Her husband Stephen left teaching in 1982 to join and now is an integral part of commercial sales.
Merrilyn’s sons Morgan and Nicholas joined in the mid to late ‘90s, Morgan having begun in the office and Nicholas as an apprentice installer. Since then they have moved to an active management role where Morgan oversees domestic sales and marketing and Nicholas oversees project management and commercial sales. Over the years, the Better Floors family has extended further with husbands and wives, fathers and sons and even uncles and nephews added to the successful proud history of the company. The business is very focussed on an active training and apprenticeship program that has seen apprentice installers go on to
Above & top right: The Crown Street store of Better Floors. Right: One of the store’s best selling tools – Pickles the dog.
be subcontractors and become very much entrenched in the Better Floors family. One particular success for which Better Floors is proud is that numerous team members have been with the company for well over 30 years. “Training in the flooring industry needs a great deal of attention and retailers should be proactive with this otherwise the industry will experience a skills shortage,” explained Merrilyn. With a sales team of seven, sales are a hive of activity. Better Floors services an area as far as Sydney, the Far South Coast of NSW, Southern Highlands, Shoalhaven and Illawarra with both domestic and commercial floorcoverings. In 2009, Better
Floors expanded its range to include blinds and shutters that was felt to complement the flooring market. The Crown St showroom has three sales members (Morgan, Anita and Carol), which focuses primarily on domestic flooring solutions for new homes, renovations, interior designers, rental properties and light commercial (restaurants and shop fit-outs). Commercially, a team of three (Nicholas, Stephen and Warren) cover commercial sales from the Auburn St complex with a strong focus on medical, health, aged care, government and education. Better Floors warehouse facility with two full time employees has a computerised cutting machine, two
forklifts and, on any given day, covers an installation run of up to 10 teams and hundreds of metres of material from commercial vinyl, to carpet tiles and broadloom carpet right through to bamboo and cork tiles. “Our staff have an in depth product knowledge and are on top of all changing trends and the requirements in the flooring industry that are necessary to complete an installation effectively and efficiently,” said Clive and Merrilyn. “It is important our staff understand all government regulations and technical facets to meet our customers’ needs.” Better Floors now looks forward to the next chapter in its successful history.
Left: Better Floors family members Nicholas, Stephen and Morgan Long with owners Clive and Pam Whittaker and current General Manager, Merrilyn Long. Right: Outside the Auburn Street warehouse, administration and commercial offices are Warren Maynell, commercial estimator; warehouse staff Luke Beer and Wayne Mulqueeney; sales and blinds admin and sales staff member Leanne Smith with receptionist Stephanie Kates and accounts and office administrator, Debbie Downie. Far right: Carol Lawson, Morgan Long and Anita Palermo, domestic sales staff for flooring and blinds.
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Better healing outcomes… by design The use of evidence based design to create flooring options for specific healthcare environments is behind some of the flooring supplied to the high profile Olivia Newton-John Cancer and Wellness Centre. “Research shows that the design of the healthcare environment plays a significant role in healthcare and healing,” said Paul McCosker, General Manager, Shaw Contract Group Australia. “At Shaw Contract Group we use evidence based design to create carpet and hard surface solutions that transform healing spaces and support the best possible outcomes for patients, staff and organisations.” Because the needs of healthcare spaces vary, Shaw floorcoverings are designed to meet the unique demands of different facilities including aged care, wellness centres, acute care hospitals, senior living communities, medical campuses and dental facilities. There are four key factors in designing floorcoverings for healthcare applications; comfort, product performance, improved environments and sustainability.
Creating comfortable spaces
Ask any nurse, doctor or other staff member and they’ll back up the research1 that highlights the importance of floorcoverings on standing comfort and fatigue. With the right product, sore feet and aching legs don’t have to be part of the job! A carpeted floor softens every step, improves posture and increases overall comfort levels for medical professionals, all of which can help boost staff productivity. Avoiding glare2 is important to both patients and staff. Carpet reduces the glare that can distract and cause eye fatigue, create visual discomfort in the very young and elderly, and cause confusion. Carpet is also a social lubricant. It creates a warmer, more residential quality that boosts confidence about moving around safely, encouraging exploration, movement and interaction.3 Carpet absorbs sound 10 times more efficiently than hard flooring, helping achieve the quiet calm that is essential for patient recovery and staff concentration4. 28 26 Flooring April/May 2013
The Ginkgo Range in Silver Apricot with the Asana Range’s Raja.
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Aged&Heathcare 26
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28 Flooring April/May 2013
With high traffic, constant spillages and cleaning, healthcare spaces are challenging for any floorcovering. “At Shaw, we design highly durable, low maintenance carpet that’s easier and less expensive to maintain than other floorcoverings while still being kind to the environment,” said Paul McCosker. “Both EcoWorx and TekLok high performance backing systems are made from non PVC materials, have low VOC levels and strong antimicrobial properties, and come with lifetime commercial warranties.” “Even better, EcoWorx performance broadloom forms an impermeable moisture barrier and is backed with an environmental guarantee.” These backings are complemented by face fibres such as yarn or solution dyed Eco Solution Q, and Eco Solution Extreme, that are designed specifically for environments where contact with spills and harsh chemicals is commonplace. These face fibres are not only practical, with easy cleanup and stain removal, they also come in a wide range of colours and designs that enhance any healthcare space. Carpet makes sense when you are juggling your healthcare budget too. Over a given area, carpet requires approximately one third of cleaning time and cost compared with vinyl tiles, minimising life cycle costs for the facility5. Different areas – such as foyers, nurses’ stations and waiting areas – have different traffic patterns and performance needs, requiring different carpets. Shaw has products that are engineered for their purpose. Together with preventative measures such as walk off mats and tiles near entries, the carpet will retain its appearance longer and extend its life, saving on replacement costs and downtime.
Improving indoor environments
Evidence based design is used by Shaw to create carpet solutions that improve indoor air quality, inhibit micro-organism growth and lessen the frequency and severity of slips and falls. Studies show that carpet reduces dust in the air from foot traffic, keeping it at lower levels, improving air quality and holding pollutants in its face fibre until they are vacuumed away6.
