Ella News November- December 2012

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Ella’s Christmas Gift to the Community

Christmas at Hillside

December 8 from 12-4 pm Special Members Preview for Art Market 11 am-12 pm

Christmas at Hillside is a free holiday event like no other. Come and enjoy the day with your family at the Ella, and search our art market for one-of-a-kind gifts for everyone on your list. Choose from ceramics, photography, jewelry, baskets, and more. After shopping, take a journey back to the 1880s for a Victorian Christmas experience sure to entertain the whole family. Discover the historic buildings of Ella’s Farm Lane decorated for Christmas on a selfguided tour blending history and theater.

Call for Artists If you are interested in being an artist at this year’s event please stop by the front desk to pick up an application. If you have any questions, please contact Brad Zenz at the Museum 517-787-2320 or by email bradz@ ellasharp.org. Booth Fees: Ella Sharp Museum Members: $35 Non-member: $45 Double Booth (Member): $60 Double Booth (Non-Member) $75 *Booth fees are non-refundable

After your tour, come back in in for a warm meal and holiday treats. While warming up inside, visit Santa’s secret workshop and enjoy multiple make-and-take projects for the kids. Our six galleries will also be open with a chance to visit with Santa. Volunteers are needed! Please call the front desk today at 517-787-2320.

Help With the Jackson Christmas Parade The Ella will be participating for the first time in the 2012 Jackson Christmas Parade. Be sure to join us on November 16 to see our entry at the “A Jingle Bell Christmas” -themed event. Our float will provide a sneak peek at this year’s Christmas at Hillside festival. If you are interested in volunteering to march in the parade with us, or if you would like to help with the float, please contact the front desk at 517-787-2320.

IN THIS ISSUE: Travel Committee (pg. 2)

Private Equity

Unique Debt Solutions

Financial Outsourcing

New Reward Cards (pg. 3) New Wildlife Art (pg. 4) Kids Art Tutorials (pg. 6)

180 W. Michigan Avenue, Suite 800 Jackson, MI 49202


Phone: 517.783.5325 Web: www.NorthStar-Capital.com


Letter from the Executive Director, Charles Aymond

Generating Interest, and Raising Revenue The Ella is certainly a busy place. You can see a list of what we’ve done and what we’re doing this year on the inserted page. We could hardly believe it when we saw it all in one place. No wonder we get tired sometimes. All this was done with fewer employees and less money than we had five years ago. In spite of all this, we don’t know yet whether this year will end up breaking even or losing money. There are a lot of variables over which we have no control. We don’t know how many sponsorships will be sold and we don’t know how much income our End of the Year Appeal will generate.

Logically, if we can increase the size of the endowment we can have some comfort that operations at the present level can continue and perhaps be expanded. Our Board and staff will be addressing how we can communicate with our supporters about some of the estate and financial planning options that are available to them if they would like to help us out. The most likely way to increase our revenues, at least in the short run, is to aggressively market our sponsorship program. We are pushing the sale of sponsorships by expanding the benefits we give sponsors and extending those benefits for a full year instead of just for one particular event, exhibit or program. If we can encourage enough of our supporters to sponsor our exhibit, event or education programming activities, we can confidently continue our present level of service. Our Board members and a great group of volunteers are working at soliciting sponsors and, if by any chance you are interested and you haven’t been contacted, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

In our last newsletter I tried to explain where our income came from and how unpredictable it is. In this letter I want to tell you what we are trying to do to stabilize that income. We watch our expenses carefully, but that is a subject for another letter. We are obviously trying to increase our traditional sources of income, such as increasing the number of our memberships and facility rentals. We are also looking at how we can make our fundraising events more productive. We don’t want to increase the costs for admission or for classes because those, like our special events, are a part of our basic service to the community.

I should also mention that there is another potential source of raising more funds. You have heard about the millage that Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb counties passed to support the Detroit Institute of Arts. A group of arts organizations is investigating the proposal of a similar millage in Jackson County. While the investigation is very preliminary, I would love to hear your thoughts about this possibility.

