National City Mariachi Festival and Competition • Marzo 4 al 10 del 2016
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Welcome to the 4th Annual National City Mariachi Festival and Competition!
n behalf of the Board of Port Commissioners and the staff of the Port of '()*@+1-64+3*$-1=*&+,-+.(-*/)01-2+3*-0*+*A,))*.677:4-1=*)2)41*H-1(*01)33+,*7+,-+.(-*9),A6,8 D+4*J-)B6?*H)*H)3.67)*=6:*16*1()*@+1-64+3*$-1=*&+,-+.(-*/)01-2+3*64*D:45+=?* 7+4.)0?*A+7-3=*)41),1+-47)41*+45*+.1-2-1-)0?*A665*+45*)5:.+1-64+3*<661(0F*X1*-0*+306*+*B,)+1* &+,.(*NU?*O\N]F*'()*P6,1*6A*D+4*J-)B6*-0*9,6:5*16*<)*1()*1-13)*096406,*6A*1(-0* .(+4.)*A6,*=6:*16*<,-4B*=6:,*A+7-3=*+45*A,-)450*56H4*16*P)99),*P+,K*16*(+2)*+*H645),A:3* culturally significant event and to host it at our beautiful Pepper Park. +A1),4664*64*1()*H+1),F* "+.(*=)+,?*+99,6E-7+1)3=*N\?\\\*9)693)*+11)45*1()*A)01-2+3?*H(-.(*-0*1()*3+,B)01*7+,-+.(-*)2)41* '()*P6,1*6A*D+4*J-)B6*1(+4K0*=6:*A6,*=6:,*0:996,1*6A*1()*@+1-64+3*$-1=*&+,-+.(-*/)01-2+3F 6A*-10*K-45*-4*D+4*J-)B6*$6:41=F*'()*P6,1>0*096406,0(-9*6A*1()*@+1-64+3*$-1=*&+,-+.(-*/)01-2+3* -0*9+,1*6A*)AA6,10*16*9,6761)*+*2-<,+41*+45*+.1-2)*H+1),A,641*1(,6:B(*1()*'-5)3+450*Q.1-2+1-64* P,6B,+7F*'(-0*+44:+3*B,+41*9,6B,+7*0:996,10*)2)410?*3+,B)*+45*07+33?*1(+1*)4B+B)*1()*.678 munity and inspire visitors to enjoy San Diego Bay. '()*)2)41*9,62-5)0*+4*6996,1:4-1=*16*)5:.+1)*1()*9:<3-.*+<6:1*1()*,-.(*(-016,=*6A*7+,-+.(-* 7:0-.F*X1*5,+H0*7:0-.*362),0*A,67*&)E-.6*+45*1()*C4-1)5*D1+1)0F*'()0)*2-0-16,0*6A1)4*01+=*-4* 4)+,<=*(61)30?*5-4)*-4*+,)+*,)01+:,+410*+45*2-0-1*36.+3*0(690F* Events like these are beneficial to the City of National City, the Port and the region. They also )4.6:,+B)*,)0-5)410*16*.67)*16*1()*H+1),A,641*16*0))*1()-,*4)-B(<6,0*+45*(+2)*+4*)4[6=+<3)* 1-7)F
National City Mariachi Festival and Competition • Marzo 4 al 10 del 2016
QM'3K)PC'Q")RM%QM'& *Times are subject to change pending student performance adjustments. 11:00 AM WELCOME Master of Ceremony, Mario Alberto, Uniradio City of National City Mayor Ron Morrison, Vice Mayor Jerry Cano, Council Member Albert Mendivil, Council Member Mona Rios, Councilmember Alejandra Sotelo-Solis Port Commissioner Rafael Castellanos Consulado General de Mexico en San Diego, Remedios Gomez Arnau Congressman Juan Vargas Senator Benjamin Hueso Assembly member Lorena Gonzalez Assembly member Shirley Weber Supervisor Greg Cox City of San Diego Arts and Culture Commission 11:15 AM CEREMONIAL OPENING Danza Mexi’cayotl de Mexi’cayotl Indio Cultural Center 11:45 AM MIDDLE SCHOOL COMPETITION Master of Ceremony, El Gallo y La Bola, Uniradio ~ MARIACHI SHOWCASE ~ Mariachi Juvenil De San Diego
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Master of Ceremony, X-MAN, Magic 92.5 1:00 PM HIGH SCHOOL COMPETITION Master of Ceremony, Televisa & Master of Ceremony, Mery Lopez Gallo, Univision Radio ~ MARIACHI SHOWCASE ~ Mariachi Estrellas De Chula Vista 3:00 PM FEATURED PERFORMANCE Javier Rodriguez Y Los Aventureros 4:00 PM FEATURED PERFORMANCE UTPA Mariachi Aztlan 5:00 PM FEATURED PERFORMANCE Mariachi Femenil Nuevo Tecalitlán 6:00 PM GRAND FINALE All Groups Performing
National City Mariachi Festival and Competition • Marzo 4 al 10 del 2016
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HONORARY COMMITTEE • Remedios Gomez-Arnau, Mexican Consulate • Congressman Juan Vargas, United States House of RepresenRepresen tatives • Senator Benjamin Hueso, State of California • Assembly Member Lorena Gonzalez, State of California • Assembly Member Shirley Weber, State of California • Supervisor Greg Cox, County of San Diego • Jesse Navarro, San Diego District Attorney’s Office • Commissioner Rafael Castellanos, Port of San Diego • Commissioner Robert Valderrama, Port of San Diego • Luis Natividad, City of San Diego NATIONAL CITY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE STAFF • Jacqueline Reynoso, President/CEO • Martha Bolaños, Office Manager • Stephanni Casas, Green Business Program Coordinator • Kenneth Campbell, Marketing Coordinator • Irma Islas, Membership Coordinator
