Marketing and Communication plan: Launching a brand in the US

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1 Introduction 2 Methodology

WHERE IS THE BRAND NOW? 3 History 4 Brand Audit 6 Brand health 8 Market health UK & US 9 Macro Trends 11 PESTLE 14 SWOT

WHERE IS THE BRAND GOING? 15 Competitor analysis UK 16 Competitor analysis US 17 SWOT analysis US 18 Consumer segmentation 19 Consumer profile UK & US 20 Ansoff Matrix


21 Launch history 22 Recommendation: Chocmobile 23 Recommendation: Concession Stand 24 Recommendation: Hotel Chocolat Hotel & Spa 25 Conclusion

INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to understand the full situational analysis of Hotel Chocolat as well as identifying the brands current performance within the UK. In addition to this, this report will identify the chocolate markets health in the UK and the US in order to determine what steps Hotel Chocolate should take in their strategy to launch in the US.


Research objectives

• To gain an insight into consumers knowledge and opinions of Hotel Chocolat as a brand • To understand who Hotel Chocolat’s target consumers is

Primary Research

• Quantitative: online survey with 97 respondents • Qualitative: conducted in-store interviews and observations


• An online survey was created to measure consumers awareness of Hotel Chocolat’s brand as well as their shopping habits. • The online survey was shared via social media such as Facebook and Instagram in order to be easy for respondents to complete as well as reaching a wide ranged demographic. • Store interviews and observations were conducted in order to gain knowledge of Hotel Chocolat’s retail environment and further information on their consumers


• Hotel Chocolat Bristol • Hotel Chocolat Nottingham



Where is the brand now?

Hotel Chocolat open the School of Chocolate in Covent Garden.

Hotel Chocolate purchase their own cocoa plantation in Saint Lucia. Hotel Chocolat become one of the UK’s earliest e-tailers by selling chocolates online.



‘Supermilk’ is invented: Hotel Chocolat’s very own no added sugar milk chocolate.

Hotel Chocolat opened a luxury resort on their cocoa plantation in Saint Lucia.






The opening of the first Hotel Chocolat shop!

Hotel Chocolat is voted the UK’s ‘most advocated’ British brand!



Chocolate Dreams- Inside Hotel Chocolat



Hotel Chocolat’s first ever cafe opens in London serving exclusive luxury cocoa inspired drinks.

Hotel Chocolat take home 18 Academy of Chocolate awards, including 3 gold.

Hotel Chocolat is the main focus of a Channel 5 documentary which investigates chocolate creation and the Saint Lucia cocoa estate.


BRAND OVERVIEW Hotel Chocolat is a luxury British chocolate brand that thrives of ‘making chocolate exciting again’ (Hotel Chocolat). The co-founders Angus Thrilwell and Peter Harris were on a mission to change the way that people thought of chocolate by creating products that were out of the ordinary such as chocolate slabs and thick easter eggs. Since the opening of their first store in 2004 the business has grown to 103 stores within the UK alongside the openings of cafes, restaurants and boutiques. Following their success, they has seen an increase in their profits such as a 11% increase in their revenue from 20172018 (Hotel Chocolat Annual Report and Accounts, 2018). Due to this increase in both popularity and profits Hotel Chocolat are at a good stage within their business to launch in the USA.

ORIGINALITY Hotel Chocolat are ‘constantly striving to be fresh, creative and innovative, and always one surprising step ahead.’ (Hotel Chocolat).

AUTHENTICITY They believe that, ‘Chocolate starts at the roots of the cacao tree. So we [Hotel Chocolat] got stuck in.’ (Hotel Chocolat).

ETHICS Hotel Chocolat state, ‘You work too hard for bad chocolate. They work too hard for cheap cocoa. We’ve been raising the bar for cocoa-growing since 2002.’ (Hotel Chocolat).


To create a new model of aspirational luxury that democratises access to premium chocolate by rejecting the notion of “choco-snob elitism” (Angus Thirlwell, Marketing Week)


BRAND HEALTH In order to determine the health of Hotel Chocolat’s brand a quantitative survey was conducted. It is evident from the respondents answers that Hotel Chocolat has established a luxury brand identity within the UK- with 89% of respondents knowing of the brand and 88% naming it ‘luxury’. The purchase behaviour of respondents demonstrated that Hotel Chocolat could improve its marketing and communication techniques in order to entice more customers. Of the 94 respondents asked, 51% had made a purchase from Hotel Chocolat and 49% of respondents had purchased gifts from in store. There are ways that could be used to raise these figures as 76% of respondents said they were more likely to purchase during holiday seasons. Utilising this may attract a different type of consumer who may become loyal to the brand after their first experience. It is essential that Hotel Chocolat look at their social media platforms and adjust them to appeal to more consumers as 93% of respondents said that they did not follow Hotel Chocolat on any social media platforms.