Many people look at our endowment and think that we couldn’t possibly have financial problems with more than two million dollars sitting there. But the income the endowment generates is critical to our long term survival. We need to raise approximately $650,000 per year for operations. Approximately half of that can easily be generated in the ordinary course of business. Another $100,000 comes from our allowed draw on the endowment but that leaves between $200,000 and $250,000 that is much harder to raise. Any draws on the endowment beyond what is allowed are only going to diminish what we can draw in the future.

As always, thank you for your support and understanding.

Travel Committee Co-chairs Retiring:

Seasonal Address Updates

New Volunteers Needed

Please keep us updated with your seasonal address changes, and the corresponding dates.

Dick and Pat Erhardt, long term members and co-chairs of the Museum’s Travel Committee, have announced their retirement from the Committee as of December 31, 2012. They have done a spectacular job in organizing and executing the Museum’s travel program. Anyone who has gone on one of our trips can vouch for their leadership and concern for their fellow travelers. Under their watch, the Travel Committee has contributed over $30,000 to the Museum and expanded our education mission while providing their participants with fascinating and fun experiences. While their shoes will be hard to fill, we are looking for volunteers who will join the Travel Committee to plan future trips. Dick and Pat have agreed to act as advisers to the Committee. Our hat is also tipped to thank the rest of their Committee who have also given their time and talent to the Museum: Barbara Stanton, Pam Pond, Lola Dodge, Nancy Kyro, Paul Gies, Pat Chipman and Yong and Hugh Keyes.

We want all our mailings to reach you! Of course we always appreciate any other address corrections. We have also established an email list for digital reception of our ELLA NEWS, and would be happy to add you. Just let us know. Please email Donna Riley at donnar@ellasharp.org, or call with any address news and any other concerns.






Events and Happenings

Free Computer Classes at the Ella

County National Bank 2012 FREE Lecture Series ends with two calligraphy workshops

Ella Sharp Museum and Jackson Community College are teaming up again to bring back the iPad tutorials and introduce two new computing classes, including an introduction to Google Drive, a free cloud-based alternative to Microsoft Office.

Join Kate Darnell, professional calligrapher, illustrator, and artist, on December 1 for two calligraphy classes. Kate will concentrate on beginning calligraphy techniques in the morning, and intermediate techniques for those who have some calligraphy background in the afternoon.

There will be a limited number of iPads available for those who do not currently own one. Please indicate when registering if you would like one to be supplied for you. All classes are free. To register call the Museum at 517-787-2320. Introduction to iPad • Three Tuesdays: November 6 to November 20 – 5:30 to 7 p.m. JCC is coming to The Ella once again to offer interactive classes for first time iPad learners free of charge! iPad’s will be supplied if you do not currently own one! Seating is limited, so register early!

In time for the holiday season, she will offer opportunities for participants to make festive cards and other creations in both classes. Sign up for both classes for a full day of creativity. 9:30 am-12 pm: Beginners class; little to no experience with calligraphy. 1-3:30 pm: Intermediate class

Online Shopping for the Holidays! • Tuesday, December 4 – 5:30 to 7 p.m. In this introductory class, we will look at ways to shop safely online from your own home, and save time and money while doing so!

Space is limited at 20 participants per class. Supply fee for each participant is $10. Registration begins on November 9 via email only. Email Cari Wolfe, Exhibits Coordinator, at cariw@ ellasharp.org.

Google Documents and Cloud Computing • Tuesday, December 11 – 5:30 to 7 p.m. In one of the JCC IT Literacy Program’s most interesting classes, we will explore the cloud and inform participants of the amazing opportunities available with cloud computing. In addition, we will explore Google Documents, a free alternative to Microsoft Office!

Bone Island Grille Reward Cards The Ella Sharp Museum is pleased to announce that we are partnering with Bone Island Grille, one of our dedicated supporters, in providing a new fundraising tool.

Calendar of Events NOVEMBER

We are offering a Loyalty Card, which can be used each time you visit the B.I.G. (Bone Island Grille) - just present the card for your meal (breakfast, lunch, or dinner; alcoholic beverages not eligible) and receive 10% toward your next meal, while donating 10% to the Museum at the same time! More details are printed on the back of the card.

1 12 16 19

As a thank you for your support, the card is pre-loaded with $5 toward your next B.I.G. purchase.


Stop by the Museum and pick up a reward card at the front desk today! It is a win-win: support the Ella Sharp Museum while enjoying wonderful meals at the Bone Island Grille!