¿Buscas las mejores tarifas en hoteles? ¡Quédate en National City!
Chair, R. Daniel Hernandez • Angela Vereen, Super Shuttle • Chris Butcher, TelePacific Communications • Jeff Nevin, Southwestern College Mariachi Garibaldi • John Borja, Teague Insurance • Raquel Maden, Office of Senator Benjamin Hueso • Serafin Paredes, University of San Diego • Sofia Bayardo, Port of San Diego • Susana Villegas, SVPR Communications • Tayde Aburto, Deipi.com • Victor Gonzalez, Premier Properties Security Services
National City Mariachi Festival and Competition • Marzo 4 al 10 del 2016
!"#$%&'(")$%$*+ Alfonso “The Magician”
Sound and Music Provided by Fabio Alejandro Rojas
In his early years, Alfonso fell in love with magic and he followed his passion; now, he performs all over San Diego County. Alfonso has been doing magic for 20 years and what he loves more is
DJ repertoire of music consists of world music. Live Latin American Folkloric music accompanied by renditions of classic Mexican compositions will be performed. pentafabioalejo@gmail.com / (239) 247-9454 FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT SCHEDULE 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM - Alfonso “The Magician” 11:00 PM to 7:00 PM: - Carnival Games 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM - Face Painters and Caricatures Purchase Day Long Kid’s Entertainment Wrist Bands for $10 each or 3 for $25 to Access the Following 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM - Giant Inflatable Slide 1:00 PM- 6:00 PM - My Little Pony Rides and Petting Zoo 1:00 AM - 6:00 PM - “Thomas the Train” Rides GUEST VISITS 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM - Shamrock “Diego” Shark 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM - Chuck E. Cheese Mascot SPECIAL PERFORMANCES Danza Folklorico Nanahuatzín Baile Folklorico Las Florecitas Italia’s Dance Academy Boys and Girls Club Baile Folklórico Nancy Gabriela Brandon Quiroz Mariachi Nuevo Aguadulce ART EXHIBITS 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM - Arts For Vets 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM - Creative Images Photography Studio 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM -A Reason to Survive
the smile and happiness that he brings to people’s lives. Magic is for everyone - little ones, adolescents, adults and senior citizens alike. (619) 9443942 / alfonsov3@gmail. com
Boys and Girls Club Baile Folklórico Through our Ballet Folklórico, we offer a specialized dance program for beginners and advanced children ages 5-16. Classes are taught with an empha-
sis on regional dances from Veracruz, Sinaloa, Baja California and Jalisco. (619) 477-5445 / calvarez@sdyouth.org
Italia’s Dance Academy Italia’s Dance Academy is in the heart of National City, located at Kimball Center in Kimball Park. Italia’s dance academy has been there since 1990 and their mission
statement is to promote self-esteem and build confidence through the art of dance. Veronica Romero (619) 316-0727 / yess72@yahoo.com
Because Every Step Makes a Difference
Invites you to
2nd Annual
REGISTRATION TIME: 6:00am to 7:30am TO REGISTER IN PERSON: 555 H Street Chula Vista, CA 91910 ONLINE REGISTRATION: http://www.wesupportu.org/5k REGISTRATION CLOSING DATE: Friday, April 15, 2016
bertha@wesupportu.org | (619) 250-0741
35 $ 20 $ 30
$ 40
(Min. 10)
$ 25 per person
APRIL, 2016 8:00 a.m.
