The Blend May 2017

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MATT HARPER Co-founder of London cycle café Look mum no hands! talks business and bicycles

LONDON CALLING The past, present and future of the coffee scene in the capital

SCANDINAVIAN STYLE Nordic inspiration in coffee houses – and why it works

CAFFÉ CULTURE Everything you need to know about the café and coffee community show



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elcome to the first edition of The Blend, a brand new trade publication for the UK’s independent coffee shop owners. We’re the new kids on the block, and our aim is to help you successfully run the business you are passionate about by providing you with educational, informative and inspiring content that you can incorporate into your business model, giving you case studies and success stories along the way. The UK coffee scene is going from strength to strength, with over 20,000 coffee shops predicted to be in existence by the end of next year. Since coming into the market, I’ve really noticed the community spirit and the fact that there are no qualms about sharing ideas and knowledge with other likeminded businesses. After all, it’s the patrons of the industry that will continue to drive the public’s interest in speciality coffee. When walking into an independent coffee shop, the passion is infectious. I’ve met and spoken to a fair few people since we decided to launch this magazine, and the positivity from most has been

fantastic – I’m confident this magazine can do the industry justice. Onto the first issue of The Blend. We’ve got a brilliant interview feature with the owner of the very successful and stylish Look mum no hands!, a cycle café in the heart of London. Matt Harper is a very humble man and he tells us how the brand became so successful. We also catch up with Greg Heap of Cranked Café, which claims to be Birmingham’s first cycle café. Greg explains how he took the concept and made it work in England’s second city. Cynthia Chua of A Wanted Man in Chelsea talks us through the idea of having a brow bar and waxing salon in a coffee shop and how each element complements the other. As well as all this, we have a look at the Caffè Culture show, which is taking place at the end of May. We’ve picked out a handful of the exhibitors you should make a beeline for, and have all the information on what’s happening over the three days. We’re also attending the show, so I’m looking forward to meeting many of you there. Enjoy our first issue, and do let me know what you would like to see and how you think we can improve.

Eljays44 Ltd

3 Churchill Court, 112 The Street, Rustington, West Sussex BN16 2DA Tel: 01903 777 570

Editorial Managing Editor – Joe Wilkinson Editorial Assistant – Max Dodd Editorial Assistant – Abbie Dawson Production Production Editor – Charlie Cook Subeditor – Kate Bennett Design – Fay Pritchard Design Sales Business Development Manager – Jamie Wilkinson Brand Manager – Michelle Molloy Management Managing Director – Jim Wilkinson Editorial Director – Lisa Wilkinson Circulation & Data – Emily Maltby @theblendmaguk Published by ©Eljays44 Ltd Printed by Pensord Press Ltd, Gwent, UK

Joe Wilkinson Managing Editor

The Blend is published 10 times per year by Eljays44 Ltd. The 2017 subscription price is £95.00. Subscription records are maintained at Eljays44 Ltd, 3 Churchill Court, 112 The Street, Rustington, West Sussex BN16 3DA, UK. Articles and information contained in this publication are the copyright of Eljays44 Ltd and may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publishers. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for loss of, or damage to, uncommissioned photographs or manuscripts. Whilst every effort has been made to maintain the integrity of our advertisers, we accept no responsibility for any problem, complaints, or subsequent litigation arising from readers’ responses to advertisements in the magazine. We also wish to emphasise that views expressed by editorial contributors are not necessarily those of the publishers. Reproduction of any part of this magazine is strictly forbidden.

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Featuring 200 exhibitors, brand new products and expert advice, the Caffè Culture Show will help you to keep on top of the very latest trends in the industry.

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NEWS Our roundup of all the latest industry news


LONDON COFFEE FESTIVAL Out & About with The Blend team at the London Coffee Festival


CRANKED CAFÉ Greg Heap tells The Blend how he started what he claims is Birmingham’s first cycle café


A WANTED MAN Cynthia Chua on how combining a beauty salon with a coffee shop can work


LATTE ART SMACKDOWN The Blend’s Joe Wilkinson and Max Dodd judge the annual latte art competition


THE BARISTA’S COFFEE CO. The pros, the cons, and the considerations to make when becoming a dog friendly café


CAFFÉ CULTURE Our roundup of what to visit at the coffee and café community show in London


LATEST PRODUCTS The latest and greatest in coffee grinders and take-out cups


MEET THE ROASTER Green Farm Coffee talks beans, equipment and customer relations


WORK SMARTER WITH DATA Business tips on how to use the data from your shop to your advantage


SCANDINAVIAN INSPIRATION Four coffee shops on how they are influenced by Scandinavian ideas on design and coffee


MATT HARPER, LOOK MUM NO HANDS! Our exclusive interview with Matt Harper, co-founder of London’s Look mum no hands!

Contents.indd 5


LONDON CALLING The Blend explores the coffee scene in the capital – the past, the present and the future


TRADING WITH Talking business with Proper Corn


LITTLE INTERVIEW Quick-fire questions to the people who make up our industry

The Blend 5

18/04/2017 14:58



The Blend exists to help coffee shop owners keep up with trends and learn from the success of others in the industry


The Blend is published 10 times a year with interviews, case studies, business tips and the latest products and is sent direct to you




of London cycle café LOOK MUM NO HANDS! talks busine ss and bicycle s



The past, presen the coffee scene

t and future

of in the capita l

SCANDINAV IAN STYLE Nordic inspira houses – and

tion in coffee why it works



Everything you need to know about the café and coffee comm unity show


The weekly update from us to your inbox including a roundup of the biggest news stories of the week

WEBSITE is designed to keep you up to date with the latest news that affects you

6 The Blend Magazine

What We Do Meet The Team.indd 6

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Joe Wilkinson Managing Editor 01903 777 577

What We Do Meet The Team.indd 7


Max Dodd Editorial Assistant 01903 777 586

Abbie Dawson Editorial Assistant 01903 777 570

Charlie Cook Production Editor 01903 777 578

Jamie Wilkinson Business Development Manager 01903 777 588

Michelle Molloy Brand Manager 01903 777 593

Emily Maltby Circulation & Data 01903 777 575

The Blend 7

18/04/2017 15:07






he Glasgow Coffee Festival is back in May and has expanded greatly since last year.

The event has sold out for the past two years, which has prompted organisers to add a second date so that they can welcome more coffee fans through the doors. The festival takes place at The Briggait on 6 and 7 May, celebrating the best of Scotland’s coffee culture. The UK Barista Championship Glasgow heat and UK Brewers Cup will take place at the event, while attendees will have the chance to learn latte art and upgrade their brewing kits.


harging for the use of disposable cups could reduce usage by up to 300m cups a year in



t was featured in the Sunday Times’s

business to a second venue in Riduna

top 25 coffee shops in January, and

Park, Melton, with the new coffee shop

now Woodbridge’s Honey and Harvey is opening a second branch in Melton.

set to open in June. “The success of our business is not

The artisan coffee shop was

by chance, but down to the relentless

established in October 2011 by Harvey

enthusiasm of our staff and the hard

Allen, and since relaunching in 2015

work of the local producers that

the venue has become so popular that

supply us,” said Harvey. “We started

the number of employees has tripled

the business with a simple ethos

to 18. The coffee shop also operates on

– to produce great food with local

Friday and Saturday evenings, serving

ingredients, served consistently and in

cocktails, wine and beer, as well as

a relaxed environment.”

tapas. Harvey is now expanding the


the UK, according to new research. Academics

“Our results show that, on average, the use of

at Cardiff University tested measures to tackle

reusable coffee cups could be increased by up to

important nuance when it comes to financial

coffee cup waste and encourage the use of

12.5% through a combination of measures,” said

incentives. People are more sensitive to losses

reusable cups. 2.5bn disposable cups are used

Professor Poortinga. One notable finding was

than to gains when making decisions – if we want

annually in the UK, according to report author

that, while a charge on disposable cups increased

to change a customer’s behaviour, a charge on a

Professor Wouter Poortinga. The findings will be

the use of reusable coffee cups, a discount on

disposable cup is more likely to be effective.”

submitted to a UK government inquiry on waste.

reusable coffee cups had no impact.

8 The Blend

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Professor Poortinga said: “There is an

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Fairtrade coffee shop

time. We’re only a little

in Wotton-under-

café, so this is quite an

A new scheme in the City of


London is aiming to recycle five

Edge achieved a Gold Award at the South West

“We’re proud to promote

million disposable coffee cups.