“The History of Theater in Jackson,” lecture by Gerry Blanchard, curator of exhibit, 7 pm Friends luncheon, The History and Formation of Aeroquip, by Tony Hurst Voices: A Vista Grande Villa Oral History Project, exhibit reception Annual Downtown Jackson Christmas Parade Deadline to enter the Statewide Fine Art Competition at the Ella.

1 Calligraphy workshops with Kate Darnell, 9:30 am - 12 pm beginner; 1-3:30 pm intermediate. Limited seating. 8 Christmas at Hillside and Holly mART, 12-4 pm.



Activities and Exhibits at The Ella

Upcoming Adult and Teen Classes Shabby Chic - Saturday, November 3, 9 am-4 pm $65 Members/$75 Non-members Instructor: Sharon Sunday Bring in a small piece of furniture and/or something you can carry to class (picture frame, birdhouses, etc.) to transform into a “Shabby Chic” decorator item. The instructor will also demonstrate ways to transform your pieces with the use of faux finishes, one stroke painting, and crackle finishes. Bring paint brushes, pencils and designs you are interested in seeing demonstrated. Paint will be provided

Introduction to Flash Photography (Digital SLR, with external flash) Mini Workshop - Saturday, November 10, 1-4 pm $25 Members/$35 Non-members Instructor: Kate Lambert Lee Flash, the most “available light.” Often photographers limit themselves to available light photography because they fear flash photography. Truly good flash looks natural and is unnoticeable. Learn how to control your exposures through various flash techniques and accessories. This will be a small class, with limited enrollment. Act fast. Each class provides hands on instruction, shooting and critiques.

Sarah Rogers and Leland Beaman Don’t miss the new exhibit, In Celebration of Nature, in the Andrews Gallery of Wildlife Art, which runs through March 4, 2013. In Celebration of Nature showcases new works acquired for the gallery and some favorites that haven’t been seen in a while. The three small, colorful watercolors from artist Sarah Rogers, Savannah-cat, Barney #2, and Coyote Reconsidering, are hard to overlook in the gallery. Rogers, who lives in the Northern Black Hills, sometimes describes her work as “tropical western wildlife” because of the hot-colored palette she uses to paint Rocky Mountain-area animals. Rogers chooses traditional subject matter and media, but uses both in a non-traditional manner. Her medium is watercolor, usually combined with graphite. She frequently applies several layers of heavy color to create the bright tones and often opaque quality of the paint. She prefers smooth surfaces and uses hot pressed paper or plate smooth illustration board. Another watercolor artist in the exhibit is Leland Beaman. Beaman, formerly of Jackson, Michigan, is well known for his oil paintings, sculptures, drawings, and watercolors within the com-

Andrews Gallery of Wildlife Art

munity as well as in his current home in Arizona. Beaman completed the watercolor, Avocet, for Sandy and Andy Andrews in 1987. With its elegant profile and striking colors, the American avocet is unique among North American birds. In summer, it can be Coyote Reconsidering, Sarah Rogers, watercolor found in temporary and unpredictable wetlands across western North America. The American avocet’s up-curved bill looks bent out of shape, but is ideal for efficiently skimming aquatic vegetation and invertebrates off the surface of shallow water.

Newly Remodeled Children’s Area We have been busy putting the finishing touches on the Children’s Area. If you haven’t had a chance to see it yet, stop by for a visit! Create your own masterpiece on our magnetic art board, or put on a puppet show for your friends and family. There are new hands-on activities for children of all ages that correspond with temporary and permanent exhibits in the gallery. We will be updating this area of the Museum’s gallery on a regular basis, so please let us know what you think we should include. We would love to hear your feedback and suggestions! Contact the Museum’s Education Department at bradz@ellasharp.org or emilyj@ellasharp.org.



Education Department

Winter One-Day Wonders Children will love making new friends and art projects that relate to the winter season. Bring your lunch. A snack will be provided each morning and afternoon. Don’t forget your winter gear and sleds. We will enjoy sledding across the way at the Ella Sharp Park’s rotunda most days, weather permitting. All supplies are included.

and decorate your own cupcakes. If the weather is right, dress for the outdoors and bring your sleds. Afterwards, wind down with a family-friendly movie. Snow Tastic Adventure, January 2 Solve a mystery using clues from the gallery spaces to locate a lost treasure. We will also take the adventure outdoors and create a mini golf course in the snow.