Chula Vista Bayside Park
999 Bayside Parkway, Chula Vista, CA 91910
www.wesupportu.org https://www.facebook.com/sdwsu
National City Mariachi Festival and Competition • Marzo 4 al 10 del 2016
Viva Mariachi!
The greatest mariachi in the world, Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitl· n joins the San Diego Symphony for an exciting evening of pageantry and musical virtuosity. The concert will open with San Diegoí s own world≠c lass Mariachi ChampaÒ a Nevin, who will perform their Concerto for Mariachi and Orchestra PasiÛ n Mexicana. Bene tting the Mariachi Scholarship Foundation, celebrating 20 years of mariachi education in San Diego.
Tickets and Information | SANDIEGOSYMPHONY.ORG or call 619.235.0804
National City Mariachi Festival and Competition • Marzo 4 al 10 del 2016
WORKSHOP OVERVIEW Since 2001, mariachi students of all ages come from all over the country to learn from some of the best mariachi masters in San Diego, CA. The workshops are organized by Serafin Paredes, founder of Mariachi Juvenil de San Diego, the first nonprofit mariachi organization in the San Diego Area. The organization’s mission is to encourage students to attend a four year University and pursue a career in music. The educational workshop and performance fosters advanced music making and music appreciation. Participating students also become more culturally aware as they carry on the musical and cultural traditions of mariachi. Students learn and perform a variety of musical selections that demonstrate the highest mastery of the art. Classes cover instruction in guitarrón, guitar, trumpet, violin, vihuela, armonia, harp and voice. The workshops are held on March 11 and 12 at the University of San Diego. Students will have the opportunity to perform at the Shiley Theatre located at the USD campus. The students will perform in the Mariachi Student Showcase for family and friends on Friday March 11, 2016. Four selected mariachi groups will open for the University of Texas Pan American Mariachi Aztlan concert on Saturday March 12, 2016. In addition to these two performances, students are invited to sign up for the Mariachi Competition at Pepper Park in National City on Sunday March 13, 2016. Cash prizes are awarded to the winners of the competition in both the middle school and high school divisions. First place will receive $1,000, second place $500, and third place $250. ORGANIZERS Serafin Paredes, Conference Director - Serafin Paredes founded Mariachi Juvenil de San Diego in 2000; he want¬ed to create a group where his students and students from the community could continue to learn, practice and advance their musical knowledge. In 2003 Mariachi Juvenil de San Diego became the first, and continues to be the only non-profit mariachi group in San Diego. From the beginning, Mr. Paredes’ goal was to show how important education is. To help ac¬complish this, the members receive a scholarship after being in the maria¬chi for two years, and when they attend a college or university. Members of Mariachi Juvenil de San Diego have attended learning institutions such as, Mesa Community College, San Diego City College, Southwestern Col¬lege, the University of San Francisco, Stanford University, the University of California San Diego, George Mason University, San Diego State University, the University of San Diego, and others. In 2001, Mr. Paredes started a mariachi conference and workshop here is San Diego. It began with only his mariachi students from San Diego High School. Currently, Mr. Paredes has partnered with the University of San Diego and National City Chamber of Commerce to create this event. Throughout the years, this conference has grown into an educational experience where mariachi students from all over San Diego, and the United States have the opportunity to meet and learn from some of the best mariachi professionals in the world. Jeff Nevin, Ph.D., Composer and Artistic Director of Mariachi Garibaldi and Champana Jeff Nevin, Ph.D., is an award winning classical composer whose works have been performed by the San Diego Symphony, the La Jolla Symphony, the California EAR Unit, the Peninsula Symphony, Mariachi Sol de Mexico, the Sol de Mexico Symphony Orchestra, and many other ensembles. Also a skilled performer, he is the founder and Artistic Director of Mariachi Champana. Nevin, principle trumpet in the La Jolla Symphony, a frequent substitute with the San Diego Symphony and has performed with artists including Charlotte Church, Kenny Loggins,The Moody Blues, Garison Keilor and Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlan. Dr. Nevin’s theater credits include Music Director for the world college premier of “Mariachi Quixote”, the first musical with a full mariachi-music score, and Music Director for the La Jolla Playhouse Spanish and English productions of Lorca’s “Blood Wedding”. Dr. Nevin received his Bachelor of Music degree in music theory and composition from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1990. He later studied at Arizona State University, where he received his Master of Music degree in music theory and composition in 1992. He earned his Ph.D. in music theory and composition from the University of California at San Diego in 1998. Dr. Nevin is currently Professor of Music and Director of Mariachi Activities at Southwestern College in Chula Vista, CA, where he is developing a mariachi curriculum that is the first such program of its kind. He has given lectures to music educators across the country on the subject of incorporating mariachi music into public school curricula, and he is the Artistic Director of the Mariachi Scholarship Foundation. Dr. Nevin’s first book, Virtuoso Mariachi, was published by University Press of America in 2002 (available directly from University Press of America or Amazon.com) and he is currently writing a full line of method books that will allow mariachi music to be easily inserted into “traditional”music programs anywhere.