Fairtrade Business Awards,

Fairtrade goods, which

More than 100 retailers and

which were held in Bristol

guarantee fair prices for

30 organisations are going to

Cathedral on 10 March.

the people who grow and

be offering recycling facilities,

pick our produce. The

as part of the City of London’s

items can be a bit more

Square Mile Challenge. Currently,

The Ark coffee shop has been running in Wotton for nearly 22 years and is staffed almost entirely by

expensive, but as a first-world country we have

only 1% of the 2.5bn paper

volunteers, most from nearby churches.

a duty to buy ethically-sourced products.”

coffee cups used each year in

David Barter, chairman of the Ark Committee, accepted the award alongside his wife Margaret. He said: “We have received Silver Awards in the past and were chuffed to get Gold this

As well as serving Fairtrade refreshments, The Ark provides a play area for small children and

the UK are recycled.

sells Fairtrade goods.

THE NEW WORLD’S STRONGEST COFFEE Death Wish, formerly the strongest coffee in the world, has been knocked off its throne. A single cup of the new champion, Black Insomnia, contains more than twice the recommended daily limit of caffeine, with an enormous 58.5mg per fl oz – that’s 702mg for a 12oz cup. Black Insomnia was created by Sean Kristafor, a native of Cape Town, South Africa.



he British Coffee Association (BCA), has

educate, align, and work closely with the industry

appointed Ian Bryson of Finlay Beverages as

on significant issues such as sustainability and the

the Association’s new chair. The move comes at a

environment – which will be at the very heart of

time when the BCA has started to take significant

the BCA’s initiatives moving forward.”

measures to align the industry on key issues

The BCA is working to support the UK coffee

RAW BEAN LAUNCHES MARKET-FIRST PYRAMID COFFEE BAGS Raw Bean has launched a market-first pyramid coffee

surrounding sustainability, responsible sourcing,

industry in creating a circular economy, driving

bag. Each one-cup filter coffee

and the impact of Brexit. The chair will work closely

beyond responsible sourcing and building long-

‘Bean Bag’ is packed with 12g of

with BCA executive director Chris Stemman, who

term resilience for the coffee supply chain.

grounds (compared to 7g in other

took his post in July 2016. Commenting on his new post, Ian said: “As the

Additionally, with the triggering of Article 50, the

coffee bags currently available).

BCA will play a vital role in making sure that the

Raw Bean said that, like the

voice of the UK coffee industry, our role is crucial

thriving UK coffee industry is heard and engaged

well-known pyramid tea bag, the

to help drive and guide our members on key issues

with, especially around the key issues of free

innovative shape of Bean Bags

affecting British businesses. We are becoming

movement of labour and the prospect of tariffs

ensures better infusion than its

heavily engaged with the government and wider

being imposed on EU imports.

square coffee bag counterparts.

sector associations over Brexit, and will continue to

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im Hortons, the Canadian

Gurprit Dhaliwal, chief operating

cafe chain, is to open

officer at Tim Hortons UK and

its first UK store in Glasgow,

Ireland, said: “We’ve witnessed Tim

creating hundreds of jobs as

Hortons’ phenomenal success in

it prepares to expand across

Canada, and wanted to replicate

Britain this year.

this in Great Britain.

The cafe will open on

“It’s hard to explain just



he UK’s all-consuming affair with coffee shops shows no sign of

running out of steam, according to a new report released in March. The latest research, commissioned on behalf of UK Coffee Week, has found

Glasgow’s Argyle Street later

how important the brand is

that British people’s love of lattes and

in spring, with “nationwide

to Canadians – it’s not just a

cappuccinos is still on the increase,

expansion” also on the cards.

restaurant, it’s a way of life and a

with, on average, 3.4 new shops opening

The company is looking to

place of ‘home’, and we’re positive

daily across the nation. This growth

cash in on the UK’s cafe and

Great Britain will fall in love with

sees the industry pouring a staggering

coffee shop market, which is

the brand.”

£8.9bn into the UK economy, an

worth over £6bn annually.

increase of 12% on 2016. At this current rate, the number of coffee shops in the UK is projected to



tarbucks Coffee Company announced that

which launched in September 2015, ensuring

it will make sure 100m healthy coffee trees

that a coffee tree is planted for every bag of

overtake the number of pubs by 2030,

get into the hands of coffee farmers who need

coffee purchased in a participating US stores. The

as Brits continue to swap lager and ales

them by 2025. This effort is part of the company’s

seedlings will replace trees that are declining in

for lattes and americanos. There are

ongoing commitment to provide comprehensive

productivity due to age and to diseases such as

now around 23k coffeeshops across the

support to farmers around the world, a

coffee leaf rust, which is perpetuated because of

UK, a combination of non-specialists,

commitment which includes open-source

a warmer climate.

independents, and major chains such

agronomy research, farmer financing and access to information. This expanded commitment builds on Starbucks’ ‘One Tree for Every Bag’ initiative,

More than 25m trees have been donated so far,

as Starbucks, Costa and Caffe Nero.

with the initial distribution of 10m having started

1,222 stores have opened in the last

in the summer of 2016.

year alone.



he new owners of Nottingham café The Coffee

offer, based on lots of emails and a video of the

House have travelled from Brazil to run the

premises sent by the current owners.

business after it was listed for sale on eBay for

Anna, who spent a year in Nottingham in

£20k. Anna Naliato, 28, and her husband Alder

2014 learning English, said: “We love it. It’s very

Santos, 30, were looking to move to Nottingham,

authentic and has its own identity.”

and spotted a story about the sale on the Nottingham Post’s Facebook page. A week later the poledance teacher and her husband, a security guard supervisor, made an

10 The Blend

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The name, decor and menu will stay the same, although the couple plan to add a selection of Brazilian food and drink.

18/04/2017 15:23

What’s behind the perfect cup of coffee? If you are a coffee house owner ask your service provider if they are ensuring that you are covered in line with Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000.

What is CoffeeSafe?

Tried and tested by the industry

CoffeeSafe is an online, ready-to-go solution, streamlining the process of statutory examinations and reporting on commercial coffee machines.

Our customers are our biggest advocates. Clients include Cimbali, Costa Express, Espresso Services and Melco. Representing both large and small service providers alike.

Many customers are now asking that service providers supply a statutory examination service, along with preventative maintenance programmes. The CoffeeSafe partnership allows service providers to deliver Written Schemes of Examination (WSE) and examination reports via their own ‘competent examiner’.

What our clients think:

CoffeeSafe is working hard to proactively improve industry safety standards. CoffeeSafe has drawn on over 25 years’ experience in the pressure system safety industry.

Helping service providers The CoffeeSafe partnership works. It combines technology with industry expertise and raises standards through ongoing support, training and cloud based software. What’s more, it can increase profitability in a number of key areas: • Removing the need for 3rd party inspection engineers. • The quality of our training and reporting systems also helps our clients to increase and retain business, which in the past was potentially lost to other providers. • Engineers’ reports are audited and provide managers with key performance indicators. • Engineers receive safety regulations training: accredited and certified by the Institute of Safety & Health (IOSH).

“Everyone involved has benefitted from this intelligent, cloud-based system. CoffeeSafe has proved a much more resourceful way for our PSSR Examiners to produce examination reports, in turn allowing more efficient delivery to our customers. The time and cost savings we’ve made as a result of these efficiencies have enabled us to employ more engineers and subsequently expand the business.” Gary Diggett, Technical Director Cimbali UK “CoffeeSafe allows us to move away from a paper based exercise and provides live information on our estates compliance to the PSSR 2000 requirements. CoffeeSafe is a brand recognised by numerous large organisations within the coffee industry, and pioneers simple and safe schemes of inspection and testing of pressure systems and provides us with a simple online solution for field staff to complete the written scheme of examination and easy visibility for our partners.” Extract from the Costa Express Engineers Manual - RE: CoffeeSafe

If you are a service provider why not give us a call on 01274 505255, or email or visit

safety support for coffee house service providers Blend MAY 17.indd 17

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ut & about


The London Coffee Festival returned to The Old Truman Brewery near Shoreditch in 2017, and visitors flocked on the opening day for all things coffee. With a wide range of exhibitors and a packed seminar and events programme, there was plenty to keep the coffee lovers, and those in the business of coffee, busy.