No School (Means a snow day at the Ella!), December 26 Enjoy a day of snow-related projects, from painting winter landscapes to creating your own edible snowballs. If the weather is right, students will create snow sculptures and play open-air TicTac-Toe.

Week one: December 26-28 Week two: January 2-4 8:30am-4:30pm, Per day: $25 Members $35 Non-members Both weeks: $125 Members $145 Non-members

The Black and White Extravaganza, January 3 Come waddle around and move your happy feet. Enjoy a day of nothing but penguins and be transformed into one yourself. This day will be filled with many flightless activities.

Ice, Ice, Baby! December 27 Take a journey back in time to the Ice Age and visit the history gallery to learn about a mastodon jaw bone discovered right here in Jackson County. You will also create your own fossils and prehistoric animals.

Ella’s Wild Side, January 4 Rock out in your pajamas, and enjoy a day filled with games, good eats, and movies.

Say Goodbye to 2012 and Hello to 2013, December 28 Make your own party mask. Enjoy an afternoon party with games

Field Trip Opportunities This Season Why not bring your classes or homeschool groups to the Ella? Interactive Tours for Early Elementary run December 11-14. Children in preschool through second grade have a chance to learn about the Museum, as well as visit the galleries and/or historic buildings, hear a story, and create a hands-on art piece to take home. Tours run about one hour, and the cost is $3 per student. Specialized tours and field trips are also available by appointment year-round for grades kindergarten through twelfth grade. We also offer special programs and tours for Girl Scout and Boy Scout troops.

Did you know that our Pioneer Living Program is also offered in the fall? Our fall session runs through November 16. Second and third grade students experience the life of a pioneer firsthand during this 4 ½ hour field trip. Children churn their own butter in the log cabin, write their lessons on a slate in the old Dibble one-room schoolhouse, and try their hands at bartering, woodworking, or weaving. Please contact Emily Jarvi, Education Coordinator, at 517-787-2320 ext. 242, or emilyj@ellasharp.org for more information or to sign up.

Target Awards Grant for Children’s Art Tutorials stop by the Ella for a visit. Admission to the gallery is free every Saturday.

If you’re looking for something to do on the weekend that’s fun and free, come join us for our Target-sponsored community art tutorials. This is a great way for parents and caregivers to interact with children (preschool through sixth grade), Sponsored by: and to encourage their creativity.

Turkey Madness (at the Boos Center) Saturday, November 17, 2012 Create a turkey that’s too good to eat!

Drop in anytime from 11 am to 2 pm on the noted Saturdays. Materials and snacks are provided.

Keepsake Ornaments (at the Ella Sharp Museum) Saturday, December 15, 2012 Create an ornament that will be passed on for generations.

The Boos Center is located in Loomis Park at 210 Gilbert Street, Jackson, MI 49201. After you are finished,





Members, Donors, and Volunteers at Ella Sharp Museum

New sponsorship program

Call For Artists:

Statewide Fine Art Competition 2013

Platinum Sponsor Frank Main

NorthStar Capital Advisory Services, LLC

Bronze Sponsor

Ajax Heating & Air Conditioning Craft Agency Grant & Isabelle Brown of Brown’s Advanced Care Anne Freidus

Gold Sponsor

Andy & Julia Walz Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC

Silver Sponsor

Industrial Steel Treating Company

Bronze Sponsor


Dana C. Aymond Dawn Foods Foundation Carl & Linda English Roger & Margaret Korten Steve & Kathy Syrjamaki Trinity Holding

Platinum Sponsor Allegiance Health

Gold Sponsor

Bond & Company PLC Consumers Energy Lloyd Ganton Retirement Centers, Inc. Jim Winter Auto Group Walton Agency Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC

Juror: Tom McMillen-Oakley, Assistant Professor of Art at Jackson Community College. For more information on registration and submission of images, contact Cari Wolfe, Exhibits Coordinator at 517-787-2320 or cariw@elasharp.org.

