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Trade Shows, the interruption is over
During the recent pandemic all of the World’s industry trade shows were suspended as any form of travel ground to a halt. In their place, suppliers turned to ‘virtual’ shows and networked events that arguably, few buyers took advantage of. International shows generally missed one event but in Australia, our own AWISA show missed 2020 and 2022, due to the timing of the pandemic.
For the furniture and allied industries trade show junkie there is a lot to choose from with dozens of shows, mostly across Asia, Europe and North America. This year, all being well, expect to see trade shows in Cologne (Interzum 9th to 12th May); Hannover (Ligna 15th to 19th May) and Toronto, Canada (WMS 2nd to 4th November). Next year we look forward to our own AWISA show in Sydney (3rd to 6th July), Milan (Xylexpo, date to be announced but likely to be late in the year), and Atlanta, USA (20th to 23rd August).
Looking forward to the big Interzum and Ligna shows this year, both show organisers are (of course) reporting high exhibitor bookings following on from the 2019 event where exhibitor records were broken. However, Supplier magazine is aware some of the major players have booked only 75% of the floor space they occupied last show. This is to be expected as many show goers are likely to be hesitant getting on an aircraft, what with the changed travel conditions and still, to some, a small risk of infection. If you can visit though, it is realistic to expect a firework of innovations.
Dr. Bernhard Dirr, Managing Director of the VDMA Woodworking Machinery Association, referring to the high level of Ligna registrations said, “After four years, the industry needs this opportunity for face-to-face contact in Hannover. It is all the more gratifying that all market leaders have already made their decision to exhibit at LIGNA 2023 and will be unveiling innovations at the event. This and next year, LIGNA’s appeal will be enhanced by digital elements designed to increase the event’s reach before, during and after the show. ❚
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