The Blend’s Managing Editor Joe Wilkinson discovers the Oomph portable coffee maker

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The Steampunk coffee machine

Out & About London Coffee Fest.indd 13

The Blend team: Max, Michelle, Abbie and Joe

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O ut & about



Joe Wilkinson and Max Dodd from The Blend were recently invited to judge the third annual Make It Ealing Latte Art Smackdown. Held at Artisan Coffee’s Ealing shop, 16 London-based baristas competed in a knockout competition to find the capital’s best latte artist. After a tense competition, the coveted Milk Jug was won by Daniel from Artigiano. Daniel also took the top prize of £350 cash. Martha from the Ealing branch of Bill’s came second, winning the £100 prize, ahead of Luke from Electric Coffee, who won the third place playoff and a £50 prize. With a large crowd looking on, the 16 entrants pulled out all the stops, creating art in the shape of a heart, tulip, rosetta, swan, phoenix and more; the final was decided on a tight contest between two swans. For the first time in the history of the competition, the Milk Jug left Ealing as Daniel took it back to Artigiano’s location in central London – but with the Smackdown becoming more competitive with each instalment, it’s anybody’s guess as to where it will end up next year.

Michael from Artisan

Daniel with The Blend’s Joe and Max

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First prize winner Daniel from Artigiano

Joe and Max from The Blend judging the entries

Second prize winner Martha from Bill’s with Joe and Max

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Oliver Rowbory from The Good Till Co highlights how using data can help improve your small business


ou may have heard the buzz phrase ‘big data’ – and you may think using data to analyse your independent coffee shop is out of your league. In actual fact, you probably already have a good selection of data to tap into without realising it. Here are four tips to get you started. Use a cloud By embracing cloud technologies, offline businesses can use online data very effectively. Cash flow is crucial, so online accounting packages that allow you to input all business data into a single portal will enable you to run reports and forecasts to monitor your business health. When integrated with your PoS technology, you can collect and analyse business data such as stock, sales, staff and seasonal trends. Tailor your data Don’t waste time on data that’s not meaningful to you and the decisions that you need to make. Think about what the most important information is for your business and tailor your tools to match what you need to know. Be secure Online security is a serious issue for your business and your customers, so it pays to be vigilant. Thinking through the weak points of your business could well save you time, effort and money in the long run. Refine your marketing A major benefit of using data is that you can focus on what your customers want and how they behave. Since your customers are your most valuable asset, think carefully about collecting their data at different touch-points. Using data means that marketing can be done in a smarter way, focusing on customer conversion rates, rather than spending wildly on shotgun marketing campaigns. Oliver Rowbory is co-founder of The Good Till Co.

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Photographer: Chris Terry

Registered charity no. 1043886

Choose coffee that changes lives

Zinabua Birhanu, Fairtrade coffee farmer, Ethiopia

When you choose Fairtrade coffee, not only can farmers invest in growing better quality beans, they can build a better quality of life for their families and communities too.

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LOOK MUM NO HANDS! The Blend caught up with Matt Harper, one of the trio who created and own London-based cycle café Look mum no hands!, to find out about setting up the business, keeping people interested and plans for expansion in the future


he idea for Look mum no hands! came in 2009, when Matt Harper was made redundant from his job in financial services. A lover of all things cycling, he and lifelong friend Lewin Chalkley got talking about the idea of starting a cycling-related café. Lewin had previously owned and run Coffee and Crayons in Fulham, which combined a coffee shop with a crèche. “Lewin was doing well but he was looking for something new,” Matt tells us. “The idea evolved over a few months until it became quite serious.”

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Setting up The pair quickly realised that if they were going to have a cycling café, it needed to be more than just a décor theme. Lewin and Matt knew Sam Humpheson from the local racing scene – he was one of the best mechanics in town and looking to do something new. The three started looking for properties and came upon the café’s unique Old Street location. “It was an interesting and unusual building which a lot of businesses didn’t want because the entrance access was through a yard,” says Matt. “That turned out to be perfect for us because we had somewhere for people to lock up their bikes outside. It was perfect – we found the space and filled it with furniture and cycling memorabilia.

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“I’d say that around 90% of our business relies on people that live and work in the area and who choose us over the competition, but we do also get the people who are in London on business or on holiday, who have heard about us and want to see what we’re all about. “It was amazing how quickly we were getting emails from people in places as far as Australia asking if we made T-shirts. The cycling community is global, and with the

internet it’s easy for people all over the world to connect.” In terms of competition in the coffee market, Matt doesn’t see national chains as a threat, instead viewing them as a separate business model. With two chains within metres of his location, he believes that people go to Look mum no hands! for a different experience – so when setting up, it was important that it felt more personal than the competition.


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Coffee Look mum no hands! uses Square Mile Coffee Roasters, which is roasted locally in Bethnal Green. They also occasionally offer a guest blend: “We knew that Square Mile was doing great things, even though they hadn’t been around long,” says Matt. “We’ve used them from the start and have no reason to change – it’s expensive coffee, but it’s good coffee. We bring in a guest blend every so often, in addition to the existing menu, just to keep things interesting for customers. “We have people who have come in every day for years, and sometimes they want to try something a little bit different. It’s nice that they can get that here, rather than another café.” Food The café also serves a selection of food, with the menu comprising locally sourced produce and changing seasonally. The menu is created and tweaked by the head chef to reflect what people are asking for at a particular time. “After seven years I think we’ve honed the menu to reflect what the customer wants,” says Matt. “We don’t have a food concept, it’s just really tasty, good quality food. We use locally-sourced produce as far as possible. The chef is keen on trying to use both seasonal and local produce as much as we can. The things we sell come from small suppliers, and we use beer from independent London breweries.” Décor Look mum no hands! is adorned with objects that the founders love, with bicycles of every type on the walls and in the windows, as well as an array of cycling paraphernalia. The design wasn’t something that was agonised over, with Matt saying they changed very little: “The site had been a café once before and while it had been used for couple of other things since, the basics were there. We knocked a wall down and changed the kitchen, but other than that we just filled the place with tables and chairs. We started the business with only

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about £8,000 each – we got furniture from eBay and the cycling paraphernalia we had lying around.” Business The business is split into three parts: the workshop, the coffee shop and the merchandise. Matt and Lewin deal with the latter two, while Sam works in the bicycle workshop alongside three employees. In terms of revenue, about 65% comes from food and drink, 25% from the workshop and the rest from the merchandise they sell in store and online. After the success of the original Look mum no hands!, a second café was opened last year in Whitechapel. The team were interested to see if they could operate without the workshop, as the concept would be easier to reproduce – the first café is a complicated business to run, and there were few buildings suitable for another café-cum-workshop. The second location, however, is still strongly tied into the brand. “It’s nice to think that after seven years the concept still appeals to people, and what’s exciting is that new people are still discovering the brand for the first time. At first we didn’t realise how important the branding would be,” Matt says. The second opening is now well established. Set up under a newly refurbished block of offices in an area where there’s plenty of building and development work, there are new customers arriving every week. There are no current plans for expansion, but Matt doesn’t rule it out for the future: “A few years ago we’d have been saying we want to roll out five more cafés, but I think we’re being a bit more philosophical now about what we want from life – maybe it’s because we’re getting a bit older. There’s certainly enough to keep us busy at the moment.” Matt feels that Look mum no hands! was the culmination of strokes of luck – catching the market at the right time, and being made redundant at that particular moment. Had they opened up a year earlier, Matt feels as though they would have been too early. “I’m not going to blow my own trumpet, I’m just going to say it was lucky.”

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Xxxxxxxxx FEATURE


BIRMINGHAM’S FIRST CYCLE CAFÉ Greg Heap is the owner and founder of Cranked Cycle Café, which he claims is the first cycle café in England’s second city. We spoke to Greg about the idea behind his business, how he turned his dream into a reality, and why it’s like nowhere else

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What is the idea behind your coffee shop? The idea was simple: to create a store that appealed to both cyclists and coffee lovers alike. Where did this idea come from? It came out of a love of bikes and coffee, but also a hatred of the bad attitudes and corporate saturation in both cultures. I wanted to remind people where their passion came from. I’m a complete snob about both bikes and coffee, but I would never turn my nose up at someone who wasn’t. I was inspired by places like Soho Bikes and Look mum no hands!, as well as traditional European coffee shops. I love the look and feel of them – you feel you’re in a home away from home, and I wanted to recreate that in my own shop.