Day SponsorS:

Silver Sponsor

American Title Company of Jackson

Bronze Sponsor

Advanced Fluid Technologies Art Moehn Chevrolet-Honda David & Judy Busack Jack V. Butterfield Investment Company Citizens Bank Wealth Management

Mid Year Appeal Thanks


Platinum Sponsor

Franklin Charitable Trust

Awards: Best of Show $1000, 2 Exceptional Merit awards at $750 each, 2 Merit awards at $450 each and a 3-D Merit award at $450.

Lloyd and Judi Ganton Jewel Gill Libby and Michael Greanya Ann M. Green Helen Greene Michael & Cheryl Gumper Darlene M. Hammond Gordon and Ellen Heins Cathy Henry Sandra Hill Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Hitt, Jr. Constance D. Hobde Dr. Thomas and Joanne Holman Jonathan Hoover Susan Hoover Maurice and Dorothy Huffer Margaret York-Ickes Anna Fisher and Jason Idziak Nancy M. Jennings Evelyne Jones Roy and Lois Kelly Robert and Dorothy Kobs Bonita Kothe Sam and Alberta Lalomia Jean Laughlin James A. Lefere Doug and Diana Liechty


Gold Sponsor

Time is running out for entering your artwork in Ella Sharp Museum’s Statewide Fine Art Competition. Deadline for artist submission is November 19. The theme for the 2013 competition is “The Power of Portraits.” Portraits can convey more than a likeness; they can speak volumes about the sitter as well as the artist. Whether realistic or abstract, 2-D or 3-D, portraits mirror the world in which we live by capturing us in a specific moment in time. Artists are invited to imagine, create, and enter their idea of a portrait.

Acro Legal Services Anonymous Charles & Dana Aymond Barbara T. Anderson Michael J. Baughman Carole Briggs Marie and Fred Bruey Don and Sharon Calbert Phil Chaban Philip J.Chamberlain Jeanette Wing Childs Mr. and Mrs. William Clemons Mrs. Mari T. Craft Doris DeFoe Charles and Barbara DeGolia Dorothy V. Dimitry Dorothy R. Dyer Peg Eaton Robert and Elayne Eberhart William and Karen Ellison Tom and Nancy Evanson Donald and Eileen Falk Gary and Shelly Farhat Helen Fenech Martha Fuerstenau Bill and Pat Fuerstenau Robert and Betty Gamble

Richmond Brothers Steve & Kathy Syrjamaki


Eileen M. Litka Rita A. Lundberg Mrs. John B. Macy Deborah & Frederick Marshall Doris S. McConkey Mrs. Hugh B. McVicker Mrs. Robert E. Medlar Thomas J. Miller Norman and Alice Moffatt Alyce Oosting Cynthia J. O’Rourke Robert Hangartner and Florence Osborne John and Frances Parker Geri and Ron Phelps Don and Shirley Pomering Frank and Carolyn Pratt Lloyd and Shirley Preston R. Douglas and Thressa Race Patricia Rombyer Marilyn Rossman LeRoy and Carolyn Scott


Birmingham Cosmetic Surgery Headliners Design Studio Ed & Tina Heap JTV (Bart & Karen Hawley) Ladwig Enterprises Paragon Charter Academy Polly’s Country Market Susan Rochester Matt & Stephanie Rosenberg Michael Shore John & Elaine Stewart Jeanné Wickens

Ronald and Alice Shankland Maxine H. Shepard Michael Shore Sandy and Fred Sill Faith F. Small Carl F. Spaeth Allen Spiess Dr. and Mrs. John Stover Margaret Tietjen Thomas A. Trosin Alice VanderVeen Amanda and Peter Vincich Bob and Joan Walker Mrs. Edmund Bennett Wandel Bonnie Warner Leo and Phyllis Warren Robert and Dianne Welsh Chuck and Sue Wrzesinski David and Jean Yohe Russ and Mary Youngdahl Mrs. Milton (Diane) Zimmer


New/Renewed Members STUDENT/ TEACHER Kate Leese Burgers Elaine Kalbarczyk Hannah Park Cyndi Reeve Nanci Stadel