Patients in wheelchairs and ill children, both of whom are closer to the floor, benefit from keeping any dust and allergens at lower levels. Moisture control is a major issue for healthcare environments. With the frequency of accidental spills, incontinence and rigorous cleaning, seepage can lead to moisture being trapped beneath the floor. Shaw’s EcoWorx performance broadloom eliminates the problem with a non flow through polymer backing that prevents moisture from ever reaching the subfloor. In addition, EcoWorx also has antimicrobial properties that inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi. With patients and residents often unsteady on their feet, carpet provides the traction that can help prevent slips and cushion fragile bones if a fall occurs.
Sustainable products for people and the environment While healthcare is about caring for people, there’s no reason we shouldn’t care for the environment too. Shaw produces healthcare products that are manufactured in a closed loop process where every centimetre of carpet made from sustainable ingredients is fully recyclable back into more carpet. Since 2007, Shaw’s recycling program has earned the company multiple Carpet America Recovery Effort (CARE) Recycler of the Year awards. To order a free copy of Design is healing, contact your Shaw representative or go online.
Footnotes 1.0 Redfern M S, Cham R: ‘The influence of flooring on standing comfort and fatigue,’ American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, volume 61, no 5, September-October 2000. 1.1 Madeleine P, Voigt M and Arendt-Nielsen L: ‘Subjective, physiological and biomechanical responses to prolonged manual work performed standing on hard and soft surfaces,’ Eur. Journal of Applied Physiology. 2.0 Reznickoff S C: ‘Specifications for commercial interiors: professional liabilities, regulations and performance criteria (Watson-Guptil revised edition 1989). 3.0 Brawley Elizabeth C: Designing for Alzheimer’s disease: strategies for creating better care environments, (Wiley 1997). 4.0 Cmiel Cheryl Ann BAN, RN, and Karr Dana Marie, BSN, RN, et al, ‘Noise control: A nursing team’s approach to sleep promotion,’ 2004 American Society of Interior Designers, ‘Sound Solutions’ 2005. 5.0 ‘Life-cycle cost analysis for floor covering in school facilities’, Institute of inspection, cleaning and restoration certification, 2002. 6.0 Asbury G, ‘Cleaning and foot traffic emissions analysis’, test #0072198, Porfessional Testing Laboratory Inc, Dalton, GA, 2002
A better carpet for a healthier environment The combination of great design and clever innovation has worked together to create Signature’s new care+carpets. Combining new technology with design and colour has resulted in a range of carpets that perform under particularly difficult conditions. Whenever hygiene and well-being is essential (and today that
should be everywhere) care+carpets from Signature Floors offer extraordinary benefits that go well beyond our expectations. Care+carpets are designed to enhance people’s experience and well-being in a medical environment. Care+carpet offers state-of-the-art Antron fibre technology combined with an
impermeable vinyl back moisture barrier, whilst featuring antimicrobial and bacterial protection. The vinyl backing can be seamlessly weld-joined to vinyl, which makes transition strips a thing of the past: a simple solution that makes the whole surface watertight and impervious, and at the same time reduce trips and falls. The Antron fibre features bleach, soil and stain resistant technology. Care+carpets come with a number of green credentials such as Green Tag accreditation to level A in Greenstar, ISO 14001 accreditation for sustainability, and an End of Life product stewardship. The carpets are fire rated for all areas BCA C1.10a; are sound absorbent and glare reducing; offer reduced rolling resistance and come with a 15 year warranty. With all these benefits in mind, the care+carpet range is not only suited for medical and aged care facilities, it is also an ideal flooring solution for child care facilities, schools and libraries, and recreation centers and gymnasiums where a high standard of floor hygiene is required. The collections consist of five different patterns with up to 10 colours that all mix and match. This gives designers the freedom to design their own patterns and help to distinguish between different spaces in the same facility.
Flooring April/May 2013 29
Not all bamboo is made equal Clever Choice is a boutique flooring company that has been passionately focused on producing the highest quality and most stable bamboo flooring for over eight years. Its high density bamboo flooring is a strong, versatile product that is available in a range of colours and sizes to suit all fashionable styles. Clever Choice’s latest range of solid bamboo flooring – Designer Timber – focuses on the current trend for oak veneer flooring with colours and textures that reflect this much loved timber, which is often the first choice for designers, architects and consumers.
The new range is available in four oak colours and two widths including the fashionable wide boards. The boards are solid bamboo and have a patented textured finish underfoot as well as incorporating a licensed fourside Clever Click for glueless installation. “Our modern manufacturing facility has the highest quality bamboo flooring machinery in China, including state-of-the-art technology and equipment from Europe. We are very proud of our product consistency, appearance and superior quality,” said MD Simon Scott.
“Clever Choice bamboo is harvested and manufactured using low environmental impact techniques, incorporating compliance with the GECA standards. It is stronger than most hardwoods, and it does not take hundreds of years to grow, as do hardwoods of comparable density and strength.” The product has been independently certified as meeting the requirements of Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) "The Environmental Choice Australia Ecolabel is Australia's leading environmental labeling program,” explained Simon. “It indicates the
environmental performance of a product from a multi-criteria perspective. Products that carry this ecolabel are certified environmentally preferable by GECA."
Technical specifications
• Hardness: Bamboo flooring is harder than most Australian hardwoods, with Clever Choice strand woven bamboo ranking a 14+ on the Janka rating. • Finish: The finish is important because this is what the customer sees: however, a nice finish does not make what is underneath good quality. Clever Choice bamboo specifies the highest quality E0 European Standard coating and applies nine UV cured coats to each high density bamboo board to ensure the best finish and protection. • Moisture content: This is critical to the quality of the bamboo. Clever Choice uses an unique procedure to
30 Flooring April/May 2013
control the moisture content of the bamboo – not only ‘air drying’ but using conditioning rooms to specifically match the moisture content to the needs of our climate; to promote the best performance of the bamboo boards for our environment; and to prevent cupping or cracking. • Density: This is critical to the dimensional stability of the bamboo floor. Clever Choice Bamboo boards are tested before they reach the final production line to ensure that they reach our uniquely high standard of 1100 - 1150 kg/m3. “Our hot press bamboo averages 10% more density than most other bamboo boards,” said Simon. “Why is this important? Because density equals stability, and extra stability is peace of mind. Generally Clever Choice bamboo is twice as stable as the commonly used wood varieties.
• Air emissions: E1 air emissions is the industry standard for bamboo flooring for indoor use. Independent test results verify that Clever Choice bamboo air emissions are lower than the E1 standards.