Cranked Cafe.indd 23

What external help did you get? Without the help of close friends and family, I doubt I’d be where I am now. My mum is an amazing baker, for example, so all the produce sold in the store is freshly made by her. This is a huge selling point. How long has Cranked been open? After a false start that lasted from January to June 2016, I lined up new premises and had reopened by the end of September. Fortunately, the new store is a huge success.

What is your target audience? I knew there wasn’t anywhere in the city that catered for people who cycled to work, so there was a niche to fill. People can stop by on their commute, and if they need a repair, we can do that for them while they enjoy a coffee.

What is your unique selling point? It’s Birmingham’s first cycle café, so we will always be the pioneers in the city. Our ethics have gained us a loyal following. The store prides itself on serving the best coffee, providing unique surroundings for customers to relax in with vintage bikes hanging from the ceiling and a selection of reading material to flick through, and offering the in-house bicycle repair station. The store is also based in the factory where Bird’s Custard was produced, so you’re sitting in a piece of history.

How did you work on a plan to make the coffee shop a reality? I knew I couldn’t plan everything around my old job, so I quit. I didn’t know the first thing about how a business worked, so I was pretty much on my own. This pushed me to research and plan everything down to the finest detail. I drew up a concise business plan and pitched it to my landlord. He loved the idea and immediately offered me a spot within a community of other small businesses.

What would be considered a success for the coffee shop? I already consider the store a success. I’m my own harshest critic, but the fact that I’ve managed to create a sustainable business with a good reputation in a short space of time is enough for me. I’ve met some amazing people, worked with companies that I’ve admired for years, and built a brand that people have come to love, so anything that happens from this point is a bonus.

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Situated on King’s Road close to the River Thames, A Wanted Man is breaking the café mould with a brow bar and waxing salon upstairs. So how does combining beauty with speciality coffee benefit this artisan coffee shop north of the river?


Wanted Man is part of our Beauty Block concept,” explains Cynthia Chua, CEO of the café. “We want to create lifestyle spaces, and provide a space where men and women can unwind over a cup of coffee, wander upstairs for a beauty treatment and leave after a healthy snack. “It’s designed in a western style and aims to encourage men to make this their hang-out space. We want them to feel comfortable about getting beauty

“COFFEE AND BEAUTY IS A NOBRAINER TO ME; I FIND THEM BOTH ENTICING. IT ADDS AN ELEMENT OF DISCOVERY” services. Men and women alike are drawn to the décor and the multistorey concept; the speciality coffee has the pull factor, too.” The combined coffee shop and beauty parlour opened its doors in April 2016. Having just celebrated its first anniversary, its clientele is a mixed bag of local residents and those who venture into the city from further afield. Most of the customers are aged between 20 and 40 and, according to Cynthia, over half of the patrons are male. Entrepreneur Cynthia, who began her career in beauty, decided to incorporate a beauty salon into a coffee shop to build a wider lifestyle brand for her customers. “Coffee and beauty is a no-brainer to me; I find them both enticing. It adds an element of discovery – for me, the idea of the Beauty Block is fun, with the café included.” 24 The Blend

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Chelsea is synonymous with wealth and class, and with that comes a focus on looking and feeling good. “We felt that the Chelsea visitors would appreciate the lifestyle concept, and we wanted to push the boundaries in the beauty field. The addition of the café, with the idea that grooming can be extended to men, became our vision.” Continuing the theme of feeling good, the menu at the café emphasises healthy eating and clean living. This has come from Cynthia’s own preferences: “I’m inspired by what I would like to see on a breakfast menu,” she says. “Our almond milk muesli, for example, is divine; you rarely see anyone going through the trouble of making fresh, hand-pressed almond milk from scratch. “I think today’s consumer is definitely more health conscious. People are making different choices now and are particular about the wholesomeness and organic quality of their food choices.” Did this decision to offer a healthy menu have anything to do with the location of the business? “It was certainly a part of it,” Cynthia says. “The Chelsea neighbourhood is receptive to those ideas, as you can see from the number of gluten-free cafés, health food stores and yoga studios in the area.” Luckily for Cynthia, the business is continuing to gain traction. “Like most innovative concepts, it’s a slow burn and takes a bit of time,” she explains. “Many are receptive and welcome the idea, but we have had some that raised their brows!” What does the future hold for the company? “We have some great plans for the café,” Cynthia enthuses. “We’re constantly reinventing ourselves and hope to be launching some rooftop garden activities in the near future. We’re also endeavouring to see more outlets of A Wanted Man opening around London. Watch this space.”

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THE BARISTA’S COFFEE CO. The Blend speaks to Laura Griffin of The Barista’s Coffee Co. in Chester about the decision to let dogs into the establishment

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Why did you make the decision to be dog friendly? We’ve been here for eight years and thus have many regular customers, many of whom would sit in our outdoor seating area because of their canine friends. Over time we decided that it would be lovely if they could find comfort in the café as well as the outside area. We researched the legalities and regulations, and now allow dogs into the front part of the coffee shop. What are the benefits? In general dog owners are restricted in terms of which eateries they can visit. Since becoming dog friendly we’ve had so much positive feedback – people are excited when they realise they can come in and enjoy a meal without having to leave their pup outside. The personal benefits for us include meeting some adorable dogs! We have a miniature dachshund and a beautiful spaniel that often come in, to name a couple of our regulars. What is the clientele at your coffee shop? We have a mixture of regular customers, tourists and passers-by. The reaction has been wholly positive, including with takeaway orders – dog owners appreciate being able to pop in without needing to tie their dogs up outside. What are the safety implications? We looked thoroughly into all aspects and made sure that there were no safety hazards. I think that perhaps people think cleanliness is an issue but we have strict rules in place to hoover and sanitise the floor every morning and afternoon. As to general safety, we wouldn’t admit unmanageable dogs that could pose a risk to the public. What are the rules you must follow in relation to preparing food? We have two tables in the front part of the café where dogs are welcome, and they’re away from the food preparation areas. Anyone who pets a dog whilst on duty

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must wash their hands thoroughly at the hand wash basin and use the antibacterial hand sanitiser. We keep the coffee shop very clean, sanitising tables when people leave, and we have a cleaner who thoroughly cleans the whole shop at the end of the day. Has being dog friendly made a difference to your business? The notable difference is with dog owners who are holidaying in Chester with their dogs. We’ve noticed that they generally appear every day of their trip, which is lovely to see. What would you advise other cafés to be wary of, if they are considering becoming dog friendly? I don’t think there’s anything to be wary of, you just need to have guidelines in place. I’d tell them to plan it carefully. Make sure that you have a seating area which is dog free for those who prefer dining without them, have full cleaning procedures in place, and keep them away from food preparation areas. Also, be aware that you and your customers may end up smiling a lot more in a dog friendly coffee shop! It is advised that you check with your local authority before making the decision to allow dogs into your coffee shop. Although dogs are permitted in areas where food is served, you must have procedures in place to stop dogs entering areas where food is stored and prepared. Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs contains the general hygiene requirements for all food business operators, from premises and facilities through to the personal hygiene of staff, and includes requirements for pest control. These regulations are applied throughout the UK and do not prohibit the presence of dogs in catering establishments. These regulations are implemented in Scotland by thr Food Hygiene (Scotland) Regulations 2006, which, again, does not prohibit the presence of dogs in food businesses.

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Scandinavia is leading the way when it comes to coffee. This region of Northern Europe is well known for its love of coffee – its inhabitants drink more of the good stuff per capita than any other region in the world. The Danish concept of ‘hygge’, loosely meaning a comfortable, friendly atmosphere, has taken off in the UK in a big way, with many independent coffee shops taking inspiration from hygge when designing the interiors of their stores – as well as offering a traditional Scandinavian food and drink menu. Another word that is currently permeating the British coffee industry is the Swedish ‘fika’. Fika is a social activity in Scandinavia, with workers taking small breaks in the morning and afternoon to have a coffee and cake together, and it’s making its way into the UK’s coffee culture. The Blend has spoken to a handful of coffee shop owners who have taken inspiration from Scandinavia to find out what it means to them, why they chose the theme, and how customers respond to their shops.