of UK respondents have purchased from Hotel Chocolat

of UK respondents had heard of Hotel Chocolat



of UK respondents are more likely to purchase from Hotel Chocolat during holiday seasons

of UK respondents would call Hotel Chocolat a luxury brand



of UK respondents have purchased gifts from Hotel Chocolat

of UK respondents do not follow Hotel Chocolat on social media platforms


















2017 2016

After opening 15 new stores in 2018, Hotel Chocolat now have 104 stores within the UK, 9 International stores and the boutique hotel and cocoa estate in Saint Lucia. Hotel Chocolat has branched out into locations such as, Scandinavia, Spain and Hong Kong which shows that they are beginning to develop their company to become fully international. (Hotel Chocolat Annual Report and Accounts 2018).



Hotel Chocolat is currently performing well as a business in terms of revenue as there has been an 11% increase in revenue in the past year (Hotel Chocolat Annual Report and Accounts 2018). In addition to this, Hotel Chocolat has increased earnings their profit after tax earnings by 1.2 million in the past year and now end the year with 10 million after tax (Hotel Chocolat Annual Report and Accounts 2018).

11.2m 5.6m




The overall UK Chocolate market has seen a stint in growth as ‘volume sales have stagnated [with] a mere 1% growth over 2012-2017’ (Mintel). There are many speculated reasons for this but the main impact is suggested to come from the ‘war on sugar’ (Euromonitor). As the UK is becoming a more health conscious society, the population are making different choices about what they want to consume. According to Mintel, “61% of chocolate eaters say that they limit the amount of chocolate they eat” showing that although people are still purchasing chocolate it is now more important to be eaten in moderation as part of a healthy diet.

Revenue in the Chocolate market within the USA ‘amounts to $27,544m in 2019’ and is ‘expected to grow annually by 2.3%’ (Statista). Despite the steady growth in the US chocolate market, consumers have different demands regarding the chocolate they consume and the products that are being sold.

A trend that is outperforming the overall chocolate category is premium, organic chocolate. Retailers such as ‘Waitrose and Tesco are dedicating more shelf space to small premium players such as Seed & Bean’ (Euromonitor) as consumers are demanding more luxury chocolate. This may be as consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the environment and wish to purchase from smaller companies that have a larger ethical focus. It could also be down to the ‘spotlight on sugar’ as policies such as sugar tax on soft drinks came into affect in April 2018. Policies such as these are likely to have brought the impact of sugar into the forefront of consumers minds and therefore influenced their choices. Because of this, consumers may turn to premium and indulgent brands as they ‘adopt the better but less approach’ to the chocolate in their diet (Euromonitor).

Organic chocolate is in high demand as consumers are becoming more aware of the health benefits of the ‘raw material’s’ benefits (Mordor Intelligence). Although it is still currently representing a ‘tiny share of the market at present’ chocolate brands are beginning to react to the demands and have been launching new products with higher levels of cocoa and more organically sourced products. About ’15% of United States chocolate buyers purchase organic chocolate despite its premium price’ which reflects their strong attitudes towards new ‘all natural’ chocolate (Mordor Intelligence). Following on from the increase in demand for organic chocolate,US consumers are also beginning to move away from the traditional milk chocolate in search for alternatives. Mars released ‘white chocolate M&Ms and Twix dark chocolate in 2017’ in order to satisfy the ‘consumer demand for healthier and higher-quality products’ (Euromonitor). As well as this, Nestle launched their ruby chocolate in the US in 2019, which is the ‘first natural colour chocolate after white chocolate’ and is made from the ‘ruby/ pink cocoa bean’. This will appeal to consumers due to being a ‘all-natural’ product (Mordor Intelligence).



HEALTH CONSCIOUS CONSUMER A key trend that is affecting consumer behaviour is the health and wellbeing movement. A main attribute of that movement is veganism, which was ‘once regarded as confined to extremists but is increasingly adopted by a wide range of people’ (Euromonitor). The rise of veganism has had an impact on the food industry in many different ways. ‘Big chains such as Marks & Spencer and Pret a Manger have introduced vegan ranges’ as well as restaurants such as Wagamama and Zizzi offering vegan menus. The easier accessibility of veganism has allowed people to be more ‘experimental’ with their food as well as extending the trend to more consumers (The Guardian). This macro-trend could be a threat to Hotel Chocolat as their main products contain animal products which would deter vegan consumers. However, this could be a good opportunity for Hotel Chocolat as they can use the trend to create new ranges that attract vegan consumers as well as those who are curious about animal-free products.