Eco Choice Decking
Clever Choice has just released a range of bamboo composite decking boards to enhance the al fresco outdoor areas of the home. Eco Choice Decking is made from 60% bamboo (sawdust), 30% PET recycled plastic and 10% hardeners and stabilisers. This combination of materials provides an extremely stable product that is easy to install with a side clip fixing system allowing for a nail free surface. This highly versatile decking product is available in a choice of four colours, is low maintenance, splinter free and termite proof. The Clever Choice Eco Deck is suitable for all outdoor applications. It can also be enhanced with outdoor pergolas and bridges made from the same material.
Nature and design in harmony A study undertaken by an international consumer research firm in Germany showed that German consumers want to see independent quality seals provide evidence of environmental credentials and sustainability claims used for advertising purposes. Of those surveyed, 80.1% believe that companies which use environmental and sustainability claims for advertising purposes need to be able to demonstrate them in full. Four out of five Germans consider independent certificates suitable for this. The European brand-name manufacturers of laminate floors (EPLF members) have
committed themselves to the principle of sustainability and advocated independent test commissions at an early stage. Customers around the world are increasingly rejecting superficial "greenwashing". Instead they want credible suppliers who don't just promise environmentallysound and socially-responsible actions or ecological product features in their advertising but also actually deliver them. EPLF President Ludger Schindler said: "The EPLF and its member companies made a clear commitment to sustainable construction early on. For years our members have been continually investing in the
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development of innovative and environmentally-friendly products. The EPLF was one of the first groups in the flooring industry to prompt the development of EPDs and therefore paved the way towards increased transparency and product safety for the consumer." The laminate flooring products of European manufacturers can't win over customers through their numerous decors and outstanding usage characteristics alone – but their environmental impact can do the trick. The sustainable origin of the wood used, guaranteed by seal of approvals, rules out controversial sources. All laminate flooring components used by all EPLF members are manufactured without the use of pesticides,
organochlorine compounds or harmful heavy metals and laminate contains no PVC and no softeners. Decorative flooring finishes are printed on certified paper with a high proportion of recycled material using natural water-based inks. Eco-friendly resins and adhesives are used as the binder. Fitting laminate flooring therefore helps promote a healthy indoor climate. And if the laminate flooring has to be replaced when the customer moves home, it can be easily lifted using modern click systems and disposed of or recycled if need be. At the end of their life cycles, laminate floors produce safe waste – once chipped, it can be returned to the production process or even use as a growing medium in agriculture.
Sustainable flooring and rugs Natural fibre floorcoverings • they do not contribute and rugs are sustainable to climate change since flooring products, made they do not produce CO2. from rapidly renewable Through photosynthesis, materials that come from plants actually soak up plants (sisal, jute, abaca, CO2 and release oxygen; seagrass, coir and paper) and • they can be biological animals (wool). International nutrients, if properly the same plant, although this Floorcoverings have always disposed. International is not common practice. chosen to work with natural Floorcoverings’ products Sisal fibre is obtained materials because: are backed with natural from the agave plant, and latex derived from rubber International Floorcoverings • sustainable flooring trees and may even be source the world's highest products are rapidly chopped up and used as quality sisal, the longest, renewable. With the use fertilizer at the end of their finest, and whitest fibre, from of sustainable farming useful life. the agave plantations of Asia practices, these fibres may Rapidly renewable and Europe. Sisal natural be harvested over and over materials and sustainable fibre carpets are naturally again without damaging flooring products are made sound-absorbing, antistatic, the environment; from plants that regenerate and extremely durable due to • sustainable rugs undergo quickly – typically they may the inherent qualities of this very little processing. be harvested every 10 years tough, hard wearing fibre. Natural fibres generally or less. In fact sisal grows so Sisal is a sustainable and require fewer resources quickly that the fibre may be renewable source of woven than synthetics to become 382-0413 R413 products; Advert Flooring Magazineharvested Feb-Mar 2013 v02.pdf 11:45 AM twice a year 1from15/04/13floorcovering material and is finished
an environmentally friendly product. No pesticides or chemical fertilizers are used in sisal production, and most weeding is done by hand rather than through the use of herbicides. It is known that the natural tannins present in the sisal, (as with lanolin in wool) help reduce the presence of dust mites, so reducing the incidence of allergic reactions as the dust mites are repelled rather than attracted. These tannins give the typical odour to the fibre.
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Bringing the pieces together Being in the flooring industry is not for the faint-hearted. There are a lot of moving parts that must all work in harmony if everything is going to come together to deliver the profit you deserve for your hard work and investment. We might have retail stores but what we do is not strictly a retail activity. Behind the scenes we know that once the sale is made that is not the end to it; as hard as it might have been to make the sale more hard work and co-ordination is required to ensure that the job is completed on time and to a standard that will result in prompt payment of our invoice. As the owner of a flooring business you need to keep an eye on sales performance but equally you need to ensure that the installation side of your business is performing well. The goal is to be paid promptly for your work and for your customers to tell others about the positive experience they had with you over the course of their flooring project. If things don’t go right payment is protracted, discounts are required reducing profitability and your reputation suffers. In previous articles I have said that often the performance of the business comes down to a small number of people; in many cases just the one – the owner of the business. If you are the owner of a flooring business you know that you need to have eyes in the back of your head in order to catch the things that could have
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36 Flooring April/May 2013
a detrimental effect on profitability, on reputation and on stress levels. Within most flooring businesses management of the various moving parts is done in a variety of ways but it is a time consuming process with owners and managers often, and understandably, putting out the fires first; giving priority to those things that are the most urgent. Sadly most of these urgent matters arise because there is either not consistent process in place to prevent them from arising or there is no way to ensure that the process is being followed. A good software solution can help. RFMS, for example, is a fully integrated management system designed solely and exclusively for the flooring industry from the ground up. It can integrate all aspects of your flooring business right from measuring and quantifying through quoting, invoicing, stock management, scheduling, client management and through to full management reporting, analysis and financials. RFMS provides you with the ability to automate your business to a degree that is not possible to do using manual systems or software systems that don’t fully integrate. With automation comes
the ability to spend more time driving and growing your business. The right business management solution can change the way you do business and provide you with the platform for improved profitability and growth. If the various pieces within your business are not working together to give you the best results possible then business management software might be what you need to take your business to the next level. An integrated system like RFMS will provide you with the tools that you need to create an environment where you are not spending your day putting out fires. Get the benefits of bringing the pieces together in one integrated management tool. Chris Ogden is a consultant and Managing Director of RFMS Australasia, a supplier of IT solutions specific to the flooring industry. He owned a large and successful flooring business which he sold and for 10 years he was a director and Chairman of Carpet Court New Zealand. He was CEO of a large retail flooring enterprise before leaving that role to partner with RFMS to form RFMS Australasia. Chris can be contacted at cogden@rfms.com.