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How long has the business been operating? We opened on 30 May 2016.



How long has the business been operating? We opened on 1 October 2012, so four and a half years. How do you interpret Scandinavian style? I would describe Baltzersen’s as rustic and cosy: the kind of place you want to sit with a hot drink, eat something simple and tasty, and read a book. It has a bit of a cabin vibe. Many people might interpret Scandinavian style very differently, as a light, white, airy and minimalist space. What brings these styles together is function and form. When you walk around shops, cafes and homes in Scandinavia, you can see the consideration that has gone into the design of everything.

How do you interpret Scandinavian style? Modern and stylish with clean lines, while still being functional and homely. Where did the Scandinavian inspiration come from? My family and their baking – I’m Swedish, and my dad’s mum always had homemade cakes and biscuits ready for us when we went to visit her; there was always plenty of ‘fika’ going around. My husband and business partner also likes Swedish food, so it seemed the natural choice – especially as there are lots of coffee shops in Beeston, the part of Nottingham where we’re located, and we needed to stand out. What is the clientele for your shop? Mostly local people. Nottingham University is in Beeston, so there are a lot of different nationalities in the area, including Scandinavians.

Where did the Scandinavian inspiration come from? My grandmother was Norwegian – her maiden name was Baltzersen. I have family over there and grew up around elements of the Scandinavian lifestyle.

What is particularly Scandinavian about the shop? The cakes I make are traditionally Swedish, we sell foods imported from Scandinavia, the coffee we serve is from Swedish roasteries, and pretty much all of the furniture is from IKEA, giving it an authentic feel.

What is particularly Scandinavian about the shop? The food menu and the pastries we bake in house – we do things that you rarely see outside of Scandinavia or London. Having said that, there are new Scandinavian-inspired coffee shops popping up all over the place now. The décor is very much in keeping, and we have some great prints by a Norwegian artist called Øivind Hovland, which I love.

What is different about Scandinavian coffee? It’s strong, straightforward and unpretentious. Filter coffee has a bad reputation in the UK, and you can encounter some horrific brews – but when it’s done right, with a superior quality coffee, filter coffee is the best. After all, the Nordic countries top the list of coffee consumption year on year, and they’re all using filter coffee machines!

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How long has the business been operating? Our first outlet opened its doors in October 2014. How do you interpret Scandinavian style? Well-crafted simplicity, with choice of material and good lighting both being fundamental elements. Everything has been carefully considered to be highly functional, but with a minimalistic design feel. It’s also to do with atmosphere – what the Danes would call ‘hygge’ and Norwegians ‘koselig’. It’s about feeling at home when you’re not at home. Where did the Scandinavian inspiration come from? Our founder lived in Norway and spent many an hour in the coffee bars of Oslo and also in Copenhagen, Denmark. He drew inspiration from the speciality coffee movement that is prevalent in Scandinavia. Scandinavians like to do things to the best of their ability – so, in the case of coffee, using beans from the best farms, and brewing it using scientific thinking. What is the clientele for the shop? Some people search us out specifically for the quality of our coffee, but being Scandinavian is also about making everyone feel included – we attract a lot of people who are simply looking for a nice cup of coffee in a comfortable place. What is particularly Scandinavian about the shop? Our simple, functional design and our ambience – people sitting by candlelight, enjoying themselves for a long time – together give the feeling of being in Norway.

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How long has the business been operating? Ten years. Our goal was to create something of lasting quality with no gimmicks and good, honest food. How do you interpret Scandinavian style? It’s a cool, minimalist aesthetic – each of our shops is uncluttered to create calmness. Our pine wood walls and Scandinavian-designed interior pieces (including pieces by Alvar Aalto and Kaj Franck) create a strong impression. Where did the Scandinavian inspiration come from? Our founders are Finnish. Scandinavian coffee culture is very strong – people socialise by taking a ‘fika’ – and we decided to bring this philosophy to London, serving great coffee, fresh cinnamon buns, dark rye bread and other Scandinavian bakes. What is the clientele for the shop? People with an appreciation for a simple aesthetic, ranging from creative professionals through to shoppers, locals, and tourists – we’re very popular with the Japanese and Koreans. What is different about Scandinavian coffee? Scandinavians may drink a lot of coffee, but they prefer a simple coffee menu and this is reflected at Nordic Bakery. We serve filter coffee with just a few specialities – cappuccino, latte and espresso. Filter coffee is the Finns’ coffee of choice, and is our ‘star’ product. Each cup is made to order from freshly ground beans, and passed through a small filter right in front of the customer.

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offee shops aren’t a recent addition to the streets of London – they have been in existence in the capital since the 17th century, when a Greek manservant by the name of Pasqua Rosée set up The Turk’s Head coffee shop. An eruption of coffee houses ensued, satirically refered to as ‘penny universities’ because of the intellectual discussions that took place while patrons paid a penny for a coffee. Fast forward almost 400 years, and we’re seeing a similar story unfold. By the end of next year, the UK is expected to be home to over 20k coffee shops, with the specialty coffee scene in particular expanding rapidly. London is at the forefront of this trend, with many other regions looking to the capital for inspiration. The Blend speaks to Peter Dore-Smith of Kaffeine, Cameron Rosenbrock from Birdhouse, Charlie Meadows of Kin Café and Darren Elliot from Timberyard, four London coffee houses that are part of the current movement’s vanguard.

filling this niche became his USP. Since then, Timberyard has added two further shops to its portfolio, and it can now be found in Soho, Seven Dials and Shoreditch. Kin Café, which, like Kaffeine, is located in Fitzrovia, came slightly later. Its doors were opened in May 2014, with the artisan coffee movement already in full swing, as Charlie explains: “We’re a relatively new coffee shop, so I don’t feel that that much has changed since we opened, aside from more and more artisan venues opening.” Inspiration At Birdhouse, Cameron has taken inspiration from the passion for birds he shares with his father, and from the shop’s prior use as a

even further afield for his two Kaffeine shops, looking to the laidback café culture of his homeland, where chains such as Starbucks have made smaller inroads than in other Anglophone countries due to the nation’s well-established tradition of quality-obsessed independent coffee shops. “There’s a definite attention to detail in everything we do. Our first store is slightly industrial and edgy, while our new store is more polished and refined.” At Timberyard, meanwhile, Darren describes his shops as clean, bright and comfortable, with “flashes of creativity” provided by collaboration with local creatives and artists. Clientele This focus on collaboration and building relationships is one of the things that sets London’s specialty coffee shops apart from the chains, drawing in a loyal following both locally and from further afield. At Birdhouse, Cameron has seen a great rapport establishing itself between his staff and customers: “Most of our customers are locals and regulars, and quite a lot have been coming in since we first opened. We know many of our regulars by name, and keep up with what’s going on in their lives.” While local creatives form a large portion of Timberyard’s customer base, the shop’s reputation has spread well beyond its immediate surroundings. “Our customers are typically freelancers, entrepreneurs, start-ups and local businesses,” Darren explains, “but our delicious and healthy food and drink, attention to detail and unpretentious service is admired by tea and coffee aficionados all over the world.” Peter experiences something similar at Kaffeine. “We’re in a location with a creative demographic and do attract that type of clientele, but then we also see coffee tourists, shoppers and local residents,” he says. Kin Café, again, has a clientele consisting mostly of creative professionals and, increasingly, locals, as the area becomes more residential – but Charlie also describes it as having become


Early days Peter set up his first Kaffeine shop on Great Titchfield Street, Fitzrovia, in August 2009. “The coffee scene was in its early specialty days. There were only a handful of specialty coffee shops opening in east and central London, and a few coffee roasters,” he explains. He has since set up a second shop on Eastcastle Street, also in Fitzrovia, which opened in 2015. Cameron established Birdhouse, which is found in Battersea, in October 2011. “The coffee scene was relatively small when we opened, although it was just starting to pick up momentum,” he tells us. “New places have been opening pretty much every other week since then.” Darren co-founded Timberyard in 2012, having spotted a gap in the market. “At the time the London specialty coffee scene was experiencing an explosion of high quality newcomers, but there were very few coffee shops with space for meetings or facilities for remote working,” he says. Noticing and