RETHINK PLASTIC As well as consumers becoming more conscious regarding animal welfare there is also a rise in concern over the affect of plastic waste on the planet. The ‘proportion of those willing to pay more for packaged food … which is environmentally conscious … has risen over the past two years’ (Euromonitor). This shows that this trend is changing the way that consumers are making their purchases with the amount who feel that ‘recyclable packaging’ is influential growing. Although many are willing to pay more in order to have environmentally friendly products consumers are still struggling to recycle their plastic as many ‘don’t know how or where to start’ (Mintel). Hotel Chocolat could use this macro-trend to their advantage as they could create environmentally friendly packaging for their products. This would entice consumers who are wishing to reduce their plastic usage as well as reflecting their ethical values.








Brexit has led to uncertainty regarding the future of trade deals with the EU and the rest of the world. The Brexit White Paper says the proposal on customs would ‘enable the UK to set its own tariffs and vary them as it chooses, independently of the tariffs the EU applies’. (BBC). This means that the UK ‘could have much lower tariffs with the US than the EU does (or no tariffs at all) (BBC).

If importing goods to the US, lower tariffs will be positive for Hotel Chocolat as profit margins will be higher. However, as the outcome of Brexit remains uncertain this is not guaranteed.

‘UK household spending reached its highest level since the pre-crisis peak [in 2018], despite the squeeze on real incomes that followed sterling’s Brexitinduced depreciation’ (Financial times). The fluctuating amounts that consumers are spending is due to consumers being ‘particularly concerned about its implications for the cost of living’. (Mintel).

Despite the British consumers concern over costs of living, there has still been a rise in spending which is positive for Hotel Chocolat. The rise in spending will lead to further profits for the company.





‘Donald Trump’s America has the highest trade tariffs in the developed world by a wide margin’ (The Telegraph).

Donald Trump’s tariff wars have been with multiple different countries such as China, Canada, Mexico as well as the EU (BBC).Although the tariffs between the UK and the US are stable there is always potential for there to be a change. This could affect Hotel Chocolat if the tariffs for importing into the US were increased.

‘U.S. personal income fell for the first time in more than three years in January [2019] and consumer spending dropped by the most since 2009 in December [2018], putting the economy on a weak growth path early in the first quarter.’

This may be a note for concern for Hotel Chocolat if they launch in the United States. Consumer spending is important to maintain profits. It would be useful to track US consumer spending to make decisions about where to open stores within the US.








UK consumers are turning to experiences in order to ‘escape from the digital world and allow more face-to-face interaction’. This has led to the UK leisure market ‘growing steadily’ as ‘consumers seek experiences and healthier lifestyles’ (Mintel).

This is a good opportunity for Hotel Chocolat to invest in their chocolate experiences that they already hold. Further promotion of these would draw more interest to the company as consumers are interested in getting involved.

The UK population are using different social media platforms throughout their day-to-day lives. The UK have 32,000,000 users on Facebook followed by 20,000,000 on Twitter showing that many of the UK population are involved in the online world (Revive Digital).

Hotel Chocolat already have a social media presence with 139K followers on Instagram and 61K on Twitter. These social media platforms are a good base to communicate with consumers and could be utilised more to attract more business. The use of social influencers on the account could be used in order to appeal to different target markets.





US consumers are looking to ‘relax outdoors rather than exploring… in an adventurous way’ as Americans realise that they need to take ‘a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life’ (Mintel).

This would not have a major affect on the current Hotel Chocolat business structure but could be a good opportunity for them to utilise the trend to create further business. Concepts such as their choc-mobile could be used to create a relaxed outdoor space that would attract American consumers.

US consumer spending trends ‘show a definite move toward online shopping versus shopping in brick-and-mortar stores’. US department store sales ‘fell by 3.3% while online retailers saw a 3.7% increase over last year’ (The Balance).

Despite the fall in brick-and-mortar stores it will still be beneficial for Hotel Chocolat to have a flagship store in the US in order to allow consumers to connect and interact with the brand. However, it’s also important for Hotel Chocolat to have an online presence and should potentially consider having a US website.








From the 6th April 2018, the ‘Soft Drinks Industry Levy comes into effect’ commonly referred to as ‘Sugar Tax’. This is the ‘government’s key milestone in tackling childhood obesity’ in the UK (Gov.UK).