Quantifying as a sales tool By Chris Ogden, RFMS Australasia Quantifying and planning flooring has traditionally been a strictly operational process – by which I mean that the sole purpose of the exercise has been to determine quantities on which to base a quote. Some stores have taken the process a step further providing customers with plans showing how the job has been planned and where seams will fall.
There are a number of reasons why this is good practice – two of the key ones being that it provides some protection for the retailer in the event that the customer had different expectations and secondly providing this level of information is a great way of differentiating yourself from your competitors. The downside is that doing it manually can be time consuming for a busy salesperson and we know that, on many jobs, the scope of the job actually changes rendering this additional work redundant. 38
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Layers Dia
s e t o
36 Which is where software comes in. If you are using Measure as your quantifying tool you can take your sales
38 Flooring April/May 2013
presentations and quotes to a whole new level: very likely with less work than you are presently exerting in the estimating process.
Let’s take the quoting process first. If you quantify your plan in Measure you can support your quote with a plan (with or without dimensions) showing your customer where the different products are being placed and where the seams will fall. If your customer comes into the store (or you can even do it remotely computer to computer) you can work with your client to show them the effect of adding or removing seams and what effect the various options have on the final cost. And with Measure, changing the scope of a job is a breeze; you can add and delete rooms coming
up with revised quantities in seconds. Similarly with products you can switch out products and provide your customer with any number of scenarios to help them come up with the solution that will suit their purposes and their budget. By bringing the quantifying and planning process into the sales process you provide your customer with the information they need to make an informed decision and you are differentiated from your competitor. You can trial Measure free for 30 days at measureflooring.com to see how adopting just this one piece of technology might help you grow your sales.
Every project, every step of the way Tredfx Stair Nosings offer the solution Popular, proven and endorsed, the Tredfx Stair Nosing range continues to expand and improve. With the recent addition of our new purpose built range of profiles for specific applications, there’s sure to be a Tredfx Stair Nosing for your project. All Tredfx Stair Nosings are architecturally designed to enhance the aesthetics and safety of access stairs and are rated to full commercial grade use. Contact us today to discover more about the Tredfx range of solutions.
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April 2013 saw the launch of Armstrong’s recoloured Accolade Plus, Accolade Safe and Wallflex sheet vinyl ranges. These Australian made sheet vinyl floor and wall products have been updated following extensive market research to reflect current
market trends and those presented by the Colourways Trend forecast 2012–2014. Accolade Plus now has 28 colours including five bright accent colours; Accolade Safe now has 23 colours and Wallflex has nine colours, seven of them new.
Reducing asthma is a Brease
by the National Asthma Council’s Australia’s Sensitive Choice Program, it has been specifically engineered to be a better choice not only for people with asthma and allergies but any Australian wanting to provide a healthier indoor environment for their families. Made from premium solution dyed nylon and featuring Ultra Fresh, Active Care and Easyback technologies, Brease carpet is designed to reduce known asthma triggers in the home like mould, mildew, dust mites and VOCs.
Beaulieu Australia, one of the largest carpet manufacturers in Australia, has had its Brease range of broadloom carpet approved by the Sensitive Choice program of the National Asthma Council Australia. Not only is this specially designed carpet the only broadloom carpet recognised
Huge Range...Exclusive!
FF101 Cherry
FF103 Butterscotch Ash
FF104 Red Oak
FF105 Rustic Grey Oak
FF106 Homestead Oak
FF108 Apple
FF111 Vertical Bamboo
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FF118 Amendoim
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Urban Retreat Released in August 2012, Urban Retreat from Interface is an inspired collection of nine styles of modular carpet tiles, sorted into pattern studies that range from refined textures to broad organic forms. With its natural, neutral colour palette, Urban Retreat evokes the quiet and sanctuary of an old-growth forest floor down to the occasional moss or lichencovered stone. Whether installed in a hospital, school or office, Urban Retreat brings the outdoors indoors and reconnects people with the benefits of being close to nature in the built environment. Urban Retreat is made from 100% recycled yarn, derived from reclaimed nylon from the Interface carpet recycling program (ReEntry), sludge and discarded commercial fishing nets extracted from the world’s oceans. The total recycled content for Urban Retreat ranges from 79-81%, 35% of which is postconsumer, setting a new benchmark for
the industry. Urban Retreat’s earthy textures span nine distinct patterns and eight shared colourways designed to be used together or alone. Suitable for use in most building types, Urban Retreat bucks commonplace installation methods with its random pattern design, allowing for a multitude of finishes and effects that reconnect buildings and people with nature. Being based on the principles of biophilic design*, Urban Retreat has the potential to contribute to a number of employee, student and patient well being and productivity. For example, studies have shown that absenteeism in students and employees are lower in buildings featuring natural elements; five and six star GreenStar rated buildings attract higher rental returns and better quality candidates; and calculations show reducing the average length of stay in hospitals today by 0.41 days can amount to $93 million in
Figure 1. Reductions in environmental impacts due to use of recycled raw materials in Urban Retreat. Data based on LCA impacts.
reduced hospital costs every year, with Biophilic Design strategies proving to reduce length of stay. Urban Retreat is an example of what can be done when you work closely with your supply chain to reduce your collective footprint. When it is made on Interface’s GlasBacRE backing type, it contains a total of 79-81% recycled content. In terms of durability and functionality, Urban Retreat modular carpet tiles are performance driven and withstand even the most heavily trafficked interiors, carrying a 15 year performance guarantee, and a lifetime ReEntry recycling
New Flotex tile Flotex tiles are already established as a unique floor covering combining the looks, warmth, comfort, acoustics and replaceable properties of a carpet tile but with the added hardwearing and durable performance similar to a resilient floor finish. Now Flotex tiles are manufactured with a much more flexible 100% recycled backing that makes it easier to install. Flotex is made from millions of electrostatic flocked fibres, which allows this unique construction to trap allergens and safely releases them to standard vacuum cleaners.