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doctor’s surgery. “The interior of our shop has an industrial and medical influence, with the splashes of yellow and bird-related images helping to soften the space and give it a sense of fun. It was created on a tight budget by myself and my partner, with help from friends. The hard work paid off, as we were shortlisted for the 2011/12 Restaurant & Bar Design Awards.” When opening Kin Café, Charlie wanted a space that was “buzzy, yet relaxing and comfortable,” and looked across the North Sea for design ideas. He describes Kin’s interior as “minimal Scandinavian-inspired design, without being too cold and clinical.” Australian expat Peter took inspiration from

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Kin Café


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something of a ‘destination café’ for tourists as their reputation has spread. Present and future So what does the London coffee scene currently look like, and what can we expect from the future? It’s difficult to judge, according to Peter. “It’s always changing. Good coffee is much easier to find than it used to be, and in many different places all over London, not just in cafés.” He does, however, think that the current rate of expansion in the artisan coffee shop sector is unsustainable. “The potential, as with any large and fast growth period, is that it will plateau out. Some shops will close and others will stay open and become London institutions.” Charlie agrees, citing Brexit and increased business rates as things that are making it harder for new independent coffee shops to thrive. “It’s more expensive now to set up and sustain an independent coffee business than it has been for a while, with costs in the hospitality sector rising across all areas,” he explains. “We could see more costeffective products like specialty tea taking over.” In tandem with this, he thinks that artisan coffee’s move into the mainstream will force both large commercial chains and independent cafés to “raise their game”, in order to meet the expectations of customers who are better informed about coffee’s provenance and have higher expectations than before. Cameron and Darren are a little more optimistic. “There’s a selection of perhaps five top coffee shops and then a large middle ground of cafés that do a very good job,” Cameron says, assessing the present landscape. Darren is also approving: “It’s more refined and mature now than it was in 2012. The London specialty coffee scene is growing into adolescence with style, delivered by a real diverse range of operators. Fifth wave coffee is beginning to emerge. Boutique specialty chains like Workshop, Grind and TY are already here, but creative collaborations will help them to grow quickly and in unexpected directions.” “The London coffee scene is strong, and will keep evolving and changing over time,” Cameron summarises. “Just like London itself.”

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Timberyard Seven Dials

Timberyard Soho

Kaffeine Great Titchfield Street

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The Caffè Culture Show returns with an exciting new conference feature for 2017

Blending business and coffee for over a decade The Caffè Culture Show is the UK’s only business to business event dedicated to the café sector, and takes place on 23-24 May at Olympia, London. It’s the go-to event for coffee shop and café operators to source the products and services they need to meet evolving consumer demand. New for 2017 is Caffè Connections, an exciting new conference forum exploring the state of the café industry. Speakers span the industry, from established chains to market disruptors, with keynote speeches, panel debates, insight sessions, and drop-ins from high-profile figures in the coffee and food-togo sectors. Day one (23 May) is designed for senior buyers in the coffee and food service markets, with a focus on strategy, insight and innovation. Pret A Manger board adviser and Cawston Press co-founder Mark Palmer presents the keynote on what’s driving change within the coffee shop market. Day two’s (24 May) theme is the use of insight to drive performance, aimed at the needs of independent coffee shops.

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Event director Chris Holman said: “The Caffè Culture Show is recognised for its excellent on-site talks programmes and has long been at the forefront of the coffee industry. We’re extending the show’s focus on commercial strategy and growth, and Caffè Connections is an exciting new opportunity to engage more deeply with the latest thinking.” The show’s popular Masterclass programme returns this year, providing insight from leading industry lights. Speakers include bestselling writer John Richardson who reveals the critical steps to running a profitable coffee shop. In the Technology Showcase, leading suppliers preview new tech products, while the New Business Zone is the place for newto-market innovations. Discerning customers will go where the best coffee is, and a top quality roast adds a competitive edge to any coffee operation. At the show’s Independent Coffee Roasters’ Village, visitors can taste delicious coffee blends from the most passionate people in the business – artisan, small-batch roasters hailing from from across the UK, including

Exmouth Coffee Company, J. Atkinson & Co, Moonroast Coffee, Regal Coffee and Urban Roast Coffee Company. Also returning to The Caffè Culture Show for 2017 is the Artisan Food Market. Recognising that many operators want to support and source from small, local food and drink producers, this vibrant marketplace is a celebration of craft enterprise laid out in a farmers’ market style. From baked goods to soft drinks and healthy snacks to indulgent treats, award-winning independent and speciality producers will be on hand to share their delicious products. Suppliers featured include Ben and Bill’s (Brown Bag Crisps), Chegworth Valley Juices, Fifi’s Paradise, Great British Biscotti Company, Honey Berry, Let Them Eat, Quibbles Nibbles, Story Brands, Sweet Carolina, The Free From Bakehouse and Willie’s Cacao. The Caffè Culture Show 2017 takes place on 23-24 May 2017 at Olympia London. To attend the show and conference for free, click the ticket registration link at

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Distributed by Eddingtons Ltd, The Reid Building, New Hayward Farm, Hungerford, Berkshire, RG17 0PZ e | t | +44 (0) 1488 686572 w |

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This year, The Blend Magazine team will be taking the first ever issue to Caffè Culture, on 23 and 24 May. As a brand new business to business magazine for owners of independent coffee shops, we will be showcasing our launch issue as well as offering an exclusive subscription price of £35 – a tiny 33.25% of the original subscription price. Visit The Blend’s stand to meet the team, share ideas and let us know what you think about the launch issue.

Conker will be showing off its new Conker Cold Brew Coffee Liqueur – a liqueur that is free from additives, flavourings and thickeners, preferring to let the coffee bean provide the flavour. Working with Beanpress Coffee Co, Conker selects the finest speciality Brazilian and Ethiopian coffees and cold-brews them, so as not to extract the acidic, bitter elements of the bean. With natural vanillas and caramels, just a touch of demerara sugar is needed to complete the alchemy. Four simple ingredients, one precise process.

WILLIE’S CACAO Willie’s Cacao will be displaying its selection of chocolate bars, gift chocolates and chocolate cooking products at Caffè Culture. Willie’s Cacao makes bean to bar chocolate using only the world’s great single estate cacaos, all of which taste remarkably different. Willie Harcourt-

Cooze sources the beans directly from cacao farmers, roasts them in antique ball roasters and makes them into chocolate in small batches in his factory in Devon. Neither vanilla nor soya lecithin are used in the process, only raw cane sugar and natural cocoa butter; this preserves the delicate flavour notes of the beans. FLOWER & WHITE


Flower & White will be showcasing the newest addition to its award winning Merangz range at stand B43. Low fat, gluten free and vegetarian, Meringue Drops are bite-sized mini meringues, hand made to a traditional Swiss recipe and sold in a 100g box size. They will be available in three flavours: Chocolate, White Chocolate & Raspberry, and Rainbow Fruit (comprising strawberry, lemon, passionfruit and cherry flavours). The product officially launches online in May, and nationwide in June. The Merangz range also includes Giants, Bites and Pavlovas, available in a variety of flavours – from crowd-pleasing Chocolate and Vanilla to more cosmopolitan options such as Passionfruit and Mocha.

Debaere, a London-based artisan bakery and patisserie that specialises in bespoke cakes for all different occasions, will be displaying products from across its entire range – including fresh cakes, high-end patisserie, artisan bread, cookies and tray bakes.

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Eden Furniture will be showcasing its range of UK-manufactured scaffold table and bench sets. Products include the Chunky Scaffold Bench Set, made from sustainable tanalised timber with a heavy-duty galvanized scaffold frame and fixings, designed for outdoor use. For indoor use, Eden Furniture offers the Scaffold Sawn Bench Set, which has a solid ash tabletop and a rough ‘sawn’ finish that can be stained and polished by Eden to suit the customer, as well as a strong industrial frame and fixings. Both bench sets are available at either dining or high bar height, and – as they are made to order – can be produced to any size required by the customer.

Moonroast Coffee is back at the Coffee Roasters’ Village after a successful first show last year. The company won four Great Taste Awards in 2016 for its hand roasted, ethically sourced speciality coffee, and its awardwinning Peru Blend will be available to sample at the show. As well as roasting awardwinning coffee, Moonroast will be offering ‘complete solution’ advice on how to successfully serve it – whether it’s equipment, café accessories, comprehensive twostage barista training or marketing of sale support.