David Harnish, Chair, Music Department, University of San Diego The University of San Diego Music Department offers an integrated study of music history, theory, composition, world music, and performance in a liberal arts environment. Our professionally active faculty, student ensembles and guest artists foster a dynamic culture of performance and scholarly inquiry. Music students study in small classes and have frequent contact with the faculty. Mu¬sic ensembles bring together music students and faculty, along with the USD and San Diego communities. In addition to the major and minor in music, the Music Department offers a music concentration for the liberal studies degree. Committed vocalists of exceptional ability can receive a scholarship if ac¬cepted into the Choral Scholars program and the Department now features four other music scholarships. The other ensembles include Chamber Music Ensem¬bles, Jazz Ensemble, Con Concert Choir, Opera Workshop, Gamelan Ensemble, and Mariachi. INSTRUCTORS Mariachi Workshop maestros and instructors are carefustu lly selected to insure the highest quality instruction for students attending the conference. Each instructor is selected based on musical talent and ex experience, knowledge and technique of the instrument he/she has been selected to teach, teaching ability, mariachi musical and history knowledge, commitment to the preservation of the tradition and authenticity of the music, committed to non-compromising of the quality and integrity of the musical tradition of mariachi music. In addition, our maestros have made significant contributions to the evolution of the tradition and almost all have musical arran arranging and composing to their credit.Their history testifies to their incomparable experience, knowledge, talent and passion for mariachi music. They bring hundreds of years of experience and are valuable assets to our conference. They come from both the United States and Mexico. Selected World Class Instructors include: Rigoberto Alfaro, Musical Director; Sergio Caratachea, Violin Master Instructor; Javier Rodriguez, Trumpet Master Instructor; Jonathan Clark, Mariachi Historian; Heriberto Molina, Voice Master Instructor; Eddy Lopez, Harmonia Master Instructor; Berna De Santiago, 2016 Conference Honoree and Harmonia Master Instructor Rigoberto Alfaro is one of the most influen¬tial musicians of mariachi music. Rigoberto Alfaro was born in Yurécuaro, Michoacán. He was the fourth of eight children born. He was born into a musical family. At a young age he began his musical career as gui¬tar player in his father’s group. In 1958, he joined Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlán,“the greatest mariachi in the world.”Through¬out the 13 years, Alfaro was a member of Mariachi Vargas. He and three other mem¬bers created what was known as the world’s greatest mariachi rhythm section. During their reign they introduced countless innovations and redefined mariachi music. After 3 years of playing with Mariachi Vargas, he started to compose and arrange music. In the 1960’s his arrangements were becoming well known. In 1970 he decided to leave Mariachi Vargas and become an arranger and composer. El Rey, La Bikina, Me Caí de La Nube, ¿De Qué Manera Te Olvido?, and Por Tu Maldito Amor are some of his most well known original arrangements. Rigoberto Alfaro has changed and helped cre¬ate the music that we know today as mariachi. Sergio Caratachea was born in Jalisco, México.Today he is recog¬nized in the international world of mariachi as a violinist, composer, pedagogue, arranger, and musi¬cal director. Other than teaching some of today’s most recognized mariachis, he has also been com¬missioned to compose and arrange for them as well. Caratachea has recorded with Vicente Fernández, Lola Beltrán, Lucha Villa, among many others. Caratachea is also an accomplished classical violinist; he has performed with the Orquesta de la Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara. Currently he is the violin professor in the program“Música Maestro”of the Education Secretariat of Jalisco and a member and the musical director for Mariachi Internacional de Guadalajara. Javier Rodriguez was born in Tlaltenango, Zacatecas. At the age of 8, he began his musical studies. At the age of 13, he began to develop his talent as a trumpet player.Two years later he immigrated to the Unites States where he began playing with his uncle in Mariachi Nuevo Zapopan. Shortly after he returned to Mexico to continue his studies at the University of Guadalajara. While studying, he was a member of Maria¬chi Los