This is a potential threat to Hotel Chocolat as this sugar tax could be extended in the future to the confectionary and chocolate industry. However, as Hotel Chocolat stand by their ‘less sugar, more cocoa’ policy it may not affect them in the same way it would affect competitors.

The UK government declared a climate change emergency in May, 2019. This will affect the targets that the UK government had in place as they are now set to ‘reduce carbon emissions by 80% (compared to 1990 levels) by 2050’ (BBC).

Hotel Chocolat need to be aware of the environmental policies that the UK government are putting in place in order to be able to comply with them. They should be taking actions to decrease the amount of carbon emissions they make, if any, in order to comply.





Within the US, the FDA publish a ‘Food Code’ that is used as a ‘model for the retail and food service segment of the food industry’. It outlines the rules and regulations that need to be put in place in order to safely sell food within the US (FDA Gov.).

It is important for Hotel Chocolat to be aware of the food regulations in the US before opening their retail store there. It is vital for the success of the business as well as gaining the trust of US consumers.

92% of American consumers ‘will be more likely to trust a company that supports social or environmental issues’ (Forbes). This shows that US consumers do care about the environmental impact that their choices make and are more likely to be purchase from a company if it has the same values as them.

Hotel Chocolat should be promoting their ethical values to their US consumers as it will allow consumers to understand their business more and therefore be more trusting. Once consumers are more trusting of the brand they will be more likely to make repeat purchases which will amount to more profit.





Vast amount of different products

Failed initial launch in the USA

Have vegan and free from ranges

Limited accessibility: only sold in stores and John Lewis concessions

Known as a luxury chocolate brand Have a plantation in Saint Lucia where they grow and source their own cocoa



To expand the business globally

Competitor brands

Gaining interest from different consumer markets

Rise in health and wellbeing trend could affect consumer tastes

Using social media influencers: in the UK and the USA


How is it going to get there?





Hotel Chocolat is a premium UK chocolate brand that has mid accessibility as it is only available within stores across the UK and in John Lewis stores on concession stands. Brands such as, Charbonnel et Walker and Godiva are more premium chocolate brands and have less accessibility than Hotel Chocolate as it is only available on concession stands in places such as Harrods, Selfridges and John Lewis as well as online. Thorntons and Lindt are both vastly more accessible than Hotel Chocolate as they are not only sold in stores but also within most supermarkets across the UK. This has allowed the brands to be more accessible to consumers but has made the brand appear less premium.




US COMPETITOR ANALYSIS Hotel Chocolat is in a similar place on the US perceptual map as it was on the UK map. However, there are a lot of competitors in the US market that are also premium brands with limited accessibility which means that Hotel Chocolate would need to make an effort to stand out as a brand. Hotel Chocolate would also be in competition with those brands that create value chocolate but are vastly accessible such as Hersheys and Lindt.







British Hertiage of brand will appeal to US consumers

Limited accessibility: Will only be available in one state when first launching

Already estabilshed as a luxury chocolate brand

Importing costs may affect business revenue

Has plantation in Saint Lucia where they grow and source their own cocoa



To gain interest from a completely new demographic (US consumers)

Many competitors already in the US market that are selling luxury chocolates

Expand the business globally

The trade relationship between the UK and the US is a potential threat as the UK leaves the European Union

To further promote their activites such as chocolate making


CONSUMER SEGMENTATION Hotel Chocolat’s consumers can be divided into categories such as demographic and geographic to link their similarities. This can help with deciding on marketing, communication and promotion techniques that will appeal to the correct consumers. Demographic The main demographic that Hotel Chocolat attract is women aged 25-50 of a middle class background. Geographic Hotel Chocolat’s stores are often located in city and urban locations. This allows them to connect with their consumers as they are in populated locations. Behavioural Hotel Chocolat consumers have similar behavioural patterns. Usually, Hotel Chocolat customers will be looking for a treat for either themselves or a loved one which results in them taking their time within the stores. They are also loyal to the brand and go out of their way to purchase from them. Psychographic Hotel Chocolat consumers enjoy luxury items which is why they indulge in Hotel Chocolat’s products. They show that they appreciate high quality, premium chocolate as they go out of their way to visit a Hotel Chocolat store rather than visiting a local supermarket.



Sarah is a 45 year old project manager who lives a busy lifestyle. She lives in bath which is a quaint city and only a 40 minute commute to work. In her spare time she enjoys going to spa retreats with her friends to relax as well as spending time with her family in her country home. Sarah frequently shops in Hotel Chocolat to purchase gifts for all her loved ones. Whilst shopping for gifts, Sarah usually picks up a treat for her and her husband to enjoy alongside a bottle of wine once the kids have been put to bed.