ARDEN FINE FOODS Arden Fine Foods will be at stand A21, showcasing its brands and products across the biscuit and bakery categories. Ranging from continental treats to authentic Italian baked goods, all Arden products are made to classic and traditional recipes. In particular, Arden will be sharing a selection of sweet biscuit products that

make the ideal accompaniment to coffee and tea. These include its Arden & Amici brand,

which produce authentic single-serve cantuccini and biscotti biscuits and panettone. Arden will also be introducing its brand-new Mug Huggers – a range of hand decorated character biscuits shaped to ‘hug’ coffee mugs.



Border Biscuits will be launching a bespoke range of quality biscuits to appeal directly to the out-ofhome and food service sectors. Its Café Bake range has been specially developed for cafés and coffee shops, and is exclusive to foodservice. The range is available in three varieties – Yoghurt, Cranberry & Pumpkin Seed, Lemon Drizzle, and Pecan & Maple Syrup – and comes in cases of 24. Also being showcased are Border Biscuits’ new single portion Mini Packs, available in mixed cases of 150 and in three varieties – Divinely Choc Chip Cookies, Oat Crumbles and Viennese Whirls.

The Urban Roast Coffee Company is an independent roastery based in Birmingham, with passion and quality put at the centre of the business. The company provides a bespoke service to coffee shops that are looking to stand out from the crowd with their own unique blend and branding, working with companies to provide them with a blend that best suits their customers and providing tasters and samples along the way. Urban Roast can also supply bespoke packaging, helping coffee shops and companies who are looking to diversify and supply retail ranges of their coffee to their customers.

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COFFEE ITALIA CEADO E37S Grinding method: Burr grinder Hopper capacity: 1600g Grind settings: On demand Power: 400W Grinding speed: 1480rpm Dimensions: 547 x 309 x 212mm (HWD) Price: £1,089

COFFEE GRINDERS NISBETS Fracino E6 Grinding method: Blade cold grinding Hopper capacity: 1.7kg Grind settings: Micrometric adjustment Power: 730W Grinding speed: 1310rpm Dimensions: 635 x 215 x 400mm (HWD) Price: £1,043.98

MARCO BEVERAGE SYSTEMS Marco Uber Grinding method: Burr grinder Hopper capacity: Custom Grind settings: Custom Power: 860W Grinding speed: Variable Dimensions: 633 x 207 x 295mm (HWD) Price: £1787.98 ANOTHER COFFEE Mazzer Robur Grinding method: Burr grinder Hopper capacity: 1.8kg Grind settings: Stepless micrometrical grinding adjustment mechanism Power: 900w Grinding speed: 500rpm Dimensions: 720 x 310 x 250mm (HWD) Price: £1,895

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THE ESPRESSO SHOP Fiorenzato MC F64E Grinding method: Flat grinders Hopper capacity: 1.5kg Grind settings: Single-dose system Power: 650W Grinding speed: 1350-1550rpm Dimensions: 230 x 670 x 270 mm (HWD) Price: RRP £1,120

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LATEST PRODUCTS MAHLKOENIG Peak Grinding method: Cast steel burrs 80mm Hopper capacity: 1.5kg Grind settings: Stepless grind adjustment Grinding speed: 900rpm Dimensions: 610 x 370 x 310mm (HWD) Price: £2991.24


ANFIM Super Ciamano On Demand (Digital Display) Grinding method: 75mm burrs, titanium or steel Hopper capacity: 2kg Grinding speed: 800rpm Dimensions: 570 x 360 x 195mm (HWD) Price: £1,053.36

TOPER TKS16S Grinding method: Blade Hopper capacity: Variable Grinder settings: Turkish fine to espresso Power: 1.1KW Grinding speed: 32kg per hour Dimensions: 850 x 300 x 500 mm (HWD) Price: £1,626.24

SANTOS Grinder 63 Grinding method: 120mm discs Hopper capacity: 1.2kg Grinder settings: Adjustable grind dial Grinding speed: 1500-1800 rpm Dimensions: 677 x 279 x 329mm (HWD) Pricem: From £3,000

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MACAP M7D Grinding method: Burr Hopper capacity: 1.4kg Grinder settings: Stepless adjustment Power: 800W Grinding speed: From 350 rpm Dimensions: 635 x 250 x 360mm (HWD) Price: From £1,500

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BIOPAC I‘m A Green Cup Double Wall Compostable Paper Coffee Cup Dimensions: D76mm H90mm Weight: 12g Material: Certified FSC board with a starch material – 100% compostable Lid Inclusion: No Printing Availability: No Price per 1000 Cups: £115.98

ASPECT CPM Americano Mug (without grip) Dimensions: D95mm x H155mm Weight: 130g Material: Polypropylene (BPA free) Lid inclusion: Yes Print availability: Yes (75x73mm) Price per 1000 cups: £3315 (includes a one-colour print, set up and carriage)



VEGWARE Compostable Double Wall Hot Cups Dimensions: From D79mm H95mm Weight: 15g Material: Two layers of sustainably sourced board with a plant-based PLA lining Lid inclusion: No Print availability: Yes – Full colour print (minimum order 5,000 cups) Price per 1000 cups: From £95.52

BIOPAC I’m A Green Cup Single Wall Compostable Paper Coffee Cup Dimensions: D80mm H110mm Weight: 15g Material: Ethically sourced board and paper Lid inclusion: Yes Print availability: No Price per 1000 cups: £234.20

DRINKSTUFF Black Ripple Disposable Paper Coffee Cups 8oz / 230ml Dimensions: D76mm H90mm Weight: 20g Material: Three layers of paperboard Lid inclusion: No Printing availability: No Price per 1000 cups: £69.98

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COFFEE CUPS THE PAPER CUP COMPANY Double Wall Cups 12oz Dimensions: D90mm H110mm Weight: 15g Material: Paper Lid inclusion: Yes Printing availability: Yes Price per 1000 cups: £160.02

EDENWARE Edenware Compostable Cups Dimensions: From D80mm H93mm Weight: Variable Material: Board and PLA lining Lid inclusion: No Print availability: No Price per 1000 cups: £71.24

COFFEE CREATIONS Plain White Paper Cups Dimensions: D80mm H93mm Weight: Approximately 15g Material: Paper Lid inclusion: Available separately Print availability: No Price per 1000 cups: £39.54

BENDERS Benders Ripple Disposable Cups Dimensions: D80mm H95mm Weight: Approximately 15g Material: Cardboard Lid inclusion: Available separately Print availability: No Price per 1000 cups: £206

44 The Blend

LP Cups.indd 44

PURE GUSTO Triple Wall Ripple Cups Dimensions: D80mm H93mm Weight: Approximately 25g Material: Cardboard Lid inclusion: Available separately Print availability: No Price per 1000 cups: £71.98

18/04/2017 14:53

COFFEE CUPS MADE FROM PLANTS, NOT PLASTIC Ours are no ordinary cups. The paper is from a sustainable source, and the lining is made from plants not oil. Our hot cup lids are made from plant-based CPLA – 67% less carbon than plastic.

Great for your drinks • • •

Lids are heat resistant up to 85°C, with a tight fit and sleek design Choose from crisp Vegware white or eco-chic kraft Single and double wall available

Good for the environment • • •

Blend MAY 17.indd 10

Free from plastic Sustainably-sourced card Made from renewable materials

18/04/2017 15:46

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Contact Emily Maltby to subscribe today! 01903 777 575

Filler Ad.indd 1

18/04/2017 15:00



GREEN FARM COFFEE The Blend caught up with Daniel Matthams, brand manager at Green Farm Coffee, to discuss beans, equipment and customer relations


ormed after the purchase of Norfolk Tea & Coffee by NVCS Ltd, Green Farm Coffee has been trading for over 30 years. The company is family owned and the production team is made up of Dan, head roaster Craig and production director Adam. As well as producing artisan coffee, being part of NVCS means that Green Farm can also offer top quality machines, grinders, napkins, cups and barista training. Green Farm Coffee currently uses a Toper TKMSX-30 drum roaster, and use an indirect gas flame to heat the beans, allowing them to drop at slightly higher temperatures without scorching them. “Our roaster has a top capacity of 30kg, although we usually roast smaller batches so that we get a good development and our roasts don’t stall,” says Dan. The coffee is Rainforest Alliance accredited, sourced mainly through Interamerican Coffee Ltd and occasionally DR Wakefield. They offer beans of various origins from all the main growing regions, and believe in paying a premium for top grade and single origin coffees. Green Farm offers a plethora of coffee types, from fixed espresso and house blends to seasonal speciality single origins. They roast at different levels, from second crack darker espresso blends to the light filter and single origin roasts, ensuring that all of the coffee

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is fully developed so customers get the best flavours. Daniel and the team make an effort to personalise the service, sitting down with customers to determine exactly what they are looking for. They aim to cater for all, from people who want a small bag for the cafetiere at home, to companies serving thousands at large events. Their latest venture is a mobile shepherd’s hut, which they use in their role as the official coffee partner of Norwich City Football Club. The team is also investing in new equipment for quality control to ensure that standards are kept high. “The future of Green Farm Coffee looks very exciting,” says Dan. “We hope to develop relationships with farmers, hopefully getting to meet them and see the methods that are being used to manipulate the flavours of the coffee. We look forward to continuing to work closely with our customers and to offering training and education to help them get the most out of their coffee. “As well as learning more ourselves as technology advances, I really believe that the industry needs to be looking at the future and helping the next generation of farms, as well as dealing with issues such as inequality, climate change and coffee rust.”