Toritos de Ramón Ibarra, as well as a member of a versatile orchestra.Throughout the years, Rodriguez was a member of great mariachis such as Maria¬chi Sol de México and Mariachi Los Camperos de Nati Cano. Now he focuses on recording new music and teaching in workshops. Jonathan Clark, a California native, first heard mariachi music as a college student in the mid-1970’s; it became his passion. He began his lifelong study of that genre. In 1977, he moved to Mexico City. He was befriended and mentored by members of Mariachi Var¬gas de Tecalitlán. For the next 12 years he played guitarrón with the mariachis around Plaza Garibaldi. After meeting Silvestre Var¬gas, founder of Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlán, in 1979, he embarked on a journey to learn as much history and tradition he could about mariachi music. In 1991 Clark returned to California and began to share his knowledge about mariachi music. He did this by giving lectures and writing articles.To continue sharing his knowledge of mariachi music he founded and directed the San José State University Mariachi Workshop. Later, he directed the mariachi program at Stanford University. In 1997, he co-founded Mexico’s first mariachi museum, El Museo Silvestre Vargas, in Tecalitlán, Jalisco. In 2013 Clark received the Presea Vicente T. Mendo¬za award, the highest one the Mexican government presents for docu¬mentation and analysis of traditional Mexican Music. (CONTINÚA EN LA SIGUIENTE PÁGINA)
National City Mariachi Festival and Competition • Marzo 4 al 10 del 2016
(VIENE DE PÁGINA ANTERIOR) Heriberto Molina was Born in Jalisco, the cradle of mariachi music. Heriberto Molina served as lead vocalist of the legendary Mariachi Vargas de Tecalilitlán for more than 30 years. As the solo vocalist of the Mariachi Vargas, Mr. Molina sang for heads of state from Sir Winston Churchill of England, Konrad Adenhauer of Germany, and René Coty of France to Sukarno of Indonesia, the Emperor of Japan and monarchs of Spain and Holland. Among his fondest memories is his per¬formance for Queen Elizabeth II of England where she asked him to sing the immortal Mexican songs, Bésame Mucho, Solamente Una Vez, Granada, and Cielito Lindo. In addition, Heriberto Molina, as a member of the most famous mariachi ensemble in the world, recorded countless LP’s and appeared in numerous films with every major Mexican star from Jorge Negrete and Pedro Infante to José Alfredo Jiménez and Vicente Fernández. In 1983 Heriberto Molina retired from Mariachi Vargas and immigrated to the United States, where he has continued to perform with California’s leading groups, including Los Camperos, Los Galleros, and Mariachi Uclatlán. He has also continued his study of voice with Richard McComb of the Metropolitan Opera and the famous Chilean operatic baritone, Hernán Pelayo. In 1990, Mr. Molina wrote the first vocal method specifically designed for mariachi singers. Since then, he has added two more books on vocal technique, based on his own vast experience and needs of his students. Mr. Molina is considered the ulti¬mate authority of mariachi singing and is in great demand at mariachi festivals and conferences in the United States and Mexico. He has been an artist-teach¬er at the Los Angeles School of Music and Art since 1990. Josué Eduardo “Eddy” López is an arranger and multi-instrumentalist currently residing in the Greater Los Angeles area. He holds a B.M. in Professional Music from Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA. Eddy has thought at and arranged for many school and conferences across the country and continues to write arrangements for Mariachi Aztlán from UT-RGV as well as many other groups and ensembles throughout Texas, California, Nevada, Arizona and beyond. In late 2014, he worked closely with Maestro José Hernandez from Mariachi Sol de México in the production of Mariachi Aztlán’s most recent album, Mi Nombre Es México, where he also arranged 4 tracks and recorded violin and vocals. Currently, Eddy is the guitarrón player for Mariachi Los Palmeros from Pico Rivera, CA, and this academic year became the Mariachi Instructor for Mariachi Cardenal from Stanford University. Mario de Santiago Miranda, Better known as Mario Santiago, was born in Ameca, Jalisco but considers the village of Guachinango, Jalisco his hometown. It was there where his father Cástulo de Santiago taught him to play the five-string guitarrón; this was the instrument before the modern six-string guitarrón. In 1945, after three years of playing guitarrón in his father’s group, he switched instruments to trumpet. He played trumpet with various groups throughout the northern part of Mexico. At the height of mariachi music, Mario Santiago joined Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlán. During the next two years he traveled, recorded, and appeared in various films with Mariachi Vargas. On a tour in the United States in 1953, Mario developed serious embouchure problems. By the time they returned to Mexico, he was virtually unable to play trumpet, and found it necessary to resign from the group. After this, he started learning violin and developing his singing. In the
