2 minute read
Betting On Originality
Sevenyearsafterlaunchinghercompany,GabrielaKabandeCollection, thebusinesswomanexploresherjourneyandsharessomeofhergoals
After dreaming about it for several years, Gabriela Kabande released her collection seven years ago.
Gabriela shares the challenges she faced and new insights that helped her become a successful Latina entrepreneur in the region.
“We are celebrating the seventh anniversary of an idea that came up many years ago. Since I was a young child, I have wanted this, and now I am witnessing my childhood dream come true, and today we are celebrating this lovely collection,” Kabande said.
Unique Works Of Art
The collection created by Gabriela includes accessories, including belts, wallets, bags, and wallets. This season’s collection features new designs.
“I enjoy designing and creating new items distinct from those found in other collections or brands. I enjoy developing new looks and experimenting with leather, with its wonderful colors and distinctive engravings. I assure you that you won’t find my leather anywhere else because we work hard to provide something distinctive. I want my bags to be a statement piece for ladies, highlighting their individuality and beauty.”
Pursues New Goals
As her business grows and her designs become more prominent, she’s reevaluating how committed she is to maintaining her brand’s reputation and meeting her audience’s expectations. This has inspired her to set new goals and chase new aspirations.
Gabriela acknowledged the congratulations and well wishes, saying, “Running a business requires a lot of work, dedication, and hours of planning; there are many rocks and thorns along the way; it is not easy, but personally, all of that is what gives value to the finished product; when I see my new collection, each design, and each customer satisfied with their bags, that makes me happy every time.”

The young businesswoman said, “Typically, companies celebrate their 5th, 10th, and 15th anniversaries. However, I had not celebrated any anniversary because I was focused on working nonstop. Therefore, I decided to celebrate this anniversary as a way of saying thank you to my clients, my allies, my team, and everyone else who has supported me in this work.”
She Takes Gratitude Seriously
The effects of Gabriela’s commercial career have made her a respected businesswoman in the community; a recent award from the Chula Vista municipal government, presented to her by Mayor John McCann, is an illustration of this.
Gabriela has committed to donating some of her earnings to the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) Lucha Contra la Trata de Personas en las Américas. Her belief in gi-
*Translated by Carolina Herrera ving back to her community drives her to make this contribution. Marisa Ugarte, the organization’s director, noted that Gabriela is a woman with a big heart and that “the little businesses are what makes the difference for organizations like mine.”

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