42 Flooring April/May 2013
This has earned Flotex the prestigious seal of approval from Allergy UK and Sensitive Choice in Australia and New Zealand. Thanks to the highly effective anti-microbial treatment, Sanitized, Flotex Metro tiles also offer constant protection against bacteria, including MRSA, E-coli and the development of moulds and odours. These benefits combined with the introduction of new trend colours and a versatile, textile like aesthetic, makes Flotex Metro tiles the right choice for a wide variety of interiors.
Flotex Metro tiles.
warranty guaranteeing it won’t go to landfill. Designed to also install with gluefree innovation, TacTiles, Urban Retreat installs faster and removes cleanly for recycling. Interface carpet tiles are designed for disassembly, longterm appearance retention, superior colourfastness and stain resistance, with a modular backing system that prevents separation, edge ravel and rippling. * In his book, Biophilic Design: The Theory, Science and Practice of Bringing Buildings to Life, Dr. Stephen Kellert defines Biophilic Design as “building and landscape design that enhances human physical and mental well-being by fostering positive connections between people and nature”.
ELASTIC ADHESIVE SikaBond速-T54 (J) SikaBond速-T54 (J) is an easily Spreadable, Solvent Free Elastic Adhesive for Full Surface Bonding of Wood Flooring. Perfect for use with most normal wood types, including Bamboo. Available in 600ml sausages, 2kg sausages and 16kg pails.
1300 22 33 48
Colour Gard driving sales Restoring flooring the Smart way The largest consumer marketing initiative from Signature Floors – the launch of fade defying Colour Gard carpets – has been a huge success, with the customised Colour Gard website that has helped revolutionise how customers research their carpet purchases online. The innovative Colour Gard website was designed specifically for the customer to browse the extensive ranges of colourful, printed and textured carpets; order a sample to be sent directly to them; register their purchase for the $100 Decorator voucher from Canningvale and extend their warranty for a further five years – simply by registering online. "We've created an online environment to capture customers who browse websites to search for furnishings for their home," said Martina Kramer, Signature’s Marketing Manager. "Consumer behaviour is shifting more and more to the digital world and we are keen to develop online relationships with our customers to enhance those relationships in store," said Martina. Every customer who makes the decision to choose from one of the 18 ranges of Colour Gard fade defying carpet, receives a $100 Canningvale gift voucher to complement their new carpet decor. The Signature customer can then select a designer throw or new bedlinen to co-ordinate with their new carpet, as a gift from Signature Floors and their retailer. "We are known as the fashion carpet brand," said Robert Herten, Director of Product Development for Signature Floors. "We have a huge range of beautifully coloured, printed and textured carpets that have been designed to the
44 Flooring April/May 2013
latest decorator trends in furniture and soft furnishings. “Whilst our carpets always are selected for their soft, plush feel and stand out colours, many consumers didn't know that we also provide the most innovative technologies that enhance our carpet performance. Our exclusive Colour Gard technology allows us to offer fashion colours and on trend designs, with absolute certainty of performance when it comes to the homeowner's biggest concern in Australia – colour fade," he said. "In the eight years since Colour Gard was launched, we haven’t had one claim against our Colour Fade warranty – which enables us to stand behind our carpets with absolute confidence." The company has combined an eye catching point-of-sale display that highlights the needs for a fade defying carpet, with significant benefits for the Colour Gard customer when they browse online. In addition, a trade program for retailers has Colour Gard sales being rewarded with Hot Lap, white knuckle experiences. "We're really looking forward to a fast day on the track to see how many of our retailers fancy themselves as the next Webber or Vettel! It should be more fun than the Grand Prix," said Robert Herten.
The flooring industry worldwide has always been a large user of oscillating tools because the action of these tools enables the operator to cut, grind, scrape and sand multiple times with precision faster than with traditional methods. For operators new to these tools, the main advantage of the multi-tools for flooring installers are: • free hand cutting of timber laminate flooring is done with precision: those fiddly cut-outs which have to be perfect can be done so easily; • undercutting the door jambs or skirting boards; • removing carpet, lino, cork tiles and glue; • tile grout and adhesive removal; • cutting can be done in-situ removing the need for a lot of remedial and repair work, a huge time and money saver. Smart has had a long association with this industry and has two particular blades designed for the flooring installers. The Smart blades are made in USA
and Europe and come with a lifelong peace of mind guarantee Smart has recently released technology new to the multi-tool blade arena with its new Fang blade with hard pointed heat treated teeth. This technology ensures that the edge of the teeth is maintained even when cutting hardwood while the super thin blade enables very fast cutting. These blades are 35mm wide and with a cutting depth of 54mm. There is also a long reach version of this blade with a reach of 67mm. Now with the Nail Buster Extreme series, Smart has taken blade life to a new level with the ability to now cut timber with nails. These blades now have a friction reducing titanium coating across the teeth. This significantly reduces the heat build-up on the shank enabling the bi-metal material to maintain its properties and edge. These blades have even been used to cut hardened screws and 6mm steel thread rod in emergencies and are available in 32mm and 44mm wide options and have a reach of 54mm as well. Because there is no spinning blade, dust and waste stays where it was created. There are no clouds of dust so that these tools can be used in an occupied retail and home environment and even near computers without the risk of damage. Smart has also pioneered the first true universal fitting suiting all the trade brands of multi-tool available today. If your company is using a variety of brands of multitools, you now only need to use the Smart SMTX blades knowing that the blade will suit. Smart Multi-Tool blades and tools are distributed in Australia exclusively by Sheffield Blades.
The Best Just Got Better!
Quick Step simpler and streamlined The Australian Quick Step laminate flooring range has become a simpler streamlined three-tier range for consumers to choose based on personal look and budget. All three ranges feature the same innovative Quick Step quality and technology: the difference lies in the plank sizes and personal taste. The Classic range showcases the flagship Quick Step qualities including a stylish range of designer colours, realistic impression edges, Uniclic patented technology, 20-year warranty and Scratchguard surface. Available in seven hues, this is an elegant entry level option with planks measuring at 120cm x 19cm. The second range is the Eligna collection, Quick Step’s flagship product, showcasing a natural variation by developing a difference in colour between each of the planks, providing light and dark pieces within one strip and creating 12 unit planks per design. The Eligna planks have no joints, producing a very tight, geometric effect in the room. Even when two dark strips are clicked together, there are no white joints, thanks to a specially adapted production procedure. There are 19-strong hues in the range but its uniqueness lies in its weathered look; the effect of natural cracks, woodworm and nail holes, enhancing its authenticity.