INDIVIDUAL Marjorie Adams Linda Arnold Peg Bristol Carolyn Callendar Romaine Campbell Jean Davis Dorothy Dimitry Phyllis Drews Jack Esterline Sue Fleuren Terrie Goede Berta Hallett Whitney Harris Linda Hayes Anne Marie Hill Captain Jackson Betty Johnson Cathy Julian Nancy Kang Dolores Karr Constance Keeney David Lawrence Susan E. Leonard Dana Lewis Helen Moe Sally Mulnix Laurel A. Murphy Howard Patch Margie Pelkey Pamela Pond Shirley Rann

Dolores Ray Nancy Reid Linda Rogan Sally Royce Connie Rutt Martha Anne Shaeffer Connie Standish Joanna Steinman Mary Szarafinski Dot Tansey Norma Testa Caitlin Tetrick Don Theyken Martha Warner Charlene Wilcox Carol Woodhurst Betty Wright George Zeller Rachael Zimmerman


Mark & Linda Alyea Allison Andrews & Jenn Lyons Deborah Andrews & Chris Kurek Stephen & Denise Andrews Tom & Betty Bishop Earle Brown & Mischa Taylor Pete Brown & Jan Butterfield-Brown Kathy Bouldrey & Charmayne Cook Raymond & Florence Csage Bob & Jay Dodge Rick & Pat Drabant Carol Earley & JoAnn Walker Robert & Rita Eder Ken & Mary Elenbaas Bob & Cathy Frounfelker Edward & Helen Garchar

Jack & Sharon Gift Thomas & Susan Goehring Donald & Phoebe Griffin Timothy & Patricia Guarino Garry & Linda Hall Richard & Ann Hensel Robert & Ann Holt Todd & Faith Holton Jerry & Pat Holwerda Patricia Huebner & Michael Nation David & Margaret Ann Jackson Emily Jarvi & John Risk Richard & Martha Johns Bob & Charlene Johnson Hugh & Yong Keyes Paul & Betty Kochan Bob & Jan Luton Wesley & Ginny Lutz Patrick & Shirley McCleer Paul & Sharon McEnany Ronald & Helen Oechsle Daniel & Caryl Offerman T. Jay & Doris Paxton Norm & Val Peterson Justin & Hilary Phelps Robert & Wilma Prater Pete & Betty Pultz Bob & Jean Ross Ron & Valerie Rowley Scott & Lisa Rudolph Sandra & Jack Scheiffler Clifford & Evelyn Schmidt LeRoy & Carolyn Scott Dave & Jane Steele Jennifer VanBuren Don & Donna Varblow James & Sharon Weatherwax Cari Wolfe & Bill Jors Bernice & Darlene

Received from August 1 through September 30, 2012



James & Rosemary Best Chris & Terry Burkey Matthew Catterlin Brian & Barb DeMann John & Carla Elliott Phillip & Rhonda Elliott Jack Fairly & Nancy Rojas-Fairly Robert Flack David & Anne Frank Woody & Joyce Furman Samantha & Sidney Glorioso Norman & Joyce Henson Allan & Jo Hooper Robert & Dorothy Kobs John & Nancy Koker Janet Lawrence Eileen Litka Frank & Chris Lusebrink Harriet Macy Joseph & Barbara Marconi Philip & Tracey Marshallsay Rick & Mary Miller Rick & Mary Mills Helen Olding Jeff & Jennifer Phillips Christopher & Erika Shuck Patricia Simmons Kathleen & Arnold Slusher William & Irene Sonnett Henry & Doris Strunk Michael & Kimberly Teachout Ruth Westfall


Ruth Mary Gentry Jim & Betsy Fowler Carrie Hetherwick Dickson Rose Glick Carrie Hetherwick Dickson Wayne & Sharon Watters Paul A. Graham Gava L. Graham

Lucylee Whiting Connie Surbrook Robert & Ginger Blanchard Lloyd & Shirley Preston Amanda & Peter Vincich Barbara Trail Joanne Bisbee Ray & Florence Csage Peter & Betty Pultz


Sheldon Laughlin Jean Laughlin Benjamin R. Snidecor Pat Beffel & Al Meusel Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Gordon Junie Jansen Charles & Constance Miller Maritom Pyron Joanna Steinman

Richard & Patricia Erhardt An anonymous donor

DONATIONS TO THE COLLECTIONS Mary Abbott Kelsie Burdette Nancy Angelo Gordon Burbidge Henry D. Covey