Shae is a 28 year old lawyer who works for a law firm in New York. She lives in an apartment in soho as she loves living in an upcoming area that is only a few minutes away from the office on the subway. When Shae leaves the office she enjoys going to evening pilates and yoga classes to unwind after a long day. On the weekends she enjoys going on coffee dates with her boyfriend or having an indulgent night in with her girlfriends.








Open more stores across the UK in order to maximise the market Use social media influencers to promote products

Continue developing new flavours for the vegan and free from ranges Brand extension: Introduce limited edition flavours e.g. british themed chocolates (‘tea and biscuits)



Take existing format and brand out globally e.g. US, Canada, Australia etc.

Produce products in a directly linked market such as biscuit or cake ranges.

Start marketing towards a younger consumer demographic.

Could sell melted chocolate within stores as a immediate treat. Have chocolate pots with customisable fresh toppings.

Where is the brand now?

Hotel Chocolat first launched within the US in 2009 and had four stores in Boston, Massachusetts, Long Island and New York. They were unsuccessful within the US and closed after their lease ended in 2013/2014 (The Standard). Hotel Chocolat has since launched again into the US with a store in New York opening in December 2018 and New Jersey in 2019. The communication and marketing plans recommended will be to maximise the brands success within the US rather than a market entry strategy. In light of the wellbeing trend that is occurring both in the UK and the US it is essential that Hotel Chocolat widen their vegan and free from ranges in order to keep up with consumer demands. By advertising this range further via social media campaigns, on their website and through visual merchandising in-store this could attract a new group of consumers to the brand which would result in an increase in revenue.




A recommendation for Hotel Chocolat is to utilise the chocmobile that they use within the UK in the US. The chocmobile could be used in order to create brand awareness as well as for their newly opened stores and ‘coming soon’ concession. Hotel Chocolat would use their existing chocmobile model that includes selling hot chocolate/ice creams (depending on season) in local areas around the UK. It would be beneficial to travel around local areas in New York and New Jersey in order to connect with local consumers and create a buzz about the brand. The possibility of collaborating with other companies such as Pan ’n’ Ice could be beneficial to the brand as it may widen their consumer demographic. The use of social media would be key in order to successfully use the chocmobile within the US as this could be used in order to inform consumers where it is going to be located and when as well as informing them of new store and concession openings. The risks of this recommendation are limited but there are some that are key to understand before using this marketing tool. It is important to look into parking permits to make sure that Hotel Chocolat are legally using the chocmobile. Other risks include weather conditions and ensuring that there is enough stock available to fulfil consumer needs.




The second recommendation for Hotel Chocolat is to introduce a concession stand in a US department store. Within the UK, Hotel Chocolat have concession stands within John Lewis which is an upmarket department store. These allow a range of consumers to come into contact with the brand and increases brand awareness. This would be equally beneficial to do within the US as department stores such as Nordstrom or Barneys have the premium status that align with Hotel Chocolat’s target market. As well as creating brand awareness, the concession stand will have a limited amount of products for sale so will encourage consumers to visit the stores in order to try the full ranges.




Once Hotel Chocolat has been established as a brand within the US it would be beneficial for the brand to utilise the other parts of the brand into the US. ’70% of visitors to its Boucan hotel in St Lucia are Americans’ (The standard) which suggests that the US consumer market is interested in Hotel Chocolat hotels. The introduction of a hotel within New York inspired by the Boucan would increase brand awareness as well as consolidating the perception of Hotel Chocolat as a premium brand. The hotel would be close to the store in New York and contain a bar, restaurant and spa. There is potential for Hotel Chocolat to partner with wedding planners, travel agencies and luxury boutiques in order to enhance the luxury feel. This would maximise the brands potential as it would lead to higher sales due to the sales of Hotel Chocolat products in their restaurant, bar and spa. This would optimise the US experiential social trend as the consumers would be immersed in all things Hotel Chocolat. A risk of this recommendation is that they New York hotel market is heavily saturated so Hotel Chocolat would have to make sure that their hotel promoted their USP.


CONCLUSION To conclude, these three recommendations to Hotel Chocolat will allow them to gain brand awareness within the US in a steady way. It will allow consumers to become familiar with the brand as it develops within the US e.g. the chocmobile will create a ‘buzz’ about the upcoming concession stand. As well as this, the launch of the spa in the future will introduce the hospitality side of Hotel Chocolat’s business into the US and should be well received as the majority of visitors to their Boucan hotel are Americans. Hotel Chocolat should continue to build on their social channels as this is a efficient way to communicate with consumers about new products and new stores.


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