Parquet and timber grinder Rokamat GEX P is a parquet and timber grinder used for both surfaces and edges. The super flexible angle adjustable grinding head means you can sand right to the edges. It combines powerful grinding action with minimum effort and is compatible with the Rokamat vacuum cleaner Tapir M. Rokamat products are available through Rokamat Gyprock and Rendering Finishing Machines.
Tramex, the moisture meter specialists, are proud to announce the release of the new concrete moisture meter
with An all-new Eligna Wide range adds an extra dimension to this collection. Each plank is 138cm long and 19cm wide – making the weathered character of the floor stand out even more. The third laminate suite is the Largo Collection, which features the longest and widest planks in the entire Quick Step laminated range at 205 cm long and 20.5 cm wide. Unique grooves match the character of the wood design and the planks have no design repeats – the colour variation between the various planks form the natural effect. Eight hues include the Authentic Oak Planks from the exclusive Designers’ Choice range. The collection also features both original wood/stone and matt finish in the range, with a choice of rustic and natural decors. The subtle grooves, which add depth, are protected with the same wear resistant laminate as the floor itself, which is Quick Step’s patented technology.
Pictured in Kit Form
Perform testing to the latest Australian Standard AS18842012. ASTM F2170 & ASTM F2659 as well as ASTM F2420: The complete moisture and humidity testing kit for concrete and wood, incorporating the Tramex instant moisture test and the new Hygro-i in-situ probe working together to provide a new standard in speed & accuracy which can be used again & again... Don’t waste time and money waiting up to 72 hours for a moisture test when the slab is not ready! Check it first with a Tramex CMEXpert II.
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Seven tips for managing in ‘changing times’ By Sue Hirst, CFO On-Call. To call what we’re experiencing now ‘changing times’, is an understatement! Business owners/ managers have an incredible amount of flux to deal with, including: • regulatory environment including staff issues; • global economics; • technology; • demographics; • Government election; • currency; • consumer and business confidence; • and the list goes on. Some of the above may not have a direct or immediate impact on all businesses, but some of them will have an eventual impact on all. If you take a long-term view and want
Affordable, independent, and certified testing
to build a sustainable business with capacity to grow, my top tips are as follows:
1. Know your break-even point
This is the amount of sales you need to make each period to cover costs and overheads. For example, if your variable costs are 60% and your fixed monthly overheads are $50,000, your break-even sales figure is $125,000. Example: Sales: $125,000 Costs at 60%: $75,000 Gross profit: $50,000 Overheads: $50,000 Profit/loss: NIL Once you know the magic figure of $125,000, you can break it down by week, division, salesperson etc so everyone is clear about their targets. Obviously, break-even isn’t the goal for most businesses but it’s a great start to avoiding losses.
2. Understand your costs
DON’T RISK IT. Moisture-related installation failures are a growing problem- as are the proven health issues from mould and bacteria.
Before you can work out a price for a product/service, it’s vital to know what it costs to produce. In a service business this includes labour and materials. Good productivity is key to keeping labour cost percentage down compared to sale price. Every dollar or percentage of costs saved goes straight onto your bottom line, unlike extra sales, which can lead to a very small percentage eg 5% onto your bottom line. In a competitive environment this might be your only way to maintain profit.
-Comply to Australian Standards and manufacturers’ warranty specification -Ensure a quality installation
3. Maximise variable costs and minimize fixed costs
-LIMIT YOUR LIABILITY with an independent and certified test
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46 Flooring April/May 2013
To cope with flux and uncertainty you need to be able to quickly ramp up and down resources required to deliver your product or service. If you’ve got a dead certainty in terms of contracts and future sales– fantastic. If not, you need to guard against lean times. It’s tempting, when times are good, to take on debt and more staff.
It’s also valuable to be realistic and consider what overheads you can sustain if sales drop periodically. For example, you may be better off to use contract labour rather than employing people. You may be better off to sublease space short term, rather than signing up for a three year lease.
4.Closely manage KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) One of the most important KPIs is future orders/sales. What drives them is generally marketing and sales related. A few KPIs impacting sales are: • number of customer enquiries; • cost per enquiry; • sales conversion rate (eg, if you get 100 leads and convert 30, that’s a 30% conversion rate); • average sale amount. These are important KPIs because, if you know how many leads, the sales conversion rate and average sale amount, this enables you to reasonably predict future sales/orders. Knowing the cost per enquiry provides a benchmark for comparing various marketing methods.
5. Have a budget and cash flow
Being in business without a budget and cash flow is like going on a long trip without a GPS or roadmap. If you don’t have a plan for desired results, how will you know how you’re going? It’s vital, to compare monthly actual results against a budgeted target. It enables you to take corrective action quickly, rather than waiting until the end of the year or later for your tax accountant to report you made a loss. Cash flow is even more vital because running out of cash in business is deadly. A simple cash flow forecast will help you to plan for what’s ahead. It helps you to see seasonality and how to allow for it. You can do it simply on a spreadsheet, or use some of the fantastic cost effective ‘cloud’ tools available.
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"It’s tempting, when times are good, to take on debt and more staff. It’s also valuable to be realistic and consider what overheads you can sustain if sales drop periodically. " 6. Break down profitability by product/ service Most businesses sell more than one type of product or service. They combine to make up overall profit or loss. In order to maximize profit, you want to know which are the most and least proifitable items. It’s easy to do this with a well set up bookkeeping/ accounting system. Sales often get lumped into one account, making it difficult to analyse detailed profitability. Set up a number of sales accounts and corresponding cost accounts, so you will be able to measure gross profit of each. Where jobs are concerned it’s vital to know if you made a profit or loss, to enable future improvement.
With Rhino’s technical support, project specification experience and assistance, you’re in good hands.
7. Run ‘what if’ scenarios When you do your budget, do more than one. Do an optimistic one and a pessimistic one as well the ‘most likely’ scenario. That way you can monitor trends in your business to see how things are panning out and what situation you’re likely facing and plan how to deal with it. CFO On-Call is a team of financial and business advisors, who work with open-minded people committed to business growth and achieving success. They run webinars on business financial management. http://www.cfooncall.com.au/events/webinars.html
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Flooring April/May 2013 47 CS half page vertical - Flooring1 1
1/06/2012 11:27:39 AM
Protection, Installation & Care
Densi-Proof fast-tracks ATO Brisbane The newly completed Australian Tax Office in Elizabeth Street, Brisbane used Densi-Proof to fast track installation of floorcoverings on new concrete. The entire floor area was applied by Master Floor Preparers saving the builder, Grocon Constructions, time
and money by preventing lengthy delays to their program. Polyflor Queensland/NT State Manager, Anthony La Rosa was instrumental in having Densi-Proof specified nationally for all new ATO facilities ensuring no subfloor moisture issues with any floorcoverings or coatings.