CONTACT Daniel Matthams Brand manager Belinda Brown Admin & social media 01603 720 004 Unit 1 Green Farm, Rackheath Industrial Estate, Norwich, Norfolk NR13 6LQ

The Blend 47

18/04/2017 14:48


trading with

RYAN KOHN Co-founder of Propercorn

Ryan Kohn speaks to The Blend about the ethos of Propercorn and why coffee shops are so important to the business Can you tell us a little about Propercorn and how it got started? The business was founded by myself and my business partner Cassandra. The idea came about whilst Cassandra was working for an advertising firm in London – around 3pm every day someone would go out and buy lots of chocolate, cakes and biscuits, and you would inevitably go over and indulge, and consume your whole day’s worth of calories in about 10 minutes and come away feeling guilty. At the time, on the snacking spectrum, you only had chocolate, cakes and biscuits on one side, and bland rice cakes or an apple if you wanted something healthier. Cassandra thought that there must be a way of creating a snack that bridges the two. Growing up, Cassandra had fond memories of making popcorn with her dad, and one of the last things her dad had bought her before he passed away when she was a teenager was a popcorn machine – she thought this was a sign. She quit her job and started a popcorn business. We’ve been good friends for a long time and I’ve been a bit of an entrepreneur – I’ve been running businesses since I was 18. Thankfully, they’ve gone well, so we put our heads together

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“WE MAKE SURE THE INGREDIENTS WE USE ARE 100% NATURAL – THEY’RE ALL INGREDIENTS YOU CAN FIND IN YOUR KITCHEN CUPBOARD AT HOME” and launched the business in October 2011. It’s been a wonderful journey ever since. What’s the company ethos? For us, the line that we live by and the glue that holds the business together is ‘done properly’. For us that means everything should be the best it could possibly be. That runs through the whole business, starting at the product. We make sure the ingredients we use are 100% natural – they’re all ingredients you can find in your kitchen cupboard at home. Where do the ideas for flavours come from? They come from anyone in our business. Cassandra has a good thought process

when it comes to flavours and she’s great at identifying trends. They really do come from all over, it’s a team effort. The coconut flavour came because coconut water was popular at the time, and it really works. How important is the UK coffee shop market to you? It’s very important. One of the biggest challenges we face is that popcorn is so

associated with cinema. When we launched we were very focused on building our trade within coffee shops and quick serve restaurants so people wouldn’t just associate popcorn with watching movies – it can be eaten in between meals as a snack, or alongside a salad for a healthy lunch. Being in coffee shops really helps us build that perception of popcorn in a different way which has been integral to how we have grown our business. Because of that, people would consider a bag of sweet and salty popcorn with a coffee. Coffee shops are social places and people are happy to sit there, snack and spend time on a laptop so it’s a key place for us to be seen. What’s the next step for the brand? We’re still a small business, but we’re growing quickly, so we need to make sure we’re growing in the right way. It’s about maintaining the culture that we have within the business, whilst also considering international waters.

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ALICE RENDLE Director Edgcumbes Favourite coffee region? Colombia – for its sheer diversity, range of amazing coffees, friendly people and beauty. Best moment in your career so far? When we opened our roastery to the public and shared our knowledge and products with them. It has proved to be so popular that we are opening a larger café-bakery in the coming months. Favourite coffee-based beverage? It has to be a three-shot flat white. Most inspirational coffee shop? I know the owners of a coffee shop in the Netherlands, run by an amazing roaster called Noord Coffee Roasters. It’s an amazing venue with lots of great ideas. I also love reading about the coffee shops visited by Brian Williams and featured in his blog Brian’s Coffee Spot. Trends in the industry in the next five years? Edgcumbes is a roasterretailer and I predict that it won’t be long before more coffee roasters see the potential and open their doors like Edgcumbes has.

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It’s all about the experience and seeing how things are done. Favourite sandwich filling? Tomato, serrano ham and rocket on sourdough bread. Karaoke song of choice? Three Little Birds by Bob Marley. Who would play you in a film of your life? Reese Witherspoon because she is so sassy, and an amazing actress. I’d probably get Patirica Routledge, though, to reflect my pig-headed nature! Favourite sporting memory? Watching Ilie Nastase win at Wimbledon – epic. What’s top of your bucket list? To visit a coffee and/or tea estate on every continent they are found on. I never tire of meeting the people who allow us to ply our trade.


We gain a small insight into the people who make up our industry. To take part email JOE WILKINSON Managing editor The Blend

Favourite coffee region? Rwanda.

Favourite sandwich filling? Bacon.

Best moment in your career so far? Being involved in numerous magazine launches, and the success that’s followed with the brands.

Karaoke song of choice? Sugar by Maroon 5.

Favourite coffee-based beverage? Flat white.

Favourite sporting memory? QPR’s promotion to the Premier League in 2011, after an extended period in the lower leagues!

Most inspirational coffee shop? Look mum no hands! Trends in the industry in the next five years? An increase in public understanding of speciality coffee.

Who would play you in a film of your life? Seth Rogan.

What’s top of your bucket list? To start a craft beer brewery and create the best beer in the country.

18/04/2017 14:56






Solomons Café Bar

Cà Phê VN

Favourite coffee region? Colombia. Best moment in your career so far? Opening Solomons Café Bar. Favourite coffeebased beverage? Our Vanilla Espresso Martini. Most inspirational coffee shop? Cat Café – it’s a cool and different idea. Trends in the industry in the next five years? More independent businesses, serving local fare with finesse.

Favourite sandwich filling? Avocado and bacon. Karaoke song of choice? Whole Lotta Love by Led Zeppelin.

Who would play you in a film of your life? Christian Slater. Favourite sporting memory? Our staff day out at Junkyard Golf.

Favourite coffee region? Cau Dat, Vietnam.

Favourite sandwich filling? Roast beef with English mustard.

Best moment in your career so far? Still waiting on that one!

Karaoke song of choice? New York, New York by Frank Sinatra.

Favourite coffee-based beverage? Vietnamese black iced coffee. Most inspirational coffee shop? Saigon Street Café at Broadway Market. Trends in the industry in the next five years? Robusta coffee to come back in.

What’s top of your bucket list? Close proximity flying.

Who would play you in a film of your life? Robert Mitchum. Favourite sporting memory? Red Rum. What’s top of your bucket list? To live long enough to do the rest of the list!

NICK ASHTON Owner Ape Coffee Events Favourite coffee region? Rwanda.

Best moment in your career so far? Serving coffee at Bristol’s Upfest street art festival in 2012.

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Favourite coffeebased beverage? Pourover. Most inspirational coffee shop? Prufrock Coffee. Trends in the industry in the next five years? Nitro coffee.

Favourite sandwich filling? A cheese and ham toastie. Karaoke song of choice? Informer by Snow. Who would play you in a film of your life? A young Harrison Ford!

Favourite sporting memory? Scoring from the halfway line, aged 10. What’s top of your bucket list? Escaping my non-coffee day job.

The Blend 51

18/04/2017 14:56

: T A W NO E V I R D T S E T R U m O o c Y . k K u O o m O B re n a s . w w w

Blend MAY 17.indd 18

18/04/2017 16:48

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