Colin & Stacy Aymond Joanne Bisbee Charles & Elizabeth Boyle Richard & Deborah Craft Patti Harris Marilyn & Robert Kempf Philip & Karen Moilanen

BENEFACTOR John & Lisa Butterfield


Charles & Dana Aymond

Tim Bair Stephen & Deborah Boone

Received from August 1 through September 30, 2012


John & Jean Calvert Bob & Karen Chaprnka Cliff & Jeanette Cole Robert & Elise Cole David & Sandy Craft Donald & Eileen Falk Gerald Franklin Jamie & Lori Grace Ann Green & Elmer Sbach Albert & Nancy Hoffmanner Heidi & Leo Hollenbeck Alexander C. Perlos George & Donna Potter Robert & Delores Puckey Phil & Joane Riley Jodi Snyder Gene S. Wandel Jeanné Wickens Blair & Kate Wilcox Amy Zimmerman & Scott Smith Mark & Kathleen Zande

John Crout Dorothy Dyer Natalie Harrington Carolyn Helmick Judy Horn Miles Jones Garry Knight Dr. Katherine L. Knight Kevin Lawler Mary Lou McFadden Jim Rossman David Welihan


Charles & Dana Aymond CISCO Addison P. Cook III Foundation John & Joan Dobben Bob & Dawn Hardy Jackson Civic Art Association Jacksonburgh Questers #194 Lochmoor Entertainment


(Steve Tucker) Shirley Maddalena-Edson Andy & Julie Walz


A Frame Above Dana Aymond Biggby Coffee I’ve Been Framed Kate McCully Jackson Publishing Company


Special thanks to: Pat Rombyer – data entry and mailing for membership Karen Beers – data entry and program assistance

Rita Lundberg Mary McVicker Nan Sparks Barbara Stanton Cindy VanGieson Sue Wrzesinski Membership Committee “Young Professionals” : Will Forgrave Emily Huntoon Kyle Huntoon Michelle Lake Alicia Miller Katie Phelan Dan Vainner Leslie Youngdahl Rachael Zimmerman

Membership Committee members: Betsy Youngdahl Barbara Duke


Museum Exhibit Hallway: Jackson Civic Art Association, ongoing Activities Room: JCAA Life Drawing Exhibit now through December 1 Granary Restaurant: The photography of Mo Dedrick, now through December 26

Sales Galleries

A rotating exhibit of clocks from The Ella’s collection and on loan from local collectors.

Never Enough Time: A Collection of Clocks

November 17-January 12, 2013 Compiled by the Jackson Community College Writing Fellows, this exhibit tells of the struggles and the hopes of Jackson citizens during the Great Depression. It reveals the way people coped and the effects that the worst ten economic years in American history had on our community.

Forging Ahead: Jackson, Michigan During the Great Depression

Now through November 9 Jackson’s local chapter of the American Red Cross quietly works to prepare for emergencies, respond to disasters, collect a safe blood supply, and assist military service members. This exhibit touches on the chapter’s history serving our community.

History of the American Red Cross – South Central Chapter

Pyron Gallery

Now through January 5, 2013 This exhibit includes photos and historical objects curated by Gerry Blanchard, local theater historian and former Managing Director of the Michigan Shakespeare Festival.

History of Theater in Jackson

Emmet Gallery

Now through March 4, 2013 Highlights in the Andrews Gallery will include new acquisitions from eclectic wildlife artist Pete Zaluzec and old favorites from wood carver Gary Eigenberger.

In Celebration of Nature

The Andrews Gallery of Wildlife Art

Now through January 5, 2013 In 2012, Vista Grande Villa celebrates its 40 year anniversary. This exhibition will feature an oral history project which will highlight videos, photographs and objects that tell the unique story of the Jackson community.

Voices, A Vista Grande Villa Oral History Project

Hurst Gallery



3225 Fourth Street, Jackson, MI 49203

Museum and Friends Gift Shop

Monday Closed Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat 10 am - 5 pm Thursday 10 am - 7 pm Sunday Closed The Gift Shop closes at 4:30 pm

Granary Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11 am - 2 pm Closed Sunday and Monday


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