Bronco: the floor removal solution The Bronco floor stripper by Taylor Tools is fast becoming one of the most preferred floor stripping machines around the world, which is why a flooring contractor in Florida USA was more than happy to use it for his problematic floor removal job. This job required the removal of more than 270m2 of flooring over an original layer of asbestos tile. Without wanting to spend time or additional expenses on an asbestos abatement removal, he had to find a floor removal machine that wouldn’t dig into the harmful asbestos tile underneath. “There are some big, powerful machines out there that can strip a floor fast,” he said, “but I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to keep
them from digging all the way down to the subfloor.” That’s where the Bronco differs from most machines – the articulating suspension of the Bronco keeps the blade flat to the floor, with the drive wheel segment following the floor’s contour, allowing for a more precise cut that won’t dig into the subfloor underneath. “I had seen the Bronco operate in a variety of removal scenarios and its versatility was what impressed me the most,” he explained. “I don’t even want to think about the time, expense and aggravation I would have had to endure if we hadn’t solved the asbestos problem with the Bronco.” The Bronco floor stripper is available exclusively in Australia through MJS Floorcoverings.
A company with a vision Utilising a national network of contracted tradesmen, Carpet Care Services is able to provide carpet cleaning, maintenance, installation and repair services on a national basis. With over 13 years experience in the floor care industry, Ross Riek, Managing Director of Carpet Care Services (CCS), founded the company with a vision – Ross wanted to build a team of professionals who could offer both commercial and
48 Flooring April/May 2013
domestic properties with a Total Floor Care Solution – a one-stop floor care specialist. Eight years on, CCS now boasts an impressive portfolio of corporate and domestic clients. “It is the company’s unique ability to communicate with and provide a tailored service to all clients, ranging from high-level executives to homeowners, which has put CCS in a market leading position,” explained Ross
CCS has just opened a new office warehouse in Chaplin Drive Lane Cove West, NSW where there is a small showroom on-site so that clients can visit and look through the carpet,
vinyl and timber ranges. The company also provides fire and flood restoration services and utilises the warehouse for contents pack-outs and carpet storage.
Independent moisture testing now available The revisions to AS 18842012 have been extensively reported here in Flooring Magazine over the past months, so we know that accurate slab moisture testing prior to installation is more vital than ever – not only for the horrendous costs associated with installation failures, but also for the known health problems connected to mould and bacteria from subfloor moisture. “Stakeholders, from installers to project managers, all carry a degree of liability if they don’t have an accurate moisture test and there’s a subsequent problem with the installation,” said Patrick Atherton, an ICRI certified moisture testing technician with Floor Test Australia, an independent moisture testing service. The ICRI certification is US-based, where moisturerelated flooring failure was once known as the ‘billion dollar problem’. The R&D conducted in the USA has been extensive, and their Standards for moisture testing are now directly referenced by AS 1884-2012, and by many manufacturer specifications for flooring products.
“Now the focus is on in-situ RH and not ‘moisture content’,” explained Patrick. “Not only is it a hedge against liability, the science strongly suggests that if you know all the data and follow the procedures, it will be a quality installation which won’t fail.” Back in 2001, industry partners in the US released a White Paper, which recommended that the responsiblity for testing prior to installation be taken from flooring installers and handled by qualified, independent agencies. Since then, the testing regime has become even more complex. “That’s relevant here also. An independent test is not encumbered with any other commercial interests and it means the installer or project manager can keep the relationship with their clients based on honesty and trust,” said Patrick. “The only interest for an independent technician is reporting the slab’s moisture condition accurately, and it’s pennies compared to full mitigation or worse, remedying a failure. Stakeholders can make the right decisions and we can all avoid failures and ensure a healthy environment.”
Flooring April/May 2013 49
Protection, Installation & Care
Protective flooring for effect The new Perth Arena is a new boutique multi-purpose sports and entertainment stadium. As with most new stadiums, floors play an important part of the durability and overall design considerations. Sika has a history of providing a variety of construction solutions in stadiums from flooring to sealants and waterproofing: in particular, Australian projects featuring Sika systems include the MCG, AAMI Stadium, Skilled Stadium, Etihad Stadium and Adelaide Oval. Architects, A.R.M had a brief for the Perth Arena for durable flooring on all concrete surfaces that must also be sympathetic to the overall design colours and aesthetics. The success of the flooring surfaces specified at the MCG Southern Stand project lead A.R.M to consult Sika again for Perth. Anti Skid Industries, an expert Sikafloor Contractor,
50 Flooring April/May 2013
was contracted for this important installation. As a result Sikafloor 2530W coating was specified and used on all concrete seating platforms, associated stairs and access ways within the stadium area. All internal concourse walkways surrounding the arena are protected with Sikafloor 263NS in a colour scheme that matched the wall design. Sikafloor PU Clear polyurethane coating was used to protect ground and exposed concrete floors in the bar precinct. All flooring joints were sealed using Sikaflex 11FC elastic durable polyurethane sealant. All the floor finishes had to conform to the Australian Standards slip rating for commercial spaces. The result is that Sika flooring is playing an integral part in this important new facility with a daring design that is now servicing the dynamic city of Perth.
Floors cured at the speed of light Loba, a surface specialist for parquet and hardwood floors, is bringing a revolutionary, UV-curing floor finish system to the market – LobaCure WS Rush AT. With this system, freshly fitted or refurbished hardwood floors can reach full hardness and usability in less than half the normal time. The finishing process, which can easily take five days using conventional methods, is now possible in two, owing to the favourable properties of the finish and the use of mobile UV-curing units.
Immediately after UVcuring, the surface is fully cured and the floor ready for final inspection and customer acceptance. The result: customers profit from minimised downtime and flooring professionals will gain a competitive edge when pursuing new jobs. The LobaCure system also offers easy application, which is typical of all Loba products. Originating as a collaboration between business and science, the floor finish system was further developed by Loba and the Institut für Holztechnologie in Dresden, Germany, which used extensive testing to make the new product suitable for practical application. The system is suitable for hardwood and parquet floors made from practically any known type of European
or exotic wood. It combines exceptional scratch resistance and chemical resistance with simple application methods and UVcuring. In a few easy steps, freshly fitted or refurbished hardwood floors can be transformed into instantly usable finished surfaces. Flooring professionals who use the new system can rely on the well respected waterborne primer LobaDur WS EasyPrime. The only truly new element is the use of mobile UV-curing units, but this equipment is easy to learn.
