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catch ing

INT. HOTEL ROOM, DOWNTOWN NEW YORK CITY - NIGHT Ella is jolted awake by what she thinks is a loud CLICK. She shakes herself out of bed and moves to the window. She has the uncanny feeling that she forgot something... somewhere... sometime earlier in the day. She tries to unravel her memories as th e city stretches beneath her, shimmering in


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INT. OLD MAN’S HOUSE - NIGHT OLD MAN Have you tried the entrance to the soc iety of Ma ELLA


No. OLD MAN The tiny Italian restaurant wi th th e ELLA br as s Where is that again? OLD MAN Rivington Street.

ch an de li er ?

ELLA I’ll go there now. OLD MAN (loudly as Ella pushes open the door) Don’t forget to look at Charlie’s house... Oh, and doesn’t your uncle live at the hotel now? Try there too. . a me d g r a c his s e u tin con d an tte e r iga a c

The door slams as Ella disappears down s back, lights the street. The old man sit


INT. CHARLIE’S BASEMENT - NIGHT Ella takes a deep breath and continues down the stairs. She hears a deep bass beat. Charlie hears her. CHARLIE Martha! Tell me you found it. Ella stops dead in her tracks, turns and runs back up the stairs. Who’s

Marth a? Sh e bur sts t hroug h the door an d ou t ag ai n on to


th e

da rk

st re et .



EXT. DARK STREET - NIGHT She bends down to pick up a penny wedged in between the cracks of pavement. She remembers how one time, what seems like a very long time ago, she was here with her favorite person in the world. She wishes that he could be here with her again. JEREMY Ella? Ella whips around to see him at the edge of the curb. It can’t be, she must be seeing things. JEREMY Ella! It’s me. ELLA This can’t be happening.

g. ar m s throws her m, cryin d n a m i h i o get nd h She runs t arou ELLA (CONT.) Are you ok? How are you?

She pulls herself aw ay and looks at him. tare lank s b a s urn He ret

but say s n oth ing .



INT. ELLA’S EAST VILLAGE APARTMENT - DAY A rude awakening by the alarm clock jolts Ella out of sleep. ELLA Shit. Ella needs to go to work. Her boss is ality. for punctu a stickler


her s e tak She makes k the bed, m wor akes some r e coffee H ay. d her s n i beg d an

all o ver t he cit y, doc ument ing b uildi ngs for the architec ture fir m where she work s. 13

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w ywhere oked ever rself, but no She always lo outside of he e already she needs. that sh has everything she realizes

ls t detai s e l l a m s Life’s

ar e


fil le d

wi th

wo nd er .






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