1950’s there was a demand for Mariachi music so Silvestre Vargas stated a new group, Mariachi GuaGua dalajara de Silvestre Vargas, where Mr. Santiago played violin and sang. After two years of playing with the new group, Mr. Santiago rejoins Mariachi Vargas as a violinist and vocalist. He stayed in Mariachi Vargas until his retirement in 1999. He played with mariachi Vargas for forty years. Mario Santiago was an exemplary mariachi musician; he exemplifies the quinquin tessential rank and file mariachi musician, the kind of element who forms the backbone of every successful mariachi group. His solid accomplishments and untiring dedication to mariachi music over the course of half a century have earned Don Mario a much-deserved place in Mariachi SpecSpec tacular de Albuquerque’s venerable Hall of Fame. Eduardo Martínez Muñoz was born October 13th, 1964 in Mexico City. He earned his degree in history from UNAM. He is has been a lecturer at the Coloquios de Estudios de Mariachi which are organized by the el Colegio de Jalisco, in Guadalajara, Jalisco. Martínez thought History of the Mariachi at Escuela de Mariachi OllinYolliztli located in Garibaldi. Eduardo Martínez participated as a historic investigator for the book,“Mi vida, mis viajes, mis vivencias. Siete décadas de la música de mariachi” which is a book in honor to Don Miguel Martínez Domínguez. Today, along with the help of other researchers, Martínez is working on a new book that will be presented as “Palabra de Mariachi,” were the different mariachi tongues around different areas of México will be presented. The University of Texas Pan American Mariachi Aztlán - Since 1989, the UTRGV Mariachi Aztlán has been one of the best known musical groups on campus and off. The UTRGV Mariachi program was founded by Dr. Dahlia Guerra, Dean of the ColleColle ge of Arts and Humanities at UTRGV, and is directed by Mr. Francisco Loera, who is on the faculty at the Department of Modern Languages and Literature and the Department of Music and Dance at UTRGV. The Mariachi has traveled throughout Mexico representing the U.S.A. and throughout America as musical ambassadors representing the beauty of the Hispanic music and cultural traditions and creating a bridge of cultucultu ral understanding between two countries and two peoples. Their growing reputation for performance excellence initiated the recent invitation from the White House to perform at a signing ceremony of an Executive Order renewing and enhancing the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics, performing for President Obama himself. In collaboration with the Houston Grand Opera, the UTRGV Mariachi Aztlan premiered the stage production of Cruzar la Cara de la Luna, the world’s first “Mariachi-Opera” in December, 2010.
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National City Branch 3003 Highland Ave Ste 102, National City, CA (Sonic Shopping Center) Ph: (619) 336-0300 Branch Manager: Nathen Triplett Email: Ntriplett@plcu.com
National City Mariachi Festival and Competition • Marzo 4 al 10 del 2016
Danza Mex’cayotl
anza Mex’cayotl was founded on Dec. 12, 1980 when Mario E. Aguilar received recognition from Danza Elders in Mexico City, as a Danza Azteca Capitán (elder), the first Chicano to receive this honor. Since then, the
families of Mex’cayotl have dedicated themselves to teaching and preserving the Native American heritage of Mexico and the southwestern U.S; as well as focusing on the education of our community’s youth.
Danza Folklorica Nanahuatzín
a Compañía de Danza Folklórica Nanahuatzín fue fundada en Agosto del 2000, en la ciudad de Oceanside Ca, por Ramón y Maria García. Las metas de la compañía son de promover y difundir la cultura de México a través de la música y danza folklórica.
Bajo la dirección de Ramón y Maria García la compañía trabaja para mantener la rica herencia de la danza tradicional mexicana a través de estudiar y enseñar la diversa cultura que México ofrece. nanahuatzinrgs@hotmail.com (760)576-6275
Main Stage&'()*+),