Easy and effective
“For achieving full hardness, it is important that the UV light develops a radiation intensity of at least 300 mJ per cm²,” said Dietmar Klinge, head of application engineering for Loba, explaining a key criterion for success.
According to Klinge, the Loba application method, unlike that of other systems, requires no extensive training. There is no reason for anyone to feel apprehensive about using the mobile UV-curing units for the first time. “This equipment is operated almost like a sander. The simplicity of our system is also appealing. No sooner have the UV lights finished their work than the furniture and equipment can be moved back onto the floors. And the fact that the final inspection and customer acceptance can take place immediately after curing means one less trip for the floor-installation team.”
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Flooring April/May 2013 51
Protection, Installation & Care
Above: St Barnabas Anglican Church, Broadway, Sydney. Below: The SmartMixx portable mix and pour station.
Honestone wins at World of Concrete expo Honestone, an Australian specialist flooring and wall surface solution company, won first and second place in the internationally renowned American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC )Awards at the World of Concrete 2013 Expo held in the USA. Honestone won the Under ¼” > 500SF section as well as second place in the Vertical > 5000SF for the outstanding work performed at St Barnabas Anglican Church in Broadway, Sydney using Ardex-panDOMO
52 Flooring April/May 2013
decorative concrete. Director, Rick Hendriks said: “For our first ever entry into the competition to come away with a first and second place, it just goes to show that Australian decorative concrete skills are up there with the world’s best. “The eight week project involved many intricate processes such as blending wall products to the flooring; working with curvatures; and technical details such as lining up corners and levelling various planes.
The Honestone team used the new SmartMixx portable mix and pour station from Work Smart Equipment for leveling cements and compounds in the installation process for their winning project. Four SmartMixx units were used simultaneously for all the floor areas of the St Barnabas Church project. “We poured 400 m2 at 6mm in the upstairs worship space and 200 m2 at 6mm for the ground level lobby area. “We find the SmartMixx far superior to any other
machine in the market for consistently producing large volumes of lump-free levelling compounds – in this case, Ardex-panDOMO K1. “The SmartMixx is highly manoeuvrable, even with 100kg of mixed product. One man can actually operate several machines at once, minimising labour costs. The SmartMixx is easily pulled down for fast cleaning then can be used as a trolley (loaded with other gear) to run back to the work truck. “We use the SmartMixx for every pour, it’s just too easy”, Mr Hendriks said. Honestone Winners Andrew Michelini, Honestone site foreman; Bryant Buschman, ArdexAmericas panDOMO Business Manager; Rick Hendriks, Honestone Managing Director and Pat Cunningham, ArdexAmericas Decorative Technical consultant.
Hired ride-on shot blaster saves time A ride-on shot blaster, hired from Kennards Concrete Care, enabled The Superseal Group to meet a tight schedule in preparing 2400 m2 of concrete for a new topping. The Superseal Group, whose services include waterproofing, commercial and industrial flooring and remedial works, were
refurbishing an electrical goods assembly plant. “Basically, our job was to install a new floor with an epoxy protective coating,” said The Superseal Group’s business development manager Kevin Camer, who operated the shot blaster. “After preparing the surface with the shot blaster, we applied a new topping
and then added an epoxy protective coating. “To minimise disruption at the plant, we set a tight schedule. The ride-on shot blaster got through the job quickly. It has a larger track than the walk-behind, self-propelled model, so productivity is much higher. “One of the best things about it is that it cleans as it
goes. The lead pellets, along with the concrete residue, are vacuumed back into the machine in the one process. “It is more efficient having the vacuum built into the unit, rather than it being an attachment that is dragged around.” The unit has a 40cm (16in) blast width, much wider than that of walk-behind, selfpropelled models. Kevin said he had operated walk-behind shot blasters before, but this was his first experience with a ride-on model. “I found it easy to operate and far less tiring,” he said. The machine removes paint, rust and mill scale from steel; paint and markings from asphalt; and prepares concrete for re-coating or application of overlays. Being dieselpowered, it is easily refilled during long night operations. Kennards Concrete Care also has self-propelled and push-model shot blasters for hire, from 8in (200mm) to 12in (300mm). Left: Kevin Camer uses a ride-on shot blaster from Kennards Concrete Care to prepare the floor of the assembly plant.
Flooring April/May 2013 53
Advertisers Index
2013 Exhibitions MAY 2013 6-10
Ligna 2013 World Trade Fair for the Forestry and Wood industries Hannover, Germany www.ligna.de
NeoCon 2013 Contract furnishings for the design and management of the built environment Chicago, USA www.neocon.com 13-16
Wood Tech India 2013 Exhibition on Wood & Woodworking Industry. Woodworking Machinery, Timber, Flooring, Power Tools, Fittings & Accessories, Parquetry etc Chennai, India www.woodtechindia.in
Interzum 2013 Materials and supplier parts for cabinetmaking, upholstery, mattresses, parquet, laminate Cologne, Germany www.interzum.com 16-19 HIA Sydney 2013. Home Show Sydney, Australia www.sydneyhomeshow.com.au
JULY 2013 18-21 Furnitex 2013 Furniture and furnishing trade show Melbourne, Australia www.furnitex.com.au
20-23 INDEX Interior Design Show 2013. International Design Exhibition Dubai, United Arab Emirates www.indexexhibition.com
24-27 AWFS Fair 2013 Woodworking products, services, new technologies Las Vegas, USA www.awfsfair.org
30 May-1 Jun designEX 2013 Melbourne, Australia www.designex.info
JUNE 2013 5-7
Interior Lifestyle Tokyo 2013 Interior Lifestyle Living International Furniture Fair Tokyo. Ambiente Japan / Heimtextil Japan / HomeDesign Japan Tokyo, Japan www.interior-lifestyle.com
29 Jul-2 Aug LVM Las Vegas Market 2013 Summer Edition Las Vegas, United States www.lasvegasmarket.com *** For more information on the fairs or to confirm dates, please check the individual websites.
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